Termination of Employment
Termination of Employment
Termination of Employment
Yes. An employer may dismiss an employee on the B. In a termination for an authorized cause, due
following just causes: process means a written notice of dismissal to the
employee specifying the grounds at least 30 days
a) serious misconduct; before the date of termination. A copy of the notice
shall also be furnished the Regional Office of the
b) willful disobedience; Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) where
the employer is located.
c) gross and habitual neglect of duty;
6. What is the sanction if the employer failed to
d) fraud or breach of trust; observe procedural due process in cases of legal
and authorized termination?
e) commission of a crime or offense against the
employer, his family or representative; In cases of termination for just causes, the employee is
entitled to payment of indemnity or nominal damages
in a sum of not more than 30,000 pesos (Agabon vs.
f) other similar causes.
NLRC, 442 SCRA 573); in case of termination for
authorized causes, 50,000 pesos (Jaka Food
3. Are there other grounds for terminating an Processing vs. Darwin Pacot, 454 SCRA 119).
employment? What are they?
7. May an employee question the legality of his or
Yes. The other grounds are authorized causes: her dismissal?
13. In what forms may reinstatement pending b) Fair and reasonable criteria in selecting employees
appeal be effected? to be dismissed, such as but not limited to less
preferred status (e.g. temporary employee), efficiency
and seniority (Asian Alcohol Corp. vs. NLRC, 305
Reinstatement pending appeal may be actual or by
SCRA 416);
payroll, at the option of the employer.
14. What is meant by full backwages? c) A one-month prior notice is given to the employee
and DOLE Regional Office as prescribed by law.
19. May the services of an employee be terminated
due to disease?