Gas Incident Safety Report 2012-13

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Government of Western Australia

Department of Commerce

Gas Incident
Safety Report
Western Australia
ii Gas Incident S
 afety Report 2012-13
Table of Contents
PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................... 1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 3
ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 4
DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES .............................................................................. 5
DISTRIBUTION OF GAS IN WA ................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1: Map of Western Australia ........................................................................................... 7
GAS INCIDENTS RECORDED IN WA ......................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Number of WA gas related incidents per million population – 2003/04 to 2012/13 .... 8
Figure 2A: Number of incidents in metro and regional areas – 2003/04 to 2012/13 ................. 8
Figure 2B: Metropolitan and regional incidents per million population – 2003/04 to 2012/13.... 9
Figure 3: Number of incidents by gas utilisation and supply – 2003/04 to 2012/13................... 9
FATALITIES ................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4: Fatalities and fatal incidents ..................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Fatalities per million population ................................................................................ 11
SERIOUS INJURY ...................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Serious Injury per million population......................................................................... 12
Figure 6A: Serious Injury per million population by region ...................................................... 13
MINOR INJURY .......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7: Minor Injury per million population............................................................................ 14
Figure 7A: Minor Injury per million population by region.......................................................... 14
INTERSTATE COMPARISONS .................................................................................................. 15
Figure 8: FAFR Table – Australia and New Zealand ............................................................... 15
Figure 9A: Fatalities per million table....................................................................................... 16
Figure 9B: Fatalities per million - 2003/04 to 2012/13 ............................................................. 16
Figure 9C: Fatalities per million - 2003/04 to 2012/13 ............................................................. 17
GAS UTILISATION INCIDENTS ................................................................................................. 20
Figure 10: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Workplace and non-workplace..................................... 20
Figure 10A: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Workplace and non-workplace .................................. 20
GAS UTILISATION INCIDENTS – BY TYPE OF GAS ............................................................ 22
Figure 12: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Type of gas .................................................................. 22
Figure 13: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Type of incidents resulting from NG............................. 22
Figure 14: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Type of incidents resulting from LPG ........................... 23
Figure 15: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Equipment type ............................................................ 23
Figure 16: Gas Utilisation Incidents - Types of incidents involving water heaters ................... 24
Figure 17: Gas Utilisation Incidents - Types of incidents involving gas cookers...................... 24

Gas Incident S
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Figure 18: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Incidents resulting in fatality, injury, hospitalisation or
property damage...................................................................................................................... 25
GAS SUPPLY INCIDENTS ......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 19: Gas Supply Incidents – Workplace and non-workplace ......................................... 27
Figure 20: Gas Supply Incidents – Workers and general public .............................................. 27
GAS SUPPLY INCIDENTS – BY TYPE OF GAS .................................................................... 28
Figure 21: Gas Supply Incidents – Type of gas....................................................................... 28
Figure 21A: Gas Supply Incidents – Number of incidents per 1000 customers. ..................... 28
Figure 22: Gas Supply Incidents – Type of incidents resulting from NG ................................. 29
Figure 23: Gas Supply Incidents – Type of incidents resulting from LPG................................ 29
Figure 24: Gas Supply Incidents – Equipment type................................................................. 30
Figure 25: Gas Supply Incidents – Incidents resulting in fatality, injury, hospitalisation or
property damage...................................................................................................................... 30
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 32

iv Gas Incident S
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This report by EnergySafety summarises information about gas incidents in Western Australia and
analyses statistical trends for the years 2003/04 to 2012/13.

EnergySafety has statutory responsibility for the safety regulation of most gas facilities
(downstream of transmission pipelines) and activities in Western Australia.

The report provides practical information on how well the State's industry and general community
are operating in the supply and use of gas.

EnergySafety uses the information to make assessments on:

• the effectiveness of safety education and regulatory mechanisms (including mandatory technical
requirements); and
• changes that should be considered to improve industry and community gas safety outcomes.

These assessments are the subject of continuing policy work by EnergySafety which includes
extensive consultation with gas industry stakeholders.

I am confident that the information will interest those involved in the State's gas industry.

Ken Bowron

June 2014

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This report is an analysis of gas incidents reported to EnergySafety over a ten year period from
1 July 2003 to 30 June 2013.

