Vii. Right To Bail

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RIGHT TO BAIL not punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or life

Art. III, sec. 13 and Rule 114 Revised Rules on Criminal
Procedure: Sec. 5. Bail, when discretionary. – Upon conviction by the
Regional Trial Court of an offense not punishable by death,
SEC. 13 BAIL – All persons, except those charged with reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment, admission to bail is
offenses punishable by Reclusion Perpetua when evidence discretionary. The application for bail may be filed and acted
of guilt is strong, shall, before conviction, be bailable by upon by the trial court despite the filing of a notice of appeal,
sufficient sureties, or be released on recognizance as my be provided it has not transmitted the original record to the
provided by law. The right to bail shall not be impaired even appellate court. However, if the decision of the trial court
when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is conviction the accused changed the nature of the offense
suspended. Excessive bail shall not be required. from non-bailable to bailable, the application for bail can only
be filed with and resolved by the appellate court.

RULE 114 – BAIL Should the court grant the application, the accused may be
allowed to continue on provisional liberty during the
Section 1. Bail defined. – Bail is the security given for the pendency of the appeal under the same bail subject to the
release of a person in custody of the law, furnished by him or consent of the bondsman.
a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court as If the penalty imposed by the trial court is imprisonment
required under the conditions hereinafter specified. Bail may exceeding six (6) years, the accused shall be denied bail, or
be given in the form of corporate surety, property bond, cash his bail shall be cancelled upon a showing by the prosecution,
deposit or recognizance. with notice to the accuse, of the following or other similar
Sec. 2. Conditions of the bail; requirements. – All kinds of bail (a) That he is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual
are subject to the following conditions: delinquent, or has committed the crime aggravated
(a) The undertaking shall be effective upon approval, and by the circumstance of reiteration;
unless cancelled, shall remain in force at all stages of (b) That he has previously escaped from legal
the case until promulgation of the judgment of the confinement, evaded sentence, or violated the
Regional Trial Court, irrespective of whether the case conditions of his bail without valid justification;
was originally filed in or appealed to it; (c) That he committed the offense while under
(b) The accused shall appear before the proper court probation, parole, or conditional pardon;
whenever required by the court of these Rules; (d) That the circumstances of his case indicate the
(c) The failure of the accused to appear at the trial probability of flight if released on bail; or
without justification and despite due notice shall be (e) That there is undue risk that he may commit another
deemed a waiver of his right to be present thereat. In crime during the pendency of the appeal.
such case, the trial may proceed in absentia; and
(d) The bondsman shall surrender the accused to the The appellate court may, motu proprio or on motion of any
court for execution of the final judgment. party, review the resolution of the Regional Trial Court after
The original papers shall state the full name and address of notice to the adverse party in either case.
the accused, the amount of the undertaking and the
conditions required by this section. Photographs (passport Sec. 6. Capital offense defined. – A capital offense is an
size) taken within the last six (6) months showing the face, offense which, under the law existing at the time of its
left and right profiles of the accused must be attached to the commission and of the application for admission to bail, may
bail. be punished with death.

Sec. 3. No release or transfer except on court order or bail. – Sec. 7. Capital offense or an offense punishable by reclusion
No person under detention by legal process shall be released perpetua or life imprisonment, not bailable. – No person
or transferred except upon order of the court or when he is charged with a capital offense, or an offense punishable by
admitted to bail. reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, shall be admitted to
bail when evidence of guilt is strong, regardless of the state of
Sec. 4. Bail, a matter of right; exception. – All persons in the criminal prosecution.
custody shall be admitted to bail as a matter of right, with
sufficient sureties, or released on recognizance as prescribed Sec. 8. Burden of proof in bail application. – At the hearing of
by law or this Rule (a) before or after conviction by the an application for bail filed by a person who is in custody for
Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court, Municipal the commission of an offense punishable by death, reclusion
Trial Court in Cities, or Municipal Circuit Trial Court, and (b) perpetua, or life imprisonment, the prosecution has the
before conviction by the Regional Trial court of an offense burden of showing that evidence of guilt is strong. The
evidence presented during the bail hearing shall be

