Brochure Himsamridhi
Brochure Himsamridhi
Brochure Himsamridhi
The Day old chicks and fertile eggs of HImsamridhi birds
are available at All India Coordinated Project on Poultry
Breeding, (Rural Poultry) Centre, Department of Animal
Genetics and Breeding College of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, CSKHPKV Palampur as per requirement.
6-8 weeks grower chicks are also available specifically for
tribal areas of Chamba, Kinnaur and Lahual-Spiti
A location specific Dual purpose poultry/chicken
variety suitable for backyard poultry production in
regions of Himachal Pradesh
For Further enquiry please visit university website or contact
Performance potential of Himsamridhi birds Head (Animal Genetics and breeding) Phone 01894-230321
Economic Trait
Farm Farmer’s Poultry Farm and hatchery Manager: 9418534054