Kundu Fluid Mechanics 6th Edition Solution Manual PDF
Kundu Fluid Mechanics 6th Edition Solution Manual PDF
Kundu Fluid Mechanics 6th Edition Solution Manual PDF
Exercise 1.34. Many flying and swimming animals – as well as human-engineered vehicles –
rely on some type of repetitive motion for propulsion through air or water. For this problem,
assume the average travel speed U , depends on the repetition frequency f , the characteristic
length scale of the animal or vehicle L, the acceleration of gravity g, the density of the animal or
vehicle $ o, the density of the fluid $ , and the viscosity of the fluid µ .
a) Formulate a dimensionless scaling law for U involving involving all the other parameters.
b) Simplify your answer for a) for turbulent flow where µ is is no longer a parameter.
c) Fish and animals that swim at or near n ear a water surface generate waves that move and propagate
because of gravity, so g so g clearly
clearly plays a role in determining U . However, if fluctuations in the
propulsive thrust are small, then f then f may not be important. Thus, eliminate f
eliminate f from your answer for
b) while retaining L
retaining L,, and determine how U depends depends on L
on L.. Are successful competitive human
swimmers likely to be shorter or taller than the average person?
d) When the propulsive fluctuations of a surface swimmer are large, the characteristic length
scale may be U / f
f instead of L
of L.. Therefore, drop L
drop L from
from your answer for b). In this case, will higher
speeds be achieved at lower or higher frequencies?
e) While traveling submerged, fish, marine mammals, and submarines are usually neutrally
buoyant ($ o ! $ ) or very nearly so. Thus, simplify your answer for b) so that g that g drops
drops out. For this
situation, how does the speed U depend depend on the repetition frequency f
frequency f ?
f) Although fully submerged, aircraft and birds are far from ne utrally buoyant in air, so their
travel speed is predominately set by balancing lift and weight. Ignoring frequency and viscosity,
use the remaining parameters to construct dimensionally accurate surrogates for lift and weight
depends on $ o/$ , L,
to determine how U depends L, and g
and g .
U f L g $ o $ µ
M 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
L 1 0 1 1 -3 -3 -1
T -1 -1 0 -2 0 0 -1
The rank of this matrix is three. There are 7 parameters and 3 independent units, so there will be
4 dimensionless groups. First try to assemble traditional dimensionless groups, but its best to use
the solution parameter U only once. Here U is is used in the Froude number, so its dimensional
counter part, gL , is used in place of U in
in the Reynolds number.
U # gL
"1 = = Froude number, "2 = = a Reynolds number
gL µ
# g L
ratio between f and
and that of simple pendulum with length L. Putting these together produces:
$ # gL3 # f
" 1& o
U $ # f '
b) When µ is
is no longer a parameter, the Reynolds number drops out: = " 2 && o
, )) .
gL % # g L(
c) When f is
is no longer a parameter, then U =gL " # 3 ( $ o $ ) , so that U is
is proportional to L .
This scaling suggests that taller swimmers have an advantage over shorter ones. [Human
swimmers best approach the necessary conditions for this part of this problem while doing
freestyle (crawl) or backstroke where the arms (and legs) are used for propulsion in an
alternating (instead of simultaneous) fashion. Interestingly, this length advantage also applies to
ships and sailboats. Aircraft carriers are the longest and fastest (non-planing) ships in any Navy,
and historically the longer boat typically won the America’s Cup races under the 12-meter rule.
Thus, if you bet on a swimming or sailing race where the competitors aren’t known to you but
appear to be evenly matched, choose the taller swimmer or the longer boat.]
d) Dropping L from the answer for b) requires the creation of a new dimensionless group from f ,
g, and U to
to replace $1 and $4. The new group can be obtained via a product of original
U f Uf Uf $ # ' g $ # o '
dimensionless groups: "1" 4 = = . Thus, =" 4 & o ) , or U = " 4 & ) . Here,
gL g L g g % (
# f % # (
U is
is inversely proportional to f which
which suggests that higher speeds should be obtained at lower
frequencies. [Human swimmers of butterfly (and breaststroke to a lesser degree) approach the
conditions required for this part of this problem. Fewer longer strokes are typically preferred
over many short ones. Of course, the trick for reaching top speed is to properly lengthen each
stroke without losing propulsive force].
e) When g is no longer a parameter, a new dimensionless group that lacks g must be made to
"1 U gL U
replace $1 and $5. This new dimensionless group is = = , so the overall scaling
"5 f g L fL
% $ o (
law must be: U = fL " # 5' * . Thus, U will
will be directly proportional to f . Simple observations of
& $ )
swimming fish, dolphins, whales, etc. verify that their tail oscillation frequency increases at
higher swimming speeds, as does the rotation speed of a submarine or torpedo’s propeller.
f) Dimensionally-accurate surrogates for weight and lift are: " o L3 g and " U 2 2
U L , respectively. Set
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.35. The acoustic power W generated by a large industrial blower depends on its
volume flow rate Q, the pressure rise "P it works against, the air density $ , and the speed of
sound c. If hired as an acoustic consultant to quiet this blower by changing its operating
conditions, what is your first suggestion?
Solution 1.35.The boundary condition and material parameters are: Q, $ , "P, and c. The
solution parameter is W . Create the parameter matrix:
W Q "P $ c
Mass: 1 0 1 1 0
Length: 2 3 -1 -3 1
Time: -3 -1 -2 0 -1
This rank of this matrix is three. Next, determine the number of dimensionless groups: 5
parameters - 3 dimensions = 2 groups. Construct the dimensionless groups: &1 = W /Q"P, &2 =
"P/$ c2. Now write the dimensionless law: W = = Q"P'("P/$ c2), where ' is an unknown
function. Since the sound power W must
must be proportional to volume flow rate Q, you can
immediately suggest a decrease in Q as means of lowering W . At this point you do not know if
Q must be maintained at high level, so this solution may be viable even though it may oppose
many of the usual reasons for using a blower. Note that since ' is unknown the dependence of
W on
on "P cannot be determined from dimensional analysis alone.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.36. The horizontal displacement " of the trajectory of a spinning ball depends on the
mass m and diameter d of of the ball, the air density $ and
and viscosity µ , the ball's rotation rate - , the
ball’s speed U , and the distance L traveled.
a) Use dimensional analysis to predict how " can depend on the other parameters.
b) Simplify your result from part a) for negligible viscous forces.
c) It is experimentally observed that " for a spinning sphere becomes essentially independent of
the rotation rate once the surface rotation speed, - d d/2,
/ 2, exceeds twice U . Simplify your result
from part b) for this high-spin regime.
d) Based on the result in part c), how does " depend on U ?
