Ethnomedicinal Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Aspects of The Genus Premna: A Review

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Ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and

pharmacological aspects of the genus Premna: a

Roza Dianita & Ibrahim Jantan

To cite this article: Roza Dianita & Ibrahim Jantan (2017) Ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry
and pharmacological aspects of the genus Premna: a review, Pharmaceutical Biology, 55:1,
1715-1739, DOI: 10.1080/13880209.2017.1323225

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VOL. 55, NO. 1, 1715–1739


Ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological aspects of the genus

Premna: a review
Roza Dianita and Ibrahim Jantan
Drug and Herbal Research Center, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Context: The genus Premna (Lamiaceae), distributed throughout tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa, Received 3 August 2016
Australia and the Pacific Islands, is used in folk medicine primarily to treat inflammation, immune-related Revised 16 April 2017
diseases, stomach disorders, wound healing, and skin diseases. Accepted 22 April 2017
Objectives: This review exhaustively gathers available information on ethnopharmacological uses, phyto-
chemistry, and bioactivity studies on more than 20 species of Premna and critically analyzes the reports to Traditional uses; diterpenes;
provide the perspectives and directions for future research for the plants as potential source of drug leads iridoid glycosides;
and pharmaceutical agents. flavonoids; antimicrobial;
Methods: A literature search was performed on Premna species based on books of herbal medicine, major anti-inflammatory; immuno-
scientific databases including Chemical Abstract, Pubmed, SciFinder, Springerlink, Science Direct, Scopus, modulatory; cytotoxic
the Web of Science, Google Scholar, and ethnobotanical databases.
Results: More than 250 compounds have been isolated and identified from Premna species, comprising
of diterpenoids, iridoid glycosides, and flavonoids as the most common secondary metabolites, followed
by sesquiterpenes, lignans, phenylethanoids, megastigmanes, glyceroglycolipids, and ceramides. Many in
vitro and in vivo studies have been conducted to evaluate the biological and pharmacological properties
of the extracts, and isolated compounds of Premna species with antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflamma-
tory, immunomodulatory, antihyperglycaemia, and cytotoxic activities.
Conclusion: The bioactive compounds responsible for the bioactivities of most plants have not been well
identified as the reported in vivo pharmacological studies were mostly carried out on the crude extracts.
The isolated bioactive components should also be further subjected to more preclinical studies and elab-
orate toxicity study before clinical trials can be pursued.

Introduction decussate and hairy. A ridge is often present between the

petioles. There are two shapes of calyx types. The first one has
The genus Premna was previously classified within the family
four isomorphic lobes, the shape remaining largely intact when
Verbenaceae (Munir 1984), but has been transferred into the
the flower develops and when the fruits are formed. The second
family Lamiaceae, subfamily Viticodeae (Harley et al. 2004;
type has 0–5 lobes, usually heteromorphic. There are also
Olmstead 2010, 2012). Currently, this genus contains 200 species
two fruit types: a globose drupe-like fruit consisting of four
which are mainly distributed throughout tropical and subtropical
Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Pacific Islands (Harley et al. fleshy mericarps with one seed each, and a clavoid, almost sin-
2004). There are 46 species recognized in the Flora of China gle-seeded, drupe-like and consisting of one fleshy mericarp
(Tan & Li 2014) and 14 species occurring in the Flora Malesiana (de Kok 2013).
area (de Kok 2013). The word ‘Premna’ is derived from the Our review of the genus Premna is based on ethnomedicinal
Greek ‘premnon’, meaning tree stump, which refers to the short uses, phytochemical investigations, and pharmacological attrib-
and twisted trunks of P. serratifolia L., the first collected species utes. This review is comprised of more than 20 species of
of this genus. Based on the shape and number of calyx lobes, the Premna from 150 publications. It is noted that some species have
genus Premna has been subdivided into five sections: recently been considered as synonyms based on current plant
Holopremna Briq. (consisting of two subsections: Thyrsoideae taxonomy (The Plant List 2013). For example: P. obtusifolia
and Corymbiferae), Odontopremna Briq., Gumira (Rumph. ex R.Br., P. integrifolia Willd., and P. corymbosa var. obtusifolia
Hassk.) Briq., Premnos Briq., and Holochiloma Briq. (de Kok (R.Br.) H.R. Fletcher are synonyms to P. serratifolia; P. japonica
2013). Miq. is a synonym to P. microphylla Turcz.; P. latifolia Roxb. as
Morphologically most species in the genus Premna are small a synonym to P. mollissima Roth. However, in order to avoid
trees or shrubs and rarely found as lianas (P. trichostoma Miq.) any confusion, we continue to use the species names as referred
and pyroherbs (P. herbacea Roxb.). Some species have young to by the author(s) of the original papers. The detailed informa-
twigs with a series of small decussate triangular scales at the base tion gathered and critically analyzed in this review should be use-
which will fall off once the branch is older. The leaves are usually ful as reference for phytochemists, pharmacologists, medicinal

CONTACT Ibrahim Jantan [email protected] Drug and Herbal Research Centre, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul
Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ß 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distri-
bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

chemists, biochemist, and food scientists to develop the bioactive can categorize the ethnomedicinal values of the Premna species
compounds of the plants as potential nutraceutical, food addi- (i) as anti-inflammatory – either to treat asthma, rheumatism,
tives, and pharmaceutical agents. gout, pains, fevers; (ii) to improve immune system and treat cold
and cough; (iii) for stomach disorders such as diarrhea, dysen-
tery, febrifuge, stomachache; (iv) for wound healing and treating
Ethnopharmacological uses skin diseases; (v) to treat bacterial (for example, tuberculosis, leu-
The diversity of species of Premna throughout the habitat region chorrea) and malarial infections; (vi) to treat migraine, headache,
resulted in various traditional uses by the local people. The ear- and neuralgia problems; and (vii) to treat hypertension, diabetes,
liest report was on ethnomedicinal values of ten species of liver-and cardiac-related problems.
Premna throughout East and Southeast Asia, notably to treat
malaria, stomach disorders, headache, cough, malaria and tuber-
culosis (Perry & Metzger 1980). Most lately, the extensive work
by Quattrocchi (2012) has recorded various ethnomedicinal uses Essential oils
of 29 species of Premna from numerous regions. Unlike other
species which are endemic in certain region, P. serratifolia is The genus Premna is not widely known to be rich in essential oil
widely distributed throughout the habitat region which explained content. Nevertheless, previous studies have reported the con-
its popularity in traditional medicine to treat various diseases or tents of essential oils in a range of 0.056–0.102% in some
illnesses. In tropical Asia and East Africa, this species is notably Premna species (i.e. P. angolensis, 0.056%; P. barbata Wall. ex
used to treat neuralgia and headache, stomachic, fevers, colds Schauer, 0.08–0.1%; P. coriacea C.B. Clarke, 0.08%; P. quadrifolia
and cough, and also to improve liver- and cardiac-related prob- Schumach. & Thonn., 0.102%; P. integrifolia, not determined; P.
lems (Quattrocchi 2012). Other species, such as P. tomentosa tomentosa, 0.073%) (Narayan & Muthana 1953; Teai et al. 1998;
Willd., are mostly used to treat stomach-related disorders by Chanotiya et al. 2009; Rahman et al. 2011; Sadashiva et al. 2013;
local people in Southeast Asia region. The local people in Burma, Adjalian et al. 2015). Among the compounds identified, 1-octen-
Thailand, Malay Peninsula and Indonesia use the leaves, root or 3-ol, limonene, a-copaene, b-elemene, b-caryophyllene, and
the inner bark to relieve stomach ache discomfort/pain, for diur- d-cadinene were found as among well-distributed compounds in
etic, or to treat diarrhea (Perry & Metzger 1980; Wiart 2000; studied species in varied concentrations.
Quattrocchi 2012).
Meanwhile, in Polynesian Islands, P. serratifolia is commonly
Hydrocarbons, fatty acids, ceramides and glyceoglycolipids
used to treat infectious-related diseases such as leuchorrea, geni-
tal disease, cancer sores, bad breath and white tongue (Girardi Hydrocarbons and lipid-related constituents [1–4, 7] have been
et al. 2015). It is an interesting fact that few species were used in identified in P. fulva Craib, P. crassa Hand.-Mazz., P. hainanensis
malarial treatment in different regions. For example, bark of P. Chun & F.C.How, P. odorata, P. integrifolia and P. serratifolia
angolensis G€ urke was among traditional plants used to treat mal- (Wei et al. 1991; Hang et al. 2008; Dai et al. 2010; Lirio et al.
aria and other fevers in S. Tome and Prıncipe islands in the Gulf 2014). A phytochemical study on P. microphylla leaves has led to
of Guinea (do Ceu de Madureira et al. 2002). The bark and the isolation of fatty acids [5–6], glyceroglycolipids [8–10] and ceram-
leaves of P. chrysoclada (Bojer) G€ urke were used in treatment of ides [11–12] (Zhan & Yue 2003). Ceramides and glyceroglycolipid
malaria by the traditional health practitioners in Kilifi District, are major components of chloroplast membrane of the plant,
Kenya (Gathirwa et al. 2011). Quattrocchi (2012) has listed two which serve mainly as precursors of important signaling com-
species of Premna that were used in malarial treatment in trad- pounds/pathways in various cellular processes (Kolter & Sandhoff
itional medicine, P. foetida Reinw. Ex Blume leaves used in local 1999). A few studies have reported ceramides and glycoglyceroli-
communities in topical Asia, and P. glandulosa Hand.-Mazz. pids to have immunodulatory activity as well as antitumor, anti-
leaves used by the local community in China. cancer and anti-inflammation properties (Van Veldhoven et al.
In the Phillipines, the leaves of P. odorata Blanco are used to 1992; Cateni et al. 2004; Ramos et al. 2006; Mbosso et al. 2012).
treat phlegm and tuberculosis (Lirio et al. 2014). In China, India,
Vietnam, Burma and Thailand, a few species have been recorded
to treat skin diseases such as eczema, ringworms and boils, sca- Sesquiterpenoids
bies, skin’s rashes and itching (Perry & Metzger 1980;
Habtemariam et al. (1993;) have reported the isolation of an anti-
Quattrocchi 2012; Sharma et al. 2014). The mucillagenous sub-
bacterial sesquiterpenoid, 7a-hydroxy-6,11-cyclofarnes-3(15)-en-
stance of P. ligustroides Hemsl. was recorded to be used topically
as a sunstrike prophylactic in China (Perry & Metzger 1980). 2-one [13] from P. oligotricha Baker. Meanwhile, numerous
Jeevan Ram et al. (2004) also reported the use of the stem bark monocyclofarnesane sesquiterpenes [14–19, 23–24] were isolated
of P. latifolia for wound healing. Khare (2004, 2007) has high- from P. microphylla leaves (Hu et al. 2013). An eudesmane [25]
lighted four species of Premna (P. herbacea, P. integrifolia, P. lati- and an aromadendrane [26] were reported to be isolated from
folia and P. tomentosa) that are used in Ayurvedic medicine, P. obtusifolia (Salae et al. 2012). In addition, Sudo et al. (2000)
either alone or together with other plant(s), and still available as reported the isolation of three megastigmane glycosides [20–22]
over-the-counter medicine for local people. Known as from the leaves of P. subscandens Merr.
‘agnimantha’, ‘siru thekku’, ‘ghantu bharangin’, ‘agethu’, or
‘gineri’, the decoction of the leaves, stem bark, or roots have Diterpenoids
been used to treat asthma, rheumatism, neuralgia, diarrhea and
stomach disorder, hyperglycaemic, and obesity. It is also used as The genus Premna is mainly characterized by its diterpenoid
a post-delivery tonic for women. constituents (Harley et al. 2004). One study has identified 91
The details of species, part of the plant and the ethnomedici- skeletons of diterpenes within Lamiaceae, of which 13 skeletons
nal use of the Premna species are detailed in Table 1. Thus, we were frequently identified (Vestri Alvarenga et al. 2001), and