considered automatically reproduced at the trial but, upon In all cases, every surety must be worth the amount specified
motion of either party, the court may recall any witness for in his own undertaking over and above all just debts,
additional examination unless the latter is dead, outside the obligations and properties exempt from execution.
Philippines, or otherwise unable to testify.
Sec. 13. Justification of sureties. – Every surety shall justify by
Sec. 9. Amount of bail; guidelines. – The judge who issued the affidavit taken before the judge that he possesses the
warrant or granted the application shall fix a reasonable qualification prescribed in the preceding section. He shall
amount of bail considering primarily, but not limited to, the describe the property given as security, stating the nature of
following factors: his title, its encumbrances, the number and amount of other
(a) Financial liability of the accused to give bail; bails entered into by him and still undischarged, and his other
(b) Nature and circumstance of the offense; liabilities. The court may examine the sureties upon oath
(c) Penalty for the offense charged; concerning their sufficiency in such manner as it may deem
(d) Character and reputation of the accused; proper. No bail shall be approved unless the surety is
(e) Age and health of the accused; qualified.
(f) Weight of the evidence against the accused;
(g) Probability of the accused appearing at the trial; Sec. 14. Deposit of cash as bail. – The accused or any person
(h) Forfeiture of other bail; acting in his behalf may deposit in cash with the nearest
(i) The fact that the accused was a fugitive from justice collector of internal revenue or provincial, city, or municipal
when arrested; and treasurer the amount of bail fixed by the court, or
(j) Pendency of other cases where the accused is on bail. recommended by the prosecutor who investigated or filed
Excessive bail shall not be required. the case. Upon submission of a proper certificate of deposit
and a written undertaking showing compliance with the
requirements of section 2 of this Rule, the accused shall be
Sec. 10. Corporate surety. – Any domestic or foreign
discharged from custody. The money deposited shall be
corporation, licensed as a surety in accordance with law and
considered as bail and applied to the payment of fine and
currently authorized to act as such, may provide bail by a
costs while the excess, if any, shall be returned to the accused
bond subscribed jointly by the accused and an officer of the
or to whoever made the deposit.
corporation duly authorized by its board of directors.
Sec. 15. Recognizance. – Whenever allowed by law or these
Sec. 11. Property bond, how posted. – A property bond is an
Rules, the court may release a person in custody on his own
undertaking constituted as lien on the real property given as
recognizance or that of a responsible person.
security for the amount of the bail. Within ten (10) days after
the approval of the bond, the accused shall cause the
Sec. 16. Bail, when not required; reduced bail or
annotation of the lien on the certificate of title on file with
recognizance. – No bail shall be required when the law or
the Registry of Deeds if the land is registered, or if
these Rules so provide.
unregistered, in the Registration Book on the space provided
therefore, in the Registry of Deeds for the province or city
When a person has been in custody for a period equal to or
where the land lies, and on the corresponding tax declaration
more than the possible maximum imprisonment prescribed
in the office of the provincial, city and municipal assessor
for the offense charged, he shall be released immediately,
without prejudice to the continuation of the trial or the
proceedings on appeal. If the maximum penalty to which the
Within the same period, the accused shall submit to the court
accused may be sentenced is destierro, he shall be released
his compliance and his failure to do so shall be sufficient
after thirty (30) days of preventive imprisonment.
cause for the cancellation of the property bond and his re-
arrest and detention.
A person in custody for a period equal to or more than the
minimum of the principal penalty prescribed for the offense
Sec. 12. Qualifications of sureties in property bond. – The
charged, without application of the Indeterminate Sentence
qualifications of sureties in a property bond shall be as
Law or any modifying circumstance, shall be released on a
reduced bail or on his own recognizance, at the discretion of
(a) Each must be a resident owner of real estate within
the court.
the Philippines;
(b) Where there is only one surety, his real estate must
Sec. 17. Bail, where filed. – (a) Bail in the amount fixed may
be worth at least the amount of undertaking;
be filed with the court where the case is pending, or in the
(c) If there are two or more sureties, each may justify
absence or unavailability of the judge thereof, with any
in an amount less than that expressed in the undertaking but
regional trial judge, metropolitan trial judge, municipal trial
the aggregate of the justified sums must be equivalent to the
judge, or municipal circuit trial judge in the province, city or
whole amount of the bail demanded.
municipality. If the accused is arrested in a province, city, or
municipality other than where the case is pending, bail may

