Energy Conservation in Domestic Rice Cooking
Energy Conservation in Domestic Rice Cooking
Energy Conservation in Domestic Rice Cooking
Energy conservation in cooking rice is an important area for scientific investigation. Experiments were conducted to measure the
energy consumption during normal and controlled cooking of both unsoaked and presoaked rice using two types of domestic cook-
ing appliance, namely, an electric rice cooker and a pressure cooker. Cooking rice with controlled energy input, under pressure and
with presoaking were the three approaches, which resulted in saving of energy. Electric rice cooker was found to be the most energy-
efficient among the different combinations of cooking appliance and the types of heat source used in the study. The energy consump-
tion was much less (23–57%) compared to other methods. Prior soaking of rice generally reduced energy consumption as well as
cooking time, more prominently during normal cooking. Controlled cooking offered more savings in energy compared to presoaking
rice. Considering the energy consumption and cooking time, controlled cooking of presoaked rice was found to be the best among
the several approaches investigated. Measurement of water evaporation loss appears to be a good indirect method of assessing the
efficiency of heat utilization. Controlled energy input is another useful method that optimizes the energy utilization for cooking,
besides presoaking and pressure cooking. Controlled cooking is desirable in all types of rice cooking.
Keywords: Controlled cooking; Cooking time; Domestic cooking appliance; Energy saving; Gelatinization; Presoaking; Pressure cooking;
Rice cooking
Table 1
Experimental plan and standardized conditions for cooking rice using different types of cooking methoda
S. no. Type of cooking Method of heating Unsoaked Presoaked
Normal Controlled Normal Controlled
Standardized conditions Total waterb (g); Total waterb (g); Total waterb (g); Total waterb (g);
No. of whistles No. of whistles No. of whistles No. of whistles
1 Electric rice cooker 830 725 830 723
2 Pressure cooker Electrical stove
(a) Open cooking 706 706 706 706
(b) Pressure cooking 706; 2 706; Nil 706; 1 706; Nil
3 Pressure cooker LPG stove
(a) Open cooking (high flame) 706 706
(b) Open cooking (high + low flame) 706 706 706 706
(c) Pressure cooking (high flame) 706; 1 706; 1
(d) Pressure cooking (high + low flame) 706; Nil 706; Nil
Quantity of rice used for cooking was 296 g (moisture content 12.8% w.b.); water required to achieve 74% moisture content was 706 g; water used
for steam generation in pressure cooker was 500 g.
Total water used in the cooker container.
The moisture content of the cooked rice was determined consumption for various experiments were obtained
at five different layers from top to bottom at 1 cm apart with the LPG consumption rate and the duration of bur-
by oven-dry method. Samples at different layers were ner ON-time. These values were also verified by measur-
collected by obtaining cylindrical portion of cooked rice ing the weight of the gas cylinder before and after each
from three locations (one at the centre and two at the experimental run. Energy consumption was calculated
periphery), using an open-ended cylindrical glass tube. by multiplying the quantity of LPG consumed with its
The samples were immediately transferred in to the calorific value, 47 700 kJ/kg ( The
moisture cups for moisture estimation. amounts of water used for cooking and measurement
of water evaporation loss were as per the procedure de- Cooking in pressure cooker using an electrical coil scribed in Section
stove. Experiments were conducted to standardize the
Open cooking
cooking procedure in the pressure cooker in two modes
Normal cooking was done using two methods, (a)
(open cooking and pressure cooking) using electrical coil
keeping the LPG burner at high flame throughout the
stove and also to standardize the quantity of water re-
process [normal (high)], and (b) keeping the burner ini-
quired for steam generation (Table 1). The electric rice
tially at high flame till the vapours steadily escape
cooker container was used in these experiments as well.
through the hole on the lid of the cooker and then main-
Water evaporation loss during cooking occurred mainly
taining low flame till the rice gets cooked [normal
from the water added into the cooker for steam genera-
(high + low)].
