Dawn of War II Manual - EN
Dawn of War II Manual - EN
Dawn of War II Manual - EN
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
See Data Check Messages Report for Warning Messages.
See Runtime Message Report for Warning Messages.
Process Conditions Cold Shellside Hot Tubeside
Fluid name BFW Flue Gas
Flow rate (1000-lb/hr) 1225,9 457,58
Inlet/Outlet Y (Wt. frac vap.) 0,0000 0,1000 1,0000 1,0000
Inlet/Outlet T (Deg F) 426,02 423,83 1353,9 626,47
Inlet P/Avg (psia) 329,70 325,66 45,516 44,935
dP/Allow. (psi) 8,079 0,000 1,160 1,450
Fouling (ft2-hr-F/Btu) 0,00100 0,02996
Exchanger Performance
Shell h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1070,6 Actual U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 11,58
Tube h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 28,67 Required U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 10,69
Hot regime (--) Sens. Gas Duty (MM Btu/hr) 95,551
Cold regime (--) Flow Eff. area (ft2) 18592
EMTD (Deg F) 480,9 Overdesign (%) 8,39
Shell Geometry Baffle Geometry
TEMA type (--) NET Baffle type Double-Seg.
Shell ID (inch) 100,98 Baffle cut (Pct Dia.) 21,44
Series (--) 1 Baffle orientation (--) Perpend.
Parallel (--) 1 Central spacing (inch) 34,06
Orientation (deg) 90,00 Crosspasses (--) 12
Tube Geometry Nozzles
Tube type (--) Plain Shell inlet (inch) 16,000
Tube OD (inch) 2,00 Shell outlet (inch) 9,5598
Length (ft) 36,09 Inlet height (inch) 4,49
Pitch ratio (--) 1,2500 Outlet height (inch) 4,49
Layout (deg) 90 Tube inlet (inch) 47,205
Tubecount (--) 1033 Tube outlet (inch) 32,559
Tube Pass (--) 1
Thermal Resistance, % Velocities, ft/sec Flow Fractions
Shell 1,08 Min Max A 0,024
Tube 51,80 Tubeside 84,05 133,65 B 0,728
Fouling 45,65 Crossflow 0,62 5,64 C 0,162
Metal 1,47 Window 0,33 3,42 E 0,087
F 0,000
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Beginning Run
Running Xist Unit 1, 100
Run Completed. Solution Reached in 02:07.
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Fouling resistance based on area of side (hot): is high, but no layer thickness has been specified. The actual
pressure drop may be higher if a layer is present.
Header pipe diameter: a header pipe is not necessary for this geometry. The value entered will be ignored.
Header pipe diameter: a header pipe is not necessary for this geometry. The value entered will be ignored.
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Bundle exit velocity exceeds 80% of critical velocity, indicating that fluidelastic instability and flow-induced vibration
damage are possible. Fluidelastic instability can lead to large amplitude vibration and tube damage.
A high fouling resistance was specified on the tube side, but no fouling layer was specified. Use the calculated
pressure drop with caution.
The areas in the window for multi-segmental baffles are not equal. Check the specified baffle cut and overlap. The
program uses the average window area for calculating shellside pressure drop and heat transfer.
The inlet baffle spacing is less than the recommended minimum spacing. Check the design. This condition may lead
to problems when the exchanger is built.
The outlet baffle spacing is less than the recommended minimum spacing. Check the design. This condition may
lead to problems when the exchanger is built.
The HTRI property correlations used for the cold fluid are being accessed at temperatures beyond the valid
temperature range of the correlations.
The physical properties of the hot fluid have been extrapolated beyond the valid temperature range. Check the
calculated values. The thermal analysis requires properties at bulk and skin/wall temperatures.
ASME Section VIII Div. 1 Code was used to ESTIMATE all pressure vessel dimensions and weights. The dimensions
in this report cannot be used to fabricate the vessel.
The tubeside design temperature used is less than the tubeside fluid process temperatures.
Shell diameter is larger than TEMA RCB-3.13 addresses for minimum wall thickness - using largest minimum
thickness value instead.
Channel diameter is larger than TEMA RCB-3.13 addresses for minimum wall thickness - using largest minimum
thickness value instead.
The TEMA required minimum tubesheet thickness is used in the case because the tubesheet thickness calculated by
the UHX 14 method is less than the minimum.
Shell Cover diameter is larger than TEMA RCB-3.13 addresses for minimum wall thickness - using largest minimum
thickness value instead.
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Process Data Cold Shellside Hot Tubeside
Fluid name BFW Flue Gas
Fluid condition Boil. Liquid Sens. Gas
Total flow rate (1000-lb/hr) 1225,9 457,58
Weight fraction vapor, In/Out (--) 0,0000 0,1000 1,0000 1,0000
Temperature, In/Out (Deg F) 426,02 423,83 1353,9 626,47
Skin temperature, Min/Max (Deg F) 427,61 431,60 522,98 851,05
Wall temperature, Min/Max (Deg F) 430,52 441,91 433,48 454,99
Pressure, In/Average (psia) 329,70 325,66 45,516 44,935
Pressure drop, Total/Allowed (psi) 8,079 1,160 1,450
Velocity, Mid/Max allow (ft/sec) 2,43 103,05
Boiling range/Mole fraction inert (Deg F) 2,99e-3 0,0000
Average film coef. (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1070,6 28,67
Heat transfer safety factor (--) 1,0000 1,0000
Fouling resistance (ft2-hr-F/Btu) 0,00100 0,02996
Overall Performance Data
Overall coef., Reqd/Clean/Actual (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 10,69 / 21,32 / 11,58
Heat duty, Calculated/Specified (MM Btu/hr) 95,551 /
Effective overall temperature difference (Deg F) 480,9
EMTD = (MTD) * (DELTA) * (F/G/H) (Deg F) 480,88 * 1,0000 * 1,0000
Liquid static head, Required/Specified (ft) 25,81 /
Tube Information
Tube type Plain Tubecount per shell 1033
Overall length (ft) 36,09 Pct tubes removed (none)
Effective length (ft) 34,373 Outside diameter (inch) 2,0000
Total tubesheet (inch) 20,59 Wall thickness (inch) 0,2200
Area ratio (out/in) 1,2821 Pitch (inch) 2,5000 Ratio 1,2500
Tube metal Chrome-moly steel (1 Cr, 0.5 Mo) Tube pattern (deg) 90
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Performance
Nom vel, X-flow/window 1,94 / 1,73
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Externally Enhanced Tube Geometry Internally Enhanced Tube Geometry
Type Plain Type None
Fin density (fin/inch) Thickness (inch)
Fin height (inch) Pitch (L/D)
Fin thickness (inch)
Root diameter (inch)
Area/length (ft2/ft)
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Flow Region 1 1225,9 1000-lb/hr
Point number (--) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Shell pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (inch) 412,48 391,94 354,37 320,32 286,26 252,21
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0,0000 0,0022 0,0067 0,0113 0,0165 0,0224
Bulk temperature (F) 426,02 425,98 425,70 425,47 425,26 425,06
Skin temperature (F) 429,16 428,88 428,80 428,77 428,78
Wall metal temperature (F) 431,49 431,59 431,90 432,31 432,83
MTD (F) 216,5 249,0 282,7 321,0 364,4
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (F) 4,67e-1 5,02e-1 5,38e-1 5,75e-1 6,16e-1
Delta MTD correction (--) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
Pressure (psia) 329,70 329,10 328,11 327,31 326,56 325,86
Pressure drop (psi) 0,046 1,149 0,837 0,771 0,719 0,676
Friction loss (psi) 3,42e-3 7,24e-3 8,30e-3 9,45e-3 0,011
Static head loss (psi) 1,145 0,828 0,762 0,709 0,664
Momentum loss (psi) 8,27e-4 1,06e-3 1,10e-3 1,13e-3 1,21e-3
Crossflow velocity (ft/sec) 0,63 0,97 1,20 1,45 1,74
Longitudinal velocity (ft/sec) 0,36 0,71 0,87 1,05 1,26
Shear stress at tube wall
Crossflow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Longitudinal flow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Area (ft2) 1851,5 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0
Cumulative area (ft2) 1851,5 3386,5 4921,5 6456,4 7991,4
Duty (MM Btu/hr) 4,1348 3,9656 4,5288 5,1736 5,9127
Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 4,1348 8,1004 12,629 17,803 23,715
Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 2233,2 2583,5 2950,4 3370,5 3852,0
Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 2418,0 2797,7 3195,2 3650,3 4171,9
Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 394147 228563 177388 150218 133551
Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 11,17 11,24 11,31 11,38 11,46
Shellside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 727,54 847,18 924,90 1001,3 1079,8
Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 289,55 315,63 314,51 313,25 311,84
Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1,96 4,26 6,18 8,22 10,13
Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 90,46 91,68 106,03 125,00 148,36
Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 334,89 410,74 445,04 477,75 510,27
Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 247,86 296,09 325,79 351,28 374,68
Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 69,66 69,81 70,63 71,60 72,66
Local Reynolds (--) 69054 48186 63714 63801 63921 64073
Vapor Reynolds (--) 0,0000 868,38 3278,7 5495,3 7997,2 10827
Liquid Reynolds (--) 69054 48052 63149 62813 62443 62032
Vapor Prandtl (--) 1,1531 1,1523 1,1518 1,1513 1,1509 1,1505
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0,8641 0,8638 0,8641 0,8644 0,8646 0,8648
Flow regime param. (--) 5,5669 2,4045 1,8333 1,5086 1,2890
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--) Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Flow Region 1
Point number (--) 7 8 9 10 11 12
Shell pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (inch) 218,15 184,10 150,04 115,99 81,933 47,878
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0,0291 0,0367 0,0454 0,0552 0,0664 0,0792
Bulk temperature (F) 424,87 424,69 424,52 424,36 424,20 424,05
Skin temperature (F) 428,82 428,92 429,44 430,14 430,64 430,85
Wall metal temperature (F) 433,45 434,21 435,49 437,06 438,56 439,91
MTD (F) 413,8 469,8 533,4 605,5 687,1 779,6
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (F) 6,59e-1 7,06e-1 7,55e-1 8,08e-1 8,65e-1 9,26e-1
Delta MTD correction (--) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
Pressure (psia) 325,21 324,58 323,99 323,43 322,89 322,37
Pressure drop (psi) 0,637 0,607 0,578 0,552 0,527 0,504
Friction loss (psi) 0,012 0,014 0,015 0,017 0,019 0,022
Static head loss (psi) 0,624 0,592 0,561 0,533 0,505 0,479
Momentum loss (psi) 1,26e-3 1,42e-3 1,67e-3 1,99e-3 2,40e-3 3,02e-3
Crossflow velocity (ft/sec) 2,06 2,43 2,85 3,34 3,89 4,51
Longitudinal velocity (ft/sec) 1,50 1,77 2,07 2,42 2,82 3,28
Shear stress at tube wall
Crossflow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Longitudinal flow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Area (ft2) 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0
Cumulative area (ft2) 9526,4 11061 12596 14131 15666 17201
Duty (MM Btu/hr) 6,7603 7,7322 8,8395 10,105 11,559 13,227
Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 30,476 38,208 47,047 57,153 68,712 81,940
Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 4404,2 5037,4 5758,8 6583,6 7530,6 8617,4
Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 4770,0 5455,8 6237,0 7130,2 8155,8 9332,6
Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 122462 114680 109030 104847 101718 99376
Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 11,54 11,62 11,70 11,79 11,88 11,98
Shellside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1162,1 1242,8 1222,7 1190,3 1222,5 1325,4
Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 310,24 308,44 306,38 304,05 301,40 298,37
Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 12,11 14,61 16,58 18,65 20,83 23,15
Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 176,28 211,10 292,60 397,90 486,88 549,67
Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 543,35 577,52 613,21 650,74 690,44 732,67
Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 396,94 410,81 273,15 96,13 0,00 0,00
Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 73,78 75,00 77,84 80,96 83,14 84,30
Local Reynolds (--) 64262 64492 64770 65104 65503 65980
Vapor Reynolds (--) 14033 17675 21820 26538 31912 38040
Liquid Reynolds (--) 61573 61058 60478 59823 59084 58246
Vapor Prandtl (--) 1,1502 1,1498 1,1495 1,1492 1,1489 1,1486
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0,8650 0,8652 0,8654 0,8656 0,8657 0,8659
Flow regime param. (--) 1,1261 0,9979 0,8930 0,8046 0,7287 0,6623
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--) Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Shellside Flow Region 1
Point number (--) 13 14
Shell pass (--) 1 1
Length from tube inlet (inch) 15,425 0,0000
Mass fraction vapor (--) 0,0930 0,1000
Bulk temperature (F) 423,92 423,83
Skin temperature (F) 431,01
Wall metal temperature (F) 441,33
MTD (F) 879,0
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (F) 9,88e-1
Delta MTD correction (--) 1,0000
Pressure (psia) 321,90 321,62
Pressure drop (psi) 0,433 0,043
Friction loss (psi) 0,024
Static head loss (psi) 0,405
Momentum loss (psi) 4,00e-3
Crossflow velocity (ft/sec) 5,60
Longitudinal velocity (ft/sec) 3,23
Shear stress at tube wall
Crossflow (psi) 0,000
Longitudinal flow (psi) 0,000
Area (ft2) 1390,5
Cumulative area (ft2) 18592
Duty (MM Btu/hr) 13,611
Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 95,551
Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 9788,5
Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 10601
Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 98307
Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 12,07
Shellside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1447,2
Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 308,21
Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 26,54
Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 605,59
Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 808,32
Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 85,16
Local Reynolds (--) 59563 97063
Vapor Reynolds (--) 39949 69233
Liquid Reynolds (--) 51358 82783
Vapor Prandtl (--) 1,1484 1,1487
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0,8661 0,8665
Flow regime param. (--) 0,5590
Condensate regime (--)
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--) Flow
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tube Pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (inch) 0,0000 15,425 47,878 81,933 115,99 150,04
Mass fraction vapor (--) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
Bulk temperature (F) 1353,9 1304,0 1204,8 1112,3 1030,7 958,67
Skin temperature (F) 850,73 799,33 752,66 711,67 675,70
Wall metal temperature (F) 454,41 451,39 448,59 445,83 443,17
MTD (F) 879,0 779,6 687,1 605,5 533,4
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (F)
Pressure (psia) 45,516 45,255 45,188 45,125 45,065 45,008
Pressure drop (psi) 0,172 0,089 0,067 0,063 0,060 0,057
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (psi) 0,096 0,074 0,069 0,065 0,061
Static head loss (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Momentum loss (psi) -7,2e-3 -7,2e-3 -6,3e-3 -5,6e-3 -4,9e-3
Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 133,65 126,44 119,47 113,32 107,89
Average velocity (ft/sec) 133,64 126,42 119,45 113,29 107,85
Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 9,08e-4 8,50e-4 7,95e-4 7,47e-4 7,04e-4
Area (ft2) 1390,5 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0
Cumulative area (ft2) 1390,5 2925,5 4460,5 5995,4 7530,4
Duty (MM Btu/hr) 13,611 13,227 11,559 10,105 8,8395
Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 13,611 26,839 38,398 48,503 57,343
Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 9788,5 8617,4 7530,6 6583,6 5758,8
Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 10601 9332,6 8155,8 7130,2 6237,0
Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 12,07 11,98 11,88 11,79 11,70
Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 30,90 30,49 30,04 29,60 29,17
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 30,90 30,49 30,04 29,60 29,17
Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Local Reynolds (--) 42454 42472 44561 46735 48809 50775
Vapor Reynolds (--) 41958 42472 44561 46735 48809 50775
Liquid Reynolds (--) 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0,7837 0,7812 0,7721 0,7644 0,7586 0,7544
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000
Grashof (--) 124781 136531 149237 160547 170068
Richardson (--) 6,92e-5 6,88e-5 6,83e-5 6,74e-5 6,60e-5
Flow regime param. (--) 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000
Condensate regime (--) Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--)
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tube Pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Length from tube inlet (inch) 184,10 218,15 252,21 286,26 320,32 354,37
Mass fraction vapor (--) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
Bulk temperature (F) 895,16 839,23 790,01 746,69 708,58 675,05
Skin temperature (F) 644,33 617,17 593,51 572,90 554,95 539,32
Wall metal temperature (F) 440,93 439,32 437,96 436,80 435,83 435,04
MTD (F) 469,8 413,8 364,4 321,0 282,7 249,0
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (F)
Pressure (psia) 44,954 44,903 44,853 44,806 44,759 44,715
Pressure drop (psi) 0,054 0,052 0,050 0,048 0,046 0,045
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (psi) 0,058 0,055 0,053 0,051 0,049 0,047
Static head loss (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Momentum loss (psi) -4,4e-3 -3,8e-3 -3,4e-3 -3,0e-3 -2,6e-3 -2,3e-3
Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 103,09 98,86 95,14 91,87 88,99 86,46
Average velocity (ft/sec) 103,05 98,82 95,10 91,82 88,94 86,41
Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 6,67e-4 6,35e-4 6,06e-4 5,81e-4 5,59e-4 5,40e-4
Area (ft2) 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0 1535,0
Cumulative area (ft2) 9065,4 10600 12135 13670 15205 16740
Duty (MM Btu/hr) 7,7322 6,7603 5,9127 5,1736 4,5288 3,9656
Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 65,075 71,835 77,748 82,922 87,450 91,416
Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 5037,4 4404,2 3852,0 3370,5 2950,4 2583,5
Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 5455,8 4770,0 4171,9 3650,3 3195,2 2797,7
Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 11,62 11,54 11,46 11,38 11,31 11,24
Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 28,78 28,41 28,07 27,76 27,48 27,22
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 28,78 28,41 28,07 27,76 27,48 27,22
Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Local Reynolds (--) 52627 54362 55978 57477 58863 60140
Vapor Reynolds (--) 52627 54362 55978 57477 58863 60140
Liquid Reynolds (--) 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0,7514 0,7493 0,7479 0,7471 0,7467 0,7465
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000
Grashof (--) 177416 182315 184762 184846 182705 178542
Richardson (--) 6,41e-5 6,17e-5 5,90e-5 5,60e-5 5,27e-5 4,94e-5
Flow regime param. (--) 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000
Condensate regime (--) Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas Sens Gas
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--)
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Point number (--) 13 14
Tube Pass (--) 1 1
Length from tube inlet (inch) 391,94 412,48
Mass fraction vapor (--) 1,0000 1,0000
Bulk temperature (F) 642,92 626,47
Skin temperature (F) 523,99
Wall metal temperature (F) 434,45
MTD (F) 216,5
Superheat for Onset of Nucleate Boiling (F)
Pressure (psia) 44,648 44,355
Pressure drop (psi) 0,067 0,293
Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
Friction loss (psi) 0,069
Static head loss (psi) 0,000
Momentum loss (psi) -2,4e-3
Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 84,14
Average velocity (ft/sec) 84,09
Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 5,25e-4
Area (ft2) 1851,5
Cumulative area (ft2) 18592
Duty (MM Btu/hr) 4,1348
Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 95,551
Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 2233,2
Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 2418,0
Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 11,17
Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 27,00
Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 27,00
Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00
Local Reynolds (--) 61364 61339
Vapor Reynolds (--) 61364 61664
Liquid Reynolds (--) 0,0000 0,0000
Vapor Prandtl (--) 0,7465 0,7466
Liquid Prandtl (--) 0,0000 0,0000
Grashof (--) 169896
Richardson (--) 4,51e-5
Flow regime param. (--) 0,0000
Condensate regime (--) Sens Gas
Boiling flow regime (--)
Boiling mechanism (--)
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Shellside condition Boil. Liquid (Level 2,3000)
Axial stress loading (1000-psi) 0,000 Added mass factor 1,517
Beta 2,570
Position In The Bundle Inlet Center Outlet
Length for natural frequency (ft) 6,261 5,676 5,409
Length/TEMA maximum span (--) 0,601 0,545 0,519
Number of spans (--) 6 7 6
Tube natural frequency (Hz) 28,3 + 31,4 33,0
Shell acoustic frequency (Hz) 0,0 0,0 0,0
Flow Velocities Inlet Center Outlet
Window parallel velocity (ft/sec) 0,45 1,71 3,84
Bundle crossflow velocity (ft/sec) 0,55 2,58 6,24
Bundle/shell velocity (ft/sec) 0,26 0,97 2,34
Fluidelastic Instability Check Inlet Center Outlet
Log decrement HTRI 0,100 0,180 0,111
Critical velocity (ft/sec) 7,64 21,39 26,89
Baffle tip cross velocity ratio (--) 0,0753 0,1253 0,2414
Average crossflow velocity ratio (--) 0,0724 0,1204 0,2320
Acoustic Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,000 0,000 0,000
Chen number (--) 0 0 0
Turbulent buffeting ratio (--) 0,000 0,000 0,000
Tube Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,049 0,227 0,549
Parallel flow amplitude (inch) 0,0000 0,0000 0,0001
Crossflow amplitude (inch) 0,0002 0,0008 0,0023
Tube gap (inch) 0,5000 0,5000 0,5000
Crossflow RHO-V-SQ (lb/ft-sec2) 16,06 92,31 241,27
Bundle Entrance/Exit
(analysis at first tube row) Entrance Exit
Fluidelastic instability ratio (--) 0,247 0,886 *
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,166 2,098
Crossflow amplitude (inch) 0,00230 0,02035
Crossflow velocity (ft/sec) 1,89 23,83 *
Tubesheet to inlet/outlet support (inch) None None
Shell Entrance/Exit Parameters Entrance Exit
Impingement device None --
Flow area (ft2) 1,845 1,031
Velocity (ft/sec) 1,76 6,66
RHO-V-SQ (lb/ft-sec2) 162,03 274,79
Shell type NET Baffle type Double-Seg.
