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Page ltem
?-# Gauge Manifold
r-s Gharging Hose & Accessories
#-i# Air Conditioning Tools Kit

ffiirr\I r

l IRecovery Machine
"{tr Refrigerant Cylinder

& Refrigerant Gas Analyzer

r# Oil Separator
rd Valve Core Remover

Fs"yd Refrigeration Cycle Cleaner

Vacuum Pump
rp-E# Vacuum Gauge & Vacuum Pump Oil & Adapter

?t.EE Leak Detector

s#-?.d Refrigerant Charging Scale

& Accessories

s$-?6 Airtight Test Tools


Page trtem

3r Access Connector & Valve

r# Tube Cutter & Deburring Tool %

*g tr
*p-sl Flaring Tool
st-32 Bender
33 Expander & Swaging Tool Kit
ifi *E
s4 Torque Wrench


trs-sd AIC Cleaner & Cleaning Sheet

r x@\
: -r,t@'{tril

3y Anemometer
-.# L'

ss"d? Thermometer & Sound Level Meter &

lnspection Camera

,zlifter flBb flL-/


ap"as EnfcrmatE*rx reEm€*d "f\ls
&&-dv H*w te use m ffimasgm f;\d$mrxEfmHd
dffi ffir*spectiwe &Etmrx"rmt$we ffiefnBg*rants hV &pp3*at$*ffis
dff ffimFruem*txms *# m ffimfr$gmrmtH*n ffyc$e
Step, Furth er,Step
Ouality of TASCO products
TASCO's products [Gauge Manifold][Pressure Gauge/Compound Gauge][Charging Hose] are
manufactured and assembled from carefully selected materials in Japan.
The products passed strict quality control program are distributed to customers.

We assemble gauge manifold from high

quality pressure gauge which passed several
performance inspections,and valve manifold
with excellent operability.
We have confidence in high quality gauge


fry s, :r'

After assembly inspect all gauge

Only the products passed inspection are
delivered to the customers.
Our mission is to continue our efforts to
supply high quality products.
Proof of TASCO Ouality

Our high precision pressure gauge & compound gauge

passed severe inspections.
Scale of TASCO 80mm Gauge complies with strict
standard, JIS class-1 .6.
Pressure Test Certificate shows lot serial number &
responsible person chop.
We have confidence in high precision pressure gauge.

JAPAN Quality

We assemble charging hose one by one

with exclusive design metal fitting.
All the hoses were engraved with year of
We have confidence in high quality hose

# ijli;
t "'4-

lf rl :r ; ti Lr / _.. :_ ,1" High Pressure Synthetic Oil, 5i16 Flare HNBR Blended
ROOMA/C Designed pressure Polyol Ester, 1/2 UNF-20 Mr HFC-proof nylon lts composition will change
SYSTEM 4.3MPa Ether depending on whetiter
it is in a liquid phase or
in a gas phase.

C a ngiliis q. i m p?tsit i e s IIave becotne Liquiil control

1.6 times ligher Has berome larger. r$'the refrigerant
wllg.l:,!*:.,{. more durahle"
is required.
ffi** Middle Pressure Mineral Oil 114 Flare CR Pure
ROOMA/C Designed pressure SUNISO 7/16 UNF-20 Mt. R22- & R12-proof
SYSTEM 2.9MPa rubber

_ -]he_pressure of the new refrigerant for the room A/C system R410A/R32 is 1.6 times higher in pressure than the conventional refrigerant
R22. Therefore, the standard diameter of the system service poft has been changed fromil16 UNF-20 (1/4 flare) to 1/2 UNF-20 (5/16 flare) in
order to prevent system damage and personal injury due to mischarging.
In addition, most of the types of refrigerant oil (synthetic oil) which are used for the HFC nerv refrigerant system are different substantially
from the types of refrigerant oil (mineral oi1) r.vhich were used for the conventional system. If the two diff'erent types of oil are mixeri,
impurities will be composed to cause system damage.
If material for the conventional_refrigerants is used as material of HFC refrigerant seals, cracks and melting i,vill occur to cause gas leakage.
It is necessary to use HFC-proof HNBR or material coated rvith a special type of nylon.
R410A refrigerant is a blend of R125 and R32. Basically, it should be charged in a liquid phase in order to avoid composition change.

}i4 1 *;&,/1ir;i.:i BALL VALVE MANIFOLD


Lo Hi
ltlr.llr :r.+1ii)Sl i,i I li! r l"rl
i f,ii'r,i,,r,..'l,l ,

$4{ rs&,/.#1'1i; Saturation I
Zero t Screw
Tr Scale Can acl.;ust 0 point e\en sith the sau-qc corer on
Special scale equipped to avoid
confusion rvith other refiigerants and to
assure precision.
Can sce saturation temperature at a BallValve Handle
aEasy to open & close handle.
oCan see how much is opened at a glance.
alarge pofi passage so can shofien the vacuum& charging operation tirnc

Pressure Proof t Glass

Sight glass equipped fbr the control of o.Teflon
liquid refrigerants. b.Ball vatve
c. O-ring
d. Handle
i?,ji ?$,4 {Pink) /:i:i,.1ii (Blue)
Pa.inted pink in order to avoid confusion Half-open
of R4 I 0A with other refriger;rnts.


Air purging port

with valve core
Port Specially for New Refrigerant f,41i;,:,,/;t-i Ball valve
R410A/R32 5/16 SAE (UNF l/2 - 20 threads)
Other refrigerants. ..1 14 flare (UNF 7/ I 6 - 20 rhread,
Each port has a cap attached to prevent air, impure substances from entering

P_ort Specially for

New Refriger ant *4 1 * & / i:i :il: Taper Gasket especially
5/16 flare (UNF 1/2 20 threads) ____IettFc
In order to comply rvith nerv HFC
type reliigerant, a new type of
matedal called HNBR is used tbr


Nylon Material specially made for

hiBh pre\:ure grr 1,1 layer.tructure.l

- \-/

Equipment o Gauge Manifold ,(Q) s rh Sight Glass'
ffiw $#&.,ffiffiffi sPressure Gauge (-0.1 ".i.lMPal Compound Gauge G0.1-.'3.8MPa)
l@ Heat Pump Type,-0.1 5..1\4Pa)
sCharging Hoses 1@=equippedlvithValve)
Gauge Manifold Kits aCarrying Case

ffi4$ ffi&,ffi#ffi
Ball Valve Manifold Kit (4 layered structure hose)
TA'l 92cm(red/yellow/blue) TA132AF -30in.Hg-750PSl -30in.Hg-540PSl
1^ TA122GP-2 150cm (red/yellow/blue)TA133AF (TA140GP) (TA.141GP)

lt ' I
r \lanitbld bodl :

Ball Valre T1,pe Open/Close Handle

| .'t a Gauge Scre* Size...1i8 NPT
Connecting Port...5/1 6 Flare
\Uith Sight Glass (TA ll2K-1 1 )
aCharging Hose :
Connecting Diameter...5i l6 Flare
aNomlal Operatins Pressure...75OPSI
aPressure Gauge/Compound Gauge :
aR4 10A/R32 Refrigerant Saturation Temperature Scale.
aCalibration Cefiificates issued as an option (extra costs)
:Zero Adiusting Function included.

Mini Ball Valve Gauge Manifold Kit
,p_, Item no HO,\F
TAI22MB 92cm(Red/Blue,^/e low)TA1 32AF --0.1 - 5.3MPa -0.1 - 3.8MPa
TA122MB-2 150cm(RediBlue,Yellow)TA133AF (TA140M) (TA141M)
&Manifold Item No...TA1 22MB- 1

aGauge Diameter...50 f
iCharging Hose :
aConnecting Diameter...5/16 Flare
ONomal Operating Pressure...750PSI
*Pressure Gauge/Compound Gauge :
aR410A/R32 Refrlgerant Saturation Tempcrature Scale.
aCalibration Certificates issued as an option (extra costs)
trZero Adjusting Function included.

Manifold Body Ball Valve

Body for Compact Open/Close Handle
High Pressure HFC *Easy to open & close handle
sCompare to Conventional *Can see how much is opened at a
Manifold Body,Compact, Light glance
Weight and Easy to carry I $Large port passage so can
shorten the vacuum & charging
operation time

Single Ball Valve Digital Gauge Manifold Kit

IA123DZP-1 92cm(Blue TA132AF-2ryellow TA132AF-3) -14 - 725PSt
Carrying Case r@
I A123DZP-2 1 33AF-3)
Socm(Blue TA1 33AF-2/Yellow TA1 (TA141 DzP)

TAI 23DVZ- I P s2AA-3)

g2cm(Blue TA132AA-2^leliow TAl -14 - 725PSt
I A123DYZ-2P Socm(Blue TA1 33AB-2^/ellow TA1 33AB-3)
1 (TA141 DZP)
aManifbld Item No...TA 123DZP
oGause Diamere r...78 d
High Pressure Gauge / Compound Gauge
High Prescision Digital Gauge
*Refrigerant Saturation Temperature Display
9Protection Level...IP65
$3V Lithium battery CR123A(Battery lit'e: One year unused back light function)
*Auto-Power OFF Function ( 10 minutes)With restafi, the screen displays cu[ent pressure
*Calibration Certitjcates issued as an option (Extra Cost)

Manifold Body Special Three-way Valve Structure Back Light Function

*With Back Light Function, you
can see the display clearJy in
dlm place.
Air Purqe Pofi (5/16 Flare)

Connecting Port to Service Port I

Connecting Port for Measure Filling Vacuuming
New Refrigerants R410tuR32...5/16 Flare the running :l
(UNF 1/2-20 Mounling Screw)
Connecting Pon to Vacuum Pump(5i16 Flare)

R407e ,ffi4#S&, R5A7A,R !340
Ball Valve Digital Gauge Manifold Kit
Carrying Case
Item no.
TAI24DWP-l g2cm(Blue TA132AF-2t/eilow
- 0, j - s.sNilpa
TAl24D\A/P, 150."(Bk e TA133AF-2ffeilow TA133AF-a) (rAj41DZp)
TAI 24DWV-l P e2cm(Blue TA132AA-2ryeilow TA132AA-3) - 0.1 - 3.5Mpa
IA124DYN-2P 1Socm(BlueTA133AB-2ffeilowTnrssna-e1 (TAt4tDZp)
$Manilbld Item No...TA I 24DWP
*Gauge Diameter.,.78 f
Back Light Function
eWith Back Light Function, you can
see the display clearly in dim place.

Manifold Bodv Pressure Gauge High / Low

Ball Valve Open/Cl'ose Handle High Prescision Digital Compound Gauge
eEasy to open & close handle aRefrigerant Saturation Temperature Display
gcan see how much is opened at a -l
o oProtection Level 165
glance o *3V.Lithium battery CR123A (Battery life: One year unused back light function)
slarge port passage so can shorten l
*Auto-Power OFF Function (10 minutes),..With restart, the scr-een displays
the vacuum & charging operation current pressure
time *Calibration Certilicates issued as an option (Extra Cost)

R40 7 C,,ffi @#,d&&, R 5 0 7A,R I 340

Ball Valve Manifold Kit (4 LAYER STRUCTURE HOSE)
TAI2r'WP-I 92cm (rediyelloMblue) TA1 34FN '
-30in.Hg 540PSl -30in.Hg - 260PSl
IA124WP-2 150cm(rediyellow/blue)TA135FN (TA140CP) (TA141CP)
*Manifold body :

CBall valve
CConnecting screw... 1/8 NPT
OConnecting Pofi ...1/4 SAE
*With Sight Glass (TAl24K-11)
$Charging Hose :
iConnection Diameter... 1/4 SAE
ONormal Operation Pressure...540PSI
&Pressure Gauge/Compound Gauge :
4R407C,R40,1A,R507A,R134a Refrigerant Saturarion Temperature Scale
CCalibration Cerlificates issued as an option (extra costs)

Charging hose
azero Adjustment Function included.

n*2,, tr12 & m5$2 EqUipment Gauge l\4anifold ,

@ = "q,lrr.o \irh Sight Glasses)
Ball Valve Manifold Kit &Pressure Gauge ( 0.1:J.,lMpat Compound Gauge C0.l'.-2.4Mpa)
(B Heat Pump Type-\-0.1 3.,1\4Pr,
&Charging Hoses 1Qf =equipped srrhValvel *Carrying Case

Carying Case
Item no.
TAI2OWP-I 92cm
(red/yellow/blue) TA1364
-30in.Hg - S10pSt
-3Oin.Hg - 22OpSt
TAI2OWP-2 150cm(red/yellowiblue)TA1368 (TA140BP) (TA141BP)
&Manifold body :
cBall Valve Type Open/Close Handle
CGauge Screw Size...1/8 NPT
OConnecting Por1...1/4 SAE
cwith Sight Glass (TA120K-l I)
$Charging Hose :
CConnecting Diameter... 1/4 SAE
(lNomal Operatirg Pressure...5 I OPSI
sPressure Gauge/Compound Gauge :
OR12, R22, R502 Refdgerant Saturarion Temperature Scale
CCalibration Certificates issued as an option (extra costs)
oZero Adjusting Function included.
:df ,,{f ii' $rd&,' .r,f i.j.r'
Pressure Gauge(High) PRTSSURI Pressure Gauge(Low) Appli- PRESSURE
G,.\Li(; E Itent no- Lltioil GAUGE
TAI4OGP -30in, Hg-750PSl TAI4IGP -30in.Hg-540PSl
.Gauge Diameter 68{ R410A, R32 TAI4IGP-I -75OPSI
r GauSe mountinS scres... 1/8NPT
i \-ibration -\bsorption Function *Gauge Diameter 68{ R410A, R32
$Caug.e n)ounline st rc$... l. 8NPT
r \on-mo\ ing needle)
rZere. l.djustmenr Function $ Vibration Absorption Function
l Pres:ure tested * ithout using oil
(Non moving needle)
*Zero Adiustmcnt Function
*Pressure-tested without using oil


P ressu re G a u g e ( H ig h / Low) PRESSURE

Digital Pressure Gauge PRESSURE

TAI4OM HIGH -0.1-5.3MPa TAI4l DZP 14-725PSl

TAl4lM Low -0.1-3.8MPa 4Minimum display memory :IPSI
*Display Refrigcrant R410A,R32,Rl 34a,
* Gauge Diameter 58 f fot R4104, R32 R404A,R407C,R I 23zlyf ,R22,R-502
*Gauge mounting screrv... 1/SNPT sGauge Diameter...78 /
&Vibration Absorption Function(Non- *Curying Case...ASB Resin Case
moving needle) $Protection Level...IP65
*Zero Adjustment Function 4Back Light Function
6Pressure-tested without using oil aGru!'e mounting scrcrr...l 8NP f
sCalibration Certificates issued as an
option.(Extra Cost)

R4A7C,tr#f,id{ R407C,trW##&
Pressure Gauge PRESSURE
Compound Gauge Appli PRESSURE
TAl40CP -3oin.Hs-54oPSr TAI4I CP -30in.Hg-260PSl
*Gauge of 80mm in diameter
*Equipped with
TAl4lCP-l rD -3oin.Hs-s4opst
a R407C and R,l04A
sturation temperature scale e Gauge of 80mm in diameter
& Zero adjustment feature
sEquipped with a R407C and R 104A
sGauge-mounting screw l/8 NPT sturation temperature scale
cPres.ure-re.led wirhout oil. €Zero adjustment feature
sGauge-mounting screrv l/8 NPT
oPressure \\ ithout u.inA oil.

R22, Rt2 & R5S3 tr?*, &Ig & trsff*

High Precision Pressure Gauge(High) oou*uoo, High Precision Compound Gauge(Low) ,RLSSTR,
GAUGE Itettt tto OAUGE

TA'I4OBP -30in.Hg-510PSl TAI4I BP -30in.Hg-220PSl

+Gauge diameter...80 f 6Gauge diameter...80 f
.Rl2. R22. R502 saturation temperature scale. eR12, R22. R502 saturation temperature scale.
aGauge mounting screw...l/8 NPT $Gauge rnounting screw...t/8 NPT
+\ ibralion ab.orption fealure rnon-moving 6 \ ihration rbvrrption leature lnon.mor inp
needle) needle)
*Test certiticate (by lot) attached. $Test cerliticate (by lot) attached.
6Calibration Certificates issued as an eCalibratiotr Certificates issued as an
option. (extra costs) option. (extra costs)

Featunes: gauge
4.Hiqh oualitv Dressure oauoe
1 . Le a kpro of Do lvcarbo n ate cov er each and every one of the Tasco gauges are
(6Bi) checked and controlled. (for performaace,
2.Zero adiustino screw accuracy and fiqith)

can adjust 0 point without taking off the :.

co. erl I

structured to absorb the vibration and prevents

the needle from shaking.

Enhancing credibility and quality with favorable usability.
Cannecting Port Size Presssre-Resrsfant Sfrucfures Date-Stamped af New and AH

.rd, 1 rA t:,"1
&4e Special ---1 lAramid Year ol Manufacture High Pressure-Resistanl
5/16 Flare (1/2UNF-20)
Regular Use: 5500 kPa
Rubber | | Fiber Stamped and Flexible
New Type 3.i{:1:i'1e
797 PSt
ftd&,eA, R407C, R507A, Rl34o
Burst Limit: 27500 kPa Old Tvoe . \
Rlt- *n*, ffis*2
1/4 Flare (7/1 6UNF-20) 3987 PSt n'
i-r r-f

Special i LNylon New type sag

under its own

ffi& f #S,,ffi {#'# Chargilg Hose Krf #ii**r*- #4 $ #&rffi #ffi Charging Hose G)= equipped rvith Varve

O=equippedrvithValve Charging Cotor tengt\.

Itemno. Hose,s rr: .-
rr::i; " =r..te!-::.,, = red
TAI 32AA_'l 92cm@
TAl32AuA gzcmxs@ *i i
tA tJJAp 150cmx3!
rouuilr o\ttl
ffi yellow
'trre p\*,
:i:1ffi:';::.11fl'.ll,r"-!'.1','""" n

7\.' ;
TAI 32AA-3
IAlgSAB-l reo
-- . i68i PSI - \ v -f\' ,A [ 33AB-2 blue
Bur.r prer:ure...25-100 kPa
resistant packings.
pressure- I=VtF}q { l*
@lAl JJrtD-J
yvrruw rouurrrlt/
.Madeof ilFc-priof nyton. \ \ -
\' ffi
such accidents and atmospheric discharge of

*r*rr-=-Tu .l",,.i ,liir,"rrron ro pre\enr rerrigcranr

rd#a- percolation, the chmging hose is pressure-
. - resistant and safer. In addition, the material
is not afl'ected by the refiigerant.

