Question & Answer Bank: Water - The Elixir of Life Water Quiz
Question & Answer Bank: Water - The Elixir of Life Water Quiz
Question & Answer Bank: Water - The Elixir of Life Water Quiz
Dr. R. Sreedher
Subject Expert
N. G. Anuthaman
D. Vinoth Rajesh
G. Indumathi
This question bank on theme Water: The Elixir of Life was developed by Audio
Visual Research Centre of Anna University as part of NCSTC, DST, Project.
VP express its deepest thanks to Dr. B.P. Singh (Head, NCSTC) and Mrs. Ujjawala
Trikey (Sci "E"), for extending the necessary permission to use this question bank
by VIPNET Clubs.
The question bank can be used by the VIPNET Clubs to design the quizzes and
other activity on water theme as part of campaign "Manage to Save to Water".
The campaign is being organized by VP as part of International Year of Water –
Contents Page No
1. Ground Water 3
2. Underground Water 7
3. Hydrology 8
5. Water in Chemistry 12
6. Quality of Water 14
7. Utilization of Water 24
8. Human Consumption 30
9. Waterborne Disease 31
10. Water 32
19. Irrigation 54
4. The fresh water available on the surface of the earth (surface water) ______ is about
a. 2.2% b. 2.1%
c. 2.0% d. 2.8%
10. Sinking of wells and a variety of water devices were found from ___
a. Vedic times b. Epic times
c. Both a and b d. None
11. The first irrigation commission affirmed the importance of irrigation wells in the
year _____
a. 1904 b. 1903
c. 1905 d. 1910
12. The well sinking department of Nizam made interesting studies on ground water
a. Central plateau b. Deccan basallic terrains
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None
13. In which year, the project for construction of 1500 community tube wells in the
Ganga basin was initiated in U.P.?
a. 1934 b. 1936
c. 1932 d. 1935
15. Large-scale ground water investigation programmes have been taken up, since 1967
a. Rajasthan b. Gujarat
c. Tamilnadu d. All the three
16. In 1970 the major programmes with the assistance of UNICEF for provision of
drilled wells for rural water supply have been launched in the
a. Hard rock areas of AP b. MP
c. Tamil Nadu d. All the three
17. The lignite deposit occurring at Neyveli on the top of the first aquifier separated by a
thin layer of clay __________ to __________ m in thickness
a. 1.5m to 3m b. 1.5 to 3.
