Plagiarism-Is-Handing-Out-Somebody Assignment 4
Plagiarism-Is-Handing-Out-Somebody Assignment 4
Plagiarism-Is-Handing-Out-Somebody Assignment 4
Nighat Ali
According to Wikipedia definition of Plagiarism is the “wrongful appropriation” and “stealing and
publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas or expressions” and the representations of
them as one’s own work.
Plagiarism is handing out somebody’s effort or work and show it as your own, no matter with or
without their consent. Every single published and unpublished material, whether in document, hard-
copy or soft-copy is enclosed under the above explanation. Plagiarism may be intentional or
unintentional. Every so often, plagiarism happening in school environments can result in damage to your
academic career or repute, and you may be expelled or suspend from the program.
It is important to know that plagiarism does not only apply to written work, it is whether essays,
reports, thesis or lab work, but can also apply to projects, designs, music, presentations or other work
presented for evaluation. Plagiarism is cheating. It is considered as a kind of academic misbehavior or
fraudulence. Plagiarism also demoralizes students who see their efforts as being damaged by the unfair
advantage gained by others.
There are four types of Plagiarism, direct plagiarism, self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism and accidental
1) Direct plagiarism is to copy someone else’s work without attribution and quotation marks.
2) Self-plagiarism is to present or submit someone’s own old work without the without the approval of
all teachers involve.
3) Mosaic plagiarism is when someone take phrases or whole sentences without putting quotation
4) Accidental plagiarism is when someone accidently, forgot to quote about real author or use same
sentences without having bad intentions
A lot of students knows about plagiarism but they do not know how they can avoid it or at what place
they are doing mistake. It requires proper guidance, and how to reference a material are the areas need
to cover. Students would be provided with directions on what is adequate and the college’s rules and
regulations for dealing with cheating. It needs to be built into assessment briefs, course handbooks, on
the college intranet, and linked to mystclair skills materials and support. In the broader context, data
literacy needs to be instructed at an initial stage or managing strategies so it becomes deeply rooted.
Assignments given to students must be different each year and not just the minor altering of names
that students can easily find. Preferably each student experience the assignment unique to themselves
so they can use their knowledge and skills in order to solve this. Assignments built mainly on facts so
rather only assessing the final outcome, consider building the task in stages so you can observe the
development, give feedback and check on the authenticity of the students' work - without essentially
giving marks at each stage.
We can also have students to sign a declaration before handing out the assignment. And having
regulated handing in the assignments reduces the possibility of student doing a stealing of other’s work.
Avoiding Plagiarism
There are few cool methods to avoid plagiarism. You have to follow below simple steps since writing
your research paper to make sure that your paper would be free of plagiarism.
1. Summary
If you find data online then you have to read it and rephrase it in your own words, it is better to
summarize it.
2. Cite
Cite all things which are not your work.
In this technique, do not summarize the data you found from any medium, rather quote a
4. Citing Quotes
This practice typically includes adding a page number, or a section number if it is the case of
web content.
5. Quoting Your Own Material
You have to treat your own material the same way as someone else’s wrote it.
6. Referencing
Always include reference page at the end of your work.