Table 1. Some ethnomedicinal uses of Premna species

Species Part of plant Uses Community/area References
P. angolensis G€
urke Bark To treat malaria S. Tome and Principe islands do Ceu de Madureira
et al. 2002
Leaves As insect repellent Africa & Benin Adjalian et al. 2015
P. barbata Wall. ex Schauer Fruits Fever, childblain, eczema India, Pakistan Quattrocchi 2012
Wood Wound healing India, Pakistan Quattrocchi 2012
Stem bark In throat pain India, Pakistan Quattrocchi 2012
P. bengalensis C.B.Clarke Leaves Improve immune system India Quattrocchi 2012
Bark In paralysis India Quattrocchi 2012
P. chrysoclada (Bojer) G€
urke Leaves, roots Kidney diseases, venereal Tropical Africa Quattrocchi 2012
infections, fevers, dysentry
Roots & leaves To treat malaria; diarrhoea Kilifi district, Kenya Gathirwa et al. 2011
P. cordifolia Roxb. Leaves, roots Febrifuge Malay peninsula Perry & Metzger 1980
Leaves Anti-inflammatory, rheumatism Vietnam, Malay peninsula Quattrocchi 2012
Roots Stomachache, diarrhea Vietnam, Malay peninsula Quattrocchi 2012
P. corymbosa Rottler & Willd. Leaves To treat malaria China Perry & Metzger 1980
– Applied to contusions Taiwan Perry & Metzger 1980
Roots For stomach disorders Indo-China Perry & Metzger 1980
Leaves As galactogogue Indonesia Perry & Metzger 1980
– Cough, headache Philippines Perry & Metzger 1980
– Headache New Guinea, Solomon Islands Perry & Metzger 1980
P. crassa Hand.-Mazz. – For skin diseases China, Vietnam Quattrocchi 2012
P. cumingiana Schauer Leaves As diuretic, for dropsy and general Malesia, Philippines Perry & Metzger 1980;
malaise Quattrocchi 2012
P. divaricata Wall. ex Schauer Leaves For cold Malay peninsula Wiart 2000
P. esculenta Roxb. Root Urinary problem, to espel the stones India, Thailand Quattrocchi 2012
P. foetida Reinw. ex Blume Roots For shortness of breath, cough Sumatera, Indonesia; Malay Perry & Metzger 1980;
peninsula Wiart 2000
Leaves As febrifuge Malay peninsula Wiart 2000
Leaves Malaria, liver and spleen problems, Tropical Asia Quattrocchi 2012
worms and constipation
P. glandulosa Hand.-Mazz. Leaves Malaria, liver and spleen problems, China Quattrocchi 2012
worms and constipation
P. henryana (Hand.-Mazz.) – For cough and colds China Quattrocchi 2012
P. herbacea Roxb. Rhizome To treat cancer Thailand Itharat et al. 2004
Leaves Headache China and Tropical Asia Quattrocchi 2012
Leaves & roots Rheumatic pain, cough, fever, cold China and Tropical Asia Quattrocchi 2012
Roots Ulcers, rheumatism, gout China and Tropical Asia Quattrocchi 2012
Whole plant To treat sprain, China and Tropical Asia Quattrocchi 2012
Roots & rhizomes For dropsy, cough, asthma, fever, China and Tropical Asia Quattrocchi 2012
rheumatism, cholera
P. hispida Benth. Leaves Fevers, gastrointestinal disorders, Tropical Africa Quattrocchi 2012
body ache, ear-ache, toothache
P. latifolia Roxb./P. mollissima Stem bark For wound healing Eastern Ghats, India Jeevan Ram et al. 2004
Root As a local application after Burma Perry & Metzger 1980
P. ligustroides Hemsl. Mucillaginous substance Used topically as sunstrike China Perry & Metzger 1980
– For febrifuge China Quattrocchi 2012
P. maxima T.C.E.Fr. – Stomachic, febrifuge Kenya Quattrocchi 2012
P. mollissima Roth. Stem, stem bark, bark Eczema, ring-worms and boils, skin China, tropical Asia Quattrocchi 2012
diseases, itches, fever
Leaves Diuretic, aromatic, dropsy, for a bath China, tropical Asia Quattrocchi 2012
to reduce body allergy
P. mucronata Roxb./P. mollis- Bark To treat ringworm Uttarakhand, India Sharma et al. 2014
sima Roth Stem Eczema, ringworm and boils India Quattrocchi 2012
Leaves For a bath to reduce body allergy India Quattrocchi 2012
P. nauseosa Blanco Leaves For stomach disorders Philippines Perry & Metzger 1980;
Quattrocchi 2012
P. odorata Blanco Leaves To treat tb, phlegm, stomachae, Albay Province, Philippine Lirio et al. 2014;
headache, and cough. Also as Perry & Metzger 1980
wound healing, paraciticides, to
cure tympanites, beri-beri and
heart trouble, to relieve abdominal
pain and dysentry
Leaves, roots, Sudorific, analgesic, pectoral, car- Philippines, Taiwan Quattrocchi 2012
flowers and fruits minative, headache
P. obtusifolia R.Br./P. serratifolia Leaves Malaria, cough Manus, Papua New Guinea Larson et al. 2014
P. parasitica Blume Leaves As tonic after confinement; for fever Indonesia; Malay peninsula Perry & Metzger 1980;
Wiart 2000
P. puberula Pamp. Stem bark Mouth blisters China Quattrocchi 2012
P. pyramidata Wal. ex Schauer Shoots Applied externally on abdomen to India Quattrocchi 2012
treat worms

Table 1. Continued
Species Part of plant Uses Community/area References
P. quadrifolia Schumach. & Leaves As insect repellent Africa & Benin Adjalian & others 2015
P. serratifolia L. Leaves As tonic after childbirth Malay peninsula Wiart 2000
P. serratifolia L. Leaves Migraine North Bougainville, Papua New Larson & others 2014
Leaves Cough, constipation Rotuma, Pacific Islands McClatchey 1996
Bark Hypertension, cardiac insufficiency Rotuma, Pacific Islands McClatchey 1996
Bark Dysentri, stomachache Siwai andBuin districts, Waruruai et al. 2011
Bougainville, Papua New
Guinea; tropical Asia, east
Leaves, bark Headache, malaria Siwai andBuin districts, Waruruai et al. 2011
Bougainville, Papua New
Leaves, twigs Leucorrhea, genital disease, girl's Marquesas Islands, Polynesian Girardi et al. 2015
intimate hygiene, vaginal Islands
Aerial parts Canker sores, bad breath, thrush, Marquesas Islands, Polynesian Girardi et al. 2015
white tongue, oral form of epa, Islands
including bewitchment, taboo
transgression, medicomagic
Leaves Diabetes/hypoglycaemic, gout Marquesas Islands, Polynesian Quattrocchi 2012
Islands, tropical Asia, East
Leaves Antiparasitic against tb; to trreat New Caledonian Desrivot et al. 2007
migraine and general pains
Whole plants Rheumatism, neuralgia, headache Tropical Asia and East Africa Quattrocchi 2012
Fruits Cough Tropical Asia and East Africa Quattrocchi 2012
Leaves Stomachic, colds, fevers, cough, Tropical Asia and East Africa Quattrocchi 2012
headache, applied externally for
body pain
Roots Stomachic, tonic, liver problems, car- Tropical Asia and East Africa Quattrocchi 2012
diac troubles
P. steppicola Hand.-Mazz. – Skin diseases China Quattrocchi 2012
P. sunyiensis C.Pei – Astringent, stomachic China Quattrocchi 2012
P. szemaoensis C.Pei – Wound healing, stomachic China Quattrocchi 2012
P. tahitensis Schauer Bark Tonics Pacific Quattrocchi 2012
P. tomentosa Willd. Root, leaves For stomachache, to take care of Malay peninsula Perry & Metzger 1980;
worms, and as bath after Wiart 2000
Inner bark For diarrhea Indonesia Perry & Metzger 1980
Whole plants Applied externally on caterpillar Burma, Thailand Quattrocchi 2012
Leaves Diuretic, postpartum remedy, for bili- Burma, Thailand Quattrocchi 2012
ousness and abdominal pains,
applied locally on scabies, skin
rahses, itching
Oil from root Stomach disorder Burma, Thailand Quattrocchi 2012
P. urticifolia Rehder – Skin disease China Quattrocchi 2012
-: not mentioned.

abietane diterpenes were highlighted as the most abundant and substitution at C-12 and sp2-hybridization between C-13 and
widespread within Lamiaceae, followed by labdanes, pimaranes, C-16. The structures of some of the diterpenes are shown in
and clerodanes. Interestingly, our current review involving 17 Figure 1.
species revealed that icetexanes and abietanes (including nor- and Eighteen abietanes [34–51], a nor-abietane [52], two secoabie-
seco-abietanes) were the most common diterpene types occurred tanes [54, 55] and a abietane [53] have successfully been identi-
in the genus Premna, followed by pimaranes (including iso- and fied in P. latifolia (Rao et al. 1978; Rao & Vijayakumar 1980),
sandaraco-pimaranes), clerodane, labdane, podocarpanes and P. integrifolia (Yadav et al. 2010), P. obtusifolia (Salae et al. 2012)
rosane (Table 2). At one time, icetexanes were found only in and P. serratifolia (Habtemariam & Varghese 2015). Oxygenated
three genera of Lamiaceae: Coleus, Lepechinia, and Salvia. substitution at C-12 of abietane is common within this genus
Habtemariam et al. (1990) reported the presence of antibacterial and sometimes the substitution may occur at C-1, C-6, C-7, C-
clerodane diterpenes [29–30] from the leaves of P. schimperi 11, C-14 and C-16. While nor-abietane [52] is characterized by
Engl. A year later, two ent-labdane diterpenes [27, 28] were iso- loss of methyl at C-10, this methyl moves from C-10(a) to C-
lated from the aerial parts of P. oligotricha (Habtemariam et al. 5(b) in a novel abietane, premnolal [56]. Additionally, two abie-
1991). Another three clerodanes [31–33] were reported in tane derivatives [56, 57], known as podocarpanes, were isolated
P. tomentosa leaves (Chin et al. 2006). The labdane, ent-12-oxo- from P. latifolia var cuneata C.B.Clarke which do not have iso-
labda-8,13(16)-dien-15-oic acid [27] and all clerodanes bear a prenyl substitution at C-13. Two pimaranes [58, 59] with rare
free carboxylic acid unit attached to C-15 with oxygen 1,3-dihydroxy and 2-hydroxy, respectively, were isolated from
Table 2. Isolated compounds from genus Premna (Lamiaceae).
Classes No Isolated compounds Synonym Species References
Fatty acid [1] Stearic acid Octadecanoid acid P. fulva, P. crassa Wei et al. 1990;
Wei et al. 1991
Fatty acid [2] Hexacosoic acid P. hainanensis Dai et al. 2010
Fatty acid [3] 2-Hexylidene-3-methylsuccinic acid P. serratifolia Wang et al. 2011
Fatty acid/aldehyde [4] 1-Heneicosyl formate P. odorata Lirio et al. 2014
Fatty acid [5] a-Linolenic acid P. microphylla6 Zhan & Yue 2003
Fatty acid [6] 1-Monolinolenin P. microphylla6 Zhan & Yue 2003
Alkana glucoside [7] Hexyl glucoside P. serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Glyceroglycolipid [8] 1-O-(9Z,12Z,15Z-octadecatrienoyl)-3-O-b-D-galactopyranosylglycerol P. microphylla6 Zhan & Yue 2003
Glyceroglycolipid [9] Gingerglycolipid A P. microphylla6 Zhan & Yue 2003
Glyceroglycolipid [10] 1-O-(9Z,12Z,15Z-octadecatrienoyl)-3-O-[b-D-galactopyranosyl-(1!6)-O-b-D-galactopyranosyl- P. microphylla6 Zhan & Yue 2003
(1!6)-a-D-galactopyranosyl] glycerol
Ceramide [11] (2S,3S,4R,11E)-2[(2R)-2-hydroxytetracosanoylamino]-11-octadecene-1,3,4-triol P. microphylla6 Zhan & Yue 2003
Ceramide glucoside [12] 1-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(2S,3S,4R,8Z)-2-[(2R)-2-hydroxydocosanoylamino]-8-octadene-1,3,4-triol P. microphylla6 Zhan & Yue 2003
Sesquiterpene [13] 7a-Hydroxy-6,11-cyclofarnes-3(15)-en-2-one P. oligotricha Habtemariam et al.
Sesquiterpene [14] Blumenol A P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Sesquiterpene [15] (3S,5R,6S,7E,9R)-5,6-epoxy-3,9-dihydroxy-7-megastigmene P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Sesquiterpene [16] 3b-Hydroxy-5a,6a-epoxy-7-15-megastigmen-9-one P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Sesquiterpene [17] Ixerol B P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Sesquiterpene [18] ()-Dehydrovomifoliol P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Sesquiterpene [19] 3S,5R-Dihydroxy-6S,7-megastigmadien-9-one P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Sesquiterpene [20] 7-(3,5-Dihydroxy-1,1,5-trimethylcyclohexylidene)-9-methylprop-8-enyl 9-O-b-D-glucopyranoside P. subscandens Sudo et al. 2000
Sesquiterpene [21] 3-Hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-b-ionol 9-O-b-D-glucopyranoside P. subscandens Sudo et al. 2000
Sesquiterpene [22] 2'-O-b-D-apiofuranosyl derivative of 3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-b-ionol 9-O-b-D-glucopyranoside Premnaionoside P. subscandens Sudo et al. 2000
Sesquiterpene [23] Loliotide P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Sesquiterpene [24] (þ)-Dehydrololiolide P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Sesquiterpene [25] 4b,5b-Dihydroxy-10-epi-eudesmane P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Sesquiterpene [26] 4b,10b-Dihydroxyaromadendrane P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpened [27] ent-12-Oxolabda-8,13(16)-dien-15-oic acid P. oligotricha Habtemariam et al.
Diterpened [28] ent-8b,12a-epidioxy-12b-hydroxylabda-9(11),13-dien-15-oic acid c-lactone P. oligotricha Habtemariam et al.
Diterpenec [29] (5R,8R,9S,10R)-12-oxo-ent-3,13(16)-clerodien-15-oic acid P. schimperi Habtemariam et al.
Diterpenec [30] 16a-Hydroxy-cleroda-3,13(14)Z-dien-15,16-diolide
Diterpenec [31] (5R,6R,7R,8S,9R,10R)-6-O-(trans-cinnamoyl)-7-hydroxy-12-oxo-3,13(16)-clerodien-15-oic Premnone A P. tomentosa Chin et al. 2006
acid methyl ester
Diterpene [32] (5R,6R,7R,8S,9R,10R)-6-O-(cis-cinnamoyl)-7-hydroxy-12-oxo-3,13(16)-clerodien-15-oic acid Premnone B P. tomentosa Chin et al. 2006
methyl ester
Diterpenec [33] (5R,6R,7R,8S,9R,10R)-7-O-(trans-cinnamoyl)-6-hydroxy-12-oxo-3,13(16)-clerodien-15-oic Premnone C P. tomentosa Chin et al. 2006
acid methyl ester
e 5
Diterpene [34] 6a,11,14,16(or 17)-tetrahydroxy-abieta-8,11,13-triene Nellionol P. mollissima Rao et al. 1978
Diterpenee [35] 6a,11,12,16-tetrahydroxy-7-oxo-abieta-8,11,13-triene P. serratifolia2 Yadav et al. 2010
Diterpenee [36] 5,6-Double bond of 6a,11,14,16(or 17)-tetrahydroxy-abieta-8,11,13-triene Anhydronellionol P. mollissima5 Rao et al. 1978
Diterpenee [37] 5,6-Double bond and enolic 6-OH of 6a,11,14,16(or 17)-tetrahydroxy-abieta-8,11,13-triene 5-dehydronellionol P. mollissima5 Rao et al. 1978
Diterpenee [38] 6a,11,14,16-tetra-O-acetylabieta-8,1,13-trien-7-one tetracetate of nellionol P. mollissima5 Rao & Rao 1981
Diterpenee [39] Abietatrien-1b-ol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenee [40] Abietatrien-1b,12-diol 1b-hydroxy-ferruginol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenee [41] Lambertic acid P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenee [42] Ferruginol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012