b. 1.5 to 3.1m d. 1.5m to 4m
18. Generally the mine was deepened and the lignite removed more water has to be
pumped to keep the mine floor from
a. Bursting b. Pumping
c. Both a and b d. None
25. Which of the following formation does not contain any ground water?
a. Aquifer b. Aquifuge
c. Aquitard d. Aquiclude
26. A geological formation, which may contain water but is essentially impermeable to
the flow of water through it, is known as
a. Aquifer b. Aquifuge
c. Aquitard d. Aquiclude
27. An aquifer, which is underlying by impermeable layer at the bottom and not
confined at the top is known as
a. Confined aquifer b. Un confine aquifer
c. Semi confined aquifer d. Perched aquifer
31. Darcy's law for ground water movement states that the velocity is proportional to
a. The hydraulic gradient
b. The square of the hydraulic gradient
c. The logarithm of the hydraulic gradient
d. The reciprocal of the hydraulic gradient
35. The rock which does not allow water to pass through it is
a. Porous rock b. Non – porous rock
c. Both d. None of these
36. The science that deals with occurrence, distribution & circulation of water is
a. Hydrology b. Hydrography
b. Hydrometry c. Hydraulics
39. The concept of hydrologic cycle was correctly postulated for the first time by
a. Leonardo da vinci b. Vittuvirus
c. Plato d. Aristotle
42. The percentage of total quantity of water in the world, available in the liquid form is
a. 30% b. 70%
c. 11% d. 51%
44. Total percentage of water (fresh water) available in Europe & Asia in the entire
world's water resource is
a. 30% b. 50%
c. 81% d. 27%
45. Total volume of water present in the world is
a. 1.36 X 108 km3 b. 0.136 X 108 km3
c. 13.6 X 108 km3 d. 136 X 108 km3
46. A portion of water that reaches the ground and enters into the earth's surface is
known as
a. Transpiration b. Evaporation
c. Interception d. Infiltration
52. What is the most widely used fine powdery coagulant called?
a) Aluminium sulphate b) Aluminium
c) Aluminium carbonate d) Calcium carbonate
53. If the water flows into the huge reservoirs for a final treatment, that kills
a) wastage b) bacteria
c) iodine d) chlorine
55. Which is the oldest and most common method of turning saltwater into fresh water
a) crystallization b) distillation
c) filtration d) condensation
60. What is the method used for desalting sea water ______
a) forward osmosis b) reverse osmosis
c) electro osmosis d) osmosis
61. Water can be a ______
a) solid b) liquid
c) gas d) all the three
62. How much water does a person take in his life time?
a) 50,600 liters b) 70, 700 liters
c) 60,600 liters d) none of these
63. Name the substance which exists in the gaseous states, vapor and liquid state.
a) Water b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen d) Sulphur
68. When water with temporary hardness is boiled, calcium and magnesium ions
precipitate as
a. Bicarbonate b. Carbonate
c. Calcium bicarbonate d. None
70. Name the substance commonly used to eliminate various ions or salts from water
a. Ion exchange resins b. Ion exchange sulphate
c. Copper sulphate d. Chlorosulphate
71. Refrigerators, air conditioners and air sprays send CFCs into the atmosphere. What
are CFCs?
a. Chloro flouro carbons b. Chloroflouro carbonate
c. Chloro flouro carbon chloride d. None
72. Consequences of global warming will have a disastrous effect in the
a. Frozen tundra regions b. Himalayas
c. Pacific region d. artic region
73. Flooded rice fields, cattle and land dills increase the levels of
a. Ethane b. Methane
c. Bromine d. None
74. Nitrous oxide is produced by chemical fertilizer and ______ & _____ agriculture
a. Slash & burn b. Vegetable and slash
c. Slash and crops d. None
78. The acid rain gets dissolved in the rain droplets in the atmosphere and precipitate as
a. Hydrochloric acid b. Sulphuric acid
c. Nitrous acid d. All the three
79. Acid rain is responsible for dissolving heavy metals like ____
a. Zinc and cadmium b. nitrous acid
c. both a and b d. none
81. Specify the term which refers to the organism that cannot live without
a. Anaerobes b. Aerobes
c. Both d. None
83. Can the polluted ground water be recovered, say yes or no?
a. Yes b. No
84. What is the average amount of water consumed by Indian per day?
a. 300litres b. 10litres
c. 200litres d. 150litres
85. Say the amount of water utilized by Oil Company for one tone of production.
a. 5tonnes b. 2tonnes
c. 100tonnes d. 10tonnes
86. Express in terms of mille meter, how much amount of rainfall in received per-capita
in India?
a. 60581mm b. 5000mm
c. 620mm d. 230mm
90. The total geographical area of India is about……………..
a. 20 million b. 100 million
c. 329 million d. 125
91. Name the term which refers to the disease that spreads through water?
a. Airborne disease b. Water borne disease
c. Both d. None
96. The most valuable commercial fisheries in the seas have now been reduced by
a. 90 to 98 % b. 60 to 68 %
c. 80 to 88 % d. 50 to 58 %
98. In which year has the world's largest accidental oil spill occurred?
a. 1959 b. 1979
c. 1869 d. 1879
99. Peoples are always abstracted to settle in flat rivers what are they _____
a. Perennial river b. Stream
c. Flood plain d. River bank
100. What makes the water contaminated and unfit for drinking and domestic use?
a. Pathogens b. Undesirable suspended matter
c. Dissolved salts d. None
104. Polluted water is the one which is unfit for drinking and domestic purpose, what
makes it so?
a. Pathogenic bacteria
b. Undesirable matter
c. Contamination
d. Is safe for drinking, but poses problems is special industrial uses
105. The measure of the amount of light absorbed or scattered by a suspended material in
water is called …………..
a. Opacity b. Turbidity
c. Celebrity d. Diffraction
106. The standard turbidity produced by one mg of silicon dioxide (silica) in one liter of
distilled water is called ………..
a. One Jackson, turbidity unit (Jtu) b. One Formazin turbidity unit (Ftu)
c. One Nephelometry turbidity unit (Ntu) d. None of the above.
