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Health Care Education


Hidaya Foundation

And when I am sick, then He heals me. - - - - Al Quran – Ash-Shuraa, Verse 26:80


What is scabies? In babies and small children, itching and skin

irritation may also occur:
Scabies is a very
itchy skin • Around or on the scalp, neck, and face.
condition caused
• On the palms of the
by the Scabies
hands and soles of
mite. Scabies
the feet. Often the
mites are
first symptom
attracted to the
noticed in babies is
warmth and
a series of tiny
smell of humans.
blister like sores
The Scabies mites are not visible with the naked
(vesicles) in these

What are the symptoms? How does Scabies spread?

Itching and irritation of skin that gets worse By direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a
until the mites are killed: person already infested with scabies. Contact
must be prolonged (a quick handshake or hug
• Pimple-like irritations will usually not spread infestation). Infestation
is easily spread to sexual partners and household
• burrows or rash of the skin
members. Infestation may also occur by sharing
• Intense itching, especially at night and over clothing, towels, and bedding. The scabies mite
most of the body that infests humans does not live on dogs or
• Sores on the body caused by scratching; other pets. Similarly, animal-transmitted scabies
these sores can become infected mites do not survive or reproduce on humans.
However, they can live long enough on humans
Symptoms are most likely to develop between to cause itchy hives or raised bumps that may
the fingers and on the palm side of the wrists, on last for few days.
the outside surfaces of the elbows and in the
armpits, around the waistline and navel, on the How can Scabies be prevented?
buttocks, around the nipples, bra line, and the
Avoid close skin-to-skin contact with someone
sides of the breasts (in women), and on the
genitals (in men). who has scabies, as well as with his or her
personal items. Those infected with scabies
Health Care Education
should use care to avoid spreading the mites to as the elbows; facial skin may flake off, and
others. significant hair loss can result
• severe itching, though a few people
experience mild itching or none at all
Who is most likely to get scabies?
• slow response to treatment compared with
The following groups of people are at higher other forms of scabies; when multiple
risk of exposure to scabies mites: treatments are ineffective, oral treatment
with the medication ivermectin may be used
• Sexually active young adults. Close skin-to-
skin contact (not specifically sexual
intercourse) makes transmission of the Who should get tested for Scabies?
scabies mites more likely.
If you can answer “YES” to any of these
• People who live or work in institutions such
questions, please see your doctor immediately
as nursing homes, homes for the
because you might be at risk for Scabies.
developmentally disabled, and prisons.
• People who live in crowded conditions. Please answer these questions honestly

• Children from developing countries. Do you have Severe itching, especially

People who have weakened immune systems, at night? Yes No
such as HIV, and those who are unable to
communicate about their physical symptoms are Currently, have you:
at risk for developing severe, difficult-to-treat - Had a rash, sometimes with skin
cases of scabies, particularly crusted sores? Yes No
(Norwegian) Scabies. This type of Scabies is
extremely contagious because of the large - Been around other family members or
number of mites found in and on the skin. Those people you are physically close with
who have certain nutritional disorders, who are also itching or who have
infectious diseases, leukemia, or weakened recently been diagnosed with
scabies? Yes No
immune systems (such as people who have
AIDS) may be susceptible to this type of
Scabies. How to kill Scabies?

Characteristics of this form of scabies include: Clothing, sheets, and towels should be washed
in hot water. Clothing should be ironed under a
• scaly, crusted sores on the hands, feet, scalp, warm iron.
face, torso, and pressure-bearing areas such

Sources: Department of Health and Human Services, January 2006, Center for Disease Control, and information available
freely on the Internet.

Disclaimer: All information provided in this flyer is posted for educational purposes only; it is not meant to be used as
medical advice. For any advice, diagnosis, and treatment consult your personal physician.

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