Salindad Chapter 9
Salindad Chapter 9
Salindad Chapter 9
The extent of salt-affected soils is proliferating because of different natural and
anthropogenic factors like high temperature, low rainfall, poor quality of irrigation
water etc. Different nature salts are being accumulated at the surface of soils and
make environment difficult for plants to grow on such soils due to the reduced
hydraulic conductivity and the low permeability. This leads to alter physical and
chemical properties of soils making them non-productive for general cropping.
Different management and remedial technologies are available to combat with the
problem but the most striving concern is to opt the most economical and environment
friendly technology. Different halophytic species can be used for the productive use
of saline soils. Sodic and saline-sodic soils can be reclaimed using different
amendments, which can provide soluble calcium to replace exchangeable sodium
adsorbed on clay surfaces. There are two main types of amendments: those that add
calcium directly to the soil and those that dissolve calcium from calcium carbonate
already present in the soil. Studies demonstrated that under adverse conditions tree
plantations may provide positive returns to investment and significant economic and
social benefits to land users. These findings suggest that there is an opportunity for
capital investment in afforesting abandoned salt-affected lands with multipurpose
Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman*, Ghulam Murtaza, Saifullah, Muhammad Saqib and Javed Akhtar
Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]
tree species. This chapter covers the introduction of salt-affected soils, associated
aspects, management, and their reclamation.
Keywords: Salinity, Brackish Water, Root Zone Salinity, Reclamation,
9.1. Introduction
Salt-affected is a general term used for soils which contain soluble salts or
exchangeable sodium and/or both, in such amounts that can retard growth and
development of plants. Such soils cause reduction in crop yield and are required to
be managed and remediated for sustainable agriculture. Mostly salt-affected soils
exist in arid and semi-arid regions but also found in some humid to sub-humid
climatic areas, where conditions are favorable for their development. In Pakistan
6.67 × 106 ha area is under salt contamination (Khan, 1998) mainly due to
unavailability of good quality water for irrigation. Ground water may supplement
irrigation needs because of increased cropping intensity and competition from non–
agricultural sectors for fresh water. At present, in Pakistan, more than 1.07 × 106 tube
wells are pumping out 9.05 × 106 ha–m ground water (Anonymous, 2011) and 70-80
% of this water is unfit (Latif and Beg, 2004; Ghafoor et al. 2004) for agricultural
crops having high electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and/or
residual sodium carbonate (RSC) that have negative impacts for crop growth and
development. In arid and semi-arid climatic zones use of low quality irrigation water
has become a common practice to fulfill the needs of ever increasing population
demands for food crops. (Qadir et al. 2007). Pakistan is situated in an arid to semi-
arid region. As the fresh water supplies are getting short, farmers are pumping low
quality (high EC, SAR and RSC) ground water for irrigation which is further
aggravating the soil and ground water salinity and related hazards. These soils are
adversely affecting the economic yields of crops and consequently leading to
uneconomical crop production and rural poverty. In the suburbs of Indus Basin in
Pakistan various research studies have been conducted and results reveal that almost
20-43% yield loss occur in salt affected fields as compared to normal ones. Qadir et
al. (2014) reported that 36-69% yield loss with the average of 48% for rice crop occur
due to salinity hazards. In this chapter, different aspects of salt-affected soils along
with their management and remedial measures have been discussed.
consideration in some areas of the world. The soils in coastal areas are enriched with
salts coming from sea through various ways, such as:
a) Striking of sea water high-tides with nearby surface soil;
b) Entry of sea water through rivers, estuaries, etc.;
c) Ground-water inflow; and
d) Salt-enriched sprays transported up to many kilometers inland from the
sea coast and deposited as dry “fall-out” or “wash-out” by showers.
Inland deposition of NaCl at a rate of 20-100 kg ha-1 year-1 is quite
common and values of 100-200 kg ha-1 year-1 for nearby coastal areas
have been reported. Although these amounts may appear small, but
their regular deposition over long periods of time may lead to
salinization of the soils.