Diterpenee [43] O-Methyl-ferruginol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012

Diterpenef [44] 12-Hydroxyabieta-8(14),9(11),12-trien-7-one Sugiol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenee [45] Royleanone P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Table 2. Continued

Classes No Isolated compounds Synonym Species References

Diterpenee [46] 7a,12-Dihydroxy-8,12-abietadiene-11,14-dione Horminone; 7a- P. serratifolia3 Razak et al. 2010; Salae
hydroxyroyleanone et al. 2012
Diterpenee [47] Montbretrol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenee [48] 5,6,10-Trihydroxy-7-isopropyl-1,1,4a-trimethyl-2,3,4,4a-tetrahydrophenanthren-9(1H)-one 14-deoxycoleone; 6- P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2009; Salae
hydroxy-salvinolone et al. 2012
Diterpenee [49] Taxodion P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenee [50] 5a,11,12-Trihydroxy-6-oxa-abieta-8,11,13-trien-7-one P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenee [51] 6a,11,12-Trihydroxy-7b,20-epoxy-8,11,13-abietatriene P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012

Diterpenee [52] Arucadiol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenee [53] 11,12,16-Trihydroxy-2-oxo-5-methyl-10-demethyl-abieta-1[10],6,8,11,13-pentene P. serratifolia1 Habtemariam and

Varghese 2015
Diterpenef [54] 12-Hydroxy-6,7-secoabieta-8,11,13-triene-6,7-dial P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenef [55] Salvicaranaldehyde P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpeneg [56] 13-Formyl-11,14-dihydroxypodocarpa-8,11,13-triene Premnolal P. mollissima5, P. Rao & Vijayakumar,
mollissima8 1980; Rao et al.
Diterpeneg [57] 6,7-Dihydropremnolal P. mollissima8 Rao et al. 1982
Diterpeneh [58] 1b,3a,8b-Trihydroxy-pimara-15-ene P. serratifolia2 Yadav et al. 2010
Diterpeneh [59] 2a,19-Dihydroxy-pimara-7,15-diene P. serratifolia2 Yadav et al. 2010
Diterpeneh [60] Isopimara-7,15-dien-1b,3b-diol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpeneh [61] Isopimara-7,15-dien-1b,19-diol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenei [62] Sandaracopimar-15-en-8b-ol P. mollissima5, P. Rao & Rao 1978; Rao
mollissima8 et al. 1982
Diterpenei [63] Sandaracopimar-15-en-1b,8b-diol P. mollissima5, P. Rao & Rao 1978, Rao &
mollissima8 Vijayakumar 1980;
Rao et al. 1982
Diterpenei [64] Sandaracopimar-15-en-1b,7a,8b-triol Previously sandaracopimar- P. mollissima5, P. Rao & Rao 1978; Rao &
15-en-1b,8b,12b-triol mollissima8 Vijayakumar 1980;
Rao et al. 1982
Diterpenei [65] Sandarocopimar-15-en-7a,8b,11a-triol P. mollissima8 Rao et al. 1982
Diterpenei [66] 11-epi-sandaracopimar-15-en-8b-ol 11-keto-sandaracopimar-15- P. mollissima5 Rao & Rao 1978; Rao &
en-8b-ol Vijayakumar,1980
Diterpenei [67] 1-Ketosandaracopimar-15-en-1b,8b-diol P. mollissima5 Rao & Vijayakumar
Diterpenej [68] 13-epi-5,15-rosadien-3a,11b-diol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012

Diterpenea [69] Obtusinone A P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpene [70] Obtusinone B P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012

Diterpenea [71] Obtusinone C P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpeneb [72] Sirutekkone Bharangin P. herbaceae Sandhya et al. 1988;
Murthy et al. 2006
Diterpenea [73] 8,11,13-Icetexatriene-10,11-12,16-tetrol Icetexane-1 P. tomentosa Hymavathi et al. 2009
Diterpenea [74] 8,11,13-Icetexatriene-10,11,16-triol Icetexane-2 P. tomentosa Hymavathi et al. 2009
Diterpenea [75] 8,11,13-Icetexatriene-7,10,11,16-tetrol Icetexane-3 P. tomentosa Hymavathi et al. 2009
Diterpenea [76] 7,10-Epoxy-8,11,13 icetexatriene-11,12,16-triol Icetexane-4 P. tomentosa Hymavathi et al. 2009
Diterpenea [77] 11,12-Dihydroxy-8,11,13-icetexatrien-1-one P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenea [78] 11,12-Dihydroxy-6,8,11,13-icetexatatraen-1-one 11,12-dihydroxy- P. serratifolia3 Razak et al. 2011; Salae
10,6,8,11,13-icetexapen- et al. 2012
Diterpenea [79] Salviasperanol P. serratifolia3 Salae et al. 2012
Diterpenea [80] 5,6-Dihydro-6a-hydroxy-salviasperanol P. serratifolia3 Asik et al. 2010; Salae
et al. 2012
Diterpenea [81] 8,11,13-Icetexatriene-10-hydroxy-11,12,16-triacetoxyl Icetexatriene-1 P. tomentosa Ayinampudi et al. 2012
Diterpenea [82] 8,11,13-Icetexatriene-7,10-11-trihydroxy-12,13-dihydofuran Icetexatriene-2 P. tomentosa Ayinampudi et al. 2012
Diterpenea [83] 10b,11-Dihydroxyl-12,16-epoxy-9(10!20)-abeo-abieta-6,8,11,13-tetraene Latifolionol P. mollissima5 Suresh et al. 2011b
Diterpenea [84] 10b,11-Dihydroxyl-12,16-epoxy-9(10!20)-abeo-abieta-8,11,13-triene Dihydrolatifolionol P. mollissima5 Suresh et al. 2011b
Table 2. Continued
Classes No Isolated compounds Synonym Species References
Diterpenea [85] 6b,11-Dihydroxyl-(10!7)b epoxy-12,16-epoxy-9(10!20)-abeo-abieta-8,11,13-triene Latiferanol P. mollissima5 Suresh et al. 2011b

Diterpenea [86] Obtusinone D P. serratifolia3 Salae & Boonnak 2013
Diterpene [87] Obtusinone E P. serratifolia3 Salae & Boonnak 2013

Diterpenea [88] Premnalatifolin A P. mollissima5 Suresh et al. 2011a
Triterpene [89] Lupeol P. tomentosa; P. Hymavathi et al. 2009;
hainanensis Ayinampudi et al.
2012; Dai et al. 2010
Triterpene [90] Betulin P. tomentosa Hymavathi et al. 2009;
Ayinampudi et al.
Triterpene [91] Lupeol octacosanoate P. fulva Wei et al. 1991
Triterpene [92] Lupeol nanocosanoate P. fulva Wei et al. 1991
Triterpene [93] Lupeol melissate P. fulva Wei et al. 1991
Triterpene [94] Lupene-3one P. fulva Quan et al. 1989
Triterpene [95] Friedelin 3-friedelanone P. hainanensis, P. fulva, Quan et al. 1989; Wei
P. crassa et al. 1990, 1991;
Dai et al. 2006, 2010
Triterpene [96] Friedelan-3b-ol Epifriedelanol P. fulva, P. crassa Quan et al. 1989; Wei
et al. 1990, 1991
Triterpene [97] Arjunolic acid P. microphylla6 Zhan et al. 2009
Triterpene [98] Hyptatic acid P. microphylla6 Zhan et al. 2009
Triterpene [99] Ursolic acid P. tomentosa, P. fulva Chin et al. 2006; Dai
et al. 2006
Triterpene [100] Tormentic acid P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Triterpene glycoside [101] 28-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl (1!2)-b-D-glucopyranoside tormentic acid ester P. microphylla6 Zhan et al. 2009
Triterpene glycoside [102] 2a,3b,23-trihdroxy-12,20(30)-ursadien-28-oic acid 28-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl(1!2)-b-D-glucopyra- Actinicoside P. fulva Niu et al. 2013
nosyl ester
Sterol [103] b-Ecdysterone P. serratifolia Wang et al. 2011
Sterol [104] 20,22-Acetonides of inokosterone P. serratifolia Wang et al. 2011
Sterol [105] Stigmasterol P. odorata, P. Dinda et al. 2010; Lirio
mollissima5 et al. 2014
Sterol [106] b-Sitosterol P. odorata; P. mollis- Rao & Rao 1981; Rao
sima5; P. fulva; P. et al. 1981; Quan
hainanensis, P. crassa et al. 1989; Wei
et al. 1990, 1991;
Dai et al. 2006,
2010; Dinda et al.
2010; Lirio et al.
Sterol glycoside [107] b-Sitosterol-3-O-b-D-glucoside P. mollissima5 Rao & Rao 1981; Rao
et al. 1981; Ghosh
et al. 2014;
Sterol glycoside [108] (3b)-Stigmast-5-en-3-yl b-D-glucopyranoside b-Daucosterol P. hainanensis, P. fulva Dai et al. 2006, 2010
Rhamnopyranoside [109] 1-O-trans-p-coumaroyl-a-L-rhamnopyranoside P. serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Rhamnopyranose [110] 2-O-trans-isoferuloylrhamnopyranose P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991c
Rhamnopyranose [111] 3-O-trans-isoferuloylrhamnopyranose P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991c
Rhamnopyranose [112] 2-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoylrhamnopyranose P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991c
Rhamnopyranose [113] 3-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoylrhamnopyranose P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991c
Rhamnopyranose [114] 2-O-cis-p-methoxycinnamoylrhamnopyranose P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991c
Iridoid glycoside [115] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-caffeoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. odorata Otsuka et al. 1989a,

Iridoid glycoside [116] 6-O-a-L-(300 -O-caffeoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. odorata Otsuka et al. 1989a,
Iridoid glycoside [117] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-isoferuloyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1989c
Iridoid glycoside [118] 6-O-a-L-(300 -O-isoferuloyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1989c
Table 2. Continued

Classes No Isolated compounds Synonym Species References

Iridoid glucoside [119] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-caffeoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. serratifolia4 Otsuka et al., 1993
Iridoid glucoside [120] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-trans-p-coumaroyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. serratifolia4 Otsuka et al. 1993
Iridoid glucoside [121] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-cis-p-coumaroyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. serratifolia4 Otsuka et al. 1993
Iridoid glycoside [122] 6-O-a-L-(2',300 -dicaffeoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Premnoside A P. odorata Otsuka et al. 1989b
Iridoid glycoside [123] 6-O-a-L-[2-O-,300 -O-(or 300 -O-,200 -O-)caffeoyl, p-trans-coumaroyl] rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Premnoside B P. odorata Otsuka et al. 1989b
Iridoid glycoside [124] 6-O-a-L-[2-O-,300 -O-(or 300 -O-,200 -O-)caffeoyl, feruloyl] rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Premnoside C P. odorata, P. Otsuka et al. 1989b;
serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Iridoid glycoside [125] 6-O-a-L-[2-O-,300 -O-(or 300 -O-,200 -O-)feruloyl, p-trans-coumaroyl] rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Premnoside D P. odorata, P. Otsuka et al. 1989b;
serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Iridoid glycoside [126] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-isoferuloyl, 400 -acetyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1990a

