Nuclear Microbattery For MEMS Devices: January 2002
Nuclear Microbattery For MEMS Devices: January 2002
Nuclear Microbattery For MEMS Devices: January 2002
12 281
3 authors:
Amit Lal
Cornell University
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Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) have not gained wide use because they lack the on-
device power required by many important applications. Several forms of energy could be
considered to supply this needed power (solar, fossil fuels, etc), but nuclear sources provide an
intriguing option in terms of power density and lifetime. This paper describes several approaches
for establishing the viability of nuclear sources for powering realistic MEMS devices. Isotopes
currently being used include alpha and low-energy beta emitters. The sources are in both solid
and liquid form, and a technique for plating a solid source from a liquid source has been
investigated. Several approaches are being explored for the production of MEMS power sources.
The first concept is a junction-type battery. The second concept involves a more direct use of the
charged particles produced by the decay: the creation of a resonator by inducing movement due
to attraction or repulsion resulting from the collection of charged particles. Performance results are
provided for each of these concepts.
A critical aspect of the creation of microbatteries for MEMS devices is the choice of the isotope
to be used as a power source. Some requirements for this isotope include safety, reliability, cost,
and activity. Since the size of the device is an issue in this particular application, gamma emitters
have not been considered because they would require a substantial amount of shielding. Both
pure alpha and low energy beta emitters have been used. The alpha emitters have an advantage
due to the short range of the alpha particles. This short range allows increased efficiency and
thus provides more design flexibility, assuming that a sufficient activity can be achieved. The half-
life of the isotopes must be high enough so that the useful life of the battery is sufficient for typical
applications, and low enough to provide sufficient activity. In addition, the new isotope resulting
after decay should be stable, or it should decay without emitting gamma radiation. The isotopes
currently in use for this work are:
To explore the viability of the nuclear microbattery concept, some scoping calculations need to
be carried out. Using 210Po as an example, one can analyze the best case scenario, assuming
that the nuclear battery is created using pure 210Po. In this case, the activity would be
approximately 4,500 Ci per gram or 43,000 Ci per cubic centimeter. Thus, for a characteristic
source volume of 10-5 cubic centimeters (0.1 cm x 0.1cm x 10 microns), one obtains
approximately 0.5 Ci. Based on the results of previous experimental studies, the available power
would be on the order of 0.5 mW (about 1 mW/Ci). The power required for MEMS devices can
range from nanowatts to microwatts. A typical case is that of a low power CMOS driven
mechanical cantilever forming an air-gap capacitor with the substrate. Typical MEMS capacitors
have 10 femtoFarad capacitance and resonant frequencies of 10s of kHz. The power dissipated
for charging such an electromechanical capacitor would be in the range of 10 to 100 nanowatts.
Therefore, a pure source provides more than sufficient activity to power a practical device.
Three methods of incorporating radioactive material into the MEMS devices are being studied.
These are 1) activation of layers within the MEMS device, 2) addition of liquid radioactive material
into fabricated devices, and 3) addition of solid radioactive material into fabricated devices.
In the first approach, the parent material for the radioactive daughter or granddaughter would
be manufactured as part of the MEMS device, most likely near the surface of the device. After
fabrication of the device, the parent material would be exposed to the radiation field in our TRIGA
reactor for a period of time until the desired radiation source strength is achieved. Highly
absorbing neutron or charged particle materials would be used to mask other components of the
device which are to remain non-radioactive. In addition, the material used for the activation would
be chosen such that it has a high activation cross-section, thus maximizing the activation of the
“source” and minimizing competing activity produced in surrounding structures.
In the second and third approaches, radioactive sources are introduced into the MEMS device
after fabrication. In the case of a liquid source, a reservoir must be created within the device,
along with a channel providing access to the reservoir. The reservoir can then be filled, relying on
capillary action to create the flow, and the channel can then be sealed off if needed.
In the case of a solid source, the radioactive material will have to be deposited in selected
sites on the device. We currently have two approaches to create this type of sources:
! H Microspheres
We have obtained glass microspheres (25 to 53 µm in diameter) that will emit low energy 3H
beta radiation. These are obtained by irradiating 6Li glass silicate non-radioactive microspheres in
the UW Nuclear Reactor. Using this procedure, we can produce activities of up to 12.8 mCi per
gram and per hour of irradiation. Then, these radioactive microspheres can be introduced in the
MEMS device in the appropriate cavity.
