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Hebrides CombinedAnnexes

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Annex A

Rolls-Royce Technical Report dated 30 March 2017


Discipline or report series#10 Document number#12 Report number#52 Issue#13

E&T Materials- Failure Investigation DNS206728 DNS206728 2
Investigation into the functional failure of a propulsion propeller pitch-control actuator of MV Hebrides, operated
by Caledonian MacBrayne. Pitch control was delivered as part of the propulsion system by RR Marine.

Authors#20 Telephone: Date#40



The MV Hebrides ferry operated by Caledonian MacBrayne ran aground in Lochmaddy Marina in North Uist
Sep 25, 2016 at 1105 a.m. LT while approaching the berth. It was reported that the grounding was caused
by a technical failure of the port pitch control system. The pitch is set by a stepper motor which depends on
a grub-screw for transfer of torque between the motor and the actuator via a three part coupling. The
preliminary investigation carried out by the Marine Accident Investigation Board (MAIB) determined that the
failure of the pitch control was caused by the grub-screw unscrewing from its intended position. In addition
to the three parts of the coupling, the grub-screw and the motor shaft, the investigation also examined a new
coupling sourced through the normal supply chain. The investigation came to the following conclusions:

- Both the event coupling and the new coupling deviated slightly from dimensional requirements with
respect to outer diameter, length, body length (event only), position of grub-screw hole and grub-screw
hole large diameter. None of these deviations were considered to be of significance for the
development of the event
- The coupling that came loose had a concentricity of 0.016mm to 0.023mm between outer and inner
diameter. The new coupling had concentricity of 0.002 to 0.009
- The event grub-screw, the new grub-screw and the motor shaft were dimensionally correct.
- Neither the event grub-screw nor the new grub-screw had any practical rundown torque.
- Both grub-screws were found to have hardened tips, ~100HV and 40HV harder than the mating shaft
flat for the event and new grub-screw, respectively.
- The motor shaft, the event grub screw and the new grub screw were all austenitic stainless steels
similar to S30400,S30430 and S30500 respectively. The material type or specifications were not known
to this investigation.
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Project Sub-system Process Part number

Commercial marine N/A FI N/A
Engine types#24 Engine marks/vehicle name Vehicle number/build#28 Module
Material Network #32 Activity#36 Dept#44 File/folder#48
N/A 9000602378 0020 4067 FI
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The MV Hebrides ferry operated by Caledonian MacBrayne ran aground in Lochmaddy Marina in
North Uist Sep 25, 2016 at 1105 a.m. LT while approaching the berth. It was reported that a technical
failure of the port pitch control system, and then being unable to clutch out the port shaft, led to the
vessel being unable to reduce speed sufficiently for the docking procedure. The bridge crew directed
the vessel away from the ferry terminal linkspan and instead colliding with pontoons at Lochmaddy
Marina and grounding. During the collision with the pontoons the starboard shaft and propellers
became wrapped with mooring chains.
The pitch is set by an actuator which is controlled by torque provided by a stepper motor. The
assembled arrangement is shown in Figure 1. The torque transfer from motor to actuator is via a
three-part coupling, two coupling halves and a polymer “spider”, see drawing in Figure 2. The motor
half of the coupling depends on a grub-screw for transfer of torque from the D-shaped motor shaft.
The preliminary investigation carried out by the Marine Accident Investigation Board (MAIB)
determined that the failure of the pitch control was caused by the grub-screw unscrewing from its
intended position. This investigation was informed that the grub-screw is normally secured by two
mechanisms; 1) use of a “locktite” type product and 2) application of a set torque value that ensures
the set-screw deforms the D-shape shaft surface and thereby friction. The preliminary investigation
found that a “locktite” type product had not been applied, and it was uncertain to what degree the
grub-screw had been torqued up. It should be noted that following the grounding, the coupling was
reassembled, the grub-screw torqued up and locktite applied to make the vessel operational and
recover the situation.
The preliminary investigation also found that the motor coupling had been machined to fit the motor
The following activities were requested by MAIB to be carried out during the laboratory investigation:
 High magnification photography of the grub-screw, the coupling inner diameter and the motor
 Assess geometry of the motor coupling half. Of particular interest are inner diameter, inner
diameter concentricity and the internal threads for the grub-screw.
 Assess geometry of grub-screw and motor shaft against drawing requirements. Of particular
interest are the grub-screw threads.
 Clarify the design intent such as required torque and any run-down torque for the grub-screw.
 Measure run-down torque for grub-screw.
 Hardness measurements in grub-screw, D-shaft flat and motor shaft.
 Verify that the material of the grub-screw, the motor coupling and the motor shaft all have the
correct microstructure and chemical composition.
A new coupling was sourced via the normal supply chain for comparison purposes.
Through-out the investigation the following naming convention is used for the two coupling halves;
“motor coupling” attached to the motor shaft; “actuator coupling” attached to the actuator.

 The threads of the event grub-screw and the new grub screw were dimensionally within
specification. It should be noted that the event grub-screw had a cone tip, while the new grub-
screw had a cup tip
 Both the event coupling and the new coupling deviated slightly from dimensional requirements
with respect to outer diameter, length, body length (event only), position of grub-screw hole
and grub-screw hole large diameter. None of these deviations were considered to be of
significance for the development of the event.
 The shaft dimensions were correct to the drawings from the sub-supplier of the motor.
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 Both the event and new grub-screws were found to have a loose fit with no practical run-down
torque. No specific run-down torque requirement has been identified, but the documentation from
the end-supplier (Ref. 3) requests the grub-screw to be replaced if found to be a loose fit. The
same documentation requires the torque to be firm hand-tight (1.5Nm). Use of the term “loose fit”
in the documentation is considered undesirable.

