1026 Issue of The Daily Journal
1026 Issue of The Daily Journal
1026 Issue of The Daily Journal
may resolve
police issues
Study finds inconsistent leadership;
consolidation may be Millbrae’s cure
By Heather Murtagh Inside geants and watch
New Millbrae investigation and
hotel unlikely report writing
A lack of consistent police leader-
See page 8 quality that needs
ship in Millbrae is one issue facing
the department which could be improvement, and
BILL SILVERFARB/DAILY JOURNAL copious amounts of undocumented
solved by consolidating with San
Local companies handed out information to job seekers who attended a ‘boot camp’ for the unemployed time on patrol — could be addressed
Bruno, a 12-page report from the through a partnership with San
yesterday in South San Francisco hosted by U.S.Rep.Jackie Speier,D-San Mateo.
California Commission on Police Bruno, which is currently being
Boot camp offers tools,insight into job hunt leadership, inexperienced field ser- See POLICE, Page 20
By Bill Silverfarb
critiques, inter-
view coaching
and resource
The Daly City resident attended
the event to network and get help
with his resumé.
Judge issues warrants for
Relax, smile and be comfortable
was the advice given by U.S. Rep.
Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo, to a
Resource tables
were manned by
He was pleased to see he is not
alone in seeking a job as he was sur-
rounded by hundreds of others fac-
alleged fire relief scammers
room full of job seekers yesterday. several nonprofit ing the same reality. Accused defrauders fail to show in court
About 750 people filled the South and government “I feel better about my situation By Michelle Durand
San Francisco Conference Center to agency represen- by coming here,” Torres said. DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
attend Speier’s third “Job Hunters Jackie Speier tatives while 20 The event’s keynote speaker was
Boot Camp” of the year. companies Mary Stutts, senior vice president of Two people charged with trying to
Corporate executives, recruiters, accepted applications for jobs. Elan Corporation and author of scam relief aid by posing as San
consultants and trainers manned Although San Mateo County’s “The Missing Mentor.” Bruno fire victims failed to appear
booths at the center while those unemployment rate is well below “It is time to position yourself for in court yesterday, prompting a
without work or those seeking the state’s, it is still hard to find change,” Stutts told the crowd. “You judge to issue $100,000 arrest war-
career changes sought help and work locally, said Sam Torres, who must sustain your spirit.” rants for each.
counseling. has been out of work for almost a
Attendees were privy to resumé year. See JOBS, Page 8 See SCAM, Page 20 Deonte Bennett,Niesha Taylor
2 Tuesday • Oct. 26, 2010 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL
• The Millbrae City Council will consider amending the contract
with Firefighters Association Local 2400 representing a 4.3 percent
decrease in compensation between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011.
Reductions will come by reducing the number of vacation days
each employee is eligible for by three days, forfeiting the retiree
health savings account contribution, forfeiting pay for two of the 12
holidays, and accepting a lower uniform allowance, according to a
staff report written by City Manager Marcia Raines.
Last week, the council unanimously approved contract agreements with three labor
unions: Sanitation Workers Association, Millbrae Police Officers Association and
Teamsters Local 856. Each unit agreed to a variety of cuts equaling 4.3 percent. The deci-
sion means workers will have furlough days, less vacation time and will go without uniform
allowances. The city is estimated to save $460,800 this year because of the agreements.
The council meets 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26 at City Hall, 621 Magnolia Ave. in Millbrae.
Local briefs
$1M grant for Grand
Boulevard Initiative
Family remembers Bob Foster
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF REPORT died in 1995. with the U.S. Air Force. With the death of his father in
The Grand Boulevard Initiative, a His brother, T. Upon completion, he returned to 1968 and the sale of Foster City in
collaboration of cities, government One of Foster City’s founding Jack Foster Jr. Norman where he earned a degree 1970, Bob Foster withdrew from the
agencies and community leaders fathers passed away earlier this remembers Bob in geology. In 1955, he joined his partnership, which changed its
working to transform El Camino month. John Robertson (Bob) as being father and brothers in the family name to Foster Enterprises.
Real has received a $1.1 million fed- Foster died Oct. 1 at his home in mechanical partnership, T. Jack Foster & Sons, “My brother preferred to do his
eral grant from the U.S. Department Brookneal, Va., at 78. minded with a where he was responsible for invest- own thing and he left the family
of Transportation. Foster was the son of T. Jack love for sailing. ment in oil and gas development. business on friendly terms,” T. Jack
Of nearly 700 applications, the ini- Foster Sr. and one of three sons who “He absolute- In 1960, the headquarters of the Foster said.
tiative was one of 33 projects to formed the company T. Jack Foster Bob Foster ly adored any- partnership was moved to He then pursued a variety of other
receive one of DOT’s Transportation & Sons with their father in 1955. thing mechani- Burlingame. Bob Foster moved interests. He lived for a number of
Investment Generating Economic Together, the family developed cal. He could fix anything from with his family to Hillsborough years at Point Richmond, overlook-
Recovery II planning grants. TIGER Foster City and other large residen- motorcycles to old jalopies,” T. Jack
tial developments. where he participated with his ing the Bay. He loved the water and
II grants are awarded to projects with said about his brother.
He died from complications of father and brothers in the develop- kept a sailboat which he eventually
a significant impact on the nation, Bob Foster entered one of his cars
emphysema. in the Hillsborough Concours ment of Foster City. sailed to Hawaii when he moved to
region or metropolitan area.
Foster is survived by his wife D’Elegance and earned an honor- His particular responsibility was the big island in 1995. He moved to
The initiative is a multi-city, multi-
county effort to develop El Camino Sandra of Virginia, brothers T. Jack able mention, T. Jack said. to oversee the reclamation of the Virginia in 2005.
Real into a regional corridor with Foster Jr. and Richard Foster of San He was born in Norman, Okla., land, which included the importa- “We were friendly all our lives,”
neighborhoods around train stations Mateo, daughter Allison Simons, where he attended the University of tion and placement of over 18 mil- T. Jack Foster said. “I loved him.”
and transit centers that have a mix of son J.R. Foster Jr. and stepson Oklahoma and was a member of Phi lion cubic yards of fill.
housing, shops, business and recre- Martin Owen. He is also survived Delta Theta fraternity. Among other responsibilities, he A memorial service will be held
ation. These neighborhoods will by five grandchildren and six great- His education was interrupted in represented the partnership in coor- Friday, Nov. 19, at the First
include open plazas and parks that grandchildren. 1951 by a four-year tour of duty dinating construction with the sev- Presbyterian Church in Burlingame
will serve as public gathering places. His son, Jeffrey Savage Foster, eral home builders in Foster City. at 3 p.m. A reception will follow.
More information about the Grand
Boulevard Initiative is available at
New Hampshire to California, say- that we really he member-owned
ing they would help create jobs in Barbara Boxer need them,” said Corporate America
their economically bruised states. Democratic Sen. Family Credit Union,
The Transportation Department Barbara Boxer, located at 220 Lincoln Centre Drive
notified lawmakers of the money on who is engaged in Foster City, held its seventh annu- Corporate America Family Credit Union dedicated its summer to helping
Monday and will make a formal in a close re- al “Project Backpack” school sup- local children get the supplies they need for the upcoming school year.
announcement on Thursday. The election fight ply drive to benefit local students in work for NASA and space industry Franklin Templeton Investments
timing of the announcement raised with Republican need over the summer. This year’s partners. to take part in Jumpstart’s fifth
questions about whether the admin- challenger Carly drive was a great success, yielding NASA will provide the college annual Read for the Record cam-
istration was trying to help some Fiorina. Fiorina dozens of items, including: pencils, with $150,000 per year over the paign Thursday, Oct. 7.
Democratic candidates. also supports binders, markers, backpacks, fold- next three years to help create Approximately 50 volunteers from
The biggest winners of an estimat- building high- ers, glue sticks, crayons, notebooks opportunities for minority students Franklin Templeton’s San Mateo
ed $2.5 billion pot of money were Carly Fiorina speed rail in and monetary donations which were in engineering technology and sci- headquarters read Ezra Jack Keats’
California and Florida, which have California. recently passed along to the kids at ence. Cañada College has a high “The Snowy Day,” a student
competitive governor, House and While the Obama administration George Hall Elementary in Foster number of female and ethnic minor- favorite, to over 200 local preschool
Senate races. But numerous other hopes the grant announcements will City. ity STEM students. and kindergarten students. This event
states scored as well. boost the chances of Democratic *** Beginning next summer, nine raises awareness about the impor-
California will get another $902 candidates, some Republicans candi- Cañada College has received a Cañada students will have the tance of early childhood literacy in
million to advance the design and dates are charging in the opposition three-year, $450,000 grant to opportunity to conduct research school success. Each participating
construction of a high-speed rail sys- directions. improve student success in math alongside NASA scientists at the student will receive a copy of the
tem initially running from San The administration used stimulus and engineering courses by contex- NASA Ames Research Center. limited edition Read for the Record
Francisco to Los Angeles. The funding to jumpstart high-speed rail tualizing the learning through a Additionally, four Cañada students book to take home and enjoy.
money is in addition to $2.25 billion in several states earlier this year. But partnership with the National will be sponsored to participate in
in stimulus money that’s headed to GOP candidates for governor in four Aeronautics and Space San Francisco State University’s
California for high-speed rail. of those states are opposed to, or Administration (NASA) Ames year-long capstone senior design Class notes is a twice weekly column
The Transportation Department want to delay their state’s project. Research Center. courses. dedicated to school news. It is compiled
also notified Florida lawmakers that Objections came from California’s The partnership will help contex- ***
by education reporter Heather Murtagh.
the state had received an additional Meg Whitman, Wisconsin’s Scott You can contact her at (650) 344-5200,
tualize math and engineering George Hall and Fiesta Gardens ext. 105 or at heather@smdailyjour-
$800 million for high-speed rail. Walker, Ohio’s John Kasich and coursework and prepare students to Magnet Schools partnered with nal.com.