These latter approaches will allow for higher power densities than the direct reactor activation
approach, but will provide less flexibility with respect to device design. We are currently exploring
the tradeoffs of the different options, and will shortly release all the data needed to assess the
viability of all of these approaches.
Since this work involves the use of small amounts of radiation and radioactive materials, it is
necessary to comply with current Radiation Protection Standards [2][3]. The potential health and
environmental effects of fabricating, using and disposing of these nuclear micro-batteries have
been studied in detail.
Current radiation protection regulations are based on the Linear Non-Threshold model (LNT),
which assumes that any amount of radiation exposure, no matter how small, may have negative
health effects. This model was derived by extrapolating known acute (high dose and high dose
rate) exposure data points in a linear or curvilinear fashion through the origin. Lately, however,
there has been a movement among the Medical and Health Physics communities encouraging the
review of the current regulations by using the Non-Linear Threshold model (NLT), that establishes
that there are no detectable harmful health effects to humans at radiation levels below 100 mSv
(10 rem). Therefore, even though we will prove that our devices do comply with current
regulations, the actual health effects may be even more insignificant.
! Manufacturing Process
Our analysis demonstrates that the potential amounts of radiation that a worker could be
exposed to due to the fabrication of these nuclear microbatteries are well below the limits
established by current laws. Our study includes the external exposure as well as the internal
exposure due to ingestion or inhalation of the radioactive materials.
The manufacturing process will be designed keeping the radiological safety of the workers in
mind, but the costs incurred upon due to the extra security measures needed to handle
radioactive materials and radioactivity will be reasonable so that the final price of the micro-
batteries is competitive.
! Use
MEMS devices, with their integrated nuclear micro-battery will be used in large variety of
applications, as sensors, actuators, resonators, etc. It will be ensured that their use does not result
in any unsafe exposure to radiation. The radioactive material in the device will be encapsulated in
a way that the probability of being released into the environment, and being accidentally inhaled or
digested is extremely small. However, the analysis has been performed in the worst case
scenario, assuming that the full amount of the radioactive material contained by the microbattery
would be accidentally ingested or inhaled.
For obvious reasons, in addition to safety considerations, the design of the shielding and
encapsulation of these microdevices is aimed to minimize the size and weight of the devices, and
their cost.
The external dose associated with these sources is zero, because an alpha particle needs to
have an energy of more than 7.5 MeV to penetrate the protective layer of the skin (0.07 mm think),
and a ß particle needs to have an energy of more than 70 keV. Since our sources have energies
lower than those they are unable to penetrate the skin.
44.57 5.479
H 2.4 18 0.0346 158
Ni 5.69 7 0.0813 67
Po 13540 - 193.4 -
Table 2: Radiation Effects on a worker after the inhalation or ingestion of a 5 μCi micro-battery.
2.28 0.273
H 2.4 0.95 0.0346 7
Ni 5.69 0.40 0.0813 3
Po 13540 - 193.4 -
Table 3: Radiation Effects on a member of the public after the inhalation or ingestion
of a 5 μCi micro-battery.
! Waste Disposal
Our analysis proves that the environmental impact of disposing of these micro-devices once
their useful life has ended, as well as the associated costs are minimal. Since after three half-lives
the activity of the isotope has decayed to about 10% of the original activity, the micro-batteries
would be below background radiation level at the following times:
Isotope Half-Life Time to 10% if Initial Activity
H 12.3 y 36.9 y
Ni 100.2 y 300.6 y
Po 138.4 d 1.1 y
Table 4: Time needed by different radioisotopes to decay under 10% of their original activity.
The electron-voltaic effects were studied extensively in the 1950’s and it was found that beta
particles with energies below 250 keV do not cause substantial damage in silicon [4][5]. Therefore,
liquid 63Ni was selected as the radioactive source for these tests, since its maximum and average
energies (66.9 keV and 17.4 keV respectively) are well below the threshold energy where damage
is observed in silicon. In addition, its long half-life (100 year) makes it very attractive for remote
long-life applications, such as power of spacecraft instrumentation.
