FM 2151
FM 2151
FM 2151
Scientech 2151
Product Tutorials
Ver 1.1
1. Safety instructions 3
2. Introduction 4
3. Features 5
4. Technical Specifications 5
5. Theory 6
· Nyquist’s Criterion 9
· Sampling Techniques 10
· Types of sampling 13
· Sample and hold circuit 23
· Anti aliasing 27
· Low Pass Filters 32
6. Experiments
Experiment 1 41
· Study of signal Sampling and Reconstruction techniques.
· Study the effect of II order and IV order LPF on reconstructed signal.
· Study the effect of Sample Amplifier and Sample and Hold Amplifier
on reconstructed signal.
Experiment 2 49
· Study the Nyquist Criteria for Sampling and Reconstructing signal.
Experiment 3 57
· Study the effect of Sample /Hold Circuitry on reconstructed waveform
· Effect of sampling pulse duty cycle on the reconstructed
Waveform in sample and sample hold output.
Experiment 4 66
nd th
· To study and compare responses of 2 order and 4 order LPFs.
Experiment 5 75
· To verify sampling and reconstruction data transmission scheme for
a. External sampling signal
b. Audio signal
6. Frequently Asked Questions 79
7. Warranty 82
8. List of Accessories 82
Scientech 2151
Safety Instructions
Read the following safety instructions carefully before operating the product.
To avoid any personal injury or damage to the product, or any products connected to
Do not operate the instrument if you suspect any damage within.
The instrument should be serviced by qualified personnel only.
For your Safety:
Use proper Mains cord : Use only the mains cord designed for this product.
Ensure that the mains cord is suitable for your
Ground the Instrument : This product is grounded through the protective earth
conductor of the mains cord. To avoid electric shock
the grounding conductor must be connected to the
earth ground. Before making connections to the input
terminals, ensure that the instrument is properly
Observe Terminal Ratings : To avoid fire or shock hazards, observe all ratings and
marks on the instrument.
Use only the proper Fuse : Use the fuse type and rating specified for this product.
Use in proper Atmosphere : Please refer to operating conditions given in the manual.
1. Do not operate in wet / damp conditions.
2. Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
3. Keep the product dust free, clean and dry.
Scientech 2151
The Scientech 2151, Sampling & Reconstruction Technique demonstrates the basic
scheme used to transmit an information signal. It covers very basic concepts like
Nyquist criteria, role of sample Amplifier, sample and hold amplifier and duty cycle
of sampling pulse while transmitting a signal. It also demonstrates signal recovery
using low pass filters of different orders.
Know your Scientech 2151 TechBook better:
The TechBook has built in 1 KHz (5Vp-p) sine wave generator as onboard signal to
demonstrate completely, the sampling and reconstruction technique. To understand the
process for audio signal, an Audio Input and Audio Output Circuit in provided on
board along with mic and built in speaker.
Various test points on the TechBook makes user to understand, the complete process
that takes place for sampling and reconstruction of transmitted signal.
On-board six sampling frequencies (20, 50, 80, 100, 200 and 400 KHz), out of which
user can select any one (when Sampling Signal Selector Switch is on Internal Signal
position), using sampling frequency selector switch. For the selected signal the
corresponding LED will be lightened. When the TechBook is switched on, it will
randomly select the sampling frequency. For selecting a particular sampling frequency
a three bit control signal is applied to the Mux unit. This three bit signal again is
indicated by lightening of LEDs. The codes are as follows:
TP18 TP19 TP20
400 KHz 0 0 1
200 KHZ 0 1 0
100 KHz 0 1 1
80 KHz 1 0 0
50 KHz 1 0 1
20 KHz 1 1 0 (000 only on switch on)
The selected frequency then passes through frequency divider circuit and duty cycle
selector unit to generate desired sampling frequency of 2, 5, 8, 10, 20 and 40 KHz
with required duty cycle (from 10% to 90%). The TechBook allows user to apply
external sampling signal through External Sampling Signal I/P (when Sampling
Signal Selector Switch is on External Signal position)
Using Duty Cycle selector switch one can vary the duty cycle of the selected sampling
frequency from 10 to 90%. The displayed digit (D) on the switch indicates (Dx10) %
duty cycle of sampling signal. E.g. When displayed 5 it indicates (5x10) = 50% duty
cycle of selected sampling signal (only for the case of internal sampling signal).
Once signal is sampled, user can either send Sample Amplifier output or Sample and
Hold Amplifier output to any of the two LPFs. Thus a comparative study is available
to recover original transmitted signal precisely.
The manual explains a detailed working of the TechBook with the help of complete
theory and set of five experiments. The experimentation alone with its conclusion and
resulting waveforms are covered in the manual.
Scientech 2151
· Crystal controlled pulse generator
· Demonstrates sampling and reconstruction as per Nyquist criterion
· On-board synchronized analog signal generator
· Six, switch selectable sampling frequencies
· Sampling pulse duty-cycle selectable
· Internal/ External sampling signal selectable
· Separate sample and sample/hold outputs available
· On-board second order and fourth order low-pass filters
· Audio Input and Output links to show the transmission and reception of
real time signal (audio signal)
Technical Specifications
Crystal Frequency : 8 MHz
Sampling Frequency : 2, 5, 8, 10, 20 & 40 KHz (switch selectable)
On-board Generator : Synchronized 1 KHz sine wave (3-4Vpp)
Duty cycle : 0 - 90% in decade steps
(Switch Selectable)
Low -Pass Filters : Butterworth 2nd & 4th order filters
Cut-off frequency - 3.4 KHz each
Test Points : 50 in numbers
Interconnections : 2 mm sockets
Power Supply : + 12V DC (150mA)
Dimensions (mm) : W325 X H90 X D255
Weight : 1.5 Kgs. (approximately)
Scientech 2151
The signals which are required to be transmitted as information is known as
information signal and in the case of voice communication this will be a continuously
changing signal containing speech information. The aim of the kit is to transmit the
signals in digital form and is to reproduce this information signal in analog form at the
receiving end of the communication system with the help of sampling and
reconstruction TechBook.