The distribution of gas across Western Australia is varied in terms of reticulated natural gas (NG),
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and bottled LPG.

There were 819 gas related incidents reported in the ten years from 2003/04 to 2012/2013. 78% of
these incidents occurred in the metropolitan area. An analysis of workplace and non-workplace
incidents indicates that 44% of incidents occurred in the workplace.

Six gas related fatalities occurred over the reporting period. The very nature of gas incidents can
result in multiple fatalities as was the case in 2006/07 when an incident involving a camping stove
being used indoors resulted in the death of 3 people.

There was a fatality in 2012/13. The fatal incident occurred when LPG was leaking from a
mechanical bolted sleeved coupling on a gas main in the verge, near the residence at 282
Middleton Road, Centennial Park, Albany and permeated into the lower ground floor bedroom of
this residence. The presence of LPG as a vapour cloud in the bedroom was ignited by an
electrical source. The explosion and fire that followed proved fatal to a resident.
On average one fatal gas incident has occurred every three years.

There were ten incidents which resulted in serious injury in 2012/13 bringing the total number of
incidents in this category to 61 since 2003/04. Since 2003/04, 104 incidents resulted in minor
injury, of which 11 occurred in 2012/13.

Interstate comparisons using the Fatal Accident Frequency Rate (FAFR) shows that WA has the
fourth highest rate when compared to the other States and Territories of Australia and New

This report analyses gas incidents in relation to gas utilisation and supply. Nearly 74% of incidents
were reported in gas utilisation. Overall gas supply incidents recorded by EnergySafety have
shown a higher safety outcome as compared to gas utilisation.

2 Gas Incident S
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The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 require that an
incident involving the sudden discharge of gas or that otherwise relates to gas and causes or is
likely to cause injury to a person or damage to property must immediately be reported to the
Director of Energy Safety and to the relevant gas supplier where applicable. The Gas Standards
(Gas Supply and System Safety) Regulations 2000 specify levels of major discharge of gas in
incidents that need to be reported to the Director of Energy Safety.

All reported incidents are recorded on a database maintained by EnergySafety. The information
contained within this report has been compiled from this data and additional data sourced from
regulatory jurisdictions in other States and Territories of Australia and New Zealand. This report
provides a comparative analysis of trends in terms of frequency of incidents. EnergySafety is the
regulator for downstream gas incidents in Western Australia.

The introduction of mandatory reporting of gas incidents in 1999 resulted in a significant increase
in the amount of data recorded, indicating a greater awareness of the reporting requirements. This
report focuses on the ten year period from 2003/04 to 2012/13.

Gas related incidents can vary from a gas leak to a fatality. This report analyses incidents resulting
in fatality, serious injury and minor injury and has been categorised into two major sections based
on utilisation and supply of gas. The majority of incidents reported relate to gas utilisation and this
segregation allows for a better understanding of the data in identifying trends.

EnergySafety thanks the regulatory jurisdictions of the States and Territories of Australia and New
Zealand for their contribution to this report.

EnergySafety acknowledges the contribution of the Economic Regulation Authority for its
permission to utilise and reprint the ‘Gas Licensing Distribution Systems and Trading Locations’
map as sourced from its website.

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ACT – Australia Capital Territory

AUS – Australia
FAFR – Fatal Accident Frequency Rate
GTRC – Gas Technical Regulators Committee
LPG – Liquid Petroleum Gas
NG – Natural gas
NT – Northern Territory
NZ – New Zealand
PMP – per million population
SA – South Australia
TAS – Tasmania
VIC – Victoria
WA – Western Australia

4 Gas Incident S
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Gas related incident

For the purpose of this report a gas related incident refers to any incident that involves the sudden
uncontrolled discharge of gas or that otherwise relates to gas and may or may not cause or be
likely to cause injury to a person or damage to property.

Fatal accident frequency rate is calculated with the formula:

FAFR = Number of fatal accidents per year

Number of people at risk to the exposure of gas (population)

For ease of communication, the FAFR is multiplied by a million. Therefore the figure arrived at is
the FAFR x 106. This figure allows a comparison of gas safety performance against other

An incident in which gas was found to be the cause and that resulted in accidental death.

