PP V Gonzales
PP V Gonzales
PP V Gonzales
sciously adopted by the offender. The suddenness of the attack, the infliction
of the wound from behind the victim, the vulnerable position of the victim
at the time the attack was made or the fact that the victim was unarmed do
not by themselves render the attack as treacherous. This is of particular
significance in a case of an instantaneous attack made by the accused
whereby he gained an advantageous position over the victim when the latter
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accidentally fell and was rendered defenseless. The means employed for the
commission of the crime or the mode of attack must be shown to have been
consciously or deliberately adopted by the accused to insure the
consummation of the crime and at the same time eliminate or reduce the risk
of retaliation from the intended victim.
Same; Same; Same; Same; The determining factor on whether or not
the commission of a crime is attended by treachery is not the resulting crime
committed but the mode of attack employed in its execution.—This Court
has also had occasion to state that whether or not the attack succeeds against
its intended victim or injures another or whether the crime committed is
graver than that intended is immaterial, as long as it is shown that the attack
is attended by treachery, the said qualifying circumstance may still be
considered by the court. Thus, the determining factor on whether or not the
commission of a crime is attended by treachery is not the resulting crime
committed but the mode of attack employed in its execution.
Same; Same; Same; Same; A single and continuous attack cannot be
divided into stages to make it appear that treachery was involved.—The
trial court’s finding that the loading of the gun, the cocking of the hammer
and finally the pulling of the trigger constitute a deliberate effort on the part
of appellant to use the gun as a means of a treacherous attack is patently
erroneous. A single and continuous attack cannot be divided into stages to
make it appear that treachery was involved. The entire incident happened in
a matter of minutes, as testified to by witnesses, and as noted by the trial
court. It was error to our mind for the trial court to divide the assault in
stages to arrive at the conclusion that the mode of attack was consciously
employed by the appellant. Contrary to the finding of the trial court that the
appellant prepared the gun before getting out of his car, the appellant
testified that he loaded his gun before he left the house and that it was ready
to fire when he alighted his car. There was no time for him to reflect on the
mode of attack since he just picked up his gun and alighted from his car and
shot at the FX a few seconds after Dino and Noel Andres started shouting at
each other. We note further that the trial court pointed out that from the fact
that the appellant prepared his gun to shoot, this was an indication of the
deliberate employment of the
gun as a means to kill; i.e. that the use of an automatic, pistol shows that the
shooting was attended by treachery.
Same; Same; Same; Same; The weapon used, by itself, is not
determinative of treachery, unless it is shown that the accused deliberately
used the gun to insure the commission of the crime and to render the
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tion arose from lawful sentiments and not from a spirit of lawlessness or
revenge.” Noel Andres’ act of shouting at the appellants son, who was then
a nurse and of legal age, is not sufficient to produce passion and obfuscation
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which requires two or more grave and/or less grave felonies, will not apply.
—The rules on the imposition of penalties for complex crimes under Art. 48
of the Revised Penal Code are not applicable in this case. Art. 48 applies if a
single act constitutes two or more grave and less grave felonies or when an
offense is a necessary means of committing another; in such a case, the
penalty for the most serious offense shall be imposed in its maximum
period. Art. 9 of the Revised Penal Code in relation to Art. 25 defines grave
felonies as those to which the law attaches the capital punishment or
afflictive penalties from reclusion perpetua to prision mayor; less grave
felonies are those to which the law attaches a penalty which in its maximum
period falls under correctional penalties; and light felonies are those
punishable by arresto menor or fine not exceeding two hundred pesos.
Considering that the offenses committed by the act of the appellant of firing
a single shot are one count of homicide, a grave felony, and two counts of
slight physical injuries, a light felony, the rules on the imposition of
penalties for complex crimes, which requires two or more grave and/or less
grave felonies, will not apply.
