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“Investment pattern of salaried


Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of
Master of Management Studies
MMS (2011 – 2013)
Roll No. 40041

Under Supervision of
Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies

April 2013


The success of any project is the result of hard work & support of a number of individuals
and this project is no different. I take immense pleasure in submitting the project on
“Investment pattern of salaried people”. This project has helped me to understand the pattern
of investment of salaried investor.
I take this opportunity to express my deep and sincere gratitude to Dr.Nitin Wani for his
valuable guidance, inspiration and encouragement in completing this project.
I would like to express my gratitude to JDBIMS. Who contributed greatly to the
accomplishment of the project.
Finally I must express my heartiest gratitude toward all those who helped me directly or
indirectly in the completion of this project.


I, Ranjana Singh, student of Master of Management studies Jankidevi Bajaj

Institute of Management Studies (JDBIMS), S.N.D.T Women’s University,
Mumbai, declare that the work done and the project report titled ‘Investment
pattern of salaried Individuals is original work carried out by me. All references,
made to any published material in this report, have been duly acknowledged.

This report has not been submitted to any University / Academic Institution for the
award of any degree or diploma.

I solemnly declare that I am singularly responsible for any infringement on the

Intellectual Property of anybody else in this report.

Place: Mumbai

Date: 22 nd April, 2013

Ranjana Singh


Sr. No. Title Pg no

1 Chapters-I

1.1Background 1
1.2 Objective of the study 2
1.3Need of the study 3
1.5 Scope of the work 4
2 Chapter-II
Theoretical background/Literature Review
2.1Theoretical Background 5-7
2.3Review of past study 8 -13
3 Chapter-III
Research methodology/ design
3.1Study 14
3.2Year of the study 14
3.3Sample 15
3.4Type of data 15
3.5Data source 15
3.6Statistical tools and techniques used 15
4 Chapter-IV
Data Collection and Analysis
Presentation of data collected (Tables) 16-44
5 Chapter-V
Limitation 45
Findings, suggestion 46
6 Chapter-VI
Summary and Conclusion / Scope for future work 47-48
7 Bibliography 49-50
8 Appendix 51-53

List of table:

 Source of various investment options…………………………………………………16

 saving objective…………………………………………………………………….....16
 Formal budget................................................................................................................17
 Consult your friends and / or relatives...........................................................................18
 Investment in share market............................................................................................19
 % of your income...........................................................................................................19
 Time period....................................................................................................................20

 Different tax benefit…………………………………………………………………...20

 Invested in mutual funds………………………………………………………………21
 Option of investment in mutual fund…………………………………………………..21
 Criterion for you for selecting a particular investment option………………………….22
 Awareness of the following investment avenues………………………………………..22

Safe and low risk investment avenues

Saving account.............................................23
Bank fixes deposits......................................23
Public provident fund..................................24
National saving certificate............................24
Post office saving..........................................25
Government securities...................................25
Moderate risk investment avenues
Mutual funds.................................................26
Life insurance................................................26
High risk investment avenues
Equity share market.......................................28
Commodity share market..............................28
FOREX market..........................................29
Traditional investment avenues

Real estate (Property)..................................29
Gold/ silver..................................................30
Chit funds....................................................30
Emerging invest avenues:
Virtual real state..........................................31
Hedge funds................................................31
Private equity investments...........................32
Art and passion.............................................32

 factors consider before investing

Saving account.............................................33
Bank fixes deposits.......................................33
Public provident fund...................................34
National saving certificate............................34
Post office saving..........................................35
Government securities...................................35
Mutual funds.................................................36
Life insurance................................................36
Equity share market.........................................38
Commodity share market................................38
FOREX market................................................39
Real estate (Property).......................................39
Gold/ silver.......................................................39
Chit funds....................................................40
Virtual real state...........................................40
Hedge funds.................................................41
Private equity investments.............................41
Art and passion...............................................42

 General information

 Gender …………………………… 43
 Age : ..................................................43
 Annual income of family……………44

Educational qualification…………………44


Saving form an important part of any economy of any nation with saving invested various
option available to people. An investment refers to the commitment of funds at present, in
anticipation of some positive rate of return in future today the spectrum of investment is
indeed wide .Individuals are more aware about the different investment avenues. Among all
investments avenues individuals consider saving account, fixed deposit, public provident
fund, life insurance, gold/silver etc as a safer and low risk investments avenues compare
share market, bonds, FOREX, chit funds as high risk investment avenues. Individuals are not
aware about virtual real state, hedge funds. Salaried Individuals are aware about share
market, mutual funds but they consider these investments avenues as a high risk investments

The main reason behind the the study are the factors like awareness level and factors consider
individuals before investments like safe and low investment avenues, moderate risk avenues,
high risk investment avenues, traditional investment avenues, emerging investment avenues.
The findings relates to the awareness among individuals and individuals risk taking ability
while investing in different investment avenues.



”In investing money, the amount of interest you want should depend on whether you
want to eat well or sleep well.”
- J. Kenfield Morley
An investment is the employment of funds with aim of achieving income and growth in value
the main characteristics of investment are waiting for a reward. Investment is the allocation
of monetary resources to assets that are expected to yield some gain or positive return over a
given period of time. Investment aims at multiplication of money at higher or lower rates
depending upon whether it is long term or short term investment and whether it is risky or
risk-free investment. Investment activity involves creation of assets or exchange of as- sets
with profit motive. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. From the people
point of view, the investment is a commitment of a person’s funds to derive future income in
the form of interest, dividends, rent, premium, pension benefits or appreciation of the value of
their principle capital.
Most of the investments are considered to transfers of financial assets from one person to
another. Various investment options are available with differing risk-reward trade -offs .An
understanding of the core concepts and a thorough analysis. Investment refers to the concept
of deferred consumption which may involve purchasing an asset, giving a loan or keeping
funds in a bank account with the aim of generating future returns. An understanding of the
core concepts and a thorough analysis of the options can help investor create a portfolio that
maximizes returns while minimizing risk exposure.
Savings form an investment part of the economy of any nation. With the savings invested in
various options available to the people, money acts as the driver for growth of the country.
Indian financial scene too presents a plethora of avenues the investor. Through certainty not
the best or deepest of market in the world, it has reasonable options for an ordinary man to
invest his savings.
One need to invest and earn return on their idle resources and generate a specified sum of
money for a specific goal in life and make a provision for an uncertain future. One of the
important reason why one needs to invest wisely is to meet the cost of inflation .inflation is
the rate at which the cost of living increases.


