Behaviour of Lightweight Expanded Polyst PDF
Behaviour of Lightweight Expanded Polyst PDF
Behaviour of Lightweight Expanded Polyst PDF
polypropylene fibers
Abstract: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the mechanical properties of Expanded polystyrene (EPS)
concretes containing silica fume and rice husk ash as supplementary cementitious materials reinforced with different
volume fractions of polypropylene fibers. The effects of using EPS aggregates and polypropylene fibers on hardened
state characteristics of concretes containing silica fume and rice husk ash were evaluated. The obtained results shows
improvements in some mechanical properties of EPS concretes by using polypropylene fibers in matrix, mainly in
energy absorption capability.
Introduction: The uses of lightweight concrete has been increasing due to the advantage of its low density, which
results in a significant benefit in terms of load bearing elements of smaller cross section[1]. Expanded polystyrene
beads are a type of artificial lightweight, nonabsorbent, closed cell nature aggregate [2,3]. Presently a comprehensive
investigation on the mechanical behavior of EPS concretes containing polypropylene fibers is not available. In this
study, EPS concretes with different EPS contents, reinforced with various volume fractions of polypropylene fibers
were developed. literature suggests the hydrophobic nature of EPS aggregates in these mixes has to be compensated
through bonding additives[4]. However, in the present study, no bonding additives were used But the effects of using
silica fume and rice husk ash to study the dispersion of EPS and polypropylene fibers in the cement paste and the
interfacial bonding were investigated by morphology (SEM).
Experimental investigation: Materials: The cement used in all mortar mixes was ordinary Portland cement which
corresponds to ASTM type 1. The silica fume used in this study contained 91.1% of SiO2 with average size of 7.38
µm. Used RHA in this experiment contained 91.62% of SiO2 with average size of 15.83 µm. Natural river sand was
used with specific gravity of 2.51 gr/cm3 and absorption capacity equal to 3.4%. Natural River gravel was used as
coarse aggregate with specific gravity of 2.54 gr/cm3 and absorption capacity equal to 2.57%. The grading shows that
used EPS has mostly (85%) 3.5 mm size beads. The density of used expanded polystyrene was evaluated to be 0.0257
gr/cm3. polypropylene fibers which is used is waste carpet fibers, has been cut in factory by length of 6 mm.
Four percentages of using EPS of 15%, 25%, 40% and 55% by volume were listed. in order to investigate the effect of
polypropylene fibers on mechanical properties of EPS concrete, it was used in mixes by Four percentages of 0.1%,
0.3%, 0.5% and 1% by volume, silica fume and rice husk ash replacement were 10% and 20% by weight in the
cementitious material, respectively.
Test program: Compressive strength tests were carried out on 100 mm cubes at the age of 3, 7, 14, 28 and 90 days on
a testing machine of 3000 kN capacity at a loading rate of 0.25 N/mm2s. The splitting tensile strength test was
conducted on cylinders of 150 mm in diameter and 300 mm in height, at 28 days as per ASTM C 496-89. Modulus of
elasticity test was done at 28 days by using the mentioned machine based on ASTM C 469 [5]. the 50×50×200 mm
beam specimens were tested in third-point loading over a span of 180 mm with a cross head movement of 1 mm/min
at 28 days in accordance with ASTM C 1018.
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EPS in mixes, the addition of polypropylene fibers in the concrete did not significantly affect the compressive strength
of concretes. Test results on some specimens showed increase in the value of compressive strength. some other
specimens showed decrease in mentioned parameter. Also from the results, the rate of strength gain was increasing
with using silica fume as a replacement of ordinary cement.about rice husk ash, it seems it needs more time to show
it’s benefits as a pozzolanic material. in this case, an improvement in mechanical properties can be observed over the
age of 90 days.