Serious injury
An incident in which gas was found to be the cause and that resulted in such an injury that
hospitalisation was required.

Minor injury
An incident in which gas was found to be the cause and resulted in such an injury that may have
required medical attention but did not require hospitalisation.

Other Incidents
A gas related incident that has not resulted in injury or fatality.

Major discharge
A major discharge is the unplanned and uncontrolled release inside a building of 10 m3 or more of
gas or the unplanned and uncontrolled release in the open air of 1,000 m3 or more of gas.

Limitations of this report:

• This report is based on information derived from rigid legacy systems due for replacement in
the near future. Parts of the data have been manually noted and then summarised for analysis.
While care has been taken in the process of documenting this report, the risk of human error is
still present.
• Fatalities where gas was involved but was not found to be the cause of the incident have been
excluded from this report.
• The number of incidents in this report may vary in comparison to other documents previously
released by EnergySafety. Although legislation requires prompt notification of incidents, there
can be extended delays between when an incident occurs and when notification is received
and this can impact on the data. This is more evident in cases with low severity. In other
instances, some incidents may be found to be non-gas related after investigation and hence
not included in the report.
• To compare the FAFR with those of other jurisdictions, the demographic population has been
utilised as the number of people at risk to the exposure of gas.

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6 Gas Incident S
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Distribution of gas across the state is varied. The Perth Metropolitan Area, Kalgoorlie, Esperance,
Bunbury and Geraldton are serviced by reticulated natural gas. Margaret River, Leinster, Albany
and Hopetown have reticulated LPG, while bottled LPG is available and utilised throughout WA.

Figure 1: Map of Western Australia 1

Sourced and reprinted with permission from the Economic Regulation Authority.
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There were 819 gas related incidents reported from 2003/04 to 2012/13. The number of reported
incidents per million population has been represented in Figure 2 below. The most number of
incidents were reported in 2007/08 and although there has been a variation in the numbers
reported the overall trend has been declining at a steady rate indicating a positive outlook for gas

Figure 2: Number of WA gas related incidents per million population – 2003/04 to 2012/13

Figure 2A below shows a decreasing trend for incidents within the metropolitan area and a steady
trend for incidents in regional areas. This trend indicates a decline in incidents for areas despite an
increasing population in Western Australia. The metropolitan area recorded the highest number of
incidents in 2007/08 and the regional areas recorded the highest in 2009/10.

Figure 2A: Number of incidents in metro and regional areas – 2003/04 to 2012/13

8 Gas Incident S
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The number of incidents per million population individually in metropolitan and regional areas is
depicted in Figure 2B below. The trend for incidents per million population for both metro and
regional areas appears to converge but is decreasing.

Figure 2B: Metropolitan and regional incidents per million population – 2003/04 to 2012/13

All the incidents recorded can be broadly classified into gas utilisation and supply incidents. 74% of
all incidents in the reported period were related to gas utilisation. This may be due to the legislative
requirement that all utilisation incidents must be reported. For supply incidents, there is a
requirement to report incidents which have a major discharge of gas. Figure 3 below provides
information on the number of incidents reported to EnergySafety each year.

Figure 3: Number of incidents by gas utilisation and supply – 2003/04 to 2012/13

Gas Gas
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From 2003/04 to 2012/13 there have been four fatal incidents that resulted in six fatalities.

In 2003/04, the fatality which occurred in a retirement village was the result of combustible material
igniting within the lounge room from being too close to a portable gas heater. It is believed the
deceased had died of smoke inhalation.

A fatal incident which occurred in 2006/07 caused the death of a mother and her two children. It
resulted from an escape of LPG from a two burner camping gas stove believed to have been left
unattended for a brief time. Nearby combustibles caught fire which ultimately consumed the front
portion of this house in Karrinyup. The three deceased were found in a bedroom unable to escape
the fire in that portion of the house.

A fatality which occurred in 2009/10 related to an explosion involving a gas cylinder where cylinder
abuse was identified as the cause. The fatality was a result of medical complications relating to
burns received from the explosion.