200µm 50µm
Since it is not easy to microfabricate solid radioactive materials (etching and cutting), a liquid
source is used instead for our micromachined pn-junction battery. As shown in Figure 1, a number
of bulk-etched channels have been micromachined in our pn-junction. Compared with
conventional planar pn-junctions, the three dimensional structure of our device allows for a
substantial increase of the junction area, and the micromachined channels can be used to store
the liquid source. Our pn-junction has 13 micromachined channels and the total junction area is
15.894 mm2 (about 55.82% more than the planar pn-junction). This can be very important since
the current generated by the powered pn-junction, whether it is powered by light or by a nuclear
source, is proportional to the junction area. Figure 2 shows the I-V curve of our pn-junction due
only to the interaction of light, as measured by a semiconductor parameter analyzer.
Current (A)
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -0.01 0 1 2
Voltage (V)
Micromachined pn –
junction with Ni63 R
Figure 3: Electric circuit for experiments with micromachined pn-junction and 63Ni.
Figure 4 displays the I-V curves measured at 30 minutes, 2 hours and 16 hours after pouring
the radioactive source on the microchannels of the pn-junction. As expected, the degradation of
the pn-junction due to the 63Ni is very small. However, to conclusively demonstrate this extreme
would require a longer testing time, comparable to the expected life of the nuclear micro-battery.
In Figure 4, we observe that the maximum current generated in the micromachined pn-junction
by the 63Ni source, i.e. the short circuit current, is 1.31 nA. In silicon, the generation of one
Electron-Hole Pair (EHP) requires about 3.2 eV, even though its energy gap between the
conduction band and covalence band is just 1.12 eV. So the theoretical maximum current
generated by 64µCi can be calculated as:
Imax = 64 µCi * (3.7*1010 dps) * (17.4 keV) / (3.2 eV) * (1.6*10-19 C) = 2.06*10-9 A = 2.06 nA
According to this estimate, the measured current value is 64.07% of the theoretical maximum
value. This illustrates the effectiveness of making the boron diffused depth around 40µm during
microfabrication, which is approximately the traveling distance of 63Ni beta particles in silicon.
Normal pn-junctions, which have ultra shallow junctions (less than 1µm), would result in very low
currents since most of the beta particles would stop in the p or in the n regions, instead of the
depletion region.
On the other hand, the open circuit voltage is very small, only 53 mV. This is partly due to the
large p and n contact resistances. In this particular device, the metal used for the p contact is gold
and for the n contact is aluminum alloy, and both the p and n regions are all covered by metal (the
open circuit voltage for a normal junction-type battery is in the range of 0.2 to 0.5 V). A very
effective way of increasing the open circuit voltage in a junction-type battery is by reducing the
contact area.
The maximum power can be approximately estimated by:
Further research on improving the device design and its performance is still on the way and
will be released in the near future.
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
-6.00E-10 30 minutes
2 hours
-8.00E-10 16 hours
Figure 4: I-V curves for a micromachined pn-junction with 63Ni at different times
This concept involves a more direct use of the charged particles produced by the decay of the
radioactive source: the creation of a resonator by inducing movement due to attraction or
repulsion resulting from the collection of charged particles. As the charge is collected, the
deflection of a cantilever beam increases until it contacts a grounded element, thus discharging
the beam and causing it to return to its original position. This process will repeat as long as the
source is active.
This concept has been tested experimentally with positive results. Figure 5 shows the
experimental setup, in which the charges emitted from the source are collected in the beam to
generate the electrostatic force that drives it. The radioactive source used was 63Ni with an activity
of 1 mCi. The beam is 5 cm × 5 mm, made from 60 µm thick copper. A probe tip is glued to the
beam to better detect and measure the movement of the beam. Both the source and the beam are
mounted on a glass base for electrical insulation. The glass base is clamped so that the beam
itself can only move by bending. The measuring scale is a silicon beam with 3µm spaced gridlines
so that the movement can be measured with a precision of 1.5µm. A CCD camera connected to a
VCR is used to record the movement of the beam and its periodicity.
