DSC Deactivation Format For Bidders

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Digital Signature Certificate Deactivation Request for Bidders

(To be sent on Company's letter head duly Signed and Stamped)

I, hereby request for Deactivation of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) assigned to my Login
ID ___________________________ as per the details given below:

1. URL of eProcurement

2. Reason for DSC Change*

3. Name of the Company*

4. Name of the User*

5. Registered Login ID*

6. Registered Office Address*

7. Contact Number*

8. Old DSC Serial No

9. Old DSC Holder Name*

10. Old DSC Expiry Date*

11. PAN No. of New DSC holder

12. New DSC Serial No*

13. New DSC Holder Name*

14. New DSC Expiry Date*


* Indicates columns to be filled up mandatorily

I certify that the details given above are true and correct.

(Signature and Stamp* )


Please fill up all the required details on Letter head of the Company and mail the scanned
copy of the same from login id / alternate email ID mentioned on the portal along with
screenshot of DSC Login page of your account. The scanned copy can be mailed to
support-eproc [at] gov [dot] in

For any assistance on this, call our 24 x 7 Help Desk Number 0120-4200462, 0120-4001002.

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