There was a fatality which occurred 2012/13. The fatal incident occurred when LPG was leaking
from a mechanical bolted sleeved coupling on a gas main in the verge, near the residence at 282
Middleton Road, Centennial Park, Albany and permeated into the lower ground floor bedroom of
this residence. The presence of LPG as a vapour cloud in the bedroom was ignited by an
electrical source. The explosion and fire that followed proved fatal to a resident.

Figure 4: Fatalities and fatal incidents

Figure 4 shows that fatalities arising from gas incidents may impact more than one person in a
single incident as is evident from the incident which occurred in 2006/07 involving a camping stove
fatally affecting three people.

10 Gas Incident S
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Figure 5: Fatalities per million population

Figure 5 above provides a view of the number of fatalities per million population. On average one
fatal gas incident has occurred every three years.

A fatality involving a gas worker carrying out an operation on the gas distribution system occurred
in 2007/08. The findings of the coroner indicated that the gas fitter died from natural causes and
the fatality was not gas related. This fatality has not been included as part of this report.

Since the establishment of EnergySafety in 1994 there has been no gas related fatalities involving
a gas worker which suggests that the safety of gas workers is generally maintained at a high level.

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Non-fatal gas incidents have been classified into two groups, those causing serious injury requiring
hospitalisation and those causing minor injury. Figure 6 below shows the number of incidents
resulting in serious injury per million population. Although the trend shows a gradual increase in the
number of such incidents, it is influenced by the peaks in 2008/09 and 2009/10. Further analysis
would indicate if there is a possible need to focus on safety in this area.

Figure 6: Serious Injury per million population

The majority of incidents resulting in serious injury involved cookers, water heaters and LPG
storage systems.

Incorrect installation and operational defects were found to be the cause in most incidents involving
gas cookers. In the case of water heaters, operational defects were primarily found to be the

12 Gas Incident S
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Figure 6A: Serious Injury per million population by region

Figure 6A shows the distribution of incidents resulting in serious injury across metropolitan and
regional areas. The data suggests that there were higher number of such incidents in regional
areas, but the number of such incidents has been decreasing since 2010/11. Incidents in the
metropolitan area have been fairly constant with a spike in 2012/13.

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Minor injuries resulting from gas incidents show a decreasing trend over the reporting period with a
slight increase in the number of incidents in the last two years as indicated in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Minor Injury per million population

The rate for such incidents in the metropolitan area has been relatively constant and the rate for
regional areas has been decreasing with a slight increase in the last two years and is now almost
equivalent to the rate for metropolitan incidents.

Figure 7A: Minor Injury per million population by region

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14 Gas Incident S
 afety Report 2012-13

Benchmarking values have been used in this document to compare Western Australia’s (WA)
performance against
INTERSTATE interstate and overseas counterparts. It is expected that this will assist WA to
develop strategies to improve safety outcomes.
Benchmarking values have been used in this document to compare Western Australia’s (WA)
A common benchmark technique used is the Fatal Accident Frequency Rate (FAFR) as a value for
performance against interstate and overseas counterparts. It is expected that this will assist WA to
develop strategies to improve safety outcomes.
The FAFR is arrived at using the following factors:
A common benchmark technique used is the Fatal Accident Frequency Rate (FAFR) as a value for
FAFR = Number of fatal accidents per year
Number of people at risk to the exposure of gas (population)
The FAFR is arrived at using the following factors:
For ease of communication, the FAFR is multiplied by a million. Therefore the figure arrived at is
FAFR = Number of fatal accidents per year
the FAFR x 106.
Number of people at risk to the exposure of gas (population)
The figures collected over the past ten years can only be utilised for quantitative comparisons
For ease of communication, the FAFR is multiplied by a million. Therefore the figure arrived at is
because each state and country’s approach to gathering and categorisation of information is
the FAFR x 106.
different. In addition, the number, type of appliance used and the exposure of people to risk also
considerably vary from state to state and country to country.
The figures collected over the past ten years can only be utilised for quantitative comparisons
because each state and country’s approach to gathering and categorisation of information is
Most jurisdictions reported that there were no fatalities for 2012/13. A comparison has been made
different. In addition, the number, type of appliance used and the exposure of people to risk also
by arriving at the FAFR using the average of fatal incidents over the reporting period and the
considerably vary from state to state2 and country to country.
residential population of each area.
8: FAFR Tablereported that there
– Australia wereZealand
and New no fatalities for 2012/13. A comparison has been made
by arriving at the FAFR using the average of fatal incidents over the reporting period and the
Average fatalities 2
Estimated FAFR x
residential population of each area.
Jurisdiction 2003-04 to 2012-13 Population 10^6
WA 0.6 2523996 0.24
Figure 8: FAFR Table – Australia and New Zealand
ACT 0.1 383672 0.26
NSW Average0.6
fatalities Estimated
7398775 FAFR
0.08 x
SA 2003-04 0.3
to 2012-13 Population
1671844 10^6
VIC 0.6
1 2523996
5730557 0.24
QLD 0.1
0.4 383672
4664270 0.26
TAS 0.6
0.3 7398775
512529 0.08
NT 0.3
0 1671844
239491 0.18
3.1 5730557
23123253 0.17
NZ 0.4
2.2 4664270
4470000 0.09
TAS 0.3 512529 0.59
NT 0 239491 0.00
AUS 3.1 23123253 0.13
Although the FAFR for WA is not considered high when compared to other jurisdictions, it is among
NZ 2.2 4470000 0.49
the top four.