Chor.qing -. ltettl t1o. Color Len,gtlt

Item no. Hoses TAI 32AF- I red
red 92cm
TA'l 32AF gzcm x s

TAl32AF-3 yellow e2cm

$Connection diameter...5/ 16 flare - a- +
a TAI 33AF-l
TA I 33AF- I red
red 150cm
1 50cm
$Nomal pressure...5080 kPa 736 PSI
*Burst pressure...25400 kPa 3683 PSI TAl33AF-2 blue 150cm
pressure- TAI33AF-3 yellow
TAl33AF-3 venow
* Made
resistant packings.
of HFc-proof nylon.
f X- f X acoated with nylon to prevent refrigerant

percolation, the charging hose is pressure-

resistant and safer. In addition. the material
is not af1'ected by the retiigerant.

ffid$$#&,,### 5/16 One-Touch Connector

with Stop Valve (Elbow)
ltem no, Lencth rtn*"u TA220JB-3
TA'I36F oconnecting Port Size:5/16 Female Flare
TAr 36F-2 10m (with Core Depressor) x 5/16 Male Flue
Port Size: 5/16 Flre
*Pressure-Resistant: Max.5500kPa 797 PSI 5/16 Female Flare
*Nylon Coatirg Inner Hose, Tough and (with Core Depressor)
*Flexible 5/16|\laleFare

ffi4 f #&,ffi# H, Packings for Charging Hose tr,4 f #&,$tr#tr Charging Valve
rre", rr. TAI 33AFP Itenno. fAl 66A
*6 pieces/pack $Connection caliber...5/16 male t'lare x 5/16 lemale

nc%% * HFC-proof material

*5/16 flare
6Tapcred to prevent leiLkage.
oUsed exclusively for TAl32AA, TA133AB
*Prevents gases from blowing out of both ends of the
charging hose and the unit when the charging hose is
TA132AF, and TA I 33AF Series. tEnables you to open/c)ose the valve at the hose edge.
*For TAI 32.TA I 33 Series
J4 '_*"_'-'

fr4 f #&,,ffi#.. Core Depressors for Charging Hose 5/16 h* 1 t Tighten tOPENt
Open the lrnc
rrn,r rr. TAI 33AFQ cnarotno nose
" "- by pushing dorvn
the svstem's core-
,*t. ;a* *6 pieces/pack
"dX Luo*, (CLOSE)
--:n*: ia#
''.:-'a :5rz
oFor TA I 32-TA I3l Serie: =ffii1fl'X,f
.u"u .Lit
12, ?
Close the line

{g '!.v. is 5/t6
male "
:1, -
_. Core
by releasing the core.

System seryice port

*4 5/16 male flare (with core)

R407C,ffi,##S&,R 5 07 A,R I 3 4o R407C,ffi4#,S&,R 5 A7 A,R I 3 4o
Charging Hoses 1/4 (92cm) Charging Hoses 1/4 (150cm)
Ct'l,tr Iten no. Color
TA134FN red, blue.yellow TAI35FN red,blue,yellow
TAI34FN-2 TA'I35FN-2

TAI34FN-3 yellow TAI35FN-3 yellow

lConnection diameter...l *Connection diameter... 1/4 fl are

-1 ilxre
$Normal pressure...5080 kPa 736 PSI
.\ pre:sure...t0E0 kPa 7-:6 PSI
Burst pressure...25400 kPa 3683 PSI
Burrt p:esrure...1-i100 kPa 3683 PSI *Coated with nylon to prevent refrigerant
.CLralrd \\ith n)1on to pre\enl refri-seranr
percolation, the charging hose is pressure
perctlation. the chargin-u hose is pressure-
resistant and safer. The valves enable you
resisrant and sattr.
to disconnect the hoses with almost no
refiigerant leakage.
lttnt nrt. CctLor Iten no. Cobr
TAI34AA red,blue,yellow @ TAl35AB red,blue,yellow @
TAI34AA-I red O TAl35AB-l rea Or

TAI34AA-2 TA135AB-2 @
yellow @ yellow O
*Connection dimeter...1/,1 tlare
$ TAI35AB-3
*Connection diameter... I /4 i'lare
sNomal pressure...5080 kPa 736 PSI t {Nomal pressurc...5080 kPa 736 PSI
Burst pressure...25,100 kPa 3683 PSI Burst pressure...25400 kPa 3683 PSI
*Coated with nylon to prevent refrigerant
per.olrtion. the ehuging ho.e i\ prc.\urc-re.i'lrnl \ €Coated with nylon to prevent refrigerant
percolation, the chuging hose is pressure-
and sater. The valves enable you to removc the resistant and safer. The valves enable yon
hoses with almost no refrigerant leakage. to remove the hoses rvith almost no
relrigerant leakage.

R407C,&4#S&,R507A,R I 34a R407e,ees e e,R507 A,Rl 34a

charging Hose Packings Charging Valve
n,,,,n. TA133Fp Iten no TAI66YA

W *
We M &
iFi3,'frii.i,ftru1".., 1t4
charging hose
i,| Tighten(OPEN)
Depresses the
system s core to
onen the line

n407c,tr4s4,&,R507A,R I 34a
', ..1:
-+ffi 2I Loosen (CLOSE)
1t4 Releases the colr
Charging Hose Cores male llare to close tlre line.
TAI33FO 114
*Connection diameter...1/,1 male flare x female flare Core depressor
1/4 female flue Core
6 6 pieces/pack *Prevenls gases from blorving at both
:;- .G {? .t.u;TAIl+.TAt.r5 Seric. ends of the charging hose and the unjt
System seryice porl
tq z#
'''uc*+ ',* when the charging hose is disconnected.

_z G
*Enables you to open/close the valve at
the hose edge.

ffift?, *78 & R&#ft ffi##" ffiFg & trs#g

1/4 Charging Hose Kit (Red/Blue/Yellow I each) 1/4 Charging Hose
Itent no.
TA'I364 ,;-\ TAr 364-',r
TAI368 1 50cm TA',l364-2
$Cotrnecter...l/4 female flare x l/4 ferrale 'i
-rtrr' TAr 364-3 yellow
flare (with core depressor)
* '!-..d
+Red/blue yellou .l ho'e in one Lrt
i,TAl36,4: TA136,4-1-3 one hose each

aTAl36B: TAI368-l-3 one hose each TA',r368-3 yellow
$Made of rubber:
aExtemal diameter: 1 1mm TAt 36C-1
Clntemal diameter: 5mm TAI36C-2
TAr 36C-3 yellow

#22, ftl2 & *582 tr##" ffiF# # #S#S

1/4 Charging Hose Packings

*Made ol NBR
*For TAl36A-C
rtn- no. f A136P

Mini Size Charging Valve

fl are

&Connection...l/.1 male flare x

&Short size which enables the valve to

squce@ in anyrvherel
*Made in Japan.
1/,1 t'emale

Core Depressors f or 1/4

Charging Hose rrnr, rr. TAl33Q
iBeing a leaf spring suspension type, they
tr t ; i. i i firrnly push down the jnside of the hose
, .j's\. {Structured so that it would to not affect the
: refiigerant florv.
tFor TA I 36A-C Series
$.m \:;

,i, l6A &.x4 ,ed ?$,&,ffi53

Tool Kit (Complete ) Tool Kit
tto,,nn. fAfBFC rt"^"". IA2IAB
*Complete Tool Kit tbr Installation of Air Conditioner *Tool Kit includingGauge Mmifold for Installation and Maintenace of Air
*Various tools cover senices of Installation, Detach & Transfer and Repair of Air iCondltloner
Conditioner tCompact and light vacuum pump covers evacuation service by dual rotor (exhausl
*Precise Measurement of Fluing by Flme Size Gauge 40Llmin)
<Contents> 9Canying Case with Storing Pockets
$Gauge Manifold(TA122GP) <Contents>
*Chmging Hose(TA1 32AF) o Vacuum Pump (TA 150SB-2-220)
*Charging Valve (TA1662A';1x 2 $Gauge Manlfold (TAl22cP)
*Cylinder Adapter (TA165AF) $Charging Hose (TAI32AF)
*Torque Wrench ll4 (TA771B) *Flaring Tool Kit (TA55HBT-2)
tTorque Wrench 3/8 rTATT lH) $Torque Wrench ll4 (TA71lB)
$Torque Wrench ll2 (TA771L-2) *Torque Wrench 3/8 (TA771H)
*Torque Wrench 5/8 (TA771R-2) *Torque Wrench ll2 (TA17lL-2)
6Flming Tool (TA55ONB) *Chmging Valve (TA1662A)
$Tube Cutter (T,4560T,4) sCarrying Case (TA873TS)
*Reamer (TA-530)
tFlile Sjze Gauge (TA504SG)
*Vacuum Pump (TA150XA-220)
*Cmrying Case (TAl50CS)
a Refrigermt Detector (TA430MB)
*Weighing Scale (TAl0lFB)

;4ial:':-' ,&,.,: '' "tsrfii'

l-, ' ttt

e.4?se,### 83$,tr f A€.SS#,tr.SS.*

Gauge Manifold Kit (with Gauge Protecter) Gauge Manifold Kit (with Charging Valve)
tt"n, ro. f A7'22F8 tt"","n. IAl SDB
*Shock-Resitant Gauge with Protector aAdjusting Refrigerant Volume by Charging Valve
*2 Charging Valves for High and Low Connectiong Pofts tBall Valve Type
<Contents> l}Compact Chmging Valve
*Gauge Mmifold (TAl22GPC) <Contents>
*ChrgingValvex2. *Gauge Mmifold (TA120KP) x 1
*Chrging Hose (TA133AF) 150cm x 3 *Ball Valve Type *Gauge Thread: 1/8NPT d"
Gauge...-30inHg .- 75OPSIl30inHg - 540PSI +Connecting Port Size: l/4 SAE
'Compound *With Sight Glass *Ball Valve Type
*Chmging Valve x 2
+Connecting Port Size: l/4 SAE Female x l/4 SAE Male
Gauge Manifold (with Gauge Protecter) *Length: 53mm
oCharging Hose I 50cm x J
tton nn frA122GPC *Connecting Port Size: 1/4 SAE
* Compound Gauge:-3OinHg - 75OPSI/-3OinHg - 540PSI $ Compound Gauge:-30inHg- 500PSI/:-3OinHg - 130PSI
xR22 Saturation Temperature Scale +Zero Adjusting Function

€ (.,!h
-:": C ._.-

& {: ln 4rL} 1

Toot Kit (with Piping Tools) Tool Kit (with Vacuum Pump)
tt""r"o. TA18KH ttn*,ro. fA21BB
$Basic Tool Kit for Installation of Air Conditioner tTool Kit including Vacuum Pump for Installation of Air Conditioner
*Best Tool Kit for Freshman oCompact and light vacuum pump covers evacuation sewice by dual rotor
oPrecise Measurement of Flaring by Flare Size Cauge (exhaust: 40l/min)
(Contents) ovacuum Gauge installed on Vacuum Pump
*Gauge Manifold (TA l22GP) *Charging Hose rvith Valve for Positive Pressure Prevention
0Chmging Hose (TA132AF) eCanying Case with Storing Pockets
*Charging Valve (TA1662A) *Cylinder Adapter (TA165AF) (Contents)
$Torque Wrench ll4 (TA77lB) *Torque Wrench 3/8 (TA771H) {" Vacuum Pump (TA1 50SB-2-220)
oTorque Wrench I 2 tTA77lL-2) &Vacuum Gauge and Connecting Adapter (TA1,12MK)
eFlaring Tool (TA550NE) eTube Cutter (T4560TA) *Reamer (TA530) .Fldng Tool Kit (TA55HBT-2)
*Flare Size Gauge (TA504SG) $Torque Wrench 114 (TA7118)
,&Hexagon Socket Screrv Key (TA507) ?Torque Wrench 3/8 (TA771H)
.Refrigerant Leak Testing Liquid Spray(TA434C) *Chrging Hose with Yalve (TA132AA-3)
*Fin Brush (TA505SB) .Canying Case (TA150CS) eCarying Case (TA873TS)

:''' "*k&&,

Vacuum Pump by dual rotor \

(with Digital Vacuum Gauge) R410A Mini-Charging Station
rre.,,. TAl50SB-2K ", "" TAI OOFP
(Contents) lightweight and easy to cany.
. Vacuum Pump (TA150SB-2-220) "Small,
&Multi-function all-in-one charging station.
tDisital Vacuum Gauge and Connecting Adapter (TA142MD) *Ideal for small air conditioners.
.Canying Case (TAl50CS.21) (Contents)
.Chilging Hose u,ith Valve (TAl32AA-3) *Vacuum iump (TAI50SB-2,220) C'
'}Basic Vacuum Pump Kit for Installation of Air Conditloner
*Anti-flow back prevention two stage vacuum pump
aVacuum Pump $'ithout detachment of Gauge in Cmying Case Oexhaust volume...40Vmin Cultimate vacuum...38 micron
Cmotor...l 00V, 200W (50/60 Hz)
*Gauge Manifold (TAl22FP, fbr R4l0A)
*Charging Hose with valve 15Ocm (red, yellow, blue each)
*Connecting Hose x I (for connecting vacuum pump and manifold)
4Si2e...210 x 300 x 380m oWeight...6.8kg

Ref ri g er a nt- Recov ery E q u ip m ent 1r",, ,n. IA110X-220

Short Recovery Time and Big Heat Radiator

I luil r'ljjjjj
rlrl It
fiEwa L U

Specifications R22 RI34o R4I OA g/min

Gu' 220 2OO 225
Mi.ttrtn 2500 2400 2700
Ll,l:y4 I 1?00 - 5000 5700
, Pu.h-Pull ( )fcration
*The result of R22 (Gas) is tested on JIS B 8629.

Oblect Device
Air-Conditioner, Ceiling Cassette Type Air Conditioner,
Refrigerator and Freezor, lce Maker
Cm Air.Conditioner
::.&* Recovery Refrigerant
R12, R22, R500, R502, R410A, R32, R404A, R+07C, R507A. R134a
and FCl, FC2. FC3 Series of Fluorocarbon Reliigerant (Flammable
Excl usive)

Reut,ery Rt2, R22, R500, R502, R,l10A, R32. R.104A, R407C, R507A, R134a
R:IiSfryll T-d-FC
I. FC2, FC3 Series ol Fluorocarbon Refrigerant (Flamrnable Exclusive)
l'ot , r .supplr ::OU .aOff ,
L'l:, !
9,:ryt"'yl- J1ry!!9 _
Retot:erv Method I GayMixture: Retiigerant gas from suction pofi is compresserl and changed to liquid.

__ _ Elg. iasll iyll !ry1!9,r*L.1luid is forced to--.yl,r!Ct-!.y!f"lly*

-!:'-::t::!4:::! q3g!
LlltinttteVq(rlum Cont.Operation:Approx.0.05MPa(-38OmmHg)
,r 4g!o:9r:ry1_oL4ryrs,. 9,9!y&( l00l1rlrg -_
Big Heat Radiator Pipe Length of .O_l!y!4!!!!! ?!__ Sglf-Cleaning: Removal of remaining refrigeranrs

(Competito0 Big Heat Radiator Si:c Ner Wctclrr :OO fl . +:O W , 260 D mm I6.0ke
6000mm Op, ratit,q T, ttrytrttur. 0"C .lS C
Double size of Competitor's Clllntler ..'90kg(100L) Cylinder rvith
float level gauge
Heat Radiator
High Peformance in Summer -r
s:yq:y: l"-|yl4 | i -eote_qrqqt-l Fql 9r!4:rytt-Ygtqry _LiTllql _- - _
Accessor'[es I Charging Hose (1/4 Flare) with Valve 150cm x 2
Refrigerant Contamination Fjlter x I

Connecting Pofi Size Conversion Hose (5/16 Female Flare x l/4 Male Flare) x 1

Recovery Volume: 220g/ min -- I Sho_rtHosexl Stickerxl

by Twin Compressor
Rapid rvork by Trvin Compressor and Big OFP Sensor Cable Adapter
Heat Radiator
rrn,r,,r. TAI lOAD
s3Pins(Male) x 4 Pins(Female)
{180mm Large Fan SLength...330mm
Fan speed is 1.8 times as fast as motor speed. *Plug conversion adapter to use TASCO
a recovery unit with other manufacture,s
cylinder (4 Pins)

3 Valves Glycerin packed Gauge Recovery Work

Fron Operation Panel Ourlet Pressure gauge
r1 Inlet Pressure gauge Compressor Start Button

Stop Lamp (High Pressure Alefi)

On/Off Stop Lamp (Cylinder Full Alerr)

3 Valves Smooth and Stable Motion Power Button Stop Lamp (Automatic Alefi)
Slelct Switch Slelct Switch (Auto./Cont.)
Switch Switch (Dischrge Valve)
(Suction Valve)
Suction Port Discharge Port

Recovery-Recycle Cylinder with Float Level Gauge Recovery Cylinder with Float Level Gauge
Monitoring liquid level of refrigerant up to g0% of capacity. Monitoring liquid level of refrigerant up to g0% of capacity.
/:,,, ,,,,. TAI l0-205 ttor,,u. I4110-20
r Size j-6H r : -l1t) &Size...545H x 30t) I
o \et \\'eirht....A.ppror. I 6. ikg
jsl . Capacil\ ...1-1Lr l0ks
r Standard...FC-l
6 Net Weight...Approx.
& Capacity...2 1 L(20kg)
I 7.5kg

?-. rd E. th-ersure Resistant...5000MPa 725PSI
a \..esso.ies...Sticker
& Pressure-Resistant...5000MPa 725PSl
. -\nriRust lnner by Nickel Plating *Sensor plug...3Pins
o Sensor plug...3Pins

Thermal lnsulation Bag of Recovery Cylinder 1r,", no. TA'l lODB
(10-20k9 Cylinder 12- 24L)
6 Useful for l0 ...20kg Cylinder ( 1 2 ..-24L)
$Long-time Temperature Increase Control of Cylinder in 6011 Enviroment
&Enhmsing cooling funtion by cold insulant into pocket of top cap
4Easy work of cylinder pull-out bv pieces of fabric (Step Tab) stitchcd on bag bottom

@ ffi
Step them Cylinder easily sepatrate
from bag.

+Si/e Net Weight; f .r50 \ h.lrlrnm 0.qJkg

+Material: Tough-Turpauli n
&Major Features: Carrying Handle, Step Tab. Bottom Supporting Plastic Plate,

Refrigerant Gas Analyzer with Printer lrrr, ru. TA400BR

eR,+10A, R32, R,+0,1A. R407C. Rl3,1a, R22, Air,HC(R600. R600a, R290)
&Print the result on the spot.

