Jonathan Batten 教授

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2019 年 5 月 24 日(周五)
东新区上川路 995 号文博楼 425

主办单位: 应用经济学高原学科、金融学院
协办单位: 全英全欧中国经济学会

[email protected]
Jonathan Batten 教授
Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money
Emerging Markets Review
Finance Research Letters
Journal of Banking & Finance,
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy,
Journal of Multinational Financial Management,
Research in International Business and Finance ,
International Review of Financial Analysis

Peter Szilágyi 教授
Journal of Multinational Financial Management
Emerging Markets Review
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money
International Review of Financial Analysis
European Financial Management

讲习班学术委员会:许文新,张云,韩云 & 侯文轩

讲习班协调人:屠谦慧 Email: [email protected]

Jonathan Batten 教授简历
Jonathan A. Batten is CIMB-UUM Chair in Banking and Finance, Universiti Utara Malaysia. Prior to this
position he worked as a Professor of Finance in the Department of Banking and Finance at Monash
University, Australia and a Professor in Finance at the Ho ng Kong University of Science & Technology
and Seoul National University, Korea. He is the managing editor of Elsevier’s Emerging Markets
Review, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, co -editor of Finance
Research Letters, and associate editor of the Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of the Asia Pacific
Economy, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Research in International Business and
Finance and International Review of Financial Analysis. Jonathan’s research cro sses a number of
disciplines: in the business area he has published in a number of journals used by the Financial Times
for ranking business schools (e.g. Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis and the Journal of International Business Studies). In addition he has also published work in
applied mathematics (e.g. Chaos), in environmental studies (Resources Policy), and importantly in
economic policy (e.g. Applied Economics and the World Bank Research Observer. Apart from t he
journal publications mentioned above he has others, including publications in the Australian Journal of
Corporate Law, Economics Letters, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of International
Financial Markets Institutions and Money, Journal of Economic Surveys, Journal of the Asia-Pacific
Economy, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Physica A, Small Business Economics and others currently
under review. In addition he has received a number of external research grants from the Asian
Development Bank, the World Bank, and most recently from the international payments organisation
SWIFT and the international regulator, the Bank for International Settlements. He is the current
President of the Eurasian Business and Economics Society (EBES) and has se rved on a number of
national external research committees in economics and finance (e.g. Canada, Czech Republic, Hong
Kong, Slovenia and Saudi Arabia).

Peter Szilágyi 教授简历

Peter G. Szilagyi is Associate Professor, Head of MS in Finance, and Head of FinTe ch Section at the
CEU InnovationsLab startup incubator. Peter was Assistant Professor at Judge Business School,
University of Cambridge, in 2007-14 and was Director of the MPhil in Finance. He earned his PhD from
Tilburg and held a research fellowship at Oxford Saïd Business School. He has been an external
consultant to the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, and before entering academia worked
for the BBC World Service. Peter is Editor-in-Charge of Elsevier's Journal of Multinational Financial
Management, and Subject Editor of Emerging Markets Review and the Journal of International Financial
Markets, Institutions & Money. He holds one of the first research grants awarded by the SWIFT Institute .

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