Chemistry - Periodic Table
Chemistry - Periodic Table
Chemistry - Periodic Table
This chapter describes the organization and important features of
the Periodic Table of the Elements. From the arrangement of the
elements in the Periodic Table you can derive many relationships
in physical and chemical properties among the elements.
When you have completed this chapter you should be able to:
■ Describe the general organization of the Periodic Table; the
approximate location of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids in
the Periodic Table.
■ Correlate changes in atomic radii with changes in ionization
energy and in electronegativity; the number of valence-
electrons with typical bonding behavior.
■ Define periodicity, as it applies to the elements; metal, non-
metal, and metalloid; active metal; transition element.
■ Predict the properties of elements in Groups 1, 2, 13–18 from
the positions of the elements in the Periodic Table.
about the more than 100 known elements. The Periodic Table
provides a means of organizing information so that relationships
among elements can be clearly seen and understood.
Even before so many elements were known, scientists were
searching for relationships among elements. Three important
attempts to determine such relationships were made during the
nineteenth century by the English physician William Prout, the
German chemist Johann Döbereiner, and the English chemist
John Newlands. All three of these scientists based their work on
the model of the atom proposed in 1803 by the English scientist
John Dalton.
Prout’s Hypothesis
In 1814, Prout suggested that all of the other elements are
developed from hydrogen. In other words, Prout proposed that
hydrogen is the fundamental element. Prout reached this conclu-
sion because he observed that the masses of atoms are whole-
number multiples of the atomic mass of hydrogen. The notion of
atomic mass as the relative mass of an atom on a scale where
hydrogen has a mass of one unit grew out of this idea. Later, oxy-
gen became the standard. Later still, the concept of atomic mass
unit (amu), with carbon-12 as a standard, was developed (pages
At the time, Prout’s idea seemed revolutionary. Now, it
appears that Prout may have been close to the truth. Evidence
from studies of radioactive changes led modern scientists to
Döbereiner’s Triads
In 1817, Döbereiner noticed that certain groups of three ele-
ments have related properties. Döbereiner called these groups tri-
ads. If the elements of a triad are arranged in order of increasing
atomic mass, the atomic mass of the middle element is the aver-
age of the atomic masses of the other two elements. Take the triad
chlorine, bromine, and iodine as an example. The atomic mass of
bromine (80) is close to the average of the atomic masses of chlo-
rine (35) and iodine (127).
The properties of the middle element of a triad are also
approximately midway between the properties of the other two
elements. Thus bromine is less reactive than chlorine but more
reactive than iodine.
1 H
2 Li Be B C N O F
3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
4 K Ca As Se Br
Cu Zn Ti V Cr Mn
5 Rb Sr In Sn Sb Te I
Ag Cd Y Zr Nb Mo
represents an element that was predicted but had not yet been discovered.
Prediction for
Element Below Observed Property
Property Silicon of Germanium
Atomic Radii
A clear example of a periodic trend is the regularly repeating
decreases and increases in the atomic radii of elements when they
are arranged according to increasing atomic numbers. Recall that
the atomic, or covalent, radius is one half of the bond length Rc
(see Figure 3-1, page 116). If you examine the atomic radii shown
for each element in the Periodic Table, leaving out the transition
elements, Groups 3–12 and the noble gases Group 18, you will find
a regular pattern within both periods and groups. Within periods,
atomic radii decrease. Within groups, atomic radii increase.
Let us examine the reasons for these trends in atomic radii. As
we move left to right, within a period, the number of principal
Atomic radius (in picometers)
Na Sr
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Atomic number
Ionization Energy
Recall that ionization energy is the energy required to remove
the most loosely held electron from a gaseous atom. Trends in
ionization energy are shown by the graph in Figure 5-2. The val-
ues of ionization energy increase and decrease regularly as atomic
numbers increase.
Ionization energy generally increases across periods and
decreases down groups. If you compare the graphs in Figures 5-1
and 5-2, you will see that trends in ionization energy are inversely
related to trends in atomic radii. As atomic radii decrease, it
becomes more difficult to remove an electron—that is, ionization
energy increases. As atomic radii increase, it becomes easier to
remove an electron—ionization energy decreases.
First ionization energy (kJ/mol)
Li Na
K Rb
0 10 20 30 40 50
Atomic number
Valence Electrons
The number of valence electrons repeats periodically across a
period, if the transition elements are omitted. For example, the
number of valence electrons changes from 1 to 8 in Period 2 (Li to
Ne), goes back to 1 with Na, changes from 1 to 8 in Period 3 (Na
to Cl), and so forth.
Within the representative elements (Groups 1, 2, 13–17),
every element in a group has the same number of valence elec-
trons. For example, every element in Group 15 has five valence
electrons; every element in Group 17 has seven. This constant
number of valence electrons explains the chemical similarity
among elements in the same group.
5.1 As you move across a period, left to right, describe what
generally happens (decreases, increases, or remains the
same) to
(a) the number of valence electrons
(b) the ionization energy
(c) the atomic radius.
5.2 As you move down a group, describe what generally hap-
pens to
(a) the number of valence electrons
(b) the ionization energy
(c) the atomic radius
Bonding Behavior
Bonding behavior, you recall, is related to the number of
valence electrons in an atom. Bonding behavior is another recur-
ring, or periodic, trend that can be observed. Looking at Period 2
and Period 3, you will notice the following:
1. Li and Na each have one valence electron. They tend to lose
this electron and form 1 ions in ionic compounds.