&Analyzable Refrigerant Gas: R410A, R32, R404A. R,+07C. R13.1c. R22.
6 ldentiliable Refrigerant Gas:
R12, R1234yf, R40ilA. R,109A, R,1l7A, R421B. R422A. R,+218.
R122C,R427A, R124, R125. R142b. Rl,13a. R40lA. R,+018. R401C.
R,t02A, R,102B. R406A, R407A, R4078. R,+07D. R407E. R:107F. R409B.
R414b. R,138A. R507A, Air,HC(R600, R600a. R290) etc.
eNet Weight: 1.4kg
$Size: 200 (L) x 395 (W) x 100 (H) mm
sPower Supply: 100 .-240V(50/60H2)
6Accuracy: t27o
9Measuring Method: Non-Dispersion Infrared Ray (NDIR) Sensor
sAccessoies: l/4 Sampling Hose. High Pressure Liquid Sample Trap Assembly. Filter,
AC-Adapter, Carying Case

lleui.rlnirs Inc Neutroni cs I nc
Ana.lg:er Refrigerr.nt
A nalszer
R416fi = lBB,B ?
R32 = 5B.B ? E?? = 108.8 Z r
R125 = 49,? ;: AtR = 8.8 7
AIR = LB 'a

___-_*---__--_- I
lTechni cianl i
t 451-0280 r 1633)
33-[3-B-[1 05-6
{453-8208r1 631)

Fluorocarbon Recycling System tten n,,. f A110TB-220
&Fluorocmbons recycling system unit is uscd eHigh quality filter can remove contamination.
u combinatjon u,ith recovery unit. * High degree of refrigerant purity is pcrfomred b\ exchange
&oil separator is built in the compact body. *ofevery 200kg retrigeranr i.ircuiating & clerning
It accelerates cleaning time. *Rcplacement ivork of filter can be eaiily set up. "
-The unit can not be used lor burnt refrigeration

Specif ications lnternal System

j:B:r:yt- !lq2,E1 ! 1341501{
Safty Pressure Gauge
- !L?, !?2, BI!q, Valve
!:'l:,, l,:lt!_ i zzov soroonz
c,l ! \!i!! i,, i l) t ll ! ggll'J!.elly
Si:e. \rr lV, lrlrr --q9:-11.,9'19{.9r..If,.iry9,-q
5l0 rH)\ 165,W, r 165 rDr mrn 8.5kg lnlet from Cylinder
Olt tdttnu ltt,,l'.t.,'t!i' 0-lqf
Attessorias l/,1 Charging Hose 1-50cm (TAl368-l) x 1. Oil Discharoe
Rrlrigeranr Slal( Chrneer rTA l9
LS L, fl
.Chemical composition ol non.azeotropic
or pseudoazeotropic
relrigerant mixture may be changed at collection
Float Sensor Switch Cable

Pipe & Refrigerant S'tate

Cable Connection Changer

Oil Separator
Item tut Tv pe

TAt 10-2C Stand Type

TAr r 0-2F Hook Type
6The device compressor oil and removes contanitration from reliigerant.
*Thc device relieves pressure and curbs high temperatures of refrigerant toiylinder

*Size: H395 x L235 (m) &Connectiong Port Size: i/4 Flare x,1
sNetWeight: 3.2kg sVelsmg l1169..

Pipe & Connection Diagram

Liquified Refrigerant Gas
Re{rigerant Gas - -..and- Temoerature
with Low Pressure
Float Sensor Switch Cable
including Oil and
** Conlamination

Performance Chart of TA1 10-2C Operation Temperature: 35C

RRC7002 Standard: 141glmin. (R22) Rxxx
:,#:l $ $'i "fu)
87 L-r : Seperated Vaporized Retrigerant Gas
t\Oil without Oil and eontaminaiton
\o., Liquified Refrigerant Gas
lJo,, -

Water Cooling Unit

lr,rr rr. TAI lOCP
*The dcvice curbs high temperatures of refrigerant to cylinder.
*The device of soluble plu[ and acceierates co]lecting time

Specif ications Pipe & Connection Diagram

6Size: H235x ll18
sNel Weight: 1.58ks
sMaterial: Aluminium Die-Casting Recovery Unit
,e :iqll'.q1"{i *1. a l',r:
$Pipe Length: 610cm
&In/Out Connectiong Port: l/4 Male Flare
9Prcssure Gauge: Dischuging Pofi (0-5.5MPa)
&Other Featurcs: Canying Handle

Piercing Plier tt"," f A173C
4Plier Range: l/4(6.35mm)-318(9.53mm)
A lars. ilrrtr r;i. ir!,n n!'adle acaelerates 9Valve Connectiong Port: Ball Valve Type 1/4 Male Flare
cc.llectinS::r:.' *Length: 250mm
ePiercing pipc of refrigerart circulation wjthout no seNice port and tacilitating access

Ball Valve Ball Valve


Large inner diameter of needle with hole Piercing by sliding needle prevents
secures a large flow rate and breaking of needle.
accelerates collecting time.
How to Use
Replacement Needle with Gasket of TAIBA
rtn*,n. f A173C-1
Gasket of 7173C -a
ttrr,",. IAl73C-2 Push up the operating lever Attache a charging hose to Push down the operating
connection port. lever.Piercing pipe and flow
*1PC rs open.

Distrihuting header
for refrigerant recycling system rtr*,n. fA1297B
(All Batl Valve Connection) s Inncr Diameter...18 f
trn,,, ,r.
+Outer Dianreter...,l I f
TAI I 0V- I gHeisht -ilmm
*Connectiong Port Slze: 1/4 Male Flare ter29x1 eA dagnet rvhich forcibJy opens the solenoicl
*Number of branches: 6 (Ball Valve Type) valve.
sSize: 190 x 1-50 x.40mm 6 Very convenicnt when recovering reliigcrant.
TAgGO *Fluorescc by UV light.

R4lAA/R32 Valve Core Remover & Exchanger R22 Valve Core Remover & Exchanger
f A23OGA trt,, uu. TA230GB
*Port...5/16 fla'e x 5/16 flare sPoft...l/4 flare x 1/-1 flare
.::rer . el-ength...lOftrm (max. l62mm when shaft *Length...100mm (max. 162mm Ihen shaft
f.**< r. .
is fllly extended) is tully extended)
1"Fd' sLess resistance during fluorocarbon SLess resistance during fluorocarbon
recovery by taking off the valve core. recoveqr by taking off |he valve core.
&Car take valve core off easily by the gas &Can take valve core off easily by the gas
,IF', retum pressure suction sleeve. retum pressure suction sleeve.
*Even if the gasket of the valve core breaks $Even if the gasket of the valve core breaks
and becomes impossible to remove the and becomes impossible to remove the
core. can still recover gas by using the flme core, can still recover gas by using the flre
port on the sidc. port on the side.

Expandar of Valve Core Hole

Itent rn
It is hard to remove valve core from small hole and valve
IA230E 114 Ftare (UN F7l1 6)
core with fully screw thread in hole.
'' -i'\.rr-'- ' IA230EH s/]6 Flare (uNFl/2) The device clears those troblesome conditions.
,;ilt : r (Use ony in case of disposal. Valve Core damaged a{ter usa)

".., , *It is useful to expand valve core hole and

'*sq@"ffi* smash screw thread of valve core.

Taper Screw Thread

Punching Punching Pu nching

/,/ Pan \.

Used to clean the existing pipes and the system when replacing the compressor.

TA353-400 TA353-800


.' ,:, ,-:t:.. :.1 r' . i:.t I ' -all
,.9!:&l'jl- . :.. .:,,r. rr. .r.,r, ,: :1


.p ,..,\.1
\4lil ,

Refrigeration Cycle Cleaners (4.01/8.01 Types)

TA353-400 TA353 800
Applicutictn Packaged A/C Large-sized system (e.9., GHP)

Ditt.horge Pres,rurc MAX=1.5MPa (15kg/cm') MAX=2.0MPa (20kg/cm'?)

Di t lt, r gc
r L', t pt i i t t' 4.0llmin 240lhr 8.0//min 4qollhr
Punrp Shctpe Two-cylinder Two-cylinderX2
Dete R225,Solve 55 R225.Solve 55
l'cutk Volrune 12t
Arr.c,rsorr Cleaning hose 150cmx3 Cleaning hose ls}cn(1/i' X1,3/8"X2)
Out<:r Ditttt:ttyions 305WX443DX540H mm 500WX420DX700H mm
Wcisltr 43kg 55kg

/Vecessify of Cycle Cleaning

i Impurities,deteriorated l

CaSe 1 When you replace a burnt i oil.metal scrap, and swarf I

If the system keeps !
compressor, ! rvill remain in the system j being use_dfurther. lhere i

\ wrll be a hlgh possrbruty
,-**_*_**_*.J 3:gjk::"T"?":Jt93"!,P: -
You need to clean the
of clogging the capillary j

When vou replace an A C or There will be a high possibility tubes and breaking the system and the pipes.
^ relrige'rarion' sysrem by,
UaSe Z

of impurities and deteriorated

I compressor to cause

oi1 haring adhered to the i system damage.,".-_ J

"_,". _

Example Connectian & Parts Fill the pipes with a detergent

and circulate it to clean the system. &
Remove such replacement
parts as compressors and dryers
,/ N2 connection for Use the HCFc-group R225
/ deterqent discharoe detergent. At present, there
pressure Transparent is no eflective allernative
' gauge strainer detergent.
connection valve
switch Recover the used detergent
You can easily and ask the specialists to
pressure see the degree to recycle or demolish it.
gauge which the
detergent is didy,
When cleaning is completed, purge the residual detergent out of the pipes Change the detergent until
by using N2 nitrogen.Then dry the pipes by using a vacuum pump. it becomes transparent.

Bypass Passage for Refrigeration Cycle Cleaner Bypass Passage for Refrigeration Cycle Cleaner
(for TA353-4ou t,,n,,,. TA353-4ooB
(for TA353-80A)
rrn,,,,. TA353-800B
61.5m Hose 1/4 Flare x l/4 Flare rvith Valve x 2 & l.-5mffose 3/8 Flare x 3/8 Flrre ivith Valve x 2
4tr.{A s Packless \ralvc I /:1 Flare x I *Packless Valvc 3/8 Flue x I
dfihsa B H sConncctor l/,1 Nlale Flare x 1/4 MaleFlare x 2 4 Connector l/4 Male Flare r 3/8 Male Flare x 2

&Connecbr i/,1Male Flare x 3/8 Male
$Connector l/,1Malc Flarc x l/2 Male
Flare x 2
Flare x 2
&Connector 1/2 Feale Flare x 5/8 Male Flare x 2
6Connector 3/8 Male Flare x 3/8 Male Flare x 2
*Connector 3/8 Male Flue x l/2 Malc Flare x 2
itconnector 1/2 Feale Flar x -5/8 Male Flare x 2
sConnector 5/8 Feale Flare x 3/4 Male Flare x 2 *Connector 5/8 Feale Flare x 3/4 Male Flare x 2
$A must item lbr Refrigeration Cycle Cleancr 6A must item for Reliigeration Cycle Cleaner
$Cleaning each pipe of refrigerant circulation $Cleaning each pipe of rcfrigerart circulation
rvithout indoor equipnent rvithout indoor equipment

Refrigeration Cycle Cleaner lr,,r, rr. TA353KT
by Nitrogen Gas Pressure Type Contents
Gas Cylinder: 2.lL x I *Ernpt,v
Gas Pressure Regulators: Primary x 1, Secondary(Pressure) Range 0- 1.7MPa
Detergent Cylinder x 1
Hose: I .5m I /:1 Flare rvith Valve x I
Storing Case

Pre.tsure Runge-..- L Sf.glggy(q:UN,tIq)
D e re rI e n t C_t t i rrt e r t _0.
sl yqj4y rqry9$qtlSl$t"9ll
_:1,---9,- _ j 1t!Y.1llQIl9_o!p-

How to Use
Add detergent (R225, So1ve55) into detergent cylinder and clean pipe with high pressure.
After cleaning, evacuation work is necessary.

4--,=- --\ :\
1"I ,1;
a:,:::::::::H::-! l,: SecondaryPressure^Gauge
Gauge) \ \
,{ {i
-. ^-*.*--*1'\,]
.. - --.--..,,-."-f
"-*'-'- rl
i, "-'"- rl
\:. ."g.--'=.*
",1] Safty Valve \ Gas Pressure Reoulators
* -:::'i (Activate on 0.7MPa) \ - (0.5MPa)
Collection T {'-*
Detergent Cylinder 0.81

- Gas Cylinder
Hose 1/4 Flare (2.11\

Correlation Table of Pipe Length and Detergent Volume (FLOODED)

- lr-diir
d 6.35Xt


c 12_7X|

0.151,/m I

1.5/ 3.0/ 4.5t 6.0/ 7.5t 9.0/ 10.5/ 15.01

023 kg/n 0.19kg/n' 2.32kg t,9kg' 465kg 38kg, 6.98kg,5.6kg 93kg 7.5kg 116kg 9.4kg 139kg,11.3kg t6.3kg 13.2kg 230kg 18.Bkg

0.23t,/m 2.3t 4.6t 6.9/ 11.5/ 13.8/ 16.1 1 g.2t 23.0t

d 19.05Xt 1.0
r 0.29kg,t n\ 3 56 kg 2.9 kg rllsillsl_lo?rs116!lf11l{11:1!]f:tks(r44ks)214ks(173ks)250ks(20rks)356ks(28{
.356 <g/
0 7.1 kg r5.B kg
".*l; r '-rior
u.32t/m 3.2t
3'2t l- i J,
6.4t t 9.6 I ,rrl-
12.8 I I 16.0
160JI izi
19.2 I 22.4 I -) ii.or
32.0 I
'i22.22X1 0.496kg/nt0.40kglm' 5.0kg 40,<g 10,0kg'8.0kg 14.9kg'2.0kg 19.6kg 160kg 24Bkg 20.0kg 30.0kg 240kg'347kg 280kg 50.0kg 400kg
0.431,/m 4.3r
0.43l,/m B.6t
8.6/ ) 17.2I
12.9I 17.21 i
I 25.81 30.1t I: 4g.ot
^.54kg/n 67<g'5,4kg 13.3kg 10.8kg "200kg,16.1kg'26.7kgr21.5kg 333kg 269kg'400kg
u,bbb Kg,/'mlu

56, t:i,;, -;;,-r-r*,-'t

32.3kg 47.0kg 376kgr667kg,53,Bxg'

28.58Xr 1.0
2lit ' it6/ -3ett-l-uu-
Discharging Valve of Detergent Discharging Valve of Detergent
rr"rrr,r,r. TA353RH-2 rrn", rr. TA353RH-3
sConnection Port Size: 1/4 &Connection Pot Size: 3/8
6Seal Cap Installed *Seal Cdp lnstalled
&Bypass Passage for Refrigeration Cycle *Bypass Passage for Reiiigeration Cycle
Cleaner Cleaner

.1 Valve
(:.oe P;s6521q;6q
a, Port

Prevention of Reverse Flow of the Vacuum Pump Oil
TNE t4Fe Sl'Srribf &fFFr'trE&'r rvpgs sF #rL PRfrSLEM soturroffs

Reverse flow oi
the vacuum pump oil
(mineral oil)
-=H ffiil4
. There is a high danger of
POE (Polyol este0
I ffi

. PVE (Poly vinyle ethe0, etc. causing damage to .

lhe HFC system,

Vacuum pump with
(clogging the capillary tubes,
check valve (Can also
burning the compressor) be used for the
conventional system)

Ultra-Mini Two-Stage Vacuum Pump Mechanism

(with oil flow back prevention function) Two-Stage method makes
High Ultimate Vacuum 3Smiuon
lntake Port
Two rotor connected to each other can
commpresse intake air better and
Therefore, there would be a big pressure
difTerence between Exhaust Port and
Intake Port.
u hich car obtrin higher ulrimale
vacuum than One-Stage method.
Another reason for obtaining high
ult:imate vacuum is this method can
rotate and intake air somoothly.
So that there would not be load back
Iro,,,,o. T A1 505B-2-220 With Gas Ballast Valve pressure on the rotor tbr the llrst stage
&Rotor method...Two-stage aRunning method...Direct Gas Ballast Valve prevent deterioration of oil
*Pumping speed...40 //ruin $Ultimate vacuum...38 micron and capacity detedoration of a vacuum pump
*Rota-tion per minute...3200 r.p.m *Power, notor...220V, 200W and makes its life longer.
eOil...140ml $Suction port...5/16 fltre
*Size. weight...100(W) x 260(D) x 170 (H)mm, 4.3kg
* Affachrnentg..
Vacuum pump oil, 5/16 female x 1/,1 male adapter

High Auafity Two-stage Vacuum Pump(4 pole motor) High Ouality Two-stage Vacuum Pump
(Oil flow back prevention valve attached) (Oil flow back prevention valve attached)

tr"n,,,o. TAl 5OXA-220 It"- rrrr. fAl 50xx-220

oRolor method...T$o-itase *Running method...Direct sRotor method...Two-stage *Running method...Direct
e Pu mpi ng sneeJ...48 t t niu 6OH t,. 4O.i I I m i n r 5OHz t sPumping speed...270 llmin (.60H2'),225 llmin (.50H2)
+I Iltimate r acuum... -5 micron
1 4 Ultimate vacuum... I 2 micron
*Rotation per minute... 1720r.p.m (60H2), l440r.p.m(50H2) 6Rotation per mi.nute...3440r.p.m (60H2), 2880r.p.m(50H2)
*Power. motor...220V, 210W *Oil...350cc *Power. motor...220V, 400W *Oil...570cc
o Suction port... 1/4 male fl are, 5/ I 6 1'emale fl re (for R4 l0a) *Suction port...1/4 male flile, 3/8 male flarc
*Size. weight...330(w) x 115(D) x 215 (H)mm,9.5kg- *Size, weight...380(W) x 160(D) x 285 (H)mm,l4.8kg
o Altachme-nl5...Vacuum pump oil 500cc rTA I I 7- I r 6Attachments...
6Attached with a oil flow back prevention valve, so can vacuum any refrigerant cycle Vacuum pump oil 500cc (TA1 l7-1)
aCrn obrain high rrcuum due to the 2 stape rotar method. * 1/4 female flare x 5/16 male flare adapter.
cBy adopting the,1 pole motor, the pumpian be rutr long hoursl ern vacuum HFC *2 pole motor enables lightrveight high porver.
equipments and low temperature equipments. $ Equipped rvith oil flow back prevention valve so the pump can be used on both nerv
*Car vacuum from small to large size air conditioner / reiiigerant systems. (HFC) and conventional (CFC, HCFC) relrigerants.
*When vacuuming large units, use the 3/8 hose for faster v;rcuurn

Confidently presenting our high quality vacuum pump!!

