Treatment With Pyrophosphate Inhibits Uremic Vascular Calcification
Treatment With Pyrophosphate Inhibits Uremic Vascular Calcification
Treatment With Pyrophosphate Inhibits Uremic Vascular Calcification
& 2011 International Society of Nephrology
Pyrophosphate, which may be deficient in advanced renal Pyrophosphate (PPi) is a potent inhibitor of calcium
failure, is a potent inhibitor of vascular calcification. To crystallization that is present in body fluids at concentrations
explore its use as a potential therapeutic, we injected sufficient to prevent hydroxyapatite formation in vitro,1–3
exogenous pyrophosphate subcutaneously or suggesting that it may function as an endogenous inhibitor of
intraperitoneally in normal rats and found that their plasma calcification. In particular, production of PPi by smooth
pyrophosphate concentrations peaked within 15 min. There muscle may be an important defense against medial vascular
was a single exponential decay with a half-life of 33 min. calcification. Rat aortas do not calcify in vitro unless the PPi
The kinetics were indistinguishable between the two routes produced by the vessels is removed.4 Furthermore, humans
of administration or in anephric rats. The effect of daily lacking ectonucleotide pyrophosphorylase1 (Enpp1), the
intraperitoneal pyrophosphate injections on uremic vascular enzyme that synthesizes extracellular PPi, develop severe
calcification was then tested in rats fed a high-phosphate diet medial arterial calcification at an early age.5–7
containing adenine for 28 days to induce uremia. Although Recent data suggest that PPi deficiency may contribute to
the incidence of aortic calcification varied and was not the increased incidence of medial vascular calcification in
altered by pyrophosphate, the calcium content of calcified advanced kidney disease. Levels of PPi are reduced in
aortas was significantly reduced by 70%. Studies were hemodialysis patients,8 and correlate inversely with the level
repeated in uremic rats given calcitriol to produce more of vascular calcification in patients with advanced chronic
consistent aortic calcification and treated with sodium kidney disease.9 Hydrolysis of PPi is increased in aortas from
pyrophosphate delivered intraperitoneally in a larger volume uremic rats because of upregulation of alkaline phospha-
of glucose-containing solution to prolong plasma tase,10 providing a mechanism for vascular deficiency of PPi.
pyrophosphate levels. This maneuver significantly reduced Therefore, the data suggest that exogenous PPi may be useful
both the incidence and amount of calcification. Quantitative in treating or preventing uremic vascular calcification.
histomorphometry of bone samples after double-labeling Studies conducted more than four decades ago showed
with calcein indicated that there was no effect of that subcutaneously administered PPi inhibited medial
pyrophosphate on the rates of bone formation or arterial calcification in vitamin D-toxic rats.11 However, large
mineralization. Thus, exogenous pyrophosphate can inhibit doses were required and the treatment resulted in marked
uremic vascular calcification without producing adverse skin necrosis. Nonhydrolyzable analogs of PPi, such as
effects on bone. bisphosphonates, were subsequently shown to inhibit vas-
Kidney International (2011) 79, 512–517; doi:10.1038/ki.2010.461; cular calcification in the same animal model, but at much
published online 1 December 2010 lower doses.3 More recently, bisphosphonates have been
KEYWORDS: activated vitamin D; bone; chronic kidney disease; uremia shown to prevent aortic calcification in uremic rats.12,13 One
potential problem with this therapy, however, is inhibition of
bone formation. The high levels of tissue-nonspecific alkaline
phosphatase (TNAP) in bone serve to remove PPi and allow
bone formation to occur in the face of inhibitory circulating
PPi concentrations.14 This is the basis for the skeletal abnor-
malities in hypophosphatasia, where TNAP is deficient.15
Correspondence: W. Charles O’Neill, Emory University School of Medicine, However, TNAP would not protect bone from the non-
Renal Division, WMB 338, 1639 Pierce Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA. hydrolyzable bisphosphonates and, accordingly, the doses of
