Galatians Elevate Edition PDF
Galatians Elevate Edition PDF
Galatians Elevate Edition PDF
Introduction page 4
How to Use This Workbook page 5
Book Background page 7
Session 1 page 12
Session 2 page 22
Session 3 page 31
Session 4 page 44
Session 5 page 57
Session 6 page 67
What’s Next page 77
Appendix A:
Answer Key to Session 2, “EXPLORE” page 78
Suggested Answers page 79
Personal Highlights page 85
How much would you be willing to pay for a fake branded item? What
would you feel if you discover that the feelings of someone who claimed
to love you are not real?
How to Use This Workbook
This workbook is the Elevate Edition of the GLC Essentials Book 3:
Galatians study. It can be used as a stand-alone Bible study guide for
one-on-one settings or for small groups—whether with students in your
campus or friends outside the university.
If you are a small group servant/facilitator, all you have to do is make sure
that you do a personal Bible study using this workbook ahead of your small
group meeting for preparation. Encourage your group members to have
their own workbooks. Do not divert from the teaching topic—stick to what
is in the workbook.
The workbook includes the Bible lesson, and learning activities to help
you get the most out of each session. There are four parts in every session:
Explore, Examine, Express, and Experience.
This contains individual and small group activities that will help
prepare you for the Bible study.
This is where you go through the Bible lesson.
This is where the members of the group get a chance to express more
of their insights, questions, and thoughts about the Bible lesson.
This section is accomplished outside the group meeting time. There
are suggested individual or group activities (called “Life Apps”) that
will hopefully help you experience life transformation as you apply
God’s truth in practical ways.
Remember that this workbook is just a tool. You need to depend on the
Holy Spirit to teach you God’s truth and transform your heart as you go
through the Bible studies.
So, come and discover the One who will change your life!
Book Background1
Paul, a former devout Pharisee (religious leader of that time) and persecutor
of Christians who encountered God on his way to Damascus (see Acts 9:1-
31 and Acts 22:6-21)
Paul, together with Barnabas, had just completed their first missionary
journey. Upon arriving to Antioch, they were accused by Judaizers of
softening the message of the Gospel due to their emphasis on salvation
by grace through faith. Some of these accusers had even travelled to the
cities in Galatia to counter Paul’s message, impose circumcision and force
Gentile (non-Jew) converts to obey the Law of Moses.
Purpose of writing:
Paul wrote a letter to the Galatian believers in response to the legalistic
message of the Judaizers who were teaching salvation by obedience to
Jewish law, and to call Christians to live in faith and freedom in Christ Jesus.
Life Application Study Bible, New American Standard Bible – Updated Edition, Tydale
House Publisher, Inc.
Why Do We Need to Study
the Book of Galatians?
Today, there are so many groups and personalities who are professing and
proclaiming the so-called “gospel”. Many claim that what they are teaching
is the true gospel. As a result, many are led astray and deceived by these
people. Our desire is to present to you what the true “Gospel” is based on
what the Bible teaches us.
“What is
Pontius Pilate
Jerusalem, 33 AD
John 18:38a
The theme of Galatians is the
True Gospel
Chapters 1-4 centers around the
Session 1
The first chapter of Galatians will discuss how false teachers distorted the
Gospel and how the believers were deceived to follow a different gospel.
In order to fix this situation, Paul defended the Gospel and his authority as
an apostle (messenger) of the true Gospel. He also proclaimed that no one
can and should change the Gospel without being accursed. This session
can be summarized in this way:
Verses 1-5 Paul’s Greetings
Verses 11-15 Distortion of the Gospel
Verses 16-21 Defense of the Gospel
Galatians 1 Journal
Accomplish this before your meeting.
Read through the first chapter of the Book of Galatians before your
meeting. Write down your notes on this blank page.
Book 3: GALATIANS 13
1. How would you answer the following questions?
A. 2 + 3 = ______
2. Where did you base your answers on? Is there a difference between
your answers and your dgroupmates’ answers?
3. Based on this activity, do you agree with the statement below? State
your reason?
A person can be sincere and yet be sincerely wrong. If someone says,
2+2=5 and he sincerely believes it, his sincere belief would not make the
answer right.
I. Distortion of the Gospel
We start the study of the Book of Galatians by looking into the reason
that prompted Paul to write a letter to the believers in that region.