1) To know the mode of investments of the salaried individuals in various investment


2) To study the factors influencing the investment pattern of the salaried individuals.

3) To study the factors influencing enquires into the profile, portfolio practices, experiences,
preferences & risk, perceptions, and intentions of salaried individuals.


This analysis on individual investor’s behaviour is an attempt to know the profiles of the
investor and also know the characteristic of the investors so as to know their preference with
respect to their investments. The study also tries to unravel the influence of demographic
factors like age on risk, tolerance level of the investor.


This analysis is based upon investor’s pattern for investment preference, awareness, during
normal time Vis-a-vis recessionary period. This analysis would be focusing on the
information from the salaried people about their knowledge, perception, and behaviour on
different financial products.

1. The total number of financial instruments in the market is so large that it needs a lot of
time and resources to analyse them all.

2. As the analysis is based on primary as well as secondary data, possibility of unauthorized

information cannot be avoidable.

3. Research was carried on in Mumbai.

4. Investment pattern has been analysis has been limited to only 153 individuals.



In India the socio-economic profile of the people changes dramatically. Today people are not
only spending on products and services, earlier considered a luxury but are also looking at
smarter ways of investing their money. This is mainly due to the fact, that people today not
only have a wider choice of investing in different saving instruments, but are also more
educated and aware about their choices. People are now moving beyond the traditional saving
options of fixed deposits, post office savings to wider investment options in the form of
insurance, mutual funds, bonds, equities and even property.
Saving is income not spent, or deferred consumption. Methods of saving include putting
money aside in a bank or pension plan. Saving also includes reducing expenditures, such as
recurring costs. In terms of personal finance, saving specifies low-risk preservation of money,
as in a deposit account, versus investment, wherein risk is higher.
What is savings?
Income – expenditure = savings. In today’s rapidly changing financial environment, it is
critical that individuals not only protect and enhance their current financial resources, but also
prepare for future security and against loss of income. This requires careful planning and
prudent management of one’s financial assets. (
Financial planning is the key and the first step towards fulfilling ones dreams and aspirations
whether it is about providing for the family, buying a home or a car. Good planning also
ensures financial security for the family throughout life, even in the eventuality of the death
of the earning member of the family. An important component of a sound financial plan is
not only the inclusion of life insurance investment but also providing for adequate insurance
coverage in the plan. It is therefore critical for individuals to discuss their unique needs with
qualified Financial Planning Advisers who can assist in determining the right plan and
amount of coverage required. Consumers are now exposed to an array of modern and
innovative products. Depending on the needs of the customers,
Investment is the certain present value for the uncertain future reward. It entails arriving at
numerous decision such as types, mix, amounts, timing, grade etc of investment and
disinvestment .further such decision making has not only to be order to get return on its in the
future, which is known as investment .There are various investment avenues such a equity,
bonds, insurance and bank deposit etc. A portfolio is a combination of different investment

assets mixed and matched for the purpose of achieving gold. There are various factors which
affects investors Portfolio such as annual income government, policy natural calamities,
economical changes etc.
Financial and economic meaning of investment:
Investment is the allocation of monetary resources to assets that expected to yield some gains
or positive return over a given period of time .These assets range from safety investment to
risky investment. Investment in this form is called as financial investment.
Features of an investment program:
In choosing specific investment investor will need definitely ideas regarding features which
their investment avenues should possess. These features should be consistent with the
investor general objectives an in addition, should afford them all the incidental convenience
and advantages. Which are possible under the circumstances? The following are the
suggested features as the ingredients from which many successful investors compound their
selection policies.
Safety of principle:
The investor to be certain of the safety of principle should carefully review the economics
and industry trends before choosing the types of investments. Error are avoidable and
therefore, to ensure safety principle, the investor should consider diversification of assets
Even investor requires a minimum liquidity in his investment to meet emergence .liquidity
will be ensured if the investor buys a proposition of readily saleable securities out of his total
Income stability:
Regularly of income at a consistent arte is necessary in any investment pattern. Not only
stability, it is also important to see that income is adequate in after taxes. It is possible to fins
outcome good securities, which pay particularly all their earnings in dividends.
Appreciation and purchasing power stability:
Investor should balance their portfolio s to fight against any purchasing power stability.
Investor should judge price level inflation, explore their possibility of gain and loss in the
investments available to them.
Legally and freedom from care:
All investments should be approved by law. Law relating to minors, trusts, shares and
insurance be studied will brings out many problem for the the investor.

Tangibility securities have many times lost their values due to price level inflation. Some
investor prefers to keep a part of their wealth invested in tangibles properties.
Under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, certain investments are deductible from gross total
income. This tax exemption is available across individual tax slabs. If you earn Rs 4 lakhs per
annum and make investments of Rs 1 lakh in 80c instruments then the taxable amount will be
Rs 3 lakhs.

