Jump-Start Rules: Atlas Games Presents
Jump-Start Rules: Atlas Games Presents
Jump-Start Rules: Atlas Games Presents
Jump-Start Rules
The problem you face as a hack & slash player in Your hero needs a suitably Norse name. Odin
a conventional roleplaying game is that your Game will not smile upon a Fred or Jimbo. He must be a
Master will eventually get bored with the style before Thorleik or Ansgar to earn the favor of the gods.
you do. Rune solves that problem for you by dis-
tributing the GMing duties to multiple runners STEP 2: BUY CHARACTERISTICS
throughout the course of an evening. Each player, In this step, you’ll juggle the numbers to give
called a pillager in Rune, comes to a session with your hero his basic talents. There are eight of them:
an encounter created ahead of time that he plans to Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Quickness,
GM. The biggest part of the Rune rulebook is our Perception, Intelligence, Communication and
“Encounters” section, which provides a long list of Presence. Characteristics can range from -3, the
elements you can build into encounters, from piles absolute worst possible score for any living human
of treasure to fanatical opponents to nasty traps. being, to +3 as the apex of mortal possibility. You
Each element comes with a specific encounter start with 60 creation points, and the following chart
point cost or gain, and designers balance these in shows you what it costs to buy each possible rating
creating an encounter. The idea of encounters con- in each Characteristic. The negative ratings for
stituting a story is one we Vikings accept only grudg- Characteristics below zero mean that you actually
ingly, with narrowed and suspicious eyes. Although gain creation points by picking a lower than normal
advanced Rune adventures have set-ups, develop- rating.
ments, and climaxes, individual scenes are better
seen as an obstacle course through which your Char. -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
heroes must barrel, bloody axes held aloft. Strength -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 16
Stamina -16 -10 -6 0 4 8 16
As an encounter progresses, you may do some- Dexterity -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 16
thing that qualifies you for victory points. This is
Quickness -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 16
true whether you’re running the encounter or act-
Intelligence -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 8
ing as a member of the Horde. For instance, it’s in
Perception -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 8
the runner’s best interests for pillagers to fail rolls
Presence -2 -2 -2 0 2 4 8
and take a lot of damage, since runners get victory
Communication -2 -2 -2 0 2 4 8
points when this happens. Of course, the pillagers
also get victory points for rolls they succeed at, dam-
age dealt to foes, and loot they give to their com-
munity, among others. At the end of a session,
everyone counts up their victory points and a win-
ner is declared, making Rune a truly competitive
game guaranteed to stir Loki-like bloodlust.
As shown on the chart, you must also have the cor- STEP 5: OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS
rect Ability in order to wield a weapon, so hopefully
A fight where a Viking warrior does not get
you have a few points left. Single Weapon, Chain
bloodied is hardly a fight at all. Your hero begins the
Weapon, Great Weapon, Two Weapons, and
game with a number of hit points, which are deter-
Longshaft Weapon are all primary Abilities with
mined by your combined Strength and Stamina
Dexterity as their Governing Characteristic.
Characteristics, as per the chart below.
Thrown Weapon and Bows are primary Abilities
with Perception as their Governing Characteristic. Strength + Starting
None of these have a Load value. Stamina Hit Points
-4 or less 37
Although you, as an eager warrior yet to be -3 to -1 40
blooded, may have visions of running shrieking into 0 44
combat, protected only by your screaming blades 1 to 3 48
and the valor of your heart, veteran Vikings will tell 4 52
you that there is no substitute for good armor pro- 5 56
tection. Someday a treacherous foe will jab past your 6 60
parrying sword or blocking shield, and on that day
you will be glad you wrapped your hide in as much You can buy additional hit points by spending
protective gear as you could muster. creation points; these vary according to your
Stamina, as shown below.
You can start the game with any one type of com-
mon armor, and one common shield of your choice Stamina Hit Points
(listed below). Shields add their Init, Atk, Dfn, -3 +1 hit point
Dam, and Load ratings to the ratings of the single -2 +2 hit points
weapon with which they are paired. Again, be sure -1 +3 hit points
you take the Single Weapons Ability to be able to use 0 +4 hit points
your shield! 1 +5 hit points
Prot Init 2 +6 hit points
Armor Rating Rating Load
Quilted/Fur 1 -0 1.0 3 +7 hit points
Heavy Leather 3 -1 1.5 Especially nasty hits are called Wounds. You suf-
Studded Leather 5 -3 2.0 fer a Wound when the damage you take from a sin-
Chain Mail 7 -5 2.5 gle blow, after your Soak has been taken into
account, equals or exceeds your Wound Threshold.
Init Atk Dfn Dam The value of your Wound Threshold depends on
Shield Rating Rating Rating Rating Load Ability
your Stamina, as per the chart below.
Buckler +0 +0 +2 +0 0.25 Single
Round Shield +0 +0 +3 +0 0.5 Single Wound
Stamina Threshold
Kite Shield -1 -1 +4 +0 2 Single
-3 2 hit points
-2 4 hit points
-1 6 hit points
0 9 hit points
1 12 hit points
2 15 hit points
3 18 hit points
Encumbrance measures the degree to which the
weight and bulk of the things you carry slows you
down. There are five degrees of Encumbrance. From
best to worst, they are: Light, Loaded, Overloaded,
Better Put Something Down, and No One Will Your Move is derived from your Sprint Ability (or
Take This Much Encumbrance. To determine lack thereof). Use the chart below to find yours.
your level of Encumbrance, use the chart below to
Your Sprint Ability Full Move
compare your Strength with the total Load of every-
0 15 paces
thing you’re carrying.
1 20 paces
Over- Put No One 2 25 paces
Strength Light Loaded loaded Down Will...