Same; Damages; Even if there is no evidence as to the victim’s actual
income at the time of her death, in view of her temporary separation from
work because of her pregnancy, the Court does not consider it reversible
error for the trial court to have pegged her earning capacity to that of the
salary of a government nurse under the salary standardization law, as a fair
or reasonable assessment of her earning capacity at the time of her death.—
The pecuniary award granted by the trial court for actual damages was duly
established by the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses as supported by
the original receipts for hospitalization and other medical expenses
presented in evidence by the prosecution. The award for loss of earning
capacity is likewise sustained for the reason that while Feliber Andres was
pregnant and was unemployed at the time of death, it is not disputed that she
was a registered nurse and had earning capacity. Noel Andres also testified
that he and his wife had plans to go back to Saudi Arabia to work after
Feliber had given birth to their second baby. While there is no evidence as to
Feliber’s actual income at the time of her death, in view of her temporary
separation from work because of her pregnancy, we do not consider it
reversible error for the trial court to peg her earning capacity to that of the
salary of a government nurse under the salary—standardization law, as a fair
estimate or reasonable assessment of her earning capacity at the time of her
death. It would be grossly inequitous to
deny her spouse and her minor children damages for the support that they
would have received, considering clear evidence on record that she did have
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the latter that he, Andres, is with his family and to this Gonzalez
allegedly replied. “Accidents are accidents, what’s your problem.”
Andres stated that he saw the appellant turning red in anger so he
decided to go back to his vehicle when he was blocked by the
appellant’s son who said, “Anong problema mo sa erpat ko.” Andres
testified that he felt threatened and so he immediately boarded his
vehicle, sat at the driver’s seat, closed the door, and partially opened
the car window just wide enough to talk back to appellant’s son,
Dino. Suddenly, one of his passengers said “Binaril kami.” He
turned to his wife Feliber Andres and saw her bloodied and
unconscious. He turned around and saw his son Kenneth and
nephew Kevin were also wounded. Andres admitted in court that he
and Dino were shouting at each other so that he did not hear the
shot. Andres then got out of his vehicle to warn the appellant not to
flee. He then took the wounded members of his family to the exit
where there was an ambulance standing by. The three were then
taken to the Sta. Monica Hospital and were later transferred to the
Quezon City Medical Center.
The defense’s version of the incident is that Andres cut the
appellant’s path by positioning his FX obliquely along the
appellant’s lane from the latter’s left side. Andres then got out of his
vehicle, stood beside the appellant’s car window, and repeatedly
cursed the appellant, “Putang ina mo, ang tanda-tanda 3
mo na hindi
ka pa marunong magmaneho. Ang bobo-bobo mo.” The appellant
stayed inside his car and allegedly replied, “Pasensiya ka na hindi
kita nakita, nasilaw ako. Aksidente lang,” The appellant Gonzalez
and another witness for the defense, Quidic, testified that Noel
1 Andres, tsn., March 16, 1999, pp. 14-18; Gonzalez, tsn., May 25, 1999, pp. 15-
2 Andres, ibid., p. 26.
3 Amaba, tsn., May 11, 1999, p. 26.
“That on or about the 31st day of October 1998, in the city of Marikina,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
named accused, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
with intent to kill, attack, assault and employ personal violence by means of
treachery and abuse of superior strength upon the person of Noel Andres y
Tomas, by then and there shooting him with a Glock cal. 9mm pistol but
instead hitting one Feliber Andres y Ordono, on the left back portion of her
head, thereby inflicting upon her serious and
4 Gonzalez, tsn., ibid., pp. 23-33; Quidic, tsn., March 22, 1999, pp. 8; 18-22.
mortal wound which directly caused her death, as well as hitting John
Kenneth Andres y Ordono and Kevin Valdez y Ordono physical injuries
which ordinarily would have caused their death, thus performing all the acts
of execution which would have produced the crime of murder as a
consequence, but nevertheless did not produce it by reason of some cause or
causes, independent of their will, that is, the timely and able medical
assistance rendered to John Kenneth Andres y Ordono and Kevin Valdez y
Ordono to their damage and prejudice as well as to the damage and
prejudice of the heirs of Feliber Andres y Ordono.”