Section 80C benefit has been provided to encourage long term savings and investments. You
should choose a combination of fixed income and market linked investments depending on
your age and risk profile
The economy is witnessing an increasing trend in gross domestic savings as a proportion of
GDP since 2001-02, with the savings ratio having increased from 26.5 per cent in 2002-03 to
28.9 per cent in 2003-04 and further to 29.1 per cent in 2004-05. The rise in savings has been
witnessed across all the constituent sectors, the sole exception being household sector for
2004-05 which witnessed a decrease from 23.5 per cent in 2003-04 to 22.0 per cent in 2004-
05. ( report of the working group on savings for the eleventh five year plan(2007-08 to 2011-


1. An empirical analysis on preferred investment avenues among rural and semi urban
households. kantidas Sanjay (2011)
The study reveals that in most cases investors across all categories found them to be safer
with taking up the insurance policies. A significant portion of respondents also shows keen
preference towards unit linked insurance policies so as to get short term gains. It is also
observed that most of the respondents show their keen interest towards the insurance products
so as to get tax benefits, life protection and average profitable investment avenues. This is
perhaps the most striking features of general investors and the most important factor that
influences the investment decisions. Further, it is observed that the level of income also
Influences the investment decisions. Higher income group shows relatively high preference
towards investment in share market, conversely lower and average income group shows keen
preference towards insurance and banks as the most preferred investment avenues.
In fine, the changing pattern of Indian household savings is the result of a number of factors.
The household savings in India has experienced a variety of changes over the past one or two
decades. The changes in lifestyles and consumption models in a developing country like India
have also contributed towards those variations. The trends of investment by households are
not similar in nature and they vary between several financial instruments. This results from
the changing preference of the investors. Previously, household savings in financial securities
outperformed household savings in physical properties. Nonetheless, the trend has changed
now. Household savings in physical properties are greater than household savings in financial
instruments. This is assumed to be a consequence of a preliminary preference shift. (Kantidas
Sanjay(2011)Journal front line research in arts and science ,Pg no.26-36)

2. Savings and Investments Attitude of Salaried Class in CUDDALORE District

L. Pandiyan, Dr. T. Aranganathan May-June 2012)
Investment climate must attract the people to save from their income at times even by
forgoing the enjoyment of comforts and luxuries. Countries can never sustain development
unless they have adequate savings. So, Favorable climate is to be assured by the government
to provide investment climate guaranteeing acquisition, maintenance and liquidation of
assets. Since savings is the main factor for investment, the government though legal measures
encourage savings accumulation. For the growth of a disciplinant investment market a well
organized monetary system though protecting the investments against the eves of inflation or

depletion is to be kept by government. . (Pandiyan, Dr. T. Aranganathan , IOSR Journal of
Business and Management May-June 2012 pg no.40-49)

3. Investment Pattern of Salaried People – A study in Coimbatore district

R. SreePriya ,P. Gurusamy ( Jan 2013)
This study has made an attempt to analyze the saving and investment pattern of salaried class
investor. An in dept analysis is done to identify the attitude, factor influencing investors to
save and savings preference of investors. It is hoped that the saving public (particularly
salaried class) will analyse their savings and investment. This study identified the problem
faced by the investors and the impending problems could be solved in the right direction.
(R. SreePriya ,P. Gurusamy,2013 International journal of scientific research ,issue 1)

4. A study of investment perspective of salaried people (private sector)

prof. ca yogesh p. patel; prof. cs charul y. patel (oct 2012)
Investment is the employment of funds with the aim of getting return on it. It is the
commitment of funds which have been saved from current consumption with the hope that
some benefits will accrue in future. Thus, it is a reward for waiting for money. So the first
step to investment is savings. In common usage, saving generally means putting money aside,
for example, by putting money in the bank or investing in a pension plan. In a broader sense,
saving is typically used to refer to economizing, cutting costs, or to rescuing someone or
something. In terms of personal finance, saving refers to preserving money for future use -
typically by putting it on deposit – this is distinct from investment where there is an element
of risk. The main elements of Investments are Return, Risk and Time. This research aims to
study and understand the behavioural pattern of investment among the salaried people
working in private sector and the difference in perception of an individual related to various
investment alternatives. It also aims to provide an insight into factors considered for an
appropriate investment. Gives a wider scope to understand various issues related to
investment by salaried people.
(prof. ca yogesh p. patel; prof. cs charul y. patel ,oct 2012 ,Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing
& Management Review ,pg no 145-146)
5. Investment Preferences of Salaried people.
Nanavati Nihar K (June2012)
The investment ideology depends upon the individuality and many other factors. Here is an
attempt to find the solution to a problem of where to invest by a middle and lower income

level of the society. A market survey has been conducted of 25 people in sub-urban
Ahmadabad to identify their investment psychology and relevant preference. The survey is
giving us an insight towards traditional approach of savings and investment pattern. The
detailed analysis of the survey is presented hereunder. Inclination towards safe, secure and
tax beneficial investment is more than that of risky or high return investment. With lower
income segment, one cannot create wealth but with good combination of investments, one
can create a better and respectable living. Only a sample size of 25 in a mega city
Ahmadabad with large number of population the conclusion drawn is always a kind of
limitation of survey. The biased opinion and hesitant respondents are also the constraints of
the ideal study. (Nanavati Nihar K , Journal of Advances in Developmental Research