E-mail: [email protected] bisphosphonates that inhibit vascular calcification in uremic
These authors are equally contributing senior authors. rats also inhibit bone formation.13
Received 23 April 2010; revised 9 September 2010; accepted 21 Based on these previous results, we reasoned that
September 2010; published online 1 December 2010 exogenous PPi might inhibit uremic vascular calcification
without adversely affecting bone. Therefore, we explored the additional study performed with both renal arteries and veins
therapeutic potential of PPi in uremic vascular calcification occluded to determine the renal contribution to PPi clear-
by examining both its pharmacokinetics and its effects on ance, the half-life was 35 min (not shown). Similar results
aortic calcification and bone formation in a model of medial were obtained after intraperitoneal injection (Figure 1b),
arterial calcification in uremic rats. with a half-life of 34.1±2.6 min. However, the peak concen-
tration as a fraction of the dose (0.336 and 0.340 mM/mmol/kg)
RESULTS was greater than after subcutaneous injection (0.196±0.041
Pharmacokinetics mM/mmol/kg), suggesting better delivery by the intraperitoneal
Initial studies were performed in three rats using a single route. With either route, the half-life was not affected by the
subcutaneous injection of 80 mmol/kg of PPi containing dose (shown in Figure 1b). Oral administration was not
tracer 32PPi. At 15 min, 51.9±3.5% of the radioactivity in the attempted because of rapid PPi hydrolysis in the intestinal
plasma was in the form of orthophosphate and this increased tract.11
to 91.4±0.8% at 120 min, indicating rapid hydrolysis of PPi.
Plasma 32PPi peaked at 15 min and decreased exponentially Effect on vascular calcification
thereafter (Figure 1a). The r2 for the linear regression of the To determine whether PPi administration reduces uremic
logarithmically transformed data ranged from 0.95 to 0.98, vascular calcification, rats fed a high-phosphate diet contain-
indicating a single-exponential decline and yielded a half-life ing adenine first underwent daily subcutaneous injection of
of 31.4±1.4 min. Extrapolation to the ordinate yielded an sodium PPi. However, this route resulted in subcutaneous
apparent volume of distribution of 4.1±0.5 l/kg. In an nodules and was therefore abandoned. In contrast, daily
intraperitoneal injection of sodium PPi in a volume of
5 ml/kg appeared to be well tolerated and was therefore used
a 25
to test our hypothesis. Body weights and plasma chemistries
of these rats at the time of killing are presented in Table 1.
Increase in plasma PPi (µM)
3500 20 * ** *
3000 16 *
1000 2
0 60 120 180 240
Time (min)
Figure 3 | Plasma pyrophosphate (PPi) concentration after
single intraperitoneal injections of 160 lmol/kg sodium PPi in
0 80 160 a volume of 40 ml/kg. Results are means±s.e.m. of four animals.
PPi dose, µmol/kg/day *Po0.01, **Po0.001, #Po0.05 vs baseline.
Table 2 | Parameters of bone formation in normal rats and in adenine-fed rats treated with or without 160 lmol PPi/kg/day
No calcitriol Calcitriol
Normal (6) Control (7) PPi (7) Control (6) PPi (6)
(5.5±0.4 mM) and rats treated with the higher dose of PPi extracellular PPi production in the vessel wall is unknown,
(5.3±0.7 mM), indicating that there was no accumulation of PPi these data suggest a reduction in extracellular PPi levels in
in the plasma over the course of the experiment. uremic vessels. Owing to the short half-life of PPi in plasma,
only transient increases in the concentration of plasma PPi
Effect on bone occurred with treatment, and it is possible that the increases
Quantitative histomorphometric analysis was performed in tissue PPi were similarly transient. However, the data show
on femurs from uremic rats (receiving or not receiving that a 4 h increase in PPi levels with a peak tripling was
calcitriol) treated with or without PPi (high dose only), and sufficient to substantially inhibit calcification. This suggests
are shown in Table 2. For comparison, data from pair-fed that only intermittent correction of PPi deficiency can
nonuremic rats obtained in a previous study are also shown. prevent calcification.