In the exercises to follow, you will simulate audio signal by a 1 KHz test signal
provided On-board. The repetitive, non-changing waveform does not contain
information. Provided the frequency of the test-signal lies within the frequency range
which an information signal will occupy, a test signal of this type can be extremely
helpful in system analysis and testing.
The voice signals are limited to the range 300 Hz to 3.4 KHz, a 1 KHz frequency fits
conveniently in this range and can be used to demonstrate and test many techniques
used in communication system.
Theory of sampling:
The signals we use in the real world, such as our voice, are called "analog" signals.
To process these signals for digital communication, we need to convert analog signals
to "digital" form. While an analog signal is continuous in both time and amplitude, a
digital signal is discrete in both time and amplitude. To convert continuous time
signal to discrete time signal, a process is used called as sampling. The value of the
signal is measured at certain intervals in time. Each measurement is referred to as a
Principle of sampling:
Consider an analogue signal x(t) that can be viewed as a continuous function of time,
as shown in figure1. We can represent this signal as a discrete time signal by using
values of x(t) at intervals of nTs to form x(nTs) as shown in figure 1. We are
"grabbing" points from the function x(t) at regular intervals of time, Ts, called the
sampling period.
Scientech 2151
Scientech 2151
The Sampling Theorem:
The Sampling Theorem states that a signal can be exactly reproduced if it is sampled
at a frequency Fs, where Fs is greater than twice the maximum frequency F max in the
Fs > 2·Fmax
The frequency 2· Fmax is called the Nyquist sampling rate. Half of this value, Fmax, is
sometimes called the Nyquist frequency.
The sampling theorem is considered to have been articulated by Nyquist in 1928 and
mathematically proven by Shannon in 1949. Some books use the term "Nyquist
Sampling Theorem", and others use "Shannon Sampling Theorem". They are in fact
the same sampling theorem.
The sampling theorem clearly states what the sampling rate should be for a given
range of frequencies. In practice, however, the range of frequencies needed to
faithfully record an analog signal is not always known beforehand. Nevertheless,
engineers often can define the frequency range of interest. As a result, analog filters
are sometimes used to remove frequency components outside the frequency range of
interest before the signal is sampled.
For example, the human ear can detect sound across the frequency range of 20 Hz to
20 KHz. According to the sampling theorem, one should sample sound signals at least
at 40 KHz in order for the reconstructed sound signal to be acceptable to the human
ear. Components higher than 20 KHz cannot be detected, but they can still pollute the
sampled signal through aliasing. Therefore, frequency components above 20 KHz are
removed from the sound signal before sampling by a band-pass or low-pass analog
Scientech 2151
Nyquist Criterion
As shown-in the figure 4 the lowest sampling frequency that can be used without the
sidebands overlapping is twice the highest frequency component present in the
information signal. If we reduce this sampling frequency even further, the sidebands
and the information signal will overlap and we cannot recover the information signal
simply by low pass filtering. This phenomenon is known as fold-over distortion or
Scientech 2151
Nyquist’s Uniform Sampling Theorem for Low pass Signal:
Part - I If a signal x(t) does not contain any frequency component beyond W Hz, then
the signal is completely described by its instantaneous uniform samples with sampling
interval (or period ) of Ts < 1/(2W) sec.
Part – II The signal x(t) can be accurately reconstructed (recovered) from the set of
uniform instantaneous samples by passing the samples sequentially through an ideal
(brick-wall) low pass filter with bandwidth B, where W ≤ B < fs – W and fs = 1/(Ts).
As the samples are generated at equal (same) interval (T s) of time, the process of
sampling is called uniform sampling. Uniform sampling, as compared to any non-
uniform sampling, is more extensively used in time-invariant systems as the theory of
uniform sampling (either instantaneous or otherwise) is well developed and the
techniques are easier to implement in practical systems.
Sampling Techniques:
There are three types of sampling techniques as under:
1. Ideal sampling or Instantaneous sampling or Impulse sampling
2. Natural sampling
3. Flat top sampling
1. Ideal sampling or Instantaneous sampling or Impulse sampling:
For the proof of sampling theorem we use ideal or impulse sampling.
The concept of ‘instantaneous’ sampling is more of a mathematical abstraction as no
practical sampling device can actually generate truly instantaneous samples (a
sampling pulse should have non-zero energy) . However, this is not a deterrent in
using the theory of instantaneous sampling, as a fairly close approximation of
instantaneous sampling is sufficient for most practical systems. To contain our
discussion on Nyquist’s theorems, we will introduce some mathematical expressions.
If x(t) represents a continuous-time signal, the equivalent set of instantaneous uniform
samples {x(nTs)} may be represented as:
{x(nTs)} = Σ x(t).δ(t- nTs)
where x(nTs) = x(t) =nTs , δ(t) is a unit pulse singularity function and ‘n’ is an integer
Scientech 2151
Ideal sampling process
Figure 5
2. Natural sampling:
In the analogue-to-digital conversion process an analogue waveform is sampled to
form a series of pulses whose amplitude is the amplitude of the sampled waveform at
the time the sample was taken. In natural sampling the pulse amplitude takes the
shape of the analogue waveform for the period of the sampling pulse as shown in
figure 6.
Figure 6
Scientech 2151
3. Flat Top sampling:
After an analogue waveform is sampled in the analogue-to-digital conversion process,
the continuous analogue waveform is converted into a series of pulses whose
amplitude is equal to the amplitude of the analogue signal at the start of the sampling
process. Since the sampled pulses have uniform amplitude, the process is called flat
top sampling as shown in figure 7.
Figure 7
Note that due to the flat-top pulses, the spectrum of the sampled signal is distorted.
The narrower the pulse width, the less distortion.
The original signal may be obtained by using a low-pass filter with a characteristic
which inverts the distortion.