What was it that caught his attention and how come this issue was
so important for him to address?
2. How did Paul describe the kind of gospel that the Galatian
believers were following?
Book 3: GALATIANS 15
3. What was his warning against those who were to preach a
different version of the gospel?
There is nothing wrong with being a religious person, but Jesus
did not come to establish a religion.
Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with God
through Jesus Christ.
Following traditions is okay UNLESS they go against what’s written
in the Bible. If there is a conflict between the Bible and tradition,
God’s Word is the authority to follow, not tradition (Mark 7:9).
Book 3: GALATIANS 17
II. What is the True Gospel?
So what’s the TRUE gospel that Paul was preaching? Let’s look at
the following verses to have a clearer understanding of it.
✓✓ The believers in Galatia were entertaining the false teachers’
distortion of the Gospel.
✓✓ Paul defended the Gospel by defending his apostleship.
✓✓ No one can change the Gospel, but the true Gospel can change
✓✓ The true Gospel is about Christ’s death and resurrection.
✓✓ We are saved by grace through faith.
“I AM the
Jesus Christ
John 14:6
Book 3: GALATIANS 19
1. What sets Christianity apart from the 9,000 (or more) religions in the
world? Why do you think many people have a wrong understanding
of the Gospel?
2. Share the true Gospel in your own words. Why is it important to know
the truth of the Gospel?
3. People praised God when they heard of God’s work in Paul’s life. What
was your life like before you understood the truth of the Gospel? What
were the changes that happen to your life? How did other people
respond to the changes that happened to you?
1. Memorize 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.
2. »» Whenever someone asks you about it, share what you learned
from this study about the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. Don’t forget to read Galatians 2 and write down your thoughts on the
JOURNAL section of the next session.
Book 3: GALATIANS 21
Session 2
Verses 1-10 Paul’s Experience with the Leaders
Verses 11-15 Paul’s Encounter with Peter
Verses 16-21 Paul’s Explanation of the Gospel
Galatians 2 Journal
Accomplish this before your meeting.
Read through the second chapter of the Book of Galatians before your
meeting. Create a mind map of this chapter to help you organize your thoughts.
Book 3: GALATIANS 23
Spot the Difference
Draw a mark on the second drawing to indicate where the differences are
from the first drawing. Give yourselves 5 minutes to complete this activity.
A person can be sincere and yet be sincerely wrong. If someone says,
2+2=5 and he sincerely believes it, his sincere belief would not make the
answer right.
I. Paul’s Experience with the Leaders
As Paul continued his defense, he recalled the meeting that he had
with the apostles in Jerusalem. In this section, we will see how he
and his proclamation were received by the early church leaders.
ex. GOOD WORKS (rituals, tradition, obeying the law)
Book 3: GALATIANS 25
Read Galatians 2:6-10
3. What was the verdict of the apostles concerning Paul’s ministry
and the message that he taught?
Notice that the church leaders only asked Paul to remember the
poor, to which he says was the very thing he was eager to do. The
gospel of grace does not neglect good works! Instead, the Bible is
saying “You are saved by faith in Christ, not by any other additional
effort or activity on your part. But now that you are saved, you are
to do good works to give glory to our Heavenly Father”.
Peter as a leader of the church set a bad example (hypocrisy) to
others when he compromised the truth of the Gospel.
When a sin is…
the offender has to be corrected publicly.
then the correction has to be done privately.
No leader is infallible (incapable of making mistakes).
They ALL need to be accountable to others.
Book 3: GALATIANS 27
The word “justified” comes from the Greek word “dikaios” which
is the word for “righteousness”. When we put our faith in Jesus
Christ as our Lord and Savior, God declares us “not guilty”.
✓✓ The early church leaders affirmed the doctrine of salvation by
faith that was taught by Paul.
✓✓ Compromise is never acceptable at the expense of truth. Paul had
to rebuke Peter’s hypocrisy because it compromised the Gospel.
✓✓ We are justified by faith in Christ.
✓✓ We ought to live by faith in Christ.
✓✓ Christ died for nothing if we can be justified by the Law.
1. During Paul’s confrontation with Peter, Paul regarded God’s truth as
more important and as the standard for right attitude and action over
Peter’s position as a church leader. In your case, whose authority and
whose standard do you uphold above all with regards to what you
believe and how you live your life? Is there anything that you need to
stop/start/continue doing in light of what you have just learned about
this matter?