 Both grub-screws were found to be harder at the cone/cup than the mating shaft surface. The
difference was ~100HV for the cone and ~40HV for the cup. Neither the required hardness
difference between the shaft and grub-screw tip, or the required grub-screw tip hardness were
known to this investigation.

 The actual material specifications for the shaft and the grub-screw were not known to this
investigation. Examination found all three to be austenitic stainless steels with varying degree
of work hardening. Analysis of chemical compositions suggested the parts were made o
steels similar to S30400 for the shaft, S30430 for the event grub-screw and S30500 for the
new grub-screw.
 The debris removed from the motor-coupling bore had the form of fine particles (~5μm main
dimension) and originated most likely from the grub-screw, the motor-coupling or the shaft.
The debris did not contain any larger pieces of material.

 It seems certain that the smaller cone shaped imprints on the motor shaft flat were caused by
the event grub-screw, both prior to the event and after the event when the coupling was re-
assembled to recover the situation. The circular groove shapes must have been caused by
the grub-screw used in the motor coupling that was replaced during the service visit in March
2016 (Ref. 2). The location of circular shapes within area C demonstrated that this earlier
motor-coupling had been able to travel nearly 10mm away from the actuator coupling. It is
assumed that no other coupling and grub-screw have been used in the assembly in addition to
those described above.

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Visual examinations were done under white light at up to x40 magnification. Analysis of chemical
composition was carried out in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) using semi-quantitative energy
dispersive x-ray analysis (EDS). Examination of microstructure was carried out on polished cross-
sections etched in micro ferric chloride.

3.1 Visual examination and dimensions.

Prior to any disassembly the pitch control assembly was x-rayed using computer tomography (CT-
scan). The CT-scan showed the grub-screw engaged and in correct position, see Figure 3. The
assembly was disassembled in the RR Air Safety Investigation (ASI) workshop, under the supervision
of personnel from MAIB. Initially only the motor, connecting block and actuator were separated,
Figure 4. The motor coupling was securely fastened to the motor shaft. Untightening of the grub-
screw to remove the motor coupling from the shaft required some force before it came loose. This
suggested locking compound had been used on reassembly of the coupling following the incident. The
actuator half of the coupling which is secured in position with a key and keyway, did not come loose.
To forcefully remove it from the shaft would require further disassembly of the actuator assembly. As
this half of the coupling was not of prime interest it was decided to leave it on the shaft.

Motor coupling:
The motor coupling appeared to be in a good condition, though partly stained by a dark slightly greasy
deposit. The surfaces of the outer-diameter and the coupling teeth had a good surface finish, while
the inboard surface finish looked uneven which was confirmed with surface roughness measurements.
The roughness was measured using a Taylor-Hobson Surtronic 3 in 28 different locations. The
average Ra-value was 1.18μm, while maximum Ra-value was 2.66μm and min Ra-value was 0.47μm.
A notable mark or score extended 360° around the bore at height with the grub-screw hole. See
Figure 5. (The score was not included in the surface roughness measurements). The threads for the
grub-screw were undamaged but with loosely adhering dark particulate material. The threads
following cleaning can also be seen in Figure 5 with possible remnants of locktite. The end-face
opposite the coupling teeth had visually a rougher surface finish, see Figure 6. A piece of material
was visible at the bore surface at the intersection with the grub-screw hole. The material was
removed, cleaned in acetone and filtered before being analysed using EDS. Examination in the SEM
revealed that the material consisted of numerous small particles (~5μm main dimension) but did not
contain larger pieces of material torn off from the grub-screw as had been suspected initially. Viewed
in the SEM using back-scattered detector, some of the particles (minority) stood out as heavier (visible
as brighter) than the remainder. This normally suggests higher metal-content or containing heavier
elements than the surrounding material. Analysis found the heavier particles to be steel with ~17wt%
Chromium (Cr), ~8wt% Nickel (Ni) and several other elements in smaller concentrations. Analysis
directly on the surface of metals, is unlikely to give an exact match with the parent alloy. The obtained
chemical composition was a fairly good match with that obtained from analysis of the coupling itself
and with the grub-screw. Hence, either of these are likely sources of the particles. The lighter
particles were also Fe based but had Zn as the main alloying element (13wt%) with lower
concentrations of Cr and Ni. No source for this material could be identified but the presence of Cr and
Ni may suggest that these were agglomerates of material from different sources, including coupling
and grub-screw. That these particles stood out as lighter despite containing Zn which is a heavier
element, suggested that they also consisted of organic material such as carbon which can’t be
detected with the EDS detector used.

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The grub-screw was of the conical shape and the cone was deformed by flattening. The resulting
reduction in grub-screw length was estimated to be ~0.2mm, see Figure 7. The estimate is based on
the assumption that the original grub-screw tip had the maximum allowable tip diameter of 1mm. The
deformation also resulted in a step indicative of the degree of material displacement running 360°
around the cone, marked with black arrows in Figure 7 and Figure 8. The morphology of the end-
face of the deformed cone suggested direction of movement across rather than circumferentially. The
diameter of the conical end-face measured approximately 1.7mm (radius of ~0.85mm), see Figure 8.
The threads appeared cut rather than rolled and were in a good condition. The thread pitch measured
0.7mm. See Figure 9. The outer diameter was measured to be 3.94mm. The length of the grub-
screw measured to 7.89mm. After being initially unscrewed and breaking the applied locking medium,
the grub-screw felt loose with no practical run-down torque.

