Project Report On Green Marketing
Project Report On Green Marketing
Project Report On Green Marketing
Important instructions
15. Signature must be done by the candidate himself/ herself in a white paper with
a black pen. The signature image maximum Size (width 210 px, height 80px)
minimum size (width 210 px, height 40px)
16. The candidates are advised to carefully check all the details before final fee
deposit of the application form. After fee confirmation, your application form
details cannot be changed or edited.
18. After registration, an automatic generated User ID will be shown on the website;
you are advised to keep User ID/ Reference No. and password secretly for your
own use only and not to be disclosed this to any other person(s). In the event
of sharing of password, candidate shall be solely responsible for the change
of registration/ application details etc. In the event of forgetting of password,
the same can be retrieved by the candidate on replying the queries by the system
on the lime Forgot Password available on the GJUS&T website.
Verified that the contents of all the above paras are true to my knowledge and belief and
nothing has been concealed therein.
Place ___________
Date ___________