Scientech 2151
Types of sampling:
Over Sampling:
Graphically, if the sampling rate is sufficiently high, i.e., greater than the Nyquist rate,
there will be no overlapped frequency components in the frequency domain. A
"cleaner" signal can be obtained to reconstruct the original signal. This argument is
shown graphically in the frequency-domain figure 8(a) and time-domain figure 8(b).
Scientech 2151
Under Sampling:
When the sampling rate is lower than or equal to the Nyquist rate, a condition defined
as under sampling, it is impossible to rebuild the original signal according to the
sampling theorem.
An example is illustrated below, where the reconstructed signal built from data
sampled at the Nyquist rate is way off from the original signal. This argument is
shown graphically in the frequency-domain figure 9(a) and time-domain figure 9(b).
Scientech 2151
1. Aliasing:
A precondition of the sampling theorem is that the signal to be band limited. However,
in practice, no time-limited signal can be band limited. Since signals of interest are
almost always time-limited (e.g., at most spanning the lifetime of the sampling device
in question), it follows that they are not band limited. However, by designing a
sampler with an appropriate guard band, it is possible to obtain output that is as
accurate as necessary.
Aliasing is the presence of unwanted components in the reconstructed signal. These
components were not present when the original signal was sampled. In addition, some
of the frequencies in the original signal may be lost in the reconstructed signal.
Aliasing occurs because signal frequencies can overlap if the sampling frequency is
too low. As a result, the higher frequency components roll into the reconstructed
signal and cause distortion of the signal Frequencies "fold" around half the sampling
frequency. This type of signal distortion is called aliasing.
We only sample the signal at intervals.
We don't know what happened between the samples.
A crude example is to consider a 'glitch' that happened to fall between adjacent
samples. Since we don't measure it, we have no way of knowing the glitch was there
at all.
Example of aliasing
Figure 10
In a less obvious case, we might have signal components that are varying rapidly in
between samples. Again, we could not track these rapid inter- sample variations. We
must sample fast enough to see the most rapid changes in the signal. Sometimes we
may have some a prior knowledge of the signal, or be able to make some assumptions
about how the signal behaves in between samples. If we do not sample fast enough,
we cannot track completely the most rapid changes in the signal.
Some higher frequencies can be incorrectly interpreted as lower ones.
Scientech 2151
Scientech 2151
2. Jitter:
Scientech 2151
Jitter is the time variation of a periodic signal in electronics and telecommunications,
often in relation to a reference clock source. Jitter may be observed in characteristics
such as the frequency of successive pulses, the signal amplitude, phase of periodic
signals. Jitter is a significant, and usually undesired, factor in the design of almost all
communications links applications it is called timing jitter
Jitter can be quantified in the same terms as all time-varying signals, or peak-to-peak
displacement. Also like other time-varying signals, jitter can be expressed in terms of
spectral density (frequency content).
Jitter period is the interval between two times of maximum effect (or minimum effect)
of a signal characteristic that varies regularly with time. Jitter frequency, the more
commonly quoted figure, is its inverse. Generally, very low jitter frequency is not of
interest in designing systems, and the low-frequency cutoff for jitter is typically
specified at 1 Hz.
3. Noise:
In communication system noise is fluctuations in and the addition of external factors
to the stream of target information being received at a detector. In communications, it
may be deliberate as for instance jamming of a radio or TV signal, but in most cases it
is assumed to be merely undesired interference with intended operations. Natural and
deliberate noise sources can provide both or either of random interference or patterned
interference. Only the latter can be cancelled effectively in analog systems; however,
digital systems are usually constructed in such a way that their quantized signals can
be reconstructed perfectly, as long as the noise level remains below a defined
maximum, which varies from application to application. In communication, the term
noise has the following meanings:
a. An undesired disturbance within the frequency band of interest; the summation
of unwanted or disturbing energy introduced into a communication system from
man-made and natural sources.
b. A disturbance that affects a signal and that may distort the information carried
by the signal.
c. Random variations of one or more characteristics of any entity such as
voltage, current, or data.
d. A random signal of known statistical properties of amplitude, distribution, and
spectral density.
e. Loosely, any disturbance tending to interfere with the normal operation of a
device or system.
Noise and what can be done about it has long been studied. Shannon established
information technology and in so doing clarified the essential nature of noise and the
limits it places on the operation of electronic equipment.
In some cases a little noise may be considered advantageous, allowing a Dithered
representation of signals below the minimum strength, or between two quantization
Scientech 2151
4 Slew rate:
The slew rate is a fairly subtle specification. It is the time an amplifier needs to go
from 10% to 90% of the total output voltage in response to a step in voltage at the
input (Fig. 13). It is given in V/µs, the number of volts that the output can rise (or fall)
in one microsecond. This spec obviously limits the capability of an amplifier to
generate high voltage pulses with sharp rising and falling edges (Fig. 14), but is also a
bandwidth limiting factor for sine-wave or arbitrary signals. This can be seen as
follows. The highest rate of change in the output voltage of a sine wave is at the 0V-
crossing (Fig. 15) . The higher the frequency, the faster the voltage has to rise there to
prevent distortion of the sine wave. If the high voltage amplifier cannot follow due to
its limited slew rate, the sine wave will be distorted and its amplitude is lower than at
low frequencies. The maximum peak to peak sine wave output voltage Vpp is related
to the slew rate S by Vpp = S/pi*f, where f is the frequency of the sine wave.
The slew rate is the voltage step divided by time required to change the
output from 10% to 90 % amplitude
Figure 13
Scientech 2151
Depending on the slew rate a set of pulses can either be amplified undistorted Figure
Scientech 2151
5 Quantization:
In quantization the levels are assigned a binary codeword. All sample values falling
between two quantization levels are considered to be located at the centre of the
quantization interval. In this manner the quantization process introduces a certain
amount of error or distortion into the signal samples. This error known as quantization
noise is minimized by establishing a large number of small quantization intervals. Of
course, as the number of quantization intervals increase, so must the number or bits
increase to uniquely identify the quantization intervals. For example, if an analogue
voltage level is to be converted to a digital system with 8 discrete levels or
quantization steps three bits are required. In the ITU-T version there are 256
quantization steps, 128 positive and 128 negative, requiring 8 bits. A positive level is
represented by having bit 8 (MSB) at 0 and for a negative level the MSB is 1.
