Effective Data Backup System Using Storage Area Network
Effective Data Backup System Using Storage Area Network
Effective Data Backup System Using Storage Area Network
One of the most crucial benefits of the computer system is its ability to manage data send to it for
processing. An aspect of data management that all other aspects hinge upon is data storage and
retrieval. Data loss has rendered many firms bankrupt. The primary cause of data loss is lack or
non- existent of data backup. Storage Area Network Solution (SANS) is internet-based software
which will collect clients data and host them in several locations to forestall data loss in case of
disaster in one location. The researcher used adobe Dreamweaver (CSC3) embedded with PHP
incorporated with MySQL database technology to develop the application. The objectives of the
research were realized.
Keywords: Backup, Storage area network, Data, Effective and Data loss
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015 18
storage technology an imperative. They have “virtual hard drives” (i.e. LUNs). Essentially,
been some existing innovation in this case a SAN consolidates such storage islands
which SAN is one of such that this study together using a high-speed network.
tends to critically analyze. Despite such issues, SANs help to
increase storage capacity utilization, since
2.0 Literature Review multiple servers consolidate their private
According to [8] describes a storage area storage space onto the disk arrays.
network as similar to Local Area Network Common uses of a SAN include provision of
(LAN), but designed to handle large data transactional accessed data that require high-
transfers. A SAN typically supports data speed block-level access to the hard drives
storage, retrieval and replication on business such as email servers, databases and high
networks using high-end servers, multiple usage file servers.
disk arrays fibre channel interconnection Storage Area Networks also tend to enable
technology. Storage Area Network more effective disaster recovery processes. A
technology is similar but distinct from SAN could span a distant location containing
network attached storage (NAS) technology. a secondary storage array. This enables
While SANs traditionally employ low-level storage replication either implemented by
network protocols for transferring disk disk array controllers by server software or
blocks, a Network Attached Storage device by specialized SAN devices. Since IP WANs
typically works over TCP/IP and can be are often the least costly method of long-
integrated fairly easily into home computer distance transport, the fibre channel over IP
networks. (FCIP) and iSCSI protocols have been
Historically,[1] stated that data centers developed to allow SAN extension over IP
first created ”Islands” of Small Computer networks. The traditional physical SCSI
System Interface (SCSI) disk arrays as direct- layer could only support a few meters of
attached storage (DAS), each dedicated to an distance not nearly enough to ensure business
application, and visible as a number of continuance in a disaster [3].
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015 19
Key Considerations in developing a accurately predict how each LUN’s storage
Storage Area Network Design needs will grow.
Storage Area Networks (SANs) can let Security
several servers share storage resource and With several servers able to share the same
are often used in situations that require physical hardware, it should be no surprise that
high performance or shared storage with security plays an important role in a storage
blocklevel access, like virtualized servers area network design. Most of this security
and clustered databases [4]. work is done at the SAN’s switch level; zoning
Although SANs started out as a high- allows you to give only specific servers’ access
end technology used only in large to certain LUNs, much as a firewall allows
enterprises, cheaper SANs are now communication on specific ports for a given IP
affordable even for small and medium- address. If any outward facing application
sized business (SMBs). needs to access the SAN, like a website, you
should configure the switch so that only that
Uptime and availability server’s IP address can access it.
Because several servers will rely on a
SAN for all of their data, it’s important to Replication and disaster recovery With so
make the system very reliable and much data stored on a SAN, your client will
eliminate any single points of failure. In a likely want you to build disaster recovery into
typical storage area network design, each the system. SANs can be set up to
storage device connects to a switch that automatically mirror data to another site, which
then connects to the servers that need to could be a failsafe SAN a few meters away or
access the data. If either paths fails, a disaster recovery (DR) site hundreds of
software can fail over to the other. Some thousands of miles away. If the client wants to
programs will handle that failover build mirroring into the storage area network
automatically, but cheaper software may design, one of the first considerations is
require you to enable the failover whether to replicate synchronously or
manually. asynchronously.
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015 20
information technology (IT) applications. of development. CASE helps ensure a
SSADM covers those aspects of the life- disciplined, check-pointed process. A
cycle of a system from the feasibility study CASE tool may portray progress (or lack
stage to the production of a physical of it) graphically. It may also serve as a
design; it is generally used in conjunction repository for or be linked to document and
with other methods, which is concerned program libraries containing the project's
with the broader aspects of project business plans, design requirements,
management. In detail, SSADM sets out a design specifications, detailed code
cascade or waterfall view of systems specifications, the code units, test cases
development, in which there are a series of and results, and marketing and service
steps, each of which leads to the next step. plans.
(This might be contrasted with the rapid Some of the benefits of CASE and similar
application development - RAD - method, approaches are that, by making the customer
which presupposes a need to conduct steps part of the process (through market analysis
in parallel. and focus groups, for example), a product is
more likely to meet real-world requirements.
Object-oriented analysis and Because the development process emphasizes
design (OOAD) testing and redesign, the cost of servicing a
This is a popular technical approach to product over its lifetime can be reduced
analyzing, designing an application, considerably. An organized approach to
system, or business by applying the object- development encourages code and design
oriented paradigm and visual modeling reuse, reducing costs and improving quality.
throughout the development life cycles to Finally, quality products tend to improve a
foster better stakeholder communication corporation's image, providing a competitive
and product quality. advantage in the marketplace.