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On June 25, 1999 the trial court rendered judgement finding that the
shooting was attended by the qualifying circumstance of treachery
and held the appellant guilty of the complex crime of murder for the
death of Feliber Andres and for two counts of frustrated murder for
the injuries sustained by Kenneth Andres and Kevin Valdez and
sentenced the appellant to the maximum of the imposable penalty
which is death. The trial court held:
“Beforehand, the Court takes note of the judicial admissions on the verbal
declarations of the accused that the court ‘a quo‘ has jurisdiction over the
case; that he owns the black Glock 9 mm. automatic pistol; that the said gun
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will never fire even if he drops it; that only one bullet was fired from his
gun; and that the victim Feliber Andres is already dead. With this exegesis
and the declarations in open court of the eyewitness of both the prosecution
and some of the defense, there is no real dispute on the antecedent facts
showing that the accused fired on Noel Andres but instead hit and caused
the fatal injuries to the victims John Kenneth Andres, Kevin Valdez and
Feliber Andres resulting to the ultimate death of the latter. The court takes
further judicial admissions of the accused made in their memorandum
demonstrating the existence of five (5) sequences of events leading to the
death of Feliber Andres and the wounding of John Kenneth Andres and
Kevin Valdez which are as follows: First is when Noel Andres overtook the
car driven of the accused and cut cross his path; Second is when Noel
Andres alighted from his vehicle and confronted Inocencio; Third is when
Noel had an argument with Dino Gonzalez, the son of the accused; Fourth is
when, Inocencio seeing his son having confrontation with Noel, got his gun
to protect Dino; and Fifth is when Inocencio had a struggle with his
daughter. Trisha Gonzalez, who tried to reach for the gun and as a result of
which Inocencio lost his balance and as he was falling backward to his side,
his right arm holding the gun hit the rear window of the Tamaraw FX van
and the gun accidentally went off hitting the victim, who were all then
inside the van.
The court likewise take judicial notice on the feature of the automatic
pistol used in this case which is capable of unquestionable demonstration or
ought to be known to judges because of their judicial functions. Practically,
the stages before an automatic firearm would be capable of firing are as
follows: 1) the loading of a bullet into the chamber of the gun; 2) the
cocking of the hammer, if uncocked; 3) the releasing of the safety pin; 4) the
pressing of the trigger to unleash the hammer so that the firing pin will hit
the cartridge to propel the bullet out to hit the target. Realistically, it
demonstrates that a gun will not fire even if the bullet is loaded in its
chamber if the hammer is uncocked; or even if cocked if the safety pin
is engaged; or even if the safety pin is disengaged if the; trigger will not be
pressed. However, even if the gun is fired if it is not aimed and leveled to
the target, the purpose of firing it shall not be achieved. Contrarily, once a
gun is drawn against a person, the means methods and forms employed for
its execution is already conceived. And once it is tended directly and
specifically to insure its execution, it consequently produces the conscious
and deliberate intention. Finally if all the acts of execution had been
effectively done without risk on the part of the offender arising from any
defense coming from the offended party, treachery results. In brief, there is
treachery when the offender commits any crime against persons, employing
means, methods and forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and
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specially to insure its execution, without risk to himself arising from any
defense which the offended party might make (People vs. Mesa, 276 SCRA
407; People vs. Carlos Patrolla, Jr., G.R. No. 112445, March 7, 1996, 254
SCRA 467). To appreciate treachery two (2) conditions must be present, to
wit: 1) the employment of means of execution that give the person attacked
no opportunity to defend himself or retaliate; and 2) the means of execution
were deliberately or consciously adopted. (People vs. Azugue, 268 SCRA
711; People vs. Peña, G.R. No. 116022, July 1, 1998, p. 1, 291 SCRA 606)
In the case at bar and guided with the above-quoted doctrinal cases,
logically, the accused is positive of the crime charged against him. When he
alighted with a drawn gun to protect his son and released all the safety
measures of his gun as he fired and missed at Noel who was then unarmed,
but instead hit Kevin Valdez, John Kenneth Andres and Feliber Andres
which resulted to the death of the latter, demonstrate that the accused has
executed the two (2) conditions to generate treachery enough to qualify the
crime committed to murder.”
xxxx xxxx xxxx
“WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, the accused Inocencio
Gonzalez, Jr., y Esquivel is hereby found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
the complex crime of Murder with Double Frustrated Murder and
Attempted Murder penalized under Art. 248, as amended by Republic Act
No, 7659 in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code and is
sentenced to suffer the maximum penalty of Death by lethal injection.