also be filed with any regional trial court of said place, of if no Failing in these two requisites, a judgment shall be rendered
judge thereof is available, with any metropolitan trial judge, against the bondsmen, jointly and severally, for the amount
municipal trial judge, or municipal circuit trial judge in the of the bail. The court shall not reduce or otherwise mitigate
province, city or municipality. If the accused is arrested in a the liability of the bondsmen, unless the accused has been
province, city, or municipality other than where the case is surrendered or is acquitted.
pending, bail may also be filed with any regional trial court of
said place, of if no judge thereof is available, with any Sec. 22. Cancellation of bail. – Upon application of the
metropolitan trial judge, municipal trial judge, or municipal bondsmen, with due notice to the prosecutor, the bail may
circuit trial judge therein. be cancelled upon surrender of the accused or proof of his
(b) Where the grant of bail is a matter of discretion, or the death.
accused seeks to be released on recognizance, the application
may only be filed in the court where the case is pending, The bail shall be deemed automatically cancelled upon
whether on preliminary investigation, trial, or appeal. acquittal of the accused, dismissal of the case, or execution of
Any person in custody who is not yet charged in court may the judgment of conviction.
apply for bail with any court in the province, city, or
municipality where he is held. In all instances, the cancellation shall be without prejudice to
any liability on the bail.
Sec. 18. Notice of application to prosecutor. – In the
application for bail under section 8 of this Rule, the court Sec. 23. Arrest of accused out on bail. – For the purpose of
must give reasonable notice of the hearing to the prosecutor surrendering the accused, the bondsmen may arrest him or,
or require him to submit his recommendation. upon written authority endorsed on a certified copy of the
undertaking, cause him to be arrested by a police officer or
Sec. 19. Release on bail. – The accused must be discharged any other person of suitable age and discretion.
upon approval of the bail by the judge with whom it was filed
in accordance with section 17 of this Rule. An accused released on bail may be re-arrested without the
necessity of a warrant if he attempts to depart from the
When bail is filed with a court other than where the case is Philippines without permission of the court where the case is
pending, the judge who accepted the bail shall forward it, pending.
together with the order of release and other supporting
papers, to the court where the case is pending, which may, Sec. 24. No bail after final judgment; exception. – No bail shall
for good reason, require a different one to be filed. be allowed after a judgment of conviction has become final. If
before such finality, the accused applies for probation, he
Sec. 20. Increase or reduction of bail. – After the accused is may be allowed temporary liberty under his bail. When no
admitted to bail, the court may, upon good cause, either bail was filed or the accused is incapable of filing one, the
increase or reduce its amount. When increased, the accused court may allow his release on recognizance to the custody of
may be committed to custody if he does not give bail in the a responsible member of the community. In no case shall bail
increased amount within a reasonable period. An accused be allowed after the accused has commenced to serve
held to answer a criminal charge, who is released without bail sentence.
upon filing of the complaint or information, may, at any
subsequent stage of the proceedings and whenever a strong Sec. 25. Court supervision of detainees. – The court shall
showing of guilt appears to the court, be required to give bail exercise supervision over all persons in custody for the
in the amount fixed, or in lieu thereof, committed to custody. purpose of eliminating unnecessary detention. The executive
judges of the Regional Trial Courts shall conduct monthly
Sec. 21. Forfeiture of bail. – When the presence of the personal inspections of provincial, city, and municipal jails
accused is required by the court or these Rules, his bondsmen and the prisoners within their respective jurisdictions. They
shall be notified to produce him before the court on a given shall ascertain the number of detainees, inquire on their
date and time. If the accused fails to appear in person as proper accommodation and health and examine the
required, his bail shall be declared forfeited and the condition of the jail facilities. They shall order the segregation
bondsmen given thirty (30) days within which to produce of sexes and of minors from adults, ensure the observance of
their principal and to show why no judgment should be the right of detainees to confer privately with counsel, and
rendered against them for the amount of their bail. Within strive to eliminate conditions inimical to the detainees.
the said period, the bondsmen must:
(a) produce the body of their principal or give the In cities and municipalities to be specified by the Supreme
reason for his non-production; and Court, the municipal trial judges or municipal circuit trial
(b) explain why the accused did not appear before the judges shall conduct monthly personal inspections of the
court when first required to do so. municipal jails in their respective municipalities and submit a
report to the executive judge of the Regional Trial Court
having jurisdiction therein.