2. What do you think did Paul mean when he said, “I have been crucified
with Christ and I no longer live”?
3. How will your life look like when you are living your life by faith for Him
who died and gave His life for you?
Book 3: GALATIANS 29
1. Memorize Galatians 2:20.
Session 3
Verse 1 - 9 Sufficiency of Faith
Verses 10-29 Difference of Law and Faith
Book 3: GALATIANS 31
Galatians 3 Journal
Accomplish this before your meeting.
Read through the third chapter of the Book of Galatians before your meeting.
Create your own outline to help you process the content of this chapter.
Materials needed: pencil/pen, round coin
If you were to evaluate the circle you made according to the pattern
given, how would you rate your work?
My rating: ________________
How did you do this time? Use the same scale given above to rate
what you just drew.
My rating: ________________
What difference (if any) did tracing the round-bottomed object make
in your ability to draw a circle?
Doing something becomes easier when we have a model or pattern of
what we want to accomplish.
In this 3rd session of our Galatians book study, we will look at several
things including the life of Abraham, who is a model to us of what it means
to live by faith.
Book 3: GALATIANS 33
I. Sufficiency of Faith
Paul defended the purity of the Gospel from the attacks of the false
teachers by directing the attention of the Galatians to their own
experience of the gospel.
Read Galatians 3:7-9
3. How did Abraham become a blessing to all the nations?
(see Matthew 1:1-17 to see how the Messiah is connected to Abraham)
Book 3: GALATIANS 35
II. Difference of Law and Faith
In this section, Paul explained the significance and role of the Law in
the life of the believer. Paul also tackled how God’s commands and
faith relate with each other.
see Exodus 20:1-7 for the list of the Ten Commandments and James
2:10 for the consequence of breaking just one of them.
If you break one of the Ten Commandments (the Law), you are
considered guilty of breaking all of the Laws.
To pass God’s standard you must fulfill it 100%.
This is also true of the Philippine Penal Code. If a person commits
just one crime, he or she is called a “criminal”. It’s the same with
breaking any of the Ten Commandments. If you break just one
commandment of the loving and holy God, the King of kings and
the Lord of lords, you become an offender of God.
For sure, you have broken at least one of the Ten Commandments.
So, if you want to go to heaven through your own efforts by
obeying the Law, sadly, you won’t make it.
The Law brings a curse because we cannot obey it. No one will
be JUSTIFIED by the Law.
Greek word (ex-ag-or-ad’-zo)
“To redeem by payment of a price to recover from the power of
another, to ransom, buy off.”
“To buy up, to buy up for one’s self, for one’s use to make wise
and sacred use of every opportunity for doing good, so that zeal
and well doing are as it were the purchase money by which we
make the time our own.”
The word redeem was commonly used when buying a slave’s freedom.
Christ justifies those who believe in Him by buying them back
from their slavery to sin.
vv. 19b-22
vv. 23-25
Book 3: GALATIANS 37
God has shown us that He is HOLY through His perfect standard
as spelled out in the Ten Commandments.
Now take a look at your own life on the basis of God’s Law. How do
you measure up? Have you fulfilled all of them perfectly?
When you evaluate yourself according to God’s perfect standard,
you will begin to realize that you have a BIG, BIG problem — you
cannot fulfill God’s standard of holiness on your own effort!
Since each command always involves another person, including
God himself, when we violate the Law, we violate others, and
ultimately, we violate the holy Law Giver.
Death is the punishment for this violation called sin.
When a person realizes that he is a sinner and that he cannot save
himself, he will realize his need of a Savior.
We become __________ to the promise. (v.29)
Abraham’s descendants are those who receive Christ by faith. In
doing so, we inherit the promise of being made right with God.
✓✓ The Galatians were called foolish by Paul because they returned
to trying to earn their salvation even though they had already
been taught that it is by grace through faith alone.
✓✓ Abraham was declared righteous by God through faith. Therefore,
the Galatians shouldn’t try to justify themselves by the Law.
✓✓ The purposes of the Law are to reveal that we are sinners who
have transgressed against a holy God, make us look forward to
the promise of salvation because we can’t save ourselves, and
tutor us in being led to Christ.