Motor shaft:
The motor shaft measured 28.5mm long from the motor housing flange with a diameter of 9.52mm
(30.1mm measured at the base of shaft). Towards the end-face it had a 20.2mm long and 7mm wide
machined flat in a plane parallel to the tangential plane, resulting in a “D-shaped” cross-section. The
“reduced diameter”, at the machined flat, measured 8.43mm. These dimensions were within the
drawing tolerances specified by the motor supplier (Ref. 4). The design intent for the grub-screw was
to engage with the flat and thereby prevent the coupling from rotating on the shaft. Engagement with
the grub-screw had left numerous deformation marks on the flat, see Figure 10. There were also
marks on the shaft diameter, running in the circumferential direction, indicating engagement outside of
the flat. The deformation marks on the flat could be divided into three groups. Within area A the
marks were elongated shallow depressions with polished or fretted surfaces, with no distinct shape.
Within areas marked B, the marks were formed by both depressions and raised material. The same
surface morphology was present but the marks had distinct circular shapes. The circular marks could
be further divided into smaller diameter circles forming cup shapes and larger diameter circles forming
grooves. The circular marks are shown in Figure 11 at higher magnification. The smaller cup-shaped
marks had radii ranging from ~0.53mm to ~0.73mm. The larger groove-shaped marks all had a
similar radius of ~1.26mm. The smaller cup-shaped marks were consistent with having formed by the
imprint of a cone-shape. The larger groove-shaped marks were consistent with having formed by the
imprint of a cup-shape. This is demonstrated in Figure 12. Circular groove shapes could also be
seen within area C, but not as distinct as within area B. The radii of the circular shapes within area C
were similar to the circular groove shapes within area B.
It should be noted that the deformed cone tip of the grub-screw had an approximate radius of
~0.85mm, see paragraph above. This is of a similar order to that of the conical shaped imprints within
area B. The radius of the larger groove-shaped marks were similar to that of a conical shaped grub-
screw (~1.16mm) that was supplied together with a new coupling in support of this investigation. See
paragraph below “New coupling” (and Figure 16). This also suggested that two different grub-screws
had been fitted to the shaft, see discussion.

Actuator coupling:
The actuator coupling was not removed from the actuator shaft. Consequently, due to its position
within a sleeve and flange surrounding the shaft, it could only be partially examined. The shaft,
depicted in Figure 4 and Figure 13, had a dark grey surface and was clearly older than the motor-
coupling. The end-face and the prongs were damaged, visible as scores and cuts to the surfaces.
Rather than being a result of operation, the damage appeared consistent with attempts to remove the
coupling from the shaft.

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The spider was of a yellow colour and consisted of a hub with four equally spaced arms. It was
marked ROTEX KTR GS9 on one face and PUR 3 on the other, see Figure 14. The end-faces and
the arm surfaces facing the motor coupling prongs exhibited no evidence of damage. The arm
surfaces facing the actuator coupling prongs exhibited some damage in the form of deformation. The
observed damage was consistent with the poor condition of the actuator coupling prong surfaces.
New Coupling
A new coupling was received through the same supply route as the replacement coupling would have
been supplied to MV Hebrides. The coupling consisted of two coupling halves, a grub-screw and a
blue coloured spider. See Figure 15. One coupling half was supplied with a threaded grub screw
hole. The other half was machined to take a key. The grub screw was fairly loose with no practical
run-down torque.
The dimensional measurements of each component are summarised in Table 1 below. Where the
required attribute is not defined on the available drawing N/A is present in the requirement column.
Table 1. Measured dimensions, MV Hebrides motor coupling, new motor coupling, and motor shaft.
Requirements are stated as nominal values (single value) or as minimum and maximum values.
MV Hebrides New coupling Requirement
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Coupling, outer diameter D 19.87 19.85 20.00
Coupling, inner diameter d 9.56 9.55 9.550 –
Coupling, bore surface roughness Ra [μm] 0.5 – 2.6[μm] 0.45 – 1.12[μm] N/A
Coupling, total length 24.9 25.00 25.00
Coupling, concentricity outer D and inner d - (prong end) 0.023 0.009 N/A
- (motor end) 0.016 0.002
Coupling, length without prongs 15.90 16.10 16.00
Coupling, grub-screw hole distance from end-face 10.20 9.80 10.00
Coupling, grub-screw hole thread large diameter D 4.09 4.12 4.000*
Coupling, grub-screw hole thread small diameter D1 3.28 3.42 3.242 –
Coupling, grub-screw hole thread pitch diameter D2** 3.6*** 3.7*** 3.433 –
Coupling, grub-screw hole thread pitch 0.7 0.7 0.7
Grub-screw, thread outer diameter d 3.94 3.87 3.838 –
Grub-screw, thread inner diameter d1 3.26 3.12 3.002 –
Grub-screw, thread pitch diameter d2** 3.44 3.44 3.433 –
Grub-screw, thread pitch 0.7 0.7 0.7
Grub-screw, length 7.89 8.24 N/A
Motor shaft, diameter 9.52 --- 9.512 –
Motor shaft, diameter, flat 8.45 --- 8.3 – 8.5
Motor shaft length of flat 20.2 --- 19.8 – 20.2
Motor shaft length 30.1 --- 29.9 – 31.1
* Dimensional tolerances for the grub-screw and grub-screw hole threads based on the assumption
that these are defined as 6g and 6G in accordance with ISO 4027 and ISO 4029.
** Diameter measured at half-pitch (P/2) height of threads.
*** Half pitch diameters were slightly large on both couplings. However, accurate measurements were
made difficult by the limited resolution of the CT-scan.