Solution 1.36.a) Create the parameter matrix using the solution parameter is ", and the
boundary condition and material parameters are: Q, $ , "P, and c.
" m d $ µ - U L
Mass: 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
Length: 1 0 1 -3 -1 0 1 1
Time: 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0
This rank of this matrix is three. Next, determine the number of dimensionless groups: 8
parameters - 3 dimensions = 5 groups. Construct the dimensionless groups: $1 = "/d , $2 =
d3 , $3 = $ Ud/
m/$ d µ, $4 = - d/U
Ud/ µ d/U , and $5 = L/d . Thus, the dimensionless law for " is:
! # m ! Ud d L &
Ud " d
= " % 3 , , , (,
d $ ! d
d µ U d '
Exercise 1.37. A machine that fills peanut-butter jars must be reset to accommodate larger jars.
The new jars are twice as large as the old ones but they must be filled in the same amount of time
by the same machine. Fortunately, the viscosity of peanut butter decreases with increasing
temperature, and this property of peanut butter can be exploited to achieve the desired results
since the existing machine allows for temperature control.
a) Write a dimensionless law for the jar-filling time t f based on: the density of peanut butter $ ,
the jar volume V , the viscosity of peanut butter µ , the driving pressure that forces peanut butter
bu tter
out of the machine P
machine P , and the diameter of the peanut butter-delivery tube d .
b) Assuming that the peanut butter flow is dominated by viscous forces, modify the relationship
you have written for part a) to eliminate the effects of fluid inertia.
c) Make a reasonable assumption concerning the relationship between t f and V when when the other
variables are fixed so that you can
c an determine the viscosity ratio µ newnew/µ old
old necessary
necessary for proper
operation of the old machine with the new jars.
d) Unfortunately, the auger mechanism that pumpsp umps the liquid peanut butter develops driving
d riving
pressure through viscous forces so that P
that P is
is proportional to µ . Therefore, to meet the new jar-
filling requirement, what part of the machine should be changed and how much larger should it
Solution 1.37.a) First create the parameter matrix. The solution parameter is t
f . The boundary
condition and material parameters are: V , $ , P, µ, and d .
f V P $ d µ
Mass: 0 0 1 1 0 1
Length: 0 3 -1 -3 1 -1
Time: 1 0 -2 0 0 -1
This rank of this matrix is three. Next, determine the number of dimensionless groups: 6
parameters - 3 dimensions = 3 groups. Construct the dimensionless groups: $1 = Pt f /µ, $2 =
µ2/$ d
d2 P, $3 = V /d 3, and write a dimensionless law: t 2 d 2P,V /d 3), where ' is an
f = (µ/P)'(µ /$ d
unknown function.
b) When fluid inertia is not important the fluid's density is not a parameter. Therefore, drop &2
from the dimensional analysis formula: t f = (µ/P)((V /d 3), where ( is yet another unknown
c) One might reasonably expect that t f ) V (these
(these are the two extensive variables). Therefore, we
end up with t
f = const µ * µV /Pd 3. Now form a ratio between the old and new conditions and cancel
common terms:
( t f ) new (µ V
V /
/ Pd ) new (µ V
V ) new V µ new 1
= 1 = 3
= , so new = 2 + =
( t f ) old (µ V
V /
/ Pd ) old (µ V
V ) old V old µ old 2
d) If P is proportional to µ, then to achieve the same filling time for twice the volume using the
part c) result for t f implies,
V old 2V old
3 3
( d old ) (d new )
Thus, the machine’s nozzle diameter must be increased so that d new = 2 d old .
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.38. As an idealization of fuel injection in a Diesel engine, consider a stream of high-
speed fluid (called a jet ) that emerges into a quiescent air reservoir at t =
= 0 from a small hole in
an infinite plate to form a plume where the fuel and air mix.
a) Develop a scaling law via dimensional analysis for the penetration distance D of the plume as
a function of: " p the pressure difference across the orifice that drives the jet, d o the diameter of
the jet orifice, $ o the density of the fuel, µ " and $ " the viscosity and density of the air, and t the
time since the jet was turned on.
b) Simplify this scaling law for turbulent flow where air viscosity is no longer a parameter.
c) For turbulent flow and D << d o, d o and $ " are not parameters. Recreate the dimensionless law
for D.
d) For turbulent flow and D >> d o, only the momentum flux of the jet matters, so " p and d o are
replaced by the single parameter J o = jet momentum flux ( J o has the units of force and is
approximately equal to " pd o2 ). Recreate the dimensionless law for D using the new parameter J o.
Solution 1.38. a) The parameters are: D, t , " p, $ o, $ ", µ", and d o. With D as the solution
parameter, create the parameter matrix:
D t " p $ o $ " µ" d o
Mass: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Length: 1 0 -1 -3 -3 -1 1
Time: 0 1 -2 0 0 -1 0
Next, determine the number of dimensionless groups. This rank of this matrix is three so 7
parameters - 3 dimensions = 4 groups, and construct the groups: "1 D d o , " 2 # # $ , = =
2 2 2 2
"3 =# pt $ % d o , and " 4 # $% pd o µ $ . Thus, the dimensionless law is:
1 4
D =
(J t o
" # ) (
F " o " # ),
where F is
is an unknown function.
[The results presented here are the fuel-plume penetration scaling laws for fuel injection in
Diesel engines where more than half of the world's petroleum ends up being burned.]
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.39. One of the simplest types of gasoline carburetors is a tube with small port for
transverse injection of fuel. It is desirable to have the fuel uniformly mixed in the passing air
stream as quickly as possible. A prediction of the mixing length L is sought. The parameters of
this problem are: $ = density of the flowing air, d = diameter of the tube, µ = viscosity of the
flowing air, U = mean axial velocity of the flowing air, and J = momentum flux of the fuel
a) Write a dimensionless law for L.
b) Simplify your result from part a) for turbulent flow where µ must drop out of your
dimensional analysis.
c) When this flow is turbulent, it is observed that mixing is essentially complete after one
rotation of the counter rotating vortices driven by the injected-fuel momentum (see downstream-
view of the drawing for this problem), and that the vortex rotation rate is directly proportional to
J . Based on this information, assume that L ) (rotation time)( U ) to eliminate the arbitrary
function in the result of part b). The final formula for L should contain an undetermined
dimensionless constant.