2. Be and Mg each have two valence electrons. These elements
tend to lose both electrons and form 2 ions in ionic com-
3. B and Al have three valence electrons. Boron has a very small
atomic radius, and holds its valence electrons too tightly to
permit the formation of ionic compounds. Aluminum, with
its larger radius, is able to lose electrons to form 3 ions in
ionic compounds.
4. C and Si have four valence electrons. These elements form
covalent bonds only.
5. N and P have five valence electrons. It is difficult to gain
three electrons. Hence these elements form mostly covalent
bonds. In special cases, N and P may form ionic bonds, as in
K3N. In these cases, N and P become 3 ions.
6. O and S have six valence electrons. They form covalent
bonds with other nonmetals, and ionic bonds with many
of the metals. In forming ionic bonds, both S and O become
2 ions.
Period 1
Period 1 contains only two elements, hydrogen and helium.
Hydrogen is usually placed above the metals of Group 1 in the
Periodic Table, but it bears little or no resemblance to these met-
als. It is a gas at room temperature and is the least dense (the
lightest) of all the elements. An atom of hydrogen, unlike an
atom of a Group 1 metal, loses its s electron with great difficulty
because it is in the first principal energy level. Hydrogen may be
placed above Group 17, instead of above the Group 1 metals.
But hydrogen is also very unlike the nonmetals of Group 17,
except that hydrogen, fluorine, and chlorine are all gases at room
temperature. Hydrogen and the Group 17 elements require a sin-
Periods 2 and 3
Periods 2 and 3 are the last two periods that do not contain
transition elements. Each of these periods is made up of eight ele-
ments, starting with an alkali metal (lithium, Li, in Period 2; sodi-
um, Na, in Period 3) and ending with a noble gas (neon, Ne, in
Period 2; argon, Ar, in Period 3). As you go from left to right
across these periods, the metallic character of the elements
decreases and the nonmetallic character increases. Valence elec-
trons increase regularly from one to eight as the 2s, 2p or the 3s,
3p sublevels fill with electrons. Other properties of the elements
in these periods, such as trends in atomic radii and ionization
energies, were described in Chapter 2.
Period 4
Period 4 has a total of 18 elements. The period begins with the
active metals potassium (K) and calcium (Ca), whose valence elec-
trons are in the 4s sublevel. These elements are followed by the 3d
transition series of 10 elements, from scandium (Sc) through zinc
(Zn). In these elements, the 3d sublevel becomes lower in energy
than the 4s sublevel as soon as the 3d sublevel contains one or
more electrons. Once the 3d sublevel is filled, the 4p sublevel
receives electrons. The period ends with the noble gas krypton
The 3d transition elements, all metals, can use both 4s and 3d
electrons to form chemical bonds. In many chemical environ-
ments, the orbitals within the d sublevel have different energies.
Electrons can then absorb light energy and move from one d
orbital to another. When this happens, the wavelengths of light
that are not absorbed are reflected. Hence most transition ele-
ments have a color in solid compounds and in water solutions.
You may have seen the blue color of water solutions containing
copper ions (Cu2) and the green color of solutions containing
nickel ions (Ni2).
Period 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18
2 A E
3 J D M R
4 L G
25. Which two elements are least likely to react with each other
and form a compound? (1) A and G (2) D and G (3) J and M
(4) L and R
26. What is the probable formula for a compound formed from
elements L and M? (1) L4M (2) LM3 (3) L2M3 (4) L3M2
27. Which element has the lowest melting point? (1) R (2) J
(3) G (4) D
28. Elements with low electronegativities would most likely have
(1) large atomic radii and high ionization energies (2) small
atomic radii and high ionization energies (3) large atomic
radii and low ionization energies (4) small atomic radii and
low ionization energies.
29. How many electrons occupy the outermost principal energy
level of most transition metals? (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 7
1. Very little is known about the recently discovered element
with the atomic number 104. Predict a probable atomic
radius for this element, and explain your prediction.
It’s Elementary!
Born in 1778, the English chemist Sir Humphrey Davy began, at
the age of 19, investigating the properties of gases, including
nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas.” He persuaded his friends in sci-
entific and literary circles to inhale the gas and report its effects.
His subjects included Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the poet who
composed The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Davy nearly died after
inhaling “water gas,” a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monox-
ide, which was sometimes used as a fuel.
Fortunately, Davy survived, and in 1800 published the results of
his investigations. This established his reputation as a scientist, and
he was given a post in chemisty at the Royal Institution in London.
Davy investigated the relation between electricity and chemistry.
He concluded that since substances with opposite charges chemi-
cally combined to form compounds, an electric current could be
used to break apart compounds into their component elements.
Using this process, called electrolysis, Davy isolated for the first time
in history the Group 1 elements sodium and potassium, and the
Group 2 elements magnesium, calcium, and barium.
In 1807, Davy presented the initial results of his work with
electrolysis. He went on to lecture throughout Europe and made
many more discoveries, such as proving that diamond is a form
of carbon. Davy was knighted in 1812 and made a baronet in
1818. In 1815, responding to a plea from coal miners, he
devised the Davy lamp, which would not cause an explosion if
exposed to methane gas, a common hazard in mines. Sir
Humphrey Davy died in Geneva at the age of 50.