Na+. Sodic soils have ECe < 4 dS m-1, SAR > 13 (mmol L-1)1/2, ESP > 15 and pHs >
Table 9.3 Saline area (in 000’ ha) in different districts of southern Punjab
Sr. No District Area surveyed Salt affected area
1 Bahawalnagar 623.7 130.4 20.9
2 Bahawalpur 468.5 23.3 5.0
3 RahimYar Khan 720.8 119.8 16.6
4 Dera Ghazi Khan 150.7 24.6 16.3
5 Muzafar Garh 474.8 92.9 19.6
6 Layah 246.4 0.9 0.4
7 Rajan Pur 237.2 25.9 10.9
8 Vehari 431.4 28.4 6.6
9 Khanewal 377.5 61.2 16.2
10 Multan 361.0 59.8 16.6
11 Lodhran 173.2 25.3 14.6
12 Sahiwal 258.7 28.7 11.1
13 Okara 439.4 44.1 10.0
14 Pak Pattan 235.3 14.4 6.1
15 Faisalabad 544.3 90.3 16.6
16 Toba Tek Singh 308.5 38.1 12.4
17 Jhang 482.9 109.0 22.5
18 Kasur 280.9 46.0 16.4
19 Shiekhupura 523.6 70.6 13.5
20 Gujranwala 416.5 52.1 12.5
21 Hafiza Abad 60.7 20.4 33.6
22 Mandi Bahudin 182.2 4.0 2.1
23 Sargodha 497.1 59.5 12.0
24 Khushab 181.1 0.8 0.4
25 Bakhar 314.8 1.5 0.5
Source: Punjab Development Statistics (2006)
Salt-affected Soils: Sources, Genesis and Management 199
salt concentration in the root zone results in the saline stored water. As salinity
increases, the osmotic stress of the plant increases, which further reduces
transpiration and thus plant dies when salts increase continuously.
In the presence of shallow water tables, deficiencies in Di + Dr may be offset by Dg.
If movement of ground water is upward drainage becomes zero. This situation cannot
continue forever. Under the dynamic field conditions, upward water movement
coupled with drainage remain continue alternately throughout the year especially in
the cultivated areas. If upward flow continues while leaching remains insufficient,
soil salinity will retard the plant growth and development and ultimately plants die.
That is why if salinity problem prevails there is the need of net downward water
movement for the sustainability of the crop production. The conditions that control
the inward water flow as well as outward from the root zone are not true for the
steady-state conditions permanently. Due to these processes salt concentration in the
soil solution varies over time. The primary objective of water management is the
maintenance of this variation that controls the excess drainage as well as reduction
of plant growth and development.
the deeper soil layers. Amount of water to be applied is important and it depends on
several factors such as initial soil salinity and moisture levels, techniques of water
application, and soil type etc. Good quality irrigation water is normally required for
soil reclamation.
For reclamation of sodic/saline-sodic soils, a soluble source of Ca2+ such as gypsum
is added in the soil followed by flooding with good quality irrigation water. The Na+
ions on exchange complex are replaced by Ca2+, and removed from root zone along
with dissolved salts in leaching water. Thus reclamation of both soils (saline and
sodic/saline-sodic) requires flow of water through the profile.
Overall, the methods of reclamation of saline-sodic/sodic soils may be grouped into:
1) Physical methods; 2) Chemical methods; 3) Biological methods; 4) Hydro-
technical method; 5) Electro-reclamation method; and 6) Synergistic approach. Apart
from decrease in salinity/sodicity hazard, the method used at a particular site must be
able to perk up the physical soil conditions by minimizing exchangeable Na+ that
deteriorates the physical properties of sodic soils. Soil aggregates in sodic soils slake
and disperse and hence reduce porosity (Qadir and Schubert 2004). An effective
amendment/method improves porosity, hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rate
and decreases bulk density (Murtaza et al. 2009). physical properties of sodic soils
maybe refined by the reclamation processes due to the incorporation of high amount
of Ca2+ as compared to Na+ in soil solution as well as on exchange sites. This
flocculates the dispersed soil thereby improving water conducting soil properties. Physical methods
Several methods, viz. deep ploughing, subsoiling, hauling, sanding, and horizon
mixing are used to improve salt-affected soils by physical/mechanical treatments:
i. Deep ploughing
Deep ploughing involves ploughing to a depth from about 40 cm to 150 cm.
This is a beneficial method on stratified soils having impermeable layers.
After a series of experiments, it was found that a single deep ploughing
having 40 to 75 cm depth economically improved the calcareous sodic soils
both physically and chemically. Under conditions where the subsoil is more
sodic than the surface soil, then deep ploughing should be avoided.
However, this method is very helpful to speed up soil reclamation if the
subsoil is gypsiferous, i.e. the subsoil contains a good quantity of gypsum.
ii. Subsoiling
Sub-soiler is comprised of erect steel/iron strips also known as knives/tines
that are almost 60 to 90 cm apart and are pulled by the use of high power
tractor through the soil. In this way soil channels are opened and
permeability is increased. Significance of sub-soiling lies in the fact that the
favorable impacts of sub-soiling remain continue till many years due to
break down of lime layer. Even if breakdown of lime layer does not occur
it is beneficial for one season.