107. The modern standard low turbidity produced by one mg of formation in one liter of
distilled water is called ……………
a. Ftu b. Jtu
c. Ntu d. None of the above
108. The turbidity, which can be seen easily on naked eye, is of the order of……..
a. 1Jtu b. 2Jtu
c. 3Jtu d. Jtu
109. The permissible turbidity of 2.5 Jtu, sometimes be misguiding as even a trace of
turbidity, may be a sign of serious pollution as may happen in…………
a. Chark well waters b. Silica well waters
c. Sand well water d. None
110. The suspended solids present in water may add colour to the water, which is known
as ………
a. True colour b. Apparent colour
c. Colour d. None
112. The colour of water caused by the dissolved solids is known as ……….
a. Apparent colour b. True colour
c. Colour d. (b) and (c) above
114. The colour of water for domestic supplies on standard platinum cobalt scale should
not exceed ……..
a. 0-5 ppm b. 5-10 ppm
c. 10-20 ppm d. 20-50 ppm
115. The specific conductivity of water helps in knowing the extent of ……………
a. Organic matter b. Inorganic matter
c. Dissolved salts d. None of the above
124. A water having PH = 9, will have hydrogen ion concentration equal to ………..
a. 9 mol/l b. 10-9 mol/l
c. 109 mol/l d. None of these
130. The most appropriate hardness in drinking water supplies is of the order of ………
a. 50 ppm b. 100 ppm
c. 200 ppm d. 300 ppm
132. Water is considered soft, if their hardness does not exceed ………….
a. 75 ppm b. 300 ppm
c. 400 ppm d. 500 ppm
133. Hard water is tastier than soft water, due to the presence of ……………..
a. Sodium b. Calcium
c. Carbonates d. Bicarbonates
134. Dental diseases in children may be caused due to water supplies, which are deficient
in ………..
a. Calcium b. Iron
c. Fluorides d. None of these
135. Higher quantities of copper, more than 2.5 mg/1 or so may cause diseases pertaining
to ……………….
a. Kidney b. Lungs
c. Liver d. Teeth
136. The only metal among the following, which is toxic to human being is …………
a. Calcium b. Barium
c. Iron d. Magnesium
137. The metal, most hazardous to human beings, among the following is …………..
a. Sodium b. Mercury
c. Lead d. Cadmium
138. The safe permissible concentration of iron in water, according to WHO standards is
a. 1.0 ppm b. 0.5 ppm
c. 0.3 ppm d. 0.03 ppm
139. The maximum safe permissible limit for chlorides in domestic water supplies are
a. 0.5 mg/1 b. 200 mg/1
c. 500 mg/1 d. 1000 mg/1
141. The maximum permissible concentration of sulphate is waters to be used for curing
and mixing of concrete is …………..
a. 250 mg/1 b. 500 mg/1
c. 1000 mg/1 d. 2000 mg/1
142. The permissible pH value in mg/1 for drinking water may range between ………
a. 50. And 6.0 b. 6.0 and 7.0
c. 7.0 and 8.0 d. 8.0 and 9.0
143. Excessive withdrawal of sand along with well water may cause
a. Erosion b. Corrosion
c. Incrustation d. None
148. The dissolved gases in water, which gives taste and odour, are
a. Sulphuric acid b. Methane
c. Carbodioxide and oxygen d. All of the above
151. The substance, which renders tissues incapable of oxygen exchanges, is
a. Cyanide b. Fluorine
c. Chlorine d. Barium
153. A minute single cell organism possessing no defined nucleolus and having no green
material to help them manufacture their own food. Name it.
a. Virus b. Bacteria
c. Both d. None
158. Bacteria are harmless and under certain conditions beneficial to human beings,
animals and crops are called
a. Non pathogenic bacteria b. Non pathogens
c. Both d. None
159. Bacteria which are deadly foes of man and animals and may enter their tissues,
causing serious water borne diseases are
a. Pathogenic b. Aerobic
c. Facultative d. All
160. The Size and shape of the particle can be altered by the addition of certain chemicals
in water.