Solution 1.39. a) The parameters are: L, J , d , µ , $ , and U . Use these to create the parameter
matrix with L as the solution parameter:
L J d µ $ U
–––––––––––––– –––
Mass: 0 1 0 1 1 0
Length: 1 1 1 -1 -3 1
Time: 0 -2 0 -1 0 -1
Next, determine the number of dimensionless groups. This rank of this matrix is three so 6
parameters - 3 dimensions = 3 groups, and construct them: $1 = L/d , $2 = $ Ud U 2d 2/ J
Ud /µ , $3 = $ U J .
And, finally write a dimensionless law: L = d '($ Ud U 2d 2/ J
Ud /µ , $ U J ),
), where ' is an unknown
must not be a parameter. Therefore: L = d (($ U
b) At high Reynolds numbers, µ must U 2d 2/ J
J ) where (
is an unknown function.
c) Let # = vortex rotation rate. The units of # are 1/time and # must be proportional to J .
Putting this statement in dimensionless terms based on the boundary condition and material
parameters of this problem means: # = const 3
= (rotation time) -1
" Ud
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
2 3 2 2
" U
U d L " U
U d
Therefore: L = const (#-1)U = const , or = const . Thus, for transverse
J d J
injection, more rapid mixing occurs ( L decreases) when the injection momentum increases.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.40 . Consider dune formation in a large horizontal desert of deep sand.
a) Develop a scaling relationship that describes how the height h of the dunes depends on the
average wind speed U , the length of time the wind has been blowing "t , the average weight and
diameter of a sand grain w and d , and the air’s density $ and
and kinematic viscosity 0 .
fully rough and 0 is
b) Simplify the result of part a) when the sand-air interface is fully is no longer a
c) If the sand dune height is determined to be proportional to the density of the air, how do you
expect it to depend on the weight of a sand grain?
Solution 1.40. a) The solution parameter is h. The boundary condition and material parameters
are: U , "t , w, d , $ , and 0 . First create the parameter matrix:
h U "t w d $ 0
Mass: 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Length: 1 1 0 1 1 -3 2
Time: 0 -1 1 -2 0 0 -1
Next determine the number of dimensionless groups. This rank of this matrix is three so 7
parameters - 3 dimensions = 4 groups. Construct the dimensionless groups: $1 = h/d , $2 = Ud /0 ,
U2 d 2, and $4 = U "t /d . Thus, the dimensionless law is
$3 = w/$ U
h & Ud w U %t )
= "( , 2 2 , +,
d ' # $ U
U d d *
where ' is an unknown function.
b) When 0 is
is no longer a parameter, $2 drops out:
h % w U $t (
"' 2 2 ,
d & # U
U d d )
where ( is another unknown function.
c) When h is proportional to $ , then
" U
U d
% U $t (
= #' *,
d w & d )
where & is another unknown function. Under this condition, dune height will be inversely
proportional to w the sand grain weight.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.41. The rim-to-rim diameter D of the impact crater produced by a vertically-falling
object depends on d = average diameter of the object, E = kinetic energy of the object lost on
impact, $ =
= density of the ground at the impact site, , = yield stress of the ground at the impact
site, and g = acceleration of gravity.
a) Using dimensional analysis, determine a scaling law for D.
b) Simplify the result of part a) when D >> d , and d is is no longer a parameter.
c) Further simplify the result of part b) when the ground plastically deforms to absorb the impact
energy and $ is
is irrelevant. In this case, does gravity influence D? And, if E is
is doubled how much
bigger is D?
d) Alternatively, further simplify the result of part b) when the ground at the impact site is an
unconsolidated material like sand where , is irrelevant. In this case, does gravity influence D?
And, if E is
is doubled how much bigger is D?
e) Assume the relevant constant is unity and invert the algebraic relationship found in part d) to
estimate the impact energy that formed the 1.2-km-diameter Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona
using the density of Coconino sandstone, 2.3 g/cm 3, at the impact site. The impact energy that
formed this crater is likely between 10 16 and 1017 J. How close to this range is your dimensional
analysis estimate?
g D
, !
Solution 1.41. The solution parameter is D. The boundary condition and material parameters are:
d , E , ( , $ , ,, and g. First create the parameter matrix:
D d E $ , g
M 0 0 1 1 1 0
L 1 1 2 –3 –1 1
T 0 0 –2 0 –2 –2
The rank of this matrix is 3, so there are 6 – 3 = 4 dimensionless groups. These groups are:
= = gd 4 , and !3 " ! gd
!1 D d , ! 2 E ! gd gd . Thus, the scaling law is:
D / d fn( E /
= gd 4 , ! / ! gd
/ ! gd gd ) ,
where fn is an undetermined function.
b) Use the second dimensionless group to remove d from
from the other two:
'1 4
! ) ! E $' 1 4
$ # &
D ! E $ D "
# & = (#
# ! gd # & & , or
& = !% (.
gd 4 % 4 1 4
% ! g E 1 4
( E ! g) $( )
d " ! gd " gd " ! gd
gd % %
3 3
where ' is an undetermined function.
c) In this case, the two dimensionless groups in the part b) must be combined to eliminate $ ,
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
D ! D
1 4 1 12
= const . ,
( E ! g) ( ! g E )
3 3
( E !)
and this lone dimensionless group must be constant. In this case, gravity does not influence the
increases D by a factor of 21 3 1.26 .
crater diameter, and a doubling of the energy E increases !
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.42. An isolated nominally spherical bubble with radius R undergoes shape
oscillations at frequency f . It is filled with air having density $ a and resides in water with density
$ w and surface tension % . What frequency ratio should be expected between two isolated bubbles
with 2 cm and 4 cm diameters undergoing geometrically similar shape oscillations? If a soluble
surfactant is added to the water that lowers % by by a factor of two, by what factor should air bubble
oscillation frequencies increase or decrease?
Solution 1.42. The boundary condition and material parameters are: R, $ a, $ w, and % . The
solution parameter is f . First create the parameter matrix:
f R $ a $ w %
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––
Mass: 0 0 1 1 1
Length: 0 1 -3 -3 0
Time: -1 0 0 0 -2
Next determine the number of dimensionless groups. This rank of this matrix is three, so 5
parameters - 3 dimensions = 2 groups. Construct the dimensionless groups: $1 = f " w R # ,
and $2 = $ w/$ a. Thus, the dimensionless law is
" % # (
f = $' w * ,
# w R & # a )
where ' is an unknown function. For a fixed density ratio, '($ w/$ a) will be constant so f is
proportional to R –3/2 and to % 1/2. Thus, the required frequency ratio between different sizes
bubbles is:
( f )
) 2 cm " 2cm %(3 2
= $ ' 2 2 ) 2.83 .