Iridoid glycoside [127] 6-O-a-L-(300 -O-isoferuloyl, 400 -acetyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1990a
Iridoid glycoside [128] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-p-coumaroyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Saccatoside P. microphylla7; P. Otsuka et al. 1990b;
serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Iridoid glycoside [129] 6-O-a-L-(400 -O-p-coumaroyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1990b
Iridoid glycoside [130] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-p-methoxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991a,b
Iridoid glycoside [131] 6-O-a-L-(300 -O-p-methoxycinnamoyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991a
Iridoid glycoside [132] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-p-methoxycinnamoyl-400 -O-acetyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991a
Iridoid glycoside [133] 6-O-a-L-(300 -O-p-methoxycinnamoyl-400 -O-acetyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991a
Iridoid glycoside [134] 6-O-a-L-(200 -O-feruloyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991b
Iridoid glycoside [135] 6-O-a-L-(300 -O-feruloyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991b
Iridoid glycoside [136] 6-O-a-L-(400 -O-feruloyl) rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. microphylla7, P. Otsuka et al. 1991b;
serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Iridoid glycoside [137] 6-O-(300 -O-acetyl-200 -O-trans-p-coumaroyl)-a-L-rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Premnacorymbo-side A P. serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Iridoid glycoside [138] 6-O-(300 -O-trans-p-coumaroyl)-a-L-rhamnopyranosylcatalpol Premnacorymbo-side B P. serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Iridoid glucoside [139] 1,8-Diester of mussaenosidic acid of 3,7-dimethyloctan-1,8-diol Premnaodoroside A P. odorata, P. Otsuka et al. 1992;
serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Iridoid glucoside [140] 3,7-Dimethyloctan-1,8-diol esterified with one moeity each of mussaenosidic acid and 8-epi- Premnaodoroside B P. odorata Otsuka et al. 1992
loganic acid
Iridoid glucoside [141] 3,7-Dimethyloctan-1,8-diol esterified with one moeity each of mussaenosidic acid and gardoside Premnaodoroside C P. odorata Otsuka et al. 1992
Iridoid glucoside [142] 1,8-Diester of the 8-epiloganic acid of 3,7-dimethyloctan-1,8-diol Premnaodoroside D P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1999
Iridoid glucoside [143] 1,8-Diester of the gardoside of 3,7-dimethyloctan-1,8-diol Premnaodoroside E P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1999
Iridoid glucoside [144] Mixture of 1-gardoside-8-epiloganic acid ester of 3,7-dimethyloctan-1,8-diol and 1-epiloganic Premnaodoroside F P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1999
acid-8-gardoside ester of 3,7-dimethyloctan-1,8-diol (1:1)
Iridoid glucoside [145] Mixture of 1-gardoside-8-mussaenosidic acid of 3,7-dimethyloctan-1,8-diol and 1-mussaenosidic Premnaodoroside G P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1999
acid-8-gardoside ester of 3,7-dimethyloctan-1,8-diol
Iridoid glycoside [146] Bisdesoxydihyromonotropein 7-deoxyloganic acid P. mollissima5 Rao et al. 1981
Iridoid glycoside [147] Geniposidic acid P. mollissima5 Rao et al. 1981
Iridoid [148] Piscrosin D P. serratifolia Wang et al. 2011
Iridoid glycoside [149] Aucubin P. microphylla7 Otsuka et al. 1991b
Iridoid glycoside [150] Premnosidic acid P. barbata, P. Negi et al. 2004; Yadav
serratifolia2 et al. 2013
Iridoid glycoside [151] 10-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoylcatalpol P. serratifolia2, P. Hang et al. 2008; Sudo
subscandens et al. 1997b
Iridoid glucoside [152] 10-O-cis-p-methoxycinnamoylcatalpol P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997b
Iridoid glucoside [153] 10-O-cis-p-coumaroylcatalpol P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997b
Iridoid glucoside [154] 10-O-trans-p-coumaroylcatalpol P. serratifolia, P. Wang et al. 2011;
serratifolia2 Yadav et al. 2013
Iridoid glucoside [155] 10-O-trans-caffeoylcatalpol P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997b
Iridoid glucoside [156] 10-O-trans-isoferuloylcatalpol P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997b
Iridoid glucoside [157] 10-O-trans-p-methoxycinnamoylasystasioside E P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997b
Iridoid glucoside [158] 10-O-cis-p-methoxycinnamoylasystasioside E P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997b
Iridoid glucoside [159] 10-O-trans-p-coumaroylasystasioside E P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997b
Iridoid glucoside [160] 10-O-cis-p-coumaroylasystasioside E P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997b
Iridoid glycoside [161] 10-O-trans-p-coumaroyl-6-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosylcatalpol P. serratifolia2 Yadav et al. 2013
Table 2. Continued
Classes No Isolated compounds Synonym Species References
Iridoid glycoside [162] Scutellarioside II P. serratifolia2; P. Sudo et al. 1997b;
subscandens Hang et al. 2008
Iridoid glucoside [163] 400 -Methoxy-E-globularinin P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1998
Iridoid glucoside [164] 400 -Methoxy-Z-globularinin P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1998
Iridoid glucoside [165] 400 -Hydroxy-E-globularinin P. subscandens, P. Sudo et al. 1998; Yadav
serratifolia2 et al. 2013
Iridoid glucoside [166] 400 -Methoxy-E-globularimin P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1998
Iridoid glucoside [167] 400 -Methoxy-Z-globularimin P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1998
Iridoid [168] 4,4-Dimethoxy-b-truxinic acid catalpol diester P. subscandens Sudo et al. 2000
Iridoid glycoside [169] {1-O-(3,4-dihydrophenethoxy)-3-O-a-L-6-deoxy-mannopyranosyl-4-O-[(E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)- Premfulvaoside P. fulva Niu et al. 2013
Phenethyl alcohol glycoside [170] Cistanoside F P. odorata Otsuka et al. 1992
Phenethyl alcohol glycoside [171] Benzyl alcohol b-D-(2'-O-b-D-xylopyranosyl)glucopyranoside P. subscandens Sudo et al. 2000
Benzyl alcohol glycoside [172] Phenethyl alcohol b-D-(2'-O-b-D-xylopyranosyl)glucopyranoside P. subscandens Sudo et al. 2000
Phenethyl alcohol glycoside [173] Acteoside Verbacoside P. serratifolia1,2,4, P. Otsuka et al. 1991b,
microphylla7, P. odor- 1992; Otsuka et al.
ata, P. subscandens 1993; Yuasa et al.
1993;Sudo et al.
1997a; Hang et al.
2008; Bose et al.
Verbacoside iridoid glucoside [174] Premcoryoside P. serratifolia4, P. Otsuka et al. 1993;
subscandens Sudo et al. 1997a
Phenethyl alcohol glycoside [175] Isoacteoside P. odorata Otsuka et al. 1992;
Yuasa et al. 1993
Phenethyl alcohol glycoside [176] Martynoside P. microphylla7, P. Otsuka et al. 1991b;
serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Martynoside glycoside [177] 3-Hydroxy-4-methoxyphenethyl alcohol b-D-(3'-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-4'-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl- Premnafolioside P. serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
6'-O-feruloyl glucopyranoside
Phenethyl alcohol glycoside [178] Decaffeoylverbascoside Bioside P. odorata, P. Otsuka et al. 1992;
subscandens Sudo et al. 1997a
Phenylethanoid [179] Premnethanoside A P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997a
Phenylethanoid [180] Premnethanoside B P. subscandens Sudo et al. 1997a
Phenolic acid [181] p-Hydroxybenzoic acid P. fulva; P. hainanensis Chen et al. 2010; Dai
et al. 2007, 2010
Phenolic acid [182] Vanillic acid P. fulva Wei et al. 1991; Dai
et al. 2007; Chen
et al. 2010
Aldehyde [183] 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde P. serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Aldehyde [184] 4-Hydroxy-2-methoxybenzaldehyde P. serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Aldehyde [185] Syrangaldehyde P. tomentosa Hymavathi et al. 2009;
Ayinampudi et al.
Aldehyde [186] Acetoxy syranzaldehyde P. tomentosa Ayinampudi et al. 2012
Aldehyde [187] Premnalin P. tomentosa Ayinampudi 2013
Aldehyde [188] Coniferaldehyde P. tomentosa Hymavathi et al. 2009;
Ayinampudi et al.
Aldehyde [189] 2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone P. tomentosa Hymavathi et al. 2009;
Ayinampudi et al.

Phenolic glucoside [190] Leonuriside A P. serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Alkaloid (indole) [191] Indole-3-carboxylic acid P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Alkaloid [192] Premnine P. serratifolia2 Basu & Dandiya 1947
Table 2. Continued

Classes No Isolated compounds Synonym Species References

Alkaloid [193] Ganiarine P. serratifolia2 Basu & Dandiya 1947
Alkaloid [194] Aphelandrine P. serratifolia2 Dasgupta et al. 1984
Lignan [195] (þ)-Lyoniresinol-2a-O-b-D-glucopyranoside P. serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Lignan [196] erythro-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-{4-[2-formyl-(E)-vinyl]-2-methoxyphenoxy}-propan-1,3-diol P. serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Lignan [197] threo-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-{4-[2-carbinyl-(E)-vinyl}-2-methoxyphenoxy)-propana-1,3- P. serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Lignan [198] Seco-isolariciresinol P. recinosa Habtemariam et al.
Lignan [199] Plucheoside D1 P. serratifolia Yuasa et al. 1993
Lignan [200] (þ)-Lariciresinol P. recinosa Habtemariam et al.

Lignan [201] ()-Olivil P. serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Lignan [202] Premnalatin P. mollissima5 Rao & Rao 1981
Lignan [203] Syringaresinol P. fulva Dai et al. 2007; Chen
et al. 2010
Lignan [204] (þ)-1-Hydroxypinoresinol P. recinosa Habtemariam et al.
Lignan [205] (þ)-Medioresinol P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Lignan [206] 4-Oxopiresinol P. microphylla6 Hu et al. 2013
Lignan [207] 4-epi-gummadiol-4-O-b-D-glucopyranoside P. serratifolia4 Yuasa et al. 1993
Lignan [208] 4b-Hydroxyasarinin-1-O-b-glucopyranoside P. serratifolia2 Yadav et al. 2013
Lignan [209] Premnadimer P. serratifolia2 Yadav et al. 2013
Xanthone [210] 1-Hydroxy-2,3-methylenedioxy-6-methoxycarbonyl-7-acetylxanthone P. microphylla6 Wang & Xu 2003
Xanthone [211] 1,3-Dihydroxy-2-methoxy-6-methoxycarbonyl-7-acetylxanthone P. microphylla6 Wang & Xu 2003
Flavonoid [212] 4'-Hydroxy-8,3'-dimethoxy-6-acroleinylflavan-3,4-diol P. fulva Chen et al. 2010
Flavonoid [213] Naringenin P. fulva, P. recinosa Habtemariam et al.
1992; Dai et al.
2007; Chen et al.
Flavonoid [214] Eriodictyol P. recinosa Habtemariam et al.
Flavonoid [215] Pinocembrin P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Flavonoid [216] Pinostrobin P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Flavonoid [217] 7-Hydroxy-flavanone P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Flavonoid [218] Apigenin P. fulva, P. pyramidata Dai et al. 2007; Chen
et al. 2010;
Monprasart et al.
Flavonoid [219] 5,7-Dihydroxy-4'-methoxy-flavone Acacetin P. odorata, P. Li et al. 2008; Pinzon
szemaoensis et al. 2011
Flavonoid [220] Luteolin P. serratifolia2, P. schim- Habtemariam et al.
peri, P. recinosa 1992; Dasgupta
et al. 184
Flavonoid [221] 5,7,3'-Trihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone Diosmetin P. odorata; P. serratifolia Pinzon et al. 2011;
Wang et al. 2011;
Hu et al. 2013; Lirio
et al. 2014
Flavonoid [222] Selagin P. pyramidata Monprasart et al. 2011
Flavonoid [223] 5-Hydroxy-3’,4’,6,7-tetramethoxyflavone P. szemaoensis Li et al. 2008
Flavonoid [224] Quercetin P. schimperi, P. recinosa, Habtemariam et al.
P. serratifolia 1992; Wang et al.
Flavonoid [225] Kaempferide P. schimperi Habtemariam et al.
Flavonoid [226] Myricetin-3’,4’,7-trimethyl ether P. tomentosa Balakrishna et al. 2003
Flavonoid [227] 3-Methoxy-galangin P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Table 2. Continued
Classes No Isolated compounds Synonym Species References
Flavonoid [228] 3,7-Dimethoxy-galangin P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Flavonoid [229] 5,4’-Dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavonol P. szemaoensis Li et al. 2008
Flavonoid [230] 3’,4’,5-Trihydroxy-3,7-dimethoxyflavone P. szemaoensis Li et al. 2008
Flavonoid [231] 5,3’-Dihydroxy-7,4’-dimethoxyflavonol P. szemaoensis Li et al. 2008
Flavonoid [232] 5,4’-Dihydroxy-3,7,3’-trimethoxyflavone P. szemaoensis Li et al. 2008
Flavonoid [233] 5-Hydroxy-7,3’,4’-trimethoxyflavonol P. szemaoensis Li et al. 2008
Flavonoid [234] Pachypodol Trimethyl ether of quercetin P. recinosa Habtemarim et al. 1992
Flavonoid [235] Chrysosplenol-D P. recinosa Habtemariam et al.
Flavonoid [236] 3,5,7,5'-Tetrahydroxy-6,3',4'-trimethoxyflavone P. oligotricha Habtemariam et al.
Flavonoid [237] 3,5,5'-Trihydroxy-6,7,3',4'-tetramethoxyflavone P. oligotricha Habtemariam et al.
Flavonoid glycoside [238] Kaempferol-3-O-b-D-galactopyranoside P. serratifolia Wang et al. 2011
Flavonoid glycoside [239] Quercetin 3-O-b-D-xylopyranoside P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Flavonoid glycoside [240] Genkwanin-5-O-b-D-glucoside P. serratifolia Wang et al. 2011
Flavonoid [241] Vitexin P. fulva Dai et al. 2007; Chen
et al. 2010;
Flavonoid glycoside [242] Apigenin 7-O-b-D-glucopyranoside-4'-acetate P. mollissima5 Ghosh et al. 2014
Flavonoid glycoside [243] Apigenin 7-O-b-D-apiofuranosyl (1!2)-a-L-rhamnopyranoside P. mollissima5 Ghosh et al. 2014
Flavonoid glycoside [244] 6-C-b-D-glucopyranosyl-8-C-b-D-xylopyranosyl apigenin Vicenin-3 P. tomentosa Jyotsna et al. 1984
Flavonoid glycoside [245] Quercetin 3-rutinoside P. serratifolia2 Hang et al. 2008
Flavonoid glycoside [246] 5-Hydroxy-4-methoxy-flavone-7-O-bioside P. mollissima5 Rao & Rao 1981
Flavonoid glycoside [247] 5-Hydroxy-4'-methoxy-flavone-7-O-trioside P. mollissima5 Rao & Rao 1981
Flavonoid glycoside [248] 6,3'-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-4',5'-methylenedioxyisoflavone P. microphylla6 Zhong & Wang 2002
Flavonoid glycoside [249] 6,3'-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-4',5'-methylenedioxyisoflavone-6-O-b-D-glucopyranoside P. microphylla6 Zhong & Wang 2002
Flavonoid glycoside [250] 6,3'-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-4',5'-methylenedioxyisoflavone-6-O-a-L-rhamnopyranoside P. microphylla6 Zhong & Wang 2002
Flavonoid glycoside [251] 6,3'-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-4',5'-methylenedioxyisoflavone-6-O-b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1!6)-b-D- P. microphylla6 Zhong & Wang 2002
Chalcone [252] 2’,4’-Dimethoxy chalcone P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Chalcone [253] Isoliquitirigenin P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Chalcone [254] 2-Methoxy isoliquiritigenin P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
Chalcone [255] Cardamonin P. yunnanensis Yu et al. 2012
P. serratifolia L.
P. serratifolia L. (syn P. integrifolia Willd.).
P. serratifolia L.(syn P. obtusifolia R.Br.).
P. serratifolia L. (syn P. corymbosa var obtusifolia (R.Br.) H.R.Fletcher).
P. mollissima Roth. (syn P. latifolia Roxb.).
P. microphylla Turcz.
P. microphylla Turcz (syn P. japonica Miq.).
P. mollissima Turcz (syn P. latifolia var. cuneate C.B.Clarke).
dimeric icetexane.
rearranged icetexane.
quinone methane.





