Computational Techniques Prof. Dr. Niket Kaisare Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Computational Techniques Prof. Dr. Niket Kaisare Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Computational Techniques Prof. Dr. Niket Kaisare Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Module No. # 08
Lecture No. # 01
Ordinary Differential Equations (Boundary Value Problems)
Hello and welcome to module 8 our for computational techniques course. This particular
module concerns with solving numerical methods of solving ordinary differential
equations - the boundary value problem.
In the previous module, we had looked at solving initial value problem. So, what I am
going to do in a next few minutes is just motivate this topic of boundary value problems,
and how boundary value problems are different from initial value problems and then, we
will take a couple of methods to solve boundary value problems. Compared to some of
the previous modules, this is going to be slightly shorter module not because this
problem is not a problem of importance, but because we are not going to cover some of
the more advanced techniques in solving boundary value problems.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:02)
So, let us first motivate this particular topic - the boundary value problems topic. I will
first start off with what we mean by an initial value problem, this is what we had done in
the previous module of the course. The differential equations - in order to get a unique
solution to the set of differential equations, that we need to solve the governing equations
in addition to that, there are certain auxiliary conditions that need to be satisfied. For
example, we had an equation of the form d y by d x equal to some function f of (y, x) and
we had a starting point y at certain point x equal to a, was given as y of a.
So, from starting from this particular starting point So as the x progresses how the value
of y is going to change. That was what well we did in initial value problem; the
conditions are specified at one point only. In this particular case, the conditions are
specified at x equal to a, the value of y is, y a and we then need to start off from this
particular initial value, which is shown as a circular circular dart over here.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:40)
We start off at this initial value and then, we progress in one direction. So, we progress
along x direction in order to get the solution. So, these are initial value problems; so you
can think of this is like a string, and this string is attached only at one end and we are free
to move that string; the other end is free to move, depending on how the function value f
of x is going to be. If the initial value y (a) is going to change, then the overall curve just
shift up or down based on what the value y(a) is going to be. On the other hand,
boundary value problems are, you can think of boundary value problems as problems
which are hinged at both the ends, both at the left and the right ends they are hinged.
Indeed if you are going to look at buckling of a particular rod under some weight, that
will be boundary value problem, and that naturally happens to be a boundary value
problem, because the rod is hinged at the initial end as well as the final final end. But in
general, the boundary value problem consists of the governing equations, but the
auxiliary conditions are specified at two different points and not at one single point.
So, the main difference between initial value problems and boundary value problems is
that the initial value problems, the auxiliary condition is specified only at one point;
whereas in the boundary value problem, the auxiliary conditions conditions will be
specified at two points at least.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:39)
So, that is really the motivation behind the boundary value problems. Now, let us look at
a general set of examples in which we are going to encounter boundary value problems
in chemical engineering system. This is the example that we use in the previous module,
this was the model for a plug flow reactor, where F is the total flow rate inside the plug
flow reactor. And in the previous module the equation that we had written was F d C A
by d V, where V is the volume. And in this particular model, I have just expressed V as
the cross sectional area A multiplied by the axial length x.
So, the model that we had in the previous module was F by A multiplied by d C A by d x
equal to some rate of reaction r. And we needed only one condition in order to solve this
problem and that was initial condition, the concentration of the species A was specified
at the inlet of the reactor. So, C A at x equal to 0 was specified to be equal to C 0 that
was the initial value problem.
Now, this particular model ignores the the possibility of actual diffusion or axial
dispersion. So, if there is significant axial dispersion in the system, we have a model of
reactor with axial dispersion. So, what happens is the overall system remains the same;
we only have a dispersion axial dispersion term that comes into this overall model. So,
we have this particular convection term, which is because of the mean flow of the
system; this is the reaction term, because species A disappears because of the reaction A
giving b, and this is the axial dispersion term or an axial diffusion term which is which
has a square dependence which has a second order derivative dependence on C A.
Here we are looking at ordinary differential equations only and the the things that I have
shown in the yellow circles, those are the things that are different in the axial dispersion
model compared to the plug flow reactor model. Because this is a second order ODE, we
do not require just one boundary condition; we require two boundary conditions.
So, here one condition is specified at the inlet that is the inlet concentration is C naught,
this condition is same as the condition that we had before and then, we have to add
another boundary condition in order to solve this particular problem. And in this
particular case, the boundary second boundary condition that we have used is d C A by d
x at x equal to l that is at the end of reactor, the d C A by d x become 0.