( f )
) 4 cm # 4 cm &
Similarly, if the surface tension is decreased by a factor of two, then
)1 2
) 2 #1/ 2 &
( f ) 1
% ( = * 0.707 . =
( f )
) $ 1 '
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.43. In general, boundary layer skin friction, * w, depends on the fluid velocity U above
the boundary layer, the fluid density $ , the fluid viscosity !, the nominal boundary layer
thickness + , and the surface roughness length scale # .
a) Generate a dimensionless scaling law for boundary layer skin friction.
b) For laminar boundary layers, the skin friction is proportional to !. When this is true, how must
* w depend on U and
and $ ?
c) For turbulent boundary layers, the dominant mechanisms for momentum exchange within the
flow do not directly involve the viscosity !. Reformulate your dimensional analysis without it.
How must * w depend on U and and $ when
when ! is not a parameter?
d) For turbulent boundary layers on smooth surfaces, the skin friction on a solid wall occ urs in a
viscous sublayer that is very thin compared to + . In fact, because the boundary layer provides a
buffer between the outer flow and this viscous sub-layer, the viscous sublayer thickness l v does
or + . Determine how l v depends on the remaining parameters.
not depend directly on U or
e) Now consider nontrivial roughness. When # is larger than lv a surface can no longer be
considered fluid-dynamically smooth. Thus, based on the results from parts a) through d) and
anything you may know about the relative friction levels in laminar and turbulent boundary
layers, are high- or low-speed boundary layer flows more likely to be influenced by surface
Solution 1.43. a) Construct the parameter & units matrix and recognizing that * w is a stress and
has units of pressure.
* w U $ µ + #
M 1 0 1 1 0 0
L -1 1 -3 -1 1 1
T -2 -1 0 1 0 0
The rank of this matrix is three. There are 6 parameters and 3 independent units, thus there will
be 6 – 3 = 3 dimensionless groups. By inspection these groups are: a skin-friction coefficient =
# w # U
"1 =
, a Reynolds number = " 2
= , and the relative roughness = " 3
. Thus the
$ U
U µ $
" w & # U
% )
dimensionless law is: = f ( , + where f is
is an undetermined function.
U 2
# U ' µ $ *
b) Use the result of part a) and set " # µ . This involves requiring $1 to be proportional to 1/
" w µ & % )
so the revised form of the dimensionless law in part a) is: 2
= g( + , where g is an
# U
U # U $ ' $ *
U $
µ U
U % $ (
undetermined function. Simplify this relationship to find: " w = g' * . Thus, in laminar
# & # )
boundary layers, * w is proportional to U and
and independent of $ .
c) When µ is
is not a parameter the second dimensionless group from part a) must be dropped.
" w & $ )
Thus, the dimensionless law becomes: 2
h( + where h is an undetermined function. Here
# U
U ' % *
U . Thus, in turbulent boundary layers, * w is linearly proportional to $ and
we see that " w # $ U and
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
In the study of wall bounded turbulent flows, the length scale lv is commonly known as the
viscous wall unit and u* is known as the friction or shear velocity.
e) The results of part b) and part c) both suggest that * w will be larger at high flow speeds than at
lower flow speeds. This means that lv will be smaller at high flow speeds for both laminar and
turbulent boundary layers. Thus, boundary layers in high-speed flows are more likely to be
influenced by constant-size surface roughness.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.44. Turbulent boundary layer skin friction is one of the fluid phenomena that limit
the travel speed of aircraft and ships. One means for reducing the skin friction of liquid boundary
layers is to inject a gas (typically air) from the surface on which the boundary layer forms. The
shear stress, * w, that is felt a distance L downstream of such an air injector depends on: the
volumetric gas flux per unit span q (in m2/s), the free stream flow speed U , the liquid density $ ,
the liquid viscosity µ , the surface tension % , and gravitational acceleration g.
a) Formulate a dimensionless law for * w in terms of the other parameters.
b) Experimental studies of air injection into liquid turbulent boundary layers on flat plates has
found that the bubbles may coalesce to form an air film that provides near perfect lubrication,
0 for L > 0, when q is high enough and gravity tends to push the injected gas toward the
plate surface. Reformulate your answer to part a) by dropping * w and L to determine a
dimensionless law for the minimum air injection rate, qc, necessary to form an air layer.
c) Simplify the result of part c) when surface tension can be neglected.
d) Experimental studies (Elbing et al. 2008) find that qc is proportional to U 2. Using this
information, determine a scaling law for qc involving the other parameters. Would an increase in
g cause qc to increase or decrease?
Solution 1.44. a) Construct the parameter & units matrix and recognizing that * w is a stress and
has units of pressure.
* w L q U $ µ % g
–––––––––––– –
M 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
L -1 1 2 1 -3 -1 0 1
T -2 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -2 -2
This rank of this matrix is three. There are 8 parameters and 3 independent units, thus there will
be 8 – 3 = 5 dimensionless groups. By inspection these groups are: a skin-friction coefficient =
# w # UL
"1 =
, a Reynolds number = " 2 , a Froude number = " 3
= , a capillary number
$ U
U µ gL
µ U
U # q
= "4 = , and flux ratio = "5 = . Thus the dimensionless law is:
# µ
µ gL µ g
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
scaling law for the minimum air injection rate, qc, necessary to form an air layer is:
" qc µ # ( " U
U $ ) where 1 is
U µ g , µ U is an undetermined function.
c) When % is
is not a parameter, $4 can be dropped leaving: " qc µ =
# " U
) where 2 is
µ g is an
undetermined function.
d) When qc is proportional to U 2, then dimensional analysis requires:
2 3 1 3
qc = (µ " )const .( " U
µ g =
const .U (µ " g ) 2
So, an increase in g would cause qc to decrease.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.45 . An industrial cooling system is in the design stage. The pumping requirements
are known and the drive motors have been selected. For maximum efficiency the pumps will be
directly driven (no gear boxes). The number N
number N p and type of water pumps are to be determined
based on pump efficiency . (dimensionless),
(dimensionless), the total required volume flow rate Q, the required
pressure rise " P , the motor rotation rate #, and the power delivered by one motor W . Use
dimensional analysis and simple physical reasoning for the following items.
a) Determine a formula for the number of pumps.
b) Using Q, N p, " P , #, and the density ($ ) and viscosity (µ ) of water, create the appropriate
number of dimensionless groups using " P as as the dependent parameter.
c) Simplify the result of part b) by requiring the two extensive variables to appear as a ratio.
d) Simplify the result of part c) for high Reyn olds number pumping where µ is is no longer a
e) Manipulate the remaining dimensionless group until # appears to the first power in the
numerator. This dimensionless group is known as the spec ific speed, and its value allows the
most efficient type of pump to be chosen (see Sabersky et al. 1999).