✓✓ Because of our faith in Christ, we become children of God,
baptized into Him, clothed in Him, equal among all the believers,
and heir to the promise of being right with God.
Book 3: GALATIANS 39
1. What truth from this session made the most impact on you?
2. E
valuate the life that you have been living. Cite specific instances
wherein your faith in Christ was clearly manifested?
3. I n your own words, how would you explain the purpose of the Law to
someone who does not know Jesus yet as Lord and Savior?
“10 for 10”
2nd Commandment
Exodus 20:4-6
“You shall not
make for yourself
an idol, or any
likeness of what
is in heaven
above or on earth
beneath or in the
water under the
Book 3: GALATIANS 41
3rd Commandment
Exodus 20:7
“You shall not take
the name of the
LORD your God in
vain, for the LORD
will not leave him
unpunished who
takes His name in
4th Commandment
Exodus 20:8-11
“Remember the
Sabbath day, to
keep it holy.”
5th Commandment
Exodus 20:12
“Honor your father
and your mother,
that your days may
be prolonged in
the land which the
LORD your God
gives you.”
6th Commandment
Exodus 20:13
“You shall not
7th Commandment
Exodus 20:14
“You shall not
commit adultery.”
8th Commandment
Exodus 20:15
“You shall not
9th Commandment
Exodus 20:16
“You shall not
bear false witness
against your
10th Commandment
Exodus 20:17
“You shall not
covet your
neighbor’s house;
you shall not covet
neighbor’s wife or
his male servant
or his female
servant or his
ox or his donkey
or anything that
belongs to your
Book 3: GALATIANS 43
Session 4
In the last session, Paul continued to defend the Gospel by pointing out
the difference between those who live by faith as opposed to those who
live by the Law.
To close his doctrinal teachings, Paul continues his appeal to the Galatians
to play by God’s rule for salvation by not relying on legalism. Have you been
living the Christian life to the fullest by completely trusting the finished work
of Christ on the cross? Let’s dig deeper into this chapter to see how legalism
burdens us and how faith in Christ frees us.
Verses 1-3 Understanding the Culture
Verses 4-5 The Importance of Christ’s Death
Verses 6-7 The New Life as Sons of God by Faith
Verses 8-31 Paul’s Appeal to the Galatians
44 44
“The law repels,
the gospel attracts.
The law shows the
distance which
there is between
God and man;
the gospel bridges
that awful chasm,
and brings the
sinner across it.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Galatians 4 Journal
Accomplish this before your meeting.
Read through the fourth chapter of the Book of Galatians before your meeting.
Write down the questions that pop in your head as you read this chapter.
Book 3: GALATIANS 47
Rules for the Game
Think of a Filipino game that you like to play when you were young (e.g.
piko, tsato, tumbang preso, agawan base, etc). Once you have thought
of something, share what you can recall as the rules for playing and
requirements for winning that particular game.
Did everyone agree about what the rules of the games were? We follow
unwritten rules as we go about our day-to-day living. What do you think
will be the consequence if we practice religious practices that are actually
inconsistent with God’s law?
Our lesson today in Galatians chapter 4 will help us know what God’s
true requirement for our salvation is. Our hope is that you will be guided
accordingly as you progress in your spiritual journey.
I. Understanding the Culture
Read Galatians 4:1-3
Paul was encouraging the Galatians that they should live like grown-up
heirs, instead of children who are still under the guardianship of the
Law, for Christ has already set them free. Paul was not saying that the
Law should be despised, but he still felt strongly about the Galatian
believers wanting to be enslaved by the “elemental principles of the
world” (the Law and various ceremonial traditions like feasts, cleansings,
and sacrifices).
1. What was so bad about the Galatian believers still wanting to be
ruled by the Law and traditions?
The problem of the Jews in Paul’s time was that they observed the
rituals without knowing what they meant. They were enslaved by the
“elemental things of the world” which were only meant to point to the
coming of Christ (Colossians 2:17). They had a tendency to be legalistic,
] like many of us today! Many people are sincere in their religious
practices. They think that if they do that, they will earn points with God.
That is legalism — when you do certain things in order to earn merits
with God so you can go to heaven.
1. What was the purpose of sending Jesus to the world (v. 5)?
When was He sent (v. 4)?
3. What were the two descriptions given to Jesus that qualified
Him to be our redeemer (v.4)?
Book 3: GALATIANS 49
God sent His Son
to redeem us!
