Health EDUC Teaching Demo Rubrics

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Adventist Medical Center College

San Miguel, Iligan City


Student Name: ___________________________________ Date:____________

Lesson Focus : ___________________________________

RATING SCALE: 1 – Below Expectations (difficulty or inconsistency in demonstrating) ;

2 – Meets Expectations (demonstrates with reasonable consistency but not
quite proficient);
3 – Exceeds Expectations (consistent proficient demonstration);
4 – Greatly Exceeds (exceptional demonstration of this disposition
well above target);

Criteria 1 –Below 2- Meets 3 – Exceeds 4- Greatly Exceeds

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations

Written Lesson Plan A written lesson plan with A written lesson plan with A complete written lesson plan A complete and thorough written
inappropriate or no objectives adequate objectives and an with appropriate objectives and lesson plan with clearly-stated and
and an outline of the teaching outline of the teaching and an outline of teaching and highly-appropriate objectives and a
and learning activities that fulfills learning activities that learning activities that fulfill detailed outline of teaching and
few to none of the lesson fulfill some of the lesson most of the lesson requirements learning activities that fulfill all
requirements requirements components of the lesson requirements.

(30 points)
(10 pints) (20 points) (40 points)
LECTURE 1 –Below 2- Meets 3 – Exceeds 4- Greatly Exceeds
PROPER Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Rationale not provided or Explanation of why Provides a clear explanation of Clearly and thoroughly explains why
Rationale for Lesson insufficient. students need to learn this why students need to learn this students need to learn this content.
content needs clarification. content. Connects rationale to ethical, global, or
social issues
Objectives to match each major Objectives are included and Objectives are included to Objectives are included to match major
Objectives component of the lesson are generally match most major match major components of the components of the lesson, are well
missing. components of the lesson. lesson and are well constructed constructed without ambiguous
without ambiguous language. language, and can reasonably be
completed within the scope of the
Student outlines few or no steps Student outlines most steps Student outlines all steps that Student outlines all steps that will be
Plan of Action that will be taken in order to that will be taken in order will be taken in order to taken in order to implement the lesson.
implement the lesson. Student to implement the lesson. implement the lesson. Student Student clearly provides detailed
provides estimated timing for Student provides estimated provides estimated timing for timing for each step. Student provides
few or no steps. Student does not timing for most steps. each step. Student explains vivid, detailed explanation of all steps
explain steps or explanation may Student explains steps but steps with enough detail so in lesson so someone else could step in
need a great deal of elaboration. explanation may need some another person could implement and implement the lesson with no
elaboration. the lesson with little difficulty. difficulty.
The teacher demonstrates below The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates above The teacher demonstrates superior
Professional Appearance average professionalism in terms average professionalism in average professionalism in professionalism in terms of his/her
and Conduct of his/her attire and conduct terms of his/her attire and terms of his/her attire and attire and conduct throughout the
throughout the lesson. conduct throughout the conduct throughout the lesson. lesson
Organization of the classroom Organization of the Organization of the classroom Organization of the classroom
Room organization; (materials and physical setup) not classroom (materials and (materials and physical setup) (materials and physical setup) noted
Estimated Time for noted or not appropriate for physical setup) noted. clearly noted and appropriate and highly effective at maintaining
Instruction lesson. Timing is not defined or Timing defined and for lesson. Timing defined and student engagement at appropriate
appropriate for most sections of appropriate for most appropriate for all sections of level. Timing defined and appropriate
the lesson. sections of the lesson. the lesson. for all sections of the lesson.
Directions or explanations are Most directions or All directions or explanations All directions or explanations are clear.
Method or Instruction unclear. Some strategies may be explanations are clear. are clear. All strategies are All strategies are consistent with
consistent with research, learning Most strategies are consistent with research, research, learning theory, student
theory, student development, consistent with research, learning theory, student development, objectives and standards.
objectives, and standards. learning theory, student development, objectives and Strategies clearly and creatively
development, objectives standards. address multiple learning styles
and standards.
Encourages passive rather than Strategies actively engage Strategies actively engage Strategies actively engage students
Student Engagement active learning. students in learning during students throughout lesson throughout lesson. Strategies challenge
part(s) of the lesson. and encourage use of critical thinking
and/or problem solving.
Demonstrates below average Demonstrates adequate/ Demonstrates above average Demonstrates masterful knowledge of
Knowledge of Subject knowledge of the subject matter. average knowledge of the knowledge of the subject the subject matter.
Matter subject matter matter.
Demonstrates a below average Demonstrates an Demonstrates an above average Demonstrates a superior ability to
Communication ability to communicate with the adequate/average ability to ability to communicate with the communicate with the class/audience,
Skills/Clarity class/audience, and the communicate with the class/audience, and the and the presenter/teacher is clearly and
presenter/teacher is not easily class/audience, and the presenter/teacher is clearly and easily understood.
understood. presenter/teacher is easily understood.
Demonstrates a below above Demonstrates an Demonstrates an above average Demonstrates a superior ability to
Visual Contact average ability to maintain eye adequate/average ability to ability to maintain eye contact maintain eye contact with the class/
contact with the class/ audience maintain eye contact with with the class/ audience audience throughout the lesson.
throughout the lesson. the class/ audience throughout the lesson.
throughout the lesson.
Key/guiding questions not Some key/guiding A sufficient number of A significant number of key/guiding
Asking Key/Guiding included. questions included key/guiding questions are questions are included and encourage
Questions included. critical thinking and inquiry.
Technology is not mentioned or A standard form of A standard form of technology A standard form of technology is used
Use of Technology adequately incorporated or the technology is used in the is used in the classroom in a in the classroom in a standard way and
(Audio-Visual/ lack thereof is not explained and/ classroom in a standard standard way and you have you have incorporated other
Demonstration) or The student demonstrates a way (Ie. Power Point). The incorporated other technology technology in your lesson in a way that
below average ability to organize incorporation of which may to support your lesson (ie. is/will be particularly engaging to your
and conduct in class activities need some development. Or original sound bites, streaming students. &/OR The student
and demonstrations. If technology is not used, videos, digital/scanned pictures demonstrates a superior ability to
you have inadequately or others). Or If technology is organize and conduct in class
explained why it is not not used, you have adequately activities/demonstrations.
necessary for the explained why it is not
lesson.and/or The student necessary for the lesson. And
demonstrates an above /or The student demonstrates an
average ability to organize above average ability to
and conduct in class organize and conduct in class
activities and activities and demonstrations.
Means of assessing student One or more effective At least one effective means of Varied types of assessments, which
attainment of objectives means of assessing student assessing student attainment of evaluate student attainment of each
Assessment: Formative throughout the lesson (formative) attainment of most each objective is evident objective, are evident throughout the
are ineffective or missing. objectives is evident throughout the lesson and lesson.
throughout the lesson, but clearly explained.
may need further
A description of steps that will be A description of steps that A description of steps that will A description of steps that will be taken
Closure of Lesson taken at the conclusion of a will be taken at the be taken at the conclusion of a at the conclusion of a lesson to
lesson to summarize student conclusion of a lesson to lesson to summarize student summarize student learning and help
learning is limited or not summarize student learning learning is included. students extend lesson information to
included. is mentioned but may be make other connections is included.
unclear or ineffective.

Total Score:

Notes and comments:

Evaluator’s Signature _________________________________________ Date _____________

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