All parameters of bone formation were greatly increased in As PPi could potentially inhibit any hydroxyapatite
uremic rats, but were unaffected by PPi treatment. Osteo- formation, effects on normally calcified tissues such as bone
clastic parameters were also unchanged by PPi treatment need to be considered. Despite the robust inhibition of
(data not shown). vascular calcification in uremic rats, there was no effect on
any parameters of bone formation. This selective action of
Other effects PPi is probably explained by the high levels of TNAP in bone.
There was no mortality in the second set of studies and there This ectoenzyme hydrolyzes PPi and enables mineralization
was no difference in the appearance or behavior of the PPi- to occur in the face of circulating PPi levels that can inhibit
treated rats. Examination of the knee joint revealed no crystal hydroxyapatite formation.14 The inhibition of bone formation
deposition in rats treated with PPi (not shown). Histology of that we previously observed with doses of bisphosphonates
the abdominal organs revealed a chronic inflammation of the sufficient to inhibit uremic vascular calcification13 can prob-
peritoneum covering the diaphragm in low- and high-dose ably be explained by the fact that bisphosphonates are not
groups (Figure 5) and fibrosis of the splenic capsule and hydrolyzed by TNAP and can thus directly inhibit bone
chronic inflammation involving the mesentery attached to mineralization. Another explanation for the selective effect
the spleen in the high-dose group. In general, the severity of of PPi is the immediate proximity of the vascular wall to
the peritoneal reaction on the diaphragm was marked in circulating PPi compared with bone tissue.
rats given 4 mmol/l PPi and only mild in rats receiving There was a significantly greater plasma urea concentra-
0.8 mmol/l. A mild inflammatory response was also observed tion with the highest PPi dose in the initial study. The fact
in the placebo group, presumably a response to the surgery, that this group did not have a reduction in adenine dose
the presence of the peritoneal catheter, or exposure to the compared with the other groups (see Materials and Methods)
vehicle. No animal showed overt signs of peritonitis. could have contributed. However, the animals did not show
other signs of increased uremia, and plasma urea was not
DISCUSSION increased in the second set of studies despite the same dose of
This study demonstrates that exogenous PPi can substantially adenine. There was no articular crystal deposition indicative
inhibit vascular calcification in uremic rats. This action is of calcium PPi deposition disease, suggesting that arthritis
presumably because of an increase in the concentration of will not be a side effect of PPi treatment. An inflammatory
PPi in the vessel wall, which directly inhibits hydroxyapatite reaction was present in the peritoneum, indicating that this
formation. Tissue levels are controlled by local production dose and frequency of PPi is not feasible for long-term
and hydrolysis as well as diffusion from the blood. We have intraperitoneal delivery.
previously shown that plasma levels of PPi are reduced in Our initial studies were hampered by the variability of
hemodialysis patients8 and that PPi hydrolysis is increased in vascular calcification in the adenine, high-phosphate diet
vessels from uremic rats.10 Although the effect of uremia on model, often with o50% of rats developing any calcification.
Plasma PPi kinetics
Male rats (230–400 g) were anesthetized with isoflurane for the
duration of these studies. Polyethylene tubing was placed in the
carotid artery and kept patent with heparinized saline. After
injection of 32PPi, 200 ml samples of blood were drawn into
heparized tubes and centrifuged to collect plasma. Plasma was
combined with an equal volume of 10% trichloroacetic acid and
centrifuged again. Orthophosphate was extracted as previously
described10 using 1 volume of supernatant, 10 volumes of 30 mmol/l
ammonium molybdate in 0.75 M sulfuric acid, and 20 volumes of
isobutanol/petroleum ether (4:1). Radioactivity in the organic phase
was counted and radioactivity remaining in the aqueous phase was
assumed to be PPi. The change in plasma PPi concentration was
c calculated from the specific activity of the injected PPi. In some
experiments, unlabeled PPi was injected and PPi was assayed
directly in the plasma.