The accused is further ordered to pay the following civil liabilities:
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gun was loaded before he left the house and the two witnesses for
prosecution stated in court that a few seconds after Noel Andres and
Dino started shouting at each other, the appellant got out of his car
and shot at the last window on the left side of the complainant’s
vehicle. Further, the appellant assigns as error the procedure adopted
by the trial court in taking judicial notice that the gun used by the
appellant is an automatic pistol and as such, it will not fire unless
aimed at the intended target. The procedure taken by the trial
court is
contrary to Section 3, Rule 129 of the Rules of Court. The trial
court should have given both parties the opportunity to present
evidence, expert evidence, if necessary, to inform the court on the
subject matter. The appellant argues that the factual finding borne by
such erroneous procedure is equally erroneous. The gun used by the
appellant is a semiautomatic and not an automatic pistol which
means that the pistol used has no external safety pin to be released
and that the hammer need not be cocked. The pulling of the trigger,
intentional or not, will fire the gun. The use of a semi-automatic
pistol does not necessarily imply treachery.
7 Sec. 3. Judicial notice, when hearing necessary.—During the trial, the court, on
its own initiative, or on request of a party, may announce its intention to take judicial
notice of any matter and allow the parties to be heard thereon.
After the trial, and before judgment or on appeal, the proper court, on its own
initiative or on request of a party, may take judicial notice of any matter to be heard
thereon if such matter is decisive of a material issue in this case.”
hence the crime committed by the appellant for the death of Feliber
Andres is homicide, not murder. The appellee takes into
consideration that the shooting was preceded by a heated argument
and that the supposed victim was placed on guard that attack was
imminent. It also appears that the shooting was done impulsively.
There is no evidence that the appellant deliberately employed the
means of attack to insure execution of the crime and at the same
time eliminate the risk of retaliation from the private complainant.
The appellee also agrees with the appellant that the trial court erred
in equating the use of an automatic pistol with treachery. The trial
court made the factual finding that the appellant’s automatic pistol
would not fire unless aimed and the trigger is deliberately pulled and
hence treachery attended the shooting. The appellee submits that if
we follow the reasoning of the trial court it would appear that the
appellant intended to shoot at the complainant’s vehicle only as the
shot was fired at the last window on the left side of the FX away
from where Andres was allegedly seated. The fact that the gun was
drawn and fired does not mean that the mode of attack was
consciously and deliberately employed.
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he saw that Noel Andres did not have a gun he lowered his hand
holding the gun. There was allegedly no threat on the life of his son
at the time of the shooting, no uncontrollable fear nor irresistible
force that would mitigate the commission of the offense.
The Solicitor-General also seeks to uphold the pecuniary awards
granted by the trial court. The appellee alleges that it is not denied
by the appellant that Feliber Andres was a 38-year-old registered
nurse at the time of the shooting. Although she was then
unemployed on account of her pregnancy, she still had earning
capacity and the trial court properly applied the salary of a
government nurse under the salary standardization scheme in the
computation of damages for the loss of earning capacity. The
receipts presented in evidence by the prosecution to establish
hospitalization and other medical expenses incurred by the private
complainants by reason of the injuries suffered by the victims were
duly authenticated by the prosecution witnesses and there is no
dispute that they are exact copies of the original receipts presented
in court. The objections raised by the appellant in this regard were
duly met by the evidence presented by the private complainants.
In sum, the appellee asserts that considering that the appellant
fired a single shot and in the process committed four offenses the
appellant should be held liable for the complex crime of homicide
for the death of Feliber Andres, double frustrated homicide against
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8 People vs. Cabodoc, 263 SCRA 187 (1996); People vs. Malabago, 265 SCRA
198 (1996).
9 Reyes, Revised Penal Code, vol. I, 1998 ed., pp. 409-410.
10 People vs. Caday, 2 SCRA 388 (1961); People vs. Ardisa, 55 SCRA 245
(1974); People vs. Genial, 228 SCRA 283 (1993).
11 Regalado, Criminal Law Conspectus, 2000 ed., p. 96; Aquino, Revised Penal
Code, vol. II, 1997 ed., p. 573.
12 People vs. De Jesus, 118 SCRA 516 (1982); People vs. Magdatu 124 SCRA 594
13 People vs. Manlapaz, 55 SCRA 598 (1974); People vs. Valles, 267 SCRA 103
(1997); People vs. Real, 242 SCRA 671 (1995).
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14 Sison vs. People, 250 SCRA 58 (1995), citing, People vs. Abapo, 239 SCRA
469 (1994).