tion that acts as a heat transfer medium and sets the
Controlled cooking was performed by keeping the
upper limit of temperature inside the cooker. A good
flame initially high till the contents of the cooker
material balance between water added for cooking and
container reached the boiling temperature and then the
moisture gained during cooking was observed. Water
burner was switched OFF. It was again switched ON
evaporation loss was obtained by measuring the amount
at low flame when the temperature fell below 90 °C.
of water inside the cooker (for heat transfer) before and
The ON–OFF cycle between the above temperature
after 10 min (resting time with the lid on) of cooking
range was continued till the cooking was completed.
with the help of an electronic balance. Electrical energy
Energy consumption, temperature, water evaporation
consumption was measured with an energy meter.
loss and total duration of cooking were measured as
Open cooking described earlier.
During normal cooking, the electrical coil stove was
Pressure cooking
switched OFF after the cooking was completed. In the
Experiments were conducted to standardize normal
case of controlled cooking, the temperature was moni-
cooking procedure in the pressure cooker with pressure
tored and heat input was controlled using the ON–
pin including the required number of whistles. During
OFF power supply of the electrical coil stove. The
pressure cooking, the burner was switched OFF soon
power ON–OFF duration was also recorded.
after the required number of whistles occurred and the
Pressure cooking cooker was removed from the stove and left undisturbed
Experiments were conducted to standardize normal for 10 min.
cooking procedure in the pressure cooker with pressure Controlled pressure-cooking performed by control-
pin including the required number of pressure releases ling the energy input within the specified temperature
(whistles). The electrical coil stove was switched OFF range as described earlier. Fuel consumption, tempera-
soon after the required number of whistles occurred ture, water evaporation loss and total duration of cook-
and the cooker was immediately removed from the stove ing as well as burner ON(high and low)–OFF duration
and kept undisturbed for 10 min (Table 1). were measured as described earlier.
Controlled pressure cooking of unsoaked rice in pres- All the experimental runs were carried out in dupli-
sure cooker was performed by controlling the power cate and practically no difference was observed in the
supply to the electrical coil stove according to tempera- energy measurements (±1%).
ture (between 100 °C and 90 °C) of the contents as de-
scribed earlier.
3. Results and discussion Cooking in pressure cooker using a LPG stove.
Experiments were conducted to standardize the cooking 3.1. Hydration of rice
procedure and the amount water required for steam gen-
eration in the pressure cooker in two modes (open cook- The initial moisture content of the raw rice was 12.8
ing and pressure cooking) with LPG stove. The rates of (% w.b.). Hydration curve of rice (Fig. 1) shows that the
LPG consumption at high flame and low flame positions water absorption during soaking increased rapidly up to
of the burner were determined. The amounts of LPG 30 min. Thereafter the rate of absorption decreased and
30 1.3 the case of presoaked rice. Gelatinization, marked by
swelling of starch granules and increase in viscosity of
Moisture content (% w.b)
Moisture content 0.7 1959). The initial rate of absorption in presoaked rice
20 Absorption rate was very high, which may be due to the fact that presoa-
ked rice had already attained near equilibrium moisture
0.3 content that facilitated rapid cooking of the grain in the
0.1 initial stages. Presoaking also leads to fissures on the
10 -0.1
grain surface facilitating easy access of additional water
0 60 120 180 240 300 required for further cooking.
Soaking time (min) Many researchers have observed that presoaking of
rice before cooking reduces the cooking time. Presoa-
Fig. 1. Hydration curve of rice.
king results in homogenous gelatinization of starch
and a tasty rice with a soft texture (Matsumoto, 1970).