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3.2 Hardness, microstructure and chemical composition

Cross-sections were made of the motor shaft and both grub-screws (new and event coupling) to take
hardness measurements, analyse chemical composition and assess microstructure. The cross-
section of the shaft was made normal to the shaft axis, between the shaft end-face and the grub-screw
marks. The cross-sections of the grub-screws were made in the plane of the screw axis.

Analyses of the chemical compositions were carried out on the cross-sections in the polished
condition. The results are listed in Table 2. The specified alloys were not known to this investigation,
but common alloys similar to the observed chemical compositions are suggested. Based on the
observed chemical compositions and that the three components were non-magnetic, the materials
were expected to be austenitic stainless steels.
Table 2. Chemical composition.
Element Shaft Event grub-screw New grub-screw
Fe 69.6 66.2 64.3
Cr 18.5 17.8 19.2
Ni 7.8 10.8 11.8
Mn 3.4 1.0 2.8
Si 0.7 0.5 0.6
Cu --- 3.0 --
S --- 0.9 1.4
Similar alloy UNS: S30400 UNS: S30430 UNS: S30500

Micrographs of the two grub-screws were produced by swab etch in micro-ferric chloride. The swab
etch brought out clearly the macro-structural flow-lines resulting from the manufacturing, see Figure
16. The specific manufacturing process is not known for either grub-screw. However, based on the
flow-lines the following can be inferred:

1) Event grub-screw: Cone and hexagonal socket were produced by upsetting of a straight work-
piece. The threads, which were flat-bottomed, were then produced either by cutting or rolling.
The flow lines following the thread profile are faint and could possibly have resulted from cutting.
It should be noted that the specification, requires a minimum tread radius of 0.088mm. Upsetting
of the cone and the socket will have caused notable work-hardening in the deformed areas.

2) New grub-screw: Cup was produced by machining. Hexagonal socket was produced by upsetting
of a pre-drilled hole. The threads were produced by rolling and had a minimum radius in excess of
the 0.088mm requirement. Due to the lack of significant deformation, a more uniform hardness
would be expected.

A micrograph of the shaft cross-section was produced by electrolytic etch in aqua regia glycerol. The
micrograph showed a fine grained austenitic structure with finely dispersed carbides and visible slip-
bands, probably the result of prior forging/extrusion process. The micrograph can be seen in Figure

Hardness was measured using Vickers micro-hardness (Ref. 1) and the results are listed in Table 3
below. The position of the hardness measurements are shown in Figure 18.

Three sets of measurements were carried out on the shaft cross-section; core; traverse to outer
diameter and a traverse to machined flat. The hardness measurements indicated a slight increase in
hardness from the core (250 HV) towards the outer diameter (285 HV). Hardness near the machined
flat surface measured (260 HV), consistent with the hardness–profile of the outer diameter traverse,
indicating that the flat was machined after the hardness distribution from core to outer diameter had
been achieved. The cross-section of the shaft showed a fine grained structure. No flow lines were

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witnessed. This was as expected as the cross-section was across the shaft axis and across the
anticipated direction of forging or extrusion.

Three sets of measurements were carried out on the grub-screw from MV Hebrides; core; traverse
from core towards flattened cone and a traverse towards the cone flank. The average core hardness
was 262 HV. Two of the core indents were within the hexagon socket deformation area and showed
distinctly higher values (core 1 and core 2). Excluding these two gave an average core hardness of
238HV. The cone traverse showed a marked increase from core levels to a maximum of 351HV within
the flattened cone tip. This was expected as a consequence of deformation from use, resulting in
work hardening. A second traverse towards the tip flank was made to verify whether the cone was
hardened away from the deformation caused by contact with the shaft. The traverse, which extended
into an area at the tip flank that appeared unaffected by the cone-tip deformation, exhibited an
increase of hardness from the centre-line towards the cone flank with a maximum of 365HV. This
exceeded the hardness measured within the flattened tip. This would suggest that the grub-screw had
been hardened during manufacture.

Two sets of measurements were carried out on the new grub-screw, core and traverse from core to
cup. The core hardness results were even with an average value of 288HV. The traverse did not
exhibit an increase towards the cup and were in family with the core measurements. This was
consistent with the limited deformation variation indicated by the flow-lines.
Table 3
Shaft MV Hebrides grub-screw New grub-screw
HV0.5 Core Flat Diameter Core Cone Tip flank Core Cup
traverse traverse traverse traverse traverse
Indent 1 243.7 259.6 285.5 335.7 350.7 365.2 280.0 299.6
Indent 2 253.0 258.8 282.1 307.9 350.5 346.1 294.7 302.4
Indent 3 248.0 248.7 273.3 276.9 292.5 320.4 286.6 274.8
Indent 4 256.7 250.7 261.2 238.2 238.3 N/A 286.3 289.8
Indent 5 247.9 241.0 258.7 224.6 223.8 N/A 293.6 N/A
Indent 6 N/A 244.4 247.6 224.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Indent 7 N/A 245.9 248.6 223.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Average 250 265 262 288


 The darker grey surface of the actuator coupling when compared with the motor coupling and
the damage to the prong-surfaces, were consistent with this coupling being older and
attempted removal as reported in Service Report dated 23.03.2017, Ref. 2.

 It seems certain that the smaller cone shaped imprints on the motor shaft flat were caused by the
event grub-screw, both prior to the event and after the event when the coupling was re-
assembled to recover the situation. The circular groove shapes must have been caused by the
grub-screw used in the motor coupling that was replaced during the service visit in March 2016
(Ref. 2). (It is assumed that no other coupling and grub-screw had been used in the assembly in
addition the two described above). The location of circular shapes within area C demonstrated
that this previous motor-coupling had been able to travel nearly 10mm away from the actuator
coupling. Assuming that the previous coupling had the same geometry as the event coupling

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with prong length of ~9mm, the coupling will have been close to disengagement. This
investigation has not received information that the coupling had previously disengaged.