Supporters are lauding the federal Florida’s Rick Scott.
THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Tuesday • Oct. 26, 2010 7
Obama assails GOP on final campaign push High-alcohol
By David Espo
energy drinks
President Barack Obama attacked
special interests sitting
shotgun.We gotta have raise concerns
Republicans with gusto Monday as middle class families up By Shannon Dininny
he plunged into a final week of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
midterm election campaigning, but
in front.We don’t mind
his party’s prognosis remained the Republicans joining us. ELLENSBURG, Wash. —
darkened by the feeble economy They can come for the ride, Sugary, high-alcohol energy drinks
and his itinerary was designed that are popular with college stu-
largely to minimize losses. but they gotta sit in back.” dents who want to get drunk quick-
Nor was his greeting totally — Barack Obama ly and cheaply came under renewed
friendly in a state where Obama has scrutiny Monday as investigators
pointedly declined to endorse his gotta sit in back.” announced that nine freshmen had
party’s candidate for governor. Democrats relied on more than Barack Obama speaks at a Democratic Congressional Campaign been hospitalized after drinking
Obama can “take his endorsement the president’s time to boost their Committee (DCCC) rally in Providence,R.I. them at an off-campus party.
and shove it,” declared Democrat chances in the final days of the cam- Several states are considering
Frank Caprio, battling Republican-
turned-independent Lincoln Chafee
paign. There was the matter of fed-
eral funds, too, in the form of an
Dem: Obama can ‘shove outlawing the drinks and at least
two universities have banned them
in a Rhode Island gubernatorial race
rated tight in the polls. Chafee
estimated $2.5 billion in grants
announced during the day to pro- it’ for not endorsing me from campus while the Food and
Drug Administration reviews their
endorsed Obama during the 2008 vide high-speed rail service in By Michelle R. Smith House said safety.
campaign for the White House. California, between Chicago and THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Obama would The issue received new attention
In a little more than five hours in Iowa, and elsewhere. endorse no one, after the Oct. 8 party in Roslyn, a
the state, Obama was booked for a Administration officials left it to PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The Caprio angrily picturesque mountain town known
factory tour and for a pair of Democratic lawmakers to make the Democratic candidate for Rhode told WPRO- as the place where the 1990s televi-
fundraisers that party officials said announcements, and they did, Island governor, widely seen as AM that Obama sion series "Northern Exposure"
would bring in $500,000. stressing the job-creating potential more conservative than the inde- can “take his was filmed.
He said Republicans had driven of the expansions. Some pendent seeking to lead the heavily endorsement Police first responded to a report
the economy into a ditch and then Republicans expressed objections to Democratic state, said Monday that and really shove of an unconscious female in a gro-
stood by and criticized while the funding in a time of record President Barack Obama can “shove Frank Caprio it.”It was a sur- cery store parking lot and learned
Democrats pulled it out. Now that deficits. it” after learning Obama would not about the party from her friends. At
progress has been made, he said, endorse him. prising about-
Eight days before the election, the the home, officers found a chaotic
Frank Caprio’s campaign said last face for Caprio, the state’s general
“we can’t have special interests sit- principal uncertainty concerned the treasurer, whose campaign had said scene, with students from nearby
week that he would welcome the
ting shotgun. We gotta have middle size and scope of anticipated as recently as Sunday night that he Central Washington University
president’s endorsement. But on
class families up in front. We don’t Democratic losses in the House, the Monday, the same day Obama made was looking forward to Obama’s passed out and so intoxicated that
mind the Republicans joining us. Senate, governor’s races and state his first visit to Rhode Island as pres- visit and that he would accompany investigators thought they had over-
They can come for the ride, but they legislatures. ident and a day after the White the president to two appearances. dosed on drugs.
8 Tuesday • Oct. 26, 2010 LOCAL/WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL
ing at Bayer Pharmaceuticals. “He worked for free to learn the life by monitoring social network- Development Department, local
Continued from page 1
“I wanted to stay in biotech,” she
said. “You have to know who is hir-
ing. I had a plan and I stay focused.”
job and he was eventually hired,”
Stutts said.
Speier echoed the sentiment.
ing sites, she said.
Since age discrimination exists in
hiring, Speier advised older job
human resources managers and
career coaches.
The boot camp was co-sponsored
Stutts took a “lateral” position “Don’t be afraid to volunteer,” seekers not to list dates related to by county Supervisor Mark Church
She also told the crowd to not be with Genentech but was promoted Speier said. “Volunteering leads to job experience. with Assemblyman Jerry Hill, D-
afraid to dress up. within two years to oversee 43 new jobs.” “An employer can’t ask you how San Mateo, attending the event as
“Appearance matters if you want employees and a $100 million budg- It is also important to “clean up” old you are and you don’t have to well. Others speaking at the event
to advance up the career ladder,” et. Facebook pages, Speier said, and to tell,” she said. were Advantage Personnel’s Cristina
Stutts said. She also noted a doctor who vol- take dates off resumés. Job seekers at the boot camp had Gomez, Franklin Templeton’s Ann
She told her own story about join- unteered at Genentech because he Pre-employment reviews often access to experts from Greenhaw and social media consult-
ing Genentech years ago after work- wanted to get into marketing. delve into a job applicant’s personal PeninsulaWorks, the Employment ant Carlos Hernandez.
THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Tuesday • Oct. 26, 2010 9
Bully for you! Contact Us
t’s not easy being green, but
what about white and fluffy?
‘Good thing they have no
One might assume being the one- opposable thumbs — evil tweets and cruel
time darling of the German media is
all fun and games and raw fish, but Facebook pages would be just a click away.’
just ask Knut. The former interna-
tional sensation is finding his recent Daily Journal e-mail:
relocation into the lady bears’ pen is support. Schedule a telethon and bear enclosure. Perhaps his female [email protected]
no walk in the zoo, er, park. enlist both celebrities and everyday companions are angry they can’t Tel: 344-5200
Rather than finding himself folk to tell Knut and every little bear arouse his romantic interest, which
Fax: 344-5298
fawned over by the other animals, like him that it will get better. is understandable when they’re look-
Exactly why Knut is the object of Mail: 800 S. Claremont St., #210
Knut the polar bear is apparently ing for love and all Knut wants to do bly doesn’t ask for help, either.
such vitriol is unclear. Maybe San Mateo 94402
being bullied by a trio of female is talk about the shoes of spectators. Behind the brave front, though, even
they’re jealous of the worldwide Of course, those rumors could all be
polar bears. That’s right. Rather than big, strong guys like Knut have feel- Newsroom
adulation the rolly-polly snowball lies by those same folks who can’t
batting their big polar bear eyes and received in his early years. Wouldn’t ings and being picked on isn’t just a E-mail: [email protected]
asking if he’d like to go skinny dip- handle the prospect of gay penguins, rite of passage. Fax: 344-5298
be the first time child stars and pam- or maybe some lions and tigers
ping in the pool, the furry witches pered tykes received the wrong kind Why Knut isn’t getting any love is
are reportedly picking on little ol’ afraid their own predilections will worthwhile but it isn’t as much a pri-
of attention. come to light. Letters to the Editor
Knut. Actually, not little. The boy is Maybe they mistook Knut’s shy- ority as getting the browbeating to should be no longer than 250 words.
a whopping 440 pounds. Things will really get bad if stop.
ness for snootiness. Did he not Knut’s taunters convince another
Which begs the question, how in respond quick enough to their invita- When it comes to bullying, Perspective Columns
the world can somebody so massive bear to act like he or she is romanti- nobody should have to grin and bear
tion to join him in the pool? Good cally interested in him. Let’s hope should be no longer than 600 words.
allow himself to be the object of thing they have no opposable it.
ridicule and taunting? Can’t he just Knut doesn’t drown himself like an • Illegibly handwritten letters and
thumbs — evil tweets and cruel
squish them? overwrought lemming or embark on anonymous letters will not be accepted.
Facebook pages would be just a Michelle Durand’s column “Off the
Guess when it comes to bullying, click away. a fast if he finds out his crush is
size doesn’t really matter. According Maybe they make fun of Knut for nothing more than a cruel hoax start- Beat” runs every Tuesday and • Please include a city of residence and
to German zookeepers, “Instead of being abandoned as a baby by his ed by older animals who should Thursday. She can be reached by e- phone number where we can reach you.
enjoying himself with the three mother. They could butcher his know better. mail: [email protected]
Let’s also hope the zookeepers • E-mailed documents are preferred. No
ladies, he cowers fearfully in a cor- name. What if he’s big boned or not or by phone: (650) 344-5200 ext. 102. attachments please.
ner.” In one video, the particularly particularly brilliant? and other staff aren’t standing idly
Maybe they think Knut likes other by, aware of the abuse but doing What do you think of this column?
diva-ish Katjuscha pushed Knut into • Letter writers are limited to two
the water by the throat. Ouch! boy polar bears. He is awfully cute, nothing about it. Knut looks like he Send a letter to the editor: submissions a month.