While unsoaked grain becomes coated with a gelatinized
attained an equilibrium (moisture content 27% w.b.)
layer, which probably reduces the heat and mass trans-
after 1 h of soaking. The moisture content of rice re-
fer into the grain, resulting in half-boiled rice with the
mained almost the same between 2 and 5 h of soaking
cores neither swollen nor completely gelatinized. Santos
and practically, there was no further absorption of
et al. (1980) reported that a mean saving of 7 min was
water in rice grain (Fig. 1). The hydration behaviour
obtained for two different rice-water proportions (1:1
was generally similar to the earlier studies conducted
1/2 and 1:1 1/3) using electricity, and an average saving
with raw rice of indica variety (Sowbhagya & Ali,
of 5 min was obtained with LPG by soaking the rice for
1991; Swamy et al., 1971). By looking at these results
an hour. Sowbhagya and Ali (1991) reported that pres-
on rate of absorption, it was decided to stick to 30
oaking at room temperature for 15 min for raw rice and
min of soaking for studying the effect of soaking on rice
2–3 h for parboiled rice reduced the cooking time by
50% for raw rice and 25–40% for parboiled rice com-
pared to unsoaked rice. Hirannaiah, Bhashyam, and
3.2. Cooking in excess water (unsoaked and presoaked
Ali (2001) reported that presoaking of Basmati rice re-
duced the cooking time from 20 to 10 min, when cooked
in excess water.
Preliminary experiments revealed that the moisture
The reduction in total cooking time of presoaked rice
content of rice cooked in excess boiling water was
could be due to the swelling of the rice grains (Santos
74% (w.b.). Unsoaked rice took 15 min for cooking
et al., 1980). Swelling upon hydration is a characteristic
and during the process the moisture content increased
property common to starches and proteins. A solid
from 12.8% to 73.2% (w.b.). Presoaked rice took only
swells when it takes up a liquid and at the same time
9 min for cooking under similar conditions and the
(a) it does not lose its apparent (microscopic) homoge-
moisture content rose from the initial value of 27.1%
neity, (b) its dimensions are enlarged, (c) its cohesion
to 74.4%. Moisture content of rice was plotted against
is diminished, and (d) it becomes soft and flexible (Katz,
cooking time (Fig. 2). The water absorption was gradual
1933). Rice, whose nitrogen-free extract is mostly starch,
for both unsoaked and presoaked rice, but more rapid in
therefore, has the ability to imbibe water. Moreover, if
starch granules are soaked for some time before heating,
gelatinization begins at a lower temperature (Santos
et al., 1980).
Moisture content (% w.b)
Results showed that presoaked rice cooked in less
65 time (9 min) compared to unsoaked rice (15 min). There-
fore, parallel experiments were conducted with soaking
55 as a pretreatment step throughout this study, along with
experiments of unsoaked rice.
45 Moisture (unsoaked)
Moisture (presoaked)
3.3. Cooking in electric rice cooker
0 4 8 12 16 Data on energy consumption, water evaporation loss,
Time (min)
total duration and power-ON time during normal and
Fig. 2. Changes in moisture content of unsoaked and presoaked rice controlled cooking of unsoaked and presoaked rice are
during cooking in excess boiling water. presented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
Table 2
Energy consumption during normal and controlled cooking of unsoaked rice using different types of cooking method
S. no. Type of cooking Normal Controlled
Energy Duration Water evaporation Energy Duration Water
(kJ) loss (g) (kJ) evaporation
On time Total On time Total
(min) (min) (min) (min) loss (g)
Table 3
Energy consumption during normal and controlled cooking of presoaked rice using different types of cooking method
S. no. Type of cooking Normal Controlled
Energy Duration Water evaporation Energy Duration Water
(kJ) loss (g) (kJ) evaporation
On time Total On time Total
loss (g)
(min) (min) (min) (min)
1 Electric rice cooker 621 23 23 125 405 15 26 17
2 Pressure cooker-Electrical
(a) Open cooking 2340 25 25 321 1260 13 30 62
(b) Pressure cooking 1440 14 24 34 1080 11 30 25
3 Pressure cooker-LPG
(a) Open cooking (high flame) 1749 20 20 259
(b) Open cooking (high + low flame) 1391 10 + 13 23 90 1132 10 + 6.5 32 39
(c) Pressure cooking (high flame) 1180 13.5 23.5 79
(d) Pressure cooking (high + low flame) 1137 10.5 + 5.5 32 19
Normal cooking
The time and energy required for cooking 296 g of 74
unsoaked rice under normal condition were 25 min 73
and 675 kJ (Table 2). The contents of the cooker (rice
and water) reached boiling temperature in 12–13 min, 72
Energy (KJ)
Time (min)
Energy (KJ)
Time (min)
reduced to 62 g. Although the power-ON time reduced
from 25 to 13 min, the total cooking time increased to 1500 20
30 min. 1000
Presoaking the rice reduced the total cooking time 10
from 33 to 30 min in controlled open cooking that was
close to the time taken (29 min) for normal open cook- 0 0
ing of unsoaked rice in the pressure cooker. Energy
consumption was further reduced with controlled cook-
ing of presoaked rice (1260 kJ) compared to unsoaked
rice (1440 kJ). This was also reflected in the amount of
water lost due to evaporation during cooking. Con- Type of cooking
trolled open cooking of presoaked rice in pressure coo- Fig. 5. Energy consumption and time taken during normal and
ker appears to be the best among the four different controlled (open and pressure) cooking of unsoaked and presoaked
approaches studied (Tables 2 and 3). Presoaking fol- rice in pressure cooker (electrical).
