Social Media Bootcamp - Workshop Agenda
Social Media Bootcamp - Workshop Agenda
Social Media Bootcamp - Workshop Agenda
al Media Boo
otcamp ‐ Wo
orkshop Age
Nearly every local business can benefit from m social mediaa in their marrketing, but m most courses
and bbooks only tell you why and d don’t show you “how too.” The Sociall Media Boott Camp for
Local Business willl teach you th
he why, the how‐to and thhe practical, taactical thingss you can do tto
make social media work for you ur business. YYou’ll compleete the coursee with compleete command d
of the
e latest social media marke eting tools annd know how to deploy theem in your bu usiness.
The goal of this soccial media bo
oot camp is to o take you beyyond the “no ow what” phaase and have
you putting social media to worrk in your orgganization. Yoou’ll learn praactical tools, ttechniques,
ideas and ideas thaat you can use today to cre eate and depploy your social media straategy.
Who Should Atten nd
Small to m medium sized business own ners
Anyone responsible forr marketing or business de evelopment in n their organiization
Corporate marketing m managers and directors ressponsible for ccharting the ccourse for thee
next generration of marketing in theiir organizatioon
Business‐to‐Business m marketers seekking to develoop a commun nity with their clients and
leverage soocial media to
o grow their vvertical markket share.
Business‐to‐Consumer marketers seeking a comp petitive edge by understan nding and
mobilizing their custommer base on th he Internet thhrough social media vehiclles.
Whatt You’ll Gain ffrom the Course
More qualified visitors to your webssite
Increased online visibiliity in search e engines (bothh locally and nnationally)
Incorporatte online chan nnels like Faccebook, YouTuube and Twitter into your marketing
Avoid social media misttakes and cam mpaign killerss
Devise a so ound social m
media marketing strategy
Whatt’s Included inn the Social M
Media Bootcaamp
Social med dia pre‐work tto get you reaady for the coomputer lab cclass
Computer lab bootcamp class where e you’ll learn social media ina hands‐on n, practical
and tacticaal environment
A 15 lesson e‐course fo ollowing the computer lab bootcamp claass to ensuree your social
media marrketing success
A post‐classs group telecconference to o answer queestions and sh hare ideas and d successes
with classm
Studeents Will Leavve With
A workboo ok for creating a social media marketingg plan
Handouts on how to usse most social media tools
Worksheets for creating content calendars, an in fluencer dataabase and com mpelling
social meddia content idea starters
(If Ordered d) Copies of the social med dia marketingg e‐books, Maarketech: Thee Guide to
Emerging M Marketing Teechnology and d Social Mediia and The So ocial Media Su uccess
The MarketingSaavant™ Group | 10
025 Emilie St | Gre
een Bay, WI 543011 | 888.989.7771 |
al Media Boo
otcamp ‐ Wo
orkshop Age
Progrram Pre‐Workk
Setting up p your social mmedia accoun nts
Preparing your goals an nd expectatioons for sociall media
Assessing your social m media compettition
One‐d day Compute er Lab Social MMedia Bootcaamp
This iss a hands‐on, how‐to socia al media workkshop where yyou’ll learn hhow to effectivvely use:
Social med dia listening aand market rresearch toolss
Twitter an nd microbloggging
Blogs and blogging softtware
Facebook pages for business
Linkedin fo or business ddevelopment
Video and photos sharing
Social med dia for searchh engine marketing
Widgets and gadgets
Other sociial media and d marketing ttechnology reesources!
You’lll Also Learn
The process for makingg social mediaa work for yo ou in just minnutes a day
The five ru ules of excitin
ng blogs
How to produce a podccast that emp ployees will l isten to everry week
How to lau unch an interrnal social network for em mployees or ccustomers forr less than a
few hundrred dollars
How a sim mple, $149 cam mera can create riveting vvideo for you ur customers
How to lau unch an interrnet "talk sho ow" using a frree Web‐bassed platform
15‐Paart Social Med dia e‐Course
Whatt you learn in the computerr lab will really begin to taake hold once you start app plying social
media a to your busiiness. These 115 lessons willl keep you onn track to ensure that you meet your
goals for social meedia over the 4 45 days follow
wing the com mputer lab woorkshop!
