West Africa Mission Happenings

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West Africa

“. . . Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature – Mark 16:15”
A work of the church of Christ Fulfilling the Great Commission
Preaching School Synopsis

reetings once again from your coworkers
and brethren throughout West Africa. The Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime Togo
We pray that our Lord is continually continues their labor of love as they train preachers
showering His blessings upon you as we and bring souls to Christ. The new Gospel Chariot
strive together to please Him. The year is getting a continual workout with evangelistic
so far has been a busy one with four of the last six campaigns taking place in numerous locations as
months spent traveling throughout West Africa. We noted in their recent reports. One entire
have held seminars and workshops, and numerous denominational congregation came to an
evangelistic campaigns during this time with more understanding of the truth and decided to begin
to follow in the upcoming months. This year is one worshiping according to the pattern we find in the
for graduations for the schools where I work with New Testament. We are actively preparing for the
many students completing their studies in Takoradi, graduation of eighteen students in September of this
Tamale, Kpalime, and Ibadan. I have been blessed year, and the beginning of a new class of twenty
to be able to participate in many of these occasions students at the same time. The school has appealed
so far this year. There have also been efforts to for the funds for a motorbike. If you can assist in
establish a new school in the country of Liberia, any way, please let me know. The West Coast
however my plans to visit there are being hampered School of Preaching in Takoradi Ghana is
by the recent reoccurrence of Ebola. The moving forward after celebrating another
challenges are great but the accomplishments that graduation during the previous period. With
we are making with your help are monumental. My nineteen students presently enrolled in the program,
reports throughout the year will highlight many of and many others who have already passed through,
these events. Please keep all of our graduates and this school is having a tremendous impact on the
the new Christians that have been added to our church in southern Ghana. One of the challenges at
Lord’s kingdom in your prayers. Please pray for all of our schools is the feeding of students while
traveling mercies for myself as I journey from place they attend, and the support of them and their
to place edifying and encouraging all of these families when they embark upon their ministry.
wonderful works. I would also ask that you keep Todd Clippard and Andy Kizer from the USA
my health in your prayers, as I continue to battle visited the WCSOP to help with this problem by
with occasional bouts of malaria during my travels. implementing an agriculture, poultry, and animal
Now I beg you, brethren, rearing program. Eggs, animals, and vegetables
through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through will be used to help feed the students, and skills will
the love of the Spirit, that you strive together be taught that can be utilized after their graduation
with me in prayers to God for me, … to provide for their families. We pray that similar
(Romans 15:30) programs can be established and implemented at
our other schools of preaching. We would also ask
Let us now look at some of the happenings at the that you continue to keep Daniel Ampadu Asimah
various schools in the previous period. in your prayers as he recovers from his stroke.
Page 2 A work of the church of Christ December 2014
Preaching School Synopsis (Cont) recruit students and twelve have applied for the
upcoming class. Ten students graduated a few days
The Southwest School of Evangelism in Ibadan ago, and more on this graduation will be in the next
Nigeria has successfully made it through another year report. The Cameroon Bible Institute in Wututu
as they prepare faithful Christians to work in the continues bringing many to Christ through their
Lord’s vineyard in this part of the world. Nigeria now significant evangelistic efforts. We now have our
has a new president but the country continues to face third class at the school in Wotutu, and by the grace of
many difficulties with dire poverty, over population, God a new campus has been established in Mbanga
radical Islam, and other significant challenges. The which is located in the French speaking portion of
SWSE in Ibadan and their satellite programs in Lagos Cameroon. Fifteen students have applied, and five
are training over 35 men, and are considering another have already showed up for classes. We pray that
satellite school in northeastern Nigeria where a more shall follow. Both of these schools are now
number of new converts from World Bible School operating under the name of Bear Valley Bible
reside. The schools vocational training program is Institute International – Wotutu/Mbanga. Many of
proving successful with all of their students studying our other satellite schools will be changing their
some income generating trade such as computer names in the months to come. The Institute in Wotutu
systems, poultry farming, welding, or electrical works. was also able to acquire a school van during the
We are now preparing for the next graduation which period which will be a great help to the work there.
will take place in August of this year. The Southern Please keep both of these schools in your prayers.
Institute of Biblical Studies in southern Ghana is
striving to fulfill their mission as a beacon and More information on all of these Bear Valley Bible
propagator of the truth in this part of the world. The Institute schools can be found on their website!
school has now been formally registered with the
government and they are attempting to locate a
Financial Support
permanent place to relocate when the initial four year We want to thank all of the supporters for their
rental agreement is completed. I had the opportunity contributions to this exciting work in West Africa.
to spend a week with the students teaching them Without you, this effort would not be possible.
Biblical Geography and can honestly say that these
are a devoted, zealous group of Christians who will Contributions by check need to be made payable to:
greatly benefit the work around Accra. Brother Gary Mountain Home church of Christ
Fallis once again traveled to Accra to train numerous For: West Africa Mission
brethren at the Masters level, and we thank him
greatly for his sacrifice. The school continues to face Mailed to:
problems with water, and electricity so we ask for
your prayers in this regard. May our Lord continue to Mountain Home church of Christ
bless this effort! The Tamale Institute of Biblical 380 North College Street
Studies in Ghana is diligently attempting to face the Mountain Home, AR 72653
challenges of working in a predominantly Islamic Any questions can be directed to the church office at
poverty stricken part of the world. We recently held a 870-425-4330.
well-attended workshop of preachers where we
actively analyzed the problems of evangelism and Or you can contact Steven at:
edification in this part of the country and attempted to Email: [email protected]
come up with solutions. We divided the northern part USA Phone: 971-270-8535
of Ghana into regions, and we are developing
evangelistic plans for each region. The school in Please email Steven if you would like to receive this
Tamale continues to face water problems, and there is newsletter by email.
the need to consider drilling a well. We are also
looking for a missionary who would be interested in Thanks So Much,
living in Tamale and assisting with the work there. With Christian Love
Accommodations are available, and there may be
assistance with limited support. We continue to Steven Ashcraft
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New Christians Baptized into Christ

A 78 year old man named The “Campaign for Christ” in

Christopher obeys the gospel in Effiakuma Ghana by the West Coast
Akwaye Cameroon. The water is School of Preaching continues to
shallow and murky, but powerful yield results with six recent baptisms
enough to wash away sins! due to their follow up efforts.

