Psiii Proffesional Goals

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Name: Chantal Richards

School: Immanuel Christian Elementary School
Timeline: Spring Semester 2019
Teacher Mentor: Richard Leiuwen
School Administrator: Jay Visser
University Consultant: Marlo Steed


Have a better understanding of how to meet the diverse learning needs of students in my classroom, through
various instructional strategies. How to create lesson plans that foster a greater UDL approach.
#9. Teachers use a broad range of instructional strategies
Rationale - Every classroom is diverse, and every student has different learning needs. In my particular classroom 4A, I have a
(within the great diversity of learners – including those with defiance issues, ADHD, shyness, outspokenness, leadership, and a
context of student who barely knows English etc. Within these past two weeks, I have also noticed that there is a wide gap in
students’ ability to compete tasks on time. I have some students, who finish a task very fast, while other students
take a long time to finish a task.
environment) - Having a better understanding of how meet the diverse learning needs within the classroom, with help to foster
better classroom management. When students’ learning needs are met, they will be more actively engaged in their
learning, and will not need to find reasons to get off task. There is always something that will demand a student’s
attention. Let the lesson at hand be the one that students want to give their time to.
- Students will better retain information and learning concepts, if my lesson plans provide a greater variety of
understanding information.
- Learning should be fun for students- not intimidating. By using a broad range of instructional strategies in my lesson
plans, each student will be able to have moments of engaged learning.
Strategies - Discover what is a healthy balance for grade 4A, in terms of various teaching/learning strategies.
(used - Plan for SPONGE activities for students who finish their work before others. Plan these in a way that will not distract
throughout to other learners who are still working on the first activity/worksheet
achieve goal) - Try out various different teaching approaches with the group. See what works well with them/what does not work
- Vary the learning through a healthy balance between: worksheets, group work, individual work, visual lessons, and
- Be creative from lesson to lesson, to promote student curiosity
- Use visual prompts (ex. for fractions in math, using visuals)
- Learn students learning interests and individual personalities
- Give students options within assignments and projects (ex. show their understanding visually, orally, or written)
Resources  Notes from Kelly Huck’s course at the University of Lethbridge
(used  UC and teacher mentor
throughout to  Observing teaching approaches of other students within ICE
achieve goal) 
Indicators of  Students are excited about learning and are actively engaged in the lesson.
Progress  There are less issues in classroom management due to student engagement/learning needs being met
(throughout  There is greater student understanding of learning concepts
practicum)  Students with diverse learning needs are not overwhelmed or feeling left out in the learning process
 UC and Teacher Mentor agree that my lessons provide diversity, and cater to different learners within the classroom
Timeline  Work on creating diversity within lesson plans throughout the day or within the individual lesson plans– February,
(January 9th – Ongoing
April 13th,  Observe other teachers throughout ICE, and see how they incorporate a UDL approach within their lesson planning–
2017) Ongoing
 Research effective UDL approaches in lesson planning – Ongoing
Reflection (at Questions to consider:
the end of  How successful have I been in meeting my goal?
practicum)  How has my ability to create diverse lessons improved?
 What are some great UDL approaches I can carry forward for the future?


