Spirit Whistle Booklet
Spirit Whistle Booklet
Spirit Whistle Booklet
John Beaulieu
Spirit Whistles
John Beaulieu
The compositions of Spirit Whistles are played with specially
designed whistles tuned to a progression of tones called the over-
tone series. In musical terms overtones are a series of tones start-
ing from a fundamental tone and ascending infinitely in pitch.
Many cultures have produced bowls that when they are tapped or
rubbed produce different overtones. The most well known bowls are
the Tibetan Singing Bowls. These bowls come in different sizes and
are made from seven different metals. When the bowls are played
they produce overtones that vibrate the different metals. The effect
of overtones resonating with different metals creates a pulsation
between Heaven and Earth.
The listener has to be prepared for the overtone sounds of the Spirit
Whistles because the sounding of equal overtones is not harmonic
in our normal musical sense. Listening will require that you let go
of your traditional musical tastes. For some of us this may come
naturally and for others this may be a challenge. To prepare your-
self to listen and meet potential musical challenges we suggest you
relax in a safe listening place and have an attitude of adventure and
allow yourself to open to new sonic experience.
If you find the sounds difficult to be with just remember this is
good. The sounds are challenging you to change and become more
flexible. Do not get caught up in your judgments or making the
sounds bad because they are different. Sometimes your ears, like
a yoga stretch, need to gradually work into the required flexibility.
Try one or all of the following suggestions and learn to enjoy and
benefit from your overtone experience.
1. Take some deep breaths and relax your jaw and the inner
muscles of your ears. The muscles in your head need to relax in
order to allow the bones to resonate in your cranium. Especial-
ly notice and relax your jaw because it will sometimes tighten,
causing increased interference which may feel like pressure.
3. If the sounds are too high and you have trouble with the high
pitches then turn down the volume. As you learn to be with the
high pitches gradually turn the volume up.
4. If turning down the volume does not work then turn off the
music and imagine the sounds. Give it some time. When you go
to sleep at night ask for guidance with the sounds and help in
integrating them into your life. When the time is right you will
be drawn back to the music.
5. If your judgmental voice gets loud, then work with the fol-
lowing inner dialogue: “Thank you, judgmental voice, I know
you are coming forward to help me in some way. I want you
to know that I am safe and you can step back and give me the
space to listen. I am prepared for these sounds and ask that
you find new ways to help me integrate these sounds into my
life and truly enjoy the new places they take me.”
Each composition of Spirit Whistles is a complete experience, a
journey, a transformation, and a realignment of your being. Let
your imagination go and allow yourself to enter a dreamtime real-
ity of angels, magical beings, enchanted forests, and mystical initia-
tions. Listen to the thousands of overtone pulsations and hear the
whispers of wise and ancient voices. Allow your inner heat to rise
and walk through the ancient voices. Allow your inner heat to rise
and walk through the Mysterious Mountain Passageways and let go
of what you need to burn in the Alchemic Fires of Spirit.
Whistling Angel Winds
Whistling Angel Winds is the premier composition of Spirit Whistles.
It is played with a set of forty overtone whistles, specially designed
to my tunings by Kathy Tighe. Kathy is a master whistle maker
who specializes in doubled chambered and high pitched whistles.
Overtone Whistles
Angelic Conversations 1 (8:04 min)
Angelic Conversations uses sixty sine wave overtones tuned to
the natural overtone series. The composition is played on Yamaha
DX7 Synthesizer and each key is assigned to a different overtone.
During the conversation I am “chanting questions” and allowing my
hands to channel angelic answers on the keyboard. The questions
are chanted in tongues and based on universal healing. I have dedi-
cated this conversation to Marcus Daniels, a truly inspired healer
and creative artist. Angelic Conversations is the featured music in
his video Journey To Tibet.
Beaulieu, John, Human Tuning,
BioSonic Enterprises, Stone Ridge, NY, 2008.
Human Tuning is the first book to fully explore the science and art of tuning
the human nervous system for healing and increased consciousness. Special
exercises and protocols help the reader learn the art of using tuning forks.
Human Tuning is for doctors, therapists, healers, and anyone interested in
how sound effects the mind, emotion, body, and consciousness.
Beaulieu, John, Music And Sound In The Healing Arts,
Station Hill Press, Barrytown, NY, 1989.
This is the first book to fully explore the role of sound and music in
healing, from historical, educational and therapeutic perspectives. It is a
handbook for healing and self-healing, for students, teachers, musicians
and those interested in learning how music affects mind and body.
BioSonic DVDs
The BioSonic DVD series includes Sacred Sound, Five Element
Evaluation, Sound Healing With Tuning Forks, Toning, Voice
Energetics, Bija Mantras, Sound and Consciousness: Fibonac-
ci Tuning, and Planet Tuning: The Music of the Spheres.
Produced by John Beaulieu and Peter Wetzler
All Compositions by: John Beaulieu ©1997 ASCAP
Recording and Mixing: Sound Forms, Inc.
Editing: Thea Keats Beaulieu
Photo of John Beaulieu: Georgio Palmisano
Whistle Makers: Kathy Tighe, Don Wright