a. Coagulants b. Crystallization
c. Both d. None
161. The new social problem created by the introduction of irrigation, water logging
keeps drains stagnant, resulting in the incidence of malaria due to the congenial
atmosphere created by the growth of
a. Mosquito larva b. Silkworm
c. None d. Earthworm
162. From the total plan, how much does the Indian government spend for "water supply
and sanitation"
a. 1-10% b. 1-5%
c. 1-2% d. 1-3%
163. Minimum domestic water consumption (Annual Average. for Indian towns and
cities with full flushing systems as per IS 1172-1993) for drinking water is
a. 10 1/h/d b. 12 1/h/d
c. 3 1/h/d d. 5 1/h/d
164. Water consumption in liters per head per day as per IS 1172-1993 for bathing is
a. 20 b. 30
c. 95 d. 75
165. Minimum domestic water consumption (Annual average) for weaker sections and
LIG colonies in small Indian Towns and cities for washing clothes is
a. 10 1/h/d b. 20 1/h/d
c. 30 1/h/d d. 40 1/h/d
166. IS code in fact lays down a limit on domestic water consumption between
a. 134_2261/h/d b. 135_225 1/h/d
c. 135.5_226.5 1/h/d d. 133_226 1/h/d
167. The total domestic water consumption from total water consumption usually
amounts to
a. 40-50% b. 50-60%
c. 60-70% d. 70-80%
168. The ordinary per capital consumption on account of Industrial needs of a city is
generally taken as
a. 30 liters/person/day b. 40 liters/person/day
c. 50 liters/person/day d. 60 liters/person/day
170. The minimum water pressure available at fire hydrants should be of the order of
a. 200-250 kN/m2 b. 100-150 kN/m2
c. 300-350 kN/m2 d. 50-100 kN/m2
171. To throw the fire at high speeds fire fighting personnels require
a. Fuel b. Water
c. Both d. None
172. The water consumption ranges between 100 to 360 liters/capital/day for
a. Chinese condition b. Japan condition
c. American condition d. Indian condition
178. In the paper work, how much water is used in preparation of one newspaper?
a. 570 liters b. 574 liters
c. 560 liters d. 564 liters
182. All of you would have known an elephant. Elephant also has water in its body. How
much water does an elephant possess in its body?
a. 72% b. 78%
c. 70% d. 90%
184. Milk is also made up of some percentage of water. What is the percentage of water
in milk?
a. 95% b. 92%
c. 94% d. 98%
193. What is expected normal rainfall in Chennai during the month of December?
a. 130mm b. 100mm
c. 220mm d. 20mm
194. How many liters of water is provided to the Chennai people every day?
a. 225 million liters b. 100 million liters
c. 330 million liters d. 500 million liters
196. Mangrove type of ecosystem is seen in southern part of India. Where is it?
a. Mudumalai b. Sathyamangalam
c. Pichavaram d. Muttukadu
200. People always complain about water scarcity on a global level, how much of water
is utilized by each of them?
a. 50% b. 20%
c. 10% d. 70%
201. Industry consumes water for their production and its consumption is greater than
house hold. What percentage of fresh water is consumed?
a. 30 % b. 40%
c. 80% d. 20%
202. Continuing ground water depletion may reduce grain production in coming decades
a. 20 to 30% b. 30 to 40%
c. 10 to 20% d. 60 to 70%
203. Water evaporates and forms parts of the atmosphere in the form of water vapour, this
water vapor forms into clouds in atmosphere at a height of
a. 10km b. 30 km
c. 20 km d. 60 km
204. We know agriculture utilizes more water for irrigation but it is not sufficient due to
losses by
a. Transpiration b. Evaporation
c. Evapo – transpiration d. All of the above
205. To avoid losses of water in agriculture in the form of irrigation, what should the
government subsidize first?
a. Drip b. sprinkle
c. Furrow d. border
208. Which acts were passed long back even before India got independence
a. The north India drainage act b. The Bombay irrigation act
c. The Bengal irrigation act d. All
210. National water policy, announced by the N.W.R.C in India, gives the top priority to
a. Drinking water b. Hydropower
c. Irrigation water d. None
211. The average domestic water consumption in liters per person per day for an Indian
city approximates to
a. 75 b. 105
c. 135 d. 270
212. The average water consumption in liters per person per day for designing a water
supply project for a city in our country may be approximately considered to be
a. 105 b. 135
c. 207 d. 450
214. When fluoride concentration in water exceeds 1.5 mg or so, the disease that may be
caused is ………..