So grab the purple gear and sched- keeps his hair well-coiffed and prob- should be able to handle the situa- [email protected].
ule a spirit day. Knut needs help and ably has the snazziest corner of the tion without intervention. He proba- Opinions expressed in letters, columns and
perspectives are those of the individual
writer and do not necessarily represent the
A win-win
Smashing Smart
By Nathan Mollat
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Athlete of the Week
for Molina
By Stephen Hawkins
26 27 28 29 30 31 1
vs.Devils vs.Anaheim
Atlantic Division Atlantic Division East
vs.Texas vs. Texas @ Texas @ Texas Boston 0 0 .000 — Pittsburgh 5 3 1 11 27 20 N.Y.Jets 5 1 0 .833 159 101
4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5 p.m. New Jersey 0 0 .000 — N.Y.Islanders 4 2 2 10 26 23 New England 5 1 0 .833 177 136
New York 0 0 .000 — N.Y.Rangers 4 2 1 9 22 20 Miami 3 3 0 .500 111 135
Philadelphia 3 4 1 7 19 21 Buffalo 0 6 0 .000 121 198
Philadelphia 0 0 .000 —
vs.Houston vs.Clippers @ Lakers Toronto 0 0 .000 — New Jersey 2 6 1 5 15 30
6:30 p.m. South
7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
CSN-BA HD Southeast Division Northeast Division W L T Pct PF PA
W L Pct GB W L OT Pts GF GA Tennessee 5 2 0 .714 199 117
Atlanta 0 0 .000 — Montreal 5 2 1 11 20 18 Houston 4 2 0 .667 153 167
Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 29 Dec. 5 Dec. 12
vs. Denver in vs. St.Louis @ Arizona vs. Seattle Charlotte 0 0 .000 — Toronto 4 2 1 9 20 18 Indianapolis 4 2 0 .667 163 125
Bye vs.Tampa @ Packers
London 5:30 p.m. Boston 4 2 0 8 18 11 Jacksonville 3 4 0 .429 130 209
10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 10 a.m. 1:05 p.m. Miami 0 0 .000 —
Orlando 0 0 .000 — Buffalo 3 5 1 7 24 24
Washington 0 0 .000 — Ottawa 2 5 1 5 16 26 North
Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 W L T Pct PF PA
vs.K.C. Bye Central Division
Southeast Division
vs. Seattle @ Steelers vs.Miami @ Chargers @ Jags
1:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 10 a.m. 1:05 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 10 a.m. W L OT Pts GF GA Pittsburgh 5 1 0 .833 137 82
W L Pct GB Baltimore 5 2 0 .714 149 129
FOX CBS CBS CBS CBS CBS Tampa Bay 5 2 1 11 27 27
Chicago 0 0 .000 — Cincinnati 2 4 0 .333 132 141
Washington 5 3 0 10 23 21
Cleveland 0 0 .000 — Cleveland 2 5 0 .286 118 142
Carolina 4 3 0 8 21 21
Atlanta 3 4 1 7 23 29
Florida 3 3 0 6 17 12
Girls’golf Semifinals Kansas City 4 2 0 .667 150 112
PAL Championship at Poplar Creek,noon New York vs.San Jose WESTERN CONFERENCE Oakland 3 4 0 .429 179 165
Saturday,Oct.30: New York at San Jose,7 p.m. San Diego 2 5 0 .286 177 149
Mills at Burlingame,Aragon at Menlo-Atherton,San
Thursday,Nov.4: San Jose at New York,5 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division
Denver 2 5 0 .286 138 199
Mateo at Woodside, Carlmont at Hillsdale, West- Columbus vs.Colorado Southwest Division Nashville 5 0 3 13 21 17
moor at Half Moon Bay,Sequoia at South City,Terra
Nova at El Camino,Jefferson at Capuchino,5 p.m.
Thursday,Oct.28: Columbus at Colorado,6 p.m.
Saturday,Nov.6:Colorado at Columbus,1 p.m. W L Pct GB Detroit 5 1 1 11 23 18 NATIONAL CONFERENCE
Dallas 0 0 .000 — Chicago 5 4 1 11 29 28 East
Boys’water polo Eastern Conference Championship Houston 0 0 .000 — St.Louis 4 1 2 10 19 14 W L T Pct PF PA
Hillsdale at San Mateo, Woodside Priory at Terra TBA:New York-San Jose winner vs.Columbus-Col-
Nova,3 p.m. orado winner Memphis 0 0 .000 — Columbus 5 3 0 10 20 22 N.Y.Giants 4 2 0 .667 134 118
New Orleans 0 0 .000 — Northwest Division Washington 4 3 0 .571 130 133
Girls’water polo WESTERN CONFERENCE San Antonio 0 0 .000 — W L OT Pts GF GA Philadelphia 4 3 0 .571 172 157
Mills at Carlmont, 3 p.m.; Woodside at Half Moon Semifinals Dallas 1 4 0 .200 102 111
Bay, 3:30 p.m.; Mercy-Burlingame at Terra Nova, 4 Real Salt Lake vs.FC Dallas Northwest Division Calgary 5 3 0 10 21 17
p.m. Saturday,Oct.30:Real Salt Lake at Dallas,2 p.m. W L Pct GB Colorado 4 4 0 8 25 29
Saturday,Nov.6:Dallas at Real Salt Lake,7 p.m. Vancouver 3 3 2 8 20 21 South
Denver 0 0 .000 —
Girls’tennis W L T Pct PF PA
Los Angeles vs.Seattle Minnesota 0 0 .000 — Minnesota 3 3 1 7 21 20 Atlanta 5 2 0 .714 169 133
Notre Dame-Belmont at Presentation,3:30 p.m.
Sunday,Oct.31: Los Angeles at Seattle,5 p.m. Oklahoma City 0 0 .000 — Edmonton 2 4 0 4 15 21 Tampa Bay 4 2 0 .667 98 128
Sunday,Nov.7:Seattle at Los Angeles,6 p.m. Portland 0 0 .000 — Pacific Division New Orleans 4 3 0 .571 147 138
WEDNESDAY Utah 0 0 .000 — W L OT Pts GF GA Carolina 1 5 0 .167 75 130
Boys’water polo Western Conference Championship
TBA:Real Salt Lake-FC Dallas winner vs.Los Ange- Pacific Division Los Angeles 6 2 0 12 25 19
Carlmont at Sequoia,Burlingame at Menlo School,
2 p.m.; Mills vs.Hillsdale at Burlingame,4 p.m. les-Seattle winner W L Pct GB Dallas 5 2 0 10 24 17 North
Golden State 0 0 .000 — San Jose 3 3 1 7 19 21 W L T Pct PF PA
MLS CUP Chicago 4 3 0 .571 126 114
Girls’water polo Sunday, Nov. 21: Conference Champions at L.A.Clippers 0 0 .000 — Phoenix 2 2 3 7 17 19
Mills vs.Hillsdale at Burlingame,2 p.m.;Castilleja at Toronto,5:30 p.m. Anaheim 3 5 1 7 21 33 Green Bay 4 3 0 .571 167 136
Sequoia, Burlingame at Menlo School, Aragon at L.A.Lakers 0 0 .000 —
Two points for a win,one point for overtime Minnesota 2 4 0 .333 111 116
Menlo-Atherton,4 p.m. Phoenix 0 0 .000 —
loss or shootout loss. Detroit 1 5 0 .167 146 140
Notre Dame-Belmont at St.Ignatius,6:30 p.m.
TRANSACTIONS Sacramento 0 0 .000 —
Sunday’s Games
Girls’golf Nashville 4,Tampa Bay 3
American League Monday’s Games Seattle 4 2 0 .667 120 107
WBAL championship at Poplar Creek,noon NEW YORK YANKEES—Fired pitching coach Dave N.Y.Rangers 3,New Jersey 1 Arizona 3 3 0 .500 98 160
No games scheduled
Eiland. Calgary 4,San Jose 0 St.Louis 3 4 0 .429 120 131
THURSDAY TORONTO BLUE JAYS—Named John Farrell man- Tuesday’s Games
Monday’s Games San Francisco 1 6 0 .143 113 162
Girls’tennis ager. Miami at Boston,4:30 p.m.
PAL tournament semifinals National League
Los Angeles 3,Minnesota 2,SO Sunday’s Games
Phoenix at Portland,7 p.m.
Woodside at Menlo-Atherton;Carlmont at Aragon, ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—Agreed to terms with Columbus 2,Philadelphia 1 Baltimore 37,Buffalo 34,OT
3:30 p.m. Houston at L.A.Lakers,7:30 p.m.
pitching coach Dave Duncan on a two-year con- Montreal 3,Phoenix 2,OT Washington 17,Chicago 14
tract and hitting coach Mark McGwire, first-base Wednesday’s Games Atlanta 39,Cincinnati 32
Tuesday’s Games
coach Dave McKay,third-base coach Jose Oquendo Boston at Cleveland,4 p.m. Tennessee 37,Philadelphia 19
San Mateo at Carlmont,Woodside at Aragon,Mills and bench coach Joe Pettini on one-year contracts. Florida at Toronto,4 p.m.
at Menlo-Atherton, Burlingame at Hillsdale, Terra Detroit at New Jersey,4 p.m. Buffalo at Philadelphia,4:30 p.m. Pittsburgh 23,Miami 22
Nova at Jefferson,El Camino at Sequoia,South City CHICAGO BULLS—Exercised their fourth-year con- Miami at Philadelphia,4 p.m. Phoenix at Ottawa,4:30 p.m. Tampa Bay 18,St.Louis 17
at Westmoor,Half Moon Bay at Capuchino,5 p.m. tract option on G Derrick Rose and third-year New York at Toronto,4 p.m. Cleveland 30,New Orleans 17
contract options on F Taj Gibson and F James John-
Edmonton at Calgary,6 p.m.
Atlanta at Memphis,5 p.m. Anaheim at Dallas,6 p.m. Kansas City 42,Jacksonville 20
Boys’water polo son.