lowed by controlled cooking reduced the electrical
energy by 56% compared to normal cooking of unsoa-
ked rice. ilar conditions (Tables 2 and 3). Presoaking also resulted
in the reduction of water evaporation loss from 53 g to
34 g and the total time of cooking from 26.5 min to 24
3.4.2. Pressure cooking
min. Both power-ON time of the electrical stove and
cooking time reduced by 2.5 min.
Normal and controlled cooking of unsoaked rice.
The energy required during controlled pressure cook-
Pressure cooking reduces the cooking time as the
ing of presoaked rice reduced to 1080 kJ, i.e. 25% sav-
cooking is carried out at an elevated temperature corre-
ings in energy compared to normal pressure cooking
sponding to the higher pressure maintained inside the
(Table 3). The power-ON time reduced by 3 min. How-
cooker. This also leads to lot of savings in energy as it
ever, total cooking time increased to 30 min, which was
is operated as a closed system minimizing the water
nearly equal to the cooking time of unsoaked rice during
evaporation loss. During cooking unsoaked rice, the
normal open cooking in pressure cooker (29 min). The
total power-ON time of the electrical stove reduced to
water evaporation loss during controlled pressure-cook-
16.5 min, which resulted in the reduction of energy
ing of presoaked rice was the least (25 g) among the
requirement to 1620 kJ, i.e. 44% saving compared to
eight different approaches attempted with pressure coo-
open cooking. Cooking under pressure reduced the
ker (electrical) (Tables 2 and 3).
power-ON time by 12.5 min and cooking time by 2.5
Presoaking reduced the energy consumption by 180
min. During cooking the temperature of rice and water
kJ, i.e., 14% reduction compared to the energy re-
gradually increased to the maximum (122 °C) and re-
quired for controlled pressure cooking of unsoaked rice
duced to 116 °C during pressure release (whistling) and
under similar conditions (Tables 2 and 3). This also re-
again rose with time and the cycle repeated. The water
flected in the reduction of water evaporation loss (2
evaporation loss during normal cooking reduced from
g) during cooking. There was no appreciable saving in
412 g (open cooking) to 53 g (87% reduction) by pres-
total cooking time (0.5 min) with soaking. Controlled
sure cooking (Table 2).
pressure cooking of presoaked rice appears to be the
The water evaporation loss during pressure cooking
best among the eight different approaches studied (Fig.
reduced from 53 g (normal cooking) to 27 g by con-
trolled cooking (Table 2). Controlled pressure-cooking
reduced the energy requirement from 1620 to 1260 kJ
3.5. Cooking in pressure cooker with LPG burner
(22.2% saving), saved 4.5 min of power-ON time while
increasing the total cooking time by nearly the same
Data on energy consumption, water evaporation loss,
duration (4 min). The water evaporation loss during
total duration and burner-ON time during both open
controlled pressure cooking reduced by 45 g under
and pressure (normal and controlled) cooking of unsoa-
otherwise similar conditions during open cooking.
ked and presoaked rice are presented in Tables 2 and 3,
Normal and controlled cooking of presoaked rice respectively. The rate of consumption of LPG at high
Presoaking reduced the electrical energy in normal and low flame positions in the burner were estimated
pressure cooking to 1440 kJ, that is 11% saving com- as 1.833 g (87.43 kJ/min) and 0.833 g (39.73 kJ/min),
pared with cooking unsoaked rice under otherwise sim- respectively.