God sent Jesus not earlier, not later,
but at the RIGHT TIME.
II. The New Life as Sons of God by Faith
In these next verses, Paul then reminds the Galatians of their amazing
new relationship with God as adopted members of His family
Read Galatians 4: 5-7
3. Based on these verses, contrast the relationship that we have
with God before and after receiving Jesus by faith. Aside from
having a new relationship, what else have we received that
enables us to develop intimacy with Him?
A. Paul told them not to put back their chains of bondage based
on legalism and rituals.
Read Galatians 4:8-11
5. According to Paul, what would happen if the Galatians
believers go back to their old practices?
Being born again in God’s family is God’s work, through God’s power,
by God’s intervention.
The way of legalism is man’s work, man’s efforts, for man’s glory.
Becoming a child of God is the work of God’s grace!
Book 3: GALATIANS 51
B. Paul used his relationship with the Galatian believers to win
them back to the Gospel.
Read Galatians 4:12-20
5. How would you describe the relationship between the
Galatian believers and Paul when he shared the Gospel to
them? How did leveraging this relationship help his appeal?
✓✓ Going back to legalism placed the Galatian church under
1. Whatbondage
truth impacted
again. you the most from our study?
✓✓ Paul appealed to the Galatians to turn from the blind legalism
that enslaved them.
✓✓ Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross satisfied God’s requirement for our
✓✓ In Christ, we are no longer slaves of the law, but children of God
by faith.
2. Read Galatians 4:8. In these modern times, what do you think are some
practices or beliefs that people rely on to “earn merits” with God?
3. I n Galatians 4:6, we have been taught that the Holy Spirit enables us
to have an intimate relationship with God. Take turns in sharing how
you have personally experienced God as your heavenly Father.
Book 3: GALATIANS 53
1. Identify one sin that have been enslaving you for so long. If you are
a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26), then you
have been freed from the power of sin. Deal with this particular sin by
applying the following:
A. Confess
Admit to God that you are still holding on to this sin even
if you are already freed from its power.
B. Change
Stop engaging in this sin. Replace wrong thinking,
attitude or actions with what pleases God. What
specific change will you make in your life to get rid of
this particular sin?
C. Confide
Find an accountability partner who will pray for you,
check on your progress and like the apostle Paul to
the Galatian Christians, remind you of God’s grace that
saved you from the slavery of sin.
“To be redeemed
from the curse
of sin means to be
saved from the
penalty, power,
presence, and most
importantly, the
pleasure of sin.”
A. W. Tozer
Session 5
In the previous session, we find Paul continuing his appeal to the Galatians
believers to leave their wrong view of salvation by reminding them of the
finished work of Christ.
Verse 1 Freedom in Christ
Verses 2-4, 7 Consequences of Legalism
Verses 5-6, 13-25 Walking by the Spirit
Book 3: GALATIANS 57
Galatians 5 Journal
Accomplish this before your meeting.
Read through the fifth chapter of the Book of Galatians before your
meeting. Write down key verses which you think are important in this
“For Free”
What are the things that you have received or experienced for free (e.g.
free lunch, free school tuition, etc)? List down as many as possible.
Do this for 3 minutes and at the end of it, compare your list with the others.
The person who has the most number of items listed down is the winner.
Just for fun, you can reward the winning person with a free gift!
Was it easy for you to come up with a list of the free things? Sometimes,
we take for granted the grace that has been given to us. We often forget
to think about the importance and the cost of the things that someone has
paid for in our behalf. God has given us freedom but it cost the life of His
Son. In this session, we will see what true freedom is and why we should
not take it lightly. progress in your spiritual journey.
I. Freedom in Christ
Freedom in Christ is probably one of the most important truth that
we need to live by in our Christian life. Let’s look at the following
verse to see the things that Christ has set us free from.
Romans 6:14
Book 3: GALATIANS 59
TRUE FREEDOM is the ability to say “no” to sin and “yes” to do
what pleases God.
Verses Consequences
The truth
The truth
The truth
makes us FREE.
The truth
makes us HOLY.
R. C. Sproul
Book 3: GALATIANS 61
Righteousness is the LOVE of GOD in and at work through us.