15 U.S. vs. Mabug-at, 51 Phil. 967 (1926); People vs. Cagoco, 58 Phil. 524 (1933).
16 Aquino, Revised Penal Code, 1997 ed., vol. 2, pp. 575-576.
17 People vs. Manalo, 148 SCRA 98 (1987).
18 Andres, tsn., March 16, 1999, pp. 16-19, Gonzalez, tsn., May 25, 1999, pp. 17-
19 Ibid., p. 66.
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20 Ramos, tsn., March 15, 1999, pp. 64-65; Castro, tsn., March 15, 1999, p. 134.
21 Gonzalez, tsn., May 25, 1999, pp. 36-39.
22 Andres, ibid., p. 79.
23 Ibid., tsn., pp. 87-88.
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We note further, that the appellant did not act belligerently towards
Noel Andres even after the latter cut off the appellant’s path. Andres
stated in court that the appellant did not alight from 35
his car nor
opened his window until he, Andres, tapped on it. For his part
Gonzalez categorically stated in court that he 36did not point his gun
nor threatened Andres during their short spat. Gonzalez, although
he had his gun in his car, did not react to Andres’ cursing until the
latter was having an altercation with the appellant’s son, Dino.
claimed that he perceived that his son was in imminent
danger. Whether he overreacted or he shot at Andres’ vehicle out of
rage over Andres’ aggressive behavior, one thing appears clear to us,
that the shooting was not done in cold blood. It is undisputed that the
windows of the FX are heavily or darkly tinted 38
so that a person
would not see if anybody was inside. The pictures of the
FX on record confirm the testimonies of both prosecution and
defense witnesses that the other passengers of the FX were not
visible from the outside. Gonzalez admitted in court that Noel
Andres mentioned that he has passengers with him while he was
shouting and cursing at Gonzalez but there is no indication that
Gonzalez had any opportunity to see the passengers when he fired
the shot. The totality of the evidence on record fails to support a
conclusion that Gonzalez deliberately employed the mode of attack
to gain undue advantage over the intended nor the actual victim.
Without any decisive evidence to the contrary, treachery
cannot be
considered; thus the crime committed is homicide.
The trial court’s finding that the loading of the gun, the cocking
of the hammer and finally the pulling of the trigger constitute a
deliberate effort on the part of appellant to use the gun as a means of
a treacherous attack is patently erroneous. A single and continuous
attack cannot be divided into stages to make it appear that
45 People vs. Listerio, G.R. No. 122099, July 5, 2000, 335 SCRA 40.
46 People vs. Violin, 266 SCRA 224 (1997).
47 Aquino, Revised Penal Code, vol. 2, 1997 ed., pp. 627-628.
48 Dr. Lyndon Ong, tsn., February 23, 1999, pp. 73-77, 81; Dr. Antonio Chua, tsn.,
February 23, 1999, pp. 33-45; 59-60.
49 Dr. Chua, tsn., February 23, 1999, pp. 61-64.
Valdez, as the
doctor deemed it to be without danger of
complication. We note that the various sizes of the metallic
fragments were not established, at least to give an indication of the
severity of the wounds sustained. Both children were discharged
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after six days of treatment and then is no showing that they required
subsequent treatment or that they were immobilized for a greater
number of days by reason of the injuries sustained. Considering the
nature and location of their injuries and the number of days required
for their treatment, we find that the crime committed for the injuries
sustained by the children are two counts of slight physical injuries
under Art. 266 of the Revised Penal Code which imposes a penalty
of arresto menor or imprisonment for 1 to 30 days for injuries
sustained that has incapacitated the victim for one to nine days or
required medical attendance for the same period. For evident lack of
criminal intent to kill the complainant, Noel Andres, as above stated,
the information for attempted homicide must fail.
The mitigating circumstances of voluntary surrender, passion and
obfuscation, incomplete defense of a relative and lack of intent to
commit so grave a wrong, pleaded by the defense, were not
convincingly proved and none can be considered in the imposition
of penalties. The testimony of prosecution witness contradicts the
appellant’s pretense of voluntary surrender. Witness Ramos testified
that the appellant drove away towards the gate of the memorial park
while he was questioning him after the shooting and had not Noel
Andres and onlookers 51blocked his path the appellant could have fled
the scene of the crime.