6. A Study on People’s Preferences in Investment Behaviour

N. Geetha,Dr. M. Ramesh(Nov 2011)
The study on people’s choice in Investment Choices has been undertaken with the objective,
to analyze the investment choice of people in Kurumbalur. Analysis of the study was
undertaken with the help of survey conducted. After analysis and interpretation of data it is
concluded that in Kurumbalur respondents are medium aware about various investment
choices but they do not know aware about stock market, equity, bound and debentures. The
study is conducted by taking a limited number of sample sizes which is stated earlier. And
this study reflects the perceptions of those respondents who are residing in Kurumbalur.
There might be a chance that the perceptions of the respondents of different are varied due to
diversity in social life, living pattern, income level etc. All the age groups give more
important to invest in Insurance, NSC, PPF and bank deposit. Income level of a respondent is
an impotent factor which affects portfolio of the
respondent. Middle age group, Lower income level groups respondents are preferred to invest
in Insurance, NSC, PPF and bank deposit rather than any other investment avenues. In
Kurumbalur respondents are more aware about various investment avenues like Insurance,
PPF, bank deposits, small savings like post office savings etc. For that awareness program
has to be conducted by Stock Brokering firms because most of the respondents unaware
about this new service and about stock market. (N. Geetha,Dr. M. Ramesh,IJMER,Nov 2011)

7. Mutual Fund Attributes and Investor Behaviour(Feb2006)
This paper analyzes the dynamics of investor fund flows in a sample of socially screened
equity mutual funds. Mutual fund companies, which continually compete to offer new funds
in an effort to attract investor capital, can expect SR investors to be more loyal than investors
in ordinary funds. Nicolas P.B. Bollen(Feb2006)

8. Mutual fund is the better investment plan(2005)

Institute of management technology Ghaziabad
In few years mutual funds has emerged as a tool for financial well being. Mutual funds have
not only contributed to the growth story but have also helped families tap into the success of
Indian industry .This paper analyze the market research on saving and investment practices of
the investor and preference of the investment in mutual funds. Akilesh Mishra (2005)

9. Gold etfs : An emerging investment option(2008)

An investor has numerous investment options to choose from depending on his profile and
expectation of returns .different investment options represent risk-reward trade off .of the
various types of investment options in stock market, gold exchange traded funds.
(Asia pacific journal of research in business management
Dr.Prashnata Athma(2008)

10. Awareness of commodity market with reference derivative investor.

Commodity futures markets are new and emerging market. The awareness of the market is
very less among the investor who can use this trade to sell their products without the
middlemen or agents it also help the actual buyer too.
Here trader also can transfer his risk to some other who can handle it or can appetite the risk
trough hedging technique

11. A Study on Preferred Investment Avenues among

Salaried Peoples with Reference to Namakkal Taluk,Tamil Nadu, India
V.R.Palanivelu K.Chandrakumar (March 2013)
The study reveals that Investment is the employment of funds on assets with the aim of
earning income or capital appreciation. Investment is the most important things today. People
are earning more, but they do not know where, when and how to invest it. A proper

understanding of money, its value, the available avenues for investment, various financial
institutions, the rate of return/risk etc., are essential to successfully manage one’s finance for
achieving life’s goal. Through this study, an analysis has been made into preferred
investment avenues among salaried peoples in Namakkal Taluk, Tamilnadu, India. The
results highlight that certain factors like education level, awareness about the current
financial system, age of investors etc… make significant impact while deciding the
investment avenues. The study is based on personal interviews with salaried peoples, using a
structured questionnaire. Actually, the present study identifies the preferred investment
avenues among the individual investors using self assessment test. The study is based on
primary sources of data which are collected by distribution of a close ended questionnaire.
The data has been analyzed using percentage and chi-square test with the help of statistical
software. There are large numbers of investment opportunities available today. In this paper
is going to briefly examine how the salaried peoples managing their investment
India respondents are medium aware about various investment choices but they do not know
aware about stock market, equity, bond and debentures. All the age groups give more
important to invest in Insurance and bank deposit. Income level of a respondent is an
important factor which affects portfolio of the respondent. Middle age group, Lower income
level groups respondents are preferred to invest in Insurance and bank deposit rather than any
other investment avenues. (V.R.Palanivelu K.Chandrakumar,IBEA ,March 2013 Pg no

12. Small Investors Perception on Post office saving Schemes

Karthikeyan (2001)
Karthikeyan has conducted research on Small Investors Perception on Post office Saving
Schemes and found that there was significant difference among the four age groups, in the
level of awareness for kisan vikas patra (KVP), National Savings Scheme (NSS), and deposit
Scheme for Retired Employees (DSRE),and the Overall Score Confirmed that the level of
awareness among investors in the old age group was higher than in those of young age group.
NO differences were observed among male and female investors except for NSS and KVP.
Karthikeyan (2001) IJMER

13. Profile and awareness of salaried class investors and their attitude and satisfaction
towards investment.(2008).
Krishnamoorthy,c, in his study has analyzed the profile and awareness of salaried class
investors and their attitude and satisfaction towards investment. In has been concluded that all
salaried people were aware of bank deposits, PF schemes, insurance schemes, post office
savings schemes, gold and however only few were aware of UTI
( Krishnamoorthy,c,(2008).



Year of the study: The 10 months are divided according to the following manner in order to
be an effective project.

July to September: Focusing on the study as a whole and identifying the problems
and framing the title, collecting information as well as details raring industry and also
framing objectives.

October to December: Literature review. Framing of questionnaire for data

collection, information collected through questionnaire for data collection for

January to April: From the interpretation the researcher list out certain findings,
suggestion, conclusion & rough copy submission for correction, after the correction
fair copy was prepared and submitted.

Sample Size: The sample size denotes the number of elements selected for the study. For the
present study, Questionnaire distributed to 640 individual’s .out of 640,153 individuals
Data collection: Data was collected by using main two methods i.e. primary data and
secondary data.
Primary data: - Primary data are those collected by the investigator himself/herself for the first
time and thus they are original in character, they are collected for particular purpose.
Combination of non probability connivance sampling technique and snowball sampling will
be used for collecting the data from different investor. The salaried people are selected by the
connivance sampling method. The selection of units from the population based on their easy
availability and accessibility to the researcher is known as sampling.
Information is collected by conducting a survey by distributing a questionnaire to 153
salaried people. These 153 salaried are of different age group, different occupation, different
income level and different qualification.