All TASCO vacuum pumps are tested before shipment.
Here are our tes;ting procedures.
l.Visual lnspection 2.Running Test 3.Current Check 4. Ultirnate Vacuum Test
We check to We test to see We test the We check to see
see il there are if the pumps starting currenl if the ultimate
any cracks, have any and running vacuum within
breakage etc starting failure current of the specification is
to the pump. trouble. pump. reached.

High Ouality Mist Less Vacuum Pump
Oil flow back prevention valve attached
Itrrr,ro. fAl 5OYA-220
I OHP Class Air Conditioner and Refrigerator
Luge size Air Conditioner Package Air Condltioner
Commercial Refii gerators etc

lquey Mgtu ). ZZQy $Qa,La!trz).2!Qw
__9j{ __*__ +oo mt
Suction Port I :lt6 lAde--H4rqi&41q-4) .

_s!:lwlisJ,:- _ I l2l{rD!lz!u-l :2!lol:q4lg.2\g

err,i,:jti,ti,rt, VacuurnpumpOil45rrml
] Adxp!-e,-{ tll O.Lqrr} (I41t9f:4)
AL L cr r,,/ i.,r C"ug" KiI...TA142XK/TA I42XD(P.19)
I Caming
!ot:!!9! ! case-..Tf l50CS-2,11P.20)
High Ouality Mist l-ess Vacuum Pump
Oil flow back prevention valve attached
rt"r, ro. TA150YB-220
I 5HP Class Air Conditioner and Refrigerator
Package Air Conditioner
Twin-Triple Type Ajr Cotrditioner etc

Specif ications


7.5 x l0-3Ton ( 7.5 micron )

lptlrp q1o!1t4, t 44!rp.ry (50 t]-4
llQ-v (iQHzlQ0l_rz), lQoril

51 1 0 N,rqle ll are@4 l QA)

j ?1!ll! 212 (w) x 338(D) mrql J2,2kg
Vacuunr Pump Oil ,15{) ml
A4sptellll 6 lcq1elc ilqc I /4 !rale-G{ L5e,P-.4)
Acce,ssories Vacuum Gauge Kit...TAl42XK/TA 1 42XD(P. I 9)
!9P!,P!) (-un ing Cu:e...TA I5oCS-24(P.l0l

Mechanism and Exhaust High Auality

Mist Less Vacuum Pump
Gas Ballasl Suction Port
Valve (5/16 Flare)

Exhaust rvill be sent fiom Pump Exhaust passes through First a Primarv exhaust filtered by
Hcad to First Filter. 2 Filter and goes outside. J First Filter will be sent to
Secound Filter.
Safety Valve Oil Cap

First Filter Second Filter

Primary exhaust will be senl As rvel1 as Primary exhaust, A Aller stop operarion. oil
4 iiom this space to Second 5 Secondary exhaust rvhich lJ.eprrated by Fir,r Filrer will
Filter. almost without oil will be flow back from Special Valve
mitted from pump rem. to Pump Head.

Special Valve
This special valve block the path in operation and prevent oil
tlo$ins back to the oil tank.
Once stop operation , oil folw back to the oil tank.

Mini Vacuum Gauge Kit For Ultra MiniVacuum Pump TA142MK
rt"*un. f A142MK Applicable Vacuum Pump
$Vacuum Gauge...40 f
aTAl42BP=0 .--0.lMPa(0 - -760mmHg)
*Body...5/16 SAE Fenale(Pump) x
5/16 SAE Male (Port)
*Air{ight Valve Attached
9Adapter,..-5/16 SAE Female x
I/4 SAE Female(TA l -59P-4)

5/16 SAE
5/16 SAE N/ale Connection Fig
TAl 50SB-2-220

MiniVacuum Gauge Kit TA142XK

tt",n f Al 42XK Applicable Vacuum Pump
&Vacuum Gaugc...,10I
lMPa(O .- -760mmHg)
*TA l428P=0 .' -0.
aBody...5/16 SAE Female(Pump) x
5/16 SAE Male (Pofi)
*Air-tight Valve Attached
eAdapter...5/16 SAE Female x
l/4 SAE Female(TA1 -s9P-,+)
5/16 SAE Male

Connection Fig
TAI 5OXA-22O,TA I 5OYA.22O,TA1 5OYB 220

Digital MiniVacuum Gauge Kit TA142MD

rtn-ru. fAl42MD Applicable Vacuum Pump
6Digital mini compound gauge...,15 f
sBody...5/16lemale SAE (pump) x 5/16
male SAE(pot)
Air-tight valve attached
&Adapter...5/I6 lenrale SAE x
l/4 male SAE(TA I 59P-.1)
5/16 SAE -
5/16 SAE N/ale
Connection Fig
TAI 50SB-2-220

Digital Mini Vacuum Gauge Kit

rte","o. TA142XD
eDigital mini compound gauge...,15 f
TAl,l1DM= 0.1 .- 5.0Mpa TA142XD
*Body...5/J6 fcma)c SAE (pump) x 5/16
male SAE(port)
Applicable Vacuum Pump
Air-tight valve attached
&Adapter...5/16 t'emale SAE x
5/l 6 male SAE(TA I 59P-4)
5/16 SAE Male
5/1 6 SAE

Connection Fig
TAI 50XA-220,TA1 50yA-220,TAt 50yB-220

ln vacuum gauge kit, you can see

0--0.1 MPa display easily
by "full-scale display"
ln compound gauge, A.
",*o11 only th is wide for 0-0.1 MPa
racuurn gruge i. rbr negrrire prc5\ure.
donot use for possitive pressure.
(if you use tbr possitive pressure, the gauge
shall be damaged.)

om*kffi- Only digital gauge can be used tbrpossitive

pressure as pressure ragne -0.1 -.5.OMpa

Digital mini compound gauge(46{) Mini compound gauge(40#)
ttn", ru. IA1 41DM rtn*"o. TA142BP
&Pressure range...-0. 1 .'5.0Mpa 4Pressure range...-0. 1 ... 5.OMpa
s Minimum display...0.00 lMpa *Outer diameter...40 d
4C)uter diameter...45 d *Mounting screw... I /8NPT(back)
& Moutrting screw... /ilNPT(back)
1 6CASE...SUS 304
$Zero function
eAuto-porver olT ( l0rrin.)
sBattery type(3V Lithium battery CR2450)

Aluminum Carrying Case Aluminum Carrying Case

For TA15058-2-220 rt"*,o. TA150CS-21 For TA150XA-220 rr..,,. TAI 50CS
&Outer dimensions... *Outer dimensions...

Jru t.; 310(W) x 175(D) x 215(H) mm

&Inner dimensions...
285 (w) x 140 (D) x 170(H) mm
*Attached with shoulder belt. 4
{ i$}
410(w) x 190(D) x 280(H)mm
&Inncr dimensions...
385(w) x 170(D) x 225(H)mm

"W lrf

-............'..-.,.'.'....- .,

Aluminum Carrying Case Alu mi ni u m Carryi n g Case

For TA150XX-220 rrn,,,,,r. TA'l 50ES For TAI 50YA-220, 1 50Y 8-220 rtem,o. fA150CS-24
*Outer dimensions... s Outer dimensions...
440(W) x 220(D) x 320(H)mm 435(w)X295(D)x340(H) mm
*Inner dimensions... *Tnner dimensions...
{ 420(W) x 200(D) x 300(H)mm (. 5(w)x250(D)X290(H)mm

{lrl'll er Weight...3.6kg rr-: !a]_i -

-t, 1

T -, 6 Attached \\,ith shoulder belt

Tasco High Quality Vacuum Fump Oil Vacuum Pump Oil Degradation
Itent no. Determination Scale ttn, nu. f A117SK
TAI I Z-I sSize..,2l0 x 50(cm)
r4117-2 1 000cc 6Basic colorimetric method by ASTM
rA117-3 4Can test deterioration of vacuum pump oil.
620cm determitration scale on back side.
*Increase performance of pump when using

MM our special high qunlity oil.

*Environment friendly odorless oil.
ffiffi {.1.5 longer life span than conventional
@W ' oil.(note: depends on conditions of use)
&The rvorking sound of the pump becomes
quieter. (about 5db less; when tested
against other Tasco products)

Adapter (male SAE x femate SAE)

h<:m tto. Fetrutle ltant no. Male

TAr 59P-t 114 ...R410A IA159P-7

TAr 59P-2 M10P1 .5 't/4 .8134a TAl59P-8 M1oP1.5 M12
TA159P-3 t\,110P1 .5 TAr 59P-9 ," M12 M10P1 .5

TAt 59P-4 5/lb TAt 59P-',I0 1t4 M12

TAt59P-5 M10P1 .5 s/1 6 TAt 59P-t 1 Ml2 1t4
TAt 59P-6 5/1 6 TAt 59P-',I2 114

New Refri' 'ant HFC Leak Detectors
FrFArGEtrA'VrS CIlAR&,TTERISTICg PtrOEtrMS soturrorvs

o Leakage-prone a A highly sensilive leak

High sensitivity is a must
detector is necessary,
a Chlorine is detected.
You cannot use a a A leak detector is necessary
conventional detector. which delects constituent
HCFC (Conventional) HFC (New) elements except chlorine
The HFC refrigermts are composed of smaller elements md higher in pressure than the conventional refrigerants.
Therefore, there is a high possibility oftheir leaking out ofthe refrigeration system, which requires a shicter ai.tight control.
In addilion, since low-sensitivity detectors cmnot detect IIFC refriSerants, high-perfomance detectors are necessary.

Sensitivity Comparison Supposing R22=1

Types of Befrigerant Fl1 1 R12 8502 R'134a F404A R407C(E) R41 OA

Sensitivity Ratios 2.925 1.25 1.54 1 0.o42 0.038 0.0292 0.025

High Precision Leak Detector(For All New,Conventional and HC Refrigerants)

(applicable to JIS 0920) Item n.. TA430SF

Specif ications
Maxintum Sensinit-r* 2.8glyr
De te c toble Refri gerants R4 1 0A,R407C,R404A,R 1 23,R23,R142b,R407A,R290

R600a,R707,R507A,R1 34a,R22,R32
& Maximum Sensitvin, 2.1 X 10satm/sec. 2.8glyr
..: lnclicator Buzzing alarm/Blinking indication (Detective Speed)
Function Battery indicator
With Earhone jack
Operation temperlture o-4oC
Battery Supply AA alkaline battery x 4
Size( Main unir ),Wei ght 68(w)x 55(H)x32(D)mm,400g

Sel Contents Leak check bottle,Filter

Gas collector

High Precision Leak Detector

Iten no. TA430MB

Detectable ReJri gerants R410A, R407C, R404A, R134a, R22

qe Maximum Sensitivity

Warm-up Time
Operating Temperature
Power Supply

Size( Muin unit ), Weight

Ac c e.s sort
3g/yr (Hi), 20g/yr (Mi),40g/yr (Lo) [R410a]
Buzzing alarm/seven level LED visual indicator (3 colors)
Approx. 45 seconds
0 - 45.C, humidiry below 807o
C-cell alkaline battery x 2, AC adapter (so1d separately)
222 (L) x 66 (W) x 5 l(H)mm, approx 4209 (inct. bauery)
Carrying case, Leak check bottle

High Precision Lea k Detector


Detactoble ReJri gerants R4 10A,R32,R407C,R404A,R1 34a,R22,R 1 23.lyf,SF6 etc
Maimum Sensitit'ity 3g/yr
Indicator Leakage indicater(8 level) + Sensitivity i ndicater(6 ler e,Il'Buzzi ng alarm
Detection s),-sten1 Semiconductor system
Warm-up Tirue Approx. 35 seconds
Operating Te npe ratltre -18--'60c
Potrer supplt C-cell alkaline battery x 3
Siie( Mnin tmit), Weight 2s4(L) X 59(w) x 5i(H) mm,5009
Acce ss ort Canying case, C-cell alkallne battery x 3,
Filter for replacement(10 psc.)

Refrigerant Leak Detector (Monitoring System)
ttent no. TA430SR

aDetectable Refrigerants...R4l0A, R32, R404A, R407C, Rl34a, R22
&Detectjon Type...Diffusion Method
4Detection Range (Density)....Standad: 0.-2,000ppm(Separately Configure): over 2,000 ppm
*Number of Channel...Maximum 20 Channel
* Operating Temperature ...0 ...+40
*Operating Humidity...0.'957oRH (without Derv)
*Contact Capacity...AC I 25V 1A DC24V I A (Load Resistor)
*Si2e...300(W) X 240(H) x 120(D) Im
eDetails of Data Logger...Number of Stored Data: Maximum 60
Alarm/System Fault History/Operation Date/Gas Concentration/Gas Leak Locarion
*PC Connection...Initial Set-Up and Check Datas on RS-232C Connection
*Length of Control Cable from Main Unit...Maximum 150m

*One main unit covers maximum 20 detection channel.

e Power supply line of ultracompact sensor connects to main unit.
*PC Connection & Data Logger Function

Sensor Drip-Proof Cover of Sensor Mounting Bracket of Sensor

Sesor has been adjusted after implementation
of the field test.

,,.iil.ll:l'. 1

i.'*{. : ,' :,

tn. ,r. TA430SR- I
h"*n,,. fA430SR-12 rrn. n,. TA430SR-l 3
6Detectable Refrigerants: R410A, R32, R404A, R407C, sDrip proof cover preventing an influence of moisture
R 1 34a. R22
s Operating Temperature: -30 - +60'C
*Operating Humidity: 20 .' 85%RH (without Dew)
*Size: d 20 x 60 (H)mm
*'IP Code:IP67(Connecting Part only)
*Contents: Sensor, Drip-Proof Cover, Mountirlg Bracket

LED indicator helps to recognize state of system fault or alarm of gas leak location at a single glance.

Normal Operaiion



LED of active sensor line is lit

in green.

Max. 2A sensor hetps io identify gas leak location.

sensor No.1 ---:lid&tts_
.*M.l- -;/w--.-w-



E ert yd et6ct i 8 r, sy$fenrTCrps to lAendfir- g a s te a k to c at i o n.

The fact sor?frrhufes fo reduefion of 6ost at'td rfiaintenance time. l


You cannot use the charging

R41 OA (measuring) cylinder.
1.6 times higher
in pressure Transferring the refrigerant
lhan R22
from its cylinder to the
charging cylinder changes
(Example) lB407Cl its composition.
High pressure causes
@ryA the loaming phenomena.
.\--l (ln case of R410A) Nonstop foams hinder you from
reading the scale.

It is necessary to charge the

refrigerant in a liquid phase
directly from the relrigerant

To the manifold
and the system

R407C is a blend oI
The measuring scale can also be R32, R125, and R134.
used lor the conventional
refrigerants R12,R22, and R502.
Liquid-phase charging= Nq ..rt..i,ion change

High Performance Electronic Charging Scale


fleso ut on
Resolution 5g
Capacity 50kg (applicable to 20kg cylinders)
PkttJorm Size 230(L) X 230 (W) mm
s O_eti-e-nts
Power Suppll, DC9V ("C" Cell battery x 6)
AC1 00V (sold separately)
Man fold (Can use either one of the above)
ITAI OI FB) Operating Temperature 5-40c
y Norse
lnput Port 114 tlare (5/16 flare adapter attached) (TA101 FB)
prevenT on Output Port 114 tlare (5/1 6 f lare adapter attached) (TA1 01 FB)
Outer Dimensions 395 (L) X 285 (W) X 65 (D)mm / 3.9k9
lrwE s;rng
Attachmcn.t.t R41 0A adapter x 2 (TA1 01 FB)

Removable Platform
Removable Platform is enable to work in narrow

Port with ball valve attached. With the "LlGHT" button, . space- (Platform with rubber foots)

Since the manifold's charging hose you can see the numbers on
does not have to be connected the indicator even in the dark. compact, easy-lo-carry designed case,
directly to the cylinder, the scale will
not be affected during operation and
can mainlain it's accuracy.

Electronic Charging Scale
}$-r or. Sliong s.cuiure wlh p.olect ve lunclon ol Sensor

evcer ba ery (2pieces)can asr60 hours

Maqner attached th6 back .l conrror bor s enab e ro axadr the p atnq or lhe.ur sde A/c unii


2!kg cy fders)
I ooks(applicab e 10
DCaV(C Ceilbanery)x 2
60 Hours (Wilh A kalne baltery)
Carry n case

Programmable Charing Scale for 100K9 cylinder

tal olwz t00

r0g( 60kgyr00g( 220k9)
l0K9 100K9
006P 9V Ce Bahery
lSioE 5- 401

Can connect with recovery unit-

With Cal i bration Cenificate,
Traceabl i lity Ceft ificate,
e Chdnq S.ha lor api.abe
a 1o r00K9.y nders Insp e ct i o n Ce rt 1fi c ate,
.Program lhe value can optonaly be sel
.Foot heighl lor p allom can adjusr
rus€ TAlolwz r00 uilh our rec.very unils, y.u can re.overy rengeranls
bolh cyinders wilh roal sensor and cy nders rvilhoutlolal seonsor

Charying Hose for 1/4 SAE Adapter fot q,i1, IIFl!|il

,-, -, TAl35K-150 r-" -, TAl59P-l

#ab ill,illlll ;
5/16 SAE Scrcw lor ,\'i itti/lt;l;!
/", - TA133K 150 illfiilllIr

516 s.lE\rdeidh core rePr.$on

Adapter fot Gas Cylinget Adapter for Gas Cylinder Adaplet for Gas Cylinget
i/i.!j:.. fl::/ 2 ,q.?tNfaf?500fi502 ,ill.l.
erqs0(! H5$3
rB ?

5/16 SAE 1/4 SAE 3/8 SAE


.a mN.L r-! IftL vrl' r,ricr ri d. ) r l,r s.rL \iiL.lHrq .alir!r.gP."--\fr6 rrti (r 1\t 5rE\Iteir].s.
.Don, rd{q bo,ro rrr rLrLllrbre u.Nh r.
.l' nkdrii[(narolrdnria n].r
SAE Type Prcssute Gauge for Aittight Test SAE Type Prcsswe Gauge for Airtight Test
t,,,,,,o IA148AF-27A rP'r,,,, TAl48AF.370

tqr) Gauge Dianerer 0- 7MPa

Con.eclinq Porr r/4MareSAE ,/\-l\
? 5-.
GaugeDiameter 0 7i,1Pa
Conneclinq Porl 1/4MalesAE

Be sure that use these prcducts with Wessurc up to 70% of Gauge lull scale.
Open/Close Valve /,"",- TA382KA Open/Close Valve t".* IA382KA-?
]]4SAE ,.. -, tr lh Core Deorersor

-{ ,
High fuessure Hose High Prcssurc Hose wit Valve High fuessure Hose Reel
(1/4 SAE Female x 1/4 Male) (1/4 Female x 1/4 Male) wit Valve 30m

TA38I KG.]
TA38]KG.5 .rr,,,- TA38l NT
TA38 ] KG ]O TA38] KB 5
TA38 ]KG 20
TA38] KG-30 *,r, !....,r c-. D.r;,"
.\1.]llils Pr.!G, 5jon lPi i9i
"o* "d.