 Both the event coupling and the new coupling deviated slightly from dimensional requirements
with respect to outer diameter, length, body length (event only), position of grub-screw hole
and grub-screw hole large diameter. None of these deviations were considered to be of
significance for the development of the event. The half-pitch diameters were also slightly
larger than maximum tolerance. However, accurate measurements of these were made
difficult by the limited resolution of the CT-scan. Based on comparison, the event coupling
and the new coupling are very similar, but with the event coupling having a higher value for
concentricity. The grub-screws were both within specification with respect to main thread
dimensions. It should be noted that the event grub-screw had a cone tip, while the new grub-
screw had a cup tip. Also, the event grub-screw threads where flat-bottomed without a
minimum radius of 0.088mm as specified. This is not considered to have had any impact on
the event.

 The documentation from the end-supplier (Ref. 3) requests the grub-screw to be replaced if
found to be a loose fit. This requirement is in addition to the use of locktite. Use of the term
“loose fit” is undesirable as it is open to interpretation. However, both the event and the new
grub-screw were found to be a loose fit within tolerance, meaning they could be moved
radially and axially with fully engaged threads and no thread locking.

 The cone/cup tips of both grub-screws were found to be harder than the mating flat surface of
the shaft. The difference was in the range of ~100HV for the event grub-screw and ~40HV for
the new grub-screw. Though this investigation has been informed that the grub-screw was
required to be harder than the shaft (Ref. 3), the specific requirement is not known. Hence it
can’t be concluded whether the grub-screws were conforming with respect to hardness.

 Possible alloy matches for the motor shaft and the two grub-screws were suggested based on
chemical composition analysis and the material being non-magnetic. However, it was not known
to this investigation what alloys were specified.

 In addition to the difference in shape (cone vs. cup), the alloy composition, the macro-structural
flow lines and the manufacturing of threads, differed for the two grub-screws examined. It is not
clear from the received documentation whether this is permissible for the coupling design.

Ref. 1. ITSB5477 Issue 2, Vickers Micro Hardness Testing of Shaft and Screw Cross-Sections. Author
, Issued 10 February 2017.
Ref. 2. KPRS-A8BK3Z. RR Service Report, MV Hebrides, Author: , Issued: 23.03.2016.
Ref. 3. Rolls-Royce. DMN000238972. Service procedure for Propeller pitch control actuator coupling,
revision A, issued 03.11.2016.
Ref. 4. HY200 3424 Hybrid Stepping Motors, supplier specification.

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The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.

Coupling located
inside connecting

~30mm sleeve

Figure 1. The image shows the pitch control assembly with the motor to the left and the actuator to the
right. The coupling with the grub-screw is located inside the block at the centre of the assembly.

Figure 2. The transfer of torque from the motor to the actuator is via a three part coupling. The three
parts of the coupling are the two coupling halves (no.1) and a polymer “spider” (no.2). The prongs of
the polymer spider located between the two halves prevents metal to metal contact. The motor
coupling half is secured to the motor D-shaft by a grub-screw (no.3). The sketch above shows a slightly
different coupling. The actual coupling investigated had straight sided cylindrical outer diameters and
was supplied with key and keyway for the actuator half rather than a grub-screw.

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used, for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.


Figure 3. Prior to disassembly of the pitch control assembly, the coupling was imaged by computer
tomography. Upper left image: Section through the coupling, grub-screw and shaft in a plane normal to
the shaft axis. The location of this section is marked by the blue lines in the lower left image and the
right hand image. Lower left image: Section in a plane defined by the shaft axis and the grub-screw
axis. Right hand image: Section in a plane parallel to the shaft axis and normal to the grub-screw axis,
intersecting the grub-screw in the hexagonal socket. The large threaded portion and the ball bearing
visible in the latter two images are part of the actuator sleeve. The grey band going across both these
images is due to the actuator flange thickness preventing x-ray penetration. All three images above
show the grub-screw (white arrows) engaged and in the correct position.

Motor coupling on the motor shaft. Actuator coupling (white arrow)

Motor flange in the backgorund and spider, located within the
actuator flange

Figure 4. The images show the motor coupling and the actuator coupling with the spider, following
disassembly. For scale, the outer diameter of the coupling is ~20mm.
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used, for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Figure 5. The upper image shows the relatively rough surface of the motor coupling bore and the 360°
circumferential score. The lower image shows the threads for the grub-screw which were found to be in
a good condition. The two black arrows indicate the presence of a locktite type material. Both images
were taken after cleaning.

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used, for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Figure 6. Visually, the motor coupling end-face (opposite to the prongs) had a rougher surface.

Figure 7. The cone shape of the grub-screw had been deformed, resulting in an estimated ~0.2mm
shortening of the length. This is based on an original tip diameter of 1mm (maximum allowable
indicated with red arrow). A possible crack ran 360° around the cone adjacent to the deformed end-
face, marked with black arrows. In the photograph the centre-line of the grub-screw is out of focus.
This is due to the need for keeping the projected profile in focus to enable measurements to be taken.

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used, for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Figure 8. The deformed cone end-face had the approximate shape of a circle with a diameter of
~1.73mm. The deformed tip did not have a perfect circular shape and the drawn in circle of r=0.867mm
is for illustration rather than an accurate measurement. Hence within the text of the investigations the
diameter of the deformed tip is stated to be ~1.7mm. The possible crack running 360° around the cone
is marked with black arrows in the lower image.