Another example let us consider heat conduction in a rod. So, basically we have this this
rod, one end of the rod is kept at 30 degree Celsius, another end of the rod let say is kept
at 80 degree Celsius, because of the temperature difference, there is going to be a heat
transfer that takes place from this particular hot end to this cold end. So, this is from right
to left is the direction of transfer that is going to take place.
Let us say the overall atmosphere is at 30 degrees Celsius, then this rod is going to emit
heat or its going to lose heat, rather to the ambient and this loss of heat is governed by
the Newton's law of cooling. In other words, we have heat transfer coefficient h
multiplied by the cross sectional area multiplied by the difference in the temperature that
becomes the total heat loss into joules per unit time. When it comes to the total heat flux
that that is just h multiplied by T minus T ambient and if we rearrange this equation, we
will get this as d square T by d x square equal to some constant beta multiplied by T
minus T a.
And we need two boundary conditions, and the first boundary condition is T at x equal to
0 is going to be 30; T at x equal to L is going to be 80. So, those are the two boundary
conditions. Now, if instead, if this particular end was insulated, rather than it been kept at
30 degree Celsius, then we would have the condition - the inlet condition- is d T by dx
equal to 0, at x equal to 0 that would have been the inlet boundary condition.
So, what we have seen so far is, one is the most common examples in chemical
engineering systems, where we encounter boundary value problem are associated with a
diffusion or a conduction type of term, where we get d square T by d x square type of
term. Now, because of d square T by d x square type of term, we require conditions to be
two boundary or two initial conditions to be specified. Now, either the temperature or
that particular value may be specified or the T dash, which is d T by d x at a particular
end could be specified. So, these are the two different ways of specifying the boundary
(Refer Slide Time: 09:08)
So, now, to generalize this set of ODE’s for boundary conditions boundary value
problems, this is going to be a very general way of representing any non-linear ODE. So,
we will have some function f of y double dash y dash y and x equal to 0 as going to be a
model. in this particular case. In the previous case, this entire thing is going to be nothing
but our f of d T square by d x square, d T by d x, (t, x).
So, this is going to be our governing equation subject to boundary conditions, because
this is the second order ODE. We require two boundary conditions: one is xi of 1 at x 1
equal to 0; the other boundary condition is xi 2 at x 2 equal to 0. So, this is a very general
way of writing a boundary value problem.
Let us look at the more specific case of the type of boundary value problems that we are
going to encounter in chemical engineering system. After we rearrange a particular
equation, we will get an equation of the form d square y by d x square plus d y by d x
plus q equal to 0, where p and q in general can be functions of both x as well as y.
Now, this particular equation is set to be linear, if this function p is only a function of x;
p is not a function of y, that means, p is just a function of x can be any arbitrary function
of x, and this q should be a linear function of y, which basically means the q we should
be able to write it as r multiplied by y plus s, where r and s themselves can be functions
of x, but they cannot be functions of y. If these conditions are satisfied, then we will get a
linear ODE; if these conditions are not satisfied, we will essentially get a non-linear
ODE. Another case is the difference between homogenous versus non-homogeneous
ODE. If this s of x is equal to 0, we will have a homogeneous ODE; if s of x is not equal
to 0, we will have a non-homogeneous ODE. So that is regarding the second order ODE
model for this system.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:26)
Let us talk about the boundary conditions as we had seen before, if I go to couple of
slides earlier, the two types of boundary conditions that we have seen is that the value at
boundary is specified or the first differential at one of the boundary is specified.
So, these are two different types of boundary conditions, which are called the Dirichlet
or the Neumann boundary conditions respectively. So, the Dirichlet boundary condition
is y is specified at some point x equal to a as y of a equal to alpha; the Neumann
boundary condition is where the y dash is specified, instead of y being specified, and the
mixed boundary condition is where both where linear combination of y and y dash are
specified at one of one of the ends. And in general, we can have basically alpha and beta
to be a functions; in this particular case alpha and beta can be functions of x and y.
Now, let us get to the overview of this particular module. In this module, we are going to
consider two methods to solve boundary value problems the first method is called
shooting method, where we are going to convert the boundary value problem in into an
initial value problem and then, shoot for the solution I will talk about that a few minutes
from now, and second example is to use a finite difference method, where the overall
differential equation using numerical diferential derivatives is converted from differential
equations to either to linear or non-linear equations. If the second order ODE is a linear,
ODE we will get a linear set of equations; if it is a non-linear, ODE we will get non-
linear set of equations.