a. Methaemoglobinemia b. Fluorosis
c. Poliomyelitis d. Dental caries in children
216. The bacteria which survive in the absence of oxygen are called ……………
a. Anaerobic b. Aerobic
c. Facultative d. E-coli
217. The bacteria which survive in the presence as well as absence of oxygen are called
a. Anaerobic b. Aerobic
c. Facultative d. E-coli
219. What is the most widely used fine powdery coagulant called?
a. Aluminum sulphate b. Aluminum
c. Aluminum carbonate d. Calcium carbonate
220. The water flows to the huge reservoirs for a final treatment the kills
a. Wastages b. Bacteria
c. Iodine d. Chlorine
222. Which is the oldest and most common method of turning saltwater into fresh water
a. Crystallization b. Distillation
c. Filtration d. Condensation
223. The average water consumption per day per person is maximum for
a. Residential quarters b. Factories
c. Airport d. Railway junctions
225. For steel plants, the chloride content of processed water should be ……………..
a. Higher b. Lower
c. Portable d. None of these
227. Desalination involves ……………………………
a. Removal of salinity from the saline soil
b. Removal of hardness from the hard water
c. Removal of radioactive substances from the water
d. None of the above
228. The desalination process, which uses micro porous membranes is ……………..
a. Electro dialysis b. Solar distillation
c. Freezing d. None of these
233. Are you aware of how much rainfall is falling annually in India?
a. 117cm b. 100cm
c. 10cm d. 200cm
234. Thousands of years ago, the Sahara in northern Africa was a fertile plain. Say
whether this statement is true or false?
a. True b. False
238. Name the area where the desert has spread recently to south to Sahara?
a. Libya b. Algeria
c. Amazon d. Sahel
239. The acids are absorbed by rain clouds, and this results in ……………………
a. Stone rain b. Snow fall
c. Acid rain d. No rain
241. Areas of forest in eastern North America, central Europe and parts of Asia are dying
because of ………………
a. Snow fall b. Rainfall
c. Acid rain d. None
245. Cholera, typhoid, infectious hepatitis and bacterial dysentery are ……………
a. Air borne diseases b. Water borne diseases
c. Both d. None
247. What is the percentage of freshwater present in the total amount of water?
a. 50% b. 3%
c. 1% d. 25%
250. In any medium the force of attraction between two oppositely charged particles is
a. Electromotive force b. Ionic force
c. Electrostatic force d. All the above
252. Most of the rivers are alkaline in nature, but there is an exception, one of the state
has rivers which are neutral or slightly acidic in nature, name the state?
a. Tamilnadu b. Bihar
c. Kerala d. Assam
257. The trees take water from ground and release it as moisture through their leaves and
other green parts into the atmosphere. This is called
a. Evaporation b. Transpiration
c. Freezing d. None
259. The water is broken down in to tiny particles. The term is known as
a. Dissolved b. Evaporation
c. Condensation d. None
260. In south India, the eastern coastal plain is drained by …………. major rivers
a. 3 b. 4
c. 9 d. 5
262. Which ghats get a direct bath in the south – west monsoon rainfalls?
a. Western ghats b. Tamil Nadu
c. Eastern ghats d. None
263. The volume of water stored in the reservation between the minimum [pool level land
the normal pool level is called
a. Useful storage
b. Un useful storage
c. Flood mitigation
d. None
264. Water stored in the reservoir below the minimum pool level is known as
a. Dead storage b. Useful storage
c. Conservation d. None
266. Moisture present in the atmosphere comes back as rainfall over the subcontinent is
a. 20 to 25% b. 30 to 35%
c. 40 to 45% d. 50 to 55%
267. Out of this 400 M ha-m of total precipitation, water lost in evaporation and
transpiration is
a. 20 M ha-m b. 30 M ha-m
c. 60 M ha-m d. 70 M ha-m
269. Total flow or run off in a surface stream is the combination of surface run off and the
run off derived from the underground water called
a. Base flow b. Rapid flow
c. Both d. None
270. When the size is larger than pond it may be termed as
a. Lake b. River
c. Basins d. None
271. A natural large sized depression formed within the surface of the earth, which gets
filled up with water
a. Pond b. Lake
c. Both d. None
273. The rivers, where water is available throughout the year are said to be
a. Perennial b. Non-perennial
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None
274. The pool or artificial lake formed on the upstream side of the dam is known as
a. Storage reservoir b. Tanks
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None
275. The volume of water stored in the reservoir between the minimum pool level and the
normal pool level is called
a. Useful storage b. Un-useful storage
c. Flood mitigation d. None
276. We generally mean extracting the water from below the water table through
a. Infiltration wells b. Springs