1. Completing and following your sociaal media plan
2. How to turrn customer ffeedback into o social mediaa content
3. Creating a Facebook Paage worth visiiting and conttent worth sh haring
4. 20 ways to o increase you ur Facebook ffan base
5. Integratingg social mediaa with your current markeeting efforts
6. Determining your returrn on social m media investm ment
7. How to energize your b blog and posittion yourself aas a trusted local resourcee
8. How to engage become e a Twitter rock star and coonnect with ccustomers an nd the media
9. Mastering social media advertising
10 0. Creating a social media experience ffor your custoomers
11. Developingg leads and new business through LinkeedIn
The MarketingSaavant™ Group | 10
025 Emilie St | Gre
een Bay, WI 543011 | 888.989.7771 |
al Media Boo
otcamp ‐ Wo
orkshop Age
This SSocial Media Boot Camp fo or Local Businness Course aand one‐day workshop is designed to
give yyou everythinng you need tto be successsful with sociaal media:
Show you how to fit soccial media intto your busy sschedule with hout making it a chore!
Teach you how to determine which social media channels willl best fit yourr audience an nd
Show you how local businesses like yyours are succcessfully usin ng Facebook, Twitter,
Blogs, Videeo and other social media tools and whhat you can leearn from theem.
Help you p put together aa social mediaa strategy an d tactical plan to put sociaal media to
work immediately.
Show you what happen ns when you d don’t embracce social media and how iggnoring it can
harm yourr business
Discover h how IBM usess entertainingg—yes, even ffunny!—podccasts to motivvate and
educate em mployees.
What abou ut social media nightmares and managiing your onlin ne reputationn? How can
these neww tools be used against you ur company, aand what can n you do abou ut it now?
Wherre and When
Rasmussen College e ‐ Green Bayy
904 S Taylor St
Green n Bay, WI 543303
Fridayy, December 3rd
8:30am ‐ 4:30pm
Lunchh is from 12 ‐ 1, on your ow wn
Coursse Fees
$3999 Bootcamp Registrattion + 2 E‐boo oks: "Markettech Guide to o Marketing TTechnology"
and "Soocial Media SSuccess Principles"
$3699 Bootcamp Registrattion Only
Your Instructors
We're e Dana VanDe en Heuvel and d Todd Lohen nry, the foundders of the M MarketingSavaant Group and d
Elevattion, LLC. Witth a backgrouund in Interneet marketing, sales and public relations, we've been
running social med dia marketingg campaigns ssince before itt was called ""social media". We've
worke ed with the nation's smalle est startup an ntel, Agco, KI, Siemens and
nd its biggest brands like In d
the American Marketing Association.
We co onduct over 440 social med dia workshopss a year comppanies and asssociations intterested in
social media and In nternet marketing. We've been cited ass experts in social media b by over a
dozen er, The Busineess News, Thee Green Bay Press‐Gazettee,
n publicationss including Intternet Retaile
Bay Business Journ nal, Marketingg News, Milw waukee Busineess Journal, D DM News, Salles &
Marke eting Manage ement and M MarketingSherrpa.
The MarketingSaavant™ Group | 10
025 Emilie St | Gre
een Bay, WI 543011 | 888.989.7771 |
al Media Boo
otcamp ‐ Wo
orkshop Age
Dana VanDen Heu uvel
Dana VanDen Heuvel is a widelyy recognized expert on Th ought Leaderrship Marketiing and Sociaal
Mediaa. Dana is thee founder and d president off The MarketiingSavant Gro oup and prevviously held
several leadership roles in Interrnet marketin ng.
Dana has been a fe eatured speaker at dozenss of Americann Marketing A Association evvents and is aa
regulaar contributor to a variety of industry ppublications, ssharing his exxpertise on blogging, sociaal
mediaa, Internet maarketing and emerging maarketing trendds.
Dana is the authorr of AMA’s Maarketech ’08 and ‘09/10 G uide to Markketing Techno ology.
Recoggnized as one e of the “50 Peeople You Should Know” bby the Green Bay Chamber of
Comm merce, Dana sserves on several advisory boards for n onprofits and d community organizations
in and
d around Wisconsin.
Dana is also an adjjunct professo or at St. Norb
bert College aand teaches a course on so ocial media
and thhought leadership marketing
Todd Lohenry
Todd Lohenry is a business deve elopment and d technology professional with over 25 5 years’
experrience in markketing, sales aand technology. He is a fo rmer Apple reegional busin ness
development manager where h he led all business‐to‐businness developm ment efforts in the state oof
Wiscoonsin. He has a passion forr helping cliennts leverage ttechnology to o communicatte clearly
using a “practical, tactical” apprroach to sociaal media. Toddd holds both h a bachelor aand Master off
degrees’ in Ge
Arts d erman Languaage and Literaature from Ill inois State University. He is currently
the fo
ounder and ow wner of e1evvation, LLC, ann internationaal consulting firm that help ps businessess
and o ons with marrketing and saales technologgy solutions.
other institutio
The MarketingSaavant™ Group | 10
025 Emilie St | Gre
een Bay, WI 543011 | 888.989.7771 |