Solution 1.45 . a) The total power that must be delivered to the fluid is Q" P . The power that one
pump delivers to the fluid will be . W Thus, N p will be the next integer larger than Q" P /. W
W. Thus, N W.
b) Construct the parameter & units matrix using " P as as the solution parameter
"P Q N p # $ µ
M 1 0 0 0 1 1
L -1 3 0 0 -3 -1
T -2 -1 0 -1 -0 -1
The rank of this matrix is three. There are 6 parameters and 3 independent
inde pendent units, thus there will
be 6 – 3 = 2 dimensionless groups. By inspection these groups are: a pressure coefficient =
2 3 13
"P ! Q "
!1 =
2 3
, the number of pumps = $2 = N
= N p, and a Reynolds number = !3 = .
! #
Q ) µ
! "
q )
alone will characterize the pump, and this group will be a constant.
1 2
e) The specific speed = 3 4
. Low values of the specific speed (below ~1/2 or so)
( "P ! )
correspond centrifugal pumps that move relatively small amounts of liquid against relatively-
high pressure differences (a water pump for circulating a coolant through narrow passageways).
High values of the specific speed (above ~2 or so) correspond to propeller
prope ller pumps that move
relatively high volumes of fluid against relatively-low pressure differences (a ventilation fan).
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.46. Nearly all types of fluid filtration involve pressure driven flow through a porous
a) For a given volume flow rate per unit area = Q/ A A, predict how the pressure difference across
the porous material = " p, depends on the thickness of the filter material = L, the surface area per
unit volume of the filter material = (, and other relevant parameters using dimensional analysis.
b) Often the Reynolds number of the flow in the filter pores is very much less than unity so fluid
inertia becomes unimportant. Redo the dimensional analysis for this situation.
c) To minimize pressure losses in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) ductwork,
should hot or cold air be filtered?
d) If the filter material is changed and ( is lowered to one half its previous value, estimate the
change in " p if all other parameters are constant. (Hint: make a reasonable assumption about the
dependence of " p on L; they are both extensive variables in this situation).
Porous Material
Q/ A Q/ A
Solution 1.46. This question can be answered with dimensional analysis. The parameters are
drawn from the problem statement and the two fluid properties $ =
= density and µ =
= viscosity.
The solution parameter is " p, and the unit matrix is:
" pQ/ A
A L ( $ µ
M 1 0 0 0 1 1
L –1 1 1 –1 –3 –1
T –2 –1 0 0 0 –1
There will be: 6 – 3 = 3 dimensionless groups. These groups are: a pressure coefficient =
!1 " p ! (Q / A ) , a dimensionless thickness = ! 2 L " , and a thickness-based Reynolds
= =
! (Q / A)
A ) µ (Q / A)µ
c) The viscosity of gases increases with increasing temperature, thus to keep " p low for a given
filter element ( L() the viscosity should be low. So, filter cold air.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.47 . A new industrial process requires a volume V of of hot air with initial density $ to
to be
moved quickly from a spherical reaction chamber to a larger evacuated chamber using a single
pipe of length L
length L and
and interior diameter of d . The vacuum chamber is also spherical and has a
volume of V f . If the hot air cannot be
b e transferred fast enough, the process fails. Thus, a prediction
is needed based on these parameters, the air’s ratio of specific heats " , and
of the transfer time t is
initial values of the air’s speed of sound c and viscosity µ .
a) Formulate a dimensionless scaling law for t , involving six dimensionless groups.
b) Inexpensive small-scale tests of the air-transfer
air-transfer process are untaken before construction of the
commercial-scale reaction facility. Can all these dimensionless groups be matched if the target
size for the pipe diameter in the small-scale tests is d´ = = d /10?
/10? Would lowering or raising the
initial air temperature in the small-scale experiments help match the dimensionless numbers?
Solution 1.47.a) This question can be answered with dimensional analysis. The parameters are
drawn from the problem statement. The solution parameter is t , and the unit matrix is:
t V V f L d " c $ µ
M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
L 0 3 3 1 1 0 1 -3 -1
T 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1
The rank of this matrix is 3, so there will be: 9 – 3 = 6 dimensionless groups. These groups are:
a dimensionless time: $1 = ct /d ; a volume ratio: $2 = V /V f ; another volume ratio: $2 = d 3/V f ; an
aspect ratio: $4 = L/d ; the ratio of specific heats: $5 = " ; and a sonic Reynolds number: $6 =
$ cd
cd /µ . Thus, the scaling law is:
! V d 3 L " cd $
= ! ## , , , ! , && .
d V V
" f f d µ %
b) The first dimensionless group will be matched if the other five are matched. So, let primes
denote the small-scale test parameter. Matching the five indep endent dimensionless groups
3 3
V V !
d d L L ! ! cd !
cd ! c d ! ! !
= , , = , " =
= " ´,
´, and = . (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) =
V f V f V f V f d d ! µ !
µ !
where the finding for V ´ follows from (1). Similarly, from (3), the results for the length of the
pipe are:
d L
= = 10 , so L! = L 10 .
d ! L!
The next independent dimensionless group, " , can be matched by using air in the scale model
tests since it will be used in the full-scale device. The final independent dimensionless group is
likely to be the most difficult to match. Using (5) and d´ = = d /10,
/10, implies:
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
! cd
cd ! !
! c d !
! c ! ! c
= or = 10 ,
µ 10µ ! µ ! µ
and this relationship only involves material properties. The initial temperature (and pressure P
pressure P )
–1 +1
of the small scale experiments can be varied, $ is
is proportional to T (and P
(and P ), while both c and
µ are
are proportional to T (and nearly independent of P
of P ).
). Thus, small scale testing at reduced
temperature (and elevated pressure) might make it possible to match values of this dimensionless
group between the large- and small-scale experiments.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 1.48 . Create a small passive helicopter from ordinary pho tocopy-machine paper (as
shown) and drop it from a height
he ight of 2 m or so. Note the helicopter’s rotation and decent rates
once it’s rotating steadily. Repeat this simple experiment with different sizes of paper clips to
change the helicopter’s weight, and observe changes in the rotation and decent rates.
a) Using the helicopter’s weight W , blade length l , and blade width (chord) c, and the air’s
density $ and
and viscosity µ as
as independent parameters, formulate two independent dimensionless
scaling laws for the helicopter’s rotation rate #, and decent rate dz /dt .
b) Simplify both scaling laws for the situation where µ is
is no longer a parameter.
c) Do the dimensionless scaling laws correctly predict the experimental trends?
d) If a new paper helicopter
he licopter is made with all dimensions smaller by a factor of two. Use the
scaling laws found in part b) to predict changes in the rotation and decent rates. Make the new
smaller paper helicopter and see if the predictions are correct.