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None
277. A long pipe or a tube is bored or drilled deep into the ground, intercepting one or
more water bearing strata
a. Tube wells b. Shallow wells
c. Deep wells d. None
278. Heavy pumping of the well causes heavy drawn down. This method is known as
285. The eroded, gulled lands, ravines along the banks of the Yamuna, Chambal, Mahi
and other rivers occupy nearly
a. 5 million hectares b. 4 million hectares
c. 3 million hectares d. 2 million hectares
286. The valley located between the outer Himalays in the North and Shivalik ranges in
the South
a. Doon b. Kashmir
c. Gangeous d. None
292. The runoff harvesting relatively for shorter duration can be performed by the
a. semi circular hoop b. trapezoidal or graded bund
c. rock catchments and ground catchments d. all
293. The semi circular hoops used for short term runoff harvesting
a. are constructed on contour
b. have their tip opening on contour of the area
c. are constructed along the field channels
d. none
295. The water harvested by using semicircular hoop, can be utilized for
a. irrigating grasses, fodders, shrubs or trees b. fish farming
c. cattle feeding d. domestic use
296. The water harvested by trapezoidal bunds can be utilized for irrigating
a. grain crops b. grasses
c. shrubs and tress d. all
297. The graded bunds for water harvesting are constructed by using
a. earth materials or stone b. stone only
c. earth materials only d. RCC
302. The long term water harvesting is done for the purpose of
a. irrigation b. fish farming
c. electricity generation d. all
304. The embankment type reservoirs for water harvesting are constructed by forming
dam or embankment around the
a. depression of catchment b. valley
c. river only d. both a & b
305. Water harvested by silt detention dams are utilized for the purpose of
a. irrigation b. fish farming
c. domestic use d. all
308. The percolation dams constructed for water harvesting have the provision for
a. checking the percolation loss b. not checking the percolation loss
c. silt detention d. silt removal
313. In what region of Tamilnadu is rainwater harvesting being used to salinity ingress
into coastal freshwater acquifers?
a. Chennai b. Coimbatore
c. Salem d. Tiruchirapalli
314. Name the country, which has 50% of its total land area as catchment area?
a. Singapore b. England
c. Africa d. Russia
315. Which area with urban water bodies today stand as dumping grounds in India?
a. Hyderabad b. Karnataka
c. Maharashtra d. Rajasthan
317. To feed the world's population in the year 2001, agriculture production has to be
increased by
a. 70% b. 80%
c. 60% d. 50%
318. To meet the additional food demands FAO expects additional cultivatable lands of
a. 100 million hectares b. 200 million hectares
c. 300 million hectares d. 400 million hectares
322. Running water, wind, waves of the sea and moving ice cause a certain amount of
erosion called
a. geological erosion b. natural erosion
c. both a and b d. none
323. In Karnataka, what have led to the improvement to boosted yields and soil moisture
a. Farm ponds b. Riverbeds
c. Backwaters d. Artificial Lakes
324. In what state is the example of community involvement seen in water harvesting?
a. Gujarat b. Maharashtra
c. Karnataka d. West Bengal
326. In what country is the rainwater captured in natural and artificial depressions. Which
often act as source of water?
a. Pakistan b. Africa
c. America d. England
327. In what country is the rainwater captured in available resource like tree trunks and
rock cavities?
a. Sri Lanka b. Malaysia
c. England d. Russia
328. What region of Rajasthan is the home to rich legacy of traditional water harvesting
a. Mewar region b. Udaipur district
c. Alwar district d. Jaipur district
329. The bundlekand region of Madhya Pradesh has which district, the highest irrigated
district of the state?
a. Tikamgarh district b. Meghnagar district
c. Jhabua district d. Ranapur district
330. Which region of Andhra Pradesh is a home to a host of traditional water harvesting
a. Rayalaseema region b. Chittor district
c. Kurnool district d. Secunderabad
331. Which districts of Orissa, spring water was channelized into field in terraced paddy
a. Ganjam and Koraput Districts b. Cuttack districts
c. Bhubaneshwar districts d. Kendrapada districts
332. In which area of Maharashtra did the kohils build tanks in all sizes using their I
inherent wisdom?
a. Bhandara districts b. Pune
c. Mumbai d. Nagpur
333. In what region of Madhya Pradesh is the well built and was undertaken with much
a. Vidisha districts b. Thandla districts
c. Kakrapada d. Alirajpur
334. Which town has water bodies taken over by land sharks and steady decline in size?
a. Khandwa b. Udaipur
c. Koraput d. Kurnool
336. Which state in Germany has an increased tax paying system for storm water drains
to motivate rainwater harvesting?
