021 - Chapter 4 - L16 - (02-10-2013)
021 - Chapter 4 - L16 - (02-10-2013)
021 - Chapter 4 - L16 - (02-10-2013)
Matthew M. Peet
Illinois Institute of Technology
Directional Stability
• CN β > 0 means stability.
• Most aircraft need a tail - CN β,wf < 0.
• How to size a tail so that CN β > 0.
• The effect of rudder on yawing moment - CN δr
• How to estimate aircraft parameters from video.
M. Peet Lecture 7: 2 / 28
Scale Model Airplane
For a 25 scale model of an airplane, the following geometric data applies
S 1.50f t2 (.139m2 )
c̄ 6.145in (.1561m)
lt 15.29in (.3884m)
St .368f t2 (.0342m2)
Aerodynamic Data:
CLα,wf .077 deg−1 CM0,wf -.018
ε0 .72 deg CLα,t .064 deg−1
η 1 dα .30
ρ 2.377E − 3slug − f t−3 c̄ .25
Now suppose we have an Actual Aircraft of mass 1552.8slugs (22, 680kg).
1. Find the limits on CG position (XCG ) and tail angle measured relative to
wing (itr = iwf − it ) to ensure static stability and nose-up.
2. For steady-level flight with δe = 0, plot the required itr vs. XCG at
v = 239knots (123m/s).
M. Peet Lecture 7: Numerical Example 3 / 28
Scale Model Airplane
αeq =
W = 22, 680kg ∗ 9.81m/s2 = 222.491kN,
from which we can find the desired α.
α= 1 = 3.141 deg
2 1.225 ∗ 1232 ∗ 86.875 ∗ .088
First, let us recall the definition of sideslip angle using free-stream velocity V
Vy v
= =
Vx u
N = CN QbS
• Q is dynamic pressure.
• b is span of the aircraft (tip to tip).
• S is surface area of the wing.
CN has the form
CN = CN 0 + CN β β
Typically, CN 0 = 0. Exceptions?
M. Peet Lecture 7: Directional Stability 8 / 28
Directional Stability
Stability of Motion in the x-y Plane
ψ(t) = −β(t)
∆ψ̈(t) = −CN β ∆ψ(t).
This implies
• Stability if CN β > 0.
• Instability if CN β < 0.
CL,v = CLα,v αv
αv = β + σ
• lv is the distance from CG to the Aerodynamic Center of the Vertical
• Vv = lv Sv /(Sb) is the volume ratio
• ηv = Qv /Qw is the efficiency factor.
Vv > −
ηv CLα,v 1 + dβ
S l
kn kR Sfws bf
ηv CLα,v 1 + dσ dβ
Nr = −lv Yr
dCL,v dα
Yr = Qv Sv δr
dα dδr
M. Peet Lecture 7: Directional Stability 21 / 28
Directional Control
Rudder Moment
Define Cn,r := QSb . Then as for all lifting surfaces:
Q v l v Sv dα
Cn,r = − CLα,v δr
Q Sb dδr
= −ηv Vv CLα,v τ δr
= Cn,δr δr
CN = CN β β + CN δr δr
CN δr = −ηv Vv CLα,v τ,
CN β = Cnβ,wf + Vv CLα,v
Now, fixing δr , the equilibrium is when CN = 0, so
βeq CN β Cnβ,wf + Vv CLα,v
=− =
δr CN δr Vv CLα,v τ
Thus the wing-fuselage is stable if βeq τ > δr . In this case, have St = .6 implies
= .7 from the plot
Finally, we conclude
I CM 0 > 0
Directional Stability
• CN β > 0 means stability.
• Most aircraft need a tail - CN β,wf < 0.
• How to size a tail so that CN β > 0.
• The effect of rudder on yawing moment - CN δr
• How to estimate aircraft parameters from video.