Divine Intervention Episode 15 Metabolism Review B

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Divine Intervention Episode 15

Metabolism Review B
Some MS4

The “Central Dogma” of

How is fructose absorbed in enterocytes
(transporter)? How can glucose be converted to
fructose? How is this information clinically relevant
(read diabetics)? What is the general
pathophysiology behind lactase deficiency?
Galactose Metabolism
Fructose Metabolism
Other Important Stuff
-You should by now notice that the main job of a kinase is to
phosphorylate stuff. “Phosphorylated stuff” cannot leave cells.
They also tend to be osmotically active. This explains the many
problems associated with the “2nd enzyme” in the 2 metabolic
pathways we just discussed.

-Note the temporal association of the diseases presented to

breastfeeding and introduction of fruits.
Discussion of microbe destruction in lysosomes of
macrophages after phagocytosis by the respiratory
burst. ALS relationship. AML relationship.
Reducing oxidative stress with Glutathione.
Essential pathway to providing reducing power for
cells. Treating CGD. Acetaminophen toxicity and
rescue agent. The many “roles” of this rescue agent.
How does INH cause seizures (mechanism). The
T1DM association. How does the urea cycle relate
to NO synthesis? Patient with recurrent episodes of
bronchospasm, flushing, and diarrhea presents with
new onset memory loss and a diffuse body rash. A
holosystolic murmur is heard at the LLSB.
Associated valvular lesions. Common principle in
hydroxylation reactions.
Location of FA Synthesis (FAS)? Feedstock for
FAS? How does this feedstock leave the
mitochondria? What is the inducement for FAS to
begin (+ RLE of TCA cycle)? RLE of FAS. The ABC
story. Regulation of FAS (hormonal, feedforward,
feedback). Another HY example of feedforward
regulation. 2 sources of NADPH for FAS (+citrate
connection). The 2 HY essential FAs.
5A-Glycolysis Broken Down Part 1
5B-Glucokinase vs. Hexokinase
-Hexokinase has a low KM and VMAX.
-Glucokinase has a high KM and VMAX.
Glucokinase is also induced by insulin.
Glucokinase is regulated by a regulatory
protein under the auspices of F-6-P and
glucose. MODY is assoc. w/GK mutations.
5C-Glucokinase Regulatory Protein
-Is an inhibitor of glucokinase (GK).

-Binds GK and sends it to the nucleus (where it is inactive).

-GKRP has the ability to bind both F6P and glucose.

-When bound by F6P, GKRP has a higher affinity for GK (which sequesters GK by
taking it to the nucleus).

-When bound by glucose, GKRP has a much lower affinity for GK (which brings it
back to the cytoplasm for reaction).
5D-Glycolysis Broken Down Part 2
5E-Glycolysis Broken Down Part 3
5F-Glycolysis Broken Down Part 4
5G-Some Other Important Stuff
-Pyruvate kinase is also regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation.

-Overall, glycolysis gives rise to the rule of 2s (2 ATPs, 2 NADH, and 2 Pyruvates).

Pyruvate has multiple fates;

-It can form lactate under the action of lactate DH. This step regenerates NAD to keep
the Glyceraldehyde-3-P DH step working.

-Pyruvate can go into mitochondria to receive special attention from the PDH complex
ultimately leading to Acetyl-coA formation.

-Pyruvate can receive special attention from Pyruvate carboxylase (what is a HY

cofactor utilized by this enzyme???) to form OAA that can reverse course in
gluconeogenesis (through subsequent PEPCK action).
6A-GLUT Transporters
6B-GLUT Transporters contd.
-As a correlation from prior blocks, remember that GLUT1 transporters operate under
zero order kinetics by virtue of their low KM (approx. 5 mM) which tracks along with
normal blood glucose levels.

-GLUT 2 transporters have a KM that is much higher than normal blood glucose
levels. If you consider the Michaelis Menten curve, this is ideal b/c the transporters will
operate on the “straight line” portion which essentially guarantees “proportional”
glucose uptake that tracks along with blood glucose levels.

-Why are GLUT2 transporters bidirectional?

-GLUT4 transporters are insulin dependent. Muscle has the unique ability to express
GLUT4 transporters in an “insulin independent” fashion in the setting of exercise.
How is GLUT5 related to the reproductive system?

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