Salt-affected Soils: Sources, Genesis and Management 203
iii. Sanding
In this practice, sand is mixed with a fine-texture soil that does not contain
high clay content to make it more porous for accelerating the permeability
process. By sanding the soil texture of the surface soil is changed
permanently. Moreover, it improves root penetration, water and air
permeability that facilitate the leach down of salts from root zone. For better
results, sand should be mixed with at least 10 cm of surface soil.
iv. Hauling
In this technique, surface of the salt affected soil is removed and a layer of
good quality soil is applied there. Hauling is absolutely useful but it might
not be applicable everywhere because this method is considered expensive.
v. Horizon mixing
This method is used when the soil profile has good surface horizon but
lower horizon has undesirable characteristics. Such characteristics are found
in saline-sodic/sodic soils which have a favorable surface soil underlain by
a slowly permeable, sodium-affected B horizon which is underlain by a
more permeable gypsum-horizon. Benefit of the profile mixing is that it
preserves the surface soil but upturn the subsoil along with substratum. This
process is done by removal of upper surface, deep mixing of underlining
subsoil coupled with substratum and at last again substituting the upper soil
Profile of a virgin soil Profile of an amended soil
____________ ____________
A _______ A
____________ ____________
B1 B2
____________ ____________
B2 B1
____________ ____________ Chemical methods
Chemical methods employ use of chemical amendments to improve soil properties
and crop growth. Chemical amendment at any place is chosen depending upon
various factors such as its availability, cost, handling and application difficulties, and
the time required to react within the soil profile and to reinstate the adsorbed Na+.
Various amendments reveal different levels of effectiveness for the reclamation of
sodic as well as saline-sodic soils of varying characteristics. Chemical amendments
generally used for renovation of saline-sodic/sodic soils can be categorized into two
basic groups:
204 M. Zia-ur-Rehman, G. Murtaza, M.F. Qayyum, Saifullah, M. Saqib and J. Akhtar
i. Inorganic amendments
These can be further subdivided into three types.
a) Soluble calcium salts, such as CaCl2, gypsum (mined gypsum) and
phosphor-gypsum that results from the assemblage of high analysis
phosphatic fertilizers.
b) Slowly soluble calcium salts, like ground limestone (CaCO3).
c) Acidifying materials. These amendments mobilize Ca2+ in calcareous
soils by enhancing the conversion of CaCO3 to more soluble CaSO4,
Ca(HCO3)2, Ca(NO3)2 or CaCl2. These amendments include H2SO4,
HCl, HNO3, sulphur, pyrite (FeS2), lime sulphur (CaS5), FeSO4, and
Inorganic fertilizers may furnish soluble Ca2+ directly like calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2
and single superphosphate (SSP) and/or indirectly by the addition of ammonium
sulphate [(NH4)2SO4] and urea that enhance the physiological acidity (pH < 7) in the
vicinity of their application. However large scale application of such fertilizers to
reclaim the soil sodicity problem is not an economical approach.
Among various inorganic amendments gypsum has declared as the most efficient,
cheap, environment friendly and easily available amendment that is the rich source
of Ca+2 (Ghafoor et al. 2004). It is a proximal approach to reclaim the calcareous as
well as non-calcareous sodic and/or saline-sodic soils. The gypsum required for
reclamation, in Mega-gram per hectare (Mg ha-1, 1Mg = 1000 kg = 1 ton), of sodic
and saline-sodic soils is called gypsum requirement (GR) of the soils. A laboratory
method (Schoonover's method) is generally used to determine the GR of the sodic
and saline-sodic soils. Other inorganic amendments used for soil reclamation can be
applied under suitable conditions. Equivalent quantities of chemically pure
amendments relative to one Mg of gypsum are given in the following Table.
The solubility and relative effectiveness of gypsum depends upon its mesh size. The
suitable particle size of gypsum used is between the 8-30 mesh, such that the particles
should pass through a 2 mm sieve while 50% among them must also pass through
0.5 mm (30 mesh) sieve (Talib and Akram 2001).