Two kinds of righteousness are described in the Bible. One is
known as POSITIONAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and the other one is
You have positional righteousness through Jesus Christ and
what He has done for you on the cross. As a believer in Jesus, all
your sins have been washed away by His blood. Positionally, you
have been made righteous in the eyes of God.
After you have been declared righteous by God through Christ
(positional righteousness), the Bible says you now learn to live
in righteousness. Practical righteousness is living out Christ’s
righteousness in you. It calls you “walk in a manner worthy of
your calling” (Ephesians 4:1) so you can please God and be a
blessing to others.
Book 3: GALATIANS 63
D. We are walking by the Spirit when we are bearing the fruit of
the Spirit.
Read Galatians 5:19-23
6. Compare the fruit of the Spirit with the acts of the sinful nature:
7. Why do you think Paul used the singular term “fruit” instead of
calling the listed qualities as “fruits” of the Holy Spirit?
8. If your life shows the fruit of the Holy Spirit, how do you think
will your relationship with others be like?
✓✓ The Gospel of Grace grants us TRUE FREEDOM — freedom to
do what is RIGHT and freedom to LOVE OTHERS.
✓✓ Legalism does not and cannot redeem a person.
✓✓ Walking by the Spirit is the manifestation of Christ’s redemptive
work in us.
1. Discuss what you have discovered from Galatians 5 about TRUE
FREEDOM in Christ.
2. How will you know if you are being led by the Spirit? Share examples
of your Spirit-led experiences.
Book 3: GALATIANS 65
1. Memorize Galatians 5:22-25.
2. B
ased on the summary of all the Laws in Galatians: 5:14, which is to
love your neighbor as yourself, and based on the fruit of the Spirit
given in Galatians 5:22-23, do one loving thing each day for 7 days for
someone in your family, club, campus, neighborhood, etc. Write down
what you plan to do and to whom will you direct it to.
For example:
By God’s grace through Jesus,I will walk in the Spirit daily by:
Day 1: ________________________________
Day 2: ________________________________
Day 3: ________________________________
Day 4: ________________________________
Day 5: ________________________________
Day 6: ________________________________
Day 7: ________________________________
Session 6
In the last chapter, we looked into the general indications of a freed life
that is lived in the power of the Holy Spirit.
For the last session of our series in Galatians, we will be more specific in
looking into the practical outworkings of our new life in the Spirit as we live
by faith in Christ. Let’s journey together in knowing more about this Person
who empowers us and how we can glorify God by allowing Him to work in
and through us.
Chapter 5 verses 16-23 Holy Spirit in the Life of a Believer
Chapter 6 verses 1-10, 14 Practical Evidences of Our New Life in the Spirit
Book 3: GALATIANS 67
Galatians 6 Journal
Accomplish this before your meeting.
Read through the sixth chapter of the Book of Galatians before your
meeting. Write down what God is impressing in your heart to immediately
act on as you are reading this chapter.
Sharing Time
Take turns sharing about your “EXPERIENCE” action points last week.
Recall that your life application for session 5 was to show the fruit of the
Spirit through loving acts. Choose one of the following discussion guide
questions to help you get started.
1. What was the most meaningful experience you had in the process of
showing love to others? What made it especially meaningful for you?
3. How did the people whom you demonstrated love to respond to your
It is not about how much Holy Spirit you have, but how much the Holy Spirit
has of you. As you consistently walk in His ways, you get to experience
more of Him, His character, and His goodness in your life. Ultimately, God
is glorified when you allow Him to use you to be a blessing to others.
I. Holy Spirit in the Life of a Believer
At times, those who claim to be followers of Jesus can be clueless
as to what it means to live the Christian life. Here in this section, we
are given the “secret” to living the Christian life. Let’s recall the role
of the Holy Spirit in our lives and what should manifest in our lives
as we live in the Spirit.
69 69
The flesh, or our old sinful nature, opposes the work of the Spirit
in us.
The Bible does not teach that once we come to Jesus as Savior
and Lord, our old sinful nature is gone. There will always be a
constant internal struggle to either live our lives according to
fleshly desires, or to live by the Spirit of God and do what pleases
the Lord.
This is why, in order to live victoriously in our Christian life, we
need to be filled by the Holy Spirit at all times.
II. Practical Evidences of Our New Life in the Spirit
As believers of the Lord Jesus, we have been freed from the bondage
of legalism and now enjoy freedom in Christ. In this last section, Paul
reminded the believers in Galatia to manifest Christ-likeness through
the power of the Holy Spirit. Let’s look at the following verses to see
some practical evidences in our new life in Christ.