28 30 31 32 33






50 51 55 56 71





78 80 85 86
Figure 1. Chemical structures of some diterpenoids obtained from Premna species.

P. integrifolia (Yadav et al. 2010). Two isopimaranes [60–61] Kaplan 2001). The name ‘iridoid’ itself comes from iridodial and
were reported to be identified in P. obtusifolia (Salae et al. 2012) related compounds isolated from the defense secretion of
along with other pimarane-related type, a rosane [68]. Earlier, Iridomyrmex species (Tietze 1983). Classification of naturally
several studies (Rao & Rao 1978; Rao & Vijayakumar 1980; Rao occurring iridoids involves large groups, yet there are four distin-
et al. 1982) reported the occurrence of six sandaracopimaranes guish classes i.e. the non-glycosidic iridoids, iridoid glycosides, iri-
[62–67] from P. latifolia and P. latifolia var cuneata with com- doid acetal esters, and secoiridoid glycosides. Our current review
mon a-hydroxyl substitution at position C-8. The iso- and san- has identified more than 53 iridoid glycosides within nine species
daraco-pimaranes are the isomeric 13-Meb and 17-Mea forms of of Premna (Table 2). Most of the isolated iridoids are catalpol
pimarane. Though rosane could be found as both 13-C enan- derivatives [115–138, 148–168] although mussaenosidic acid, epi-
tiomers, its structure is distinguishable by migration of methyl at loganic acid and gardoside derivatives [139–147, 169] also could
C-10 at pimarane to the C-9 position. be identified in quite a great number. Majority of the iridoids are
Recent studies have identified the genus Premna as rich in linked to their glycosides at C-1 though in catalpol, the glycoside
icetexane diterpenes. As of this review, 20 icetexanes have been could have linked to C-6. Interesting structure was displayed by
isolated from Premna species including three dimeric icetexanes compound 168, with two catalpol glycosides formed an ester to
and three rearranged icetexanes. Extensive phytochemical work truxinic acid. Piscrosin D [148] was the only non-glycoside iridoid
on P. obtusifolia has led to the isolation of four icetexanes isolated from P. japonica (Otsuka et al. 1991b) and P. serratifolia
[77–80], two dimeric icetexanes [86–87] and three rearranged (Wang et al. 2011), respectively. Figure 2 shows the structures of
icetexanes [69–71] (Salae et al. 2012; Salae & Boonnak 2013). An some of the iridoid and iridoid glycosides.
icetexane [72] was also isolated from P. herbacea [72] (Sandhya
et al. 1988; Murthy et al. 2006), while several icetexanes [73–76,
81–82] were obtained from P. tomentosa (Hymavathi et al. 2009; Phenylethanoids, aldehydes, alkaloids and lignans
Ayinampudi et al. 2012). Icetexanes [83–85, 88] were also iso- Phenylethanoid glycosides (PhGs) are natural products which are
lated from P. latifolia (Suresh et al. 2011a, 2011b). structurally a glycosidic ester consisting of cinnamic acid and
Hypothetically, icetexane is derived from rearrangement of hydroxyl phenylethyl moieties attached to glycoside residue.
methyl at C-10 of abietane skeleton to form 6-7-6 tricyclic diter- Their structure may consist of monosaccharide, disaccharides, or
pene. Common substitutions occurs at C-11 and C-12, mostly as trisaccharides, with the common glycosides being glucose, rham-
hydroxyl [72–81] which might further rearrange and form a five- nose, xylose, and apiose. They are found in many of the family
member ring [82–85]. Lamiaceae where acteoside or verbacoside [173] is common
(Jimenez & Riguera 1994). Cistanoside F [170] and other ten
Sterols and triterpenes PhGs [171–180] were isolated from the genus Premna (details in
Table 2), of which 174 contains a iridoid moiety attached to its
Three skeleton type of pentacyclic triterpenes have been reported glucose. Phenolic acids [181, 182] were reported in P. fulva and
from the genus Premna, i.e. lupane, oleanane and ursane. Three P. hainanensis (Wei et al. 1991; Dai et al. 2007, 2010; Chen et al.
lupane-type diterpenes [89, 90, 94] have been identified in 2010) and several aldehydes [183–190] were isolated from P.
P. fulva (Quan et al. 1989), P. hainanensis (Dai et al. 2010) and integrifolia (Hang et al. 2008) and P. tomentosa (Hymavathi et al.
P. tomentosa (Hymavathy et al. 2009; Ayinampudi et al. 2012) 2009; Ayinampudi et al. 2012). One indole carboxylic acid [191]
while three derivatives of lupeol [91–93] have been isolated from was also isolated from P. microphylla (Hu et al. 2013). Some
P. fulva (Wei et al. 1991). Further studies also reported the pres- alkaloids [192–194] were only identified in P. integrifolia (Basu
ence of four oleanane-type triterpenes [95–98] which were dis- & Dandiya 1947; Dasgupta et al. 1984). Lignans, a phenylpropa-
tributed in P. crassa, P. fulva, P. hainanensis and P. microphylla noid derivatives, were identified within 6 species of Premna and
(Wei et al. 1990, 1991; Dai et al. 2006, 2010; Zhan et al. 2009). commonly found as furan lignans [199–202] (Rao & Rao 1981;
Additionally, four ursane-type diterpenes [99–102] were identi- Yuasa et al. 1993; Habtemariam et al. 1995) and furofuran
fied in P. fulva (Dai et al. 2006; Niu et al. 2013), P. microphylla lignans [203–209] (Yuasa et al. 1993; Habtemariam et al. 1995;
(Hu et al. 2013) and P. tomentosa (Chin et al. 2006). Common Dai et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2010; Hu et al. 2013; Yadav et al.
plant sterols, such as stigmasterol [105], and their glycosides 2013) in the genus Premna except for compounds 195–198
[106,107], are widely distributed among P. crassa, P. fulva, which are dibenzylbutane lignans (Yuasa et al. 1993;
P. hainanensis, P. latifolia and P. odorata (Rao et al. 1981; Rao & Habtemariam et al. 1995) (Table 2).
Rao 1981; Wei et al. 1991; Ghosh et al. 2014; Lirio et al. 2014).
Two cholestanes [103–104] were isolated from P. serratifolia
(Wang et al. 2011), and stigmastene-glycoside [108] was identi- Flavonoids, xanthones and chalcones
fied in P. fulva (Dai et al. 2006) and P. hainanensis (Dai et al. The occurrence of these flavonoids was reported from 13 species
2010). (Table 2). Most of the flavonoids were flavonols [224–239] and
flavones [218–223, 240–247], although quite a number were fla-
Iridoid and iridoid glycosides vanones [213–217], isoflavones [248–251] and one flavan-3-ol
[212] (Dasgupta et al. 1984; Habtemariam et al. 1992;
Iridoids are monoterpene lactones which usually occur in plants Balakrishna et al. 2003; Dai et al. 2007; Li et al. 2008; Chen et al.
as glycosides and sometimes are known as monoterpene alka- 2010; Monprasart et al. 2011; Pinzon et al. 2011; Wang et al.
loids. They can be found in dicotyledone angiosperms within the 2011; Yu et al. 2012; Hu et al. 2013; Lirio et al. 2014). A few fla-
superorders Corniflorae, Gentianiflorae, Lamiiflorae and vonoid glycosides were also reported, identified as O-glycoside to
Loasiflorae (Ghisalberti 1998). Their structures are based on either C-3 [238, 239], C-5 [240], C-6 [249–251], or C-7
cyclopentan[c]pyran skeleton represented as iridane (cis-2-oxabi- [242, 243, 246, 247]; while two others [241, 244] attached to the
cyclo[4.3.0]nonane) and seems to be biosynthesized via alterna- glycoside residue through C-linkages at C-6 and/or C-8 (Rao &
tive cyclization of geranyl diphosphate (Sampaio-Santos & Rao 1981; Jyotsna et al. 1984; Zhong & Wang 2002; Dai et al.



OGlc O OGlu

146 R = CH3 148 149 R = H

147 R = CH2OH 150 R = COOH


OGlc OGlc OGlc(1'-6')

151 R = MCA 163 R = E-MCA 165 R = E-MCA

162 R = PCA 164 R = Z-MCA 166 R = Z-MCA
167 R = E-PCA





OGlc(1"a-6"a) O

168 169
Figure 2. Chemical structures of some of the iridoids and iridoid glycosides.

2007; Hang et al. 2008; Chen et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2011; Yu of the flavonoids (C6-C3-C6), xanthones (C6-C1-C6) and chal-
et al. 2012; Ghosh et al. 2014). In addition, two xanthones [210, cones (C6-C3-C6, without a heterocylic C-ring in the three-car-
211] were isolated from P microphylla (Wang & Xu 2003) and bon a,b-unsaturated carbonyl system) suggested they shared a
four chalcones [252–255] were reported in P. yunnanensis similar shikimate pathway via phenylpropanoid pathway in their
W.W.Sm. (Yu et al. 2012). The structures of some of the flavo- biosynthesis whereas xanthones, in particular, might represent
noids are shown in Figure 3. The skeleton structure resemblance the modified shorthened forms of the C6-C3 system (Dewick






239 240 241




242 243





244 246 R = arabinopyranosylrhamnopyranoside

247 R = rhamnose, xylose, arabinose (end sugar)


O R3 R2 R1

248 R = H
252 H OMe OMe H
249 R = Glc
253 OH OH OH H
250 R = Rha
254 OMe OH OH H
251 R = Glc6-Xyl 255 H OMe OH OH
Figure 3. Chemical structures of some flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides found in Premna species.