This is the process of setting the sample amplitude, which can be continuously
variable to a discrete value. Look at Uniform Quantization first, where the discrete
values are evenly spaced.
6. Uniform Quantization
We assume that the amplitude of the signal m(t) is confined to the range (-mp, +mp ).
This range (2mp) is divided into L levels, each of step size d, given by
d = 2 mp / L
Scientech 2151
Figure 16
7. Error due to other non-linear effects of the mapping of input voltage to
converted output value (in addition to the effects of quantization).
The conventional, practical digital- to-analog converter (DAC) does not output a
sequence of impulses (such that, if ideally low-pass filtered, result in the original
signal before sampling) but instead output a sequence of piecewise constant values or
rectangular pulses. This means that there is an inherent effect of the zero-order hold
on the effective frequency response of the DAC resulting in a mild roll-off of gain at
the higher frequencies (a 3.9224 dB loss at the Nyquist frequency). This zero-order
hold effect is a consequence of the hold action of the DAC and is not due to the
sample and hold that might precede a conventional ADC as is often misunderstood.
The DAC can also suffer errors from jitter, noise, slewing, and non-linear mapping of
input value to output voltage.
Jitter, noise, and quantization are often analyzed by modeling them as random errors
added to the sample values. Integration and zero-order hold effects can be analyzed as
a form of low-pass filtering. The non-linearity of either ADC or DAC are analyzed by
replacing the ideal linear function mapping with a proposed nonlinear function.
Scientech 2151
Sample & Hold circuit:
In electronics, a sample and hold circuit is used to interface real-world signals, by
changing analogue signals to a subsequent system. The purpose of this circuit is to
hold the analogue value steady for a short time while the converter or other following
system performs some operation that takes a little time.
Sampling mode:
In this mode, the switch is in the closed position and the capacitor charges to the
instantaneous input voltage.
Hold mode:
In this mode, the switch is in the open position. The capacitor is now disconnected
from the input. As there is no path for the capacitor to discharge, it will hold the
voltage on it just before opening the switch. The capacitor will hold this voltage till
the next sampling instant.
Scientech 2151
The 'hold' facility can be provided by a capacitor, when the switch connects the
capacitor to PAM output it charges to the instantaneous value.
A buffered sample and hold circuit consists of unit gain buffer preceding and
succeeding the charging capacitor. The high input impedance of the preceding buffer
prevents the loading of the message source and also ensures that the capacitor charges
by a constant rate irrespective of the source impedance see figure 18(a).
Scientech 2151
Important Parameters of Sample & Hold Circuit
1. Aperture time:
The aperture time is defined as the delay time between the beginnings of the hold
command to the time the capacitor voltage ceases to follow the information signal.
Hence the hold value is different from the true sample value. The aperture time cannot
be reducing to zero because on application of finite time taken by a switch to close &
open on application of the hold signal. Therefore a small value of aperture time is
sought after.
Scientech 2151
4. Feed Through:
At high frequencies, the stray capacitance within the switch causes some of the input
signal to appear at the output during the hold state (switch open). The fraction of input
signal appearing at the output of sample and hold circuit is called feed through.
The sample and hold feature provides both problem and benefit will be seen
Nyquist showed that to distinguish unambiguously between all signal frequencies
components we must sample at least twice the frequency of the highest frequency
component. To avoid aliasing, we simply filter out all the high frequency components
before sampling.
Example of anti-aliasing
Figure 19
Note that anti-alias filters must be analogue – it is too late once you have done the
This simple brute force method avoids the problem of aliasing. But it does remove
information – if the signal had high frequency components, we cannot now know
anything about them.
Although Nyquist showed that provide we sample at least twice the highest signal
frequency we have all the information needed to reconstruct the signal, the sampling
theorem does not say the samples will look like the signal as shown in figure 20.
Scientech 2151
Figure 20
The diagram shows a high frequency sine wave that is nevertheless sampled fast
enough according to Nyquist sampling theorem – just more than twice per cycle.
When straight lines are drawn between the samples, the signal’s frequency is indeed
evident – but it looks as though the signal is amplitude modulated. This effect arises
because each sample is taken at a slightly earlier part of the cycle. Unlike aliasing, the
effect does not change the apparent signal frequency. The answer lies in the fact that
the sampling theorem says there is enough information to reconstruct the signal – and
the correct reconstruction is not just to draw straight lines between samples.
The signal is properly reconstructed from the samples by low pass filtering: the
low pass filter should be the same as the original anti-alias filter.
Scientech 2151
Example of anti-aliasing
Figure 21
The reconstruction filter interpolates between the samples to make a smoothly varying
analogue signal. In the example, the reconstruction filter interpolates between samples
in a ‘peaky’ way that seems at first sight to be strange. The explanation lies in the
shape of the reconstruction filter’s impulse response.
The impulse response of the reconstruction filter has a classic 'sin(x)/x shape. The
stimulus fed to this filter is the series of discrete impulses which are the samples.
Every time an impulse hits the filter, we get 'ringing' - and it is the superposition of all
these peaky rings that reconstructs the proper signal. If the signal contains frequency
components that are close to the Nyquist, then the reconstruction filter has to be very
sharp indeed. This means it will have a very long impulse response - and so the long
'memory' needed to fill in the signal even in region of the low amplitude samples.
Scientech 2151
To avoid the aliasing there are two approaches:
1. To raise the sampling frequency to satisfy the sampling theorem,
2. The other is to filter off the unnecessary high-frequency component from the
continuous-time signal. We limit the signal frequency by an effective low pass
filter, called anti aliasing pre filter, so that the remained highest frequency is less
than half of the intended sampling rate. If the filter is not perfect we must give
some allowance.
The schematic below repeats the above aliasing argument in the frequency domain.