The mitigating circumstance of passion and obfuscation is also
not obtaining. For this mitigating circumstance to be considered, it
must be shown that: (1) an unlawful act sufficient to produce passion
and obfuscation was committed by the intended victim; (2) that the
crime was committed within a reasonable length of time from the
commission of the unlawful act that produced the obfuscation in the
accused’s mind; and that (3) “the passion and obfuscation arose from
lawful sentiments and not from a spirit of lawless-
50 Ibid., p. 60.
51 Ramos, tsn., March 15, 1999, pp. 36-37; 45-46.
committing another; in such a case, the penalty for the most serious
offense shall be imposed in its maximum period. Art. 9 of the
Revised Penal Code in relation to Art. 25 defines grave felonies as
those to which the law attaches the capital punishment or afflictive
penalties from reclusion perpetua to prision mayor, less grave
felonies are those to which the law attaches a penalty which in its
maximum period falls under correctional penalties; and light
felonies are those punishable by arresto menor or fine not exceeding
two hundred pesos. Considering that the offenses committed by the
act of the appellant of firing a single shot are one count of homicide,
a grave felony, and two counts of slight physical injuries, a light
felony, the rules on the imposition of penalties for complex crimes,
which requires two or more grave and/or less grave and/or less grave
felonies, will not apply.
The pecuniary award granted by the trial court for actual
damages was duly established by the testimonies of the prosecution
witnesses as supported by the original receipts for hospitalization
and other medical expenses presented in evidence by the
prosecution. The award for loss of earning capacity is likewise
sustained for the reason that while Feliber Andres was pregnant and
was unemployed at the time of death, it is not disputed that she was
a registered nurse and had earning capacity. Noel Andres also
testified that he and his wife had plans to go back to Saudi Arabia to
work after Feliber had given birth to their second baby. While there
is no evidence as to Feliber’s actual income at the time of her death,
in view of her temporary separation from work because of her
pregnancy, we do not consider it reversible error for the trial court to
peg her earning capacity to that of the salary of a govern-
We agree that there are indeed many unfortunate tragedies that have
happened because of the improvident use of a firearm to exacerbate
a simple altercation over traffic. One was the Rolito Go case. He
shot in cold blood a college graduate of De la Salle Univer-
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sat at the driver’s seat, closed the door and partially opened the car
window just wide enough to talk bad to accused’s son. Suddenly,
one of his passengers said “binaril kami.” He turned to his wife
Feliber Andres and saw her bloodied and unconscious. He turned
around and saw his son Kenneth and nephew Kevin also wounded.
Noel Andres did not hear the shot. He got out of his vehicle to warn
the accused not to flee. He then took the wounded members of his
family to the exit where there was an ambulance standing by and the
three injured were boarded in the ambulance to be brought to the
Sta. Monica Hospital and later transferred to the Quezon City
Medical Center.
According to the accused, complainant Andres got out of his
vehicle and repeatedly cursed the accused while he stood beside the
accused car’s window. The accused stayed inside his car and replied.
“Pasensiya ka na hindi kita nakita, nasilaw ako. Aksidente lang.”
The complainant would not stop shouting and cursing at him. Dino,
the accused’s son, who rode in another vehicle arrived at the scene,
confronted complainant Andres and the two had an altercation.
Complainant Andres remained outside his vehicle during the
altercation with Dino. When complainant Andres tried to reach for
something inside his vehicle, Dino froze where he stood. This
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prompted the accused to get his gun from the glove compartment
and feeling that his son was threatened, got out of his car ready to
shoot the complainant. When he saw that complainant Andres was
not armed, he put down his gun. At this point, accused’s daughter
Trisha arrived at the scene, walked past Andres and pushed her
father, the accused, away. She hugged him and in the process he
fired the gun accidentally. The accused did not know that he hit
somebody until the complainant’s sister-in-law, Francar Valdez got
out of the vehicle carrying a bloodied small boy. The accused
claimed that he did not try to flee and even pharisaically told the
complainant’s sister-in-law to bring the wounded to the hospital.
Perhaps he meant the cemetery.