We choose the following resources for our research.

Questionnaire Design: - Here in our research we set questions for salaried individuals and
answer can be easy to fill out with minimum amount of time and efforts and request the
customer to answer these questions with correct information.

The questionnaire consisted of Close ended questions.

Close ended question: It contains those questions in which the respondent is given a limited
number of alternatives responses from which he/she is to select the one that most closely
matched his attitude.

The fixed alternative questions may be taken in the form of

Dichotomous question

Multi - choice question

Dichotomous Question: It refers to one which offers the respondents a choice between only
2 alternatives and reduces the issues to its simplest terms.

Multi-choice questions: A multiple – choice question refers to one, which provides several
set of alternatives. Multiple – choice questions can be used when an issue has more than 2

Customer: - Customer helps in creation of more accurate idea about our research.

Secondary Data: Secondary data are those, which have already been collected by some other
persons for their purpose. Secondary data are usually in shape of finished products.

External data: was generated from internet websites…………………………………

Statistical tools and techniques used: The data has been analyzed by graph and charts



 From which source you come to know about various investment options?

Other Other , 5
T.V./Newspaper ,
Friend/Relative ,
Banker Banker, 25
Broker Broker , 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Out of 153 salaried individuals 70 Friends /relative, 41T.V. newspaper,25 banker,,10

broker, and 5 other, these are the sources from where individuals come to know about
various investment option.

 What is your saving objective?

short term growth 5
Long term growth 25
Healthcare 25
Home purchase 18
Children’s education 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30


From the data it can be inferred that out of 153 salaried ndividuals28 Income and capital
preservation is the main objective of the salaried individuals, followed by 25 healthcare
,25 long term growth and income ,18 home purchase, 15 retirement,15 growth and
income,5 short term growth,5 children’s income, and 3 other.

 In which
hich sector do you prefer to invest your money?

Foreign sector, 6,
Public sector, 18,
Private sector
Private Government sector
sector , 77,
50% Public sector
sector , 52, 34% Foreign sector

Out of 153 salaried people 77 individuals prefer to invest in private sector, followed by 52
government sector,18 individuals and 6 foreign sector.

 Do you have a formal budget for family expenditure?

No, 44, 29%


Yes, 109, 71%


From all salaried individuals109

109 people have formal budget for family expenditure,44 don’t

 Usually do you consult your friends and / or relatives before making an investment

Never , 6, 4%
Everytime, 41,
Sometime, 40,
27% Everytime

Often, 63, 42%

Out of 153 salaried individuals 40 people often consult friends/relative before making an
investment choice ,41 every time , 40 sometime6 never.
 Do you invest your money in share market?

Yes, 54, 35%


No, 99, 65%

Out of 153 salaried individuals 99 said they don’t invest money in share market and
only54 invest money in share market.

 What % of your income do you invest?






0 to 15
% 15 to
30% 30 to 50%

Out of 153 salaried individuals
ndividuals 92 people invest 0to15% income,52 15 to 30%,9 30 to 50
 What is the time period you prefer to invest?

Long term (> 5

years), 19, 12%
Short term (0 to
1years) , 49,

Short term (0 to 1years)

Midterm (1 to 5 years)
Long term (> 5 years)

Midterm (1 to 5
years) , 85,


From above chart it can be seen that 85 salaried individuals prefer midterm i.e.1 to 5 years,49
short term and19 long term.

 Are you aware about different tax benefit of investing into mutual funds?

No, 53, 35%


Yes, 100, 65%


Among the total sample size 100 salaried individuals are aware about different tax
benefit of investing into mutual funds.

 Have you ever invested in mutual funds of any company?




40 Yes, 68 No, 85



Out of 153 samples, 85 salaried individual had not invested in mutual funds and only 68
had invested.

 Do you know about different option of investment in mutual fund?

Yes, 66, Yes

No, 87, No


Out of 153 data 87 salaried individuals don’t know about different option of investment
in mutual fund and only 66 people know.

 What is the most important criterion for you for selecting a particular investment option?

7, 5%
13, 8%
Past performance
83, 54% Promoters background
50, 33%
Any other


83 individuals consider past performance as a important criterion for selecting a particular

investment option,50 service ,13 promoters background,7 another

 Are you aware of the following investment avenues(Saving Account)

Yes, 146
No, 2
Yes No


Out of 153 salaried individuals 146 are aware about saving account as an investment
avenue and only are not aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenues(Bank fix deposits)

No, 8, 5%


Yes, 145, 95%


From above data 145 individuals are aware about bank fix deposits and 5 are not.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Public provident funds)

No, 15, 10%


Yes, 138, 90%


Among all salaried individuals 138 are aware about public provident funds and 15 are not
aware about these investment avenues.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (National

National saving certificate)

No, 17, 11%


Yes, 136, 89%


Out of 153 data 136 individuals are aware about national saving certificate and 17 are not

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Post office saving)

No No, 30

Yes Yes, 123

0 50 100 150


Out of 153 data 123 individuals are aware about post office saving and 30 are not aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Government securities)

No, 17, 11%


Yes, 136, 89%


Out of 153 data 136 individuals are aware about government securities and 17 are not aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue ( Mutual funds )

Yes, 72, 47% Yes

No, 81, 53% No


Out of 153 data 81 individuals are not aware about mutual funds and 72 are aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue(Life

avenue( insurance)