7 cm
7 cm
paper clip
2 cm
4 cm
# W l c $ µ
M 0 1 0 0 1 1
L 0 1 1 1 -3 -1
T -1 -2 0 0 0 -1
The rank of this matrix is 3, so there will be: 6 – 3 = 3 dimensionless groups. These groups are:
1/2 2 1/2
$1 = #$ l /W , $2 = l/c, and $3 = $ W W /µ 2. Thus, the scaling law is:
! l
" l ! W
W %
! = " $ , 2 '
W # c µ &
where 1 is
is an undetermined function. The second solution parameter is dz/dt (the
(the descent rate),
and it has the same units as #l, so it's scaling law is:
! dz $ ! l
! l ! W
W $
# & = " # , 2 & .
" dt % W " c µ %
where / is
is an undetermined function.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
b) When µ is
is no longer a parameter, both scaling laws simplify
! l
#l& ! dz $ ! l
! = " % ( and # & = ' # & ,
W $c' " dt % W "c%
where ' and ( are different undetermined functions. These laws imply
1 W #l& dz 1 W "l %
! =
" % ( and = !$ ' ,
l ! $ c ' dt l ! #c&
c) These scaling laws are consistent with experimental results; the rotation and decent rates both
increase when W increases.
d) If the aspect ratio, l/c, is fixed, then decreasing l by a factor of two should increase # by a
factor of 4, and dz/dt by
by a factor of two. When the smaller helicopter is made, the experiments do
appear to confirm these predictions; both # and dz/dt do do increase, and the increase for # is
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.1. For three spatial dimensions, rewrite the following expressions in index notation
and evaluate or simplify them using the values or parameters given, and the definitions of ! ij and
" ijk wherever possible. In b) through e), x is the position vector, with components xi.
a) b " c where b = (1, 4, 17) and c = (–4, –3, 1)
b) (u " # ) x where u a vector with components ui.
c) "# , where " h # x and h is a constant vector with components hi.
d) " # u, where u = " x and is a constant vector with components !i.
"1 2 3&
$ $
e) C " x , where C = #0 1 2'
$0 0 1(
$# $ $ x i
c) "# = = ( hi x i ) = h i = h i% ij h j
= = h
$ x j $ x j $ x j
d) " #u = "# ( #x ) = % ijk
& x j
(% klm $l xm ) = % ijk % klm $ l' jm =
(' '
il jm )
( ' im' jl $ l' jm =
(' '
il jj )
( ' ij ' jl $ l
= ( 3" il
# " il $l ) = 2" il $l = 2 $l = 2
Here, the following identities have been used: " ijk " klm = # il# jm $ # im# jl , " ij " jk = " ik , " jj = 3 , and
" ij # j = #i
#1 2 3'# x1 ' # x + 2 x + 3 x
1 2 3
% %% % % %
e) C " x = C ij x j = $0 1 2($ x 2
( = $ x + 2 x 2 3
%0 0
1)& x
% % %
& 3 ) & x 3 )
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Solution 2.2. The two representations for the position vector are:
, or x = x1"e1" + x "2e"2 + x "3e"3 .
x = x e + x e
1 1 2 2
+ x e
3 3
where C ij e i " e# j is a 3 " 3 matrix of direction cosines. In an entirely parallel fashion, forming
which is (2.7).
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.3 . For two three-dimensional vectors with Cartesian components ai and bi, prove the
Cauchy-Schwartz inequality: ( aibi)2 ! (ai)2(bi)2.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.4. For two three-dimensional vectors with Cartesian components ai and bi, prove the
triangle inequality: a + b ! a + b .
Solution 2.4 . To avoid square roots, square both side of the equation; this operation does not
change the equation's meaning. The left side becomes:
2 2 2
(a + b ) = a + 2a b + b ,
and the right side becomes:
2 2 2
a+b = ( a + b ) ! (a + b ) = a ! a + 2 a ! b + b ! b = a + 2a ! b + b .
2 2
(a + b ) ! a+b = 2a b ! 2a b . "
Thus, to prove the triangle equality, the right side of this last equation must be greater than or
equal to zero. This requires:
2 2
a b ! a " b or using index notation: ai bi ! ai bi ,
which can be squared to find:
2 2 2
ai bi ! ( ai bi ) ,
and this is the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality proved in Exercise 2.3. Thus, the triangle equality is
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.5 . Using Cartesian coordinates where the position vector is x = ( x
x1, x2, x3) and the
fluid velocity is u = (u1, u2, u3), write out the three components of the vector:
(u " #)u =
( )
u i $ u j $ x i .
Solution 2.5.
+ % $ u ( % $ u ( % $ u (/
1 1 1
-u '
1 * + u2' * + u3' *-
- & $ x
1 ) & $ x
2 ) & $ x
3 )-
% $ u j ( % $ u j ( % $ u j ( % $ u j ( - % $ u ( % $ u ( % $ u (-
a) (u " #)u = u i ' * = u ' 1 * + u 2' * + u '
3 * = ,u '
* + u2'
* + u3'
& i)
$ & $ x 1) & x
$ 2 ) & x
$ 3 ) - & $ x 1 ) & $ x
2 ) & $ x
3 )-
- % $ u3
( % $ u3
( % $ u3
-u '
1 * + u '
2 * + u '
3 *-
. & $ x
1 ) & $ x
2 ) & $ x
3 )1
) # " u & # " u & # " u & -
+ % ( % (
u + v + w % (+
+ $ " x ' $ " y ' $ " z ' +
+ # " v & # " v & # " v & +
= * u% ( + v% ( + w % ( .
+ $ " x ' $ " y ' $ " z ' +
+ # " w & # " w & # " w &+
+ $ '% ( + v% ( + w % (
$ " z '+/
, " x $ " y '
The vector in this exercise, (u " #)u =
( )
u i $ u j $ x i , is an important one in fluid mechanics. As
described in Ch. 3, it is the nonlinear advective acceleration.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.6. Convert ! " !! to indicial notation and show that it is zero in Cartesian
coordinates for any twice-differentiable scalar function # .
