Cretaceous Extensional Magmatism, Vasquez Et Al 2005
Cretaceous Extensional Magmatism, Vasquez Et Al 2005
Cretaceous Extensional Magmatism, Vasquez Et Al 2005
1 Institut für Geow issenschaften , Universttat Potsdam, Postfach 601553 , 0-14415 Potsdam , Germany
2 GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, 0-14473 Potsdam, Germany
3 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Oepartamento de Geociencias , Ciudad Universitaria , Bogot à, Colombia
The Cretaceou s of the Eastern Cord illera of
Colombia is cha rac terized by its scarcity of
magmatic activity ( Fig. 1). Only few mafic to
intermediate plutonic bodies intruding Cr etaceous
sediments have been identified in the ea stern and
Fig . 1. Location map of the East ern Co rdillera of
western flank s of the co rd illera. These sediments Colomb ia. Mafic intru sions: 1: Rodrigoqu é; 2: Pajarito;
3: Pacho ; 4 : La Coro na ; 5: Caceres-Pu crto Rom ero.
have been dated bio strati graph ically as Berri asian
to Cenomanian in age. Th e stratigra phi e Geochemistry
relationship of the intrusions as weil as their
Major-element composition and trace-elements
geodynamic position during the Mid-Cretaceous, abundances were analyzed by XRF-FllIorescence
permit to assum e that these widespread s rnall-s ized (Geol-orschung'Zentrum Potsdam , G ermany). REE
intru sions record a s ing le partial melting event in concentrat ion s were determined by rCp-OES
different parts of the sub-Andean mantle . The area (Geoc he mic a l Laboratory , Uni ver sity of Potsdam)
that today co rrespo nds to the Eastern Cordillera and rCp-MS (GeoForschungZentrum - Dulsky,
was affe cted by Early Cretaceous rifting (Ca mpbell Pot sdam, Gennany). The samp les from the Eastern
and Bürgl , 1965; Fabre, 1983a; Fabre, 1983b; Cordillera sho w SiO z concentrations that vary from
Colletta, et a l., 1990 ; Sarmiento, 2001 ). Despite the 44 to 6 1 wt % in the mafic sarnples and from 63 to
stratigraphie and so me major element geochemical 73 wt % in the intennediate tonalites.
6th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2005, Barcelona), Extended Abstracts: 770-772
The mafic rocks are classified as gabbros and 01 () °tt~
gabbro-diorites after the classificat ion of 8.b • •tnI Gebbto "hllr•• Gebbro
on the location. To the west, MgO co nce ntr atio ns Fig. 2. Discrimination diagram showing two well-
differentiated groups. C àceres and Pacho have subalkaline
are the lowest, ranging from 2 to 11 wt %; whereas signature and Rodrigoqué, Pajarito and La Corona belong
to the east, the samples have the highest MgO to the alkaline one.
Pb-Sr-Nd isotopes
The Pb-Nd-Sr isotopie data show the samples to
have high 87S r/86S r values (Fig . 4) and to follow a
6th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2005, Barcelona) , Extended Abstracts: 770-772
suggests that these melts became extensiv ely affected the area that today co rres po nds to the
contaminated by continental crust during the asc ent. Eastern CordilJ era . The chernistry of the Mid-
Moreover, the rocks have high Pb/La and Cs/Rb Cretaceous ma gmatism point to a continuous
relative to MORB and OIB suggesting that evolution of mantle-derived melts . This magmatism
sediments have influenced the melts . Tonalites in shows a tran siti on from a low to a high de gree of
La Corona show mantle signatu res and an influen ce partial melting as weil as fro m alkaline to
of crustal contamination. subalkaline aff inity (Fig. 2 and 3). The tholeiitic
0 . 709 -
affinity of the sampJes of Ca ceres and Pacho
indicate that in this region the stretching of the cru st
was maximal and magmas sampled the uppermost
- -
0 .708
• LoConro part of the m antle (Wilson , 1993 ). The high
0 .707 1-
. ......
0 -
- 87S r/86S r values indicate that rock s from each
<li 0 .706 1- )t~
""""" -
."''"" 0 .705 1- EJOSSE~ . ~ 0 -
location show contamination der ived from
~ ~-
0 .703 1- MORS
intrusions lead s to the followin g mod el: The sub-
0 .102
1- c:::::J ""'"' Q.OMa
0 .701
co ntine ntal mantle to the west (be neath Ca ceres)
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
:DptJD'Pb was meta somatized by fluid s derived from an older
Fig. 4. B7Sr/B6Sr vs. 206Pbf ll-'p b isotope correlation subducted slab. In this case, the mantle acted as a
diagram. The plutonic rocks of the Eastern CordilJera
show a trend toward the EMil field. recorder of past processes, as the devolatilization of
the subducted slab was happened prior to melt
Evolution of the maflc magmatism in the generation . The maximum stretching took place
Eastern Cordillera when the subd uc tio n zon e was situated far awa y to
During Cretaceous extens io n, relatively sm all the west (Pindell and Tabbutt, 1995).
volumes of mafic alkaline and tholeiitic magm ati sm
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