O.C 90% O.C + 10% S.F 80% O.C + 20% R.H O.C 90% O.C + 10% S.F 80% O.C + 20% R.H
Compressive Strength (MPa)
Fig.1. The variations of compressive strength with the plastic density and EPS volume fraction
Fig.2. The variation of compressive strength in 28 days with different EPS and PP volume fraction
Split tensile strength: The variation of tensile strength with the compressive strength is given in Fig. 4. From this, it
can be seen that the tensile strength increased with an increase in compressive strength. effect of using silica fume and
rice husk ash as a replacement of ordinary cement on split tensile strength is similar to what it is about compressive
strength as mentioned before.
Splitting Tensile Strength (MPa)
0% 15% 25% 40% 55%
O.C 3.2 2.8 2.3 1.8 1
S.F 3.9 3.1 2.9 2.1 0.9
R.H 2.7 2.3 1.7 1.4 0.8
Fig.3. The variation of Splitting Tensile strength in 28 days with different EPS volume fraction
Modulus of elasticity: It has been observed that an increase in volume of EPS, lead to decrease the modulus of
elasticity which is expected. From the results, the addition of polypropylene fibers in the concrete did not significantly
affect the modulus of elasticity of mixes. The results also indicated that adding silica fume to admixture caused an
increase in modulus of elasticity in all mixes, however using rice husk ash as a supplementary cementitious material
caused a decrease in value of the modulus of elasticity at 28 days.
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)
0% 15% 25% 40%
O.C 47970 40200 22500 18300
S.F 52800 50700 38100 30700
R.H 35800 32400 22600 16200
Fig.4. The variation of modulus of elasticity with different EPS volume fraction
Flexural behavior: from the results, the flexural capacity decreased with an increase in the volume of EPS in mixes.
also no effect on the flexural behavior was observed. Test results showed that silica fume increased the flexural
strength. adding rice husk ash in mixes caused the same results in upper ages. However, by increasing used
polypropylene’s volume up to 0.5%, flexural capacity noticeably improved and fraction resulted an improving post-
peak flexural resistance.
Interfacial bonding: The use of silica fume resulted in an improvement in the bonding between EPS’s and
polypropylene fiber’s surface and the matrix. The rapture EPS bead in Fig.12 and the resident and pulled out fibers in
Fig.13 established this fact.
O.C: 0% EPS + 0% PP O.C: 0% EPS + 0.3% PP
O.C: 0% EPS + 0.5% PP
Load (KN)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Deflection (mm)
Fig.6. Effects of using silica fume on interfacial bonding (without S.F, with S.F)
Conclusion: The strength of EPS concretes appears to increase with an increase in concrete density. With or without
using of EPS in mixes, the addition of polypropylene fibers in concrete matrix did not significantly affect the
compressive strength of concretes. Be seen that the tensile strength increased with an increase in compressive
strength. Elastic module of concrete decreased with the incorporation of EPS. Effect of polypropylene fibers on module
of elasticity was not clear. Adding silica fume to admixture increased the modulus of elasticity however using rice
husk ash had not positive effect in early ages. Results of flexural behavior test showed that, the flexural capacity
decreased with an increase in the volume of EPS in mixes. Results showed that application of PP fibers significantly
improved the energy absorption capability and post-peak flexural strength of concrete. This effect was noticeable in
higher volume fractions of PP fibers. SEM study revealed that the interfacial bond between EPS and fibers with
cement matrix can be improved upon adding silica fume.
1. ACI Committee 213R-0.3. Guide for structural lightweight aggregate concrete. American Concrete
Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, (2003).
2. Short, A., Kinniburgh, W., Lightweight Concrete, 3rd ed., Applied Science Publishers, London, (1978).
3. Sussman, V., Lightweight plastic aggregate concrete, ACI J, 321–323, (1975)
4. Cook, D.J., Expanded polystyrene concrete, in: R.N. Swamy (Ed.), Concrete Technology and Design, New
Concrete Materials, vol. 1, Surrey University Press, 41– 69, (1975)
5. Ganesh Babu, K., Saradhi Babu, D., Behaviour of lightweight expanded polystyrene concrete
containing silica fume , Cement and Concrete Research 33, 755–762, (2003)