Tube type Plain Baffle layout Perpend.
Pitch ratio 1,2500 Tube diameter, (inch) 2,0000
Layout angle 90 Tube material Chrome-moly steel (1 Cr, 0.5 Mo)
Number U-Bend supports Supports/baffle space 0
Use deresonating baffles No
Program Messages
+ Frequency ratios are based upon lowest natural or acoustic frequency
* Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design. Review your case
using the procedure described in Online Help; You may find that a vibration problem is unlikely.
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
*** Boiling Side Piping Data *** Inlet Outlet
Total piping pressure drop (psi) 0,058 1,282
Static pressure loss (psi) 1,307
Exit pipe choke ratio (--) 0,0050
Inlet valve pressure drop (psi) 0,000
Main Pipe
- Diameter (inch) 17,938 27,000
- Number of lines (--) 2 8
- Length (ft) 3,281 3,281
- Height above shell (ft) 9,843
- Fitting allowance (ft) 101,65 76,500
- Contraction loss from tower (psi) 0,029
- Expansion loss into tower (psi) 0,000
- Frictional loss in pipe (psi) 4,50e-4 2,02e-5
- Frictional loss in fittings (psi) 0,014 4,72e-4
Header Pipe
- Diameter (inch) 0,0000 0,0000
- Length (ft) 39,370 39,370
- Fitting allowance (ft) 0,000 0,000
- Height above shell (ft) 0,000
- Contraction/expansion loss (psi) 0,000 0,000
- Frictional loss in pipe (psi) 0,000 0,000
- Frictional loss in fittings (psi) 0,000 0,000
Nozzle Pipe
- Diameter (inch) 16,000 9,5598
- Number at each position (--) 2 8
- Pipe length (ft) 0,984 0,984
- Vapor RHO-V2 (lb/ft-sec2) 105,12
- Exit vertical header height (ft) 0,000
- Contraction/expansion loss (psi) 0,014 -0,028
- Frictional loss in pipe (psi) 2,35e-4 2,71e-3
Exit Vertical Pipe Flow Regime (Estimated)
- J.R. Fair flow map Bubble flow
- A.E. Dukler flow map Churn flow
Thermosiphon Process Conditions Column / Inlet / Outlet / Column
- Temperature (F) 426,02 / 426,02 / 423,83 / 423,46
- Weight fraction vapor (--) 0,0000 / 0,000 / 0,100 / 0,1005
- Pressure (psia) 320,34 / 329,70 / 321,62 / 320,34
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Tubeside (Flue Gas)
Property package VMGThermo + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 44,065) (P2= 44,791) (P3= 45,516)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature, (F) 1 1353,9 1328,8 1303,7 1278,5 1253,3 1227,9 1202,5 1177,1 1151,5 1125,9
2 1353,9 1328,8 1303,7 1278,5 1253,3 1227,9 1202,5 1177,1 1151,5 1125,9
3 1353,9 1328,8 1303,7 1278,5 1253,3 1227,9 1202,5 1177,1 1151,5 1125,9
Heat duty/flow rate, (Btu/lb) 1 0,0000 7,4790 14,958 22,437 29,916 37,395 44,874 52,353 59,832 67,311
2 0,0000 7,4790 14,958 22,437 29,916 37,395 44,875 52,354 59,833 67,312
3 0,0000 7,4790 14,958 22,437 29,916 37,396 44,875 52,354 59,833 67,313
Weight fraction vapor 1 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
2 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
3 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
Vapor Properties
Density, (lb/ft3) 1 0,0665 0,0674 0,0684 0,0694 0,0704 0,0715 0,0726 0,0737 0,0749 0,0761
2 0,0676 0,0685 0,0695 0,0705 0,0716 0,0726 0,0738 0,0749 0,0761 0,0773
3 0,0687 0,0697 0,0706 0,0717 0,0727 0,0738 0,0749 0,0761 0,0773 0,0786
Viscosity, (cP) 1 0,0427 0,0422 0,0417 0,0412 0,0407 0,0402 0,0397 0,0392 0,0387 0,0382
2 0,0427 0,0422 0,0417 0,0412 0,0407 0,0402 0,0397 0,0392 0,0387 0,0382
3 0,0427 0,0422 0,0417 0,0412 0,0407 0,0402 0,0397 0,0392 0,0387 0,0382
Thermal conductivity, (Btu/hr-ft-F) 1 0,0394 0,0390 0,0385 0,0381 0,0376 0,0372 0,0367 0,0363 0,0358 0,0353
2 0,0394 0,0390 0,0385 0,0381 0,0376 0,0372 0,0367 0,0363 0,0358 0,0353
3 0,0394 0,0390 0,0385 0,0381 0,0376 0,0372 0,0367 0,0363 0,0358 0,0353
Enthalpy, (Btu/lb) 1 0,0000 -7,478 -14,96 -22,44 -29,92 -37,39 -44,88 -52,35 -59,83 -67,31
2 0,0000 -7,478 -14,96 -22,44 -29,92 -37,39 -44,88 -52,35 -59,83 -67,31
3 0,0000 -7,478 -14,96 -22,44 -29,92 -37,40 -44,88 -52,35 -59,83 -67,31
Specific heat, (Btu/lb-F) 1 0,2987 0,2979 0,2972 0,2964 0,2957 0,2949 0,2941 0,2933 0,2925 0,2917
2 0,2987 0,2979 0,2972 0,2964 0,2957 0,2949 0,2941 0,2934 0,2926 0,2917
3 0,2987 0,2979 0,2972 0,2964 0,2957 0,2949 0,2941 0,2934 0,2926 0,2917
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Tubeside (Flue Gas)
Property package VMGThermo + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 44,065) (P2= 44,791) (P3= 45,516)
(P) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Temperature, (F) 1 1100,3 1074,5 1048,7 1022,8 996,84 970,79 944,66 918,45 892,15 865,78
2 1100,3 1074,5 1048,7 1022,8 996,84 970,79 944,66 918,45 892,15 865,77
3 1100,3 1074,5 1048,7 1022,8 996,83 970,78 944,66 918,44 892,15 865,77
Heat duty/flow rate, (Btu/lb) 1 74,790 82,269 89,748 97,227 104,71 112,19 119,66 127,14 134,62 142,10
2 74,791 82,270 89,749 97,228 104,71 112,19 119,67 127,15 134,62 142,10
3 74,792 82,271 89,750 97,230 104,71 112,19 119,67 127,15 134,62 142,10
Weight fraction vapor 1 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
2 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
3 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
Vapor Properties
Density, (lb/ft3) 1 0,0773 0,0786 0,0800 0,0814 0,0828 0,0843 0,0859 0,0875 0,0892 0,0910
2 0,0786 0,0799 0,0813 0,0827 0,0842 0,0857 0,0873 0,0890 0,0907 0,0925
3 0,0799 0,0812 0,0826 0,0840 0,0855 0,0871 0,0887 0,0904 0,0922 0,0940
Viscosity, (cP) 1 0,0377 0,0372 0,0367 0,0362 0,0357 0,0352 0,0347 0,0342 0,0337 0,0333
2 0,0377 0,0372 0,0367 0,0362 0,0357 0,0352 0,0347 0,0342 0,0337 0,0333
3 0,0377 0,0372 0,0367 0,0362 0,0357 0,0352 0,0347 0,0342 0,0337 0,0333
Thermal conductivity, (Btu/hr-ft-F) 1 0,0349 0,0344 0,0339 0,0334 0,0329 0,0324 0,0319 0,0314 0,0309 0,0304
2 0,0349 0,0344 0,0339 0,0334 0,0329 0,0324 0,0319 0,0314 0,0309 0,0304
3 0,0349 0,0344 0,0339 0,0334 0,0329 0,0324 0,0319 0,0314 0,0309 0,0304
Enthalpy, (Btu/lb) 1 -74,79 -82,27 -89,75 -97,23 -104,7 -112,2 -119,7 -127,1 -134,6 -142,1
2 -74,79 -82,27 -89,75 -97,23 -104,7 -112,2 -119,7 -127,1 -134,6 -142,1
3 -74,79 -82,27 -89,75 -97,23 -104,7 -112,2 -119,7 -127,1 -134,6 -142,1
Specific heat, (Btu/lb-F) 1 0,2909 0,2901 0,2892 0,2884 0,2875 0,2867 0,2858 0,2849 0,2840 0,2831
2 0,2909 0,2901 0,2893 0,2884 0,2875 0,2867 0,2858 0,2849 0,2840 0,2831
3 0,2909 0,2901 0,2893 0,2884 0,2875 0,2867 0,2858 0,2849 0,2840 0,2831
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Hot Tubeside (Flue Gas)
Property package VMGThermo + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 44,065) (P2= 44,791) (P3= 45,516)
(P) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Temperature, (F) 1 839,31 812,76 786,12 759,39 732,56 705,65 678,63 651,52 624,31 597,00
2 839,31 812,76 786,12 759,39 732,56 705,64 678,63 651,52 624,31 597,00
3 839,31 812,76 786,11 759,38 732,56 705,64 678,63 651,52 624,31 597,00
Heat duty/flow rate, (Btu/lb) 1 149,58 157,06 164,54 172,02 179,50 186,97 194,45 201,93 209,41 216,89
2 149,58 157,06 164,54 172,02 179,50 186,98 194,46 201,93 209,41 216,89
3 149,58 157,06 164,54 172,02 179,50 186,98 194,46 201,94 209,42 216,90
Weight fraction vapor 1 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
2 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
3 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
Vapor Properties
Density, (lb/ft3) 1 0,0929 0,0948 0,0968 0,0990 0,1012 0,1035 0,1060 0,1086 0,1113 0,1142