Woodside Priory at San Mateo, 3 p.m.; Half Moon Sacramento at Minnesota,5 p.m. Carolina 23,San Francisco 20
MIAMI HEAT—Waived F Da’Sean Butler and G Colorado at Vancouver,7 p.m.
Bay at Terra Nova,Burlingame at Carlmont,4 p.m. Patrick Beverley. Milwaukee at New Orleans,5 p.m. Seattle 22,Arizona 10
Wednesday’s Games Oakland 59,Denver 14
MILWAUKEE BUCKS—Exercised their third-year Chicago at Oklahoma City,5 p.m.
Girls’water polo contract option on G Brandon Jennings.Waived F Atlanta at N.Y.Rangers,4 p.m. New England 23,San Diego 20
Mills at Woodside,2 p.m.;Hillsdale at Carlmont,Half Brian Skinner. Charlotte at Dallas,5:30 p.m. Washington at Carolina,4 p.m. Green Bay 28,Minnesota 24
Moon Bay at Terra Nova,3 p.m. PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS—Signed C Fabricio Indiana at San Antonio,5:30 p.m. N.Y.Islanders at Montreal,4:30 p.m. Open: Indianapolis, N.Y. Jets, Detroit,
Oberto. Utah at Denver,6 p.m. Pittsburgh at Tampa Bay,4:30 p.m.
Girls’tennis SACRAMENTO KINGS—Exercised their contract Houston
St.Francis vs.Notre Dame-Belmont at Cañada Col- options on G Tyreke Evans, F Jason Thompson, F Houston at Golden State,7:30 p.m. Los Angeles at Chicago,5:30 p.m. Monday’s Game
lege,3:30 p.m. Donte Greene and F Omri Casspi. Portland at L.A.Clippers,7:30 p.m. New Jersey at San Jose,7:30 p.m. N.Y.Giants at Dallas,8:30 p.m.
Continued from page 1
I asked this question before the NLCS and
I’ll ask it again: the Giants have played noth-
ing but one-run games for the last two
months. How will the Rangers respond when
Continued from page 11
things are not going Smart’s way. Instead of just
blindly swinging away, she tries to find another
way to beat the defense. She said there’s no reason
they’re down a run with six outs to go? Will to get frustrated because there is another point to
they come up clutch, or will they turn their play, but sometimes it’s easier said than done.
sports, the teams that are the hottest at the end bats to sawdust gripping them so tight? off the ball, or hit at an angle, she is equally adept Even when she does get frustrated, she tries not
of the season tend to do well in the playoffs. Now, raise your hand if you think the San at doing so. to let it show because, as captain, Smart believes
There was no doubt the Giants were one of Francisco Giants will finally win a World “If something is open, she’s going to aim for that it’s her duty to make sure everyone else on the
the best teams at the end of the regular season. Series. I tend to agree with you — Giants in spot. There isn’t one area in which she won’t put court is doing their job. She has to lead by exam-
San Francisco’s pitching was historically good six. the ball away,” Tran said. “This season, I haven’t ple and doesn’t want a negative vibe to permeate
in the month of September. When the pitching *** seen her get [stopped by a defense]. I don’t think the rest of the team.
staff went 20-straight games without allowing Come one, come all. Everyone is invited to she wants to come off the court saying she got
four runs, it was compared to teams that did it “I had to learn to not be so frustrated with
hop on board the Giants bandwagon as it rum- stopped. She is a tremendous competitor.” myself,” Smart said. “I’m still trying. It’s hard not
in the 1910s and ’20s. bles toward the franchise’s first World Series Smart credits her ability and willingness to hit to to get mad at myself, but I have to remind myself
The Giants carried that pitching dominance title since coming to San Francisco. the open spot in part to her height — she said she that people are looking at me to lead.”
into the postseason. Sure, there were a couple Perhaps I wasn’t clear in my last, anti-band- can’t be predictable and successful at the same Smart is hoping to lead the Crusaders to heights
of hiccups along the way, but by and large, the wagon rant. I don’t have a problem with band-
Giants’ pitching was just as good — if not time — but also to the fact she is a team captain never before seen. Not only does she want to go
wagon fans. Just don’t look or act like one. this season and expects to come through when the
better — than more vaunted rotations. In fact, That was my whole point. further than last season, she wants to win a CCS
one of my “Twitter friends” asked if any team pressure is on her. title and more.
So gear up, put on your fake beards and
could match Philadelphia’s triumvirate of Roy crazy hair because, as I’m sure everyone is “At times, when the pressure is on, I have to put “It was a surprise when we got as far we did (last
Halladay, Roy Oswalt and Cole Hamels. I aware, the World Series is not a God-given the ball away, I have to finish the point,” Smart year). I was expecting to just win our division. This
quickly shot back — Tim Lincecum, Matt right here in the Bay Area. Let your freak flag said. “I like having the pressure on me because I year, my expectations are to go to (the) state
Cain and Jonathan Sanchez. Turns out the fly and root, root, root for the Giants. know I can get the job done.” (championship game),” Smart said.
“Have no chance Giants” — which is the Perhaps it’s a good thing more people are
chance given the Giants by the national media into the Giants, especially the newcomers
to beat the Phillies — had more than enough because they are really into the games, living
to stare down the two-time defending, pen- and dying on every pitch. At least they’re not
nant-winning Phillies. the jaded, “hey-look-I’m-cool-I’m-at-the-
Now the Giants turn their attention to the game” fans for which AT&T Park has become
slugging Texas Rangers, a squad that pounded known. You know the ones: Those fans who
both Tampa Bay and the New York Yankees go to the game and then spend the entire time
into submission by scoring in bunches. The on their cell phones or laptops or just chatting
Rangers outscored the Rays and Yankees by a with their friends. The ones who attend games
combined total of 52-29. They have not even just to say they were there, without even
played in a one-run game yet during the play- knowing who was playing or the outcome.
offs. The ones who ask the real fan in front of them
Compare that to the Giants, who have to sit down during an important moment of
outscored the Atlanta Braves and Phillies by the game.
one run, 30-29. In fact, the Phillies actually At this time of year, no one should even be
outscored the Giants in the NLCS, 20-19, yet sitting in their seats. They should be standing,
here the Giants are, four wins from a World making as much noise as possible. This does- PICK THE MOST NFL WINNERS AND WIN! DEADLINE IS 10/29/10
Series championship. n’t happen every year, so enjoy the spectacle.
Pigskin Pick ‘em Week Eight
Josh Hamilton, Vladimir Guerrero and Ian
Kinsler combined for just one hit in seven at-bats Win Dinner For Two and a Limo Ride* to Broadway Grill
against the NL All-Stars.
Continued from page 11 Giants closer and 2010 major league saves
leader Brian Wilson retired Andrus to start his
perfect eighth inning at Anaheim’s Angel ROAD TEAM HOME TEAM
wait until Tuesday to hold its first workout on the Stadium.
field where it has endured so many defeats. Yet Denver vs San Francisco
Lee, who had just been traded from Seattle to vs
since AT&T Park opened for the 2000 cam-
Texas four days earlier, didn’t factor into the
Seattle Oakland
paign, Nolan Ryan’s Rangers have at least made Buffalo vs Kansas City
decision pitching one inning of relief.
things interesting. Of those nine losses to the vs
But boy has the lefty been a key for the Jacksonville Dallas
Giants, five were by two runs and three by one
run. The only somewhat lopsided score was 5-1. Rangers in October. He is 3-0 during this run Miami vs Cincinnati
and 7-0 with a 1.26 ERA for his career in the Washington vs Detroit
The Giants have the NL All-Stars to thank for postseason, covering eight starts in five series
starting the World Series at home. This is the with the Phillies and Texas. Carolina vs St. Louis
first time the Series has begun in a National San Francisco will look to produce more Green Bay vs NY Jets
League park since 2001 at Arizona. Home-field offense — as tough as that might be against Lee Tennessee vs San Diego
advantage stopped rotating between the leagues and Co. San Francisco was outscored 20-19 by
in 2003, going instead to the league that won the Tampa Bay vs Arizona
Philadelphia in six NLCS games and had three vs
All-Star game. The NL finally ended its 13-year one-run victories in both that series and the divi-
Minnesota New England
drought by winning this year’s Midsummer sion series against Atlanta. Pittsburgh vs New Orleans
Classic, and the Giants are the beneficiary. One thing the Giants have is balance, with Houston vs Indianapolis
“We’re proud and we’re humbled to be where somebody different capable of delivering a key vs
we are today,” said Bill Neukom, San play or hit on any given night. So far this post-
Francisco’s bowtie wearing second-year manag- season, it’s been Cody Ross.
ing partner.
TIEBREAKER: Total Points scored Houston @ Indianapolis ____________
“It’s not one guy that carries this club,” man-
Texas players actually had a few chances to ager Bruce Bochy said. “It takes the whole team How does it work?
change that All-Star outcome, but Elvis Andrus, every night.” Each Monday thru Friday we will list the upcoming weeks’ games. Pick the winners of each game
along with the point total of the Monday night game. In case of a tie, we will look at the point total on
the Monday night game of the week. If there’s a tie on that total, then a random drawing will deter-
onship series at Yankee Stadium. He had only mine the winner. Each week, the Daily Journal will reward a dinner for two and a limo ride* to Broad-
five homers during the regular season. way Grill in Burlingame. The Daily Journal Pigskin Pick’em Contest is free to play. Must be 21 or over.
Two weeks after joining the Rangers, the Winners will be announced the following Wednesday through Weekend in the Daily Journal.