So, these are the two methods that we are going to talk about in this particular module -
the shooting method and the finite difference method. The shooting method we are going
to borrow ideas from ODE initial value problem and solve algebraic equation using
either the bisection rule or the Newton-Raphson's rule. In the finite difference, we are
going to borrow ideas from numerical differentiation, which was covered in module 6
and the ideas from solving linear or non-linear equations, which was covered in module
3 and 4 respectively. The other methods which we are not going to cover in this
particular course are functions space methods or finite element methods. For example
this would be an orthogonal Orthogonal collocation method would be an example of this
type. And the third example is the finite volume methods; we are not going to cover this
in this course, because they are slightly advanced techniques. For our purpose, we are
going to limit ourselves to shooting method and finite difference method.
So, now, what I am going to do in the next part of this particular lecture is cover the
overall basis behind the shooting method and behind the finite difference method. I will
do that in this particular module. In the next module sorry In the next lecture of this
module, we will cover solving the one particular example using shooting methods.
So, what I am going to do in that is use one of the ODE solving techniques - the
midpoint technique - in order to solve the initial value problem and then, use a bisection
rule to show how these two rules can be combined together in order to use them in
shooting method. And the same example in the lecture 3 of this module, I am going to
use it solve it using the finite difference method.
So, this is going to be a relatively shorter module, because we are not going to do any
theoretical developments on ODE initial value problems or on algebraic equation
solving; we just going to show a practical way of using the techniques that we have
learned in previous modules in order to solve ODE boundary value problem.
So, let us go to our board and let us just look at how what what is involved in solving
using the shooting method or using the finite difference method.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:37)
So, let us continue where we left off; we were talking about ODE boundary value
problems and the example that we took of the of the of a general ODE boundary value
problem was d square y by d x square plus p d y by d x plus q equal to 0, where p and q
in general can be functions of both x and y; we are not saying that p and q should be
linear or non-linear functions, let them be functions of x and y. I have just For simplicity
of notation, I am not writing this as p of x, y or q of x, y. And if the constant term in this
q if it is 0 that ends of being a homogeneous equation; if the term that does not depend
on y if that is 0, it becomes a homogeneous ODE.
So, this is the general way of writing the ODE of our interest. Now, in in case of
boundary value problems, we will essentially have… Let us just talk about in general,
the case of a mixed boundary value in which case we will have the boundary value
problem in the form d y by d t sorry d y by d x plus a y equal to certain value alpha at let
me write this as c 1y equal to alpha at x equal to a, and d y by d x plus c 2 y equal to beta
at certain value x equal to b.
So, this is the governing equation and these are the two boundary. We are going to solve
this general problem using the shooting method or using finite differences. So, let us go
and first talk about shooting method; in shooting method what we do is, we convert the
ODE boundary value problem into an ODE equivalent - ODE initial value problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:11)
So, we will have the same ODE d square y by d x square plus p d y by d x plus q equal to
0 that is the ODE that we will have. But instead of having the boundary conditions at two
boundaries, we will have both the boundary conditions specified at one single boundary.
So, we have the same model equation; we will have the boundary condition 1 remains
the same at x equal to a. Now, what we do is, we replace boundary condition 2 with
another condition at the same point x equal to a.
So, we replace; so with this we have converted our boundary value problem into an
initial value problem, because now what happens is, instead of specifying the conditions
at x equal to a, and x equal to b we have specified both the conditions at x equal to a, and
x equal to a. As a result, this ODE initial value problem is something that we can solve
using the initial value problem techniques that we have talked about before.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:08)
Now with this and how we will go about solving the ODE IVP is lets go back and look at
this particular equation, we had d square y by d x squared plus p d y by d x plus q equal
to 0; we will define another variable z equal to d y by d x.
So, d y by d x we will call that as another variable z. So, with this definition d square y
by d x squared can be written as d z by d x plus p multiplied by z plus q equal to 0
becomes one ODE, and d y by d x equal to z becomes our second ODE.
We can combine these two ODE's together and we can write them in the vectorial form.
Now, this is the vectorial form that we had looked at during solving ODE initial problem,
exactly the same vectorial form we can use we are going to use and we are going to write
d by d x of y z is going to be equal to z is going to be in the first row, and in the second
row we have minus p z minus q.