Scientech 2151
Reason for aliasing & its preventation:
1. Aliasing due to Under-Sampling:
If the signal is sampled at rate lower than 2Fm then it causes aliasing. Let us assume a
sinusoidal waveform of frequency FIN which is being sampled at rate F s < 2Fm. In the
figure 24 dots represents the sample points.
The low-pass filter at demodulator effectively 'joins' the sample causing an unwanted
frequency component to appear at the output. This unwanted component has
frequency equal to (FS-FM)
Scientech 2151
Roll-off is a term applied to the cut-off gradient of a filter. No filter is ideal and
therefore frequencies above the nominal cut-off frequency may still have significant
amplitudes at a filter's output. If proper sampling rate and appropriate filter response
is not chosen, aliasing will occur.
4. Aliasing due to Noise:
If very small duty cycle is used in sample-and-hold circuit aliasing may occur if the
signal has been affected by noise. High frequency noise generally ‘mixes’ with the
high frequency component of the signal and hence causes undesirable frequency
components to be present at the output.
Low Pass Filter
Reconstruction of the message signal is done with the help of Low pass filter. Low
pass filter pass the message signal as low frequency signals and higher frequency
signals are attenuated.
Filter Basic:
The simplest type of filter is a resistance-capacitance (RC) filter. The high pass and
low pass RC filters are as shown in figure 25 (a) & 25 (b).
The analysis of these filters becomes easier if we think of them as A.C. potential
dividers. The reactance of the capacitor is frequency dependent with a high value at
low frequencies and a low value at high frequencies.
Figure 25 (a)
Scientech 2151
This is the half-power point of the filter i.e. at frequency w = RC, the output power
decreases to half of the input power. This is also known as the cut -off frequency (Fc).
The filter not only causes amplitude change but a change in phase is also experienced.
A typical response of a low pass filter is as shown below:
Scientech 2151
Scientech 2151
The RC filter is a passive filter and does not give a steeper fall-off. Cascading many
such RC Filters give a steeper full-off but at a price of successive attenuation of the
Active filter gives much flatter response in the pass band and they also have a steeper
cut-off gradient. The following figure shows a comparison between two types of filter
Scientech 2151
The other advantages offered by Active Filters are:
1. Gain frequency adjustment flexibility (i.e. easy tuning).
2. No loading problem between sources, load or successive stages.
3. They are economical than passive filters.
The active filters employ transistors or op-amps in addition to resistors and capacitors.
The resistors at the output of the op-amp create a non-inverting voltage amplifier of
voltage gain K while other resistor and capacitor sets the frequency response
properties of the filter.
An ideal filter should have zero loss in pass band and infinite loss in stop band. In
practice no ideal response exists, but there are many responses which approximate the
ideal response namely, Butter worth, Chebyshev, Bessel etc. the comparison of these
filter responses are as shown in figure 28.
Scientech 2151
Scientech 2151
Figure 30
Scientech 2151
Frequency Response of a Second Order Butter worth Low Pass Filter:
The arrangement shown in figure 29 can be used as second order butter worth filter
with cut-off frequency.
The amplitude and phase response of second order butter worth low pass filter with
respect to frequency is as shown in figure 31.
Frequency (Normalized)
Amplitude Vs Frequency & Phase Vs Frequency
Response of Second Order Butterworth Low Pass Filter
Figure 31
For this circuit, the voltage gain has been set equal to 1.586.
Scientech 2151
Fourth Order Butter worth Low Pass Filter:
The fourth order Butter worth filter can be formed by cascading two second order
Butter worth filters. As can be seen from figure 30 the components R and C are
identical in both filter stages and they determine the cut-off frequency. In our circuit
the gain of first stage has been set to 1.152 and that of other is set at 2.235.
Scientech 2151
The filter design should be done critically so that any unwanted frequency
components existing close to the desired frequency components are attenuated
sufficiently to save the output from getting corrupted.
hough increasing order of filter is desirable, there is a price that we have to pay for
steeper fall-off.
1. Additional circuitry increases complexity and cost
2. Increase in order increases phase lag, though it is not so critical in audio circuits.
Scientech 2151
Experiment 1
1. Study of Sampling and Reconstruction of signal.
2. Study the effect of II order and IV order Low Pass Filter on reconstructed signal.
3. Study the effect of Sample Amplifier and Sample and Hold Amplifier on
reconstructed signal.
Equipment Required:
1. Scientech 2151 TechBook with power cords
2. Scientech 803/831 with probe
3. Connecting cords
Connection Diagram:
Figure 1.1
Scientech 2151
Figure 1.2
A. Set up for Sampling and reconstruction of signal.
Initial set up of TechBook:
Duty cycle selector switch position : Position 5
Sampling selector switch : Internal position
1. Connect the power cord to the TechBook. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’
2. Connect 1 KHz Sine wave to signal Input as shown in figure 1.1.
3. Switch ‘On’ the TechBook's power supply & Oscilloscope.
You can observe the process of step-by-step generating sine wave signal from square
wave of 1 KHz at TP3, TP4 and at the output test points of ‘Function Generator’
section respectively.
Scientech 2151
Scientech 2151
B. Set up for effect of Sample Amplifier and Sample and Hold Amplifier on
reconstructed signal.
Set up for effect of II order and IV order Low Pass Filter on reconstructed
Initial set up of TechBook:
Duty cycle selector switch position : Position 5
Sampling selector switch : Internal position
1. Connect the power cord to the TechBook. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’
2. Connect 1 KHz Sine wave to signal Input.
3. Switch ‘On’ the TechBook's power supply & Oscilloscope.
4. Connect BNC connector to the CRO and to the TechBook’s output port.
5. Select sampling frequency of 8 KHz by Sampling Frequency Selector Switch
pressed till 80 KHz signal LED glows.
6. Observe 1 KHz sine wave and its ‘Sample Output’ on oscilloscope. The display
shows 1 KHz sine wave being sampled at 8 KHz, so there are 8 samples for
every cycle of the sine wave.