3 30 paces
-3 < 0.5 0.5 1 2 4
-2 <1 1 2 4 6 Your Response score is used by runners in creat-
-1 <2 2 4 6 8 ing game statistics for your foes. You’ll need to write
it down for the runner at the beginning of each
0 <4 4 6 8 10
encounter. It is your highest overall modifier (that is,
1 <6 6 8 10 12
both governing Characteristic and Ability rating) of
2 <8 8 10 12 14
any of the following: Awareness, Balance, Bravery,
3 < 10 10 12 14 16
Dodge, Sprint, or Engagement. For this purpose,
4+ — Add 2 per additional point —
Engagement is your Str + best melee weapon Ability.
When you are Loaded or worse, you suffer an
Encumbrance Decrease to all rolls in which Now figure out the rest of your stats according to
Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, or Quickness are com- the formulae listed in the box above.
ponents. The decreases are as follows:
Degree of Encumbrance Decrease
Light 0 To restate our point, character differentiation in
Loaded 1 Rune happens in play, when you spend your victo-
Overloaded 3 ry points on special powers and such, not at the
Better Put Something Down 5 start. The sooner your character gets out into the
No One Will Take... 8 world of adventure, the sooner you can make him
the envy of all of your opponents!
When you try to do something in the game, and Sometimes something bad will happen to your
the outcome of your attempt is uncertain, you roll a hero and he will suffer a decrease to every roll he
ten-sided die and add it to your bonus, a number makes until the problem is rectified, either by your
derived from some combination of your hero’s actions or through the simple passage of time. This
Characteristics, Abilities, and Gifts (the special pow- state is known as Impairment. Each point of
ers from the gods that you can buy with victory decrease is called an Impairment point. The oppo-
points; these are listed in the Rune rulebook). The site of this is Invigoration, which gives your hero
runner then compares it to a Difficulty number an increase for a certain amount of time.
listed in his encounter notes. The tougher the task,
the higher this number will be. For example, a EARNING (& LOSING) VICTORY POINTS
Difficulty of 5 would be very easy, while one of 16+
The goal of all this rolling of dice is, of coure, to
is superhuman. A Difficulty of 6 is the average. If the
earn the most victory points and win the game.
total of your roll beats the Difficulty, you succeed at
Some ways a pillager can earn victory points include:
whatever you’re trying to do. Again, for Standard
rolls the formula is as follows: •One victory point for every point of damage his
hero deals to a foe.
Ability + Governing Char. + Gifts + 1d10 vs Difficulty •50% of the foe’s Might rating when his hero
In Standard rolls each hero rolls once; successful deals the final death blow.
heroes gain a benefit (like a bonus to their next roll) •Every time a hero succeeds at a roll specified in
or avoid a negative consequence (like a trap); unsuc- the encounter notes, his pillager gains victory
cessful heroes lose the benefit or suffer a negative points equal to three times the difference
consequence. However, as you probably deduced between the Difficulty and the result of the roll.
from the above formula’s title, the designer can also
pay for a Singular roll, in which only one hero •One victory point for every ounce of silver the
rolls; if he succeeds, all the heroes enjoy the benefit heroes return to their families or communities.
or suffer the negative consequence. The formula is
•If you play the runner’s hero for him, you get
the same for Singular rolls as for Standard ones.
50% of the victory points for the things he did.
Singular rolls can also be No-Fault rolls — all the
But pillagers can also lose victory points just as
characters can roll and they all gain a benefit or
quickly as they rack them up. They can lose points
avoid a negative consequence if even one hero suc-
in the following ways:
COMBAT FLOWCHART D. HOLD GROUND OR If the distance between hero and tar-
DUCK & WEAVE? get is equal to or less than the number
of paces he can move, go to Question
A. TO HIT, OR NOT TO HIT? If your hero started his action already F. If not, your proposed attack is
in range of the target, and with an impossible. Select a new opponent, or
If your hero is trying to hit a target, appropriate weapon already in hand, forego an action this round.
you must specify who or what the tar- you can choose between two advanta-
get is, and which weapon will be geous maneuvers. By holding F. ONCE WITHIN RANGE,
employed in the smiting. Go to ground, you add 1 to your ATK score IS YOUR WEAPON READY?
Question B. If you want your hero to for the duration of the round. By
do something other that hit a target ducking and weaving, you add 1 to If you must move your hero to get
with a weapon, you must specify what your DFN score for the duration. within range of an enemy, you must
this other action might be. Skip to The higher your INIT, the more have an appropriate weapon already at
Question G. advantageous it is to duck and weave. hand. Otherwise, you can’t hit him
and must either select an opponent
Once you’ve gained an advantage from already within range, or forgo your
B. IS YOUR TARGET IN RANGE? either option, your hero can’t switch to action this round.
If your target is already within range of an incompatible maneuver or attack
your hero, he has some extra time in form later in the round. He’s stuck
which he can make other choices. Go to with your previous declaration.
Question C. If your target is not within
range, go to Question E. E. CAN YOU MOVE WITHIN RANGE? If you choose not to have your hero
hit something, you have a number of
With the runner’s assistance, you choices available. You can Seize
C. IS YOUR WEAPON READY? must determine whether it is possible Ground, Seek Cover, Withdraw,
If your hero’s weapon is not ready, he to move within range as part of your Flee, perform a Reckless Move,
has no choice but to ready it. Then he hero’s action. The number of paces he Administer Healing, Change
hits as normal. If his weapon is ready, can move and still attempt to attack Weapons, Wait for Opportunity, or
he has more options available to him. someone depends on your Sprint some other action. See the Rune rule-
Go to Question D. Ability rating. Heroes never have a book for more on each of these.
move lower than a Sprint rating of 0.