a. Bonn state b. Hamburg
c. Berlin d. East Germany
338. In the cold deserts of Ladakh, what are the means to collect rainwater in lower
altitude regions?
a. Artificial glaciers b. Wells
c. Pits d. Tubewells
339. In coastal Kerala, rooftop rainwater is directed and where are they collected?
a. Ferro cement tanks b. Tunnels
c. Tube wells d. Pavement tunnels
340. In what region of Tamilnadu is rain water harvesting being used to salinity ingress
into coastal freshwater acquifers?
a. Chennai b. Coimbatore
c. Salem d. Tiruchirapalli
341. Name the country , which has 50% of its total land area as catchment area?
a. Singapore b. England
c. Africa d. Russia
342. Which area with urban water bodies today stand as dumping grounds in India?
a. Hyderabad b. Karnataka
c. Maharashtra d. Rajasthan
343. In Karnataka, what have led to the improvement to boosted yields and soil moisture
a. Farm ponds b. Riverbeds
c. Backwaters d. Artificial Lakes
344. In which state is the example of community involvement seen in water harvesting?
a. Gujarat b. Maharashtra
c. Karnataka d. West Bengal
346. In which country is the rainwater captured in natural and artificial depressions,
which often act as source of water?
a. Pakistan b. Africa
c. America d. England
347. In which country is the rainwater captured in available resources like tree trunks and
rock cavities?
a. Sri Lanka b. Malaysia
c. England d. Russia
348. In which region of Rajasthan is the home to a rich legacy of traditional water
harvesting systems?
a. Mewar region b. Udaipur district
c. Alwar district d. Jaipur district
349. The Bundlekand region of Madhya Pradesh has which district, the highest irrigated
district of the state?
a. Tikamgarh district b. Meghnagar district
c. Jhabua district d. Ranapur district
350. Which region of Andhra Pradesh is a home to a host of traditional water harvesting
a. Rayalaseema region b. Chittoor district
c. Kurnool district d. Secunderabad
351. Which districts of Orissa, spring water was channelized into fields in terraced paddy
a. Ganjam and Koraput districts b. Cuttack districts
c. Bhubaneshwar districts d. Kendrapada districts
352. In which area of Maharashtra did the kohils built tanks in all sizes using their
inherent wisdom?
a. Bhandara districts b. Pune
c. Mumbai d. Nagpur
353. In which region of Madhya Pradesh in the well built was undertaken with much
a. Vidisha districts b. Thandla districts
c. Kakrapada d. Alirajpur
354. Which town has water bodies taken over by land sharks and steady decline in size?
a. Khandwa b. Udaipur
c. Koraput d. Kurnool
356. Which state in Germany has an increased tax paying system for storm water drains
to motivate rainwater harvesting?
a. Bonn state b. Hamburg
c. Berlin d. East Germany
358. In the cold deserts of Ladakh, what are the means to collect rainwater in lower
altitude regions?
a. Artificial glaciers b. Wells
c. Pits d. Tube wells
359. In coastal Kerala, rooftop rainwater is directed and where are they collected?
a. Ferro cement tanks b. Tube wells
c. Tunnels d. Pavement tunnels
361. Ground water serves best as a resource of the earth in what ways?
a. replemishable b. scarce
c. evenly distributed d. more than average
365. What does the 50% of total land formations in the country comprises of?
a. crystallines b. river alluvium
c. trap d. sand gravels
366. What do the arid zones of Rajasthan and Gujarat having excess concentration of
fluoride in ground water result in?
a. mottling of teeth b. saline patches
c. sulphuretted water d. boson contamination
367. What does the ground water the can be developed at a small capital cost with
efficiency in irrigation?
a. small b. medium
c. average d. high
368. What dose the remote sensing technique employs the surveying of infra – red visible
microwave radiation reflected from earth?