Feature...Can make Service Port of 1/4 SAE without welding coppet piple.
Fitling with O ring
!!!,., .J 'i ,- :i
1A230Ev-2 reb
alfi!-\t*r,;-.; TA23OEV.r' C".,',t"5*,*en I
TA23OEV 5 whh"d *etding ..pp;, piete
, aontr.dr! \{.din! s{.r str. i r6]rrL_\Frs,rE\h!ttk\r) a

.ts'. | - n..
.s- nMi,r cR r.t, R,bb"l
B.J i

.\ trr i, I'nr
B-rd. rrJ b Lr,ni rdorsrr! 1 cn*r ptp.
"w*,"*" 2 n*npip" 3"r.s ttqnenpip.

-:. l-;-
.t -' .ii;
-'t- --')*
-----+- '*

T Type Gauge Adapter Gauge Hook Applicabla
For SAE Gauge ttnr, ,,,,. f A382KF (iouRe Diqneter

*Gauge Conneciton Prrn...I I S.\E Femrie TA3BOKZ-25 756
l.- ,,0.o= $Pon Diam.ter...l 1 5 \E \1ri.
l,-1 SAE \fule r. i:h C,rr;
\ TA380KZ-l 00 rooo
,$ Scrl Crp r. i:r C::r;:

connection /-a
:* s*i
:::- j$
::- s:
:,:,,",_w Gauge
1/4 SAE with Core =':ssu'e
L 1/4 SAE =*-; 1&*
lnstallation lmage

T Type Gauge Adapter(1/4 SAE Female) Applicable T Type Gauge Adapter(S/16 SAE Female) AltptictLbtt,
For SAE Gauge Gauce l)itnteter For SAE Gauge Guupe Dictnerer

_ - :.: TA382KL 1/4 SAE Female .,,r&*:. .,ro

TA382KP 1/4 SAE Female
. -:-:
. : . _ ,,-
,:i - tGauge Conneciton Port...1/4 SAE Female 1/4 SAE Male
6 Gauge Conleciton Port... I /.1 SAE Female
a Port Diameter...1/:[ SAE, Female with Core 6Port Diameter...5/16 SAE Female with Core
.t :- ,:'e Depressor x l/4 SAE Male rvith Core
Depressor x 1/4 SAE Male with Corc
N_1 *Scal by copper reduce possiblity of pressure eSeal by copper redrLce possiblity of pressure
Ieackage 6leackage
"&Applicable for Nitrogen e,App_hrgable ior Nitlogcn
*xs' t--'-
SAE Female Connection .==- 5/16 SAE Female Connection
with Core Depressor Example with Core Depressor Example
Even if it
is tighten Connect to i Even if it
is tighten
repeatedly. it will nbr be f,f$L repeatedly . it will ;ot be
w- H:53'"?',;Jf,11i.11:
of L8mm copper pipe.
r (SilE,
broken due to flare part
made of wall thickness
of 2.0 mm copper pipe.
Pressure Gauoe


T Type Gauge Adapter(l/4 SAE Female) Applicable T Type Gauge Adapter(S/16 SAE Female) ApptiL.abte
For SAE Gauge Item tto Gauq( DiaDrcter For SAE Gauge GILt.qe Dianrcter

rA223M 1/4 SAE Female TA382KJ 1/4 SAE Female
1/4 sAE ilGauge Conneciton Pofi...1/4 SAE Female
:* - *Pofi Diarneter...l/4 SAE Male rvith Core x
i,lr!i:: .# i/.1 SAE Female wilh Corc Depressor
l r ,rw *Seal by copper reduce possiblity of pressure
:.J .- l -[ffi&
'iidi' lrffiW
\ *
Applicable 1br Nitrogen
1/4 SAE N/ale 1/4 SAE
with Core with Core Depressor

Connectto ------=
Pressure Gauge

SAE Adapter SAE Adapter (Elhow)

ttr*,,o. fA223L ttrnrro. fA223M
* 1/4 SAE Male with Core x 1/4 SAE Male --;1- *90"Elborv Type
5/16 SAE Female rvith Core Depressor with Core &5/16 SAE Femail rvith core x 1/,1 SAE \4alc

i'.dt*\ *Aifiight test and Pressure tesot for R410A


:-*-:.:::t:r- Even if it iS tighten .::1:,:ir

] ..
: ::tr
with Core Depressor
sAirtight test and Pressure tesot for R410A

i r:::-:,: Even if it is tighten

5/16 SAE Female 1/4 SAE N/ale
,4a1n. repeatedly . it will nbt oe I
6dalm broker due to flare pad r*tftc. repeatedly . it will not be
with Core Depressor with Core
W made ol wall thickness
5/16 SAE Female
with Core Depressor
W' *i:53""?',;i,?,ifli.Lt:
ot 2.0 mm copper pipe.

Nozzle for Nitrogen Blow Nozzle for Nitorogen Blow

TA376TP-1 lten no AnolictLlbe siz.e Itent no. \pplicrlh, t -t
;:Xi TA3Z6TP-I 114, 318 TA376IP-12 1t4-1.1t4
TA376IP-2 112, 5lA,314 &Connection Pofi Diameter... l/4 SAE
sMaterila: Aluminum
$Connection Port Diameter... l/4 SAE

""..#,r* *Material Brass


SAE Union ( 1/4 SAE with Core) 1 .A&oerf ilfifrogren Efew

Iten tw. rlicolbe,size
SAE with Core IA241IA-2 114x114
TA24ITA-3 1/4 x 318 Open/Close Valve
@ | or*or.,^ .. -h ,4.

I F-.Tl:Mffi6ffi" TA241IA-4 1/4x112 (TA382KA)

While Soldering job. if you do not let Nitroeen go through piping
W'rl'*"l IA241IA-5 1A x 5lA insidc, a Imge amount of oxidc film rvill gencrated.
#-@ 'ffi This oxide film may be clog solenoid valve ancl capillary tube.
TA241IA-6 114 x 314
It may lead an abnormality lvith the product.
$ 1/4 SAE side rvith Core In order to prevcnt such a problem befbre hand. please let air out of
6Please use Item No. TA771B (Torque piping isnde by Nitrogen rvhile soldering job.
Wrench ) for connection rvith gauge.

8e sure ffiaf use ffiese produefs mtfi press{rr€ {",p tCI V8% of Gauge fuftr scane.

For R4104/R32 Applicuble
Access Connector
Tube Piercing Valve Item no Copper Pipe 6 Piece I rrem no. TA230A
'l Piece I
TA200A-2 114.5116.318 eWith 1/4 Copper Pipe
es/16 SAE(l/2-20UNF) Male $Copper Pipe Length 60mm
& 1 Piece *Made in Japan &6 Pieces in I Pack
*.Piercing Valve for Nerv Refrigerant *Made in Japan
R4l0A/R32 9Can use for system without Service Port
&Can use for svstem without SeNice Port SFor Conventiotral Refrigerants
5/16 SAE Male

1/4 Copper Pipe

1/4 SAE , 1/4 SAE
Male with Core
1/4 Copper Pipe -.
5/16 Copper Pipe
3/8 Copper Pipe

Access Connector
For R410A/R32 Copper pipe SAE Connector for R4104/R32
3 Piece I
Item no Lensth nn,""o. TA233BA-2
TA23OAB.6O 3 Piece I e3 Pieces in 1 Pack
*Made in Japan
*With 1/4 Copper Pipe
e5/16 SAF. Male with Core 5/,16 SAE
&Made in Japan
&3 Pieces fl; with Core
-. *Pink color for R4l0A Refrigerant 5/16 Js:fl!
1/4 Copper Pipe attached on the Cap ,,
5/1 6 SAE
SAF !6it!,i.
There is thread for Valve Core
l\,4ale with Core
5/1 6 SAE Nut
with Core Depressor

SAE Connector SAE Connector

3 Piece I rr"," rn. f A233A-2 3 Piece I ttn,u nu. TA233M
63 Pieces in I Pack s 3 Pieces in I Pack
4Made in Japan *Made in Japan

. !::
1/4 SAE Nut
i,i:tiliill:l - .€'
,..,'"@-41!. : iil.::.i*,.' Fii:#.. il:trir:l
-*'tl^"* J$fle

3/8 SAE Nut

1/4 SAE with Core 1/4 SAE

SAE Adapter for R410A/R32 Valve Core

I Piece I rt","nn. f A223F Iten no
sconnection Port...5/16 SAE Female rvith TA230-t
Core Depressor,x 1/4 SAE Male rvith Core TA230-r 0H
6Length...30mm 'r:1"-' ',,1:.. .?:)
6l Piece /.t/ur-.,.a. s6 pcs/pack
*Made in japan 13.,., :kt:. .*.

4: ],'rf {r' *'t

Core Removing Driver Gasket Remover

"". 141754
TA508S 170mm Stainless *Made of brass, vcry convenient when
TA508D 1somm Chrome steel changing gaskets in chmging hoses.
+ 6used to change / insert cores.

:L:- !"-

Tube Cutter Featurres:
Spring is embedded within
the inner blade shaft!! /
o Due to the special roller (placed directly
durable titan coated blades!!
below the bl'ade), very few buns come ) The titan coated blades decreases tilction with
out. copper tubes,which makes cutting easier md
oDuring operation, the blade will not sink
prevents the blades from wearing off easily.
itrto the copper pipe.
o Can also cur slightly delomed copper piper.
tt","ru. TA560AG to thick handle
sCopper pipe...1/8' - 1.1.14' (4 -32m) Can cut without o Cm easily tit the copper tube into the tube
$Length...133mm over ll cutter with this easy to grab handle! !
$ Spring embedded in blade shaft.
$ Patent pending special roller enables very oThe indicators helps cut different size
f'ew buns. tubes without over-tightening and crashing
Bepl acem ent b I ades e m bedded
inside the handle!!
tCan crt ,tr --12mnr copper pipcs with just
this one amazing tulle .utter::
y;[nx;.:x] c Can replace the blade quickly and efficiently and no time is lost! !

o.d spring is emhedded so prevents thc hlade

copper pipe
x fi,ili?iit,
trorn digging into copper tube. 1.0-1.5mm 0.5-0.8mm

Tube Cutter Large Size Tuhe Cutter Mini Tube Cutter

,:t G;;;
::4di.&&rq*r *'
rr"*,". IA560A m-"" fA5608C tt",""o. fA560H
$ Applicable copper pipe extemal diameter...3 - 32mm sAppiicable to copper pipe extemal diameter... 6 - 60mm o Applicable copper pipe external diameter...
*Maximum thickness...3mm (.1t4'. - 2.3t8") 3..- 16mm
*Can be used to cut both stainless and steel pipes by *Maximum thickness...3mm aMaximum thickless...3mm
sAttached with 1 spare blade aCan sever such thin copper pipes as capillary tubes.
changing blade
*Equipped rvith chamfering cutter and spme blade.
*Cm clamp tube easily with the quick action function.

tf you do'not remove burr , there is a possibility of gas leakage.

Removing burr is one of important iob. Remer can remove burr completely.
Crank Remar
rtn*,o. fA52OCR
*Applicable copper pipe,., I /4 - 5/8
6Spare Blade...TA520CR-10
*Can debun easily and quickry

Crank Type enable to rotate

contiuously and quickly without
fatigue of the wrist.

IUt:lrNEI "
H.TI-ErH -nir Spare Blade for
TAs2ocRn Piece)
\- 1r,,,,,,n. TA520CR-,l0

Withiout burr left inner surface of

the tube,ss if it is finished by knile.

Copper Pipe Deburring Tool Scraper

(with File) ' ttemno. TA530 rtemno. fAS2OAB
o Applicable copper pipe diameter...
1/8" -718"(3..-22m)
"W *Applicable for...metal, aluminum, copper,
brass, cast metal, plastic
oEquipped with a finish file.
.The five blades will debun the copper
pipe evenly.
aPatent pending.

,& File
ry rtemno.
*After using the reamer,
smoothen the cutting surface.
use this file to

x o

Be cueful to prevent
pipe during reaming work.
the swadfrom entering

Finish work by using the file to debun the copper

Thc swad will eiler the
the copper

Hand Deburring Tool rr"r, ro. TA535M-l

copper pipe.
*Size...1/8" - 5/8"
Fffi =*l#ddaUry
- ,..a fr# ,i
Copper pipe Copper pipe
edge up edge down

fd€lit'trfftr SCtr**Jf ,4pF{"JC,4#t# r#
svsrg&, pffisaiFfw
€mxe4qrstr{$-nq __ .SqqfJfrqrrJ ,4aa tr€'Sffr$f8,4fir'r$

6!ffi-l.l The standard flare ..1,-
has become larger
R32,/R410A (R32,R410A). R407C (E)
/<'-'- R134a

r.-ffi There is a high

danger of causing
gases to leak from
R32 \.
R41oA t'l
others I

Pink bert &X,
punch markedr
\Jr' 1.6 times higher
in oressure lnan R22
the flared parts. I .:i].F R502

The HFC refrigerants are composed of smaller molecules than the conventional ones. Especially, R410A (2nd-class.l is i
higher in pressure than other refrigerants, which means that there is a high danger of ieakage. Therefore, unlike the
standard of other refrigerants, the standard size of the copper pipe flare for R410A (2nd-class) has been set up for higher j
airtightness and more strength. i

_Il i11llt:ijL:Tl*.9:tTl:::T*ll llifor*R410A

has also been partiaily improved for more srensth. i

Standard Flaring Tool Aluminum Light weight Flaring Toal

lr"", rr. TA550NE fA550A
*Applicable sizes...1/4, 5/16. 3/8. l/2. 5/8 3t4
*Can f'lare copper pipes for both nerv anrl Finally flaring tool appeared
conventional refrigerants. with 7609 light weight
6When flaring is finished, the clutch rvill Compared to the general
idle the handle to prevent an unnecessuy
load. flaring tool about half of the
*Long-time best sclling robust model weight
*Applicable sizes...1/r1. 3/8, l/2, 5/il

Ratchet Handle Flaring Tool

Aluminum Ratchet Handle
Flaring Tool
I4550) ttrr, ru. f A550N
. . ..:::
Ratchet Handle enahles to Aluminum Ratchet Handle

x flare copper pipe smoothly.

&Applicable sizes...l/4, 3/8, 1/2.5/ll. 3/,1

6Can flare copper pipes 1br both new and
Light weight 9509 !!
'Easy to carry and work with light weight
flaring tool.
eRatchet function enables to flare
* conventional refrigerants
sThe ratchet hardle method makes t'larisn
without fatigue of wrist
6Can flare copper pipe jor both new and

easy and quick rvithout fatigue of wrist. conventional refrigerants
eWhen flaring is flnished,the clutch rvill idle
thc handle to prcvent an unnecessary load. 9Applicable sizes...1/4, 3/8. 1/2, 5/8

Ouick Handle Flaring Tool Ratchet Handle Flaring Tool

& rr"r, rr. TA550HB lrn", TA550WB
;&X- "".
a"Applicable size...1l 4. 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/,1
sThe quick handle method makes flaring an *f-b*..*" sApplicable sizes...l/,1, 3/8, I/2. 5/8. 3/,1
&Can flue coppcr pipes tbr both ncrv and

w easy task with no tatigue.

*Can flme copper pipes for both new
conventional refrigeratrts.
conventional refrigerants.
sBehg rrt. hered. il enahlc. r ,,u lo llitre
\ iih brck Jnd tofih mori()n\.
ewhen fladng is finished, the clutch rvill eMuked rvith a rvhite line. it's easv to tind
idle the handle to prevent an unnecesstry !\here lu rlamp antJ prcrcnt, mi.trles
load. during operation.

Flaring Tool Set Ouick Handle Flaring Tool Set
-A55NTE 2 ttr,, f ASSHBI-2
oMain body rTA550HB)
f/ oTube Cutter ( T4560,4)
sReamer (TA530)
U *Cmying case ( TA550CS-2)

Applicable Copper Pipe...1/4-3i4(6.35-19.05 mm)
lrmrnf,lr ur,,. rr. TA550VR 10.8V Li-ion Battery
Eififiil': Do not need Power Supply !!
Equiped with High Power Li-ion Battery !!
tr-trffi Battery Potentialfor approximately 300 flaring iobs
per fully charged. (ln case of 1/4 ' 3/8 flared )
Can carry anywhere and Easy Work , High Auality and
Efficiency with Rechargeable Type
Al,plicabltCopperPipc5i:t, I4 .18' 1.2'58 J,+

*!:::::::yt:yl:::!, E..9!1r'9c"ry-€91!11!!Pl-9!19'"P-l]L-lrotation)
DC Motor
Li-ion Battery (10.8 V)
Main Body : 16509/ Include Battery : 2120g

LllI v70lg49llq,'4qSq" e "nqr .H3l qTIL_

Main Unit,Li-lon Banerry(10.8V) x 1,

ng,Flme Bar x 2

tube end Ensure the tube is placed Hold the main unit and
stop plate properly and locked. start Jlaring by pressing
and holding the lower par
of switch.

Flare Measure Guide

How to Use
trnr, rn. f A504FG Be sure to remove burrs on the copper pipe before using.

*Size...40x37x25mm installation'fl,':-.,,,
*Applicable...Nerv Relrigerant R410A, Example -3iil 'l:
R32(PIease do not use it 1br the other
refregirant,Otherwise it will not become
within standard size)
tJust attache on the clamp bar for Flaring
tool.and stops the copper pipe at
appropri.ate position.
Attache internal projecting parts TA504FG
on recessed the clamp bar.

Make Precise Flaring and Stop Leakage !

:ffi elt is very easy to work in
L// narrow space or with taking an
unreasonable attitude.
&"Flare lvleasure Guide" enable
to make flare within the JIS
standardPrevent leakage due
I *.r. Pressing the tube end Lock the tube by tighten lhe
tM*;' to flarihg diameter
against recessed pad of the
back of TA504FG and
side handle Ior Jlaring lool.