3.5.1. Open cooking 3.5.2. Pressure cooking
Normal (high flame and high plus low flame) and Normal and controlled cooking of unsoaked rice
controlled cooking of unsoaked rice. Pressure-cooking reduced the cooking time and en-
The amount of energy required for normal open ergy requirement as explained earlier. The rice and water
cooking of unsoaked rice at high plus low flame combi- inside the cooker during cooking attained a maximum
nation (1510 kJ) was lower by 28% than cooking at temperature of 122 °C. During normal pressure cooking,
high flame (2098 kJ). The water evaporation loss during the energy required for cooking the same quantity of
normal cooking at high plus low flame combination was rice was reduced compared with normal open cooking
102 g as against 298 g at high flame. Although the cook- by 44% at high flame, and by 22% at high plus low
ing time increased by 2 min, the energy saved was con- flame (Table 2). The water evaporation loss reduced to
siderable and hence it is desirable to switch over from 80 g and cooking time to 23.5 min during pressure cook-
high to low flame in the gas stove once the vapour builds ing of unsoaked rice (Table 2).
up in the cooker during normal cooking. This proce- Controlled pressure cooking reduced energy require-
dure, in fact, is probably being practiced in many ments from 1180 to 1137 kJ (4% saving) due to con-
households. trolled cooking under otherwise similar conditions.
The energy required for controlled open cooking of The water evaporation loss reduced by 50 g, but the
rice was 1216 kJ, resulting in a saving of 19% com- cooking time increased by 9 min during controlled pres-
pared with normal cooking at high plus low flame com- sure cooking (Table 2).
bination and 42% compared with normal cooking at
Normal and controlled cooking of presoaked rice
high flame. The amount of water evaporated was re-
There was no change in LPG consumption and cook-
duced by 39 g compared with normal cooking at high
ing time during normal pressure cooking of presoaked
plus low flame combination and 235 g compared with
rice compared to unsoaked rice under otherwise similar
normal cooking at high flame. However, cooking time
conditions (Tables 2 and 3). The water evaporation loss
during controlled open cooking increased compared
was also nearly the same.
with normal cooking by 9 min at high flame and 7
Controlled pressure cooking saved 43 kJ of energy
min at high plus low flame.
compared to the normal pressure cooking of presoaked
rice (Table 3). The water evaporation loss reduced to
very low levels (19 g) during controlled pressure cooking
Normal (high flame and high plus low flame) and
of presoaked rice. However, the cooking time increased
controlled cooking presoaked rice
by 8.5 min over normal pressure cooking. It was ob-
The energy required for normal (at high flame) open
served that presoaking did not contribute to energy sav-
cooking of presoaked rice reduced to 1749 kJ, 17%
ing either in normal or controlled pressure cooking
saving compared to unsoaked rice. The water evapora-
using LPG burner (Tables 2 and 3). Controlled cooking
tion loss and the burner-ON time were also reduced dur-
of unsoaked and presoaked rice gave more or less simi-
ing normal cooking at high flame (Tables 2 and 3).
lar values of energy consumption and cooking time for
Presoaking reduced energy requirement, water evapora-
both open and pressure cooking (Fig. 6). In normal
tion loss and duration of cooking during normal open
cooking at high plus low flame combination, however,
the quantum of reduction was much lower compared 2500
to normal cooking at high flame (Tables 2 and 3). Cook- Total time 40
On time (high)
ing at high flame leads to huge loss in energy in any type 2000
Energy (KJ)
On time (low)
Time (min)
of cooking. 30
The water evaporation loss reduced by controlled 20
cooking method. Controlled open cooking of presoaked 1000
Time (min)