 As soon as one is placed under the custody of
A monthly report of such visitation shall be submitted by the law, the accused that was confined in the hospital was
executive judges to the Court Administrator which shall state allowed to post bail. The reason is he expressly
the total number of detainees, the names of those held for
submitted to physical and legal control of the court
more than thirty (30) days, the duration of detention, the
crime charged, the status of the case, the cause for over his person by filing of application for bail,
detention, and other pertinent information. furnishing the court of his whereabouts and
unequivocally recognizing the jurisdiction of the court.
Sec. 26. Bail not a bar to objections on illegal arrest, lack of or [PADERANGA vs. CA-Theory of Constructive Custody]
irregular preliminary investigation. – An application for or
admission to bail shall not bar the accused from challenging WHEN IS BAIL A MATTER OF RIGHT:
the validity of his arrest or the legality of the warrant issued 1. Before conviction in the MTC
therefore, or from assailing the regularity or questioning the 2. All appealed cases from the MTC to the RTC and to
absence of a preliminary investigation of the charge against
the CA or the SC, but only when original court is MTC
him, provided that he raises them before entering his plea.
The court shall resolve the matter as early as practicable but 3. Original cases decided by the RTC when the
not later than the start of the trial of the case. imposable penalty is less than RP
4. Original cases decided by the RTC when the penalty
PURPOSE OF BAIL is RP or above but the evidence of guilt is not strong.
To recognize the presumption of innocence accorded
to every accused upon whom should not be inflicted IMPLICIT LIMITATIONS ON THE RIGHT TO BAIL:
incarceration at the outset since after trial he would be 1. The person claiming the right must be in actual
entitled to acquittal, unless his guilt be established detention or custody of the law.
beyond reasonable doubt. 2. The constitutional right is available only in criminal
cases, not, e.g. in deportation proceedings.
1. that the accused shall appear before the Note:
proper court whenever required by the court or by the 1. Right to bail is not available in the military.
Rules 2. Apart from bail, a person may attain provisional
2. absence without justification is a waiver of his liberty through recognizance.
right to be present in the hearing
1) All persons ACTUALLY DETAINED 1. notify the prosecutor of the hearing of the
2) shall, BEFORE CONVICTION application for bail and require him to submit his
3) Be entitled to bail. recommendation
2. conduct a hearing (mandatory!) of the application
regardless of whether the prosecution presents
WHO ARE NOT ENTITLED TO BAIL: evidence or not that the guilt of the accused is strong;
1) Persons charged with offenses PUNISHABLE by 3. decide whether or not the evidence of accused’s
RECLUSION PERPETUA or DEATH, when evidence of guilt is strong based on the summary of prosecution’s
guilt is strong evidence;
2) Persons CONVICTED by the trial court. Bail is only 4. if accused’s guilt is NOT strong, discharge him
discretionary pending appeal. upon approval of the bailbond.
3) Persons who are members of the AFP facing a
court martial.  The court order granting/refusing bail should
contain a summary of the prosecution’s evidence
OTHER RIGHTS IN RELATION TO BAIL: followed by the conclusion on whether or not the
1) The right to bail shall NOT be impaired even when evidence of guilt is strong.
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is  The court cannot merely rely on the affidavits and
suspended. recitals of its contents, if timely objected to, because
2) Excessive bail shall not be required. they are only hearsay --- insufficient to establish
quantum of proof needed w/c is strong evidence.