On November 4, 1998, the prosecution filed with the Regional
Trial Court, Marikina City, an Information charging the accused with
the complex crime of murder, double frustrated murder and
attempted murder, as follows:
“That on or about the 31st day of October 1998, in the City of Marikina,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
named accused, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
with intent to kill, attack, assault and employ personal violence by means of
treachery and abused of superior strength upon the person of Noel Andres y
Tomas, by then and there shooting him with a Glock cal. 9mm pistol but
instead hitting one Feliber Andres y Ordono, on the left back portion of her
head, thereby inflicting upon her serious and mortal wound which directly
caused her death, as well as hitting John Kenneth Andres y Ordono and
Kevin Valdez y Ordono physical injuries which ordinarily would have
caused their death, thus performing all the acts of execution which would
have produced the crime of murder as a consequence, but nevertheless did
not produce it by reason of some cause or causes, independent of their will,
that is, the timely and able medical assistance rendered to John Kenneth
Andres y Ordono and Kevin Valdez y Ordono to their damage and prejudice
as well as to the damage and prejudice of the heirs of Feliber Andres y
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In this review, the accused claimed that the shooting was purely
accidental. This is another of his false pretensions. He declared that
he had no intention to shoot Noel Andres much less his wife nor the
children. He lost his balance when his daughter Trisha pushed him
backward to stop him from joining the confrontation
between Dino and Noel Andres. He tried to free his right hand
holding the gun and it accidentally fired hitting the rear window of
the left side of the Tamaraw FX. He claimed that he did not see the
passengers inside the vehicle at the time of the shooting. The
accused asserted that the prosecution failed to establish the
attendance of treachery and without said qualifying circumstance,
the crime committed was homicide, not murder. We find such
pretenses to be utterly false and bigoted. The evidence plainly shows
that he directly aimed his pre-loaded pistol with multi-missile
bullets, released its safety trigger and deliberately pulled the trigger
aiming the gun at complainant Andres. What a poor shot he was.
The bullet hit the innocent pregnant wife of complainant. She did
not die instantly, although she could have. Divine intervention
enabled her to give light to a baby girl born the next day.
The trial court held that the accused’s act of loading the bullet
into the chamber of the gun and the cocking of the trigger of his
automatic pistol constitute conscious and deliberate effort to employ
the gun as a means of committing the crime and resultantly,
treachery qualified its commission. The accused testified that his
gun was loaded before he left the house and he got out of his car and
shot at the rear window on the left side of the complainant’s vehicle.
This testimony could not be true, unless the accused was an
instinctive killer who envisioned that he would use his gun to kill
someone as he left his house to go to the cemetery. The accused also
argued that the gun he used was a semi-automatic, not an automatic
pistol which meant that the pistol used had no external safety pin to
be released and that the hammer need not be cocked. The pulling of
the trigger, intentional or not would fire the gun. This is another
prevarication. Even a semi-automatic pistol has to be cocked to
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chamber load the same with a bullet and activate the trigger-
hammer. In the Glock semi-automatic 9mm pistol as the one accused
used, the trigger has a built-in safety lever and must be cocked and
the trigger purposely pulled to fire the gun.
Accused argued that the trial court improperly gave credence to
the testimonies of prosecution witnesses Castro and Ramos. Their
narration of the incident was rather absurd and would show that they
did not witness the actual shooting. Defense witnesses, on the
other hand, testified that Castro and Ramos arrived at the scene only
after the shooting.
As regards the injuries sustained by Kevin and Kenneth, the
accused argued that there was no intent to kill and that they stayed in
the Hospital only for six days, the crimes committed were two
counts of slight physical injuries. The trial court erred in awarding
damages and in admitting in evidence the bunch of receipts
representing the medical expenses incurred for the injuries sustained
by the victims, without first requiring the prosecution to establish
the authenticity of the receipts. The accused also pointed out that the
award for loss of earning capacity had no basis as the deceased was
unemployed at the time of the incident.
Finally, the accused submitted that the trial court erred in
rejecting the mitigating circumstances pleaded by the defense which
attended the commission of the crime, i.e., lack of intent to commit
so grave a wrong, passion and obfuscation, incomplete defense of a
relative and voluntary surrender. The accused asserted that the
mitigation circumstances were duly proven and supported by the
evidence. The complainant Noel Andres testified that he saw the
accused getting red in anger after they had a heated argument
immediately prior to the shooting. These circumstances showed that
the accused was not in his proper state of mind at the time of the
shooting. He was angered by Andres’ abusive language directed at
him and he got out of his car with a loaded gun to protect his son
from a perceived danger. The accused claimed that his willingness to
help the injured and his voluntary surrender to the police should
likewise be considered as mitigating circumstances in the imposition
of the penalties.