Solution 2.6 . Start with the definitions of the cross product and the gradient.
" " #
! " !! ) = ! ijk (!# )k = ! ijk
" x
x j " x
x j " x
Write out the vector component by component recalling that " ijk = 0 if any two indices are equal.
Here the "i" index is the free index.
! 2 % ! 2 % 2 2
# ! " #
+ ! 132
" #
# # " # – " # #
# " x
x " x
" x x # # " x
x " x3
x " x
x 3
" x x #
x " x
2 2 3 3 2
# # # #
" # # " # # #
" # " #
" # #
2 2
! ijk = " !
+ !
& = " – 231
+ &=0,
" x
x j " x
xk # " x
x " x
" x
x " x
x # # " x
x " x
x 3
" x
x " x
x # 1 3 3 1
# 2
" #
" #
# # " # 2
" #
# 2 2
# !
+ !
# # 321
( #
$ " x
x " x
" x x #
x " x
2 ' # $ " x x " x
x 2
" x x #
x " x
1 ' 1 2 2 1
where the middle equality follows from the definition of " ijk (2.18), and the final equality follows
2 2
" # " #
when # is
is twice differentiable so that = .
" x j " x k " x k " x j
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.7 . Using indicial notation, show that a " (b " c) = (a c)b $ (a b)c. [ Hint Hint : Call d % b
" c. Then (a " d)m = " pqma pd q = " pqma p" ijqbic j . Using (2.19), show that ( a " d)m = ( a c)bm (a
Exercise 2.8 . Show that the condition for the vectors a, b, and c to be coplanar is " ijk aib j ck = 0.
Solution 2.8 . The vector b " c is perpendicular to b and c. Thus, a will be coplanar with b and c
if it too is perpendicular to b " c. The condition for a to be perpendicular with b " c is:
a (b " c) = 0.
In index notation, this is ai" ijk b j ck = 0 = " ijk aib j ck .
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2. 9. Prove the following relationships: ! ij ! ij = 3, " pqr" pqr = 6, and " pqi" pqj = 2! ij .
Exercise 2.10 . Show that C CT = CT C = , where C is the direction cosine matrix and is the
matrix of the Kronecker delta. Any matrix obeying such a relationship is called an orthogonal
matrix because it represents transformation of one set of orthogonal axes into another.
Solution 2.10 . To show that C CT = CT C = , where C is the direction cosine matrix and is
the matrix of the Kronecker delta. Start from (2.5) and (2.7), which are
" x iC ij and x j x "iC ji ,
x j = =
respectively, and change the index " i" into "m" on (2.5): x j " x mC mj . Substitute this into (2.7) to =
x j x "iC ji
= = ( x m C mi )C ji = C miC ji x m .
However, we also have x j = ! jm xm, so
" jm x m C miC ji x m
= # " jm C miC ji ,
(" )
= " mj =
(C mi
C ij ) =
C miC ij = CT C.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.11 . Show that for a second-order tensor A, the following quantities are invariant
under the rotation of axes:
A11 A12 A22 A23 A11 A13
I 1 = Aii , I 2 = + + , and I 3 = det( Aij ).
A21 A22 A32 A33 A31 A33
Hint : Use the result of Exercise 2.8 and the transformation rule (2.12) to show that I '1 = A'ii =
[ Hint
Aii.= I 1. Then show that Aij A ji and Aij A jk Aki are also invariants. In fact, all contracted scalars of the
form Aij A jk ### Ami are invariants. Finally, verify that I 2 =
"#I ! Aij A ji %$ ,
I 3 = 13 "# Aij A jk Aki ! I 1 Aij A ji + I 2 Aii %$ . Because the right-hand sides are invariant, so are I 2 and I 3.]
Solution 2.11 . First prove I 1 is invariant by using the second order tensor transformation rule
Amn = C imC jn Aij .
Replace C jn by C nj and set n = m,
Amn = "
C imC nj Aij # Amm = C im C mj Aij .
Use the result of Exercise 2.8, " ij = C im C mj = , to find:
I 1 Amm
= = # ij Aij = Aii .
Thus, the first invariant is does not depend on a rotation of the co ordinate axes.
Now consider whether or not A not Amn Anm is invariant under a rotation of the coordinate axes.
Start with a double application of (2.12):
(2.12 ):
" Anm
Amn " C im C jn Aij C pn C qm A pq ( T
C jn C np
C im C mq Aij A pq . )( ) (
)( )
From the result of Exercise 2.8, the factors in parentheses in the last equality are Kronecker delta
functions, so
" Anm
Amn " # jp# iq Aij A pq Aij A ji . = =
2 1
A11 + A 22
A 33 + A11 A22 + A22 A33 + (
A11 A33 " A12 A21 + A23 A32 + A13 A31 +
A11 + A 22
A 33 )
[A 11
+ A22 + A33 ] "
2 (2 A 12
A21 + 2 A23 A32 + 2 A13 A31 + A11 + A22
2 2
+ A33
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
1 1
I 1 "
(A 11
A11 + A12 A21 + A13 A31 + A12 A21 + A22 A22 + A23 A32 + A
A31 + A 23 A32 + A33 A33 )
I 1 "
2 ( A A )
ij ji =
2 (I " A A )
ij ji
Thus, since I 2 only depends on I 1 and Aij A ji, it is invariant under a rotation of the coordinate axes
because I 1 and Aij A ji are invariant under a rotation of the coordinate axes.
The manipulations for the third invariant are a tedious but not remarkable. Start from the
given definition for I
for I 3, and group like terms.
( )
I 3 = det Aij = A11 ( A22 A33 " A23 A32 ) " A12 ( A21 A33 " A23 A31) + A13 ( A21 A32 " A22 A31 )
= A11 A22 A33 + A12 A23 A31 + (
A13 A32 A21 " A11 A23 A32 + A22 A13 A31 + A33 A12 A21 ) (a)
Now work from the given identity. The triple matrix product A
product Aij A jk Aki has twenty-seven terms:
A11 + A11 A12 A21 + A11 A13 A31 + A12 A21 A11 + A12 A22 A21 + A12 A23 A31 + A13 A31 A11 + A13 A32 A21 + A13 A33 A31 +
A21 A11 A12 + A
A12 A22 + A A13 A32
+ A A21 A12
+ A
+ A
A23 A32 + A
A31 A12 + A
A32 A22 + A
A33 A32 +
A31 A11 A13 + A31 A12 A23 + A31 A13 A33 + A32 A21 A13 + A32 A22 A23 + A32 A23 A33 + A33 A31 A13 + A A32 A23
+ A
where the result for I 2 has been used. Evaluating the first of these two terms leads to:
3 I 1 I 2 = 3( A11 + A22 + A33 )( A11 A22 " A12 A21 + A22 A33 " A 23 A32 + A11 A33 " A13 A31 )
= 3( A
+ A
+ A )( A A
33 11 22
+ A A
22 33
+ A A ) " 3( A + A
11 33 11 22
+ A )( A A
33 12 21
+ A23 A32 + A13 A31 ) .