WHEN SHOULD BAIL BE DENIED: (1) Where the judge of the court where the
1. After final judgment by any court case is pending is absent or unavailable, bail may be
2. Before conviction for an offense punishable by filed to any RTC or MTC of the province, city or
death or reclusion perpetua where the evidence of municipality where the case pending.
guilt is strong. (2) Where the accused is arrested in a
3. After conviction for a crime punishable by province, city, or municipality other than where the
reclusion perpetua or death while the case is on appeal case is pending, bail may be filed in any RTC or MTC of
[PEOPLE vs. VALERIANO] that place
4. After conviction for an offense with the (3) Any person in custody who is not yet
penalty exceeding 6 years but not more than 20 years, charged, in the RTC or MTC of the province, city or
if: municipality where he is held.
a. accused is a recidivist, quasi-
recidivist, habitual delinquent or has  Mitigating circumstances are not yet
committed a crime aggravated by reiteracion considered to determine the penalty because in the
b. accused is found to have previously end, it will only result in a full blown trial. Although
escaped from legal confinement mitigating circumstances in general are not considered
c. accused committed the offense yet. The mitigating circumstance of MINORITY may be
while on probation, parole or conditional considered in granting bail.
d. circumstances of accused or his  AC # 12-94 is constitutional because it only limits
case indicate the probability of flight the right to bail after conviction while the case is on
e. there is undue risk that during the appeal. The right to bail is only guaranteed by the
pendency of the appeal, accused may commit Constitution before conviction, not after conviction
another crime. (SC Administrative Circular No. while the case is on appeal. The Constitution does not
12-94) distinguish whether before final decision or before
This includes punishment of life imprisonment. appeal.


1. Cases decided by the RTC, appealed to the CA/SC 1. When a person has been in custody for a period
and the circumstances of AO 12-94 is not present. equal to or more than the maximum imposable penalty
for the offense charged.
Bail is a MATTER OF Bail is a MATTER OF 2. After 30 days of preventive imprisonment if the
RIGHT DISCRETION maximum penalty for the offense is destierro.
 all persons charged  persons charged w/
w/ an offenses NOT offenses punishable by BAIL IN MILITARY COURTS
punishable by RP [Sec. RP when evidence of guilt Bail has traditionally not been recognized and
13] is strong [Sec. 13] is not available in the military as an exception to the
general rule embodied in the Bill of Rights. The unique
 before or after  upon conviction by structure of the military should be enough reason to
conviction by the MTC, the RTC of an offense exempt military men from the constitutional coverage
MTCC, MeTC or MCTC NOT punishable by death, of the right to bail. Military are allowed the fiduciary
[Rule 114 Sec. 4] RP, or life imprisonment use of firearms which could very well result in the
[Rule 114 Sec. 5] overthrow of duly constituted authorities.
 before conviction by
NOT punishable by death, DENIED in Rule 114 Sec. 5 WHICH COULD BE CONSIDERED IMPORTANT:
RP, or life imprisonment par. 3 1. Military officers are different from ordinary
[Rule 114 Sec. 4] criminals because they are entrusted with trust and
confidence of the people.
WHERE SHOULD BAIL BE FILED (SEC 17) 2. It would also be dangerous if there are armed
General rule: in the court where the case pending coup plotters walking in the streets because they are
Exceptions: allowed to go out on bail.