The Solicitor General agreed with the accused that the crime was
not attended by treachery, and hence, the killing of Feliber Andres
was homicide, not murder. The Solicitor General was of the view
that the shooting was preceded by a heated argument and that the
victim was placed on guard that attack was imminent. There was no
evidence that the accused deliberately employed the means of attack
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ries sustained by both children were head injuries and could have
caused their death if not for the immediate medical attention given
them. The number of days they spent in the hospital is not
determinative of the severity of the wounds. The accused is liable
for frustrated homicide for the injuries of the two small children
because he fired the shot at Noel Andres that hit instead his pregnant
wife and two small children. He is liable for all the consequences of
his unlawful act even if the crime committed is different from that
intended (aberratio ictus).
As regards the mitigating circumstances, the Solicitor General
asserted that none can be considered in favor of the accused. The
accused did not voluntarily surrender to the police and he even
entertained the possibility of flight but his car was stuck in traffic
along the exit of the memorial park. His claim of incomplete defense
of relative was belied by his own admission that complainant Noel
Andres did not have a gun and there was no unlawful aggression on
his part. There was no threat to his life or the life of his son at the
time of the shooting, no uncontrollable fear nor irresistible force that
would mitigate the commission of the offense.
The Solicitor General also agreed with the pecuniary awards the
trial court granted. He agreed that the late Feliber Andres was a 38-
year old registered nurse at the time of the killing. Although she was
then not employed because she was pregnant, she still had earning
capacity and the trial court properly applied the salary of a
government nurse under the salary standardization scheme in the
computation of damages for the loss of earning capacity. The
receipts presented in evidence by the prosecution to establish
hospitalization and other medical expenses incurred by the
complainant by reason of the injuries suffered by the victims were
duly authenticated by the prosecution witness and there is no dispute
that they are exact copies of the original receipts presented in court.
In sum, the Solicitor General asserted that the accused fired a
single shot but because of the multiple missile bullet that he used
committed four offenses. He is liable for the complex crime of
homicide for the death of Feliber Andres, double frustrated homicide
against Kevin and Kenneth and attempted homicide against Noel
Andres, and that the penalty for the gravest offense, that is,
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(17) years, four (4) months and one (1) day to twenty (20) years of
reclusion temporal.
We find the appeal without merit. We do not agree with the views
of the Solicitor General.
Treachery under Article 14, paragraph 6 of the Revised Penal
Code is defined as the deliberate employment of means, methods or
forms in the execution of a crime against persons which tend
directly and specially to insure its execution without risk to the
arising from the defense which the intended victim might
raise. For treachery to be appreciated, two elements must concur:
(1) the employment of means of execution that would insure the
safety of the accused from retaliatory acts of the intended victim and
leaving the latter without an opportunity to defend himself or
retaliate; and (2) the means of execution employed were deliberately
or consciously adopted by the offender. The means employed for the
commission of the crime or the mode of attack must be shown to
have been consciously or deliberately adopted by the accused to
insure the consummation of the crime and at the same time eliminate
or reduce the risk of retaliation by the victim. At the time of the
shooting, the complainant was having a tiff with accused’s son. He
knew that the complainant was not armed and there was no
imminent and grave danger to the life of his son. His conscious use
of a firearm with pre-loaded multiple missile bullets against a
defenseless man who was totally unaware of the danger to his life,
as the events moved fast and he did not even hear the shot
constitutes treachery. Accused insured the success of the
6 People v. Basco, 318 SCRA 615 [1999]; People v. Mangahas, 311 SCRA 384
[1999]; People v. Mallari, 310 SCRA 621 [1999]; People v. Sumalpon, 284 SCRA
464 [1998].
7 People v. Cabodoc, 263 SCRA 187 [1999]; People v. Malabago, 265 SCRA 198
[1990]; People v. Villablanca, 316 SCRA 13 [1999]; People v. Marcelino, 316 SCRA
104 [1999]; People v. Bernas, 309 SCRA 741 [1999]; People v. Penaflorida, 313
SCRA 563 [1999]; People v. Bautista, 312 SCRA 475 [1999]; People v. Molina, 312
SCRA 130 [1999]; People v. Bumer, 319 SCRA 539 [1999].
8 Regalado, Criminal Law Conspectus, 2000 ed., p. 96; Aquino, Revised Penal
Code, Vol. II, 1997 ed., p. 573.
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