7. Connect Sample Output to Fourth Order low pass filter Input and observe the
filtered output on Oscilloscope. The display shows the reconstructed 1 KHz sine
8. Similarly observe the 1 KHz sine wave and its ‘Sample and Hold’ on
oscilloscope. The display shows 1 KHz sine wave being sampled and hold
signal at 8 KHz.
9. Connect Sample and Hold output to Second Order low pass filter Input and
observe the filtered output on oscilloscope. The display shows the reconstructed
1 KHz sine wave.
Scientech 2151
Scientech 2151
Sine wave 1 KHz & 4 order LPF output
[CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output 1 KHz & 4 order LPF output
[CHI – 2V; CHII – 2V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample and Hold output 1 KHz & 2 order LPF output
[CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
Scientech 2151
Sine wave 1 KHz & 2 order LPF output
[CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
Scientech 2151
1. For transmitting the signal if a sample and hold amplifier is used just before the
transmission channel, the signal will be less suffered from distortion as
compared to when only sample amplifier is used.
2. As the order of low pass filter is increased at output, the recovered signal will be
reconstructed more like the transmitted signal. To further verify this you can
connect output of either sample amplifier or sample and hold amplifier to II
order LPF Input and the output of II order LPF to the input of IV order LPF. The
order of LPF is now VI. Observe the output of IV order LPF and compare it with
previously obtained waveforms.
1. Why Continuous Time signals are represented by samples.
2. What is meant by sampling?
3. State Sampling theorem.
4. Define Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval.
5. Explain the working principle of sample and hold circuit.
6. What is the significance of using sample and hold circuit?
7. What do you understand by duty cycle? Explain it.
Scientech 2151
Experiment 2
Study the Nyquist Criteria for Sampling and Reconstruction of signal.
Equipment required:
1. Scientech 2151 TechBook with power cords
2. Scientech 803/831 with probe
3. Connecting cords
Connection Diagram:
Figure 2.1
Scientech 2151
Setup for Nyquist Criteria for Sampling and reconstruction of signal
Initial set up of TechBook:
Duty cycle selector switch position : Position 5
Sampling selector switch : Internal position
1. Connect the power cord to the TechBook. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’
2. Connect 1 KHz Sine wave to signal Input.
3. Connect Sample Output to fourth order low pass filter Input and Sample and
Hold Output to second order low pass filter Input. Switch ‘On’ the TechBook's
power supply & Oscilloscope. (Turning ‘On’ the supply will randomly select the
sampling frequency). As fig 2.1.
4. Observe the output wave form at outputs of both low pass filters.
5. By pressing Sampling Frequency Selector Switch, change the sampling
frequency from 2 KHz, 5 KHz, 8 KHz, 10 KHz, 20 KHz up to 40 KHz
(Sampling frequency is 1/10th of the frequency indicated by the illuminated
LED). Observe how Sample output and Sample and Hold Output changes in
each case.
6. Also observe output of second order low pass filter and fourth order low pass
Sampling Frequency: 2 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Sample & Hold output & 2 order LPF output
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Sample & Hold output & 2 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 8 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 10 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Sample & Hold output & 2 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 20 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Sample & Hold output & 2 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 40 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Sample & Hold output & 2 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
1. The lower sampling frequencies introduce distortion into the filter output
waveform. This is due to the fact that the filter does not attenuate the unwanted
next frequency component significantly. Use of higher order filter would
improve the output waveform.
2. Testing for validity of Nyquist criteria it has been found that if the signal is
sampled at the rate equal to or lower than that of the signal frequency, the
recovered signal will get distorted and improves gradually with increasing
sampling frequency rate. This is due to the fact that we under-sampled the input
waveform overlooking the Nyquist criteria and thus the output was distorted
even though the signal lie below the cut-off frequency of the filter. This also
describes the phenomenon of Aliasing.
1. Why Continuous Time signals are represented by samples.
2. Define Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval.
3. What is the effect of choosing low sampling rate with respect to applied signal?
4. Explain the importance of sample and hold circuit?
Scientech 2151
Experiment 3
1. Study the effect of Sample /Hold Circuit on reconstructed signal
2. Effect of sampling pulse duty cycle on the reconstructed signal in sample and
sample hold output.
Equipment Required:
1. Scientech 2151 TechBook with power cords
2. Scientech 803/831 with probe
3. Connecting cords
Connection diagram:
Figure 3.1
Scientech 2151
Setup for Sample /Hold Circuit on reconstructed signal
Initial set up of TechBook:
Duty cycle selector switch position : Position 5
Sampling selector switch : Internal position
1. Connect the power cord to the TechBook. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’
2. Connect 1 KHz Sine wave to signal Input.
3. Connect Sample Output to fourth Order low pass filter Input and Sample and
Hold Output to second Order low pass filter Input as shown in figure 3.1.
4. Switch ‘On’ the TechBook's power supply & Oscilloscope. (Turning ‘On’ the
supply will randomly select the sampling frequency).
5. Select sampling frequency of 8 KHz by Sampling Frequency Selector Switch
pressed till 80 KHz signal LED glows.
6. Vary the position of Duty Cycle Selector Switch from 0% to 90% (position 0 to
9) and observe the Sample Output and Sample and hold Output.
7. Also observe variation of output signal with the change in duty cycle at both low
pass filter outputs. Compare the output of both the two low pass filters
Duty Cycle: 10% [CHI – 1V; CHII – 0.2V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Sample & Hold output & 2 order LPF output
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Sample & Hold output & 2 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Duty Cycle: 30% [CHI – 1V; CHII – 0.2V; TB – 0.2mS]
Scientech 2151
Scientech 2151
Duty Cycle: 60% [CHI – 1V; CHII – 0.2V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
Duty Cycle: 90% [CHI – 1V; CHII – 0.2V; TB – 0.2mS]
Sample output & 4 order LPF output
Scientech 2151
When varied the sampling pulse duty cycle from 0% to 90%,
1. The sampling signal width increase and thus more and more signal will be
coupled in a single sampling pulse. This leads to better recovery of transmitted
2. The chances of channel distortion in received signal increases.
3. Number of TDM signal reduces.
4. The II order LPFs output amplitude is independent of the sampling duty cycle
and is equal to the amplitude of the original signal input; whereas the IV order’s
output amplitude gradually increases with the increase in sampling signal’s duty
cycle. This is an important result - with Sample And Hold Output, the proportion
of sampling time to holding time has no effect on reconstructed waveform
provided that Nyquist criteria has been followed. In practical digital
communication, this result is very useful as the use of narrow pulses let many
channels to be multiplexed with maximum amplitude of reconstructed signal if
sample/hold feature is utilized in communication system.