NOTE: These are only policy arguments and decisions YRS DAY - )
should not be based solely on these. AND
RIGHT Matter  if the  When
of right accused the case was
all the appeals, all originally
time  appealed cases decided by the
from MTC, for MTC,
as long as hindi appealed to
pa final the RTC and
judgment, bail appealed to
is a matter of the higher
right; courts.
 if
imposed is less
than RP
 penalty
is RP or higher,
BUT the
evidence of
guilt is strong
NOT N/A - if the penalty
ALLOWED/ because is RP or higher
DENIED it is and the
always evidence of
a guilt is strong
of right.
here. Because
it only involves
cases decided
by the RTC
and the
penalty is
Prision Mayor
-- RT

[If any of the

instances in
AO 12-94
exists then bail
should be
If none of the
exist, then bail
is a matter of

1) Ability to post bail  is a mode short of confinement w/c would, w/
2) Nature of the offense reasonable certainty, insure the attendance of the accused
3) Penalty imposed by law [DE LA CAMARA vs. ENAGE, 41 SCRA 1]
4) Character and reputation of the accused  It is the security given for the provisional release of a
5) Health of the accused person accused of a crime while the case is still pending or
trial is still going on.
6) Strength of the evidence
7) Probability of appearing at the trial
8) Forfeiture of previous bail bonds 1. When right may be invoked
9) Whether accused was a fugitive from justice when CASES –
10) If accused is under bond in other cases PEOPLE vs. SANDIGANBAYAN and ESTRADA
529 SCRA 764 (2007)
1. Cash Bond- when the fiscal recommends a bail, Facts: Jinggoy Estrada was charged, together with ERAP
and the judge approves. All the accused has to do is to and several others, for the crime of plunder, defined
deposit the cash bond to the clerk of court, and then he and penalized under RA No. 7080. When he was
is free. arrested, he filed a motion alleging that: (1) no
probable cause exists to put him on trial and hold him
Effect of conviction or acquittal: the bond is returned. liable for plunder, it appearing that he was only
Exception: if the crime involves civil liability, the cash allegedly involved in illegal gambling and not in a
may go to the aggrieved party “series or combination of overt or criminal acts” as
required in RA 7080; and (2) he is entitled to bail as a
2. Surety Bond - a bonding company guarantees matter of right. By reason of the denial of his motion,
the appearance in court. Bonding company guarantee he interposed a petition for certiorari before the SC
the appearance of the accused in Court, provided he claiming that the respondent Sandiganbayan
pays a certain percentage of the recommended bail to committed grave abuse of discretion in (a) sustaining
the bonding company (15-20%). It should be renewed the charge against him for alleged offenses and with
annually. alleged conspirators with whom he is not even
The accused pays a premium every year and he cannot connected, and (b) in not fixing bail for him. But later
recover that what he has paid. (same as in an insurance on, Sandiganbayan granted his application for bail.
premium) Hence, this petition.

3. Property bond- if the accused has no cash and no Issue: WON the grant of bail was proper considering
surety, title of real property is deposited in court. It the fact that Jinggoy is equally guilty and liable as ERAP
does not need to be in the name of the accused, he can by his indispensable cooperation and/or direct
borrow. Upon tax assessment, if the value of the participation in the commission of the crime of
property is double the value of the recommended bail, plunder.
the court accepts it and the accused is free to go. The
accused may also use the title of another person Ruling: The SC ruled that the imputation of grave abuse
provided he is authorized to do so. of discretion to Sandiganbayn was untenable. To begin
with, Section 13 of Article III (Bill of Rights) of the
Effect of conviction or acquittal: the title is returned to Constitution mandates: Section 13. All persons, except
the accused. This is limited to real property only. those charged with offenses punishable by reclusion
perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before
4. Recognizance- the accused is entrusted to the conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, or be
custody of a prominent person who is likely to released on recognizance as may be provided by law.
guarantee his appearance in court. Only for minor Even if the capital offense charged is bailable owing to
offenses. the weakness of the evidence of guilt, the right to bail
may justifiably still be denied if the probability of
Effect of conviction: imprisoned. escape is great. In this case, Jinggoy does not, as
Effect of acquittal: he goes free. determined by Sandiganbayan, seem to be a flight risk.