150 Yes, 136


No, 17


Out of 153 data 136 individuals are aware about life insurance as an investment option and
17 are not aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue(Debentures)

Yes, 68, 44% Yes

No, 85, 56% No


Out of 153 data 85 individuals are not aware about debenture and 68 are aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue(Bonds)

No, 48, 31%


Yes, 105, 69%


Out of 153 data 136 individuals are aware about national saving certificate and 17 are not

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue(Equity share market)

No, 47, 31%


Yes, 106, 69%


Out of 153 data 106 individuals are aware about equity share market and 47 are not aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue(Commodity share market)

No No, 68

Yes Yes, 85

0 20 40 60 80 100


Out of 153 data 85 individuals are aware about commodity share market and 68 are not

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue(Forex market)

No, 65, 42%

Yes, 88, 58%


Out of 153 data 88 individuals are aware about Forex and 65 are not aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Real estate (Property)

No, 18, 12%


Yes, 135, 88%


Out of 153 data 135 individuals are aware about real state and 18 are not aware about real
state as a investment avenues.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Gold/
( silver)

Yes, 135
No, 18



Out of 153 data 135 individuals are aware about gold/silver as investment avenues and 18 are
not aware

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (chit

( funds)

80 Yes, 135
0 No, 18



Out of 153 data 135 individuals are aware about chit funds as investment avenues and 18
are not aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Virtual real state)

Yes, 55, 36%


No, 98, 64%


Out of 153 data 55 individuals are aware about virtual real state as investment avenues
and 98 are not aware.

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Hedge funds)

No, 68, 44%

Yes, 85, 56%


Out of 153 data 85 individuals are aware about hedge funds as investment avenues and
68 are not aware

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Private
(Private equity investments)

100 Yes, 85

80 No, 68


Out of 153 data 85 individuals are aware about private equity investment as investment
avenues and 68 are not aware

 Are you aware of the following investment avenue (Art

( and passion)

No No, 68

Yes Yes, 85

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Out of 153 data 85 individuals are aware about art and passion as investment avenues and 68
are not aware.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing(Saving

investing(Saving account)

160 141
20 4 6 2
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment investment investment investment investment
avenues avenues avenues avenues avenues


Among all salaried people 141 individuals consider saving account as a safe and low
investment avenue,6 traditional invetsmnet,4 moderate risk investment
avenues,2emerging investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing(Bank fixes

Emerging investment avenues 0

Traditional investment avenues 6

High Risk investment avenues 0

Moderate risk investment avenues 16

Safe and low risk investment avenues 131

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


Among all salaried people 131 individuals consider bank fix deposit as a safe and low
investment avenue, 16 moderate risk investment avenues, 6 traditional investment
 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing(Public provident

20 7 6 0
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment investment investment investment investment
avenues avenues avenues avenues avenues


Among all salaried people 120 people consider public provident as a safe and low
investment avenue,20 moderate risk investment avenues, 7 high risk investment avenues
6 traditional investment.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (National saving

140 120
40 20
20 7 6 0
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment investment investment investment investment
avenues avenues avenues avenues avenues


Among all salaried people 120 individuals consider bank national saving certificate as a
safe and low investment avenue,20 moderate risk investment avenues, 7 high investment
avenues ,6 traditional investment.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Post office




40 32

20 15
0 1
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment avenues investment avenues investment avenues investment avenues investment avenues


Among all salaried people 105 individuals consider post office saving as a safe and low
investment avenue,32 moderate risk investment avenues,15 traditional investment,1
emerging investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Government
60 53

20 10 10
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment investment investment investment investment
avenues avenues avenues avenues avenues


Among all salaried people 80 individuals consider government securities as a safe and
low investment avenue,53 moderate risk investment avenues, 10 high investment avenues
and 10 traditional investment.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Mutual
(Mutual funds

Emerging investment avenues 2

Traditional investment avenues 10

High Risk investment avenues 53

Moderate risk investment avenues

Safe and low risk investment avenues 8



Among all salaried people 80 individuals consider mutual funds as a moderate risk
investment avenues,
ues, 53 high investment avenues,10
avenues,10 traditional investment. 8 safe and low
investment avenue,2 emerging investment avenues

 Which of the of following

wing factors which you consider before investing (Life
(Life insurance)

Emerging investment avenues 0

Traditional investment avenues 55

High Risk investment avenues 8

Moderate risk investment avenues 50

Safe and low risk investment avenues 40

0 10 20
30 40 50 60

Among all salaried people 55 individuals consider life insurance as a traditional
investment,50 moderate risk investment,40 safe and low investment avenues,8
avenu high
investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Debentures)
2, 1%
10, 7%
Safe and low risk investment
19, 12%
Moderate risk investment
High Risk investment avenues

52, 34% 70, 46%

Traditional investment
Emerging investment avenues


Among all salaried people 70 individuals consider debenture as a moderate risk

investment avenues, 52 high risk investment,19 traditional investment avenues10 safe and
low investment avenues,2 emerging investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Bonds)

Emerging investment avenues 4

Traditional investment avenues 19

High Risk investment avenues 82

Moderate risk investment avenues 14

Safe and low risk investment avenues 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Among all salaried people 82 individuals consider bonds as a high risk investment avenues
,19 traditional investment avenues 14moderate risk investment avenues ,10 safe and low
investment avenues,4emerging investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Equity share

Emerging investment avenues 10

Traditional investment avenues 75

High Risk investment avenues 40

Moderate risk investment avenues 6

Safe and low risk investment avenues 22

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Among all salaried people 75 individuals consider equity share market as a traditional
investment avenues, 40 high risk investment avenues,22 safe and low investment
avenues, 10emerging investment avenues. 6 moderate risk investment avenues