Adding this to (b) produces:
Aij A jk Aki + 3 I 1 I 2 = 3( A12 A23 A31 + A13 A32 A21 ) + 3( A11 + A 22 + A 33 )( A11 A22 + A 22 A33 + A11 A33 ) +
2 2 2
A11( A11 " 3 A23 A32 ) + A22 ( A22 " 3 A13 A31 ) + A33 ( A33 " 3 A12 A21 )
= 3( A12 A23 A31 + A13 A32 A21 " A11 A23 A32 " A22 A13 A31 " A33 A12 A21 ) +
3 3 3
3( A11 + A22 + A33 )( A11 A22 + A22 A33 + A11 A33 ) + A11 + A22 + A33 (c)
The last term of the given identity is:
identity is:
3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
I 1 = A11 + A22 + A33 + 3( A11 A22 + A11 A33 + A22 A11 + A22 A33 + A33 A11 + A33 A22 ) + 6 A11 A22 A33
3 3 3
= A11 + A22 + A33 + 3( A11 + A22 + A33 )( A11 A22 + A11 A33 + A22 A33 ) – 3 A11 A22 A33
Subtracting this from (c) produces:
Aij A jk Aki + 3 I 1 I 2 " I 13 = 3( A12 A23 A31 + A13 A32 A21 " A11 A23 A32 " A22 A13 A31 " A33 A12 A21 + A11 A22 A33 )
= 3 I 3 .
This verifies that the given identity for I 3 is correct. Thus, since I 3 only depends on I 1, I 2, and
Aij A jk Aki, it is invariant under a rotation of the coordinate axes because these quantities are
invariant under a rotation of the coordinate axes as shown above.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.12 . If u and v are vectors, show that the products ui$ j obey the transformation rule
(2.12), and therefore represent a second-order tensor.
Solution 2.12 . Start by applying the vector transformation rule (2.5 or 2.6) to the components of
u and v separately,
u"m C im ui , and v "n
= C jn v j .
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.13 . Show that ! ij is an isotropic tensor. That is, show that ! 'ij = ! ij under rotation of
the coordinate system. [ Hint : Use the transformation rule (2.12) and the results of Exercise 2.10.]
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Exercise 2.15 . If u and v are vectors with magnitudes u and $ , use the finding of Exercise 2.14
to show that u v = u$ cos
cos% where
where % is
is the angle between u and v.
Solution 2.15 . Start with two arbitrary vectors ( u and v), and view them so that the plane they
define is coincident with the page and v is horizontal. Consider two additional vectors, & v and w,
that are perpendicular ( v w = 0) and can be summed together to produce u: w + & v = u.
% v
Compute the dot-product of u and v:
u v = (w + & v) v = w v + & v v = &$ 2.
where the final equality holds because v w = 0. From the geometry of the figure:
$ v $% u
cos" # , or "
= cos$ . =
u u #
Insert this into the final equality for u v to find:
%u ( 2
u v = ' cos$
cos $ *# = u# cos
# cos$
$ .
& # )
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Solution 2.16 . The effort here is primarily algebraic. Write the three constraints in component
u w = 0, or u w + u w
1 1 2 2
+ u3 w 3 = 0, (1)
v w = 0, or and " w + " w
1 1 2 2
+ " w
3 3
= 0, (2)
The third one requires a little more effort since the angle needs to be eliminated via a dot
w w = u2$ 2sin2% =
= u2$ 2(1 – cos2% ) = u2$ 2 – (u w)2 or
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
w + w + w = ( u + u + u )(" + " + " ) # ( u " + u " + u " ) , which leads to
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
w + w + w = ( u " # u " ) + ( u " # u " ) + ( u " # u " ) . (3)
1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 2
Equation (1) implies:
w = " (w u + w u ) u (4)
1 2 2 3 3 1
Combine (2) and (4) to eliminate w1, and solve the resulting equation for w2:
$ #
' $ # '
"# 1 ( w 2 u2 + w 3 u3 ) u + # w
1 2 2 + # 3 w 3 = 0 , or &" 1
+ # 2 )w 2
+ &"
+ # 3 )w 3
= 0.
% u
1 ( % u 1 (
$ " ' $ " ' $ u " # u " '
= +w
3 &
# " ) &#
+ "
2 ) = w & 3
3 1 1 3
). (5)
%u 1 ( % u 1 ( % u " # u "
1 2 2 1 (
Combine (4) and (5) to find:
$$ # u " # u ' ' w
$ # 1u3u2 " # 3 u1u2 + # 2 u1u3 " # 1u2u3 '
w = " u + u ) = "
31 3 3 1 3
1 && ) 2 3 & +)
u %% # u " # u ( ( u % # u " # u (
1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
$ "# 3u1u2 + # 2u1u3 ' $ u2# 3 " u 3# 2 '
= "
& ) = w
3& ). (6)
u % # u " # u ( "
% 1 2 2 1(
u # u #
1 2 1 1 2
Put (5) and (6) into (3) and factor out w3 on the left side, then divide out the extensive common
factor that (luckily) appears on the right and as the numerator inside the big parentheses.
$ (u2" 3 # u 3" 2 ) 2 + ( u3" 1 # u1" 3 ) 2 + (u1" 2 # u 2" 1) 2 ' 2 2 2
3 & 2 ) = ( u1" 2 # u 2" 1) + ( u1" 3 # u 3" 1) + ( u2" 3 # u 3" 2 )
% ( u1" 2 # u$2" 1 ) 1 ' (
w &
3 2 ) 1 , so w = ±( u " # u " ) .
3 1 2 2 1
% ( u1" 2 # u 2" 1 ) (
If u = (1,0,0), and v = (0,1,0), then using the plus sign produces w3 = +1, so w3 = +( u1" 2 # u2" 1 ) .
Cyclic permutation of the indices allows the other components of w to be determined:
w u " # u " , =
1 2 3 3 2
w u " # u " , =
2 3 1 1 3
w u " # u " . =
3 1 2 2 1