Flare Size Gauge Houi tc L;se a flai-e size gauge

l.Choose the size which fits the pipe you flared. .'
2.Determine whether the pipe was flared correctly
as in picture example 1.
3.lf the Jlare fits perfectly in the hole, it is Jlared
--* correctly. (example 1)

lr"r, ro. TA504SG

*Size...1l2 x 50 mm
4can determitre if flrued conectly.
examplel example2example3 4.lf the flare doesn't fit in the hole, the flare size is
too big. (example 2)
5,lf the flare falls inlo the hole, the flare is too
small. (example 3)

2-Step Ouick Action Color Bender

?d, TA540G-3
Si:e Bentlitry ruclii Lenqth CoLor


TA540G-4 112 38.0 470

TAsr'OG-5 57.2 740
*Due to the 2 step action, much easier to bend 180 degrees comptred to conr entjonal bendersl
*Each size is colored, so very easy to see rvhich size is whatl
*TA540G-6 doesn't have the "L" mark imprinted.



A^Trnrr uArrnl c
*Due to the 2 step action, much
easier to bend 180 degrees
compared to conventional benders! !
{Each size is colored, so very easy to
see rvhich size is what! @e@hM
l. Set the copper tube
in the bender.
2. Pull the
the bender.
along the curve of
3. The tube is benl
1 80 degrees!l


1/4. 5/16-7/8
Applicable for wide range of copper pipe size
Can know bending 90 degree first sight with
lndicator line

Can Rverse-Bending l.Positive Reverse-,
with Reverse adapter i Bending Line Bending Line l

"fl 'v --
'Positive Fleverse
Bendinq lvlark

Specif ications

ApplicobLe copper pipe 1/,+" -718"(Soft Copper)

Mcu Bending Angle 90 de

Set Contents
i oBending Former lll4 ' 5116' 318 ' 112' 5/8 ' -ll1 ' 7/81

I ocuid" fo* (1/4-3l8) .)Guide for tll2-7!]

Can store all items compactly

Spring Bender for Coated Copper Pipe Stainless Spring Bender

Annlitahle Cooner Pine lrrlirirllr Cower Pioe
TA5t 0L-2 1/4(6.35mm) TA5] OS 2 1/4(6.35mm)
rA5r 0L-3 3/8(9.53mm) TA5I OS 3 3/8(9.53mm)
TA5t0L-/ 112(12.7mm) TA5t 0S-4 112(12.7mm)
TA5t 0L-5 5/8(15.88mm) TA5t 0S-5 5/8(1s.88mm)
TA5r 0L-6 3/4(19.05mm) TA5t 05-6 3/4(19.05mm)

tLength...2,60Olm .Length...2600mm
$For coated copper tubes tFor coated copper tubes.
*Can bend coated copper plpes without *Can bend rvithout removlng heat insulating
strippjng them of the insulator. covel
*Remove pipes by tuming them clockwise. *Remove pipes by tuming them clockwise.
*Since it catr be bent while inserted into lnsert slainless *Since it can be bent insefied into copper
copper pipes, the bender can bend pipes with spring bender pipes, the bender can bend with a small
a small radius without causing pipe damage. inside copper radius without causing pipe damage.
tubes to bend.
tDue to stainless material, the bending
process moves smoothly, atrd easy to

Applicable from soft copper to &ard eopper
Manual Bending Machine
How To Use...
. \::.:t::-: --rrpFer tube slzes...1il"-1 3/4"
.3::i.:: ::;ri: R=lD (-1 times the diameter Easy fo operate and perfecf bendfng
:: : t:i: :;ie,
. \l:\-::-;r- bending angle... 1 80"
. \\ :::l:. .l I kSs ( $ ith Stand)
. J.:giri \\ hen using tripod...740mm
o \\ ei_qht oi machitre...gkg (without stmd)
a S.i .ontents...machine unit, handle, tripod
o Can use in construction sites where there is
no electricity.
.Fomrers and guides tre sold separately.

Set Copper Pipe Just turn the handle

ELECTRIC Bending Machine Bending Former...4D

hlLlT Specification )
Applicable Copper Pipe Size.
1t2-2 l ts(2.70-5s.sili
Maximum Bending Angle...180'
Bending Radius...R=4Dl3D

Iten no Cooper I'ipe Si:.t Bcntlutg Rudius CEts1" )

TA5r 5-4K 1t2(12.70\ 50.8 39.87
TA5t5-5K s/8(1 5.58) 63.5 45.84
TA5r 5-6K 3/4(19.05) 76.2 59.81
Easy ta operafe and perfect bending r4515-7K 7t8(22.23) 69.7
TA5t 5-8K 1(25.40\ 101 .6 79.75
Itentt.. TA5l5EG-220 TA5r 5-9K 1 1/8(28.58) 114.3 89.72

*Applicable Copper Pipe ...1 l2-2 118 TA5t5-10K 1 1t4131.75\ 127 99.69
*Bending Radius...R=4D (4 times of the pipe diameter), TA5l5-t I K 1 3/8(34.93) 139.7
R=JD t I times ol the pipe dirmeter)
QMaximum Bending Arrgle... 1 80' TA5t 5-l2K 1 1/2(38.10) 152.4
*Majn Unit Size / Weight520x210x410mm/57kg
6Power Supply...220V.5A,900W TA5t 5-t 3K 1 5/8(41.28) 129.6
*Bending Former and Guide me available as option. TA5t 5-t 4K 1 3t4(44.45\ 177.8 139.57
TA5t 5-t 5K. 2(50.80) 156.99
TA5t 5-t 6K. 1 1/8(53.98) 216 tbv.5b
Pipe Supporting Stand for Bendintg Machine
*Bending Radius...4 times of the pipe diameter (4D)
ttnr, ru. f A51 5PY Muimum Bending Angle... 1 80'
For TA5l5EG.TA5l5
xTA5 I 5- I 5K and TA5 15- I 6K are only for TA5 15EG.

of bendfn g long copper pipe !! +Only TA515-16K is made from iron but others are made from aluminum

CEasy ta wsrg( even one person lI

Ctrasy ta carry with foldin&t sfand. Back Former
Two Side Guide... One Side Guide..,
TA51 5-345-TA51 5-2045 TA51 5-3055-TA51 5-41 0S

- - l

TA5r 5-345

Two Side Guide

TA5r 5-3065
TA5r 5-4005

Expander Kit Power Expander Kit
ttn"r"n. f4525 tnr ru. f A525C

4 .,-.,-;."*.;';{ffi *Expander main unit

*Heads...3/8", I 12', 518', 314', l' "
***'-**-';-.;,&R (Contents)
tMain body
.Head .i7e5...3 8 . l/2'. 5/8'. .\/4 .j/8,, t"

.--- *Deburing tool.
&Head size option...available from ll1,718
1.t/8 - 2
aRemer. hexagonal spanner.
aCanf in-s case...405 x 160 x 54 mm
(Specitlcarion )
aFor annealed copper tubes.
*Main bodl iength...400mm
sMain bodl seight...8i5g
tHead option...1.1/8" - 1.3/4" available
For Perfect Operation option.

O De-burr. @ Put the tip of the expander head, O, Fully insert the expander head @) Release the power once, rotate the copper pipe a
and expand the copper pipe a into the copper pipe, and expand little and fully expand. Finish!
Iittle. half .


Oil Hydraulic L type Expander Kit

ttrm u,'. IA525PM

Specif ications

.Appltcable Co_pper Pipe Size

-e-l 3Turn the Hydraulic Knob 4 Expand copper oioe bv
L205 x lW45 x HI65 mm to'CLOSE" position gribping rd€j EiphnOei
':'Exoa.cei'Head Size Handle few time.
'-,r1 5 Detache the copper
. -, / a pipe lrom the Expander
Set Contents a', a aa a as cDi on
ff31"f,['il?ii8 "i3
o =J",33'''J"-l
Expander Head(For TA525, TA525PM) job
"?t ".., " "
New Expander Head 1/4!!
Item no. Si;e Si:r Itent no. Siza
T4525-2 1,/+', r4525-7 t./t" I4525-12
TA525-3 TA525-8 TA525-l 3
r4525-4 r4525-9 11./s" I4525-14
TA525-5 TA525-r 0 r ./t" TA525-15
r4525-6 TA525-r r tj./s" I4525-1 6 ) | ,/,''

TASCO Swaging Tool Kit Applicable Copper Pipe Size.....1/4-'3/4(6.38-19.05 mm)


1rc,,,,,,, TA550AF

ULTRALIGHT with Aluminum Main Bodv

and Aluminum Clamp Bar
Only 5909 !!


!Lt,!j:lt,!: cS!!:l_Pipc ..._ 1 1. I E .II .

-i,8 . 3/4
Main L nir.Clamp Bar.Cmrying Case
Ssa-sing Head...
Set Conten.t.r
r For Both l,'-1 and 3/8 xi Piece.
5/16 . i/2 ..5/8 . 3/4x I Pieceeach

Standard Size of the Flare Nut & the T, Wrench

@ R410A/R32
Cracks in the flare nut fhe st#r**i* $!ae *!

1.6 times higher in pressure than R22
due to overtightening-
There is a high danger of
causing gases to leak
from the flared parts.
the fi*r* n*t hxs
$eccf1+ i3f.:l+1 '!i,i ti,J:":.
S*r :l*: :4. '?*i*r*
F*r $l*: t? '?S*:ru

General High-precision Torque Wrench

ttetn no. Flare Nut (Riigeration Si:e) Culiber (wt) xTiShteninsTorque Nhn (kgflcn) Length (runr)

IA771B 1t4" 17 x 17.6(180) 220

IA771H 3/8" 22x 41.1(420)

TA771L 24 x 53.s(550)

IA771R 27 x75.0(765)

IA77\S 3t4" 36x110.0(1122)

*We recommend you using TAl'718 and TA771H for the new refrigerant
system 1/4" and 3/8", respectively.

no. Flare Nut
Item I Refi iperqtion Si:.e) Cqliber lnnl) x TiRhtenin! Tarque Niilt lkgflcill) Lengtlt (runt )

rA771L-2 1t2" 26 x 5s.9(s50)

TA771R-2 5/8" 29 x 75.0(765)

*Painted pink (R410A refrigerant color)

$Use general torque wrenches for 114",3/8", and 3/4"

High-precision Torque Wrench Kit (1/4", 3/8")

tt"* nu. IA771BH
.& Used for both the new and conventional refrigerant systems.
6TA771B...1/4"(17mmX 17.6N' m)
$TA77IH...3/8"(22mmX zl1.1N m)

rp,, nn. f A771LR-3

*Special kit for the new refrigerant R410A system.
eT A'7'7 1L-2...1 12"(26mm X 53.9N m)
*TA77lR-2...5/8"(29mm X75.0N m)

Torque Wrench Kit (1/4", 3/8", 1/2")

tt"n rn. f A771FC
* A set of 3 torque wrenches for 1/4", 3/8", and R410A 1/2' .

"S TA771B...1/4"(17mmX 17.6N' m)
?ryI * TA77iH...3/8"(22mmx 41. 1N m)
"--,*n-a * TAll lL-2...1/2"(26mm X 53.9N ' m)
SAE Nut Wrench - Duct Cutter
: ltem no.
ttrr, ro. IA643AD
TAZ33TA-I 17x22 eLengthL.3l0m
TA733TA-2 *Cutting ability...INABA (SD77, SD100,
32x36 LD7O,LDgO, MD75N *MD75N)
TAZ33TA-3 *PANASONIC (DASo60, DASo80, DAS0 r 0)
TA733TA 4 26X29(R41 0A,832) . INOAC(DD6O, DD75, DDIOO)
* INABA's MD75N can be cut by attaching
TA733TA.5 TA643AD-1.
*Replacement blades (1 each) TA6,13AC-10)
*It is durable with forging

Compact A/C Cleaner with Tank Case
trr,,, nn. f A352G-220

!v\!l!:l'tl:- i lllq \8 25!psl!ry!e1ls!t1

YY'":!!:'ryll: tlly|-.- i 1.a5 t,/min(.l0&11,1-rf ll,n(!!r - ,'- . -..
Powcr 220V,/80W(50,/6OH7\
sitll?.c111 Y?to l??q!l n?I-.T.r 1t\,q
llll.t Single-acrion Plunger punlp
Main Body, Suction Filter. Dirain Hose. Suction Hose
.\at Ct)nt?ntt
I tlglfBryT{g !glqQm), Gun . Canving Tank Case
CCompact cleaner with Medium Pressure Specification
ili ., ;<s4
which suitable for room A/C cleaning !!
) S e lf-co nta i n ed Syste m
)Carrying Case can be used as Tank.
* Can not connact to watsr service directly
CLight Weight 4.8 Kg
Cleaning Job
Easy to. use Medium Pressure Cleaner which is jard to damge Aluminum Fin

Wide Straight
Accesso ri es fo r TA3 52G -220
Short Lance Gun Flexible Lance gun
rtr. rn. f 4352-1 ttem",,. T4351-f6
*Length...360m eLength...390mm
$Material...Outer: SUS
,., .
, \,-f
_. _ni,. ."
: .Ii:11i,:'.il?"":lili;,lJ,,,il",ijil,?,,,,-'

Coupler for TA352G-220 Discharge Hose for Cleaner

Item rut Itetn rttt. Length
Female Coupler Male Copler
(Gun side)
TA35t -26 .. .{-'-1 TA35t-2
, ,/a
- Slide TA35r -26P .., TA35r-10
TA35t -265 Female TA35r -20
*a---'iljlu l*a
et G,
&Pressure-resistant...3000MPa 435PSl *..*_1;',; sCan be used as extension hose
slt is enable to connecl nozzle etc much

Compact High Pressure A/C Cleaner rtentuo IA352DC-220

Pump Pressure...3.4MPa
Water Discharege Amount...7.0 l,/ min i.6OHz

['utnp Pres.sttre
!J )!:t! ::t- o ::!: :,: "
: 1,1: :!t:!

.5i:r lt t,i llri

:t:::"itt.1i!ti11 P,!ll!ll


Cleaning Sheet for Wall Hanging
Si:.e Si:.e(W/, D\ H)

TA9l8A-t Small 880X400X400mm

TA9r 8A-2 Middle 11 00X450X450mm
TA9l8A-3 Large lsooxasoxasomm
TA9'l 8A-4 Extra Large 1800X4s0X450mm
eDedioxining Film(EMMA)
$Sheet with rubber enable to install by single operation
(TA9l8A-3 and 4 ile stdng type.)

XNeed'FupPort filting
(TA91BA-10] X2

Support Fifiing
Iton no. ltern rr. TA9l 8A-10
*One piece
sDepending sheet size, please use 2 or 3 pieces of materila
support fitting.
*Can not be used if there is no space betrveen rvall and A/C.

Cleaning Sheet Ceiling Cassette Type

Itent trt (l:l:11)
TA9t 8B-',r Small 900X900mm
TA9r 8B-2 Middle 800X'l250mm
TA918B-3 Larqe 800X1 600mm
TA9l8B-4 Extra Large 8ooXlaoomm
6Dedioxining Film(EMMA)
&Easy installationl Four conners rvith rubber hook.


A/C Masking Sheet Flat Nose Plier

rtn*nn. IA918AY tr"rr,,n. IA746f A
Use 6 Length... I 60mm
Prevent fouling rvhile room A/C repair and &Tip Width...20mm
maintenance *Please use it tbr tix of Auminum fin.
qtta i*qd.;:r, &Can be used for fin of short pitch with thin
Specif ications
sMain Body Size...H l520mm x W 2160mm
Ooeninr Size...
cH'J0{)(' 1,10)mm I \\800( x,+0)m
F:='-=i -
) is Maximum Outstretched Size
lirt*"i .ii"ri Sur{ace:PPt.-on-rvoven(Deep i1@
Blue Color.l
fr Buck Surlace:PtT Sheetl Silr er Colorl Tip Shape

r0r' ' ''

Suction Cleaner How tCI I le.a

lror, rr. TA9l SSW
O Attach to drainage hose and
&To attach on ends of drainage or outlels to push-pull 2-3 times.
get rid of clogs.
*For 14mm or l6mm drain hose
drainage hose

@ Takes away the clogs in prpes @ No more clogsll

Thermal Anemometer Item tto. 5tot

with Dumbbell-Shaped Sensor TA4'I I DA

Temporary Data Storage
Temportry Data Srorage/Consranr Data Storage

The world's first handy type anemometer

withd u m bbel I -sh aped sensor.
Wi de-An g le Detecti o n Area :
Horizontal 360-degree all-around / Vertical gO-degree
Anemometer capable of highly precise &
rapid measurement on conditions of zephyr(0.06m/s)
& unstable wind direction.

Cut airflow causes measuremenl noise

'E6Q-degree all-around


'\ -z- Eensor

Cut airflow causes measurement noise

Purpose of Use
6Measuring wind velocity (air volume)
of air conditioner & air duct Maintenance of Sensor
*Maintenance of air conditioner
6Measuring wird velocity and air oill -"-*^
Measuring dusr1. dirry and
r){ t V
" /}
temperature & volume of air duct grime ffi$6
air u irhour borhi'ring e
*Measuring wind velocity of air outlet
oPerformance inspeclion ol air
cMonitoring rvind velocity and energy
WO ffiqO
saving performance Eil
+Monitoring wind velocity of air inlet Conecting wind direction in use of vane type
and hot-wilr type

Spare Parts Soltware

Temporary Data Storage TA411DA
Recording the curent reading of <wind veloclty and air temperature>/<rvind Outputting the CSV file
velocity md air volume> by pressing ISTORE] button
A maximum number of 99 data records can be stored TA411DB
Outputting the CSV file and graphing data
Time Constant Data Storage (TA411DB) *Software download from Homepage
TA411DB cm automatically record consecotive data on the interval by setup
Start of record
= Stop = Resume by pressing ISTART/STOP] button

ltlerr'rting ll4crlt,Ll Temperature Wind vclocitl Air volume D u mbbell-Sh aped Sensor
- _
Maawring Object I eir

trou, u,,. IA411D-1P

E:,":ylS:,,f]:!!!, __ I ,rzC l
Re.spooe Tinrc l
Extendable Rod
Mqtinurn Nuntber oJ Doto Stordge i fA41 1DA:Temporary Data: 99

i fe+11DB:Temporary Data: 99 Time Constant Data:15.000

Pot, r Sttpl'lt
Si:e lnfurntatictn

Ntt Weight
l-5_v__(AA)-x 6 Baueries (8

Main unit: I 95 x 90 x 35m

Hq!ry4E!ry9!_I."yJlgcgg ss:.ilrsil,r"lryt_
Sensor Rod : 9mm x 260mn Cable: 4mm x 2000mm
Approx. 520g (Sensor Rod, Batteries Inclusive)

Standard ql Woterproof & DustproctJ' Mry gqt_t ll9i !:ry"*"d.lryl,_ rt"", ,o. f A411D-15
M!tv!!y!!!_ Auto Po!ver-Off. Backlit. Hold Button Function 6Length...225- 1080Im
$Extendable Rod is enable to rtreasure
M3,, ,rlL q9q9l
] \S$.cgyIC tqfrBjjlgqg!. U-SB Cables, Handy Straps, User's Manual
easily and safely at high place,narrow
place and out side of window.