The likelihood of escape on the part Jinggoy is Facts: Accused was convicted of misappropriating
now almost nil, given his election on May 2004, as P5.5M and was sentenced to a jail term of 8 years to 20
Senator of the Republic of the Philippines. The Court years. While his appeal was pending before the Court
takes stock of the fact that those who usually jump bail of Appeals, he applied for bail which was granted.
are shadowy characters mindless of their reputation in However, the Court of Appeals fixed it at P5.5M, with a
the eyes of the people for as long as they can flee from restriction that he could not change residence without
the retribution of justice. On the other hand, those the approval of the court and a directive to the
with a reputation and a respectable name to protect Commissioner of Immigration and Deportation to issue
and preserve are very unlikely to jump bail. The Court, a hold departure order against him. Was his right
to be sure, cannot accept any suggestion that someone against excessive bail violated?
who has a popular mandate to serve as Senator is
harboring any plan to give up his Senate seat in Ruling: Yes. The amount of P5.5M is unreasonable,
exchange for becoming a fugitive from justice. excessive and constitutes an effective denial of
petitioners’ right to bail. The purpose for bail is to
VALERO VS. CA 535 SCRA 453 (2007) guarantee the presence of accused whenever required
by the court. The amount should be high enough to
assure his presence, but no higher than is reasonably
QUI VS. PEOPLE 682 SCRA 94 (2012)
calculated to fulfill this purpose. To fix bail at an
amount equivalent to the civil liability of which
2. When bail is a matter of right, when it is a matter of petitioner is charged is to permit the impression that
discretion the amount paid as bail is an exaction of the civil
See Sections 4 and 5, Rule 114, Rules on Criminal liability that accused is charged of, thus the court
Procedure cannot allow because bail is not intended as a
punishment, nor a satisfaction of civil liability which
GACAL VS. JUDGE INFANTE AM-RTJ-04-1845 Oct. 5, 2011 should necessarily await the judgment of the appellate
3. Bail in military courts
ASWAT VS. GALIDO, 204 SCRA 205 (1991)
5. Right to bail and right to travel abroad
4. Standards for fixing bail
Rule 114, sec. 10
6. Waiver of the Right to Bail
The mayor of Magsaysay was implicated in the
killing of 14 people and injuring 12 others in Agusan. CASES - PEOPLE VS. DONATO, 198 SCRA 130 (1991)
The judge ordered his bail at P1,195,200.00.
RULING: The court held that the amount of bail is June 5, 1991
excessive and it violates the Constitution. It would have
been more honest if the judge denied bail rather than Salas was charged with rebellion with a
to grant bail on an amount beyond the person’s reach. penalty of prision mayor. (Bail here is a matter of right).
It is like not granting bail at all. The fiscal opposed the fixing of the bail bond saying
that Salas is dangerous, and at the same time, citing
NOTE: However, it is very hard to determine what is many circumstances.
excessive and what is not. It depends on many factors. RULING: The court held that if the bail is a matter of
right, there is no more need of a hearing to determine
YAP, JR. V. CA whether he can enjoy the right or not, even if he is a
358 SCRA 564 (2001) very notorious criminal. The right is absolute. Even the
fear of possibility that the accused will evade sentence
is not a valid ground for denial of bail. A hearing may