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The information in this document is the property of Rolls-Royce plc and may not be copied, or communicated to a third party, or
used, for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Figure 9. The threads were in a good condition and had pitch that fitted with the 0.7 gauge.

Figure 10. Engagement with the grub-screw had left numerous damage-marks on the motor-shaft flat in
several distinct areas (encircled). The marks were visible as fretted/polished deformation. Areas
marked A were predominantly fretted/polished deformation with no clear shape. Within area B the
marks had taken on a circular shape. Also within area C the marks had a circular shape, but less
distinct than in area B. See Figure 11. There was also evidence suggesting engagement with the grub-
screw outside of the flat, on the shaft diameter (white arrows).

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The information in this document is the property of Rolls-Royce plc and may not be copied, or communicated to a third party, or
used, for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Figure 11. The images show circles fitted to the semi-circular shaped marks within areas marked B and
C. The marks in areas marked C were less distinct than those in area B. The radius values are best
estimates and should only be considered accurate to +/- 0.1mm. The shaded bands indicate the
intended axial location for the grub-screw, 6.8mm to 7.8mm away from the shaft end-face. The band is
drawn across the full width of the flat, though the intention is for the grub-screw to be centred.
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The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Cross-section of
event grub-screw

Section of figure 11
showing marks
from the grub-
screws on the shaft
flat. The images
Cross-section of are adjusted to be
new grub-screw at approximately
same magnification

Figure 12. The images, which are at same magnification, illustrate how the small imprints fit with the
cone and the larger fit with the cup.

Figure 13. Top left: actuator coupling pictured as located within in sleeve. Top right: damage to
actuator shaft end-face (white arrow). Bottom left and right: damage to the load-carrying prong surfaces
(rotated 180°). For scale, the outer diameter of the coupling is ~20mm.
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used, for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Figure 14. The two upper images show spider end-faces with marking. The lower left image shows
damaged prong loaded faces, that had contacted the actuator coupling. The lower right image shows
undamaged prong loaded faces, that had contacted the motor coupling.

Figure 15. A new coupling was received through the same supply route as the replacement coupling
would have been supplied to MV Hebrides. Motor coupling to the right with grub-screw hole and
actuator coupling to the left with key-slot.

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The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Figure 16. The two images show the macro-structure of the event grub-screw (upper) and the new grub-
screw (lower). The difference in flow lines resulting from the manufacture of the grub-screws is evident.

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Figure 17. The shaft exhibited a fine grained austenitic structure with finely dispersed carbides and
visible slip-bands.

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Flat traverse 1
Core 1
Core 2
Diameter traverse
7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Core 3

Core 4
Core 5

Cone flank traverse

Traverse 1 1
3 3
Core 7 5 Core 6

Core 5 Core 4

Core 1 Core 2

Core 3

1 2 Traverse
Core 4 Core 5

Core 1
Core 2

Core 3

Figure 18. The images show the positon of the individual hardness indents, upper image is the motor
shaft, followed by event grub-screw and new grub-screw.

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The information in this document is the property of Rolls-Royce plc and may not be copied, or communicated to a third party, or
used, for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
The technology within this document has the following export control rating/classification: ML22a related to ML10d (Military List). Export or
access to this technology must be in compliance with appropriate authorisations.
Annex B

Rolls-Royce Service Letter dated 2 May 2015

Propulsion – Marine Services

Service letter Ref.: SL 2013-02

Date: 02.05.2013
Page 1 of 1



Applies to:

All vessels with controllable pitch propellers and the remote control systems Helicon-MP, Helicon-CT w/CPP,
HeliconX or with Helicon-X3 delivered prior to September 2009


The Helicon range of propeller and thruster control systems was first launched to the market in 1984. A large
number of improvements have subsequently been implemented both to the Helicon system hardware and to the
system software since this original release.

In 2002 Pitch Deviation Alarm functionality was incorporated into Helicon-X, providing alarm indication in the event of
detecting deviation between commanded pitch and actual pitch. In 2005 Helicon-X3 was first released. In 2009
Automatic Clutch-Out functionality on pitch deviation was added as a standard feature in Helicon-X3 for propellers
incorporating stepper motor with linear actuator drives.

In parallel with incorporating this increased functionality in new deliveries, a number of upgrade solutions have been
developed for both Pitch Deviation Alarm and Automatic Clutch-Out features. These enable equivalent functionality
to be incorporated in systems delivered prior to the functionality being incorporated as standard. On older vessels
they similarly act to mitigate the consequences of scenarios that can result in uncontrolled pitch application.

Recommended action:

For the remote control systems Helicon-MP, Helicon-CT w/CPP, HeliconX and the first releases of Helicon-X3
delivered prior to September 2009, it is recommended to implement the software upgrades set out above. An
alternative option is to perform a full Remote Control upgrade to the current version of Helicon-X3.

It is anticipated that the upgrade would take 1 – 2 days and would require access to your vessel.

Contact information:

To receive more information about the available software upgrades or an offer for a remote control upgrade please
contact Rolls-Royce Marine through the contact information in the footer of this letter.

Rolls-Royce Marine AS, Propulsion - Ulsteinvik Template id.: DMN300005271

24/7 Technical Support +31 20 700-6474 / +1 31 2725 5727 / +65 68 185 665 * Rev.: A
E-mail: [email protected] Approved date: 05.04.2013
* Website: www.rolls-royce.com/marine247 Approved by:
Annex C

Job description - Actuator Inspection


Job description

Actuator inspection
MAC-series pitch actuator

Efficient sailing
- Safe harbouring!
Job description
Actuator inspection
All information, including drawings, pictures etc., contained in this document is the sole property of Scana
Mar-El AS. It must not be copied or reproduced wholly or partially in any form or by any means, and the
information contained within must not be communicated to a third party, without prior written permission of
Scana Mar-El AS.