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Commodity share

Emerging investment avenues 10

Traditional investment avenues 75

High Risk investment avenues 40

Moderate risk investment avenues 6

Safe and low risk investment avenues 22

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Among all salaried people 75 people consider commodity share market as a traditional
investment avenues, 40 high risk investment avenues,22 safe and low investment avenues,
10emerging investment avenues. 6 moderate risk investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (FOREX)

Emerging investment avenues 4

Traditional investment avenues 19

High Risk investment avenues 75

Moderate risk investment avenues 45

Safe and low risk investment avenues 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Among all salaried people 75 individuals consider FOREX high risk share investment
avenues, 45 moderate risk investment avenues,19 traditional investment investment
avenues, 10 safe and low risk investment avenues. 4 emerging investment investment

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Real estate
80 75
50 40
30 22
20 10
10 6
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment investment investment investment investment
avenues avenues avenues avenues avenues


Among all salaried people75 individuals consider real state as a traditional investment
avenues, 40 high risk investment avenues,22 safe and low investment avenues,
10emerging investment avenues. 6 moderate risk investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Gold/ silver)

Emerging investment avenues 10

Traditional investment avenues 83

High Risk investment avenues 20

Moderate risk investment avenues 15

Safe and low risk investment avenues 25

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Among all salaried people 83 individuals consider gold /silver as a traditional investment
avenues,25 safe and low investment avenues, 20 high risk investment avenues. 15
moderate risk investment avenues, 10emerging investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (chit Funds)
40 32
30 25
20 12 14
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment investment investment investment investment
avenues avenues avenues avenues avenues


Among all salaried people 83 individuals consider chit funds as a high risk investment
avenues,32 traditional investment avenues 25 emerging investment avenues 14 moderate risk
investment avenue 12 safe and low investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Virtual real state)

70 64
30 25
20 15
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment investment investment investment investment
avenues avenues avenues avenues avenues


Among all salaried people 64 individuals consider virtual real state as high risk investment
avenues, 40 emerging investment avenues 25 traditional investment avenues 15 safe and low
investment avenues, 15 moderate risk investment avenue

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Hedge funds)

Safe and low risk Moderate risk

investment investment
avenues, 9, 6% avenues , 10, 7%
avenues, 49,
High Risk
avenues, 65,
avenues , 20, 13%


Among all salaried people 65 individuals consider hedge funds as a high risk investment
avenues, 49 emerging investment avenues 20 traditional investment avenues, 10 moderate
risk investment avenue, 15 safe and low investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Private equity
70 64
9 10
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment avenues investment investment avenues investment investment avenues
avenues avenues


Among all salaried people 64 individuals consider private equity investments as a high
risk investment avenues, 50 emerging investment avenues, 20 moderate risk investment
avenue, 10 traditional investment avenues 9 safe and low investment avenues.

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing (Art and passion)

80 74
40 30 30
20 10 9
Safe and low risk Moderate risk High Risk Traditional Emerging
investment avenues investment investment avenues investment investment avenues
avenues avenues


Among all salaried individuals 74 individuals consider art and passion as a emerging
investment avenue,30 traditional ,30 moderate 10 safe and low ,9 high risk investment
avenues respectively.


 Gender :

59, 39%
94, 61%


Out of 153 salaried individuals 94 were male and 59 female.

 Age :

11, 7%

39, 25%
70, 46% 31-40
50 and above

33, 22%


Out 153 salaried individuals 70 individuals were from 20-30

30 age group ,39 people were
from 41-50,33 from 31-40,11
40,11 were from 50 and above.


other 6

Profession 30

Business 32



Out of 153 salaried individuals 85 people work in service occupation,32 business,30

profession,6 other.

 Annual income of family:




30 27

10 6

Below 1 L 2-3L 3-4 L 5 to 10 10 & above


Among all salaried individuals,70

70 individuals have 5 to 10 L annual family income,30 people
3-4L,27 people 2-3L,20 individuals 10 and above,6 below 1L.

 Total family member:

8 and


PERS 101

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Out of 153 individuals 101 individuals have 2-5 members in their family,36 individuals
have 6-8 and 8 and above

other 1

post graduate 60

Graduate 85

Undergraduate 7

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Out of 153 salaried individuals,85 are graduate ,60 post graduate ,7 undergraduate,1


1. Reluctances of the people to provide complete information about them can affect the
validity of the responses.

2 The lack of knowledge of customer about the financial instrument can be a major

3. The information can be biased due to use of questionnaire.



1 Study reveals that major information sources for investments option are T.V.,
2. Most of salaried individuals prefer to invest in private sector.
3. Most of individuals often discuss with their family friends before making an investment
4. Majority of the salaried individuals prefer midterm to invest.
5. Most of the individuals are aware about different tax benefits.
6. Most of the individuals are aware about investment avenues like life insurance, FD, gold,
real state etc.
7. Majority of the individuals consider FD, Gold/silver, saving account, post office savings as
a safe and low investment options.
8. Study reveals that majority of the individuals consider bonds, FOREX, chit funds, private
equity as high risk investment avenues.

1. Study reveals that individuals spend long time watching T.vs, Therefore it is
recommended that financial advisor or financial institution should use T.V. as a marketing

2. Investments in government sector should increase.

3. Investor who wants to avoid risk should invest in saving account, FD, provident funds,
National saving certificate, post office saving, life insurance etc.

4. Investments avenues like share market, mutual funds need more awareness among salaried
individuals so that more individuals can be attracted.