Although the FAFR for WA is not considered high when compared to other jurisdictions, it is among
the top four.

This method of calculating the FAFR is based on the principle that the very nature of gas incidents can
affect not only consumers but also other members of the public. Gas incident data for VIC for 2012-13 was
not available at the time of preparing this report.
2 Gasthat
This method of calculating the FAFR is based on the principle Incident Safety
the very Report
nature 2012-13
of gas | can
incidents 15
affect not only consumers but also other members of the public. Gas incident data for VIC for 2012-13 was
not available at the time of preparing this report. Gas Incident S
 afety Report 2012-13 15
Gas Incident Safety Report 2012-13 | 15
The table below provides information on the fatalities per million in each state over the reporting
The The
table tableprovides
below below may not be representative
information of per
on the fatalities all incidents
million inover
eachthe reporting
state period.
over the The
data for the years 2005/06 to 2011/12 has been sourced from information held with the
period. The table below may not be representative of3all incidents over the reporting period. The GTRC.
Data for
data for the
yearshas been to
2005/06 sourced
sourced from information held with the GTRC.
Data for 2012/13 has been sourced from4 each state. 3
Figure 9A: Fatalities per million table
Figure 9A: Fatalities
Fatalities WA per million
2003/04 0.5 0.1 1.2
2003/04 0.5 0.1 1.2
2005/06 3.0 1.3 0.2 0.2 0.5
2006/07 1.4 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.3
2005/06 3.0 1.3 0.2 0.2 0.5
2007/08 0.2 0.0 1.4
2006/07 1.4 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.3
2008/09 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.7
2007/08 0.2 0.0 1.4
2009/10 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2
2008/09 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.7
2010/11 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5
2009/10 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2
2011/12 0.4 5.9 0.3 0.2
2010/11 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5
2012/13 0.4 0.0 0.4
2011/12 0.4 5.9 0.3 0.2
2012/13 0.4 0.0 0.4

Figure 9B: Fatalities per million - 2003/04 to 2012/13

Figure 9B: Fatalities per million - 2003/04 to 2012/13

The data reported for New South Wales may not be representative of all incidents in the State.
3As 2012/13 data for Victoria was not available at the time of preparing this report, this graph assumes that
The data reported for New South Wales may not be representative of all incidents in the State.
there were nil fatalities for this jurisdiction in the year.
4 2012/13 data for Victoria was not available at the time of preparing this report, this graph assumes that
Blank cells reflect no fatalities for the state, with the exception of Victoria (data unavailable) and New South
there were nil fatalities for this jurisdiction in the year.
4Wales (data not representative of all incidents)
Blank cells reflect no fatalities for the state, with the exception of Victoria (data unavailable) and New South
16 Gas I(data
Wales ncident
 afety Report 2012-13
representative of all incidents) Gas Incident Safety Report 2012-13 | 16
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The Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania had one reported incident each over the past ten
years. The Northern Territory has no reported incidents. The population in these jurisdictions is
comparatively smaller compared to the other jurisdictions. The chart below excludes these three
jurisdictions to provide a more distinct view of the fatalities per million in the remaining jurisdictions.