Create action
How are you
Manifestations steps on how
in terms of
of a person living you can help one
living out these
by the Spirit another grow in
these aspects?
Able to restore others
(v. 1)
Not __________
but glorifies God in
his life (vv.3-4)
__________ for
one’s own spiritual
life (v.5)
Book 3: GALATIANS 71
Create action
How are you
Manifestations steps on how
in terms of
of a person living you can help one
living out these
by the Spirit another grow in
these aspects?
__________ God’s
workers (v.6)
Able to __________
what pleases the
Spirit rather than the
sinful nature (vv. 7-8)
Perseveres in
__________ to all
men, especially to the
believers (vv.9-10)
recognition that
Christ’s cross has set
us free (v. 14)
✓✓ Being filled by the Spirit enables us to be victorious against the
burden of the law and our sinful nature.
✓✓ We have been called to manifest the fruit of the Spirit in our
relationship with others.
1. In summary, what is the true Gospel? What are some marks of a
true Christian?
2. How would your life look if you are living by the Spirit?
Book 3: GALATIANS 73
*(Adapted from Campus Crusade for Christ)
However, there may be times that we sin by actively rebelling against God’s
will and/or passively resisting the conviction of the Holy Spirit to repent or
surrender a certain areas of our lives. When that happens, we are taking back
the control of our lives as carnal Christians.
When we become aware of this and desire to repent and be restored to our
fellowship with the Lord, we need to breathe spiritually.
Exhale – Confess your specific sin to God, claiming His promise in 1 John 1:9.
Inhale – Humbly ask God to fill you once again with the Holy Spirit.
By faith, apply His command in Galatians 5:18 and His promise in 1 John 5:14-15.
Remember that as a child of God, the Spirit never leaves you even if you sin,
He still lives (dwells) in you. However, your sin prevents you from experiencing
closeness with your Heavenly Father, you are no longer filled with the Spirit
and do not experience His power working in and through you.
If in the process of walking in the Spirit you become aware of an area of your
life that is displeasing to God and you repent of it right away, you have not
rebelled against the Lord. You have not taken over the control of your life
because you have responded in repentance in obedience to His will. In this
case, you can be assured that you are still filled with the Spirit and you simply
need to keep on walking by faith in the Holy Spirit.
1. Take some time now to examine your life. Ask God to reveal anything
that might be displeasing to Him and not consistent with the gospel of
truth in you. Confess to Him any wrongdoing that He might reveal to you.
2. Share the truth about the Spirit-filled life including spiritual breathing to
other believers this week.
“You are
seek to be
like your
Charles Spurgeon
Book 3: GALATIANS 75
What’s Next?
You’re on to your next set of Bible-based lessons! Book 4: CCF DNA
will give you the big picture of what CCF is “made up of”.
Through this book discover our God-given mission, vision and core
values. You will also learn about what it means to be meaningfully
involved in ELEVATE (the youth ministry of CCF) as a Christ-
committed follower! We pray that you will have an exciting time of
getting to know your spiritual family in ELEVATE better through Book
Book 3: GALATIANS 77
Answer Key to
Session 2 “EXPLORE”
Spot the Difference, p. 27
1. The problem that arose in the church in Galatia was that a group
of false teachers was teaching a way to salvation that nullifies the
grace of God.
2. It is no Gospel at all.
3. Regardless of who they are, those who will preach a different
Gospel are to be condemned to hell.
4. The Gospel that Paul preached did not come from mere men, but
by the revelation of Jesus Christ Himself. The significance of the
message depends entirely on its source. Paul’s preaching was to
be regarded as a credible source of truth because it came directly
from Christ.
6. Some of the descriptions that Paul used about himself were: SET
7. People glorified God because of how Paul changed from being a
persecutor of Christian to a preacher of the Gospel.
8. The true Gospel message simply states that Christ died for our
sins, was buried, and was raised from the dead.
9. Salvation is by grace through faith. Doing good works is a result of
being saved.
Book 3: GALATIANS 79
2. If Paul would give in to their demands on circumcision then it would
distort the true Gospel and put the believers to bondage again.