The students at all of our preaching A new brother is baptized into

schools are continually sharing the Christ in the village of Agou Gare in
gospel and planting the seed in many Togo. Four souls obeyed the gospel
hearts. We can only imagine the during a three day evangelistic
fruit that will be harvested! campaign.
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Southern Institute of Biblical Studies
Doboro, Ghana

The Southern Institute of Biblical Brother Gary Fallis with the Bear
Studies is moving forward. I had an Valley Master’s program teaches a
opportunity to spend a week with class of students in the city of Accra.
these men teaching them the subject We thank God for the opportunity
of Biblical Geography. to increase their knowledge of Him!

Our students come from all walks of Recently we had a monumental

life, but they have one thing in event in Accra with the directors
common. They all love God and from five Bear Valley preaching
want to learn more so they can teach schools in West Africa meeting
others! together to discuss their work.
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Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies

Tamale, Ghana

We continue to have workshops at There is a lot of travel involved in

TIBS in northern Ghana. Here are the work throughout West Africa.
preachers from all over northern Here the staff at TIBS journey
Ghana meeting to discuss methods throughout northern Ghana to
for evangelism and edification. search for prospective students.

The workshop in Tamale used a We took the opportunity here

hands-on interactive approach to outside Bolga Ghana to meet with a
problem solving. Preachers group of youth and discuss how we
gathered into groups to discuss could help them study the Bible to
better methods for their work! become effective church leaders.
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Southwest School of Evangelism

Bututu (Ibadan), Nigeria

Our brothers pray for a new The impact of the SWSE is not
Christian after his baptism. Many limited to southwestern Nigeria.
souls are being brought to Christ Some converted through WBS in
through the evangelistic efforts of northeastern Nigeria are benefiting
our brethren at the SWSE! from their Distance Program.

A student at the SWSE learns small Each student at the Southwest

engine repair as part of their School of Evangelism is involved in
vocational training program. One vocational training to help with their
major problem in West Africa is the support after graduation. This
support of preachers. student is learning about chickens.
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West Coast School of Preaching

Ituma (Takoradi), Ghana

We have nineteen students in the Todd Clippard and Andy Kizer

new class in Takoradi. Here they from the USA come to Takoradi
hold up their personal evangelism Ghana to help implement an
Bibles that we gave to every new agriculture and animal rearing
student. Thank you Joe Messick! program to help support the school!

Here some of the students at The school purchased fifty laying

WCSOP are pictured with myself hens, and they are producing dozens
and Andy Kizer. We need to of eggs every day. This will help
develop these agriculture programs feed the students at school, and also
at all of our preaching schools! help them feed themselves later!
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West Coast School of Preaching

Takoradi Ghana

I was given the honor of guest Due to the health problems of Daniel
speaker at the recent graduation in Ampadu Asiamah, Matthew Ackah
Takoradi. The director of SIBS in has taken on the role of director of
Accra, Seth Larbi, who is seated the WCSOP. Here he is seen giving
beside me, chaired the program. the directors address to the students.

We thank God for all of these men Each student received a Bachelor’s
who have successfully completed the Degree or Certificate from Bear
two year program in Takoradi. The Valley Bible Institute. We thank
effect they will have upon the Lord’s God for their sacrifice and
Kingdom could be immense! dedication to our Lord!
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Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu

Wotutu, Cameroon

One of the previous graduates from Sister Delphine Agia obeys the
the preaching school in Wotutu gospel in Badoum village in
comes back to teach a short course Cameroon. You can see many of the
on the cost of discipleship. Here we wonderful works taking place there
see 2 Timothy 2:2 in action! on the Bear Valley website.

The students and staff at CBIW in The Bear Valley school in Wotutu
Cameroon travel far into the bush to recently acquired a 15 passenger van
remote villages to distribute tracts to help with their evangelism. We
from Mission Printing and preach thank God for your support that
God’s word. makes all of this possible!
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Center for Biblical Studies

Kpalime, Togo

The radio program in Kpalime is Meet your new sister in Christ from
covering the topic of New Testament the village of Agou Gare. Four souls
Worship. Listeners are given the were baptized here during a recent
opportunity to call and ask questions evangelistic campaign. May God
resulting in numerous Bible Studies. receive the glory!

The students at CBS continue to Evangelism is not only for the

organize evangelistic campaigns in students. The wives of the students
the neighboring villages. Here they and instructors are also given the
are seen conducting studies and opportunity to distribute tracts and
distributing tracts in Agou Gare. study God’s word!
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Evangelism Program
Shama, Ghana

Who would have ever thought that I We continue to show films to gather
would find myself in West Africa crowds when we preach the gospel.
preaching the gospel of our dear Many are given the opportunity to
Lord? We serve a wonderful and hear and obey the truth.
powerful God!

After many breakdowns in the 1991 A new sister is baptized into Christ
SUV over the past nine years, and a during our evangelistic campaign in
recent auto fire, it was time to get a Shama! My work includes much
newer vehicle. Here is the recently evangelism in addition to campaigns
acquired 2008 Toyota pickup. done by the various schools.
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Some Pictures of the Children

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More Children

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