Continued from page 11 slow-footed Molina became the 15th catcher What is the deadline?
in major league history to hit for the cycle. His All mailed entries must be postmarked by the Friday prior to the weekend of games, you may also
homer in that game at Boston was a grand drop off your entries to our office by Friday at 5 p.m. sharp.
the plate. Both young catchers were optioned slam, and the triple — only the sixth in his
to the minors less than a month into the season 1,362 major league games — came in his last
Send entry form to: 800 S. Claremont Street, #210, San Mateo, CA 94402. You may enter as many times as
and Saltalamacchia has since been traded. at-bat.
you like using photocopied entry forms. Multiple original entry forms will be discarded.
Texas was already leading the AL West
when Molina got there. San Francisco was in Texas manager Ron Washington figures
fourth place in the NL West, 5 1/2 games Molina’s familiarity with the Giants should NAME _______________________________ Mail or drop off by10/29/10 to:
behind San Diego, when he left. benefit the Rangers in some ways. But of Pigskin Pick’em, Daily Journal,
Now the two teams meet in a situation course, each Texas hitter will be on his own in 800 S. Claremont Street, #210,
the batter’s box. AGE ________________________________
Molina never really imagined. San Mateo, CA 94402
“I think I knew (the Rangers) had a great “Each hitter will have their own problems of
CITY ________________________________ The Daily Journal will not use
chance to make it to the playoffs,” he said. dealing with them,” Washington said. “But
your personal information for
“For both teams to be in the World Series? Not anything you can learn, anything you can find
marketing purposes. We respect
a chance.” out in the way of patterns of what they like to PHONE ______________________________ your privacy.
The 36-year-old Molina is the oldest of the do in certain situations, we’ll go over all that.”
three Molina brothers who are catchers with Molina certainly isn’t looking forward to PRIZE INCLUDES DINNER FOR TWO AND A LIMO RIDE*
championship rings. Jose Molina was trying to hit against Lincecum, Cain or
Bengie’s backup with the 2002 Angels and Wilson. He knows how good they are, having
had an up-close view of their development. 1400 Broadway • Burlingame, CA 94010 • (650) 343-9333
was with the New York Yankees last season,
while Yadier won a title with St. Louis in “It’s going to be very hard,” Molina said. *Must be within 25 mile radius of restaurant
2006. “It’s kind of weird to go back and try to face We are not responsible for late, damaged, illegible or lost entries. Multiple entries are accepted. One prize per household. All applicable Federal, State & Local
taxes associated with the receipt or use of any prize are the sole responsibility of the winner. The prizes are awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind,
Bengie Molina, who can become a free them. It’s not easy at all. It’s actually harder express or implied. The Daily Journal reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the
agent after the season, hit .333 (10 for 30) in because you over-think yourself a lot of operation of the promotion; to be acting in violation of the rules; or to be acting in an unsportsmanlike manner. Entry constitutes agreement for use of name &
photo for publicity purposes. Employees of the Daily Journal and Broadway Grill are not eligible to win. Must be at least 21 years of age. Winners will be notified
10 playoff games for Texas with two home times.” by phone. Call with questions or for clarification (650) 344-5200.
runs and seven RBIs, including the go-ahead, Plus, this time, he’ll have to think like a hit- Each winner, by acceptance of the prize, agrees to release the Daily Journal and the Broadway Grill from all liability, claims, or actions of any kind whatsoever for
injuries, damages, or losses to persons and property which may be sustained in connection with the receipt, ownership, or use of the prize.
three-run homer in Game 4 of the AL champi- ter — not a catcher.
16 Tuesday • Oct. 26, 2010 HEALTH THE DAILY JOURNAL
Health briefs
Kids’ docs urged to screen
Number of diabetics in U.S.could triple by 2050
new moms for depression By Mike Stobbe
CHICAGO — An influential medical group
says pediatricians should routinely screen new ATLANTA — As many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults
mothers for depression. Depression isn’t just could have diabetes by the year 2050, federal
bad for moms: It can also harm their babies. officials announced Friday, in a dramatic revi-
That’s according to a new American sion of earlier projections.
Academy of Pediatrics report published The Centers for Disease Control and
Monday in the journal, Pediatrics. It cites Prevention estimate that 1 in 10 have diabetes
research showing developmental and social now, but the number could grow to 1 in 5 or
delays in babies with depressed mothers. even 1 in 3 by mid-century if current trends
The academy says that every year more than continue.
400,000 babies are born to depressed women. “This is alarming,” said Ann Albright, direc-
Estimates say that between 5 percent and 25 tor of the CDC’s Division of Diabetes
percent of women develop postpartum depres- Translation.
sion. The agency’s projections have been a work
The pediatrics academy says severely in progress. The last revision put the number at
depressed women should be referred to 39 million in 2050. The new estimate takes it to
experts for treatment. the range of 76 million to 100 million.
The American College of Obstetricians and An estimated 24 million Americans have
Gynecologists earlier this year recommended diabetes currently.
similar screening. The new CDC calculation accounts for peo-
ple who have diabetes but are undiagnosed —
FDA warns of heart risk a group that wasn’t figured into earlier esti-
with HIV drug combination mates, explained Edward W. Gregg, chief of
the CDC branch that handles diabetes epidemi-
WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug ology and statistics.
Administration warned doctors and HIV Also, the researchers used new population
patients Thursday that two antiviral drugs can growth estimates for the elderly and minorities, Diabetes is a disease in which the body has trouble processing sugar. It was the nation’s
cause dangerous heart rhythms when they are who have higher rates of Type 2 diabetes, he seventh leading cause of death in 2007.
combined. said. One more factor: Diabetics are living
The agency says the combination of longer, thanks to improvements in medical body does not produce enough of a hormone closely tied to escalating obesity rates. Recent
Roche’s Invirase and Abbott Laboratories’ care, he added. called insulin to help sugar get into cells. CDC data suggests obesity rates may have
Norvir can trigger irregular heartbeats, lead- “Not all of the increase in prevalence is a bad That’s Type 1 diabetes. recently leveled off. But the new estimates
ing to fainting, lightheadedness and even thing,” said Dr. Sue Kirkman, the American Another form of diabetes, Type 2, now should hold up even if obesity rates remain
death. The FDA is requiring the companies to Diabetes Association’s senior vice president of accounts for about 95 percent of cases. In that static, CDC officials said.
add information about the risk to their drugs’ medical affairs and community information. kind, the body’s cells resist insulin’s attempts The CDC is the main source for national dis-
warning labels and to distribute pamphlets to Diabetes is a disease in which the body has to transport sugar. Type 2 is most common in ease statistics, and the agency seems to have
patients. people who are overweight and obese, in peo- done a thoughtful job in putting together these
trouble processing sugar. It was the nation’s
Patients with HIV generally cycle through ple 60 and older, and in African-Americans latest projections, Kirkman said. Still, she
seventh leading cause of death in 2007.
combinations of medicines to control the and other minority groups. acknowledged being a little startled by the size
In the classic form of diabetes, traditionally
virus, which attacks the immune system. The growth in U.S. diabetes cases has been of the new numbers.
diagnosed in children or young adults, the
THE DAILY JOURNAL HEALTH Tuesday • Oct. 26, 2010 19
weekly meeting of the conservative
Continued from page 1
in a staff report. Despite this, Holober
was happy to note the report did not
find public safety to be affected.
Pasta Pomodora event. All Day. group MyLiberty San Mateo. Free. The POST study also suggested
Pasta Pomodora, 811 Cherry Ave., For more information visit implementing online reporting options
San Bruno. Twenty percent of your MyLibertySanMateo.com. of police and command staff, accord-
bill will go to Rollingwood to free up time. Seto favored the addi-
Elementary School. College and Career Fair 2010. 6:30 ing to the report which will be
tional option for residents. Quigg, on
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mills High School, reviewed by the City Council tonight.
Flu Clinic at Twin Pines. 9:30 a.m. 400 Murchison Drive, Millbrae. For the other hand, worried that relying on
to noon. Twin Pines Senior Center, more information visit smuhsd.org. “This is a benchmark to start discus-
online reporting would decrease the
20 Twin Pine Lane, Belmont. Flu sion and get community awareness,”
shots will be provided for seniors Meet the Author: Aife Murray. 7 level of service to residents.
over 60. $25. For more information p.m. Downtown Library Fireplace said Mayor Paul Seto.
Interestingly, those on patrol were
call 595-7444. Room, 1044 Middlefield Road, Whether the city ends up sharing
Redwood City. Meet Aife Murray, found to have ample uncommitted time
Greeting Cards Craft Class.10 a.m. the author of ‘Maid as Muse — How services or going it alone, it will affect
which is not documented. As such, it’s
to 11:30 p.m. Twin Pines Senior and Servants Changed Emily Dickinson’s the community, he said.
Community Center, 20 Twin Pines Life and Language.’ Free. For more unclear what is being done, even if it’s
Lane, Belmont. An introduction to information visit Councilwoman Nadia Holober, who
positive like preventative patrols or
creating unique greeting cards for redwoodcity.org/library. serves on the council subcommittee
special occasions is available in a problem-solving activities.
fun, easy and inexpensive approach. Hillsdale High School presents reviewing the possible consolidation,
$300,000 in overtime last year and an Many of these issues could be
$6. For more information call 595- ‘Fiddler on the Roof. 7 p.m. noted that Millbrae requested this
7444. Hillsdale High School, 3115 Del estimated $400,000 could be spent in addressed through steady leadership
Monte St., San Mateo. Hillsdale High study to better understand its strengths
the current year. Scheduling two peo- offered in a consolidation, the POST
Animals in Action. 10:30 a.m. School Theatre will present ‘Fiddler and weaknesses.