2 0,0944 0,0964 0,0984 0,1006 0,1028 0,1052 0,1077 0,1104 0,1131 0,1161
3 0,0959 0,0979 0,1000 0,1022 0,1045 0,1069 0,1095 0,1122 0,1150 0,1180
Viscosity, (cP) 1 0,0328 0,0323 0,0318 0,0313 0,0308 0,0303 0,0297 0,0292 0,0287 0,0282
2 0,0328 0,0323 0,0318 0,0313 0,0308 0,0303 0,0297 0,0292 0,0287 0,0282
3 0,0328 0,0323 0,0318 0,0313 0,0308 0,0303 0,0298 0,0292 0,0287 0,0282
Thermal conductivity, (Btu/hr-ft-F) 1 0,0299 0,0293 0,0288 0,0283 0,0277 0,0272 0,0267 0,0261 0,0255 0,0250
2 0,0299 0,0293 0,0288 0,0283 0,0277 0,0272 0,0267 0,0261 0,0255 0,0250
3 0,0299 0,0293 0,0288 0,0283 0,0277 0,0272 0,0267 0,0261 0,0256 0,0250
Enthalpy, (Btu/lb) 1 -149,6 -157,1 -164,5 -172,0 -179,5 -187,0 -194,5 -201,9 -209,4 -216,9
2 -149,6 -157,1 -164,5 -172,0 -179,5 -187,0 -194,5 -201,9 -209,4 -216,9
3 -149,6 -157,1 -164,5 -172,0 -179,5 -187,0 -194,5 -201,9 -209,4 -216,9
Specific heat, (Btu/lb-F) 1 0,2821 0,2812 0,2803 0,2793 0,2783 0,2774 0,2764 0,2754 0,2744 0,2733
2 0,2821 0,2812 0,2803 0,2793 0,2783 0,2774 0,2764 0,2754 0,2744 0,2734
3 0,2822 0,2812 0,2803 0,2793 0,2783 0,2774 0,2764 0,2754 0,2744 0,2734
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Shellside (BFW)
Property package HTRI + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 315,20) (P2= 316,51) (P3= 317,83) (P4= 319,15) (P5= 320,47) (P6= 321,79)
(P7= 323,11) (P8= 324,43) (P9= 325,74) (P10= 327,06) (P11= 328,38) (P12= 329,70)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature, (F) 1 426,15 421,96 421,96 421,96 421,96 421,96 421,96 421,96 421,96 421,96
2 426,15 422,35 422,35 422,35 422,35 422,35 422,35 422,35 422,35 422,35
3 426,15 422,73 422,73 422,73 422,73 422,73 422,73 422,73 422,73 421,96
4 426,15 423,12 423,12 423,12 423,12 423,12 423,12 423,12 423,12 421,96
5 426,15 423,50 423,50 423,50 423,50 423,50 423,50 423,50 423,50 421,96
6 426,15 423,89 423,89 423,88 423,88 423,88 423,88 423,88 423,88 421,96
7 426,15 424,27 424,27 424,27 424,26 424,26 424,26 424,26 424,26 421,96
8 426,15 424,65 424,64 424,64 424,64 424,64 424,64 424,64 424,64 421,96
9 426,15 425,02 425,02 425,02 425,02 425,02 425,02 425,02 425,02 421,96
10 426,15 425,40 425,40 425,40 425,40 425,40 425,40 425,40 425,40 421,96
11 425,78 425,78 425,78 425,78 425,78 425,78 425,78 425,78 425,78 421,96
12 426,15 426,15 426,15 426,15 426,15 426,15 425,11 424,06 423,01 421,96
Heat duty/flow rate, (Btu/lb) 1 -5643 -5646 -5732 -5817 -5903 -5988 -6074 -6159 -6245 -6331
2 -5643 -5646 -5747 -5847 -5948 -6048 -6149 -6250 -6350 -6451
3 -5643 -5646 -5761 -5876 -5991 -6106 -6221 -6336 -6451 -6451
4 -5644 -5646 -5761 -5876 -5991 -6105 -6220 -6335 -6450 -6451
5 -5644 -5646 -5761 -5875 -5990 -6105 -6220 -6335 -6450 -6451
6 -5644 -5646 -5761 -5875 -5990 -6105 -6220 -6334 -6449 -6451
7 -5644 -5646 -5760 -5875 -5990 -6105 -6219 -6334 -6449 -6451
8 -5645 -5646 -5760 -5875 -5990 -6104 -6219 -6334 -6448 -6451
9 -5645 -5646 -5760 -5875 -5990 -6104 -6219 -6333 -6448 -6451
10 -5645 -5646 -5760 -5875 -5989 -6104 -6218 -6333 -6448 -6451
11 -5646 -5746 -5846 -5946 -6046 -6147 -6247 -6347 -6447 -6451
12 -5646 -5806 -5966 -6126 -6287 -6447 -6448 -6449 -6450 -6451
Weight fraction vapor 1 1,0000 1,0000 0,8937 0,7875 0,6812 0,5750 0,4688 0,3625 0,2562 0,1500
2 1,0000 1,0000 0,8750 0,7500 0,6250 0,5000 0,3750 0,2500 0,1250 0,0000
3 1,0000 1,0000 0,8571 0,7143 0,5714 0,4286 0,2857 0,1428 0,0000 0,0000
4 1,0000 1,0000 0,8571 0,7143 0,5714 0,4286 0,2857 0,1429 0,0000 0,0000
5 1,0000 1,0000 0,8571 0,7143 0,5714 0,4286 0,2857 0,1429 0,0000 0,0000
6 1,0000 1,0000 0,8571 0,7143 0,5714 0,4286 0,2857 0,1429 0,0000 0,0000
7 1,0000 1,0000 0,8571 0,7143 0,5714 0,4286 0,2857 0,1429 0,0000 0,0000
8 1,0000 1,0000 0,8571 0,7143 0,5714 0,4286 0,2857 0,1429 0,0000 0,0000
9 1,0000 1,0000 0,8571 0,7143 0,5714 0,4286 0,2857 0,1429 0,0000 0,0000
10 1,0000 1,0000 0,8571 0,7143 0,5714 0,4286 0,2857 0,1429 0,0000 0,0000
11 1,0000 0,8750 0,7500 0,6250 0,5000 0,3750 0,2500 0,1250 0,0000 0,0000
12 1,0000 0,8000 0,6000 0,4000 0,2000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Shellside (BFW)
Property package HTRI + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 315,20) (P2= 316,51) (P3= 317,83) (P4= 319,15) (P5= 320,47) (P6= 321,79)
(P7= 323,11) (P8= 324,43) (P9= 325,74) (P10= 327,06) (P11= 328,38) (P12= 329,70)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vapor Properties
Density, (lb/ft3) 1 0,6746 0,6800 0,6800 0,6800 0,6800 0,6800 0,6800 0,6800 0,6800 0,6800
2 0,6779 0,6828 0,6828 0,6828 0,6828 0,6828 0,6828 0,6828 0,6828 0,6828
3 0,6812 0,6856 0,6856 0,6856 0,6856 0,6856 0,6856 0,6856 0,6856 0,6856
4 0,6844 0,6884 0,6884 0,6884 0,6884 0,6884 0,6884 0,6884 0,6884 0,6884
5 0,6877 0,6912 0,6912 0,6912 0,6912 0,6912 0,6912 0,6912 0,6912 0,6912
6 0,6910 0,6940 0,6940 0,6940 0,6940 0,6940 0,6940 0,6940 0,6940 0,6940
7 0,6943 0,6968 0,6968 0,6968 0,6968 0,6968 0,6968 0,6968 0,6968 0,6968
8 0,6976 0,6996 0,6996 0,6996 0,6996 0,6996 0,6996 0,6996 0,6996 0,6996
9 0,7009 0,7024 0,7024 0,7024 0,7024 0,7024 0,7024 0,7024 0,7024 0,7024
10 0,7042 0,7052 0,7052 0,7052 0,7052 0,7052 0,7052 0,7052 0,7052 0,7052
11 0,7080 0,7080 0,7080 0,7080 0,7080 0,7080 0,7080 0,7080 0,7080 0,7080
12 0,7108 0,7108 0,7108 0,7108 0,7108 0,7108 0,7108 0,7108 0,7108 0,7108
Viscosity, (cP) 1 0,0164 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163
2 0,0164 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163
3 0,0164 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163
4 0,0164 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163
5 0,0164 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163
6 0,0164 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163
7 0,0164 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163
8 0,0164 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163 0,0163
9 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164
10 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164
11 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164
12 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164 0,0164
Thermal conductivity, (Btu/hr-ft-F) 1 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251
2 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251 0,0251
3 0,0251 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252
4 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252
5 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252
6 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252 0,0252
7 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253
8 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253
9 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253
10 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253 0,0253
11 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254
12 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254 0,0254
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Shellside (BFW)
Property package HTRI + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 315,20) (P2= 316,51) (P3= 317,83) (P4= 319,15) (P5= 320,47) (P6= 321,79)
(P7= 323,11) (P8= 324,43) (P9= 325,74) (P10= 327,06) (P11= 328,38) (P12= 329,70)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vapor Properties
Enthalpy, (Btu/lb) 1 0,0000 -3,035 -3,035 -3,035 -3,035 -3,035 -3,036 -3,036 -3,036 -3,036