1. Explain the working principle of sample and hold circuit.
2. What is the significance of using sample and hold circuit?
3. What is the effect takes place due to changing the duty cycle on reconstructed
4. What is the effect takes place due to changing the sampling frequency on
reconstructed signal.
5. What do you understand by duty cycle? Explain it.
Scientech 2151
Experiment 4
nd th
Objective: Study and comparison responses of 2 order and 4 order LPFs.
Equipment Required:
1. Scientech 2151 TechBook with power cords
2. Scientech 803/831 with probe
3. Connecting cords
Connection Diagram:
Figure 4.1
Scientech 2151
Figure 4.2
Initial set up of TechBook:
Duty cycle selector switch position : Position 5
Sampling selector switch : Internal position
1. Connect the power cord to the TechBook. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’
2. Connect 1 KHz Sine wave to signal Input.
3. Switch ‘On’ the TechBook's power supply & Oscilloscope. (Turning ‘On’ the
supply will randomly select the sampling frequency).
4. Select sampling frequency of 8 KHz by Sampling Frequency Selector Switch
press it till 80 KHz signal LED glows.
5. Connect Sample Output to input of the Second Order low pass filter and to the
input of Fourth Order low pass filter. Observe the outputs of both the two filters
on the oscilloscope. Vary the sampling frequency from 2 KHz to 40 KHz
gradually and compare the output of filter in each case.
6. Repeat the above procedure with Sample and Hold Output connected to the
Second Order low pass filter and Fourth Order low pass filter input as shown in
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 2 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
2nd order LPF output & 4th order LPF output for Sample input
nd th
2 order LPF output & 4 order LPF output for Sample input
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 8 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
2nd order LPF output & 4th order LPF output for Sample input
nd th
2 order LPF output & 4 order LPF output for Sample input
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 20 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
nd th
2 order LPF output & 4 order LPF output for Sample input
2nd order LPF output & 4th order LPF output for Sample input
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 2 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
2nd order LPF output & 4th order LPF output for Sample & Hold input
2nd order LPF output & 4th order LPF output for Sample & Hold input
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 8 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
nd th
2 order LPF output & 4 order LPF output for Sample & Hold input
nd th
2 order LPF output & 4 order LPF output for Sample & Hold input
Scientech 2151
Sampling Frequency: 20 KHz [CHI – 1V; CHII – 1V; TB – 0.2mS]
nd th
2 order LPF output & 4 order LPF output for Sample & Hold input
2nd order LPF output & 4th order LPF output for Sample & Hold input
Scientech 2151
7. Using a function generator of 600 ohms impedance, apply sine wave of 2V peak
at 100Hz output to Second Order Filter Input. Note the peak output value (at
sample output test point) and the phase difference between input and output.
Vary the frequency at steps of 500Hz upto 35 KHz. sketch the
amplitude/frequency and phase/frequency response of the second order filter.
What is the cut-off gradient of the filter/decade? What is the phase lag at filter's
cut-off frequency?
8. Repeat the above steps with fourth order filter. Find out which one of the two
filter's cut-off has more gradient? What is the phase lag input and output?
The output of fourth order filter always exhibits less distortion than second order
filter. This is because fourth order filter has a sharper roll-off and thus rejects
(attenuates) more unwanted frequency components caused by sampling.
1. What are active and passive filter?
2. What is the importance of using low and high pass filter?
3. Why high order low pass filters are preferred for reconstruction of signals.
4. Give the comparison of second order and fourth order filter.
5. Draw the circuit diagram of passive filter.
Scientech 2151
Experiment 5
Verification sampling and reconstruction data transmission scheme for
a. External sampling signal
b. Audio signal
Equipment Required:
1. Scientech 2151 TechBook with power cords
2. Scientech 803/831 with probe
3. Connecting cords
Connection Diagram:
Figure 5.1
Scientech 2151
Figure 5.2
A. Initial set up of TechBook for External Sampling Signal:
Duty cycle selector switch position : Position 5
Sampling selector switch : External position
1. Connect the power cord to the TechBook. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’
2. Connect BNC connector to the CRO and to the TechBook’s output port.
3. Apply a 5Vp-p pulse signal to the External Sampling Signal I/P socket.
4. Connect 1 KHz Sine wave output (TP6) to Signal Input socket in Sampling
Circuit or you can apply sine wave of amplitude from 0-5Vp-p and frequency up
to 3 KHz to the Signal Input socket of Sampling Circuit from any external
source (Function Generator).
5. Switch ‘On’ the TechBook's power supply & Oscilloscope.
6. Connect Sample Output to IV order low pass filter Input and Sample and Hold
Output to II order low pass filter Input. Observe the output wave form (on TP44
and TP48).
7. Verify the Nyquist criteria as described in experiment 2 for the signal applied, by
varying frequency of externally applied sampling signal.
Scientech 2151
B. Initial set up of TechBook for Audio Signal: as shown in figure 5.2
Duty cycle selector switch position : Position 5
Sampling selector switch : Internal position
1. Connect the power cord to the TechBook. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’
2. Connect BNC connector to the CRO and to the TechBook’s output port.
3. Apply a 5Vp-p pulse signal to the External Sampling Signal I/P socket.
4. Select sampling frequency of 8 KHz by Sampling Frequency Selector Switch
pressed till 80 KHz signal LED glows.
