Invalid Pricing Notes

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Logic to check invalid pricing in SAP

The reason for quote item not being displayed in quote confirmation page is because for the
corresponding line item flag is not set for the field VBAK- ZZGENINVALIDPRC .

The reason why flag is not set is because the user exit to check invalid pricing is not getting triggered.

The user exit will only trigger only if there is variant key in sale order or Quotation.

So need logic to understand if there is no variant key how do we identify that it is a Quote Item.

Existing Logic

Line NO 22 IF NOT xvckey[] IS INITIAL.

Line no 93 ENDIF

New Logic

Line no 93 Before Endif

*** Insert the following logic to check for a VC material if there is no

variant key available in line item then check the pricing group (KONDM =
21) and CUOBJ IS NOT initial. If the above condition is satisfied and EDI1
condition type is available in line item then insert flag to komp-
zzgeninvalidprc and export the flag to zzgeninvalidprc_in.

if not komp-cuobj is initial.

if komp-kondm = '21'

then check XKOMV-KSCHL has condition type EDI1 . If EDI1 is there, then

komp-zzgeninvalidprc = 'X'

CALL METHOD zcl_configurable_item=>export_pricing_validity

kposn_in = komp-kposn
zzgeninvalidprc_in = komp-zzgeninvalidprc.

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