So, we have d of (y, z) equal to some function function f one and function f two and this
we can solve them using any of our ODE solving techniques, such as the Runge-kutta
method or the midpoint method or the Adam-Moulton’s method so on and so forth. So,
any ODE's IVP solving technique of our choice we can use them to solve this particular
method, subject to the following initial conditions.
We can probably let say choose say z equal to some value beta dash. Now, this is a
problem that we can solve because this is an initial value problem in variables y and z
and we can solve it using two initial conditions and when we solve them using two initial
conditions, we will solve them from x equal to a to x equal to b.
So, replace b c two with this, solve ODE IVP from x equal to a to x equal to b. Once we
have solved this ODE IVP going from x equal to a to x equal to b, then we check the
final condition at x equal to b, whether this particular condition is satisfied or not.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:13)
Now, if this condition is not satisfied, then we use any of our non-linear solution
techniques in order to find out how to get ours our initial value to change in order to
satisfy this condition. When this condition gets satisfied, at that time we know that the
solution that we have come up with the chosen initial guess that is the true solution for
the system.
To show this particular method better, we will look at the heat conduction problem - heat
conduction in a rod problem - and we will try to go through these steps themselves and
we will see how the heat conduction in the rod problem can be solved using the shooting
(Refer Slide Time: 26:01)
So, let us look at the heat conduction in the rod. So, what we had said is there was this
rod with this end kept at 30, the other end kept at 80 degree celsius and the overall
governing equation in this system was d square T by d x squared equal to beta multiplied
by t minus 30, where 30 degrees C was the temperature of the ambient.
So, what we have is basically this this is probably going to be a rod and this end of the
rod is kept at the ambient temperature of 30 and outside temperature is also 30 and this
end is kept at 80, because this end is actually heated; the heat transfer will take place
from this end to this end of the rod through conduction, in addition to conduction taking
place, there will be heat losses from either ends of the rod to the surroundings.
So that is what is going to happen in this overall problem and we had we had seen in this
problem thus this beta is… so there is a k term going to be over here, that k is really the
thermal conductivity of this particular rod and we have h 4 h by d term over here, where
h is the heat transfer coefficient and d is the diameter of the rod. So, beta is going to be
nothing but 4 h divided by k d that is what our value of beta is going to be. Typical
values of beta are of the order of 10 to the power minus 2 to 10 to the power minus 3.
So, let us take the value of beta to be 0. 01. So, this is the example, in the next lecture in
this module I am going to use this particular example to solve it using the shooting
method on microSoft MicroSoft excel that is what I am going to do in the next lecture. In
this lecture, I am just going to show the idea behind solving this particular problem using
the shooting method.
So, now, we have d t by d square T by d x square equal to beta T minus 30 with the
condition with condition that T at x equal to 0 equal to 30, and T at x equal to L is 80,
where L is the length of the rod. Let us take the length of the rod as say two meters or
one meter, whatever it might be, we will look at that particular problem later.
So, this is the overall problem, where the boundary conditions are specified at two
different ends. As we said, the first first problem is first issue is to convert this particular
problem into an initial value problem, because the temperature is specified at this end;
we cannot specify another temperature at this end. So, what we will do is, we will
specify a guess of the d T by d x at that particular end so that is what we are going to do
and before going going to do that, we will define our y as our temperature and z as d t by
d x.
So, let us just consider what it really means by by these two initial conditions when we
are trying to solve this problem. So, now, what we have is, we have this rod; this end of
the rod is kept at 30 degrees Celsius; outer atmosphere is also at 30.
So, this rod, if it is a temperature T, it is going to lose heat to the surrounding which are
at 30 degree Celsius, with this end kept at 30. Now, z 0 equal to 0 basically means that
there is no temperature gradient at the rod, which basically means that this end of the rod
and the location next to that end of the rod are at the same temperature which essentially
is going to come keep the overall temperature in the system constant at 30 degree
Celsius. As long as we have no gradient, we are going to have this overall temperature
constant at 30 degree celsius.