Figure 9C: Fatalities per million - 2003/04 to 2012/13

(Excluding ACT, NT and TAS)

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18 Gas Incident S
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There were 602 gas utilisation incidents reported during the period 2003/04 to 2012/13.
Approximately 31% occurred within a workplace setting and the remainder within the larger
community. Figure 10 below shows the distribution between workplace and non-workplace
incidents over the past ten years.

Figure 10: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Workplace and non-workplace

Figure 10A shows the percentage distribution of workplace and non-workplace incidents.

Figure 10A: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Workplace and non-workplace

20 Gas Incident S
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Figure 11 below is a classification of incidents according to broad categories of workers and the
general public. Gas fitters were involved in 10% of the incidents and a further 20% affected other
workers. Current legacy systems do not contain data to provide further information on the various
occupations involving gas incidents and hence an open category of other workers has been utilised
in this report.

Figure 11: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Workers versus general public

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Figure 12 below provides a graphical view of the types of gas found in incidents. NG accounts for
56% of the incidents, followed by LPG (Propane) at 42% and LPG (Butane) at 1%.

Figure 12: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Type of gas

An analysis of the types of incidents that have occurred reveals that most incidents involving NG
result in a fire (57%), followed by a gas leak (19%) and explosions (13%). This breakdown of
incident types has not altered by a significant margin over the ten year reporting period. Figure 13
below displays the different categories of incidents resulting from NG. Flashovers and explosions
also result in fires, thereby increasing the number of incidents involving a fire to 78%.

Figure 13: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Type of incidents resulting from NG

Gas Incident Safety Report 2012-13 | 22

22 Gas Incident S
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Figure 14 below shows a similar pattern for LPG, fire (42%) is still the primary type of incident,
followed by gas leaks (26%) and explosions (22%).

Figure 14: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Type of incidents resulting from LPG

As there have been just 4 incidents involving butane and 2 incidents related to auto gas over the
ten year period, a graph has not been presented for these incidents.

An analysis of equipment type has revealed that there is a wide range of apparatus involved in gas
utilisation incidents as shown in Figure 15 below.

Figure 15: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Equipment type

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The most common types of equipment found in utilisation incidents are water heaters (hot water
systems), accounting for 28% of the incidents. This was followed by LPG cylinders at 16% and gas
cookers (including stoves and hot plates) at 12%.
Recreational equipment which includes gas barbeques accounts for 8% of the incidents and
consumer / distribution piping at 11%. Further analysis into the causes of incidents in these
categories would provide areas of focus for safety programs.

A study of the incidents involving water heaters revealed that most of the incidents occurred while
lighting the pilot light. 69% of these incidents resulted in a fire and another 16% in an explosion as
indicated in Figure 16 below.

Figure 16: Gas Utilisation Incidents - Types of incidents involving water heaters

Figure 17 below displays the types of incidents resulting from gas cookers. Fire at 36% is still the
highest, followed by explosions, 32% and gas leaks at 19%.

Figure 17: Gas Utilisation Incidents - Types of incidents involving gas cookers

24 Gas Incident S
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Figure 18 is an analysis of all gas utilisation incidents from 2003/04 to 2012/13 and indicates that
0.6% have resulted in fatalities, 8.5% in serious injury requiring hospitalisation, 15% resulting in
minor injuries and 76% did not result in any injury.

Figure 18: Gas Utilisation Incidents – Incidents resulting in fatality, injury, hospitalisation or
property damage

The same data set has been analysed in terms of damage to property, with an almost even split
between incidents resulting in some kind of property damage and those with no impact to property.

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26 Gas Incident S
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There were 217 gas supply incidents recorded during the reporting period from 2003/04 to
2012/13. In contrast to gas utilisation incidents, the majority of gas supply incidents occurred
within the workplace. Figure 19 displays the number of workplace and non-workplace incidents,
with workplace incidents amounting to 79% of all recorded supply incidents.

Figure 19: Gas Supply Incidents – Workplace and non-workplace

Figure 20 illustrates that supply workers were involved in just 4% of the incidents and gas fitters in
6%. Workers from other occupations were found to be involved in 71% of incidents and
approximately 17% affected the general public.