This report is a reflection of the awareness and factors considering, risk taking ability of the
various categories of salaried individuals. Selection of the perfect investment avenue is a
difficult task to an individual. An effort is made to identity the taste and preference of a
sample of individuals selected by connivance and snowball sampling. Despite of many
limitations to the study i was successful in identifying some investments patterns there is
some commonness in these individuals.

This report concentrated in identifying the factors considered individuals before investment,
awareness level of salaried individuals towards various investment avenues are identified
based on their occupations, investors risk in selecting a particular avenue.

The presents study has important implication for investment manager as it has come out with
certain interesting facets of salaried individual. The individual investor still prefers to invest
in financial products which give risk free returns. This confirms that individuals even if they
are of high income, well educated, independent are conservative individual prefer to play
safe. The investments product designer can design products which can cater to the
individuals, who are low risk tolerant, tax savings and use T.V. as a marketing media as they
seem to spend long time watching T.vs. The study also draws an important conclusion from
study that the individuals are keen to invest in midterm products.


The study was conducted by taking limited number of sample size which stated earlier and
this study reflect awareness, factors consider for investment, risk taking ability of those
salaried individuals residing in Mumbai .There might be chances that the awareness, factors
consider for investment, risk taking ability of those salaried individuals of different nature are
varied due to diversity in social life, living pattern, income level etc that need to studied


Web Reference:


• Sanjay kantidas an empirical analysis on preferred investment avenues among rural

and semi-urban households, journal of frontline research ,vol(01)2011 26-36 research
paper, Department of commerce ,Lumding college,Lumding,Nagaon,Assam
• V.R.Palanivelu K.Chandrakumar (March 2013) A Study on Preferred Investment
Avenues among salaried Peoples with Reference to Namakkal Taluk,Tamil Nadu,
India, international conference on business,economics and accounting 20-23
• R. SreePriya ,P. Gurusamy ( Jan 2013) . Investment Pattern of Salaried People – A
study in Coimbatore district ,vol2 issue 1,international journal scientific research
• prof. ca yogesh p. patel*; prof. cs charul y. patel, a study of investment perspective
of salaried people (private sector),Asia pacific journal of marketing and
management,vol no2 cot2012
• Savings and Investments Attitude of Salaried Class in CUDDALORE District
• L. Pandiyan, Dr. T. Aranganathan May-June 2012) (prof. ca yogesh p. patel; prof. cs
charul y. patel ,oct 2012 ,Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review
,pg no 145-146),www.isorjounrnel
• N. Geetha,Dr. M. Ramesh(Nov 2011) A Study on People’s Preferences in Investment
Behaviour ijmer,vol 1 issue 6.
• Nanavati nihar k,invetsmnet pattern of salaried people ,Journal of advance
development research ,2012,vol 3 .

• Nicolas P.B. Bollen† Mutual Fund Attributes and Investor Behavior, February 2006,
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Title: Investment pattern of salaried people.

Dear Respondent,

Sub: Request to fill the Questionnaire regarding research study.

I am final year student currently pursuing MBA at JDBIMS.I am conducting a research study on
“Investment pattern of salaried people”. This research is taken as a partial requirement for the
completion of my MBA.I seek your kind assistance in completing the attached questionnaire
which would take approximately 10 minutes of your valuable time. Your response will be treated
as “strictly confidential”

 From which source you come to know about various investment options?

Broker Bank Friend / relative T.V./Newspaper other……………..(specify)

 What is your saving objective?

Children’s education Retirement Home purchase children’s marriage

Healthcare Income and capital preservation Long term growth

Growth and income short term growth other

 In which sector do you prefer to invest your money?

Private sector Government sector Public sector foreign sector

 Do you have a formal budget for family expenditure?

Yes No

 Usually do you consult your friends and / or relatives before making an investment choice?

Every time Often Sometime Never

 Do you invest your money in share market?

Yes No

 What % of your income do you invest?

0 to 15 % 15 to 30% 30 to 50%

 What is the time period you prefer to invest?

Short term (0 to 1years) Midterm (1 to 5 years) Long term (> 5 years)

 Are you aware about different tax benefit of investing into mutual funds?

Yes No

 Have you ever invested in mutual funds of any company?

Yes No

 Do you know about different option of investment in mutual fund?

Yes No

 What is the most important criterion for you for selecting a particular investment option?

Past performance Service Promoters background Any other

 Are you aware of the following investment avenues?

Safe and low risk investment avenues

Saving account YES NO
Bank fixes deposits YES NO
Public provident fund YES NO
National saving certificate YES NO
Post office saving YES NO
Government securities YES NO
Moderate risk investment avenues
Mutual funds YES NO
Life insurance YES NO
Debentures YES NO
Bonds YES NO
High risk investment avenues
Equity share market YES NO
Commodity share market YES NO
FOREX market\ YES NO
Traditional investment avenues
Real estate (Property) YES NO
Gold/ silver YES NO
Chit funds YES NO
Emerging invest avenues:
Virtual real state YES NO
Hedge funds YES NO
Private equity investments YES NO
Art and passion YES NO

 Which of the of following factors which you consider before investing?

Safe and Moderate

High Risk Traditional Emerging
low risk risk
investment investment investment
investment investment
avenues avenues avenues
avenues avenues
Saving account
Bank fixes deposits
Public provident fund
National saving
Post office saving
Government securities
Mutual funds
Life insurance
Equity share market
Commodity share
FOREX market
Real estate (Property)
Gold/ silver
Chit funds
Virtual real state
Hedge funds
Private equity
Art and passion

 General information

 Gender : Male Female

 Age : 20-30 31-40 41-50 50 above
 Occupation: student Business service Profession other
 Annual income of family: Below 1 L 2-3L 3-4 L 5 to 10 10 &
 Total family member: 2-5 6-8 8 and above

 Educational qualification

Undergraduate Graduate post graduate other


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