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October 1, 2010 Page 3 Volume 1 Issue 3

Homecoming and SPIRIT WEEK!!! Senior Night for Volleyball and Football
Senior volleyball players will be honored at the game
The Homecoming Football Game will be played at on Tuesday, October 19 and senior football players
RWA on Friday, October 15 at 7:30 P. M. Please plan and cheerleaders will be honored at the football game
to attend. on Friday, October 29. Please attend these games in
honor of the special recognitions. Students wearing
To celebrate homecoming and school spirit week a student section tee shirts (purchased in 2009 or 2010)
variety of activities for students have been planned by may attend these games for $1.00; all other students
Student Government officers and their sponsors, Mrs. may attend for $2.00. Adult /older sibling supervision
C. Ladd and Mrs. Thames: of younger students (grades six and below) is required.
(The dress code applies during the school day; stu-
Monday, October 11 – Character Day – Students dent section tee shirts are to be worn to the volley-
may dress as their favorite character from a book, ball and/or football game to qualify for a reduced
comic book, or movie. As always, outfits selected and entrance fee.)
worn by students must be school appropriate.
SISA Middle School Math Meet
Tuesday, October 12 – Twin Day – Students choose a RWA will compete in the Division 1 SCISA Middle
friend and dress as twins. As always, school appropri- School Math Meet on Wednesday, October 27. Coach
ate attire is required. Copeland is the sponsor for this event. He will se-
lect three 8th grade students with the highest average
Wednesday, October 13 – Camouflage Day - Stu- in Algebra I Honors and Mr. Caulder will select two
dents may wear camouflage clothing such as pants, 7th grade students with the highest average in Math/
shirts, and jackets. (Hats may not be worn in the build- Pre-Algebra. Students will be selected at the end of the
ing. Clothing selected for this day must be appropriate first nine weeks.
for school.)
St. Jude’s Math-A-Thon
Wednesday, October 13 – Student Government is Students in kindergarten (5K) through grade six are
sponsoring a bonfire from 7:00 until 8:30 P. M. The invited to participate in the Math-A-Thon program
bonfire will take place in the upper school parking lot during the month of October. The Math-A-Thon is
at the side of the building. There is no charge to attend designed to help students improve their math skills
but various food items such as chili and s’mores will while also teaching students the importance of helping
be sold. All parents and students are welcome. Stu- others. All proceeds will benefit St. Jude’s Research
dents in grades six and below should be accompanied Hospital. Math-A-Thon Funbooks and sponsor form
by a parent. envelopes will be given to students on Friday, October
1. Donations are due by Friday, October 29. Please
Thursday, October 14 – Spirit Day – Students may contact Mrs. Grant or Mrs. Bell, coordinators of this
wear RWA spirit wear and jeans. Students may wear event, for additional information.
the temporary tattoos and eye black patches sold by
Student Government during the week. (Tattoos - $1;
Eye Blacks -$2; proceeds will be used for expenses Fall Carnival for Students in Prekinder-
related to the annual Student Government Conference garten through Grade Four
sponsored by SCISA.)
The junior class and their sponsors, Mrs. M. Ladd and
Friday, October 15 – Tailgating for students in grades Mrs. Gibbons, are organizing a fall festival for lower
nine through 12 begins at 5:00 P. M. in the parking lot. school students. The festival will be held on Saturday,
A variety of food items will be sold. Music will be October 30 from 10:00 until 2:00 P. M. Details are in
played. High school students are encouraged to come process. Please watch for more information to be sent
and fellowship with one another before the game. home soon!
RWA plays St. John’s Christian at 7:30 P. M.; and stu-
dents in grades 9-12 are invited to a homecoming Also, at the festival, Student Government Officers will
dance in the gym immediately after the game. The sponsor “Trunk for Treats”. Students may “trick or
dance will last approximately two hours and will end treat” for candy from the trunks of cars located in the
by midnight. school parking lot in exchange for bringing to the fes-
tival one canned good item to be donated to charity.

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