Planning 1

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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

iPads will be placed on the rotation tables in order for the children to access them when required.

Butterfly pegs will be placed outdoors in the appropriate arrangements before the children commence class in the morning,
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Living things live

Students will be able to: Students are Introduction: Mat Session
in different Identify where different observed during
places, where
their needs are
animals live in the their activities - Students are moved to the mat for a science mat ‘Possum Magic’ By
met (ACSSU211). environment. and this is session. Mem Fox.
recorded in the - The educator will then introduce the lesson, once
Draw and label the different form of an each child is seated by presenting the children’s
animals and the environments overall literature ‘Possum Magic’ by Mem Fox. The
they live in. anecdotal note educator must then ask the students the
comment. The following scaffolded questions to effectively
Retell parts of the story anecdotal notes make links to the prior knowledge and to obtain
including the animals that will include an understanding of the gaps in the students’
were seen throughout, and the each student knowledge.
environments in which they participation, “What animals did you see in the book?”
live. reasoning “Where would you find these animals?”
behind “What county do these animals live in?”
responses and The educator may need to prompt the beginning of the
Use of ICT (butterfly pegs). overall discussion by giving an example from the story.
understanding of
the topic. Rotations: Students will be in small groups designed
Checklist for rotation.
- The educator will move the students to a
designated meeting area outside in an ordinary
and timely fashion.
- Once the students are seated on the meeting
area, the educator will then point out the
respected boundary for the animal hunt.
The educator must make it explicitly known that
the students are not to exit the boundary.
For example, “from this fenced area to the stairs
over there” ensuring the educator is pointing
whilst explaining.
- Educator will then explain to the students that
they will be partaking in an animal hunt in the
first rotation.
- Spread out using different locations within the
boundary, the students will be asked to move to
each station using butterfly pegs for instructions.
Be sure to ensure that the students know and Number cards
understand that there is an animal grouping labelled 1-3
activity at the end.
- Each station will have little animal figurines and Laminated animal
laminated animal cards that students will be able cards and figurines.
to identify.
- Butterfly Peg 1 (find the animals that live in
the tree.
- Butterfly Peg 2 (Find the animals that live in
the water)
- Butterfly Peg 3 (Find the animals that live on
the grass and rock).
- At the closure of the animal hunt, the educator
invites the students to share their thoughts on
their animal hunt through scaffolding the
following discussions:
“What animals did you find in the water? What
animals did you find in the tree? Why do these
animals live in this environment? Why? The
educator may wish to prompt the students to Butterfly Pegs x6
move into a think-pair share, if questioning is
too difficult for the students.

Rotation 2: iPads, taking photos of figurines.

- Students will use iPads to take photos of the
different animal figurines. As shown below.

- They will be using just the input camera

application on the iPad to do this.
- This is also another station where teachers’
assistance is not a major requirement at this
rotation station.
- After students take the photos they will be asked
to go around and name each of the animals
displayed. iPads for each
person in the group
Rotation 3: iPads using Book Creator. (7)
- Students will then partake in creating a book Animal Figurines
using ‘Book Creator’ on the iPads. and laminated
- Students already know how to use the app, so animal cards.
teachers’ assistance is not major at this rotation
- Students are to use the photos that they had 7 iPads with Book
taken in their previous rotation (2) of the animal Creator downloaded.
figurines similar from the hunt, to create their
- Students will be asked to create a book by
grouping animals into land and water. Then add
voice overs to tell a story of the animals and the
types of environments that they live in.
- Students will be asked to stop what they are
doing, and come quietly like a snake to the mat.
- The educator will ask the students what they
enjoyed the most from the lesson rotations in
today’s lesson. This will be done by asking the
students to put their hands on their heads if they
enjoyed rotation 1, hands on their shoulders if
they enjoyed rotation 2 and hands in their laps if
they enjoyed rotation 3 the most.
- The educator will then re-read the children’s
literature ‘Possum Magic’ by Mem Fox.
- The educator will end the lesson with a
“What was your favourite part of the story ‘Possum
“What were three things you learnt from today’s
“What sorts of animals were you working with today?”
“What country do they come from?”
“Has anyone seen any of the animals that you worked
with today in real life?”

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