Neonatal Seizures: Intr0Duction
Neonatal Seizures: Intr0Duction
Neonatal Seizures: Intr0Duction
Seizures during the neonatal period are relatively common , occurring in approximately 1%
of all neonates. Neonatal seizures represent an age – specific seizure disorder which is
usually considered to be in a separate category from epilepsy . While in children seizures
often occur in the absence of another neurological disorder , neonatal seizures frequently
are a non – specific sign of an underlying disease . Neonatal seizures also have many other
characteristics that are quite different from seizures in children and adults .
Subtle seizures : Are the most frequently observed but inconspicuous paroxysms
seen in term and preterm neonates. Common manifestations include
Ocular : Tonic horizontal deviation of eyes with or without jerking sustained
eye opening with ocular fixation or eyelid fluttering seen often in preterms.
Oral buccal lingual movements : chewing , tongue thrusting , lipsmacking ,
involuntary sucking movements
Limb movements : cycling , peddling , rowing
Autonomic phenomena ( tachycardia or bradycardia )
Apnea may be a rare manifestation of seizures .Convulsive apnea is often
associated with tachycardia , tonic posturing or ocular manifestations
Tonic seizures : it may be focal or generalized.
Focal tonic seizures consist of sustained posturing of a limb or asymmetric posturing
of the trunk or neck
Generalized tonic seizure may resemble decerebrate or decorticate posturing
Clonic seizures : Are rhythmic movements of muscle groups .They may be focal
(localized jerky movements of face or extremity on one side of body ) , multi focal
(involving several parts of body ) .
Myoclonic seizures : These manifest as a single or multiple jerks of the upper or
lower limbs .They can be focal ( involving flexors of one extremity ) , multifocal
(asynchronous twitching of several parts of body ) or generalized ( bilateral jerks of
all limbs ).
1) Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy : commonest cause of neonatal seizures
2) Intracranial haemorrhage : birth trauma , HIE and coagulation anomalies are
most frequent cause of intracranial haemorrhage.
3) Cerebrovascular disorder : focal cerebrovascular ischemia and consequent
infarction , vascular malformations , sinus or venous occlusions can cause
neonatal seizures
4) Metabolic seizures : causes are hypoglycaemia , hypocalcemia,
hypomagnesmia , hyponatremia ,pyridoxine dependency are inborn errors
of metabolism.
5) Infections : post natal acquired bacterial meningitis as well as
meningoencephalitis , secondary to intrauterine infections may present as
seizures in the neonatal period.
Blood sugar
Serum Na , Ca , Mg levels
CSF examination should be done in all cases , as seizures may be the first
sign of meningitis
CSF study
CSF study may be withheld temporarily if severe cardio respiratory
compromise is present or in cases with severe birth asphyxia .
A seizure is a paroxysmal , time limited change in motor activity or behaviour that
results from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Neonatal seizures are abnormal
despite the recent realization that benign idiopathic cases do exist . In any case , their
Pending the answers , empirical therapy and supportive treatment will remain