So, what we will do is, we will just plot our temperature versus x; we start our
temperature at 30 degrees celsius and this is 80 degree Celsius; this we will start at the 0
and this is our L and this is our target. So, now, we’ve with these conditions, we solve
the initial value problem, and by solving the initial value problem we will get our
temperature profile something like this. And the temperature that is predicted by solving
the initial value problem at the end of this particular iteration - end of this particular
ODE solving procedure - we will get it as 30. So, with this particular guess, we will get
the exit temperature, the temperature at length L is going to be 30. Now, this temperature
is less than the temperature at the actual temperature at the other end. So, with a guess, it
is like with this guess, we are trying to hit a dart and when we have hit the dot, the dart
has hit below the bull side location.
So, what we are going to do is, we are to going to try and hit once once more we are
going to try and hit the dart and this time, rather than throwing it flat, we will throw the
dart with certain angle. So, what this means is, we are going to throw this dart with z 0 or
d t by d by d t by d x at 0 as some large positive value.
So, let say we are going to choose. So, because with this guess we get 30 degrees celsius
if we throw the dart downwards, we are going… if this is going to be the direction with
which we throw the dart, it is going to hit this board even lower. So, let us not hit the dart
downwards, but let us hit the dart upwards, which basically means because this particular
thing did not work; we are going to choose z 0 as let say 100, with z 0 chosen as 100, we
are probably going to get a temperature profile like this.
So, what has opened over here is that with z 0 equal to100, the dart has hit above the bull
side. So, what we have done is we have chosen the first initial condition as z 0 equal to 0;
we have chosen the second initial condition had z 0 equal to 100. Those two initial
conditions when we throw the dart, hit on either side of the true solution, which we are
which we are intending to find. The true solution that we are intending to find is that the
temperature at the end of the reactor is 80. Where do we get that from? We get that from
the boundary condition.
So, we are hitting the darts on the board, the board is nothing but the temperature at the
end of the rod; we are hitting the darts on the board and that is why the name of the
method is shooting method. The first dart lands below the desired temperature; the
second dart lands above the desired temperature. We can then use either the bisection
method or the Regula Falsi method or any method of our choice in order to find, where
we are going to hit the dart the next time.
So, the using let say the bisection method, we decide, our this guess is also not good
enough so we will replace; the third thing we are going to try is z 0 equal to 50, and with
z 0 equal to fifty let say that dart hits over here. So, basically z 0 equal to 0 and z 0 equal
to 50 or both below the desired target.
So, we are going to retain 50 and 100 as the two guesses and discard 0 as the guess. So,
the next guess is going to be 75 so on and so forth. So, what we are doing over here is,
we are using the bisection rule in order to find out our true Solution, which is going to
ensure that the other boundary condition is met.
So, this is the shooting methods. So, the idea in shooting method is first to convert the
ODE, which is the second order ODE into to first order ODE's. So, we have the same
model equation, convert them into two first order ODE's; keep the first boundary
condition the same, vary the second boundary condition.
So that we get an initial value problem by specifying the conditions at the same same end
with the initial value problem as the as specified over here; we then go on in order to
solve this particular problem using any of the initial value problem solution techniques
we covered in the previous module. We check how far we are away from meeting the
boundary condition BC-2; if we reach the boundary condition BC-2, we stop our
procedure and that is our solution. If we do not meet the boundary condition BC-2, we
are going to use either a bisection rule or the Regula Falsi rule or may be the Newton’s
Newton-Raphson's method in order to find out various values of the condition at x equal
to a such that the boundary condition BC-2 is satisfied.
So that is going to be our overall procedure. What I am going to do in next module is
take up a numerical example of using the shooting method and show you how the
shooting method is going to work, for exact same example that I have shown shown over
here. Now, this was about the shooting method. The second method that we spoke about
was the finite difference method.
So, let us look at how to how to solve the boundary value problem using finite difference
method. Now, in the boundary value problem, this this is the same boundary value
problem that we general boundary value problem that we saw few minutes earlier; the
conditions were specified at x equal to a and x equal to b. So, our domain starts from x
equal to a and ends at x equal to b. So, that particular domain we are going to split into n
intervals, a to b we have going to split into n intervals, let say n equal to 5. So, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, let us presume for a moment that these are equivalent intervals. So, this particular guy,
we will call this as x 1; this is x 2, x 3, x 4 x 5 and x 6.
So, the domain is split in n intervals. Our difference between two consecutive intervals is
going to be h is going to be equal to b minus a divided by n; our x 1 is going to be equal
to a and x i is going to be nothing but a plus i minus 1 multiplied by h. So, x 2 is going to
be a plus h; x 3 is going to be a plus 2 h a plus 3 h and so on up to b. So, these are going
to be our definitions.