2 0,0000 -2,760 -2,760 -2,762 -2,762 -2,762 -2,762 -2,762 -2,762 -2,762
3 0,0000 -2,485 -2,485 -2,485 -2,487 -2,487 -2,487 -2,487 -2,488 -3,050
4 0,0000 -2,209 -2,212 -2,212 -2,212 -2,212 -2,212 -2,212 -2,212 -3,057
5 0,0000 -1,934 -1,934 -1,934 -1,934 -1,934 -1,934 -1,936 -1,936 -3,063
6 0,0000 -1,657 -1,657 -1,659 -1,659 -1,659 -1,659 -1,659 -1,659 -3,069
7 0,0000 -1,379 -1,381 -1,381 -1,383 -1,383 -1,383 -1,384 -1,384 -3,075
8 0,0000 -1,104 -1,106 -1,107 -1,107 -1,107 -1,107 -1,107 -1,107 -3,080
9 0,0000 -0,829 -0,829 -0,829 -0,829 -0,831 -0,831 -0,831 -0,831 -3,085
10 0,0000 -0,553 -0,553 -0,553 -0,553 -0,553 -0,553 -0,555 -0,555 -3,090
11 0,0000 -7,2e-4 -7,2e-4 -7,2e-4 -0,002 -0,002 -0,002 -0,002 -0,002 -2,818
12 0,0000 -7,7e-4 -0,002 -0,002 -0,002 -0,002 -0,776 -1,550 -2,325 -3,099
Specific heat, (Btu/lb-F) 1 0,7190 0,7292 0,7291 0,7292 0,7292 0,7292 0,7292 0,7292 0,7292 0,7292
2 0,7208 0,7300 0,7300 0,7300 0,7300 0,7300 0,7300 0,7300 0,7300 0,7300
3 0,7226 0,7309 0,7309 0,7309 0,7309 0,7309 0,7309 0,7309 0,7309 0,7309
4 0,7243 0,7318 0,7318 0,7318 0,7318 0,7318 0,7318 0,7318 0,7318 0,7318
5 0,7261 0,7327 0,7326 0,7327 0,7327 0,7327 0,7327 0,7327 0,7327 0,7327
6 0,7279 0,7335 0,7335 0,7335 0,7335 0,7335 0,7335 0,7335 0,7335 0,7335
7 0,7297 0,7344 0,7344 0,7344 0,7344 0,7344 0,7344 0,7344 0,7344 0,7344
8 0,7315 0,7353 0,7353 0,7353 0,7353 0,7353 0,7353 0,7353 0,7353 0,7353
9 0,7333 0,7362 0,7362 0,7361 0,7362 0,7362 0,7362 0,7361 0,7362 0,7362
10 0,7351 0,7370 0,7370 0,7370 0,7370 0,7370 0,7370 0,7370 0,7370 0,7370
11 0,7379 0,7379 0,7379 0,7379 0,7379 0,7379 0,7379 0,7379 0,7379 0,7379
12 0,7388 0,7388 0,7388 0,7388 0,7388 0,7388 0,7388 0,7388 0,7388 0,7388
Liquid Properties
Density, (lb/ft3) 1 52,725 52,725 52,725 52,725 52,725 52,725 52,725 52,725 52,725 52,725
2 52,708 52,708 52,708 52,708 52,708 52,708 52,708 52,708 52,708 52,708
3 52,691 52,691 52,691 52,691 52,691 52,691 52,691 52,691 52,691 52,726
4 52,674 52,674 52,674 52,674 52,674 52,674 52,674 52,674 52,674 52,726
5 52,657 52,657 52,657 52,657 52,657 52,657 52,657 52,658 52,657 52,727
6 52,641 52,641 52,641 52,641 52,641 52,641 52,641 52,641 52,641 52,727
7 52,624 52,624 52,624 52,624 52,624 52,624 52,624 52,624 52,624 52,728
8 52,607 52,607 52,607 52,607 52,607 52,607 52,607 52,607 52,607 52,728
9 52,591 52,591 52,591 52,590 52,591 52,591 52,591 52,590 52,591 52,729
10 52,574 52,574 52,574 52,574 52,574 52,574 52,574 52,574 52,574 52,729
11 52,557 52,557 52,557 52,557 52,558 52,557 52,557 52,557 52,558 52,730
12 52,541 52,541 52,541 52,541 52,541 52,541 52,589 52,636 52,683 52,730
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Shellside (BFW)
Property package HTRI + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 315,20) (P2= 316,51) (P3= 317,83) (P4= 319,15) (P5= 320,47) (P6= 321,79)
(P7= 323,11) (P8= 324,43) (P9= 325,74) (P10= 327,06) (P11= 328,38) (P12= 329,70)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Liquid Properties
Viscosity, (cP) 1 0,1235 0,1235 0,1235 0,1235 0,1235 0,1235 0,1235 0,1235 0,1235 0,1235
2 0,1234 0,1234 0,1234 0,1234 0,1234 0,1234 0,1234 0,1234 0,1234 0,1234
3 0,1233 0,1233 0,1233 0,1233 0,1233 0,1233 0,1233 0,1233 0,1233 0,1235
4 0,1231 0,1231 0,1231 0,1231 0,1231 0,1231 0,1231 0,1231 0,1231 0,1235
5 0,1230 0,1230 0,1230 0,1230 0,1230 0,1230 0,1230 0,1230 0,1230 0,1235
6 0,1229 0,1229 0,1229 0,1229 0,1229 0,1229 0,1229 0,1229 0,1229 0,1235
7 0,1228 0,1228 0,1228 0,1228 0,1228 0,1228 0,1228 0,1228 0,1228 0,1235
8 0,1226 0,1226 0,1226 0,1226 0,1226 0,1226 0,1226 0,1226 0,1226 0,1235
9 0,1225 0,1225 0,1225 0,1225 0,1225 0,1225 0,1225 0,1225 0,1225 0,1235
10 0,1224 0,1224 0,1224 0,1224 0,1224 0,1224 0,1224 0,1224 0,1224 0,1235
11 0,1223 0,1223 0,1223 0,1223 0,1223 0,1223 0,1223 0,1223 0,1223 0,1236
12 0,1221 0,1221 0,1221 0,1221 0,1221 0,1221 0,1225 0,1228 0,1232 0,1236
Thermal conductivity, (Btu/hr-ft-F) 1 0,3769 0,3769 0,3769 0,3769 0,3769 0,3769 0,3769 0,3769 0,3769 0,3769
2 0,3768 0,3768 0,3768 0,3768 0,3768 0,3768 0,3768 0,3768 0,3768 0,3768
3 0,3767 0,3767 0,3767 0,3767 0,3767 0,3767 0,3767 0,3767 0,3767 0,3769
4 0,3766 0,3766 0,3766 0,3766 0,3766 0,3766 0,3766 0,3766 0,3766 0,3769
5 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3769
6 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3765 0,3769
7 0,3764 0,3764 0,3764 0,3764 0,3764 0,3764 0,3764 0,3764 0,3764 0,3769
8 0,3763 0,3763 0,3763 0,3763 0,3763 0,3763 0,3763 0,3763 0,3763 0,3770
9 0,3762 0,3762 0,3762 0,3762 0,3762 0,3762 0,3762 0,3762 0,3762 0,3770
10 0,3761 0,3761 0,3761 0,3761 0,3761 0,3761 0,3761 0,3761 0,3761 0,3770
11 0,3760 0,3760 0,3760 0,3760 0,3760 0,3760 0,3760 0,3760 0,3760 0,3770
12 0,3759 0,3759 0,3759 0,3759 0,3759 0,3759 0,3762 0,3764 0,3767 0,3770
Enthalpy, (Btu/lb) 1 0,0000 -4,591 -4,591 -4,591 -4,591 -4,591 -4,592 -4,592 -4,592 -4,592
2 0,0000 -4,168 -4,168 -4,172 -4,172 -4,172 -4,172 -4,172 -4,172 -4,172
3 0,0000 -3,746 -3,748 -3,748 -3,750 -3,750 -3,750 -3,750 -3,751 -4,594
4 0,0000 -3,326 -3,330 -3,330 -3,330 -3,330 -3,330 -3,330 -3,330 -4,595
5 0,0000 -2,907 -2,907 -2,908 -2,908 -2,908 -2,908 -2,910 -2,910 -4,596
6 0,0000 -2,486 -2,486 -2,490 -2,490 -2,490 -2,490 -2,490 -2,490 -4,597
7 0,0000 -2,067 -2,070 -2,070 -2,072 -2,072 -2,072 -2,074 -2,074 -4,598
8 0,0000 -1,653 -1,655 -1,656 -1,656 -1,656 -1,657 -1,657 -1,657 -4,598
9 0,0000 -1,238 -1,238 -1,238 -1,238 -1,242 -1,242 -1,242 -1,242 -4,599
10 0,0000 -0,825 -0,825 -0,825 -0,825 -0,826 -0,826 -0,828 -0,828 -4,599
11 0,0000 -0,001 -0,001 -0,001 -0,003 -0,003 -0,003 -0,003 -0,003 -4,188
12 0,0000 -0,001 -0,003 -0,003 -0,003 -0,003 -1,153 -2,303 -3,453 -4,601
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Shellside (BFW)
Property package HTRI + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 315,20) (P2= 316,51) (P3= 317,83) (P4= 319,15) (P5= 320,47) (P6= 321,79)
(P7= 323,11) (P8= 324,43) (P9= 325,74) (P10= 327,06) (P11= 328,38) (P12= 329,70)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Liquid Properties
Specific heat, (Btu/lb-F) 1 1,0951 1,0951 1,0951 1,0951 1,0951 1,0951 1,0951 1,0951 1,0951 1,0951
2 1,0955 1,0955 1,0955 1,0955 1,0955 1,0955 1,0955 1,0955 1,0955 1,0955
3 1,0958 1,0958 1,0958 1,0958 1,0958 1,0958 1,0958 1,0958 1,0958 1,0951
4 1,0961 1,0961 1,0961 1,0961 1,0961 1,0961 1,0961 1,0961 1,0961 1,0951
5 1,0964 1,0964 1,0964 1,0964 1,0964 1,0964 1,0964 1,0964 1,0964 1,0951
6 1,0968 1,0968 1,0968 1,0968 1,0968 1,0968 1,0968 1,0968 1,0968 1,0950
7 1,0971 1,0971 1,0971 1,0971 1,0971 1,0971 1,0971 1,0971 1,0971 1,0950
8 1,0974 1,0974 1,0974 1,0974 1,0974 1,0974 1,0974 1,0974 1,0974 1,0950
9 1,0977 1,0977 1,0977 1,0977 1,0977 1,0977 1,0977 1,0977 1,0977 1,0950
10 1,0980 1,0980 1,0980 1,0980 1,0980 1,0980 1,0980 1,0980 1,0980 1,0950
11 1,0984 1,0984 1,0984 1,0984 1,0984 1,0984 1,0984 1,0984 1,0984 1,0950
12 1,0987 1,0987 1,0987 1,0987 1,0987 1,0987 1,0977 1,0968 1,0959 1,0949
Surface tension, (dyne/cm) 1 33,852 33,852 33,851 33,852 33,852 33,852 33,852 33,852 33,852 33,852
2 33,802 33,802 33,802 33,802 33,802 33,802 33,802 33,802 33,802 33,802
3 33,752 33,752 33,752 33,752 33,753 33,752 33,752 33,752 33,753 33,852
4 33,703 33,703 33,703 33,703 33,703 33,703 33,703 33,703 33,703 33,852
5 33,653 33,653 33,653 33,654 33,653 33,653 33,653 33,654 33,654 33,852
