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The little busy bee Issac watts

Value or theme: “work is worship”.

“Idle mind is devils workshop”

The poem “the little busy bee” is written by Issac watts who has started his writing
career at the age of seven. In this poem the poet tells about the busy bee that makes use of
the whole day to do its work. Bee works every day without taking rest. It collects and
carries nectar (sweet) from the flowers. It stores nectar into the hive the home of bees. It
is stored as a honey. The poet wonders how the little bee is so busy, how it becomes more
energetic. Bee works continuously. It finds happiness and pleasure in the hard work.

Before collecting the nectar the bee builds her cells by using wonderful skills. She
spreads the wax very neatly. Without concentrating on the other things, bee is doing her
work. She prepares a sweet food for the others. It has no expectations from its work. It
knows only to work hard without having any disturbances. It spends the whole time in
making and storing honey in the hive. The hard work and struggle of bee is going to be
converted as sweet honey.

Once the poet is being inspired by the bee. He speaks about himself and wants to
be like busy bee in every work. The bee is giving a nice massage-“we should not be idle
or sit around without doing anything. The poet has a fear about Satan(evil being) who
injures a person’s mind. If person remains workless he will become lazy. So we should
concentrate on the new skills, new works. At the end the person who makes hard work he
will get tremendous success.

After learning a meaningful lesson by the bee, the poet wants to spend his
childhood days by reading books, working hard and playing healthy games. She wants to
live his all age in doing something good. So that whenever he has to give an account of
what he has done, he will be able to give a good report of all that he has done. The life of
human being should inspire the others. Our achievements should explain about us. We
should build our personality with perseverance.

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