2001; Vogt 2010). However, some references stated that xan- P. falsiparum (IC50 7.75 and 9.02 lg/mL) while the root extract
thones might possibly derive from shikimate acetate pathways only showed moderate activity (IC50 27.63 and 52.35 lg/mL).
(Velısek et al. 2008). Further investigation also revealed that the leaf extract (dose
250 mg/mL) has strong ability to reduce the parasitized erythro-
cyte (9.26% parasitaemia) and to inhibit the parasite growth
Pharmacological activities (65.08% chemo suppression) in Plasmodium berghei infected
Antimicrobial, insecticidal, antileishmanial and antimalarial mice (Gathirwa et al. 2011).
Many studies have been carried out to evaluate the antibacterial Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory
and antifungal activities of extracts of Premna species (Table 3). activities
Several studies have identified active antimicrobial compounds,
Premna species are known to have high-antioxidant capacity,
mostly found as diterpenes [27, 29, 30, 48, 51, 55, 69. 70, 72,
such as P. cordifolia Roxb. (Mustafa et al. 2010; Mohd Nazri
78, 79, 80] (Habtemariam et al. 1990, 1991; Murthy et al. 2006;
et al. 2011), P. esculenta Roxb. (Mahmud et al. 2011), P. integrifo-
Salae et al. 2012) and few sesquiterpenes [13, 25] (Habtemariam
lia (Gokani et al. 2011; Nguyen & Eun 2011), P. microphylla (Xu
et al. 1993; Salae et al. 2012). Earlier, Kurup and Kurup (1964)
et al. 2010) and P. serratifolia (Rajagopal et al. 2014) (Table 3).
has successfully isolated orange crystal substance from the alco-
The wide distribution of flavonoids and phenolics within this
holic extract of the root bark of P. integrifolia that was active
genus seems to contribute to this activity. Various methods were
against Micrococcus aureus, Bacillus subtillis and Streptococcus
used to measure the antioxidant capacities such as radical scav-
haemolyticus (MIC 0-25 lg/mL) but inactive towards Escherichia
enging (diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH), superoxide, nitric oxide
coli, Salmonella typhosa and B. dysentriae.
Compound 48 (Salae et al. 2012) appeared to have potent NO, hydroxyl radicals), ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP),
antibacterial activity with most of their MICs were <5 lg/mL, ferric thiocynate (FTC), lipid peroxidation, erythrocyte mem-
except for P. aeruginosa. Interesting broad spectrum antibacterial brane stabilizing and b-carotene bleaching assays. Most of the
and antifungal activities were also showed by compound 72 radical scavenging capacity of the extracts has been correlated to
(MIC 5-10 lg/mL), isolated from the roots of P. herbacea their phenolic contents – the higher the phenolic content, the
(Murthy et al. 2006). Another study by Lirio et al. (2014) eval- higher the antioxidant capacity. The presence of hydroxyl group
uated antitubercular activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (OH) and/or unsaturated bond are suggested to play the main
of the leaves of P. odorata and its constituents. Although the role in capturing the radical oxygen species (ROS).
extract showed relatively weak inhibitory activity, the fractions Secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, xanthones, chalcone
exhibited strong activity which eventually led to isolation of the and other phenolic compounds with high-hydroxyl group substi-
active compound 4 (MIC90 8 lg/mL whilst rifampin 0.05 lg/mL tution are hypothetically contributing to the high antioxidant
and isoniazid 0.23 lg/mL). activity of the plant. For example, two flavone glycosides [213,
The insecticidal activity of different extracts and essential oil 214] from P. latifolia leaves significantly inhibited oxidation of
of P. latifolia was tested against Spodoptera litura larvae, a poly- DPPH (IC50 22.5 and 16.0 lg/mL, respectively) (Ghosh et al.
phagus crop pest, by using leaf-dip method. The essential oil 2014). Furofuran lignans [208, 209] and iridoid glycosides [150,
showed the highest growth reduction (56.83%) followed by 154, 161, 165] might contribute to antioxidant activity of the
chloroform, hexane and butanol fractions (43.93, 26.01 and stem bark of P. integrifolia when evaluated with radical scaveng-
23.69%, respectively) (Kumar et al. 2011). Recent study on P. ing (DPPH and NO) and ferric reducing antioxidant power
angolensis and P. quadrifolia evaluated the insecticidal and repel- (FRAP) assays (Yadav et al. 2013). Compounds 165 and 154 pos-
lent effects of its essential oils against Sitoroga cerealella, an sessed maximum radical scavenging activity (IC50 0.29 and
insect pest of rice stocks, using olfactometer and contact toxicity 0.37 lM) in DPPH assay, followed by compound 209; while com-
test (Adjalian et al. 2015). The results showed that both essential pounds 150 and 161 exhibited maximum reducing power in
oils have insecticidal and repellent activities as indicated by rate FRAP assay. Aldehyde derivatives [186 and 187] and icetexane
of death of S. cerealella, percentage of repulsion, number of rice diterpenes [81, 82] were thought to be potential free radical scav-
attacked and loss of weight of rice. The leaf extract of P. serrati- enger constituents from P. tomentosa (Ayinampudi et al. 2012;
folia showed strong activity against Leishmania donovani (IC50 Ayinampudi 2013). The higher number of hydroxyl group in
4.4 lg/mL) but showed weak and/or no effect against compound 82 (IC50 7.01 lg/mL) than compound 81 (IC50
Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Trichomonas vaginalis and 24.80 lg/mL) reflected the higher antioxidant capacity of the for-
Caenorhabditis elegans (Desrivot et al. 2007). It has been reported mer. Interestingly, this rule was not applied for compound 187
previously that clerodane diterpenes [28 and 29], isolated from (IC50 20.58 lg/mL) which has three hydroxyl moieties, in com-
P. oligotricha and P. schimperi, showed potent antileishmanial parison to compound 186 (IC50 20.83 lg/mL) which only has
effects towards axenically cultured amastigotes of L. aethiopica one hydroxyl moiety. Potential antioxidant activities were also
(IC50 1.08 and 4.12 lg/mL, respectively). Both compounds also exhibited by a series of icetexanes [73-76] from P. tomentosa
exhibited high selectivity towards L. amastigotes than the permis- towards DPPH, NO and superoxide scavenging assays, of which
sive host cell line, THP-1 cells or the promastigotes stage of the compound 76 demonstrated superior activities than the others
parasites (Habtemariam 2003). and also on par with the standards (Naidu et al. 2014). Recent
Although widely used traditionally in malarial treatment by study also identified an aromatic diterpene [53] as antioxidant
the Philippines, the ethanol extract of P. angolensis barks only constituent from P. serratifolia with IC50 of 20.4 ± 1.3 lM towards
showed weak antiplasmodial activity (IC50 180–500 lg/mL) DPPH assay (Habtemariam & Varghese 2015).
towards both chloroquine sensitive and resistant strains of It is note worthy that although those studies showed some
Plasmodium falciparum (do Ceu de Madureira et al. 2002). potential antioxidant capacities of some extracts of Premna spe-
However, the leaf extract of P. chrysoclada revealed high activity cies and its constituents, they do not necessarily reflect the
against chloroquinone sensitive and resistant strains of molecular or in vivo activities. For example, the DPPH and

Table 3. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of the extracts of Premna species.

Species (ref.) Part of plant effect Dose, methods & findings
P. barbata (Tamta Leaves Antimicrobial Concentration: 33 mg/200 lL.
et al. 2012) Methods: Agar disc diffusion
Findings: EtOH extract showed weak to moderate activity towards Argobacterium tumefa-
ciens, Xanthomonas phaseoli, Bacillus subtilis & Erwinia chrysanthemi but not active against
Escherichia coli. None of the hexane, CHCl3 and water extracts showed antibacterial activity
towards all microbial.
P. cordifolia (Mohd Leaves Antimicrobial Concentration: 10 mg/mL
Nazri et al. Methods: Agar disc diffusion
2011) Findings: EtOH extract showed weak zone inhibition (6 cm) against E. coli, Staphylococcus
aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Streptococcus pyogens but not active against Candida
albicans. No activity was displayed by DCM extract.
P. integrifolia Root bark Antimicrobial Methods: not detailed
(Kurup & Kurup Findings: Ether fraction of the alcoholic extract was showing antibacterial activity against
1964) Micrococcus aureus, B. subtilis and Streptococcus haemolyticus (IC50 0.3, 0.3 and 0.25 lg/cm3,
respectively) but not active against E. coli, Salmonella typhosa, and Bacilus dysentriae.
P. integrifolia Leaves Antimicrobial Concentration: 300 lg/disc
(Rahman et al. Methods: Agar disc diffusion and NCCL methods on nutrient broth for MIC
2011) Findings: The essential oil and various extracts (MeOH, EtOAc, CHCl3 and hexane) showed
antibacterial activities towards Sarcina lutea, B. subtilis, E. coli, Pseudomonas sp, Klebsiella
pneumonia and X. campestries which were comparable to streptomycin 20 lg/disc. The MIC
of the extracts were determined and compared with pure compounds, i.e a-humulene,
spathulenol and eugenol.
P. latifolia (Jeevan Leaves Antimicrobial Concentration: 1500 lg/disc
Ram et al. Methods: Agar disc diffusion method
2004) Findings: EtOH extract exhibited zone inhibition (8-10 mm) against the growth of P. aerugi-
nosa, S. aureus, M. luteus, M. roseus and C. albicans.
P. microphylla (Xu Leaves; stem Antimicrobial Methods: Agar disc diffusion method
et al. 2010) Findings: MeOH extract of the leaves showed antibacterial activity against S. aureus, B. sub-
tilis, S. pyogens, M. kristinae, E. coli, S. typhi and Vibrio mimicus at MIC 10 mg/mL, but show-
ing no activity towards P. aeruginosa and Shigella dysentriae. Meanwhile, MeOH extract of
the stems only showed antibacterial activity (MIC 10 mg/mL) against B. subtilis, S. pyogens
and E. coli.
P. serratifolia Root Antimicrobial Concentration: 133 mg/mL
(Rajendran & Methods: Agar disk diffusion method
Basha 2010) Findings: Various extracts (hexane, CHCl3, EtOAc, EtOH and aqueous) showed antmicrobial
activities towards bacteria (S. aureus, coagulase negative Staphylococcus, E. coli, K. pneumo-
nia, P. aeruginosa, S. typhi, S. paratyphi A, S. paratyphi B, V. cholera, Entero cocci) and fun-
gus (C. albicans, Aspergillus flavus, Epidermatophyton flocossum, Penicillium chrysogenum,
Microsporum gypseum). The zone inhibition at MIC displayed moderate to high (range
10–25 mm) antibacterial activity towards all tested microorganisms.
P. serratifolia Bark; wood Antimicrobial Concentration: 200 lg/disc
(Rajendran Methods: Agar disc diffusion method
2010) Findings: Various extracts (hexane, CHCl3, EtOAc, EtOH and aqueous) showed moderate to
high potency of antimicrobial at against bacteria (S. aureus, coagulase negative
Staphylococcus, K. pneumonia, S. typhi, S. paratyphi A, S. paratyphi B, P. aerugiosa, V. chol-
era) and fungus (A. flavus, A. niger, P. notatum, C. albicans).
P. corymbosa EtOH ext.; leaves Anti-inflammatory Dose: 200 & 400 mg/kg
(Karthikeyan & Methods: egg albumin-induced paw edema (acute inflammation model) and cotton pellet-
Deepa 2011) induced granuloma formation (chronic inflammation model); both in rats.
Findings: The extract significantly inhibited the edema in acute inflammation model dose
dependently while in chronic model the results indicated mild but significantly decreased
granuloma formation (% inhibition 35.17% and 50.38% at doses 200 and 400 mg/kg,
P. herbacea EtOH ext.; roots Anti-inflammatory, Dose: 100, 200, 400 mg/kg
(Narayanan Antipyretic, Methods: carrageenan-induced paw edema (acute inflammation model) and cotton pellet-
et al. 2000) Antinociceptive induced granuloma formation (chronic inflammation model); both in rats. Antipyretic:
Typhoid-Paratyphoid A, B (TAB) vaccine-induced pyretic in rabbits. Antinociceptive: acetic
acid-induced writhing and hot plate tests on mice.
Findings: The extract significantly showed antipyretic and antinociceptive effects on par-
ticular animal models. The extract did not reduce edema’s volume in the acute inflamma-
tion rat and only showing mild yet statistically significant anti-inflammation in chronic
model. All, except antinociceptive activity on hot plate test, was shown to be dose
P. integrifolia MeOH ext.; roots Anti-inflammatory Dose: 300 mg/kg
(Gokani et al. Methods: In vivo: acute inflammation models (carrageenan-induced edema, histamine-
2011) induced wheal formation, formalin-induced edema, acetic acid-induced vascular permeabil-
ity) and chronic inflammation model (cotton pellet-induced granuloma). In vitro: COX-1
inhibitory activity using spontaneous contractions of the rat’s uterus and heat-induced
hemolysis of rat’s erythrocytes.
Findings: The extract showed significant reduced both acute and chronic edema/granula-
tion in inflammation models which were supported by significant prostaglandin synthase
inhibition (% inhibition was 30.43%) on rat’s uterus and stabilization of plasma membrane
of rat’s erythrocyte (conc 50, 100 and 150 lg/mL).