6 33,604 33,604 33,604 33,604 33,604 33,604 33,604 33,604 33,604 33,852
7 33,555 33,555 33,555 33,555 33,555 33,555 33,555 33,555 33,555 33,852
8 33,506 33,506 33,506 33,506 33,506 33,506 33,506 33,506 33,506 33,852
9 33,457 33,457 33,457 33,457 33,457 33,458 33,457 33,457 33,458 33,852
10 33,409 33,409 33,408 33,408 33,409 33,409 33,409 33,409 33,409 33,852
11 33,360 33,360 33,359 33,360 33,360 33,360 33,360 33,360 33,360 33,852
12 33,312 33,312 33,312 33,312 33,312 33,312 33,447 33,582 33,717 33,852
Critical temperature, (F) 1 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
2 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
3 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
4 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
5 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
6 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
7 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
8 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
9 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
10 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
11 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
12 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45 705,45
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Physical Properties Profile: Cold Shellside (BFW)
Property package HTRI + User specified grid
Reference pressure, (psia) (P1= 315,20) (P2= 316,51) (P3= 317,83) (P4= 319,15) (P5= 320,47) (P6= 321,79)
(P7= 323,11) (P8= 324,43) (P9= 325,74) (P10= 327,06) (P11= 328,38) (P12= 329,70)
(P) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Liquid Properties
Critical pressure, (psia) 1 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
3 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
4 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
5 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
6 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
7 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
8 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
9 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
10 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
11 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
12 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2 3208,2
Latent heat, (Btu/lb) 1 805,33 805,33 805,47 805,47 805,35 805,46 805,46 805,35 805,47 805,47
2 805,04 805,04 805,03 805,03 804,95 805,06 805,03 805,02 805,06 805,06
3 804,65 804,65 804,63 804,59 804,63 804,64 804,64 804,68 804,68 804,68
4 804,22 804,22 804,22 804,31 804,23 804,19 804,25 804,31 804,31 804,31
5 803,85 803,85 803,84 803,86 803,80 803,87 803,91 803,80 803,80 803,80
6 803,45 803,45 803,47 803,43 803,47 803,48 803,43 803,48 803,48 803,48
7 803,11 803,11 803,02 803,05 803,11 803,04 803,10 803,02 803,02 803,02
8 802,69 802,69 802,69 802,67 802,71 802,69 802,59 802,71 802,71 802,71
9 802,26 802,26 802,26 802,34 802,28 802,25 802,32 802,30 802,30 802,30
10 801,92 801,92 801,91 801,86 801,92 801,91 801,92 801,85 801,85 801,85
11 801,43 801,48 801,54 801,54 801,49 801,51 801,53 801,54 801,54 801,54
12 801,10 801,15 801,08 801,16 801,10 801,10 801,10 801,10 801,10 801,10
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Hot Tubeside Fluid Inlet Outlet
Fluid name Flue Gas
Temperature (F) 1353,9 626,47
Pressure (psia) 45,516 44,355
Weight fraction vapor (--) 1,0000 1,0000
Vapor Properties
Density (lb/ft3) 0,0687 0,1118
Viscosity (cP) 0,0427 0,0288
Conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-F) 0,0394 0,0256
Heat capacity (Btu/lb-F) 0,2987 0,2744
Molecular weight (--) -- --
Liquid Properties
Density (lb/ft3) -- --
Viscosity (cP) -- --
Conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-F) -- --
Heat capacity (Btu/lb-F) -- --
Molecular weight (--) -- --
Latent heat (Btu/lb) -- --
Surface tension (dyne/cm) -- --
Molar Composition Vapor Liquid K-Value Vapor Liquid K-Value
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Shellside Fluid Inlet Outlet
Fluid name BFW
Temperature (F) 426,02 423,83
Pressure (psia) 329,70 321,62
Weight fraction vapor (--) 0,0000 0,1000
Vapor Properties
Density (lb/ft3) 0,7108 0,6937
Viscosity (cP) 0,0164 0,0163
Conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-F) 0,0254 0,0252
Heat capacity (Btu/lb-F) 0,7388 0,7334
Molecular weight (--) 18,020 18,020
Liquid Properties
Density (lb/ft3) 52,547 52,643
Viscosity (cP) 0,1222 0,1229
Conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-F) 0,3759 0,3765
Heat capacity (Btu/lb-F) 1,0986 1,0967
Molecular weight (--) 18,020 18,020
Latent heat (Btu/lb) 801,10 803,52
Surface tension (dyne/cm) 33,329 33,610
Molar Composition Vapor Liquid K-Value Vapor Liquid K-Value
1 Water (IAPWS 1997) -- -- -- -- -- --
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Exchanger Data
Service type Thermosiphon reboiler
Run mode Rating
Hot fluid location Tubeside
Unit orientation Vertical
Number of shells in series 1
Number of shells in parallel 1
Flow in 1st tubepass Countercurrent
Train flow direction Countercurrent
Front head location Top
Construction Data
Shell material Carbon steel
Tube material Chrome-moly steel (1 Cr, 0.5 Mo)
Shellside design pressure 584,94 psig
Tubeside design pressure 55,985 psig
Shellside vacuum pressure None
Tubeside vacuum pressure None
Shellside design temperature 649,40 F
Tubeside design temperature 899,96 F
Shellside corrosion allowance 0,1250 inch
Tubeside corrosion allowance 0,1250 inch
Shellside radiography 100%
Tubeside radiography 100%
TEMA class R
Shell outside diameter 104,48 inch
Shell inside diameter 100,98 inch
Shell wall thickness 1,7500 inch
Front head outside diameter 102,11 inch
Front head inside diameter 100,98 inch
Front head thickness 0,5625 inch
Rear head outside diameter 96,859 inch
Rear head inside diameter 96,109 inch
Rear head thickness 0,3750 inch
Total tubesheet thickness 20,591 inch
Suppress mechanical calculations No
Reboiler Data
Reboiler type Thermosiphon reboiler
Reference pressure location At inlet nozzle
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Piping Inlet Data
Pipe friction factor method Smooth
Pipe roughness 7,87e-4 inch
Tube Data
Tube type Plain
Tube outside diameter 2,0000 inch
Tube wall thickness 0,2200 inch
Tube pitch 2,5000 inch
Tube pitch ratio 1,2500
Tubepasses per shell 1
Tube pattern 90 degrees
Number of tubes per shell 1033,0
Tube count method Rigorous
Tube length 36,089 ft
Tube material Chrome-moly steel (1 Cr, 0.5 Mo)
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Baffle Data
Baffle type Double segmental
Baffle orientation Perpendicular
Baffle cut percent 21,440 % shell ID
Adjust baffle cut No adjustment
Double segmental overlap 3,0000
Number of crosspasses 12
Central baffle spacing 34,055 inch
Variable baffle spacing No
Window cut from baffles No
Use deresonating baffles No
Supports Data
Floating head support type None
Include inlet vibration support No
Include outlet vibration support No
Nozzle Data
Nozzle standard 01-ANSI_B36_10.TABLE
Shell entrance type No impingement device
Shell exit type Remove tubes if TEMA requires
Inlet Outlet Liq. Outlet
Nozzle outside diameter 19,500 12,560 -- inch
Nozzle inside diameter 16,000 9,5598 -- inch
Number at this position 2 8 --
Nozzle standard 02-ANSI_B36_19.TABLE
Inlet Outlet Liq. Outlet