Coyote Point Museum, 1651 Coyote on the Roof,’ a Tony-Award-winning ple — the minimum staffing levels — report found. If consolidation does not
Point Drive, San Mateo. Catch musical about the enduring bonds of A major noted weakness is inconsis-
per shift is the main culprit. If someone occur, the report suggested hiring a
wildlife keepers doing animal enrich- family — a tale of love, laughter, tent leadership. Millbrae currently
ment activities, taking animals for devotion, defiance and changing tra- is sick or off, a person needs to be paid full-time police chief and recruiting
walks and even leading training ses- ditions. $15 general admission. shares a police chief with San Bruno,
overtime to fill the position. Hiring a two commander/captain/lieutenant
sions. Free with admission to muse- Niel Telford. It has shared chiefs previ-
um. For more information call 342- Rocky Horror Picture Show. 7:30 person and scheduling three people positions.
7755. p.m. Cañada College, 4200 Farm Hill ously but also had turnover in recent
Blvd., Redwood City. The Cañada years. instead of two could greatly cut down
Tuesday Tales: Story time at College Spectrum Alliance is screen- on overtime costs, the POST study The council meets 7 p.m. Tuesday,
Coyote Point Museum. 11 a.m. ing the cult classic ‘The Rocky Both Vice Mayor Dan Quigg and
found. Oct. 26 at City Hall, 621 Magnolia
Coyote Point Museum, 1651 Coyote Horror Picture Show’ just in time for Seto acknowledged that the city has
Point Drive, San Mateo. Enjoy an Halloween. Free. For more informa- Holober was intrigued by this idea. Ave. in Millbrae.
enriching story, animal presentation tion call 740-0605. had a transition in leadership but, in
and exploration activity. Free with general, thought the partnership to be “It doesn’t surprise me that they talk
admission to museum. For more FRIDAY OCT. 29
working. about increasing the staffing level,”
information call 342-7755. U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-San Heather Murtagh can be reached by e-mail:
Mateo, speaking at County Increasing staff was another sugges- said Holober.
Association of Grand Juror’s Millbrae has gone from 35 sworn [email protected] or by phone:
Tuesday Tea at Little House. 1:30 tion from the report. Millbrae spent (650) 344-5200 ext. 105.
p.m. to 3 p.m. Little House annual luncheon. 11:30 a.m. Basque
Auditorium, 800 Middle Ave., Menlo Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Ave.,
Park. Come and learn how to use South San Francisco. Speier will
Artopolis to become informed on speak on her experiences in Since then, two others have also been A Los Altos man, Daniel Stansbury,
community events. $1 members, $2
non-members. For more information
call 326-2025.
Washington, D.C. and on some of the
important issues facing San Mateo
County. $25. For more information
contact Marina Kaiser at 583-7862.
Continued from page 1
arrested in unrelated scam cases.
Bennett, Taylor and Sonya Smith, 44
and Lisa Justin, 42, both of San Bruno,
41, actually succeeded in collecting
more than $2,000 in gift cards, two
weeks in a hotel room and a rental car
Computer Coaching. 10:30 a.m. American Legion Auxiliary Post by twice posing as a fire victim,
Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de 82. 6:30 p.m. 130 S. Blvd., San are charged with felony counts of com-
las Pulgas, Belmont. Drop into this Mateo. Come and enjoy and evening mercial burglary, perjury, identity theft, according to prosecutors who charged
relaxed and welcoming computer of Banjo music and a desert bar. $10. Niesha Marie Taylor’s whereabouts
welfare fraud and filing false docu- him with two counts of burglary, two
tutoring session with all your techni- For more information call 345-7388. aren’t so secret — the 26-year-old San
cal questions for one-on-one help. ments. The four individuals allegedly counts of identity theft, two counts of
For more information contact con- Hillsdale High School presents Francisco woman is reportedly in that
went to the disaster assistance center in grand theft and two counts of claiming
[email protected]. ‘Fiddler on the Roof.’ 7 p.m. county’s jail on undisclosed charges.
Hillsdale High School, 3115 Del San Bruno and submitted applications government aid using false applica-
Hillsdale High School presents Monte St., San Mateo. Hillsdale High Her alleged accomplice, Deonte
under penalty of perjury in which they tions.
‘Fiddler on the Roof.’ Hillsdale School Theatre will present ‘Fiddler Jerome Bennett, 25 of Oakland,
High School, 3115 Del Monte St., on the Roof,’ a Tony-Award-winning claimed to live in the disaster area. Jacqueline Turner, 23, is also
San Mateo. Hillsdale High School musical about the enduring bonds of remains at large.
family — a tale of love, laughter, After a representative from the charged with burglary for allegedly
Theatre will present ‘Fiddler on the The pair were out of custody on
Roof,’ a Tony-Award-winning musi- devotion, defiance and changing tra- Department of Motor Vehicles grew lying to resource center workers with
cal about the enduring bonds of fam- ditions. $15 general admission. $25,000 bail posted Sept. 14, the day
suspicious, Bennett and Taylor report- the goal of free aid. Turner allegedly
ily — a tale of love, laughter, devo- they were arrested. They were due in
tion, defiance and changing tradi- Buddhist Lecture. 7:45 p.m. edly told police officers they had rent- went to the center four days after the
tions. $15 general admission. International Translation Institute, San Mateo County Superior Court yes-
1777 Muchinson Drive, Burlingame. ed a room from the actual owner but fire and drew suspicion by using her
terday for initial arraignment on the
City Talk Toastmasters Club Free. For more information call 692-
couldn’t identify who that person was. real San Francisco address and a non-
Meeting. 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 5912. charges.
While Bennett and Taylor posted existent address rather than a site in
Redwood City Main Library Taylor will be back in a few weeks
Community Room, 1044 Middlefield Belmont Community Players
bail, the other two appeared in court San Bruno. Turner also raised eye-
Road, Redwood City. Join a friendly Presents ‘Song of the Mounties, or after the county prepares an order for
Sour Notes in the Snow.’ 8 p.m. and prosecutors successfully had their brows, according to Wagstaffe, when
and supportive group to improve her return, said Chief Deputy District
communication and leadership skills. Barrett Community Center, 1835
$25,000 bail increased to $100,000. she asked aide workers for “everything
Group meets every second and fourth Belburn Drive, Belmont. $15, $12 Attorney Steve Wagstaffe.
per person for groups of 10 or more. Each pleaded not guilty. you got.”
Wednesday of each month. Free. For Bennett, Taylor and two San Bruno
more information e-mail johnm- For more information visit belmont-
In the wake of the deadly fire, the Turner is scheduled for arraignment
[email protected]. communityplayers.org. residents who do not live in the
District Attorney’s Office has also Nov. 4 and is free on $50,000 bail.
neighborhood decimated by the Sept.
Movies at Little House. 1:30 p.m.
Little House Auditorium, 800 Middle Meditation for Beginners. 2 p.m. to 9 explosion and fire were arrested charged a Millbrae man with three
Ave., Menlo Park. Don’t miss this lit- 3 p.m. International Translation together for allegedly lying about felonies for allegedly leading officers
tle house movie: ‘The Life of Institute, 1777 Muchinson Drive, Michelle Durand can be reached by e-mail:
Leonardo Da Vinci,’ Part II. $2 mem- Burlingame. Free. For more informa- their addresses to secure aid like on a high-speed chase from the disaster [email protected] or by
bers, $3 non-members. For more tion call 692-5912. money and goods for fire victims. site. phone: (650) 344-5200 ext. 102.
information call 326-2025.
Halloween Haunted. 3 p.m. to 6
Free Wellness Consults. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Hiller Aviation Museum, 601
p.m. New Leaf Community Markets, Skyway Road, San Carlos. Enjoy arts
150 San Mateo Road, Half Moon and crafts, food and spooky surprises
Bay. Bring health and product ques- at the Halloween Hangar Hunt. Event
tions to Naturopathic Doctor Sarah included in museum admission; free
Rothman. No appointment required. of charge for children 4 and under.
Free. For more information contact For more information visit
Patti Bond at hiller.org/halloween.shtml.
[email protected]
For more events visit
Food Fear Factor for Teens. 3:30 smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda
de las Pulgas, Belmont. Participate in
a test of wits and see who has what it
takes to be a Food Fear Factor cham-
pion. For teens in grads 6-12. For
more information e-mail
[email protected].
Free Wellness Lecture: Women’s
Menopause. 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. New
Leaf Community Markets, 150 San
Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay. Dr.
Sarah Rothman, naturopathic doctor,
will give an overview of female hor-
mones and their roles; and explain
what happens when hormones are out
of balance. Dr. Rothman will also
suggest foods that support
menopause. Free. Preregistration
required. For more information con-
tact (831) 466-9060 ext. 126.
Second Harvest Food Bank. 11:30
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Second Harvest
Food Bank San Carlos warehouse,
1051 Bing St., San Carlos.
Pre-Planning: Before You Get Your
Wings. Noon to 1 p.m. 1528 South El
Camino Real, Suite 301, San Mateo.
Come receive expert information on
‘How to Save on Cemetery Property
Costs’ and other end of life decisions.
