Divine Intervention Episode 15 Metabolism Review B
Divine Intervention Episode 15 Metabolism Review B
Divine Intervention Episode 15 Metabolism Review B
Metabolism Review B
Some MS4
-When bound by F6P, GKRP has a higher affinity for GK (which sequesters GK by
taking it to the nucleus).
-When bound by glucose, GKRP has a much lower affinity for GK (which brings it
back to the cytoplasm for reaction).
5D-Glycolysis Broken Down Part 2
5E-Glycolysis Broken Down Part 3
5F-Glycolysis Broken Down Part 4
5G-Some Other Important Stuff
-Pyruvate kinase is also regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation.
-Overall, glycolysis gives rise to the rule of 2s (2 ATPs, 2 NADH, and 2 Pyruvates).
-It can form lactate under the action of lactate DH. This step regenerates NAD to keep
the Glyceraldehyde-3-P DH step working.
-Pyruvate can go into mitochondria to receive special attention from the PDH complex
ultimately leading to Acetyl-coA formation.
-GLUT 2 transporters have a KM that is much higher than normal blood glucose
levels. If you consider the Michaelis Menten curve, this is ideal b/c the transporters will
operate on the “straight line” portion which essentially guarantees “proportional”
glucose uptake that tracks along with blood glucose levels.
-GLUT4 transporters are insulin dependent. Muscle has the unique ability to express
GLUT4 transporters in an “insulin independent” fashion in the setting of exercise.
How is GLUT5 related to the reproductive system?