Nozzle outside diameter 49,205 33,809 -- inch
Nozzle inside diameter 47,205 32,559 -- inch
Number at this position 1 1 --
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Tube Layout Data
Tubepass layout Ribbon
First tubepass location Program sets
Force symmetric layout Yes
Force continuous cleaning lanes No
Force uniform layout No
Fill knock out area with dummy tubes Program set
Fill bundle periphery with dummy tubes Program set
Fill passlanes with dummy tubes Program Set
Square layout tube alignment Program set
Use crossed U-bends Program set
Use tube layout drawing as input Yes
Inlet Outlet Liq. Outlet
Height under nozzle 4,4920 4,4920 -- inch
Clearance Data
Number of seal strip pairs 2
Block A stream No
Block E stream No
Block F stream No
Number of passlane seal rods Calculated
Tubes to remove for tie rods None
Locate tie rods No
Number of tie rods 0
Tie rod outside diameter 0,6250 inch
Baffle to shell clearance 0,4375 inch
Bundle to shell clearance 8,8451 inch
Baffle clearance type TEMA
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Hot Fluid Property Data
Fluid name Flue Gas
Physical property method Combination
Temperature interpolation option Program
Flash type Integral
Quantity units Weight
Pure component condensation No
Heat release type Specific enthalpy
Property package VMGThermo
Hot Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 45,516 psia
Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor
Mass Vapor Dynamic Thermal Heat
Temp. Enthalpy Fraction Density Viscosity Cond. Capacity
F Btu/lb lb/ft3 cP Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F
1353,9 -867,1 1,0000 0,0687 0,0427 0,0394 0,2987
1328,8 -874,6 1,0000 0,0697 0,0422 0,0390 0,2979
1303,7 -882,1 1,0000 0,0706 0,0417 0,0385 0,2972
1278,5 -889,6 1,0000 0,0717 0,0412 0,0381 0,2964
1253,3 -897,1 1,0000 0,0727 0,0407 0,0376 0,2957
1227,9 -904,5 1,0000 0,0738 0,0402 0,0372 0,2949
1202,5 -912,0 1,0000 0,0749 0,0397 0,0367 0,2941
1177,1 -919,5 1,0000 0,0761 0,0392 0,0363 0,2934
1151,5 -927,0 1,0000 0,0773 0,0387 0,0358 0,2926
1125,9 -934,5 1,0000 0,0786 0,0382 0,0353 0,2917
1100,3 -941,9 1,0000 0,0799 0,0377 0,0349 0,2909
1074,5 -949,4 1,0000 0,0812 0,0372 0,0344 0,2901
1048,7 -956,9 1,0000 0,0826 0,0367 0,0339 0,2893
1022,8 -964,4 1,0000 0,0840 0,0362 0,0334 0,2884
996,84 -971,9 1,0000 0,0855 0,0357 0,0329 0,2875
970,79 -979,3 1,0000 0,0871 0,0352 0,0324 0,2867
944,66 -986,8 1,0000 0,0887 0,0347 0,0319 0,2858
918,44 -994,3 1,0000 0,0904 0,0342 0,0314 0,2849
892,15 -1002 1,0000 0,0922 0,0337 0,0309 0,2840
865,77 -1009 1,0000 0,0940 0,0333 0,0304 0,2831
839,31 -1017 1,0000 0,0959 0,0328 0,0299 0,2822
812,76 -1024 1,0000 0,0979 0,0323 0,0293 0,2812
786,11 -1032 1,0000 0,1000 0,0318 0,0288 0,2803
759,38 -1039 1,0000 0,1022 0,0313 0,0283 0,2793
732,56 -1047 1,0000 0,1045 0,0308 0,0277 0,2783
705,64 -1054 1,0000 0,1069 0,0303 0,0272 0,2774
678,63 -1062 1,0000 0,1095 0,0298 0,0267 0,2764
651,52 -1069 1,0000 0,1122 0,0292 0,0261 0,2754
624,31 -1077 1,0000 0,1150 0,0287 0,0256 0,2744
597,00 -1084 1,0000 0,1180 0,0282 0,0250 0,2734
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Hot Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 44,791 psia
Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor
Mass Vapor Dynamic Thermal Heat
Temp. Enthalpy Fraction Density Viscosity Cond. Capacity
F Btu/lb lb/ft3 cP Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F
1353,9 -867,1 1,0000 0,0676 0,0427 0,0394 0,2987
1328,8 -874,6 1,0000 0,0685 0,0422 0,0390 0,2979
1303,7 -882,1 1,0000 0,0695 0,0417 0,0385 0,2972
1278,5 -889,6 1,0000 0,0705 0,0412 0,0381 0,2964
1253,3 -897,1 1,0000 0,0716 0,0407 0,0376 0,2957
1227,9 -904,5 1,0000 0,0726 0,0402 0,0372 0,2949
1202,5 -912,0 1,0000 0,0738 0,0397 0,0367 0,2941
1177,1 -919,5 1,0000 0,0749 0,0392 0,0363 0,2934
1151,5 -927,0 1,0000 0,0761 0,0387 0,0358 0,2926
1125,9 -934,5 1,0000 0,0773 0,0382 0,0353 0,2917
1100,3 -941,9 1,0000 0,0786 0,0377 0,0349 0,2909
1074,5 -949,4 1,0000 0,0799 0,0372 0,0344 0,2901
1048,7 -956,9 1,0000 0,0813 0,0367 0,0339 0,2893
1022,8 -964,4 1,0000 0,0827 0,0362 0,0334 0,2884
996,84 -971,9 1,0000 0,0842 0,0357 0,0329 0,2875
970,79 -979,3 1,0000 0,0857 0,0352 0,0324 0,2867
944,66 -986,8 1,0000 0,0873 0,0347 0,0319 0,2858
918,45 -994,3 1,0000 0,0890 0,0342 0,0314 0,2849
892,15 -1002 1,0000 0,0907 0,0337 0,0309 0,2840
865,77 -1009 1,0000 0,0925 0,0333 0,0304 0,2831
839,31 -1017 1,0000 0,0944 0,0328 0,0299 0,2821
812,76 -1024 1,0000 0,0964 0,0323 0,0293 0,2812
786,12 -1032 1,0000 0,0984 0,0318 0,0288 0,2803
759,38 -1039 1,0000 0,1006 0,0313 0,0283 0,2793
732,56 -1047 1,0000 0,1028 0,0308 0,0277 0,2783
705,64 -1054 1,0000 0,1052 0,0303 0,0272 0,2774
678,63 -1062 1,0000 0,1077 0,0297 0,0267 0,2764
651,52 -1069 1,0000 0,1104 0,0292 0,0261 0,2754
624,31 -1077 1,0000 0,1131 0,0287 0,0255 0,2744
597,00 -1084 1,0000 0,1161 0,0282 0,0250 0,2734
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Hot Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 44,065 psia
Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor
Mass Vapor Dynamic Thermal Heat
Temp. Enthalpy Fraction Density Viscosity Cond. Capacity
F Btu/lb lb/ft3 cP Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F
1177,1 -919,5 1,0000 0,0737 0,0392 0,0363 0,2933
1151,5 -927,0 1,0000 0,0749 0,0387 0,0358 0,2925
1125,9 -934,5 1,0000 0,0761 0,0382 0,0353 0,2917
1100,3 -941,9 1,0000 0,0773 0,0377 0,0349 0,2909
1074,5 -949,4 1,0000 0,0786 0,0372 0,0344 0,2901
1048,7 -956,9 1,0000 0,0800 0,0367 0,0339 0,2892
1022,8 -964,4 1,0000 0,0814 0,0362 0,0334 0,2884
996,84 -971,9 1,0000 0,0828 0,0357 0,0329 0,2875
970,79 -979,3 1,0000 0,0843 0,0352 0,0324 0,2867
944,66 -986,8 1,0000 0,0859 0,0347 0,0319 0,2858
918,45 -994,3 1,0000 0,0875 0,0342 0,0314 0,2849
892,15 -1002 1,0000 0,0892 0,0337 0,0309 0,2840
865,78 -1009 1,0000 0,0910 0,0333 0,0304 0,2831
839,31 -1017 1,0000 0,0929 0,0328 0,0299 0,2821
812,76 -1024 1,0000 0,0948 0,0323 0,0293 0,2812
786,12 -1032 1,0000 0,0968 0,0318 0,0288 0,2803
759,39 -1039 1,0000 0,0990 0,0313 0,0283 0,2793
732,56 -1047 1,0000 0,1012 0,0308 0,0277 0,2783
705,65 -1054 1,0000 0,1035 0,0303 0,0272 0,2774
678,63 -1062 1,0000 0,1060 0,0297 0,0267 0,2764
651,52 -1069 1,0000 0,1086 0,0292 0,0261 0,2754
624,31 -1077 1,0000 0,1113 0,0287 0,0255 0,2744
597,00 -1084 1,0000 0,1142 0,0282 0,0250 0,2733
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 329,70 psia
Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Liquid
Mass Vapor Dynamic Thermal Heat Liquid Dynamic
Temp. Enthalpy Fraction Density Viscosity Cond. Capacity Density Viscosity
F Btu/lb lb/ft3 cP Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F lb/ft3 cP
426,15 -5966 0,6000 0,7108 0,0164 0,0254 0,7388 52,541 0,1221
426,15 -6126 0,4000 0,7108 0,0164 0,0254 0,7388 52,541 0,1221
426,15 -6287 0,2000 0,7108 0,0164 0,0254 0,7388 52,541 0,1221
426,15 -6447 0,0000 0,7108 0,0164 0,0254 0,7388 52,541 0,1221
425,10 -6448 0,0000 -- -- -- -- 52,589 0,1225
424,06 -6449 0,0000 -- -- -- -- 52,636 0,1228
423,01 -6450 0,0000 -- -- -- -- 52,683 0,1232
421,96 -6451 0,0000 -- -- -- -- 52,730 0,1236
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 328,38 psia
Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
Thermal Heat Surface Critical Critical
Temp. Cond. Capacity Tension Pressure Temp.
F Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F dyne/cm psia F
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,360 3208,2 705,45
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,360 3208,2 705,45
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,359 3208,2 705,45
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,360 3208,2 705,45
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,360 3208,2 705,45
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,360 3208,2 705,45
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,360 3208,2 705,45
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,360 3208,2 705,45
425,78 0,3760 1,0984 33,360 3208,2 705,45
421,96 0,3770 1,0950 33,852 3208,2 705,45
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 325,74 psia
Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Liquid
Mass Vapor Dynamic Thermal Heat Liquid Dynamic
Temp. Enthalpy Fraction Density Viscosity Cond. Capacity Density Viscosity
F Btu/lb lb/ft3 cP Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F lb/ft3 cP
426,15 -5645 1,0000 0,7009 0,0164 0,0253 0,7333 -- --
425,03 -5646 1,0000 0,7024 0,0164 0,0253 0,7362 52,591 0,1225
425,03 -5760 0,8571 0,7024 0,0164 0,0253 0,7362 52,591 0,1225
425,03 -5875 0,7143 0,7024 0,0164 0,0253 0,7361 52,590 0,1225
425,03 -5990 0,5714 0,7024 0,0164 0,0253 0,7362 52,591 0,1225
425,02 -6104 0,4286 0,7024 0,0164 0,0253 0,7362 52,591 0,1225
425,02 -6219 0,2857 0,7024 0,0164 0,0253 0,7362 52,591 0,1225
425,02 -6333 0,1429 0,7024 0,0164 0,0253 0,7361 52,590 0,1225
425,02 -6448 0,0000 0,7024 0,0164 0,0253 0,7362 52,591 0,1225
421,96 -6451 0,0000 -- -- -- -- 52,729 0,1235
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 324,43 psia
Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
Thermal Heat Surface Critical Critical
Temp. Cond. Capacity Tension Pressure Temp.
F Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F dyne/cm psia F
426,15 -- -- -- -- --
424,65 0,3763 1,0974 33,506 3208,2 705,45
424,65 0,3763 1,0974 33,506 3208,2 705,45
424,64 0,3763 1,0974 33,506 3208,2 705,45
424,64 0,3763 1,0974 33,506 3208,2 705,45
424,64 0,3763 1,0974 33,506 3208,2 705,45
424,64 0,3763 1,0974 33,506 3208,2 705,45
424,64 0,3763 1,0974 33,506 3208,2 705,45
424,64 0,3763 1,0974 33,506 3208,2 705,45
421,96 0,3770 1,0950 33,852 3208,2 705,45
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 321,79 psia
Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Liquid
Mass Vapor Dynamic Thermal Heat Liquid Dynamic
Temp. Enthalpy Fraction Density Viscosity Cond. Capacity Density Viscosity
F Btu/lb lb/ft3 cP Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F lb/ft3 cP
426,15 -5644 1,0000 0,6910 0,0164 0,0252 0,7279 -- --
423,89 -5646 1,0000 0,6940 0,0163 0,0252 0,7335 52,641 0,1229
423,89 -5761 0,8571 0,6940 0,0163 0,0252 0,7335 52,641 0,1229
423,88 -5875 0,7143 0,6940 0,0163 0,0252 0,7335 52,641 0,1229
423,88 -5990 0,5714 0,6940 0,0163 0,0252 0,7335 52,641 0,1229
423,88 -6105 0,4286 0,6940 0,0163 0,0252 0,7335 52,641 0,1229
423,88 -6220 0,2857 0,6940 0,0163 0,0252 0,7335 52,641 0,1229
423,88 -6334 0,1429 0,6940 0,0163 0,0252 0,7335 52,641 0,1229
423,88 -6449 0,0000 0,6940 0,0163 0,0252 0,7335 52,641 0,1229
421,96 -6451 0,0000 -- -- -- -- 52,727 0,1235
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 320,47 psia
Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
Thermal Heat Surface Critical Critical
Temp. Cond. Capacity Tension Pressure Temp.
F Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F dyne/cm psia F
426,15 -- -- -- -- --
423,50 0,3765 1,0964 33,653 3208,2 705,45
423,50 0,3765 1,0964 33,653 3208,2 705,45
423,50 0,3765 1,0964 33,654 3208,2 705,45
423,50 0,3765 1,0964 33,653 3208,2 705,45
423,50 0,3765 1,0964 33,653 3208,2 705,45
423,50 0,3765 1,0964 33,653 3208,2 705,45
423,50 0,3765 1,0964 33,654 3208,2 705,45
423,50 0,3765 1,0964 33,654 3208,2 705,45
421,96 0,3769 1,0951 33,852 3208,2 705,45
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 317,83 psia
Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor Liquid
Mass Vapor Dynamic Thermal Heat Liquid Dynamic
Temp. Enthalpy Fraction Density Viscosity Cond. Capacity Density Viscosity
F Btu/lb lb/ft3 cP Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F lb/ft3 cP
426,15 -5643 1,0000 0,6812 0,0164 0,0251 0,7226 -- --
422,73 -5646 1,0000 0,6856 0,0163 0,0252 0,7309 52,691 0,1233
422,73 -5761 0,8571 0,6856 0,0163 0,0252 0,7309 52,691 0,1233
422,73 -5876 0,7143 0,6856 0,0163 0,0252 0,7309 52,691 0,1233
422,73 -5991 0,5714 0,6856 0,0163 0,0252 0,7309 52,691 0,1233
422,73 -6106 0,4286 0,6856 0,0163 0,0252 0,7309 52,691 0,1233
422,73 -6221 0,2857 0,6856 0,0163 0,0252 0,7309 52,691 0,1233
422,73 -6336 0,1429 0,6856 0,0163 0,0252 0,7309 52,691 0,1233
422,73 -6451 0,0000 0,6856 0,0163 0,0252 0,7309 52,691 0,1233
421,96 -6451 0,0000 -- -- -- -- 52,726 0,1235
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Physical Property Data
Pressure Set, 316,51 psia
Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
Thermal Heat Surface Critical Critical
Temp. Cond. Capacity Tension Pressure Temp.
F Btu/hr-ft-F Btu/lb-F dyne/cm psia F
426,15 -- -- -- -- --
422,35 0,3768 1,0955 33,802 3208,2 705,45
422,35 0,3768 1,0955 33,802 3208,2 705,45
422,35 0,3768 1,0954 33,802 3208,2 705,45
422,35 0,3768 1,0954 33,802 3208,2 705,45
422,35 0,3768 1,0955 33,802 3208,2 705,45
422,34 0,3768 1,0954 33,802 3208,2 705,45
422,34 0,3768 1,0955 33,802 3208,2 705,45
422,34 0,3768 1,0955 33,802 3208,2 705,45
422,34 0,3768 1,0954 33,802 3208,2 705,45
US Units
Verificación de desempeño por modificaciones mecánicas.
Rating - Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler TEMA NET Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Cold Fluid Component Data
Component number 1
Component name Water (IAPWS 1997)
Comp. bank name Water (IAPWS 1997)
Component bank HTRI
Component code 1
Component phase Mixed
Component quantity 1,0000