Classroom management strategies that will help foster a better learning environment in the classroom, and
will help me to build confidence as a teacher
KSA #7: You understand students’ needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security. You know how to engage students
in creating effective classroom routines. You know how and when to apply a variety of management strategies that are in keeping
with the situation and that result in minimal disruptions to students’ learning
Rationale  Classroom management places a huge role in fostering a healthy learning environment for students. However, it can
(within the often be one of the most difficult and intimidating aspects of teaching, to master (particularly for a student teacher).
context of  In order for time in lessons to be used in the most effective way, classroom management is essential. By having a
healthy learning environment, students will be able to learn more, in the amount of time that is given for each subject.
 Students need stability in their day-to-day lives. They also need a sense of routine. By having a classroom management
environment) plan in place, both of these needs will be met.
Strategies  It can be difficult coming into a classroom halfway through the year, and expecting students to fully adjust to new
(used teaching strategies/classroom management ideas. However, as I continue to foster relationship with the students, I
throughout to believe that I will begin to better understand how/what sorts of management plans I will need to put in place.
achieve goal)  Consistency, consistency, and consistency! Once I have come up with one particular classroom management plan that
works well, I need to hold students accountable to it. Ex. before coming up to me for help, ask at least one other
student around you, if they might be able to help/bring clarification.
 When I see that the class is starting to get a bit out of hand, take action right away, rather than letting things escalate
 Be firm with students and follow through with decisions (ex. no you cannot go to get a drink until you have written two
sentences in your story).
 Glance frequently around the room while instructing at the whiteboard or helping individual students. Learn to have
‘eyes in the back of my head.’ Show students that you are aware of what they are doing, and call them out when they
are not paying attention.
 Reinforce that students must raise their hand before they speak
 Inform the class when you are feeling frustrated/disappointed with their behavior. Be honest with them. Let there be
consequences (heads down on desk).
 Notice good behavior and call students out in it. Reward the class when there is positive behaviour. Let them know that
you are proud of them, and give them a reward sometime during the day/week (extra reading time, time to draw etc.).
 Attention getters: “all eyes on me”, waiting for students to be quite before moving on to an activity, and counting down
for students to return back to their desks.
 Read the emotional temperature of the room. Do students need a brain break? Do they need to burn off some energy?
Have they had too much noise in their day, and need to have some silent time?
 Take time to observe other teachers in various classrooms in ICE, to study their classroom management
Resources  Mentor teacher
(used  Classroom management ideas from University Consultant
throughout to  University course notes
achieve goal) 
Indicators of  Time management is going better for lesson plans, and less time is spent working on classroom management related
Progress issues.
(throughout  My principle, teacher mentor, and UC, observe classroom management skills going well within the classroom
practicum)  The students have become comfortable with classroom management strategies, and I have earned a greater aspect of
respect and relationship with students
 I feel more relaxed throughout the day
 *I may add to more of this later*
Timeline  Research classroom management strategies. Select and choose which ones I feel would work best for grade 4A. –
(January 9th – February, ongoing
April 13th,  Check-in throughout practicum with mentor teacher, principle, and UC, to determine whether the classroom climate I
2017) have created is working effectively – Throughout the entire practicum
 Students have found a rhythm with my classroom management rules. I feel that I am being respected as a professional
teacher. February, ongoing
 Time management runs more smoothly, and less time is spent on classroom management related problems –
Immediately, ongoing
 Take reflective notes at the end of the week on classroom management observations. What worked well? What did not
work well? Why did students act out at a particular time? – February, ongoing
 My UC, Principle, and teacher mentor, are happy with how my classroom management strategies are going– By April
 I feel greater confidence in my ability to manage a classroom on my own – By April
Reflection (at Questions to consider:
the end of  Was I able to meet this goal? How well was I able to meet this goal?
practicum)  What were some effective strategies that I learned from this practicum, that I can carry forward for the future?
 What might be some classroom management goals that I can improve even further?


Understand how to better assess students on their learning abilities. How to properly assign projects in terms
of grade weighting, and how to improve my creation of marking rubrics
KSA: KSA #11: Understand the purposes of student assessment. Know how to assess the range of learning objectives by selecting
and developing a variety of classroom and large-scale assessment techniques and instruments. Know how to analyze the results of
classroom and large-scale assessment instruments, including provincial assessment instruments, and how to use the results to
benefit students.
Rationale  In regard to formative assessment, I feel that I am fairly confident in this area.
(within the  Grade weighting and assessing students learning, is still something that I feel l am learning, and in which I can improve
context of on.
 Having a greater understanding of how to accurately assess student understanding in a summative way, will help me to
gain greater confidence as a teacher, as well as reassurance that I am teaching the students effectively.
Strategies  At the start of a new unit plan, go over assessment ideas with teacher mentor. I will show them my assessment
(used suggestions and grade weighting for each project. I will ask my mentor for suggestions, and areas that need to be made.
throughout to  Show my teacher mentor, the rubrics I have created for a particular project assessment. Ask them for suggestions of
achieve goal) how it can be modified/improved.
 Observe how my mentor grades students, and see how they formatively and summarily assess students (within the
courses that my TM is teaching).
 Observe and work on report cards with my TM.
 Attend parent-teacher interviews, and discuss with TM about checklists they may use to show parents/evidence of

Resources  Assessment and Evaluation notes from the course at the University of Lethbridge
(used 
throughout to 
achieve goal) 
Indicators of  My Teacher Mentor is satisfied with my abilities to accurately weight assignments and projects.
Progress  My Teacher Mentor is satisfied with my abilities to create effective rubrics
(throughout  *greater thought will be brought into this later on in the semester, as I understand grading more*
Timeline  Research/review class notes on summative assessments. Go over different rubric examples, and what works best for
particular projects/assignments.– February, ongoing
(January 9th –  Check-in throughout practicum with mentor teacher, and UC, to determine whether or not my assessments are
April 13th, accurate, effective, or need improvements– Throughout the entire practicum
2017)  Discuss assessment strategies that my TM uses, and that they have found work best- ongoing
 My UC, Principle, and teacher mentor, are happy with my assessment plans and rubrics– By April
 I feel greater confidence in my ability to assess students in a summative manner and am confident in creating a report
card – By April
Reflection (at Questions to consider:
the end of  How successful have I been in meeting my goal?
practicum)  How has my ability to assess student understanding improved?
 What assessment tips can I carry forward into my teaching career?

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