As the radioactive beta source decays, it emits electrons. The copper beam collects these
electrons from the source, and the source itself would become positively charged since it keeps
losing electrons; therefore, in the ideal case, there would be an electrostatic force applied on the
beam that would bend it. However, in atmospheric conditions, no movement of the beam is
observed, due to the ionization of the surrounding air. For that reason, the experiment has been
performed under vacuum (typically from 30 mTorr to 50 mTorr), where there is no extraneous
ionization and the bending of the beam can be observed.
probe tip
nuclear source
In order to understand the behavior of the system we have developed an analytical model for
both the charge collection and deflection of the cantilever. The charge collecting process is
governed by:
dQ = αdt − dt
where dQ is the amount of charge collected by the beam during a given time dt, α represents the
current emitted by the radioactive source, V is the voltage across the source and the beam and R
is the effective resistance between them. The second term on the right hand side represents the
current leakage arising from the ionization of the air. Since V = Q / C, where C is the capacitance
of the beam and the source, the previous equation can be rearranged to obtain:
dQ 1
+ Q =α
dt RC
Figure 6 shows a typical experimental result, in which the initial distance is 3.5 mm and the
vacuum is 50 mTorr.
Deflection [micrometers]
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [hours]
Q = αRC (1 − e − t / RC )
In Figure 6 we observe that the beam bends very slowly. Therefore, the electrostatic force on
the beam can be taken as balanced by the elastic force from the beam itself. Since the
electrostatic force is proportional to Q2 and the distance between the beam and the source can be
taken as a constant, being δ the deflection of the beam, we have:
Kδ ∝ α 2 R 2 C 2 (1 − e − t / RC ) 2
K is the elastic constant of the beam, α can be assumed to be constant since 63Ni has a half
life of more than 100 years, R in the experiment is also a constant because the pressure is
maintained and no breakdown of the air happened, otherwise the beam will bounce back. C can
also be assumed to be constant because it has been observed experimentally that the deflection
of the beam is very small compared to the initial distance between the beam and the radioactive
source. Therefore:
δ ∝ (1 − e − t / RC ) 2
Figure 7 compares the deflection measured experimentally with the values obtained
analytically according to the discussion shown above, by fitting R. We observe a very good match
between them.
Deflection ( normalized to maximum)
Experimental data
0.7 Theretical data
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8
Time (hours)
Figure 7: Comparison between the experimental and analytical values for the deflection.
This model, however, does not include the periodic behavior of this device. Current
experiments show a minimum period of about 30 minutes, at which time the electrostatic energy is
released as electric current. Further studies are being done in this area, trying to identify the key
characteristics of the system in order to be able to design the device with the period and energy
release level appropriate for each particular application.
A junction-type battery was constructed using Si and a 63Ni liquid source. A source volume
containing 64 µCi was poured into 13 micromachined channels to increase the surface area
contacted by the source. The measured current was approximately 1.3 nA (about 64% of the
theoretical maximum) at 0.05 V, giving a power of about 0.07 nW.
A more novel application of nuclear sources for MEMS applications involves the creation of a
resonator, which is driven by charge collection in a cantilever beam. Preliminary results have
established the feasibility of this concept and future work will optimize the design for various
A recipe for electroless plating of Nickel has been successfully applied to the plating of non-
radioactive Nickel on gold. We will soon use the same recipe to plate 63Ni in a MEMS device.
This work is supported by the US DOE under NEER grant DE-FG07-99ID13781.
[1] "Symposium on Electroless Nickel Plating", ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 265,
American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1959.
[3] " Standards For Protection Against Radiation". Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20,
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Continuosly updated.
[4] J.J.Loferski and P.Rappaport, “Electron Voltaic Study of Electron Bombardment Damage and
Its Threshold in Ge and Si,” Phys. Rev., Vol.98, p.1861,June,1955
[5] P.Rappaport, and J.J.Loferski, “Thresholds for Electron Bombardment Induced Lattice
Displacements in Si and Ge,” Phys. Rev., Vol.100,p.1261,November,1955