3. After a thorough deliberation, the Jerusalem leaders affirmed the
gospel that Paul taught. They upheld that salvation is indeed by
grace through faith. They also recognized Paul’s authority and he
was given their approval (“right hand of fellowship”).
4. Peter used to eat with the Gentiles but he withdrew from them. He
was accused of making the Gentile believers do Jewish traditions,
when even he himself had discarded those regulations. This was an
act of hypocrisy on Peter’s part and those people who followed his
behavior. Peter compromised the gospel because of fear of men.
Paul corrected Peter for the sake of the gospel and the believers.
5. Peter accepted Paul’s correction. Because Peter knew he was
wrong, he kept quiet. By his response, he upheld only one Gospel;
no church division occurred. In fact, at the end of Peter’s life, he
referred to Paul as “our beloved brother Paul”.
6. The Bible says we are justified through faith in Jesus Christ. If
there’s another way to heaven — by means of good works, by
means of rituals, by means of obeying the Ten Commandments
— then Jesus Christ died needlessly, offering the most useless
sacrifice in the whole world. However, the fact of the matter is
that we can only be saved because of Jesus’ death for us and His
resurrection from the dead. He gave Himself for us so that our sins
will be forgiven and we can have eternal life.
7. According to Paul, the old him no longer lives. It is now Christ who
is living in him so that he can live for God. Paul taught us three
truths about our new life in Christ: 1) identification with Him (“I have
been crucified with Christ”); 2) intimacy with Him (“with Christ”),
and; 3) indwelling of Christ (“Christ lives in me”).
(human efforts), it means we DEPEND on our own MERIT. On the
other hand, if we say we live our Christian life by faith, it means we
DEPEND on what CHRIST has done for us and what he continues
to do for us and in us.
2. Abraham BELIEVED God and God counted his faith him as
righteousness (Genesis 15:1-6).
3. The promised Messiah came from the line of Abraham. Jesus was
the great, great, great, great, great grandson of Abraham.
4. God’s justice has to be satisfied. You will either have to obey all of
the Law or put your faith in Jesus Christ. The former is impossible; if
you insist on this choice, you are doomed to be accursed because
whatever you do will not be enough to pay for all your sins.
5. Paul reminded the believers in Galatia that Christ took the curse
of the Law upon Himself as a substitute for sinners, and became a
curse for us when He was crucified.
Book 3: GALATIANS 81
7. We become CHILDREN of God.
We become BAPTIZED into Christ. (v. 27)
We become CLOTHED in Christ. (v.27)
All of us become EQUAL in Christ (v. 28)
We become HEIR to the promise of justification by faith. (v.29)
1. No matter how faithful the Galatians follow the Law, it can never
save them. Christ’s coming ended their guardianship to the Law
making them children and heirs by faith.
2. God sent forth His Son to free people from the law. Jesus was sent
not earlier, not later, but at the right time.
3. Jesus was both human and divine. The line “God sent forth His
Son” meant that Jesus was divine. Jesus was “born of a woman”
which meant that Jesus became human.
4. Through Christ, we were no longer under the law, but adopted
as children of God (v.6). We are also no longer slaves, but heirs
through God (v.7). We have been enabled to intimately call God as
“Abba” (“daddy” or “papa” in modern day language) through the
Holy Spirit who indwelt in us.
5. The Galatians were going to be enslaved again to their sin and
legalistic attempt to salvation.
6. Paul had experience great care from the Galatians and his
message was received with joy. He reminded them of their
pleasant relationship together to let them know that he had the
best intention in heart.
7. Hagar, Ishmael, and Mount Sinai represent SLAVERY while Sarah,
Isaac and Jerusalem represent FREEDOM. The Galatians believers
were children of the promise and should, therefore, live in freedom
from the slavery of the Law.
8. We become children of God by His grace through faith in what
Christ has done for us on the cross.
Verses Consequences
v.2 Christ will be of no value to you.
v.3 You will be obligated to obey the whole law.
v.4 You have fallen from grace.
v.7 You have been hindered from running the race well.
Book 3: GALATIANS 83
7. All of the listed qualities in verses 22-23 constitute a unity. One
cannot be loving, yet lack patience at the same time. They are
all manifestations of Christ’s characters in a believer through the
power of the Holy Spirit.
8. Personal answer
Write down a 1-2 sentence summary of your personal learnings for each chapter.
Book 3: GALATIANS 85