PA Report Form - Feb - 2018
PA Report Form - Feb - 2018
PA Report Form - Feb - 2018
This form is for drafting purposes only and must not be sent to the EYF.
It reproduces the information contained in the online form
to help you prepare your report.
All reports must be submitted online.
Project reference
This will automatically appear in the online report form (example: 1234.2.PA.2017 = second pilot
activity report in 2017 for organisation number 1234).
First name This information will be taken from the application form and can be
Surname modified if necessary.
Provide information as complete and clear as possible, using your own words. Please check the
Reporting page on the EYF website for clarification and more information before filling in the form:
Indicate where the project took place (more than one venue if necessary).
GPS coordinates
Start day
End day
Number of days
What? Summarise what actually happened so that someone who is not familiar with
your daily work gets a clear idea of what this project was about.
How did the project contribute to the priorities of the Council of Europe’s youth
You have 3,000 characters to briefly describe your activity outlining the main
How was the project linked to the priorities of the Council of Europe’s youth
Don’t forget to focus on the youth dimension!
In this section, as in the next ones, you should be clear and concrete, and give an
honest and self-critical report. We know that processes don’t always go
smoothly and that there are obstacles, unexpected events and surprises. You
should mention both the positive and the negative aspects.
Achievements What did you achieve? Did you meet the objectives initially set in the
What were the strengths and weaknesses?
(3,000 characters) Explain which objectives you achieved and how. Give
information on the objectives that were not met or only partially met. What
lessons have you learned from the experience? Give us details of a particularly
successful achievement and unexpected positive results (if relevant). Give
details of any concrete output (something produced that can be measured). For
information, if your project has produced something concrete like an interesting
video, CDRom or publication which could be of use to other young people
working in this field, the EYF might put it online on its website.
Please provide all the relevant links to online material (including photos). Other
relevant material can be uploaded on the Validation page. A memory stick or
CDRom can also be sent with the report. Before you finalise any online/printed
material or videos produced with EYF support, please consult the checklist
regarding your obligations with regard to using logos, a disclaimer, etc.
(3,000 characters) Now that the project is finished, describe the concrete steps
that actually took place and whether they were coherent. Please note that we
want you to report on what took place in reality – so, do not copy from the
application. How did you follow the “fil rouge” or “red thread” in your activity?
Only the final version of the programme as it was implemented during the
activity will be accepted. This document is mandatory and if it is not provided,
the report will be considered incomplete and sent back.
Please make sure details on how the sessions were implemented are included
(timing, content and methods).
Educational Guide us through the learning process of your programme. What methods did
Dimension you use?
Did the programme enable you to reach your objectives?
(3,000 characters) Give examples that show how the participants were led
through a learning process and explain how the programme contributed to
meeting the objectives set.
Did you follow the EYF guidelines on environmental sustainability? If so, how?
Learning What did the participants gain from this project? Were the learning outcomes
outcomes you planned in the application achieved?
(3,000 characters) When you devised your project, you had some expected
learning outcomes in mind. At the end of the process, how would you answer
the following questions: What have participants learnt from the experience in
terms of “I know…” (knowledge), “I can do…” (skills), change in attitude? How
did you measure and/or evaluate this?
Local impact What effects did your project have on the local context?
Did it have an impact?
(3,000 characters) How did this activity influence change in the local community
in the short, medium and long term? How does this compare to what you
imagined when developing the project?
Visibility How did you ensure visibility of your project and the EYF?
(3,000 characters) How was the project promoted at the local level?
How did you give visibility to the activity and acknowledge the EYF support?
What were the positive and negative aspects of receiving EYF support for your
project? How would you evaluate your co-operation with the EYF? If your
project was visited by an EYF representative, do you have any feedback?
Follow up Has there been any follow-up? What is the current state of play?
What is next?
(3,000 characters) What follow-up activity has taken place or is planned? Who is
responsible and how? Are the participants carrying out follow-up activities? If
so, how are you supporting them?
Project team
(3,000 characters) Give a critical assessment of the cooperation with your partners (if applicable).
If you included volunteer time recognition (VTR) in this project, please explain here who was
involved and describe the tasks performed as well as the amount of time spent on volunteers’ input.
In the expenditure part of the budget (“other”), you should indicate how the VTR was calculated. In
the income section, the same amount has to appear as co-funding. More information is available on
the EYF website:
Did you have institutional partners (local/regional authorities), partners from other sectors or other
NGO partners?
Explain the role that the partner(s) played in the project, and the added value of the partnership.
Email Please make sure this is a valid address
Participants by country
List the number of participants from each country (even if you only had participants from one
country). Do not include the team here (see section on Project Team above).
You must send by post with your financial report a list of participants signed by each person taking
part in the activity(ies). Please use the model list of participants on the EYF website
(Resources/Forms & guidelines).
Country Number
Age range
Indicate the number of participants by age group. If there were participants over 30, please explain
why in the Participants’ profile field below.
Participants profile
(3,000 characters) Was the profile you defined when developing this project the right one? If not,
why? What criteria and procedure did you use to select the participants? Who made the final
selection? Was there a gender balance? If not, why?
You can attach a summary of the participants’ evaluation(s) at the end of the report.
A model budget table (Excel) is available on the EYF website (Resources/Forms &
guidelines) which must be filled in, signed and sent to the EYF together with all the necessary bills,
invoices and proof of payment (please read carefully the guidelines on financial reporting on the
Resources/Forms & guidelines page). The budget must be balanced (expenditure = income) and all
sources of income indicated and justified.
NB All copies of bills must be numbered, ordered according to the list of invoices and signed by the
person who can take legal responsibility for your organisation with the mention “certified copy of
the original”. Financial reports that do not comply with the guidelines will be sent back.
Before sending your financial report by post, please make sure that the figures in the online report
form match those in the Excel table.
Please attach at the end of the form a summary of the participants’ evaluation and an electronic
version of material produced (if the links have not been provided under the section
What/Achievements). Participants’ evaluation forms and a signed list of participants, together with
the signed final budget, must be sent by post (see more detailed information on reporting on the
EYF website – How to apply/Reporting). You can attach or send by post any other relevant
o Online activity report filled in (no copy/paste from the grant application!)
o Final timeline
o Final programme(s)
o Signed list of participants
o Excel budget table filled in
o Itemised list of bills and invoices matches Excel table
o First page of the Excel table signed
o All copies of bills signed and certified by the person legally responsible
o Online budget table filled in (figures match Excel table)
o Links to online material provided
o Additional documents uploaded or sent to the EYF (evaluation forms, copies of material
produced, CDRom, photos, videos)