€E!!@ High accuracy and the fast respanse gives yau
the satisfying authentic temperature measurement.

Convenient in narrow spaces or

when you only have one hand to use.

Surface senso(TA4 l 0-1 )

Fits comfortably in your hand. Easy to
operate with just your thumb when only
have one hand to use.

Water-proof designed to protecl the

thermometer from everyday usage. Can be
When in need to measure in a recessed
used outside where water may splash onto
space or when you need to see the it anytime, anywhere.
temperature display at hand,
the extension cord comes in handyll

ONew type CPU is installed in the circuit board.

OMaximum value, minimum value and average
3 samplings are taken every secondlll value can be displayed in a split second.
Various sensors which fulfills all needs
Detects minute temperature changes
for every working site. The connection and quicklv displays the results. Modeswitchingbulton
is designed specially for sensors that @
Can chaage from normal measurement display to
need to be connected directly, and for maximum *minimum-average value.
sensors that need to be connected to
the extension cable.
@ Hotd button
Holds reas.'erenl display. ald also needed
when delerminlng a function oplion.

Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Digital Thermometer Air Sensor (Ouick-response Type)
Standard Kit ne-"o. f A410-3

@%. tt"n
c Resolution...0. I '11

$Measurement raree...-50.0C '.' +1200C

* Sensor measuremeit range...-50.0C
STndication orecision
nter n a I -te m peratu re S e n so
a TemDerature ranse...50 --
a I ln snane

Sensor filament


{cceptable'enor range rdg L l{i3 I
Temperature coe[[icient -! 0.o4oool' FS/1 rto*.,". IA4fO-2

$Sampling cycle...3 times per second
c Col J iunition qompensa^tion precision... .-'
+0.506 (at 25-L + 10.0L) tTemperature rmge... 100 500C
$Power 006p battery
*Batterv life...more than 100 hou$ cotrtinuous use ,UO-G (
a<m {'Controls...POWER. HOLD. MODE

&Operating environment...0-40c' 20-.' 287oRH

(provided there is no dew condensation)
Air Sensor with Extendable Rod
oWeight...Approx. 1809 rtenno. IMl0-3DX
oC)uter dimension:...185 x 35 x 2lmm
(Contents) tTemperature range...-50-200C
sMain unit...l aMinimum 1ength...23cm
tSurfaie sensor... I (-50+200f , *Maximum Iength...1 1Ocm
cExtension compensating wire(4 d x 1000)...1 $Cord length...140cm
aStorage crse...l
aThe high-precision cold joint compensation circuit has made the themofieter highly TA410-3DX Air Sensor with Extendable
precise especially within the air conditioning temperature range (30 .. 100L). Rod is most suitable to measuring
aShorl response time ensures quick operation. temperatures at the ventilator of the
Vtrious types of sensor are available according to difl'erent applications. ceiling A/C system.
&The sensoi and the main unit can be connected either directly or by a connecting cord.

Digital Thermometer Standard Kit Digital Thermometer Deluxe Kit

lncluding Air Sensor
rtn^ ,o.IA41)AX rt"-"o.TA41]BX
{'-.--' . .'-.'-',- r (Contents) ,-'- -.' * '- -'::*'l
A',. (Contents)
ffi@ .Thermometer (TA4l0-1 l0)
3Extension compensating wire (TA4l0-4)
tsurface sensor (TA4l 0-1 )
*Air sensor (TA410-3) -
Y , ,.,:;;.:::,-::..,
rThemo4eter (TA4 l0- I l0)
a E\lensiori compensating wire (TA4l0-,+)
aSurface sensor (TA410-1)
*Air sensor with extendable rod(TA4lO
$Cmying case (TA410AB-30) 3DX)
;7\ *Sens'or i-emperiture range: -50
- +200C
Jo-,-_. *Carrying case (TA410AB-30)
*Thls themometer deluxe kit is a MUST

have included the most suitable and

-LJ {F
most frequently used air sensor inside this
perfect aii conditioner installation kit. :=
for air conditioner installing workers.

Dual Channel Digital Thermometer rtn*"n. IA410EA
with Printer
Highly Precise Measurement-Record-Print Out
The device perform needed functions.
Specif ications
*Measuring Range of Sensor: -200-+1370C(K Type), -200-+760C(J Type)
*Enor Range of Sensor: t(0.1 7o of reading)+0.8C
{Measurlng Resolution of Sensor: 0.1 C
o Sampling Interval: Ts ice/\econq
,)Maximum Number of Data Storage: 32,000
tStorage Environment: -10-+60C, 0-807oRH
aOperating Environment: 0-+50C, 0-807oRH
.Power Supply: 1.5V(AA) x 6 Alkaline Batteries
aBattery Duration: Approx. 10 days (Printer on 60 seconds interval)
o Size of Themal Paper: 58mm x 1 Im
. Size & Net Weight of Device: 242 x 98 x 42m / 5809

iThemometer Unit x 1
aK-T\pe Themrocouple x 2
.Conrersion Plug (TASCO TA,1l0 Series
Connector) r

oSotis ue(CD-ROM) x I
oUSB Cable x 1
aThemal Paper x 3
. -\ikaline Bafteries x6
oLser's \Ianual: 1

o Cam ins Case r i Carying Case

Print Out Data On-site Data Logger Function Spare Parts

Manually print out current reading data and Maximum Number of
Automatically print out interval data by setup Data Storage:32,000 Printing Paper (10 Rolls)
The inner memor) autLrmairc:ilr re.'..rc:
Sample lmage
Start of Recording (Day)
Mar.:1.000 datr on inltn rl hr

Therma I Data M a na g eme nt

on PC
It is ven useiul for rhemai data management to
read data on thc connectins ctrndition of the
der ice and PC.
rtemno. fA410EA-20
Stream of data lch Various Thermocouple
Stream of data 2ch K-Type & J-Type
T h e r m oco u p I e-co mpl i a nt
It is very usetul to compare graph charts of data \Ianr choices from TASCO TA410 Series
simultaneously measured. Connector and Mini OMEGA PIug depending
The device can pring out text data on the situation of the necessities in the

Quad Channel Digital Thermometer rtr-rn. fA41]WC

K Type Mini OMEGA Plug Ouad Channel (Simultaneous 4-Point
Measurement System) Data Logger Function
It is very useful to compare themal data simultmeously measured on display.

einput: K-Type Themocouple 4ch
$Connector: Mini OMEGA Plug
c Mer.uing Rrn ge ot Se n.or:-200-- I J70f I K Typc )

e Error Rrnge ol Sen.or: (0. I oo oI rerd ingl-0.7'C

*Measuring Resolution of - Sensor: 0.1 C
dMaximum Number of Data Storage: 16,000 x 4ch
aRecortling lnterral: l. - 59m5as
*Operating Environment: 0-+50"C , 0-807oRH (Dervless)
&Storage Envirorment: -20-+60"C, 0-707oRH (Dervless)

-n\ a} &Power Supply: 9V(006P) x I Alkaline Batteries

*Battery Duration: Approx. 80 hours

6Size ofDevice: 196 x 65 x 36mnr

{'Net Weight of Device: 285g (Batteries Exclusive)
*Major Features:Reading of Maximum./Minimum./Average,Data Logger Function, Backlit

1 Roo, T"rp"ratrru
(Air lnlet of Air Conditioner)
2 Air Outlet Temperature o,f Air Conditioner
Contents *USB Cable x 1
3 Outside Temperature
aThermometer Unit x 1 sAlkaline Batteries 4 Air Outlet Temperature of Outdoor
rK-Type Thermocouple x 2 &Carrying Case x 1 o.
. Air Conditioner
Software(CD-ROM) *UsersMmualx1 o

(I) lnspection Certificate (C) Calibration Certificate (T) Traceability System
A seprate fee is required fbr each document.
Mini OMEGA Plug Tht,rnncouple T.tpe Strtrctural Druwing

tre,, ru. IA410F-70 Highly precise measurement
r(D (c) (r) because of pressure by spring
$Temp.:0-+700C mechanism

Ccd Length=1m

rt".,o. IA410F-71
1 'X .$(r) (c) (r)
L-form of TA410F-70
*Temp.:0-+700"C -/V\
l A/-/-
Cord Length=1 m

tt",, 74410F-72 Measure internal temperature
"u. ,f
*(r) (c) (r) of object by piercing

Cord Length=1 m

i1.0 Flexible thermocouple is used
rt"n,,u. IA4lOF-73
4(r) (c) (T) E
sTemp.: -200-+650C

High Temp.
44.8 rt",,,n. TA4lOF-74 ,- High lemperature measuremenl
L o^^
$(r) (c) (r) in very small & narrow space
*Temp.: -200-+800C

Cord Length=1 m

Pasting by heat-resistant tape
tt"r,,,u. f A410F-19 Pasting by
heat-resistant tape
eTemp.: -30-+200C

Cord Length=3m

Air Temp.
l\ileasure at air outlet of air
rr"r, no. IA41OF-16 conditioner and place hand
can not reach
eTemp.: -50-+200t
Ssensing Station

rr",,rn. fA410WA-i0 rten no. f AAf0WA-l5A rt",,,r. IA410WA-l58
r.! @1: -.-,- *Cord Length=S00mm *CordLength=15OOmm *Cord Length= I 500mm
i,.,.-.,, & '-o rr r l=0.:: & d -O.32
"r'*_1 .Couiii,u=ctu.' wo.t e iorering=Cerumic *Covering=Tet'lon PF
e(r) (c) (T) &o) (c) (T) *(r) (c) (T)
*Temp.: -20-+250C sTemp.: -20-+400! *Temp.: -20-+250C
sHigh temperature measurement *High temperature measurement *High temperature measurement
in very small & nmow space in very small & naffow space in very small & nmow space

TASCO Female Plug

Cord=d4 x 400mm
Conversion Adapter
ttn, u.n. TM10-4F
4Conversion adapter to TASCO plug series

Cord Length=1 m

(I) Inspection Certilicate (C) Calibration Cerlificate (T) Traceability System
A sepilate fee is required for each document.
Mini OMEGA Plug 'I
lternutcctuple Ttpe 5tn!(tur0l Dr0titlg

rt"r, nu. IA410F-70 Highly precise measurement
(c) (T) because of pressure by spring
eTemp.:0-+7001) mechanism

Card Length=1 m

tt",,,ur. f A410F-71
so) (c) (r) L-lorm of TA41 0F-70

Cord Length=1 m

trn, n,,. f A410F-72 Measure internal temperature
s(I) (C) (T) of object by piercing

Cord Length='1m

61.0 Flexible thermocouple is used
3oo-- l=ffi,.= tt,,u,,",. TA4lOF-73
$(t) (c) (T)
*Temp.: -200-+650t
t', for various purposes

High Temp.
t:_ .

800 '1-3"=
rro.,". TA4lOF-74
6(r) (c) (T)
I! High temperature measuremenl
in very small & narrow space
&Temp.: -200-+800'C

Cord Length=1 m

Pasting by heat-resistant tape
tt". u,,. f A410F-19 Pasting by
heat-reslstant tape
eTemp.: 30-+200'C

Cord Length=3m

Air Temp.
Measure at air outlet of air
rtru, no. TA41OF-16 conditioner and place hand
can not reach
6Temp.: -50-+200'C
SsensinO Station

rr",, ,o. TA410WA-.I0 trn,,u,. fA410WA-l5A rt",,,u. f A410WA-l58
, j' &: -,--,. * Cord Length=800mm sCord Length=1500mm +Cord Length= I 500mm
-. ',r,,i.! ]\: ': 'i e.-1.:,,-., & I=ozz
sCovering=Glass Wool
* d=o:z
* Covering=Ceramic
$ d) =o.32
q Covering=Teflon PF
&o) (c) (T) e(l) (c) (T) e(i) (c) (T)
*Temp.: -20-+250C $Temp.: 20-+400C &Temp.: -20-+250C
*High temperature measurement &High temperature measurement 6High temperature measurement
in very small & nanow space in very small & nmrow space in very small & narow space

TASCO Female Plug

Cord=d4 x 400mm
Conversion Adapter
tt"n, ru. I4410-4F
*Conversion adapter to TASCO plug series

Cord Length=1 m

(I) Inspection Certificate (C) Calibration Certificate (T) Traceability System
A sepuate fee is required for each document.

Hygro-Thermometer with Data Logger rte*"o. fA411PC (r) (c) (r)

Ispecif icationsJ
Meusuring Rtutge oJ Sensor OTemperatu re ...-20-+7 0"C OHu m id ity...0'1 OO%R H
ODew-point temperature...-20-+60C Ctd
Measuring Resolutiort oJ Sensor OTemperature...0.1 C OHumidity...O. 1 %RH
ODew-point temperature...0. 1'C
En'or Rartge oJ Sertsor QTemperature...+O.sC
OHumidity... +
2.Oo/"(1 O-90%) +4.g%(other)
Op e rarin g Ert' i r o nm e nt 0-+40c 10'90%
Stot'a ge Ern'ironntenl -10-+60c 10-750/"
Maximum Nunber oJ Data Storage 16,000/each (Temperature and Humidity)
Tinte ltttenal o.f Recording 1s- 59m59s
p,,rt1r Strppl.r 9V(006P) Alkaline Battery (Continuous Duty: Approx.B0h)
Size & Net l\'eight ln_fbnrutrion Main Unit: 185 x 65 x 36mm, Probe: / 15 x g4mm,
Extension Cable: 1m, 2859(Battery exclusive)
-\Iaittr Fettures Reading of Maximum/Minimum, Hold Button Function,
Backlit, Auto Power-Off, Data Logger Function
Cortiert! s Main Unit, Probe, Extension Cable, Software, USB Cable,
9V(006P) Alkaline Battery, User's Manual, Carrying Case

lCunenr re:drng on displal

aRrsJin: oi \larinum \Iinimum. Hold Button
Standard Device of Adjusting Func:r..n. {u:(r Po\r er-OtT
.\lanrnrn \untrer..i Dau Srorase: 16.000/each
TA411PC Humidity
TA4l I PA-21
no. Standard
a\t, n::r: ;: iJ -itr hi .,,nriare 'capable ol
aon\ 3ii:.i. s E\CFI i,-mer,

Digital Sound Level Meter Solar Thermometer

rt"*"o. TMl SCE
cFrequency Range...20H '.- 80KHz
oMeasuing Range...32 .-. 1 30dB
''Frequency Weighting...A or C
oMicrophone...l/2 inch electric condenser microphone
oDigital Meter...4 digits, Resolution :0. I dB. Samplin_r Rate 0.5 sec
*Analog Meter...30 bars Resolution : 3dB. Samplin-e Rate 0.1 sec
tTime Weighting...FAST or SLO\\'
Sl-evel Range...LOW: 30-.90dB \{ID:50..' tlOdB / HI:70--. 130d8
3Accuracy... t 1.4dB
oDynmic Range...60dB rt"*"o. IAAOSGA
$Alum Fucrtion...OVER:Over Measurin-e Range
UNDER :Under Measuring Range
aMeasuring temperaLure rrnge... 50 150 degree,
oBattery...9V (006P) tResolution...0.lf-(-lq.q I50f), lfL-50 -20Tr
oBattery Liie...Approx 6h rr ith Al}ialine Battery oAccurac\...-
" l.5fr-lq.9f l50f )
aoperation Environment...Temperature: 0 . +40C / Humidity:10 ..-907oRH /
i 2.5f r-501- .zofr
tSize...40 (L) x 100 (W) x 15 (D) mm
*Storage Enviroment...Temperature: -10..-+60t / Humidity:10-757oRH tCord length...90cm
nSize & Net Weight...258 x 55 x 25mm/Approx 190g (Include Battery) tWorks on solr battery.
oAccessories-..OWind Prevention Sponge CUser's Manual OCanying Case aReil magnet.
tBackup battery installed
,l MAX,MIN display function.

lnspection scope with SD card

Item no Cahlc Lengrh Cable Dianeter
TA4I 8CX 1m

TA4I SCX-3M 'lomm

TA4I 8EX 'lm


aSD card Inspection Scope
,$ Interlock camera probe

*Video probe
'USB case
*Side-viewing mlnor
oMagnet catcher
*Hook catcher (TA418CX series only)
eGuide slip ball(TA4l8EX/JX only)
*AA alkaline battery x 4

Sky Lifter
trerr no. TA80l A

Max. Platform Height...3.5m

Hated Capacily...1 00kg

Convenient Use
ePonable Type High Level Workbench for Maintanace / lnstallation of Air Duct,
Piping, Lighthing and etc.

Specif ications

M:l:,1!,1.1:l::: H:iqh! I 3.5m (Min. elqllqry u9!g!L ssQmm)

Rutetl Capu<in l00ke
Si:.e lnfirnrutiort 8,10 r 300mm Leg Pillar in Usc: W60omm

Main unit, Platfom, Safty Rope. Control Valve,

Air Hose 3m x 2
. Air-compressor is required.lCoupler Connection)

Easy Operation
One-Touch Mechanism Portable Type

Folding /Unfolding leg pillar Adjusting the width of leg

by control lever pillar in safty range

Safety Mechanism Preventing Thrust-Up Control Valve with

Stahle structure Safty Valve of Platform Pressure WheelStopper

Stably Supporting Leg Secure wilh Rope Monitoring Air Pressure in One-Touch Operation
Pillars Operation

Feature...The plam-sized Hand Pump Can lift up to 100k9 Co m pact-Size&H a nd pu mp Power&

Easy Operation
WINBAG sFor lifting refrigerator, furniture, bookshelf and locker and so on
Item rut &For fixing car door or part during sheet metal coating of car,
* Substitute tor doorstop.
TA823WB 4 pieces
2 pieces lnsert WINBAG between space. Put air into WINBAG by using
TA823WB-1 It can be used i{ there is 2mm the hand pump.
TA823WGB I pieces space. It can lift up to Max 50mm

&Material...Plastic fiber cross enforcement

e Size...W160xH I 5OxD2mm
(Max thickness pat:25m)
* Withstand load... 100k9
*Light and Compact size hand pump can
lilt up to 100kg.
*Only 2mm space can be widen up to
*No need Compressor and Cylinder!
*Can work with only Hand Pump,
With Hanging hole
&So{1 cushion does not damage to

HCFC Regulation Schedule Proposed by the Montreal protocot (x)


2s 30 (Year)
*The percentagc oi consumption is based on ODP k)n

Regulation Amended in 1995

Based on the 1989 performance

January1st, 1996 or later 100% or less (5,563 ODP ton)
January1st, 2004 or later 65% or less
January1st,2010 or later 35% or less
January1st, 2015 or later 107o or less
January1st, 2020 or later Abolished (However, the refill refrigerant for the air conditioning and
refrigeration systems will be an exception for another 10 years.)