only be needed to fix the amount of bail and not to Q: May an alien invoke the Constitutional right to bail
determine whether the accused can enjoy the right or during the pendency of deportation proceedings?
not. A: Yes. According to the Lao Gi case, the court held that
due to the harsh consequences of deportation
There is also a second issue. The Solicitor proceedings to the life and liberty of a person, the rules
General and the lawyers for Salas entered into an on criminal procedure including the right to bail, should
agreement whereby the companion of Salas would be be applied to deportation proceedings.
released while Salas remains in jail. Immediately after,
he filed the petition for bail. The government NOTE: Section 13 also covers proceedings not
contended that he cannot do so because has waived his criminal in nature.
right to bail when he entered into the agreement.
Is this considered a valid waiver of his right to bail? PROOF EVIDENT or PRESUMPTION GREAT
The court distinguished two rights: EVIDENT PROOF
1. Rights which are purely personal to  clear, strong evidence  exists when the
the accused. This right can be waived. w/c leads a well-guarded circumstances testified to
2. Rights where the accused as well as dispassionate judgment to are such that the inference
the government are interested in. This right cannot be the conclusion that: of guilt naturally to be drawn
waived because of public policy. a. the offense has therefrom is strong, clear
According to the Constitution, the right to bail been committed as and convincing to an
is purely personal, thus, it can be waived. Hence, the charged, unbiased judgment and
waiver of Salas is valid and binding. b. accused is the excludes all reasonable
guilty agent, and probability of any other
Rights covered in the second type of rights: c. he will probably be conclusion
1. Right to due process punished capitally if the law
2. Right against torture is administered
3. right to free access to courts
 The person claiming the right under this provision
Note: Accused failed to raise the issue of not hearing must be under actual detention or custody of the law
his application the soonest possible. He only raised it [MENDOZA vs. CFI, 51 SCRA 369].
during appeal. [PEOPLE vs. PANES]  One is under the custody of the law either when he
has been arrested or has surrendered himself to the
jurisdiction of the court.
1. If offense is punishable is 6 months or less (he is
 The right may NOT be impaired even when the
released on recognizance)
privilege for habeas corpus is suspended.
2. When the crime is covered by summary rule because
there is no arrest, only notices. No arrest, no bail.
GENERAL RULE: The constitutional right to bail is
3. Rule 112 Sec. 9 (B)- if judge is satisfied that there is
available only in criminal proceedings.
no necessity for placing the accused on custody, then
he may issue summons instead of a warrant of arrest.
Q: How do you determine whether the evidence of
guilt is strong?
Q: If a person is out on bail and he commits a crime,
A: There has to be a summary hearing to determine if
then he applies for bail again, can bail be granted?
the evidence guilt is strong. The prosecution must be
A: Depends. If the crime is punished by 6 years and
given the opportunity to present evidence, and only
below, kahit pa 100 times nya gawin yung crime,
then can the judge grant or deny bail if the evidence of
pwede syang magbail kasi bail is a matter of right sa
guilt is strong or not. And if the accused does not apply
MTC diba? Pero matamaan sya sa amount of bail.
for bail, the judge has no right to outright fix the
 The right to bail, a corollary to the right to be
amount of bail.
presumed innocent, is like the privilege of habeas
corpus, another means of obtaining liberty albeit only
 a penalty in  is imposed by the RPC
special laws  carries w/ it accessory

 does not carry penalties
accessory penalties  is for a duration of 30
 is indefinite in years, after w/c the prisoner
duration is eligible for pardon
 bail is a matter of discretion --- should be denied
if evidence of guilt is strong!

 is an obligation of record entered into before a
court guaranteeing the appearance of the accused for
 it is in the nature of a contract between the surety
and the state [PEOPLE vs. ABNER (87 Phil. 569)]
 the details on how this can be obtained or when it
is applicable is left to legislation


 The right to bail can be rendered useless by a bail
bond set at an exorbitant amount.



303 SCRA 231 (1999)

Facts: Accused as charged with murder. He applied

for bail but the judge set the case for trial without
acting on his applications. He was convicted and on
appeal he contended that the judge committed a
serious error of law when he tried the case without
resolving the application for bail. Is the contention of
accused correct?

Held: No. Trial proceeded without the accused calling

the attention of the trial court to his unresolved
petition. It was only appeal that he raised the issue.
Thus, for failure to raise the issue at the earliest
opportune time, accused is deemed to have waived the
right to bail. In addition, the issue has been rendered
academic by the conviction of accused. When an
accused is charged with an offense punishable b
reclusion perpetua of life imprisonment or death, and
the evidence of guilt is strong, bail must be denied.




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