Scana Mar-El AS strains to ensure that all information in this document are correct and precise, but disclaims
liability for any errors or omissions.

The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it was designed.
Improper use or maintenance may cause damage to the equipment and/or injury to personnel. The user
must be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate or work on the
Scana disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation, use or maintenance
of the equipment.

To assist us in making improvements to the product and to this manual, we welcome comments and
constructive criticism. Please send all such in writing to:
Scana Mar-El AS
Att: Product improvement E-mail: [email protected]
Storvegen 48 Telephone: +47 35 07 58 00
N-3880 Dalen Telefax: +47 35 07 58 01
Norway Web: www.mar-el.no / www.scana.no

Revision history
Rev. Description Initials Date
- 28.09.2015
A Added appendix with exploded view pictures, and references to this in the text 26.11.2015

Page I
Job description
Actuator inspection

Table of Contents:

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 1
3 Inspection ..................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Cleaning ............................................................................................................................... 1
3.2 Installation ............................................................................................................................ 1
3.3 Feedback assembly .............................................................................................................. 2
3.4 Feedback potentiometer ....................................................................................................... 2
3.5 Step motor ............................................................................................................................ 3
3.6 Ball screw ............................................................................................................................. 3
3.7 Rod end bearing ................................................................................................................... 3
3.8 U-bracket bearings ............................................................................................................... 3
3.9 Rotex coupling ..................................................................................................................... 4
Appendix A1: Feedback assembly with potentiometer....................................................... 1
Appendix A2: Ball screw with step motor and U-bracket .................................................. 2

Page II
Job description
Actuator inspection

1 Introduction
The MAC-series of pitch actuators from Scana Mar-El consists of a step motor controlled ball screw with an
attached feedback unit. Several variations exist depending on strength, stroke length and feedback solution,
but the basic design is the same.
The expected length of life will vary greatly with the environment the actuator is used in. Replacing the
actuator solely according to running hours is therefore not a good solution. A properly conducted inspection
can identify wear and tear before it becomes a problem. When the status is known, a qualified decision can
be made about how to proceed. A properly maintained actuator may last a long time with a few key parts
renewed, while a condition which is left to develop into a fault may lead to loss of control over the actuator.

2 Scope
This description is valid for the following actuators:

MAC - xx y D nnnnn
xx = Stroke length ( 10 = 100mm / 15 = 150mm / 30 = 300 mm )
y = Motor type ( 2 / 4 / 6 / 7 )
n = Potentiometer ( D20492 = single / D20493 = double / D21020 = triple )

3 Inspection
The following checks are to be used to verify that the actuator contains parts of correct type and in good
condition, so that the actuator is fit for use for another period. It is expected that the person doing the
inspection is able to identify damaged or worn parts. Some of the routines can and should be performed by
ships engineers. Tests that involves dismantling the actuator should be performed by qualified personnel.
In the appendix you will find exploded views with numbered parts. The inspection routines refer to these
pictures for easier understanding of the texts.
The actuator should be inspected regularly. The interval can be adjusted if inspections show the interval to
be too short or too long for a given vessel.
As a general rule we suggest yearly intervals.
In the same general way, the lifespan of the actuator is suggested to be 15.000 hours. This value can be
greatly extended by identifying and replacing worn parts.

3.1 Cleaning
Keeping the actuator clean and free from oil and dirt is an important step to avoid problems. Normally it will
be sufficient to just wipe off dirt with a clean rag. Avoid using high pressure water jets. Do not use powerful
cleaning agents, as these may damage the belt in the feedback assembly ( see Feedback assembly ).

3.2 Installation
It is vitally important that the ball screw can operate freely without lateral movement. The actuator bracket will
absorb movement along one axis by rotating on two bolts. This is intended to follow the curvilinear motion of
a pitch “arm”. The ball screw must not be forced to bend sideways. Sideways tension on the ball screw
while it is moving in or out will damage the bearings.
 Move actuator from full ahead to full astern and verify that the ball screw piston is not being bent

Introduction Page 1
Job description
Actuator inspection
3.3 Feedback assembly
The linear motion of the actuator is measured by a potentiometer. The movement of the ball screw is
transferred through a belt and pulley arrangement to the potentiometer.
 Remove the protective cover (11) ( two bolts )
 Inspect belt (6) for cracks and/or deformation
 Verify that the rod (7) is securely fastened both to the belt and to the rod carrier (10) at the tip of the
ball screw piston.
 The rod shall move freely without binding in the nylon-sleeve.
 Check belt tension by pushing a finger at the middle of the belt. Should flex abt. 5mm. ( If the belt is
too slack the feedback will be imprecise, if it is too tight it may damage the pot.meter shaft )
 Check that the toothed pulley (8) is securely fastened to pot.meter shaft with two set screws
 Move the ball screw piston out and in, verify that both pulleys are turning smoothly ( look for signs of
corrosion on pulley bearings and bolts )
 Reinstall protective cover