Now, what we are going we to do is at any location, we are going to write our model
equation using the the numerical derivatives expansion. So, our model equation, if we
look at that, if we go back over here, our model equation was d square y by d x square
plus p d y by d x plus q. If we recall from our module 6, d square y by d x square, we can
write that using a finite difference approximation; d y by d x we can use write again
using a finite difference approximation.
So, at any location i, we expand the model using finite difference approximation. If you
recall from module 6, the central difference formula gives us a second order accurate
method. So, we will use for this particular example; we will use central difference
formula. What we mean by using the central difference formula is our d square y by d x
square at location i, will be written as basically y at i plus 1 minus 2 y i plus y i minus 1
divided by h squared.
So, we will get y i plus 1 minus 2 y i plus y i minus 1 divided by h squared plus p of (x i ,
y i) multiplied by y i plus 1 minus y i minus 1 divided by 2 h plus q of (x i , y i) equal to
0. So that is going to be our model. Our boundary conditions are going to be - if we have
the Dirichlet type of boundary conditions, they are going to be very straight forward to
handle; if we have the Neumann type of boundary conditions, they are going to be a little
bit more trickier to handle.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:09)
So, those are going to be our two boundary conditions that we can use. Now, we have
our first equation as y i y 1 equal to alpha; our second to nth equations are going to be
these guys, and our n plus one th equation will again come from the boundary condition.
If it is a Dirichlet boundary condition again, we will get y i equal to y n plus 1 equal to
beta and that is exactly what we are going to get in this particular example, where we
will get y 1 equal to 30 and we will get y n plus 1 equal to 80 as the two Dirichlet
boundary conditions.
Now, this boundary condition we can handle in two different ways: we can use a forward
difference formula and the other way to handle this is using a ghost point method.
I will talk about the forward difference formula first, because it is more straight forward.
In forward difference formula, we use a forward difference in at this particular location
to express y 1 dash, and y i dash is nothing but y 2 minus y 1 divided by h.
So that is the y one dash using the forward difference formula that is going to be equal to
alpha. Now, the problem with using the forward difference formula is this is the order of
accuracy of this formula is h to the power 1, whereas the order of accuracy for our
central difference formula, for the formula that you have used to expand this particular
model, the order of accuracy for this particular formula is going to be h squared. So, we
have the in the entire domain, we have a formula that is h square accurate, but at the end
of the domain, we have the formula that is order of h accurate.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:10)
The largest error is going to govern the overall error in this in of in the solution. Since
the largest error is h the one order error, the overall solution is going to be h to the power
one accurate, in-spite of us spending a fair amount of effort in getting h to the power 2
accurate solution in the domain using a central difference formula.
So, that is why this method may not be a preferred method. So, instead we will we will
have to use an h square accurate formula, and h square accurate formula is going to be
basically y 2 minus y 0 divided by 2 h is going to be equal to alpha.
Now, the problem is that, this particular guy is a ghost point; this point does not really
exist; so this point is a point that we have concocted. We have concocted to the left to the
left, in this particular case to the left of our initial point.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:47)
So, now, instead of having n plus 1 unknowns, now we have n plus 2 unknowns, because
we have added this also in as an unknown. So, what we do in this particular case is that
we add this particular equation, addition of this equation, add one more variable. As a
result, the domain equation that is this model equation is going to be solved not from two
to n, but instead it will be solved from one to n.
So, if we are going to use ghost point, then at location 1, we are going to specify the
boundary condition as well as the domain equation. From location 2 to n, we will specify
the domain equation and at location n plus 1, we will specify the boundary condition, if it
is a Dirichlet boundary condition; if it is either a Neumann or mixed boundary condition
again, we will use a ghost point approach at this point in which case we will have n plus
1 governing equations and two boundary conditions for n plus 1 points in the domain and
two ghost points.
So, with this I come to the end of this particular lecture of this module. What we have
covered over here so far is to give an over view to boundary value problems and discuss
two methods to solve the boundary ODE boundary value problems - the first one is the
shooting method and the second one is the finite difference method. What I am going to
do in the second lecture is take up the shooting method and show a numerical problem in
Microsoft excel and discuss a few things about the shooting method. And in the lecture
3, I am going to consider the fixed point Sorry the finite difference method and look at
another another example and solve that using the finite difference method and also
discuss about some of the issues with finite difference method.