Free. For more information call 372-
MyLiberty San Mateo Meeting. 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. American Legion Hall,
130 South Blvd., San Mateo. Bi-
THE DAILY JOURNAL COMICS/GAMES Tuesday • Oct. 26, 2010 21
Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - It’s one of those rare days
when many of the good things you’ve done for others will be
In the next solar cycle, you are likely to get involved in an
publicly noted. Don’t try to duck out of the limelight or make
exciting endeavor where you will be transforming what was
little of all the pats on the back.
outmoded into being something that is useful. It will prove to
be a huge growth possibility. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - A new channel of earnings
might finally open up for you through some type of collective
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - If you wish to captivate
endeavor you’ve been working on for a long time. These addi-
people, speak from the heart and include everyone in your
tional resources will come in handy.
conversations, and you’ll find listeners will sit up and take
notice. People hear what involves them. CANCER (June 21-July 22) - Be of good cheer if certain
things in your life that have been a bit troublesome of late
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - When trying to negoti-
begin to transform discord into harmony. It could be a day
ate an important financial matter, let the other guy do most of
that will make you start smiling again.
the selling. Once the person has talked him/herself out, you’ll
know exactly how to get what you want. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Put your head together with your
mate’s, and conjure up some kind of arrangement that would
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Be nice to all of your
benefit the entire family. It’s a good day for designing collec-
peers, because you never know from where good things
tive ideas to clear up troubling matters.
might arise. Your greatest benefits are likely to come through
arrangements that involve two or more friends. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - You could be a huge producer
when you occupy yourself with tasks you like to do. It
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) - Developments that have
behooves you to involve yourself in jobs you can look upon as
been bummers could do an about-face and produce some
labors of love.
very pleasant surprises. Don’t negatively prejudge anything.
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) - Your possibilities for success LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - This should be a day where you
dedicate yourself to doing everything you possibly can to
are stronger than they have been in a long time. Some situ-
improve your material lot in life, because the heavens are
ations that you thought were no-wins will instead produce
aligning in your favor. Don’t waste it.
some decent results. Sudoku
ARIES (March 21-April 19) - A work-related condition that
has been giving you a great deal of trouble might correct itself answers
and change for the better. When you see things happening,
Copyright 2010, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
don’t get in the way.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14
15 16 17
18 19
20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33
34 35 36
37 38 39
40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47 48 49
50 51 52 53
54 55 56
57 58 59
106 Tutoring
TUTOR 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
Is your child struggling in
Phones, A/P, scheduling, customer serv-
Private English tutor now ice, filing, WORD, EXCEL, FULL TIME.
110 Employment 110 Employment accepting new students. Medical, Dental, Holidays. Fax SALARY
REQ, and resume to (650)631-3663.
Specializing in working with
elementary and middle school COUNTER PERSON/PREP COOK
students with all aspects of Francesco’s in Burlingame. High vol-
reading and writing skills -- ume Deli/Catering Company seeks re-
liable Counter Person/Prep Cook. FT,
essays, spelling, vocabulary, days M-F. Good communication skills
and literature comprehension. & experience a MUST. Contact Joe
692-2711 or fax resume 650-692-
10 Years’ Experience 3354
Flexible schedule
Reasonable rates
Contact Shauna for more details at
650.365.2750 or Wanted: Independent Contractor
[email protected]
to provide service of delivery of
the Daily Journal six days per
week, Monday through Satur-
day. Experience with newspa-
per delivery required. Must
TUTORING have valid licenses and appro-
priate insurance coverage to
110 Employment 110 Employment
provide this service in order to
Spanish, French, be eligible.
Italian Papers are available for pickup
in San Mateo at 3:00 a.m.
Certificated Local
Please apply in person Monday-
Teacher Friday only, 10am to 4pm at The
All Ages! Daily Journal, 800 S. Claremont
St #210, San Mateo.
(650)573-9718 There are currently no openings,
but we will store your application
110 Employment 110 Employment on file for the next opening.
610 Crossword Puzzle 610 Crossword Puzzle 610 Crossword Puzzle 304 Furniture 310 Misc. For Sale 318 Sports Equipment
BLACK LEATHER office chair with 5 ARTIFICIAL FICUS Tree 6 ft. life like, full TRIATHLON WETSUIT - Quintanaroo,
rollers $25. (650)871-5078 branches. in basket $55. (650)269-3712 ladies, me, good condition, SOLD!
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle BOOKCASE - $25., (650)255-6652 BARBIE BEACH vacation & Barbie prin-
cess bride computer games $15 each,
older "C"Hemold $25., (650)868-0436
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis CABINET - wood, $70., (650)367-1350 (650)367-8949
CHAIR "BAKER" wing backed excellent 319 Firewood
ACROSS 6 Magazine VIP 36 Hobbling gait 48 Sch. founded by spring construction needs upholstery BARBIE DOLL - 36" my size Barbie doll,
1 Homey 7 Carved pole 37 Love handles, so Franklin SOLD! fully dressed, $35., (650)583-5233 FIREWOOD - clean, dry oak dimensional
14 inches long 115 pounds $10/all
5 Boeing product 8 No more seats, to speak 49 Dietary standard CHANDELIER WITH 5 lights/ candela- BEADS - Glass beads for jewelry mak- Daly City , (415)333-8540
8 Shoulder wraps on a sign 38 Botanical branch often measured bre base with glass shades $20. ing, $75. all, (650)676-0732
14 Converse 9 Capital east of point in mg.
BETTY BOOP Women's perfume in box
322 Garage Sales
competitor Oslo 42 Stings 53 NFL rushing nos. COFFEE TABLE - $60., (650)367-1350 $10. (408)249-3858
15 Fuss 10 “Mysterious and 43 Companion 55 “Overhead” COFFEE TABLE - Square, oak Coffee BLUE BACK disc never used in box THE THRIFT SHOP
Table w/leather top, $30. (650)771-1888 $15. (408)249-3858 Sale - 50% Off All Mens Clothing
16 Immensely spooky” TV 44 Purple shade engine part Thursday & Friday 10:00-2:00
popular family name 45 Worldwide: 56 Poetic pugilist BOX OF MAGAZINES - 40, SF, Better
Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Saturdays 10:00-3:00
COFFEE TABLE light brown lots of stor-
17 *“That’s a 11 Ahab’s quarry Abbr. 57 “Man of a age good condition $65. (650)867-2720 Good Medicine & more, most year 2010, Episcopal Church
(650)347-5104, $6. all 1 South El Camino Real
certainty!” 12 Start one’s work 46 Took the wheel Thousand Faces” San Mateo 94401
19 “Ripe” part of life day, maybe 47 Ecstatic film critic, Chaney COMPUTER DESK $70. (650)367-1350 CAROL HIGGINS CLARK HARDBACK (650)344-0921
BOOKS - 10 @ $3. ea., or all for $25.,
20 Ceremonial act 13 Angioplasty e.g. 58 Archvillain Luthor CREDENZA - $25., (650)255-6652 (650)341-1861
21 Mousse user implant
22 *Say “Well done,” 18 Like much family ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: CURIO CABINET, Hand tooled lighted
Curio cabinet Blonde. 5.5" X 23" X 1.5"
CHARCOAL BBQ like new with cover
and extended holder $55. (650)347-9920
say history $98. San Mateo. 650-619-9932
27 Rock examiner? 22 Offenders, in DESK 60”w 28”h 30” d, two shelf exten-
sion 4 drawers $60 (650)364-7777.
plete sets, never used, solid colors,
$50.all, Burl., (650)347-5104
28 A seeming copspeak Make money, make room!
eternity 23 Enlightened DINING TABLE with 4 chairs with leaf DOG CAGE/GORILLA - folding
29 Q.E.D. word 24 Rumored light wood 42 x 34 $99. (650)341-1645 large dog cage good condition, 2 door List your upcoming garage
with tray, $75.,(650)355-8949 sale, moving sale, estate
30 Bozo Himalayan beast seat, $35., (650)355-2996 sale, yard sale, rummage
DOOM (3) computer games $15/each 2
31 Remark from 25 Word with group total, (650)367-8949 sale, clearance sale, or
Rex or pressure DRAFTING TABLE 30 x 42' with side whatever sale you have...
34 *Cover the 26 British nobleman tray. excellent cond $75. (650)949-2134 ETAGER over the toilet water tank - wal- in the Daily Journal.
night’s check 27 Son of God, in a ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - Oak nut, $25., San Mateo, (650)341-5347
Reach over 82,500 readers
39 Function Bach cantata wood, great condition, glass doors, fits FULL BAG of plastic containers. $30/all. from South San Francisco
large TV, 2 drawers, shelves , $100/obo. (650)589-2893
40 Suave to a fault 30 Elation (650)261-9681 to Palo Alto.
41 Long-tongued 31 Bolivian range FANCY COCKTAIL SIDE TABLE - 2
JANET EVANOVICH BOOKS - 4 hard- in your local newspaper.
backs @ $3.ea., 4 paperbacks @ $1.
cartoon dog 32 Stagecoach door, 1 drawer, excellent condition, anti- ea., (650)341-1861
que, $95. obo, (650)349-6059. Call (650)344-5200
42 “Brave New controls
World” drug 33 Fuss FRAMED MIRRORS - Pair of dark wal- pieces, 28” x 29 3/4”, 64 3/4” x 12 3/4”,
nut, framed mirrors, 29” X 22”, perfect, both 3/4” thick, cut & polished, great con-
43 Obvious 35 Sign at a cul-de- each $25., pair $44., (650)344-6565 dition, Burl, $95. all, (650)347-5104
46 *Generate sales sac 335 Garden Equipment
[email protected] 10/26/10 FRENCH END TABLE - exquisite inlaid LOUNGE CHAIRS - 2 new, with cover &
leads rich mahogany wood, custom glass tray, plastic carring case & headrest, $35.