3.4 Feedback potentiometer

The feedback potentiometer is located under a cover and is fixed in place by two clamps.
 Power off the control system or disconnect the actuator.
 Remove the cover (12) over the feedback pot.meter by removing two bolts. You may also have to
loosen the cable gland to lift the cover far enough to inspect the pot.meter.
 Check that the pot.meter is securely fastened by the two clamps (5) (also verify that clamps and/or
screws do not touch the solder connections coming out of the pot.meter)
 Visually inspect solder connections for corrosion, loose connections or other obvious problems
Measure the pot.meter for problems. Perform tests for each track of the pot.meter.
 Check that there are no connection to chassis/metal
 Check total track resistance ( end-to-end of the pot.meter ). Should be
approximately 1kΩ for each potentiometer deck. Measure between wire 2
and 4 for deck one, between wire 6 and 8 for deck two and between wire
10 and 12 for deck 3 (number of decks depends on actuator model). This
value should not vary when moving the actuator piston.
 Move actuator piston slowly in and out while measuring resistance
between wiper and end-points. Measure first between wire 1 and 2, and
then 1 and 4 for deck 1. Repeat with 5 & 6 and 5 & 8 for deck two. Deck
three is wire 9 &10 and 9 & 12. The resistance-change should be smooth
with no sudden jumps. Note that this test may be difficult to perform with a
purely digital multimeter. Use a good digital meter with “bar-graph” function
or an analog meter.
 Reinstall cover

Fig. 1 Two-deck

Inspection Page 2
Job description
Actuator inspection

3.5 Step motor

The step motor is at the rear end of the actuator (1). Some variants will have the electrical connections under
a lid at the back of the motor, others have a connection box on top of the actuator with internal wiring down
to the step motor. There are four wires coming out of the actuator. Two for each coil. Wire 1 and 2 is for coil
1, while wire 3 and 4 is for coil 2.
 Check that connection box is undamaged, and clean inside.
 Check and if necessary tighten screws in terminals. Also tighten screws in unused terminals (if any)
 Measure resistance of each coil in the stepmotor. The resistance will vary with type of connection
(serial or parallel), but should be the same value for both coils. Normal values for parallel connection
is approximately 1Ω. For serial connection the value is approximately 4Ω.
 Check that there is no connection between the two coils
 Check that there is no connection between a coil and chassis

3.6 Ball screw

The ball screw (5) transforms the rotation of the step motor to linear motion. It is a sealed unit, filled with
grease, with no serviceable parts.
 Visually inspect for damage. Look for scoring of piston, dents in chassis or signs of grease leaking
 Rotate the piston by turning the rod end bearing (9). The piston will move smoothly in and out
(because the stepmotor locks the input shaft).
 Move piston in and out by pulling/pushing on the rod. It should move smoothly and with some
 Keep moving piston in or out while applying force sideways. Check for tendencies to lock. The ball
screw is sensitive to bending forces and will easily be damaged if allowed to work with sideway
forces. See also Installation

3.7 Rod end bearing

The rod end bearing (9) transfers the force to the servo arm. If there is slack in the connection this will
influence directly on the pitch position. If the rod end bearing should loosen and fall off this will cause loss of
the pitch control.
 Check for freeplay/slack
 Check that it is solidly screwed onto the ball screw piston (LockTite), both end bearing, and nut
towards the rod carrier (10) should be tight without slack.
 Verify that the rod carrier (10) spins easily when rotating the ball screw piston
 The bearing inside the rod carrier should be locked firmly in place with no room for movement.

3.8 U-bracket bearings

The bracket (2) takes up the force/weight of the actuator and also works as a bearing for movement in one
direction. The bearings (11) contains rubber gaskets to keep vibrations from reaching the pot.meter or the
rest of the actuator.
 Check that all bolts are tight
 Check that the rubber gaskets are not worn out.

Inspection Page 3
Job description
Actuator inspection
3.9 Rotex coupling
This procedure requires dismantling the actuator and should only be performed by competent personnel

The connection between the step motor and the ball screw is made by a Rotex coupling (6,7,8). This can
only be inspected by opening the actuator. The actuator should be removed to a clean and tidy place before
dismantling starts.
 Remove the four bolts holding the step motor together with the ball screw assembly. The actuator
will split into three parts. The step motor, the mid-section with the u-bracket and the ball screw with
the feedback assembly.
As long as the feedback assembly is not removed, the actuator can be put back together without
disturbing the pitch feedback settings.
 Look for obviously worn or damaged parts
 Check that the Rotex coupling is connected to the step motor with a securely fastened set screw
(LockTite). The set screw shall be on the flattened part of the shaft. The shaft shall protrude
approximately 1-2mm through the coupling.
 Check that the rubber spider (8) of the Rotex does not have cracks or is otherwise deformed.
 Check that the Rotex coupling (7) is connected to the ball screw with a key. This should be a snug fit
and normally this part of the Rotex should stay in place and be difficult to remove. If it falls out it is
most likely worn out. In this case both the ball screw and the Rotex must be checked to see if one or
both parts must be replaced.
 When fitting the step motor back on, make sure that the two halves of the Rotex coupling meshes
completely (the part with the set screw (6) can be pushed too far onto the step motor shaft, and then
the Rotex may slip when applying force )

Inspection Page 4
Job description
Actuator inspection

Appendix A1: Feedback assembly with potentiometer

1. Attachment bracket
2. Mounting plate
3. Spacer
4. Guide bracket
5. Potentiometer, fasteners
6. Toothed belt with bracket for guide rod
7. Guide rod
8. Toothed pulley for potentiometer
9. Slide bearing for toothed wheel
10. Guide rod carrier
11. Protective cover
12. Potentiometer cover

Inspection Page 1
Job description
Actuator inspection
Appendix A2: Ball screw with step motor and U-bracket

1. Stepper motor
2. U-bracket
3. Stepper motor spacer
4. Ball screw bracket
5. Ball screw
6. Rotex 9 coupling, stepper motor
7. Rotex 9 coupling, ball screw
8. Rotex spider
9. Rod end bearing
10. Guide rod carrier
11. Rubber gaskets

Inspection Page 2
Annex D

Job description - Actuator Inspection

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