a. surface b. sub surfacing
c. bottom layers d. acquifer
369. Rain gauges are erected
a. vertically 30cms above ground level
b. perpendicular to ground surface
c. horizontally 60 cm above ground level
d. parallel to 75 cm above ground level
377. The main gauges set up by the India meteorological departments and state
a. 3000 b. 4000
c. 5000 d. 8000
378. On an average, 130 main days in a year in the country and on 75 days the rainfall is
of the above magnitude. On the remaining 55 days of rainfall, on the commencement
of rainfall there is similar commencement of rainfall there
a. Evaporation b. Evapo transpiration
c. Both d. None of these
379. There is evaporation loss of the order of 20% from major and medium reservoirs and
40% from tanks. The percentage loss is greater in tanks because they are……………
a. Relatively shallow b. Deep valley
c. Both d. None of these
380. As they rainy season flows cannot be fully utilized during that short period, water
has to be stored. Suitable sites for dams, which can only be built in the hills
a. For large storage reservoirs b. For large tank
c. For large pond d. For large lake
382. Energy requirements in irrigation pumping may be broadly grouped into………
a. Pumping for wells b. River and canal
c. Both d. None
389. What does IQR stands for
a. Irrigation quality control
b. Inter-quartile ratio
c. International quality control
d. none of the above
Answer Key
26. d. 65. c. 104. a. 143. b.
27. b. 66. a. 105. b. 144. d.
28. d. 67. c. 106. a. 145. c.
29. a. 68. c. 107. a. 146. d.
30. a. 69. c. 108. d. 147. c.
31. a. 70. a. 109. a. 148. d.
32. d. 71. c. 110. b. 149. c.
33. c. 72. a. 111. d. 150. d.
34. b. 73. b. 112. d. 151. a.
35. b. 74. a. 113. d. 152. d.
36. a. 75. a. 114. c. 153. b.
37. d. 76. b. 115. a. 154. b.
38. b. 77. a. 116. b. 155. c.
39. b. 78. d. 117. c. 156. c.
157. a. 196. c. 235. c. 274. a.
158. c. 197. a. 236. b. 275. a.
159. a. 198. a. 237. b. 276. c.
160. a. 199. a. 238. d. 277. a.
161. a. 200. c. 239. c. 278. a.
162. d. 201. d. 240. b. 279. b.
163. d. 202. c. 241. c. 280. b.
164. d. 203. a. 242. d. 281. a.
165. b. 204. b. 243. c. 282. a.
166. b. 205. a. 244. a. 283. d.
167. b. 206. a. 245. b. 284. a.
168. c. 207. b. 246. a. 285. b.
169. d. 208. a. 247. b. 286. a.
170. a. 209. a. 248. b. 287. d.
171. b. 210. a. 249. d. 288. a.
172. d. 211. c. 250. c. 289. d.
173. d. 212. c. 251. d. 290. d.
174. b. 213. c. 252. c. 291. a.
175. b. 214. b. 253. c. 292. d.
176. a. 215. c. 254. d. 293. b.
177. a. 216. a. 255. a. 294. a.
178. a. 217. c. 256. b. 295. a.
179. a. 218. c. 257. a. 296. d.
180. a. 219. a. 258. c. 297. a.
181. a. 220. d. 259. d. 298. a.
182. a. 221. c. 260. b. 299. a.
183. c. 222. b. 261. a. 300. a.
184. a. 223. a. 262. a. 301. a.
185. b. 224. a. 263. a. 302. d.
186. a. 225. b. 264. a. 303. d.
187. b. 226. b. 265. c. 304. d.
188. a. 227. d. 266. b. 305. a.
189. b. 228. a. 267. d. 306. a.
190. c. 229. b. 268. a. 307. a.
191. b. 230. b. 269. a. 308. a.
192. d. 231. b. 270. a. 309. b.
193. a. 232. c. 271. a. 310. b.
194. a. 233. a. 272. a. 311. d.
195. b. 234. a. 273. a. 312. a.
313. a. 347. a. 378. a.
314. a. 348. a. 379. a.
315. a. 349. a. 380. a.
316. b. 350. a. 381. a.
317. c. 351. a. 382. c.
318. b. 352. a. 383. -
319. a. 353. a. 384. a.
320. b. 354. a. 385. a.
321. a. 355. a. 386. a.
322. c. 356. a. 387. a.
323. a. 357. a. 388. a.
324. a. 358. a. 389. b.
325. a. 359. a. 390. d.
326. a. 360. d. 391. b.
327. a. 361. a.
328. a. 362. a.
329. a. 363. a.
330. a. 364. a.
331. a. 365. a.
332. a. 366. a.
333. a. 367. a.
334. a. 368. a.
335. a. 369. a.
336. a. 370. a.
337. a. 371. a.
338. a. 372. a.
339. a. 373. a.
340. a. 374. a.
341. a. 375. a.
342. a. 376. b.
343. a. 377. a.
344. a. 345. a.
346. a.