50 Knock one’s 20” x 27” X 19”H, $100., (650)347-5104 TABLE - for plant, $20, perfect condi-
each, (650)592-7483 tion, (650)345-1111
knuckles against HUTCH - maple finish, 4 shelves, 52 MASSAGE KIT $18 in original box ,
51 Nae sayer inch W, $75., (650)341-1645 (650)368-3037 345 Medical Equipment
54 Attendance 37 L x 19 W 9 drawers and attached mir- railroad" call for details excellent condi- justable $30. (650)341-1861
ror 37 H x 36 W , $75., (650)341-1645 tion $50. (650)593-8880
check, and a hint POWER CHAIR - “Rascal 600”, new
OFFICE DESK - $25., (650)255-6652 MERCHANT MARINE, framed forecastle $1600., (650)574-5316
to the puzzle card, signed by Captain Angrick '70. 13 x
theme in the first RECLINER - Beige, $40., (650)771-1888 17 inches $35 cash. (650)755-8238
379 Open Houses
words of the SHELVING - 2000 square foot of shelv-
PICNIC COOLER with utensils and small
ing, $500. obo, (650)212-6666
starred answers plates and wine cups. still in wrapper
$20/all. (408)249-3858
59 Blew off steam TABLE & CHAIR SET - new, perfect
condition, $475., (650)638-1285 OPEN HOUSE
60 Doctor of music? PICTURE FRAME - Large, $25.,
61 Skin lotion TWO END tables: $35 or $20 each. (650)367-1350 LISTINGS
additive PLANTS 10 assorted in pots in or out 10
WOODEN BOOKCASE with doors, $20., for $3.75/each. (650)349-6059 List your Open House
62 Some dadaist (650)771-1888 in the Daily Journal.
SHEEP SKIN seat covers fits most cars
paintings WOODEN KITCHEN China Cabinet: $99 beige needs cleaning $60 obo. (650)290- Reach over 82,500
63 Verizon rival (great condition!), (650)367-1350 1960
potential home buyers &
64 Coquette SUIT/COAT HANGERS (14) sturdy good renters a day,
306 Housewares quality hardwood unused $1/each or all
$10. San Bruno 650-588-1946
from South San Francisco
DOWN "PRINCESS HOUSE" decorator urn to Palo Alto.
"Vase" cream with blue flower 13 inch H TRIVETS (4) - Solid brass trivets, wall in your local newspaper.
1 Chard alternative $25., (650)868-0436 plates, vintage, 1960’s, variety of styles
2 Egg cells & shapes, SOLD! Call (650)344-5200
CANDLEHOLDER - Gold, angel on it,
3 Chard alternative tall, purchased from Brueners, originally VACUUM CLEANER $50 (650)367-1350
4 Himalayan beast $100., selling for $20.,(650)867-2720
5 Chandler’s OASIS COUNTERTOP water cooler dis- VHS (40) 3 for $5 or $50/all, (415)468-
“Friends” ex- penses cold and luke warm water $50., 2787 380 Real Estate Services
girlfriend with an By Jeff Chen VICTORIAN BUILDINGS collection of
annoying laugh 10/26/10 REVEREWARE, 1,3.4 qt. pots, 5",7" Liberty Falls 11 for $30/all 3.5 to 4 inches
(c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. pans, stainless steel w/copper bottoms,
excellent cond., $60/all. (650)577-0604
tall. (650)592-2648
VIETNAM VHS (5) documentary. good
296 Appliances 298 Collectibles 302 Antiques 307 Jewelry & Clothing
condition $15/all. (408)249-3858.
“Husqvarna”. Portable case included,
MINI-FRIDGE - 32" tall; White Kenmore
$70. Call (650)229-4735
GIANTS ORANGE short sleeve shirt
with collar & button front, Men's Small, CHINA CABINET - Vintage, 6 foot,
SMALL JEWELRY cabinet - 17” H, 12”
W, 2 glass doors, plus 2 drawers, very $175., (970)319-4269 Bank Foreclosures.
with embroidered patch on front: "Spring
Training 2006." $10. (650)712-1070
solid mahogany. $300/obo.
pretty, $35., (650)592-2648
VINTAGE LARGE COOKIE JAR - beau- $400,000+
PORTABLE GE Dishwasher, excellent
condition $75 OBO, (650)583-0245 GLASSES 6 sets redskins, good condi-
308 Tools tiful, colored, ceramic snowman, perfect
for winter & holiday season, excellent Free list with
EDISON MODEL B STANDARD + 20 condition, $25., Burl, (650)347-5104
RADIATOR HEATER, oil filled, electric,
tion never used $30/all. (650)345-1111 Cylinders oak case - Serviced yearly,
beautiful, $550/obo, (650)344-6565
CLICKER TORQUE wrench 1/2 inch
drive 20-150 LBS reversible all chrome WETSUIT - Barefoot, like new, $40.,
1500 watts $25. (650)504-3621 JACK TASHNER signed ball $25. Ri- $40. 650-595-3933 (650)367-8949 PeninsulaRealEstate.info
chard (650)834-4926
SHOP VACUUM rigid brand 3.5 horse ENGLISH ARMOIRE with stand. Bought
Free recorded message
power 9 gal wet/dry $40. (650)591-2393 NINERS GOLD Jacket, red & white trim, for $415. Sacrifice for $330.
(650)771-1888 good condition, $85., (650)591-4710 311 Musical Instruments 1(800)754-0569
lined, "SF" embroidered on front; back is
STOVE TOP 4 burners with electric grill embroidered "World Champs, SF, 82, 85,
commercial grade $50., (650)756-6778 89, 90. Extra Large $35. (650) 712-1070
CRAFTSMEN COMPRESSOR - 2 horse 2 ORGANS, antique tramp, $500 for ID# 2042
303 Electronics power 15 gallon compressor, SOLD! both. (650)342-4537
Dolphin RE
DOLLEY - Heavy Duty KEYBOARD CASIO 3 ft long $50.
VACUUM CLEANER heavy duty like NINERS RED with white striped arms, V- 46” MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great Dual Use 54" hgt. Upright- (650)583-2767
new $45. (650)878-9542 neck pullover shirt, with "Super Bowl condition. $400. (650)261-1541. Push Cart South City $99.OBO
XXIII - NFC Champions, San Francisco (415) 410 - 9801
297 Bicycles 9ers" on front. SOLD! 316 Clothes
DELL PHOTO 924 all in one with 2 ink
cartridges $60 obo. (650)290-1960 BLACK LEATHER MOTORCYCLE
BICYCLE - Sundancer Jr., 26”, $75. obo OAKLAND A'S bobbleheads 80's (2) condition, $350., (650)926-9841 The San Mateo Daily Journal’s
$15/each or $25/all (408)249-3858 JACKT - Large, water proof, new, $35.,
(650)676-0732 JVC VHS recorder - Like new, $15., (650)342-7568 weekly Real Estate Section.
POSTER - framed photo of President (650)367-8949 lon stack tank air compressor $100.,
BICYCLE WHITE sidebar tires 8 ftSOLD! Wilson and Chinese Junk $25 cash, Look for it
MAGNOVOX 32” TV - excellent cond., (650)591-4710 MEN'S SUIT almost new $25.
GIRL'S BIKE HUFFY Purple 6-speed (650)755-8238 650-573-6981 every Friday and Weekend
refurbished, $100.obo., (650)260-2664
good cond. $35 - Angela (650)269-3712 TABLE SAW 10", very good condition to find information on fine homes
SALEM CHINA - 119 pieces from 50’s. PANASONIC COLOR tv with Vhs combo $85. (650) 787-8219 MENS "BASS" black loafers like new
MEN'S MOUNTAIN BIKE "Pacific 7K SX Good condition, $225., appraised at 20 inches like new $70. 650-347-9920 size 12D $35. (650)868-0436 and properties throughout
26 inch 21 speed SOLD! $800., (650)345-3450. TORO LEAF BLOWERS the local area.
PHILLIPS VCR plus vhs-hu 4 head Hi-Fi Power Sweep + 850 Super Blower MENS SLACKS - 8 pairs, $50., Size
MENS MOUNTAIN bike 26 inch new 18 VASE - with tray, grey with red flowers, like new, $35. (650)341-5347 Electric like new $40. pair South City 36/32, (408)420-5646
speed, SOLD! perfect condition, $30., (650)345-1111 (415) 410-9801
PROSCAN VCR plus VHS HQ with re- SCRUBS - Medical, woman’s, Size L,
pretty prints, excellent condition, $9. ea,
298 Collectibles WANTED mote San Mateo $50. (650)341-5347
309 Office Equipment 5 pairs of pants $6. ea.(650)290-1960
SAMSUNG COLOR tv 27 inches good
49ER REPORT issues '85-'87 $35/all,
SILVER DOLLARS condition $90. 650-347-9920 CALCULATOR - Casio, still in box, new, SOCCER CLEATS - 3 pair, size 6,7 & 8,
$25., (650)867-2720 $10. each, (650)679-9359
Any Condition Radio - $95.obo, call for more details, DELL ALL IN ONE COLOR PRINTER 317 Building Materials
BARBIE DOLLS - in boxes, $5. ea., (650)290-1960
(650)676-0732 I will pay $5.00 each! SCANNER with 4 extra ink cartridges,
SONY RADIO cassette recorder $15 various sizes, half moon, like new, $10.
BAY MEADOW coffee mug in box $10. black good condition. (650)345-1111
(650)345-1111 (650)492-1298 TEKNIKA VCR HQ $40. (650)341-5347
OFFICE LAMP - new in box, $35/obo,
and up, (650)756-6778
PERSIAN CARPET (Klim) good condi-
tion. Red and blue w/ bird design. 65 in x
45 $100. (650)867-2720
Interior Specialist
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28 Tuesday • Oct. 26, 2010 THE DAILY JOURNAL
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