Figure 20: Gas Supply Incidents – Workers and general public

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Analysis of the type of gas found in recorded supply incidents reveals that NG was found in 93% of
the incidents. In comparison, LPG incidents accounted for 7% as displayed in Figure 21 below.
However, this figure may be more representative of the size of the distribution system for NG and
LPG. Figure 21A depicts the number of incidents per 1000 customers.

Figure 21: Gas Supply Incidents – Type of gas

Figure 21A: Gas Supply Incidents – Number of incidents per 1000 customers.

28 Gas Incident S
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Further analysis of incidents involving NG, as per Figure 22 below indicates that 79% of incidents
resulted in a gas leak or release. In contrast to gas utilisation at 78%, just 16% of gas supply
incidents involving natural gas resulted in a fire. If explosions and flashovers are considered in the
category of a fire (as they do result in a fire) this percentage increases to 19%.

Figure 22: Gas Supply Incidents – Type of incidents resulting from NG

The types of incidents resulting from LPG supply are similar to those involving NG. It should be
noted, however, that there were very few LPG related incidents amounting to 16 incidents over the
ten year period. Figure 23 below provides percentages for the different types of incidents but they
are minimal in number when compared to natural gas.

Figure 23: Gas Supply Incidents – Type of incidents resulting from LPG

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Figure 24 below is an analysis of the type of equipment found in gas supply incidents. It was found
that the main gas pipe was a factor in 70% of the incidents. Other incidents involved gas service
piping (15%) which incorporates the meter box and the piping from the mains to the meter.

Figure 24: Gas Supply Incidents – Equipment type

Figure 25 below is an indication of the injury types sustained in supply incidents. There were no
fatalities recorded in gas supply incidents until 2012/13 when there was one fatality.

Of all gas supply incidents, 0.9% resulted in hospitalisation and 1.4% in minor injuries. The large
majority of 97% of incidents have resulted in no injury. 12% of incidents resulted in damage to

Figure 25: Gas Supply Incidents – Incidents resulting in fatality, injury, hospitalisation or
property damage

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The very nature of gas related incidents mean that they not only affect consumers but may
also affect other members of the population as evident in incidents with multiple fatalities or
injuries. On average one fatal gas incident has occurred every three years.

The type and distribution of gas varies among the States and Territories of Australia and
New Zealand. A comparison of the FAFR with other jurisdictions indicates that WA has the
fourth highest rate, and despite an increase in population, the number of fatalities has not

Analysis of serious injuries shows an increasing trend in the number of incidents per million
population. Most incidents resulting in serious injury involve water heaters and gas cookers.
Trends for minor injuries show a decreasing rate over the reporting period.

Analysis of gas utilisation incidents shows that the majority of incidents occur in a non-
workplace environment, with natural gas being the primary gas source. The appliances most
commonly found in most incidents were gas hot water systems. LPG storage may also be an
area of concern. Education on the safe use of gas and specific gas appliances may help to
reduce the number and severity of utilisation incidents.

Analysis of gas supply incidents shows the inverse of utilisation with the majority occurring in
a workplace environment. It is noted, however, that over half involved non gas related
occupations. Although the majority of gas supply incidents were related to natural gas this is
more reflective of the area of distribution piping and the size of the consumer base
compared to LPG. Analysis of the number of incidents against consumer numbers indicates
that LPG accounts for five times more incidents per thousand consumes when compared to

Distribution piping damaged by third party contractors was at fault in most supply incidents.
Concentrated efforts to improve the safety of distribution piping would positively impact the
safety of gas supply.

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Department of Commerce
EnergySafety Division
303 Sevenoaks Street (entrance Grose Ave) Cannington WA 6107
Telephone: (08) 6251 1900 Facsimile: (08) 6251 1901
National Relay Service: 13 36 77
Mailing address: Locked Bag 14 Cloisters Square WA 6850
Email: [email protected]
Regional offices
Goldfields/Esperance (08) 9026 3250
Great Southern (08) 9842 8366
Kimberley (08) 9191 8400
Mid-West (08) 9920 9800
North-West (08) 9185 0900
South-West (08) 9722 2888
Available in other formats on request to assist people with special needs.

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