Table 3. Continued
Species (ref.) Part of plant effect Dose, methods & findings
P. integrifolia MeOH ext.; barks Anti-inflammatory Dose: 100, 200 mg/kg
(Khatun et al. and Methods: carrageenan-induced paw edema, formalin-induced licking response and acetic
2014) antinociceptive acid-induced writhing reflex tests.
Findings: The extract significantly reduced the writhing reflex and licking response dose
dependently. At 200 mg/kg, the extract provided 71.16% inhibition of carrageenan-induced
P. latifolia (Mahire MeOH ext.; leaves Anti-inflammatory Dose: 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg
et al. 2009) Methods: carrageenan-induced paw edema, cotton pellet-induced granuloma, and acetic
acid-induced vascular permeability models.
Findings: The extract exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity on those three animal
models, dose dependently.
P. latifolia (Kumari Water ext.; leaves Anti-inflammatory Dose: 9 mL/kg
et al. 2011) Methods: carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats.
Findings: The extract showed significant reduced in the edema after 60 min of the edema
induction, and the findings showed better results than P. obtusifolia and on par with
P. obtusifolia Water ext.; leaves Anti-inflammatory Dose: 9 mL/kg
(Kumari et al. Methods: carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats.
2011) Findings: The extract showed significant reduced in the edema after 60 min of edema
P. obtusifolia (Salae Hexane and CH2Cl2 ext.; roots Anti-inflammatory Concentration: 0, 3, 10, 30 and 100 lg/mL.
et al. 2012) Methods: LPS-induced nitric oxide (NO) production by murine macrophage-like RAW 264.7
cells. The NO production was measured by using Griess assay.
Findings: Both extracts significantly inhibited NO production that comparable to caffeic
acid phenylester (positive standard, IC50 5.6 lg/mL), with IC50 4.3 (hexane) and 6.1 (CH2Cl2)
P. serratifolia EtOH ext.; woods Antiarthritis Dose: 300 mg/kg
(Rajendran & Methods: Freund’s adjuvant-induced arthritis rats, where suspension of killed
Krishnakumar Mycobacterium tuberculosis (0.5%) in liquid paraffin was injected into the left hind paw,
2010) and the changes in paw edema were measured.
Findings: The extract inhibited the edema by 68.32% after 21 days (indomethacin showed
74.87% inhibition). In hematological parameter, treatment with the extract significantly
decreased the total whole blood count (WBC) and erythrocyte & sedimentation rate (ESR),
but increased the red blood count (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb) level.
P. serratifolia MeOH ext.; flowers Anti-inflammatory Concentration: various, 10-1000 lg/mL
(Rajagopal et al. Methods: in vitro HRBC membrane stabilization, with measured parameter was inhibition of
2014) HRBC membrane lysis.
Findings: Starting at concentration 100 lg/mL, the extract showed an anti-inflammatory
activity with percentage inhibition at 69.41 ± 0.12 lg/mL. The percentage inhibition
appeared in linearity with concentration, and at 300 lg/mL, the extract exhibited inhibition
at 97.30 ± 0.59 lg/mL.
P. tomentosa MeOH ext.; leaves Anti-inflammatory Dose: 100 mg/kg
(Alam et al. Methods: cotton pellet-induced granuloma in rats.
1993) Findings: The extract caused a reduction of granuloma by 32.21%, in comparison to
phenylbutazone (positive control) which was 33.77%. There was also a decreased in serum
protein, SGOT and SGPT.
Other activities such as antioxidant, antidiabetic/antihyperglycaemic, antihyperlipidemic, hepatoprotective and cardioprotective activities are discussed in the main

FRAP assays are mostly based on the simple chemical reaction from the cells or plasma which modify and regulate the immune
(Benzie & Strain 1996; Molyneux 2004). These cell-free antioxi- response (innate/nonspecific and specific immunological
dant assays do not support the cellular physiological conditions, response) (Punchard et al. 2004). Hence, several studies have
do not include particular biological substrates that need to be been conducted to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of the
protected, may not encounter the relevant types of antioxidant at extracts of Premna species (Table 3). In addition, an extensive
molecular level, may not describe the partition coefficient of the study by Salae et al. (2012) identified several compounds from
compounds, or other cellular factors. Cell-based antioxidant P. obtusifolia roots that exhibited potent anti-inflammation activ-
assays are considered more relevant and accurate in representing ity. Of 20 isolated compounds, four diterpenes [48, 49, 69, 70]
the in vivo conditions since they involve several aspects such as showed potent in vitro lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced NO
uptake, metabolism, and target site where the compounds might inhibitor (IC50 6.1, 7.8, 1.7 and 6.2 lM) that were comparable to
potentially worked within cells (L€u et al. 2010). positive control, caffeic acid phenylester (IC50 5.6 lM).
Inflammatory reaction occurs due to pathogen invasion into Meanwhile, megastigmane [21] only showed weak anti-inflamma-
the body or other types of body injury which can cause injury to tory activity. Further structure-activity relationship analysis sug-
the tissues or cells as well. At macroscopic level, inflammation is gested that the presence of a hydroxyl group in an ortho-
indicated by reddened, swollen, hot, pain, and loss of function of naphtoquinone skeleton provided stronger anti-inflammation
the inflamed area. The loss of function is usually referring to activity. It was postulated that these active compounds might be
simple loss of mobility in a joint due to pain or edema, or the responsible for the strong NO inhibitor activity of the hexane
replacement of functional tissue by the scar tissue. This inflam- and dichloromethane extracts (IC50 4.3 and 6.1 lg/mL, respect-
matory event usually will be followed by the release of mediators ively). Another species, P. integrifolia, also showed significant

in vivo anti-inflammatory activity in both acute and chronic they possess cytotoxic property towards several cancer cell lines
inflammation models; further in vitro study suggested inhibition such as L929, RAW 264.7, HeLa, Sk.N.SH and ECV 304, with
of prostaglandin synthase and stabilization of plasma erythrocyte IC50 values of 1.5–35 lg/mL. Compound 30 was already known to
membrane might play role in the in vivo activity (Gokani et al. exhibit a cytotoxic effect. Extensive phytochemical works and cyto-
2011). toxicity assays on P. tomentosa (Chin et al. 2006; Hymavathi et al.
Only one calculogenesis-related study has been carried out on 2009; Naidu et al. 2014) have led to the identification of several
Premna. The anticalculogenic activity of P. latifolia leaves and cytotoxic diterpenes [31-33, 99, 73–76]. Compounds [31–33]
stems was evaluated in vitro by assessing oxalate crystal growth showed cytotoxic activity towards several cancer cell lines, Lu1,
on gel medium in Hane’s tubes via single diffusion method over LNCaP, and MCF-7, but only 32 and 33 were active on in vivo
period of 30 days at the concentrations of 20 and 200 mg/mL hollow fiber assay towards the cell lines (Chin et al. 2006).
(Aravindakshan & Bai 1996). The extract effectively reduced the Diterpenes [83-85] from P. latifolia exhibited cytotoxic effect
size of oxalate crystal in comparison to negative control and fur- towards HT-29 and Hep-G29 cell lines, especially compound 83
ther analysis by using scanning electron microscope showed and 84 (IC50 0.04 and 0.18 lg/mL, respectively) (Suresh et al.
development of cracks in the crystal interior and rupture ten- 2011a). Another study has identified a diterpene [53] as one of the
dency. These results concluded chemolysis as an anticalculogenic responsible compounds for cytotoxic property of P. serratifolia
mechanism of this extract. (Habtemariam & Varghese 2015). A similar study by Biradi and
Interesting immunostimulant activity was exhibited by P. Hullatti (2015) reported the cytotoxic properties of the extract of
pubescens Blume and P. tomentosa leaves. In their in vitro stud- P. integrifolia and its unidentified compounds.
ies, Devi et al. (2003a, 2004a) used rat’s splenic lymphocytes and
J770 macrophage cell culture which has been induced by using
chromium, Cr(IV), to provide immunosuppressant condition. Antidiabetic/antihyperglycaemic and antihyperlipidemic
The results showed P. tomentosa inhibited the apoptosis of the activities
Cr(IV)-induced cells by preventing the proliferation of the lym- So far, four species of Premna has been studied for their antidia-
phocytes and the macrophages. At the same time, the extract has betic properties. The most common method was using a chem-
significantly reduced the ROS level by increasing the levels of the ically-induced diabetic animal model. Alloxan-induced
endogenous antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione (GSH), hyperglycemic rats have been used to evaluate antidiabetic activ-
glutathione peroxide (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) ity of ethanol extract of P. integrifolia at a dose of 250 mg/kg, to
enzymes, and reducing malondialdehyde (MDA) level. confirm the hypolgycaemic activity of this herbal based on the
Meanwhile, in vivo study by Restuati et al. (2014) in the antigen Indian folk medicines (Kar et al. 2003). This activity was further
sheep red blood cell (SRBC)-induced immunostimulant rats, sug- evaluated by Mali (2013) using cafeteria diet induced mice
gested that P. pubescens stimulated the immune response by (inbreed) through various parameters (body-mass index, blood
increasing the number of leukocytes, immunoglobulin IgG and glucose, lipid profile, histology valuation) and comparison with a
IgM, and lysozyme. In addition, the methanol extract of P. integ- standard drug (simvastatin). The findings indicated significant
rifolia roots also produced significant immunomodulatory activ- protective effect of the roots of P. integrifolia at doses of 200 and
ity in both specific and nonspecific immune responses following 400 mg/kg. P. corymbosa Rottler & Willd., also reduced blood
hemagglutinating antibody titer, plaque forming cell assay, glucose level in both normolgycaemic and alloxan-induced
delayed-type hypersensitive response, carbon clearance test hyperglycemic rats, at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg (Dash et al.
(phagocytic activity) and E. coli-induced abdominal sepsis param- 2005). Similar studies by Ayinampudi et al. (2012) and
eters (Gokani et al. 2007). Ayinampudi (2013) successfully identified two diterpenes [81,
82], and two aldehydes [185, 187] that were responsible for anti-
Cytotoxic activities hyperglycaemic activity of P. tomentosa root by inhibiting
enzyme a-glucosidase in vitro (IC50 values were 22.58, 9.59,
Traditional use of P. herbacea by the Thai to treat cancer has led 18.41, and 12.11 lg/mL, respectively). One clinical study, based
to the evaluation of the rhizome extract of this species towards on the Ayurvedic system, evaluated the effectiveness of P. obtusi-
several cancer cell lines such as COR-L23, LS-174 T and MCF-7 folia roots as an alternative treatment for diabetics (Ghosh et al.
(Itharat et al. 2004). The results turned out to be negative. 2009). This 9-month study involved 50 patients with a history of
However, another study by Dhamija et al. (2013), showed that obesity. The results showed significant reduction on body-mass
the root nodules extract had cytotoxic activity on brine shrimp index (BMI), atherogenic index and waist-hip ratio after
lethality test (BSLT), Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cells (try- 6 months while the uric acid and mid-triceps skin fold thickness
pan blue dye exclusion assay), and MCF-7 cell lines (3-(4,5-dime- were significantly reduced after 9 months.
thylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay). The in vivo evaluation of antihyperlipidemic activity of herbal
Ethanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction exhibited the most extract is normally done by determining the lipid profiles (LDL,
potent cytotoxic effect and further investigation on EAC-inocu- HDL, triglycerides, cholesterol) and histology parameters. As
lated mice and Dalton’s lymphoma ascites (DLA) mice (250 and mention earlier, P. tomentosa leaves extract showed antihyperlipi-
500 mg/kg, orally) led to significant elevation of the mean sur- demic activity towards the animal model by improving lipid pro-
vival rate and reduction of the solid tumor weight and volume. file and reducing lipid metabolizing enzymes (Devi et al. 2004c).
These findings were supported by hematological and antioxidant Meanwhile, Mali (2013) reported the effect of P. integrifolia roots
parameters. The EAC-inoculated mice model was used to evalu- on lipid profile parameters of caffeinated-diet mice. Additionally,
ate antitumor activity of the ethanol extract of P. integrifolia; the the antihyperlipidemic effect of the leaves and roots of P. escu-
findings were found to be comparable to the standard, 5-flurour- lenta was evaluated in vivo by using Poloxamer 407-induced
acil (20 mg/kg) (Sridharan et al. 2011). hyperlipidemis mice and rats (Mahmud et al. 2011). The study
About 20 years ago Habtemariam (1995) isolated diterpenes was designed for single dose (mice, 500, i.p) and repeated
[27 and 29] from P. oligotricha and P. schimperi and suggested dose (rats, 4 days, 250 mg/kg, p.o), and the results suggested the