Salt-affected Soils: Sources, Genesis and Management 205
Plants growing in saline/sodic soils have limited biomass production. In saline soils,
crop yields are reduced by disturbing the water along with nutrient balance for plants
while in sodic soils, plant growth is affected due to deteriorated physical conditions
of soils. Moreover, in sodic soils, the excess Na+ in the root medium disturbs the
nutrition of plants. The selection of plant species to reclaim the salt affected soils
should be very careful. Plant species vary in their tolerance to soil salinity/sodicity
and irrigation requirements resulting in variable efficiency of growth. Generally, salt
dilution supports the water loving plants due to heavy irrigation whereas the salt
tolerant plants get benefits through both natural as well as adaptive modifications
when cultivated in saline water environment.
Stage of vegetative growth and kind of vegetation play a vital role in modifying the
environment of the host soil. At early stages of growth, crop roots occupy some of
the soil macropores that would otherwise be available for infiltration. The amount of
root mass, its rate of decay as well as ability to form root channels can markedly be
different among crops. Regarding kind of vegetation, plant species that are stress
tolerant especially under salt affected conditions are important for reclamation. Plant
species that are stress tolerant and grow efficiently in wide range of stresses
conditions could render them in an expanded range of adaptability and utility
compared to others. Some research workers favored the inclusion of kallar grass,
sesbania or sudan grass as the first crop to start and speed up the reclamation process
of salt affected soils. The salt tolerant plant species generally perform more
efficiently in calcareous salt affected soils than the non-calcareous soils. In
calcareous soils, their roots act as Ca2+ mobilizers via dissolution of the native
CaCO3. In some experimental studies, amount of soluble Ca2+ in calcareous sodic
soils cultivated with salt tolerant plants were observed sufficient for the marked
reduction in the salinity and sodicity levels.
Although growing of certain salt tolerant plant species for improvement of salt-
affected soils is an age old practice, yet little work has been reported to evaluate the
role of these species in terms of soil amelioration over a certain period of time and at
different growth stages. Many workers have simply correlated a good stand and
harvest of certain salt tolerant forage plants from the salt-affected areas with the
decrease in salinity/sodicity hazard without analyzing the soil characteristics. Very
few studies give the requisite information on actual changes in ECe and SAR/ESP of
saline-sodic/sodic soils during reclamation through biological means. Generally,
reclamation of saline-sodic/sodic soils through biological means is considered a
slower than the application of inorganic amendments. However, biological
reclamation can be started at a relatively low initial cost. Hydro-technical technique
Using this technique saline water that has high concentration of electrolyte is applied
that affect the soil permeability and thus continuous addition of water for dilution
purposes leads towards the "valence dilution" effect. Eaton and Sokoloff (1935)
described the "valence dilution" effect for the very first time when they were
conducting an experiment regarding reclamation of sodic soils. In soil water system
where monovalent and divalent cations in solution as well as in absorbed form is
equal, application of further water leads the equilibrium towards the preferable
Salt-affected Soils: Sources, Genesis and Management 207
the greater part of the affected soils. Thus high cost of reclamation process makes it
out of reach approach for common person and there is very low progress regarding
sodic reclamation in county. It is highly recommended that Government should
provide gypsum at subsidized rates on credit to poor farmers.
distribution in soil profile, irrigation practices, climate) and biological factors (stage
of growth, varieties and rootstocks). The salt tolerance of some plants is given in
Table 9.6.
9.11. Conclusion
Soil and water salinity/sodicity are potential threat to irrigated agriculture. Salination
and sodication of millions of hectares of land continues to severely reduce crop
production in Pakistan and rest of the world. Salt-affected soils are classified into
three major categories namely saline, saline-sodic, and sodic. Saline soils can easily
be reclaimed through simple leaching with good quality water without any
amendment even high EC water can serve the purpose during initial phase. For the
reclamation of saline-sodic/sodic soils, there is a need of some Ca-amendment and
gypsum is the most promising. Lower solubility of mined gypsum compared to other
industrial sources is an additional advantage to sustain electrolyte concentration in
these soils. Acids or acid formers can reclaim such soils relatively at a faster rate but
at a much higher cost. Another way to combat the salinity/sodicity of soils is saline
agriculture approach, i.e. cultivation of salt tolerant plants. Along with reclamation
measures, various aspects related to agronomic management like mulching, tillage,
green manuring and seed bed preparation do merit.
Ahmad, N.C. and M.R. Chaudhry (1997). Review of research on reclamation of salt-
affected soils in Pakistan, Publication No. 175, IWASRI, WAPDA, Lahore
Salt-affected Soils: Sources, Genesis and Management 215