The purpose of any analysis activity in
the software life-cycle is to create a model Analysis of the proposed system Before
of the system's functional requirements the development of the new system, an
that is independent of implementation intensive analysis of the relevance of the
constraints. system was carried out to ascertain the viability
The main difference between of the research. After analyzing the current
objectoriented analysis and other forms of method of backing up files in my locality
analysis is that by the object-oriented (Abakaliki urban in Nigeria) I discover that
approach we organize requirements around there is need to develop an application that will
objects, which integrate both behaviors enable schools and company or industrial
(processes) and states (data) modeled after sector create a storage area network that will
real world objects that the system interacts enable them backup of their files to avoid the
with. danger of data loss. The proposed system is
designed in such a way that users will register
Computer-aided software with the system in other to acquire username
engineering (CASE) and password, immediately after registration
The use of a computer-assisted method they will automatically be allotted to a memory
to organize and control the development of space. This will be proceeded by payment, and
software, especially on large, complex then they can be login in subsequently to
projects involving many software upload their files and sending their files to the
components and people. Using CASE admin for backup. The users can send a
allows designers, code writers, testers, message across to the admin in request for a
planners, and managers to share a common particular file that has been backed up and the
view of where a project stands at each stage admin will cross check and reply the users. The
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015 21
admin can also view all register Strengths of • Easy access to data: Data backed up in
username and
Is username
and No
Main menu
No Send files to
Check inbox
Enter No admin
for new
message Is there
s new
Messages sent
successfully to Read
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015 22
system is easier to be accessed as the System Specification
infrastructures used are of high Specification is literally the discussion of a
specifications. specific point or issue. A project’s
• Reliability: The solution bring about specifications consist of the body of
some reliability. This is because SAN information that should guide the project
solution system provides a platform to developers, engineers and designers through
back-up data in many locations. the work of creating the software given by the
Therefore a damage in one location will user of the software. Hence,
not completely destroy the data as it This work is aimed at designing a storage area
will be near impossible for disaster to network solution system that will enable
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015 23
Output Specification :
The output specification displays result Database Specification Database
after the keyed data have been processed. specification specifies the structure of the
This comprises the output to the above database(s) that will be used in the system. One
input, output is made after the company or database was created and eight tables the name
school has been registered, the admin can of the database created is backup, MYSQL
view the record as output, output is also (My structured query language) was used for
made when a message or file is send to the the creation of the database; some of the tables
admin by the users, the admin can also used are displayed below:
view the file as output.
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015 24
Fig. 4: Back –up Data Output
Process design actually required before and after the
Storage Area Network solution system as software is put into place. testing process
a web-based application was implemented identifies program defects or weakness. this
using web based development tools. There testing was thorough to ensure that the
are different types of web-based system meets organizational and end user
development tool, but adobe macromedia requirements. the coding of this project was
dream weaver CS3 was selected for the put through series of test ranging from unit
development of the new system because testing, integration testing, system testing
other languages like scripting languages are and user acceptance testing.
embedded in it such as PhP (hypertext A top down approach was used in testing
preprocessor), javascript, html (hypertext this system, in which the bigger problems
markup language) etc. and also have the were first broken into smaller problems
following advantages: which made testing and debugging easier.
i. it is user friendly ii. easy to understand iii.
all other scripting language, server side Test plan
scripting language are embedded which A test plan documents the strategy that
simplifies the creation of powerful and will be used to verify and ensure that a
attractive web pages system meets its design specifications and
A virtual server was also used in the other requirements.
development of the new system, xampp The approach used in the test plan of this
(cross apache, mysql, perl and php) was software is the top down method. this
choosing as the virtual server, it was involves the systematic procedure of testing
choosing because it has a good graphical user the main menu system first, the subsystems
interface, is user friendly and it can work on and finally, the different modules. hence, the
any operating system top down is effective as it describes the
functionality at a more detailed level.
Software testing Having designed the system using this
This is the process of performing variety approach, it is essential that its test plan
of tests on a system to explore functionality follow the same process. the top down test
or identify problems. Software testing is
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015 25
i. plan, which has a systematic procedure, involves
the following: module under that subsystem. Also, the
Testing the main menu system which software modules for each subsystem are
enables one to select an appropriate tested.
subsystem of his/her choice.
ii. Secondly, the subsystems that Test data
coordinate the software packages are Test data is data which has been
tested and they enable the user to select a specifically identified for use in tests,
program typically of a computer system.
computer program, which also involves,
feeding the system with raw data to prove During the testing, the actual and expected
the reliability of the system modules, results were compared to ensure they
simulated data and actual data were used produced same result or if there is a
as test data to ensure the system is working difference, it should be slight and
as expected and meets required conditions negligible. Hence the result:
Integration Testing is a level of the
The above table illustrates how the software software testing process where individual
program was tested units are combined and tested as a group.
[8] http://compnetworking.about.com/od/networkstorage/g/storage_san.htm
[9] Feig, Rami (2001). Computer Networks: The OSI model
Reference model http://www.rad.com/networks/1994/osi/intro.htm
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research Vol.14 No.1 June 2015