5. Connect Mic to the Mic Input socket of Audio Input Circuit.
6. Connect Audio Input Circuit Output to second Order low pass filter Input.
7. Connect second Order low pass filter Output to Signal Input socket of Sampling
8. Connect Sample Output to fourth order low pass filter Input.
9. Connect IV Order low pass filter Output to Audio Output Circuit Input.
10. Turn on the speaker ‘On/Off’ switch ‘On’.
11. Observe the processing of audio signal transmitted at the input and output test
points of every block through mic up to the speaker.
12. Now instead of connecting Sample Output to fourth Order low pass filter Input
connect Sample and Hold Output to fourth Order low pass filter Input and
compare two results (reconstructed voice signals through will clearly show the
13. Follow the above procedure for other sampling frequencies (2 KHz, 5 KHz, 10
KHz, 20 KHz and 40 KHz) available on board.
14. Note the difference in all the cases by varying duty cycle of the sampling
15. Repeat the above procedure for externally applied sampling signal (as explained
Scientech 2151
The audio signal reconstructed and output through speaker get better in quality as the
sampling frequency increases from 2 KHz to 40 KHz; also when the duty cycle of the
sampling signal is increased from 0% to 90%. The reconstructed signal is better in
quality when sample and hold amplifier is used.
Maximum distortion in reconstructed signal is obtained when signal is sampled at 2
KHz 10% duty cycle pulse and sample amplifier is used. Minimum distortion in
reconstructed signal is obtained when signal is sampled at 40 KHz 90% duty cycle
pulse and sample and hold amplifier is used.
At audio input circuit output and audio output circuit input it is required to use LPF to
minimize the channel distortion. To verify this connect audio input circuit output
directly to the signal input socket of sampling circuit and output of either sample
amplifier or sample and hold amplifier to audio output circuit input and check the
quality of reconstructed signal.
1. What are active and passive filter?
2. What is the importance of using low and high pass filter?
3. Why high order low pass filters are preferred for reconstruction of signals.
4. Give the comparison of second order and fourth order filter.
6. Draw the circuit diagram of passive filter.
Scientech 2151
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What do you mean by sampling?
Ans: To convert continuous time signal to discrete time signal, a process is used
called as sampling.
2. What is sampling theorem?
Ans: The Sampling Theorem states that a signal can be exactly reproduced if it is
sampled at a frequency Fs, where F s is greater than twice the maximum frequency
Fmax in the signal.
Fs > 2· Fmax
3. What is Nyquist frequency?
Ans: The frequency 2· Fmax is called the Nyquist sampling rate. Half of this
value, Fmax, is sometimes called the Nyquist frequency.
4. List different sampling techniques?
Ans: There are three types of sampling, which are as follows:
1. Ideal sampling or Instantaneous sampling or Impulse sampling
2. Natural sampling
3. Flat top sampling
5. What is under sampling?
Ans: When the sampling rate is lower than or equal to the Nyquist rate, a condition
defined as under sampling, it is impossible to rebuild the original signal according
to the sampling theorem.
6. What do you mean by aliasing?
Ans: Aliasing is the presence of unwanted components in the reconstructed signal.
These components were not present when the original signal was sampled. In
addition, some of the frequencies in the original signal may be lost in the
reconstructed signal. Aliasing occurs because signal frequencies can overlap if the
sampling frequency is too low. As a result, the higher frequency components roll into
the reconstructed signal and cause distortion of the signal Frequencies "fold" around
half the sampling frequency. This type of signal distortion is called aliasing.
7. Explain the process of sample and hold?
Ans: In electronics, a sample and hold circuit is used to interface real-world signals,
by changing analogue signals to a subsequent system. The purpose of this circuit is to
hold the analogue value steady for a short time while the converter or other following
system performs some operation that takes a little time.
Sampling mode:
In this mode, the switch is in the closed position and the capacitor charges to the
instantaneous input voltage.
Hold mode:
Scientech 2151
In this mode, the switch is in the open position. The capacitor is now disconnected
from the input. As there is no path for the capacitor to discharge, it will hold the
voltage on it just before opening the switch. The capacitor will hold this voltage till
the next sampling instant.
7. How aliasing is removed?
Ans: Aliasing is removed by simply filtering out all the high frequency components
before sampling.
8. List methods to avoid aliasing?
Ans: To avoid the aliasing there are two approaches:
1. To raise the sampling frequency to satisfy the sampling theorem,
2. The other is to filter off the unnecessary high-frequency component from the
continuous-time signal. We limit the signal frequency by an effective low
pass filter, called anti aliasing pre filter, so that the remained highest
frequency is less than half of the intended sampling rate. If the filter is not
perfect we must give some allowance.
9. What are active and passive filter?
Ans: Filter is a network designed to pass signals having frequencies within certain
bands (called pass bands) with little attenuation, but greatly attenuates signals
within other bands (called attenuation bands or stop bands).
A filter network containing no source of power is termed passive, and one containing
one or more power sources is known as an active filter network.
10. How many types of sampling techniques are there, Draw the related
Ans: There are three types of sampling techniques as under:
1. Ideal sampling or Instantaneous sampling or Impulse sampling
2. Natural sampling
3. Flat top sampling
Scientech 2151
2. Ideal sampling or Instantaneous sampling or Impulse sampling:
3. Natural sampling:
Scientech 2151
} We guarantee this product against all manufacturing defects for 24 months from
the date of sale by us or through our dealers.
} The guarantee will become void, if
● The product is not operated as per the instruction given in the Learning
● The agreed payment terms and other conditions of sale are not followed.
● The customer resells the instrument to another party.
● Any attempt is made to service and modify the instrument.
} The non-working of the product is to be communicated to us immediately giving
full details of the complaints and defects noticed specifically mentioning the
type, serial number of the product and date of purchase etc.
} The repair work will be carried out, provided the product is dispatched securely
packed and insured. The transportation charges shall be borne by the customer.
Hope you enjoyed the Scientech Experience.
List of Accessories
1. 2mm Patch Cord 16"(Red) ......................................................................... 2Nos.