Brochure Himsamridhi

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in maximising the gain through sustained production.

The Day old chicks and fertile eggs of HImsamridhi birds
are available at All India Coordinated Project on Poultry
Breeding, (Rural Poultry) Centre, Department of Animal
Genetics and Breeding College of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, CSKHPKV Palampur as per requirement.
6-8 weeks grower chicks are also available specifically for
tribal areas of Chamba, Kinnaur and Lahual-Spiti

A location specific Dual purpose poultry/chicken
variety suitable for backyard poultry production in
regions of Himachal Pradesh
For Further enquiry please visit university website or contact
Performance potential of Himsamridhi birds Head (Animal Genetics and breeding) Phone 01894-230321

Economic Trait
Farm Farmer’s Poultry Farm and hatchery Manager: 9418534054

Day old chick weight (g) 35-39 ---

Body weight at 8 weeks (g) 400-550 400-600

BW (20weeks) Male (g) 1750-1900 1400-1700

BW (20weeks) female (g) 1400-1550 1250-1400

Age at first egg (days) 130-140 170-190

Age at 50% EP(days) 158-187 200-210

Egg weight (40 weeks) gm 52-55 50-53

Annual Egg production 160-180 140-170 Compiled by

Dr Yash pal Thakur Dr Varun sankhyan
Professor and PI AICRP Astt.Prof. and Co-PI

Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding

Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences- 176062
College of Veterinary Sciences, CSKHPKV Palampur-
CSKHPKV Palampur (Himachal Pradesh)
176062 (HP)
Phone: 01894-230321; Fax: 01894-23031
Native chicken having coloured plumage are Management of Himsamridhi birds Health care: The bird has demonstrated better immunity
reputed for several unique characteristics like being good but still Palampriya birds under free range management at
foragers, efficient mothering instinct and requiring Brooding: initially brooding (up to 4-6 weeks) is essentials farmer’ flock
minimal care to grow. These birds are more suited to for to provide comfortable temperature, relative humidity
raise under village conditions. In the small scale rural and protection from predators. Before procurements of Vaccine Strain Age Dose and route
chicken farming production in rural area is comparatively chicks prepare for brooding using appropriate brooders
(special fabricated wooden brooders cost effective and Marek’s disease HVT 1d At Hatchery S/C
lower but backyard poultry contributes in the manner
that they act as very good source of quality protein to suitable for village farming can be used). Spread 2-3 inch New Castle disease Lasota 5d One drop Eye
landless and marginal farmers and supplement their layer of litter material such as wooden straw and cover it
Infectious bursal disease Georgia 14 d One drop oral
income apart from providing quality protein for family properly with newspaper. In winter especially in higher
consumption. hills region of state source of heat (bukhari) should be New Castle disease R2B 9 wk 0.5 ml S/C
arranged. Ensure proper disinfection of chick feeders and Fowl Pox Pox 12 wk 0.2 ml S/C
The people of Himachal Pradesh traditionally waters (plastics /steel utensils/ fabricated bamboo
Deworming using albendazole/piperazine has been
practice cattle, sheep and goat rearing and keep chicken feeders etc.) using commonly available potassium
recommended firstly at 4 week of age and then after every
as a source of supplementary income. Village poultry permanganate solution etc.
6 month interval since parasitic load is major problem in
farming is the cornerstone of poultry farming in the state free range scavenging.
but its growth is limited due to high seasonal mortality,
low productivity and suboptimal management Performance of Himsamridhi birds (Field units)

Keeping in view the agro climatic conditions of

the state it is evident that the local/native chicken
germplasm should be used as a base germplasm in any
breeding programme for sustainable chicken production
in the state. To achieve the above objectives of Feeding management: after collection of birds from
developing location specific variety under the aegis of All hatchery they should be offered gur solution (10%) within
India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry Breeding 30 minutes of arrival at farm. Daliya or crushed maize
(Rural Poultry Unit), of Department of Animal Genetics should be offered for initial two three days thereafter for
and Breeding, College of Veterinary and Animal Science better performance balanced fortified starter feed should
CSKHPKV Plumper has developed dual purpose layer type be offered up to period of 6 weeks. During grower stage
variety suitable for backyard poultry production. The foraging, kitchen waste can be offered in combination
salient features of the developed variety are: with grains/ supplementary feeds. During laying periods
 Coloured plumage: the developed variety has calcium supplementation/grit is essential for production
attractive multicolour plumage which is usually the of shells with good quality.
most sought for characteristics among the consumer
base of rural poultry Birds are managed under rural poultry farming system at
 It has better egg production and growth potential as farmer’s flock. After initial brooding period birds develop
compared to native(desi) birds scavenging behaviour and can be easily maintained by
 Well adapted to local agro ecosystem and accepted providing free range scavenging along with leftover
by farmers involved in village level poultry farming kitchen waste and supplementary feeding. Supplementary
 Performs satisfactorily on low plane of nutrition it has feeding with available grain such maize, wheat barley and
low cost of production broken rice not only ensure optimum growth but also
 Eggs are brown shelled and fetch premium price

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