Characteristics of cFc, HcFc, HFc and Blended Refrigerants (x)

Boilino Life in the Allowable
Composition Poinl Atmnenhorr ODP GWP loncentratior
No. Component Combustibleness
Vllo/" Year Note 1 Note 2 ppm--

R11 23.8 50 1.0 4,000 1,000 ncombustible (Al)

CFC R12 -29.8 102 1.0 8,500 1,000 ncombustible (Al)

R502 R22t115 48.8151.2 -45.4 0.334 5,600 1,000 ncombustible (Al)

R 123 27.7 't4 0.02 93 10-30 ncombustible (Bl)

HCFC R124 -11.9 5.9 0.022 480 1,000 ncombustible (Al)

R22 -40.8 13.3 0.055 1,700 1,000 ncombustible (Al)

R23 -82.1 264 0 1 1,700 1,000 ncombustible (Al)

R32 -51.7 5.6 0 650 1,000 Combustible (42)

HFC R125 -48.1 32.6 0 2,800 1,000 Incombustible (Al)

R1 34a -26.3 14.6 0 1,300 1,000 ncombustible (Al

R1 43a -47.2 48.s 0 3,800 1,000 Combustible (42)

R4O4A R1251143a1134a 44t52t4 -46.5 0 3,260 1,000 Incombustible (Al/Al)

R4O7A R3211251134a 20140140 -45.5 0 1,770 1,000 Incombu$ible (Al/Al)

Blended R4O7C R32/1251134a 23t25/52 -43.6 0 1,530 1,000 lncombustible (Al/Al)

R4O7E R3211251134a 25115160 -42"9 0 1,360 1,000 Incombu$ible (Al/Al)

R41 OA R32t125 50/50 -51.4 0 1,730 1,000 Incombustible (Al/Al)

R5O7A R1251143a 50/50 -46.7 0 3,300 1,000 Incombustible (Al/Al)

R290 Propane Several

-42.1 mnnthc 0 <3 1,000 Combustible (A3)
R600a lsobutane Several
-11.7 0 <3 1,000 Combustible (A3)

Ammonia R717 -'J.r.J 14 0 <1 25 Combustible (82)

-ASHR.{E31. *'3IPCC 1995 (Irtegration period: 100 years), *+*ACGIH. WEEL, and others.
Note l: ODP=Ozore Dcpletion Potential...the coefficient u,hlch indicatcs the extent to which a particular reliigerant destroys the ozone layer. It is
also the
r a1ue. supposinr CFC- I 1= 1 .0. which indicates the extent to rvhich the ozone la1,er is affected by a paticular gas
of the same mass which hai been clischarged
into rhe atmospherc.
Note 2: GWP=G1oba1 Waming Potential...the coefficient, deflnerl on a carbon dioxide rveight basis. which is calculated by expressing integration
rvith I 00-year values.30

Prospective Alternative Refrigerants & Their Applications
Applications Refrioerants Alternative Ref rigerants

Pac<ageo R407 C (HFC32,/ 1 25,/ 1 34a=23,/ 25,/ 52)

A C Svsiems R407E, R410A, R32
Roc,'r AC Systems NCFC22 R41 oA (NFC32,/ 125=50,/ SO), R407C, R32
:J'J, -temperature R4O4A G#CIZS,/ I q3^7 134a=44,/ 52,/ 4)
Ref rigerators R5o7A (HrC1 ZS,/ I qga=SO,/ SO)
Turbo Refrigerators CFC12
HFC245ca, HFC134a

Automotive fuC Systems CFC12 HFCl 34a

CFC12 HFC134a, HC600a, HC290

Ref rigerators HCFC22

Specifications of the New & Conventional Systems

HFC Refrigerants Refriqerant
Systems Room A/C Packaged A/C I Showcase conditioning unit All systems
Refriqerants R4tOA,R32 R407C{E) R404A R507A HCtC22
Refrigerant Oil Composite oil (ester oil, ether oil) SUNISO

Designed Pressure 4.15MPa (+zt<g,/cm') 3.45MPa (sst<g,/cm')

Service Port Caliber 5/ 1 6 tlar e 1Z

( uu r-zottlt. 1
1,/q llare (Z o U N F-20M1.)

Flare Size 2nd-class JIS 1st-class JIS (Tools for the 2nd class can also be used.)

Flare Nut Size 2nd-class JIS 1st-class JIS

Thickness of 2nd-class JIS 1st-class JIS (Tools for the 2nd class can also be used.)
Coooer Pioe

Specifications of the Main Service Tools & Their Applicable Refrigerants

R4l OA,R32 R407C(E ),R404A,R507A HCFC22
(Conventional Relrioerant)

Port caliber 1/q'flare Port caliber 1/+tlare

Port caliber s,/:rlrlare A sight glass is necessary.
Gauge High-pressure gauge 3Skg/cm'z
High-pressure gauge 5.3MPa (53kg/cm' High-pressure gauge 3.5MPa
Manifold Low-pressure gauge 3.8MPa (38k9/cmzl
Low-pressure gauge 1 Skg/cm'?
Low-pressure gauge 1 .8MPa
Port caliber s,/rcllare Port caliber 1/qflare Port caliber 1/ttlare
Charging Made of nylon. Made of nylon. Made of rubber.
Hose Normal pressure S0kg/cm' Normal pressure S0kg/cm'? Normal pressure 3Skg/cm'?
Burst pressu re 260k9/cm'z Bu rst pressu r e 260kgl cn2 Burst pressure 1 40kg/cm'?
Vacuum Either the installation of a vacuum pump adapter or Conventional
Pump the use of a vacuum pump with check valve is necessary. (The new refrigerant pump can also be used,)

Conventional leak detectors

Leak All-refrigerant types Sensitivity: R41 0A=23glyr, R407C=2)glyr Sensitivity : R22=1 4gly r
Detector (Reference : R22=0.691y 11
(Reference: R41 0A=5609/yr)

Charging W26-14X s/rcflare W26-14X 1/cflare W26-14X 1/qflare

Connector cylinder) (to hose)
(to (to cylinder) (to hose) (cylinder)
Flaring New JIS standard
(The llared part has become larger.) Conventional (The new refrigerant flaring tool can also be used.)
1,/z 26nnX53.oNm (ssokgf .cm)
5/a 29nnX63.7Nm (650kgf 'cm) Conventional torque wrenches
(The other sizes are conventional.)
Red line...dividess the table by refrigerant oil.
Bed oil
Blue line.,.divides the table by designed pressure.

Composition Change of the HFC Blends Charged in Liquid & Gas Phases

70 *-- 1+
70 a
rR32 l- .-
"- i+ .

t 60 I

c tr i:1+i- -
.9 so .9 50
- ' --'l
o o

o o

t- l-
30 30

20 20

Charging ration [wt%] Charging ration [wt%]

Composition Change of R410A Charged in a Liquid Phase Composition Change ol R410A Charged in a Gas Phase

Eto t
c ;60
o o
C 940
b40 o
O (_)

20 il

020{m801m 0m406080100
Charging ration [wt%] Chargin g 'atton i-\ylra--
Composition Change of R407C Charged in a Liquid Phase Composition Change of R407C Charged in a Gas Phase

Pressure Conversions

Pa bar kgtlcmz atm mmHzO mmHg and/or Torr

1 1X10-5 1 .01972x10-5 9.86923X10-6 1 .01 972X 1 0-1 7.50062x10-3

1 X10s 1 1.01972 9.86923x10-l 1.01972x104 7.50062x102
Pressure 9.80655X104 9.80655x10-1 1 9.67841X10-1 1 X104 7.35559x1o'?
1 .01325X 105 1 .01325 1.03323 1 1 .03323x104 7.60000x1o'z
9.80665 9.80665X10-5 1 X10-4 9.67841 x1o 5
1 7.35559x1o-'z
1.33322X102 1.33322x10-3 1 .35951X10-3 1 .31579X10 1 .35951x10 1

Pressure & Other Air & Water

Values in Sl Units /Standard Proqqr rrpl Calorie & Other Values in Sl Units
Specific volume Refrigerating
1 J(Joule)=1 Ws=0.23889ca| kcal/kg=4
Pressure 1MPa= 10.1972k9f/cm' 0.8501mYkg [DA] effect 1 1 3661.1710n
Saturation air lsobaric 1 [/J=0.27778kWh=238.89kca1
Atmospheric Specific heat kcal/kg C=4.1 868kJ/kgK
l bar (bar) -0.llvPa specific heat kWh=860kcal=3.6lVJ
pressure bar I
1.006kJ/koK lDAl
Head pressure mAq=9,696650t, 1 kcal=4.1 868kJ=1,1 627Wh )verall heat transfe
Water specific l kcal/m'h C=1.163Wm'K
4.216kJlkgK 1 USRt=1 2.6607MJ/h=3.51 687kW coefficient
Vacuum l mmHg (Torr) =133.32Pa heat rc= (t+273.15) K
ce specific hea Temperature
ce melting hea' 333.6kJ/kg French
Stress l kgf/mm'=9,80665|VPa 1 USRt=1 2,6607MJ/h=3.51 687kW horsepower 1 PS=735.5W= 2.647 8MJ /l
Force 1 N=1 Pam'=0. 1 01 972k9 Evaporation 2.256MJlkg 1 JRt=1 3.9002MJ/h=3.861 1 6kW British 1 HP=745.7W=2.6845|VJ/l
latent heat horsepower
Sl units are indicated in colored letters. The product'and the denominator O are abbreviated.

Cylinders & Chargeable Refrigerants (* )

According to the revision by Ministerial Ordinance No. 28 dated on March 27th, 1998, the new containers of liquid fluorocarbons produced on
April 1st, 1998 or later are to be punch-marked with one of the following three types, FC 1, FC2, and FC3, at each level of test pressure.

Cylinders Cylinders Test Pressure (MPa) Liquef ied Fluorocarbons

R1 2, R1 34a, R500, R401 A, R401 B, R1 1 5, 841 24, R21 8,

Type FC'l 3.0
RgOOJA, R5O9A, R4O7C, R4O28,R4O4A,R4O7A, RgO1 JA
Type FC2 4.0 R5074, R402A, R407B, R1 25,R407 E,
Liquefied fluorocarbons belonging to Type FC1 .

R41 OB, R41 OJA,R41 OA, R32,

Type FC3 5.0
Liquefied fluorocarbons belonging to Types FC1 and FC2.

I How to use a gauge manifold I me name and function of the manifold
(Function)oto switch flow of refrigerant during vacuuming, fllline= 0PEN/CL0SE of valve
C Measure the The colors in the illustrations means:
.to iudge the condition of the unit = by measuring the pressure
running pressure (green colo0 indicate the vacuum
process in the circuit (measuring the saturated temperature)

of the device, I (blue color) indicate the llow of

refrigerant in the circuit
(Part Names)
High pressure
gauge (liquid )

Low pressure -
compound gauge
- low pressure
t\.\" (gas)

\. :./" air purge port

(with valve cores)
high pressure

sight glass
pressure valve
low pressure
6kr 6kr
v ffi v
to the low pressure
slde of the service Port to the high pressure
side of the service port

@Vacuum desiccation
I Guide to determine failure element of unit
make sure that
- the neeole is oointing
air conditioner Heater
Failure examples
towards the GaS Hunnlng Liquid Runnine
negattve Pressure oressure current cr rrrenl

;1 Obstruction of heat dissipation due t0

lr' I
HIGH 3REAI LOW FEW filth or short circuit

'v )tv t
:f \ Test


FEW Failure ol switch covel of the fourway valve

Failure of room heat exchanger,

JREA-I h6,i di..i^.ti^n/andothermi.

1.'" L'-"' LOW FEW LOW FEW Cloq of refrigerant cycle, not enough gar

" L -r:
rEl xPressure, current value of the unit, refrigerant differs by condition
Please check the manufacturer's user's manual
_ Ir.sPf- i Ii
Low oressu.e vatveli
' Hi:
pr2lre valve
I iI Hlgnp:es_Surevalve
-- --
/ 7- Hicn presiure valve
(0 ffi ffi ffi qry e9
Q"9 ffiffiffi 1l
il sideoftheserviceport )
1M^"ffi -

; .r.,- --,,,r- oon , I a ,r" ,r"rr, ,r* ffi.r* orr, @

@Airtight test Hi:Hish pressur" uaru"@ -ffi,,t, Make sure that the gauge needle doesn'
LotLow pressure valve stopped
Leave for 5-,I0 return to the "0" side
(ie. make sure there are no leaks)
xFor high accuracy, we recommend TAI 42E to be used
@ Filline in the refrigerant on the vacuum port side


rilmmll*illllfimEll , refrigerant cylinder

with siphon pipe
refriserant cvlinder valve 6il

all Ourglng POrI -,-i:]

Lo\,! pressure valve j f k*,,,*-. ;"'t
Open halfway and flll H t
Ncylinder without
with semi-liqulO i ,f-rr=t b" ffc"a: siphon pipe must be
IHFC must be fllled ln I
used upside-down.
lrouicl state) til I
to the refrigerant charging scale
to the low Pressur('e Calculate R22 liquid refrigerant by 20glm (when 20C)
side of the service3 port
for the inside of I /4 charging hose (from the manifold to the service port)

& How to use a gauge manifold (0
For units that only have a low pressure side(gas)

Ovacuum desiccation
make sure that the need e is pointing towards vacuum pump
the negative pressure

't ,.t \
t, ,y''' /' refrigerant cylinder
\./ / with siphon pipe
..:! . i i'. xcylinder w thout siphon pipe
--: : must be used upside-down
cylinder valve

pressure valve
vacuum reta

to the vacuum pump

to the refrigerant charging scale

@ air-tlght test

Hi:High pressure uatve l6G vacuum retaining valve Make sure that the gauge needle
@ Leavejor 5l0 *0-,
doesn't return to the side
Lo: Low pressur. r"tu"@ refrigerant cy{inrler rulu*
@ rr uruo (ie. make sure there are no leaks)
xvacuum pump stopped

@ fillins in refrigerant
E lMEfliT\TF!! vacuum prrp

(-{,, refrigerant cylinder

with siphon pipe
f' l' .
*cylrnder w thoui siphon pipe
must be used upside-down

arpurstnsporr --._-Qi cylinder valve
Lnur pressllI3 valve ,i &.*,. pressure
i,'l ]

(ora;) dkt
Opcn halfivay and lii
til reta n ng valve
fill with semi-liquid tIl
(HFC must be filled t!l
in liquid state) t*l

to the low pressure

)e port
side of the service
to the vacuum pump

to the refrigerant charging scale

Calculate the inside of I /4 charging hose (from the manifold to the service port) by:
822 liquid refrigerant by 209/m (when 20C)
B4 l 0a liquid refrigerant by I 8glm (when 20C)

Prospective Alternative Refrigerants by Appications
Saturation Pressure Type of Refrigerant Saturation Temperature(C Saturation iquid
(Mpa) R22 ffi## Rl34a R502 * ftr#6vs
0 -41.1 -52.5 -26.4 -46.6 -43.9 -5't.9 -45.5 -29.9
0.1 -25.2 -37.5 -10.1 -30.9 -28.4 -37.1 -29.4 12.7
0.2 -14.7 -27.8 0.7 -20.5 -18.1 -27.4 18.7 1.4
0.3 -6.6 -20.3 8.9 12.6 -10.3 -20.0 -10.5 7"2
0.4 0.1 -14.2 15.7 -6.1 -3.8 -13.9 -3.8 14.4

0.5 5.9 -9.0 21.6 -0.5 1.7 -8.7 2.0 20.5

0.6 10.9 -4.5 26.7 4.4 6.6 -4.1 7.1 25.9
0_7 15.5 -0.4 31.3 8.9 11.0 0 11.7 30.7
0.8 19.7 3.3 35.6 12.9 15,0 3.7 15.9 35.2
0.9 23.5 6.7 39.4 16.6 18.7 7.2 19.8 39.2
27.1 9.9 43.0 20.0 22.1 10.3 23.4 43.0
1 .'l 30.4 12.8 46.4 23.3 25.3 13.3 26.8 46.5
1.2 33.6 15.6 49.6 26.3 28.3 16.1 29.9 49.9
1.3 36.6 18.2 52.6 29.2 31.1 18.7 32.9 53.0
1.4 39.4 20.6 55.4 31.9 33.8 21.2 35.8 56.0
1.5 42.1 23.0 58.1 34.5 36.4 23.6 38.5 58.8
1.6 44"7 25.2 60.7 36.9 38.8 25.9 41.1 61.6
1.7 47.2 27.4 63.2 39.3 41.2 28.1 43.5 64.2
1.8 49.6 29.4 65.6 41.6 43.4 30.2 45.9 66.7
1.9 51.9 31.4 67.9 43.8 45.6 32.2 48.2 69.1
2 54.1 33.3 70.1 45.9 47.7 34.1 50.5 71.4
2.1 56.3 35.1 72.3 48.0 49.8 36.0 s2.6 73.7
2.2 58.4 36.9 74.4 49.9 51.7 37.8 54.7 75.9
2.3 60.4 38.6 76.4 51.9 53.6 39.6 56.7 78.0
2.4 62.3 40.3 78.4 53.7 55.5 41.3 58.7 80.0
2.5 64.3 41.9 80.3 55.6 57.3 42.9 60.6 82.0
2.6 66.1 43.5 82.1 57.3 59.0 44.s 62.5 84.0
2.7 67.9 45.0 83.9 59.0 60.8 46"1 64.3 85.9
2.8 69.7 46.5 85.7 60.7 62.4 47.6 66.0 87.7
2.9 71.5 48.0 87.4 62.4 64.0 49.1 67.8 89.5
3 73.2 49.4 89.1 64.0 65.6 50.6 69.5 91.3
3.1 74.8 50.8 90.8 65.5 67.2 52.0 71.1 93.0
3.2 76.4 52.1 92.4 67.1 68.7 53.4 72.7
3.3 78.0 53.5 93.9 68.6 70.2 54.8 74.3
3.4 79.6 54.8 95.5 70.o 71.7 5b. I 75.9
3.5 81.1 56.0 97.0 71.5 73.1 57.4 77.4
J.O 82.6 57.3 57.3 72.9 74.5 58.7 78.9
3.7 84.1 58.5 100.0 75.9 59.9 80.4
3.8 85.6 59.7 77.2 61.2 81.8
3.9 87.0 60.9 78.6 62.4
4 88.4 62.0 79.9 63.6
4.1 89.8 63.2 81.2 64.8
4.2 91.1 64.3 82.4 65.9



i:- irt
,i *l
il condenser ator #T
port i6,

pressure state



: ll
:., l:
: ll
sor. tt
service . tl
port i|lta
pressure' iquid state



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