extract significantly reduced the serum total triglycerides, total locomotor activities on rats. At doses of 400 and 500 mg/kg
cholesterol, LDL and VLDL levels which were comparable to the orally, the extract decreased the locomotor activity and moder-
standard drug, atorvastatin. ately increased the sleeping time, that were comparable to CNS
depressant, chlorpromazine (10 mg/kg, i.p) yet significantly dif-
ferent to CNS stimulant, ephedrine hydrochloride (10 mg/kg, i.p).
Hepatoprotective and cardioprotective activities A recent study also evaluated the effect of P. integrifolia bark on
Premna tomentosa has been extensively studied for its hepatopro- locomotor activity of the rats in the open field and hole-cross
tective activity. Devi et al. (1998, 2004b, c, 2005) have evaluated tests (Khatun et al. 2014). The findings suggested that P. integri-
the possible protection mechanisms of the extract of P. tomentosa folia significantly affected locomotor activity of the rats at the
leaves on acetaminophen-induced hepatoxicity in rats, which sug- doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg, orally on both methods, therefore,
gested via (i) reducing ROS and generating endogenous antioxi- might act as CNS depressant.
dant enzymes in the liver (e.g. glutathione system, superoxide
dismutase, catalase); (ii) improving lipid profile and reducing the
activities of lipid metabolizing enzymes; (iii) decreasing the acet-
aminophen-induced membrane damage so that total membrane- This review summarizes the phytochemical work of more than
bound ATPases would improve and eventually help maintaining 19 species (24 species once the synonyms are considered) of
active transport and balancing of Naþ, Ca2þ and Kþ in the liver Premna with more than 250 secondary metabolites have success-
and serum; and (iv) protecting the liver against mitochondrial fully been isolated and identified. It comprises a high number of
damage as the mitochondrium contains enzymes that would cata- diterpenes, iridoid glycosides and flavonoids (glycosides and gly-
lyze the production of lipid peroxidation products and other cones), followed by sesquiterpenes, lignans, phenylethanoids,
toxic metabolites. Additionally, Hari Prasad et al. (2006) postu- megastigmanes, glyceroglycolipids and ceramides. Xanthones and
lated the protective mechanism of P tomentosa towards dimethyl- alkaloids were rarely identified though a few studies reported
nitrosamine (DMN)-induced hepatic fibrosis was through their presence in this genus. Meanwhile essential oils were
decreasing the activation of liver stellate cells and accumulation reported in seven species. The distribution of identified second-
of collagen and other connective tissue proteins. Recently Naidu ary metabolites within the genus Premna is shown in Table 3.
et al. (2014) reported that the in vitro (using HepG2 cells) and in Although the Premna genus is rich in diterpenes and iridoid
vivo (using tBHP-induced hepatic damage mice) hepatoprotective glycosides, they were not well distributed within the studies spe-
activity of compound 76 increased the viability of hepatic cies. Diterpenes were abundant in three species such as P. mollis-
cells and decreased the elevation of serum transferases (SGOT/ sima, P. serratifolia, and P. tomentosa while iridoid glycosides
SGPT) and oxidative damage, including lipid peroxidation. were reported abundantly in P. serratifolia, P. subscandens and P.
P. corymbosa and P. serratifolia also showed protective activity microphylla. On the contrary, flavonoids seem to be well distrib-
on chemically induced (carbontetrachloride (CCl4) and paraceta- uted among 16 reported species despite of their low number in
mol, respectively) hepatic damage in rats (Karthikeyan & Deepa comparison to other groups. Only a few species such as P. serra-
2010; Singh et al. 2011). tifolia, P. microphylla, P. mollissima, P. fulva and P. subscandens,
Two species, P. mucronata Roxb. (Patel et al., 2012; Savsani have been extensively studied for their secondary metabolites.
et al., 2014) and P. serratifolia (Rajendran & Saleem 2008), are Nonethless, a previous review (Taskova et al. 1997) endorsed ter-
reported to have cardioprotective activity towards a myocardial penoids, iridoids, and flavonoids to be used as taxonomic
infarction rat model. The extracts provided protection to the markers in the family Lamiaceae based on their occurrence in 39
heart via several mechanisms, i.e., (i) decreasing injured cardiac species of 25 genera such as Sideritis, Stachys, Lamium, Phlomis,
marker enzymes; blood glucose; heart tissue protein; and heart Ballota, Salvia, Ajuga, Teucrium. Thus, diterpenoids (icetexane,
tissue nucleic acids; as well as (ii) maintaining the electrocardio- abietane, labdane, pimarane types), iridoid glycosides (catalpol
gram (ECG) pattern and hemodynamics changes, increasing derivatives), and flavonoids (flavonols and flavones) can be very
myocardial glycogen and restoring antioxidant status. Further useful to characterize the taxonomic markers of the genus
investigation has ruled out cardiac stimulant activities of P. serra- Premna (Taskova et al. 1997) and to provide the secondary
tifolia extracts by significantly supporting positive inotropic and metabolite fingerprint of each species through infrared (IR), thin
negative chronotropic actions similar to that of b-adrenergic layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chroma-
effect, decreasing membrane NaþKþATPase and Mg2þATPase tography (HPLC), mass spectroscopy (MS), or nuclear magnetic
and increasing Ca2þATPase (Rajendran et al. 2008). There was resonance (NMR) analysis.
only one study reporting the gastroprotective activity of P. serra- Some of the biological and pharmacological studies reported
tifolia leaves on aspirin-induced ulcer rats (Jothi et al. 2010). The on the studied plants have suggested scientific evidence to justify
evaluation was carried out at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg by the various plant uses in traditional medicine. However, adequate
looking at several parameters: lesion index, total- and free-acid- biological and pharmacological studies on most of the species in
ity, and percentage of ulceration. The findings suggested that P. the genus Premna have not yet been performed because most,
serratifolia exhibited significant antiulcer and anti-secretory activ- especially in in vivo studies, were carried out using their crude
ities in both applied doses. extracts (Table 4). For example, none of the bioactive molecules
have been identified from the active antimalarial Premna species.
Similarly, some Premna species showed potential in vivo antihy-
Neuropharmacological acitivities
perlipidemic, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective,
So far, two studies have evaluated the hypnotic and the neuro- and neuropharmacological activities which require further studies
pharmacological effects of Premna species on animal models. to determine the active compounds and possible mechanisms for
Devi et al. (2003b) evaluated the effects of the methanol extract a particular activity. While, numerous isolated compounds have
of P. tomentosa leaves as a central nervous system (CNS) depres- been isolated and evaluated for related biological activites, they
sant using potentiation of phenobarbitone-induced hypnotic and were limited to in vitro studies. No toxicological studies that

Table 4. Summary of pharmacological activities of Premna species.

Type of study
Pharmacological activities Species Part of plant in vitro in vivo
Antimicrobial P. barbata Extract (leaves) 冑
P. cordifolia Extract (leaves) 冑
P. herbacea Isolated compound from roots 冑
P. integrifolia Extract (leaves, root-barks) 冑
Essential oil (leaves) 冑
Isolated compound from root bark 冑
P. latifolia Extract (leaves) 冑
P. microphylla Extract (leaves, stems) 冑
P. obtusifolia Isolated compounds from roots and twigs 冑
P. odorata Extract (leaves) and isolated compounds 冑
P. serratifolia Extract (roots, barks, woods) 冑
Antileishmanial P. oligotricha Isolated compound 冑
P. serratifolia Extract (leaves) 冑
P. schimperi Isolated compound 冑
Antimalarial P. angolensis Extract 冑
P. chrysoclada Extracts (leaves, roots) 冑
Insecticidal P. angolensis Essential oils 冑
P. latifolia Extract and essential oil 冑
P. quadrifolia Essential oils 冑
Antioxidant P. cordifolia Extract 冑
P. esculenta Extract 冑
P. integrifolia Extract 冑
Isolated compounds from stem barks 冑
P. latifolia Isolated compounds from leaves 冑
P. microphylla Extract 冑
P. serratifolia Extract and isolated compounds 冑
P. tomentosa Isolated compounds 冑
Anti-inflammatory (including antinociceptive and antipyretic) P. corymbosa Extract (leaves) 冑
P. herbacea Extract (roots) 冑
P. integrifolia Extract (roots) 冑 冑
Extract (barks) 冑
P. latifolia Extract (leaves) 冑
P. obtusifolia Extract (leaves) 冑
Extract (roots) and isolated compounds 冑
P. serratifolia Extract (flowers) 冑
P. tomentosa Extract (leaves) 冑
Anticalculogenic P. latifolia Extracts (leaves, stems) 冑
Antiarthritis P. serratifolia Extract (woods) 冑
Immunomodulatory P. integrifolia Extract (roots) 冑 冑
P. pubescens Extract (leaves) 冑
P. tomentosa Extract (leaves) 冑 冑
Cytotoxic activity P. herbacea Extract (rhizome) 冑
Extract (root nodule) 冑 冑
P. integrifolia Extract 冑
Isolated compound 冑
P. oligotricha Isolated compounds 冑
P. schimperi Isolated compounds 冑
P. serratifolia Isolated compound 冑
P. tomentosa Isolated compounds 冑
Antidiabetic P. corymbosa Extract 冑
P. integrifolia Extract (roots) 冑
P. obtusifolia Roots - Clinical trials -
P. tomentosa Isolated compounds 冑
Antihyperlipidemic P. esculenta Extract (leaves, roots) 冑
P. integrifolia Extract (roots) 冑
P. tomentosa Extract (leaves) 冑
Hepatoprotective effect P. corymbosa Extract 冑
P. serratifolia Extract 冑
P. tomentosa Extract (leaves) 冑
Isolated compound 冑 冑
Cardioprotective effect P. mucronata Extract 冑
P. serratifolia Extract 冑
Gastroprotective effect P. serratifolia Extract (leaves) 冑
Neuropharmacological activity P. integrifolia Extract (barks) 冑
P. tomentosa Extract (leaves) 冑

have been carried out, although some species, such as P. serrati- active chemical markers in the plants of similar species collected
folia, have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for a long time. from different locations. The variety and distribution of active
There was no effort to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze secondary metabolites from this genus are useful as bioactive
the extracts used. Standardization of the extracts should be car- chemical markers for standardization and quality control pur-
ried out to ensure consistency of the quantitative amounts of the poses. Otherwise the work on biological activities may not be

reproducible due to variations in the quantitative amounts of Alam M, Joy S, Susan T, Usman Ali S. 1993. Anti-inflammatory activity of
chemical constituents in the plants. These quantitative and quali- Premna tomentosa Willd. in albino rats. Anc Sci Life. 8:185–188.
Aravindakshan C, Bai NJ. 1996. Effect of Premna latifolia Roxb and Imperata
tative differences in the chemical composition are related to arundinacea Cyril on in vitro oxalate crystal growth. Indian J Clin
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tation of the populations growing at different altitudes to a spe- Asik SIJ, Razak IA, Salae AW, Chantrapromma S, Fun HK. 2010. 6a-Hy-
cific environment (World Health Organization [WHO] 2000, droxy-5,6-dihydro-salviasperanol. Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep
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2003). Ayinampudi SR, Domala R, Merugu R, Bathula S, Janaswamy MR. 2012. New
icetexane diterpenes with intestinal a-glucosidase inhibitory and free-rad-
ical scavenging activity isolated from Premna tomentosa roots. Fitoterapia.
Conclusions and future prospects 83:88–92.
Ayinampudi SR. 2013. a-Glucosidase enzyme inhibitory and free radical scav-
Further investigations are required to transform the experience- enging constituents from Premna tomentosa Linn. J Pharm Res.
based claims on the traditional uses of Premna species into evi- 6:893–896.
Balakrishna KA, Sukumar EA, Vasanth SA, Patra AB. 2003. Myricetin-30 , 40 ,
dence-based information. The present knowledge obtained
7-trimethyl ether from the leaves of Premna tomentosa. J Indian Chem
mainly from experimental studies was critically assessed to pro- Soc. 80:792.
vide evidence and justification for their traditional uses to pro- Basu NK, Dandiya PC. 1947. Chemical investigation of Premna integrifolia
pose future research prospects for this plant. Phytochemical Linn. J Am Pharm Assoc. 389–391.
Benzie IFF, Strain JJ. 1996. The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a
studies on Premna species have led to characterization of diterpe- measure of “antioxidant power”: the FRAP assay. Anal Biochem.
noids, iridoid glycosides, and flavonoids as the charactetistic 239:70–76.
chemical composition of the genus. The in vitro and in vivo Biradi M, Hullatti K. 2015. Cytotoxic activity of isolated constituents from
evaluation of biological properties of the extracts and isolates leaves of Premna serratifolia on MCF-7 and HT-29 cell lines. Bangladesh J
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from various species of Premna on antimicrobial, antioxidant, Bose LV, Varghese GK, Habtemariam S. 2013. Identification of acteoside as
anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, cytotoxic, antihypergly- the active antioxidant principle of Premna integrifolia root wood tissues.
caemic, and other activities should lead to further detailed inves- Phytopharmacol. 4:228–236.
Cateni F, Falsone G, Zilic J, Bonivento P, Zacchigna M, Zigon  D. 2004.
tigations to identify the bioactive compounds and their
Glycerolipids from Euphorbia nicaeensis All. with anti-inflammatory activ-
mechanisms of action. The antimalarial, hepatoprotective, cardio- ity. Arkivoc. v:54–65.
protective and gastroprotective effects of the plant extracts should Chanotiya CS, Yadav AK, Singh AK. 2009. Leaf oil composition of Premna
encourage further studies on these plants for use as preventive barbata Wall. ex Sch. from Kumaon region of Uttarakhand. J Essent Oil
agents. Toxicological evaluation should be conducted to address Res. 21:76–77.
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