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6 Tests, 3 Term Wise Papers

& a Final Paper

Paper English Class : Two
Test: 1
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 50
Obt. Marks

1 Rearrange the mixed up letters to make words from the

2 Match the words with their opposites.
asleep remember
angry blunt
kind awake
sharp calm
forget rude
3 Complete the sentences by choosing words from the
1 Asim gets up early in the ______. (morning, afternoon)
2 He washes his ______. (face, hand)
3 After break fast, he goes to ______. (bazar, school)
4 In the evening, he studies his _________. (home work, lesson)
5 After dinner he goes to ______. (play, bed)
4 Here are different foods and the names of animals who like
to eat them. Fill in the blanks with the correct food name.

1 A dog like to eat

2 A rabbit likes to eat
3 A cat likes to eat
4 A cow likes to eat
5 A horse likes to eat
5 Answer the following questions.
1 Where did the lion and mouse live?

2 What was the lion diong in the den?

3 Who came there to disturb the lion?

4 What did the mouse ask the lion?

5 When did the mouse come to help the lion?

Paper English Class : Two
Test: 2
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 50
Obt. Marks

1 Read the clues and choose the correct answer from the box.

claws fur milk whiskers purr

1 The sound made by a happy cat is ______________.

2 Cats like to drink ______________.
3 The soft hair on a cat’s body is ______________.
4 The long hair near a cat’s mouth are _____________.
5 Cats use these to scratch with ____________.

2 Match the different relatives with the work they like to do in

your family.

Relatives What they do

Grandfather reads story books
Grandmother uses a computer
Mother reads newspaper
Father chops vegetables
Brother cooks food
Sister works in an office
3 Write (T) for True or (F) for False against the following
1 A family is made of different kinds of people.
2 All the people in the family are old.
3 There are some champions in the family
4 Each member of the family can cook.
5 Some people like to read book.

4 Write meaning of the following words.

Words Meaning

5 Answer the following questions.

1 What was cricket doing on a sunny winter day ?

2 What were the ants carrying ?

3 What was the cricket doing all summer ?

4 Why did he ask the ants for some grains ?

5 What was cricket doing on a sunny winter day ?

Paper English Class : Two
Term: 1st
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 100
Obt. Marks

1 What do you call the following relatives ?

1 Son of your uncle


2 Daughter of your uncle


3 Father’s brother

4 Father’s mother

5 Father’s sister
2 Write the names of eight birds or animals that are kept
as pets.
1 _____________ 2 _____________ 3 _____________ 4 _____________

5 _____________ 6 _____________ 7 _____________ 8 _____________

3 Underline the correct spellings.

loin lion lain

breeth breath brath
frend friend frand
selfish sailfish safefish

4 Write the fruits name mentioned in the chapter.

5 Complete the sentences by choosing words from the


1 A ________ comes out of its egg. (butterfly, caterpillar)

2 He eats banana, but he is still ___________.

(eating, hungry)
3 On Thursday the caterpillar has a _____________.
(stomach ache, headache)
4 On Thursday he only eats a ______________.(leaf, orange)

6 Put a tick in the box for correct sentence and a cross

for incorrect ones.

1 The cricket was enjoying the warmth of the sun.

2 A few crickets were carrying grains into their holes.
3 The cricket was not hungry.
4 The ants gave the cricket some grains to eat.
5 The cricket was singing songs all summer.

7 Write meanings of the following words.

Words Meaning
8 Match the words with their opposites.

asleep remember
angry blunt
kind awake
sharp calm
forget rude
9 Write the name of artist below each picture.
10 Answer the following questions.

1 What did Nabeel see one evening ?


2 What were the mother and baby squirrel eating ?


3 Who fell down from the mango tree ?


4 What did Nabeel give the baby squirrel to eat ?


5 What did Nabeel decide when he set the baby squirrel

free ?

Paper English Class : Two
Test: 3
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 50
Obt. Marks

1 Rearrange the mixed up letters to make up words from the



2 Write three rhuming words for each of the following


3 Label the different parts of the plant as shown.

4 Match the words with their opposites.

hardworking far
rich young
old lazy
end poor
near begining

5 Answer the following questions.

1 What kind of person was the farmer ?


2 What did the farmer grow ?

3 What were the sons of the farmer like ?

4 what did the farmer say to his son ?

5 What lesson did the farmer’s sons learn ?

Paper English Class : Two
Test: 4
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 50
Obt. Marks

1 Complete the spelling of these words.

c__w t_I___y d _ sp _ _ r

p _ _ ch _ r f_e_d

2 Write the numbers from 1­4 in the boxes to show the

correct order of the riddle.

I’ve big big eyes.

Who am I ?

I am a bird.

My first letter is O.

3 Put the animals and birds name in the given columns.

Sparrow, Lion, Elephant, Owl, Pigeon, Hen, Snake, Deer
Animals Birds
4 Write three rhyming words for each of the following.






5 Answer the following questions.

1 Who never had a bath ?


2 What did the little boy never do ?

3 Why did no one play with him ?

4 What happened to the boy one day ?

5 What did the little boy promise ?

Paper English Class : Two
Term: 2nd
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 100
Obt. Marks

1 Write five imperative sentences.

2 Rearrange the mixed up letters to make words.

3 Write the correct name for each object under the pictures.
These things help you to stay clean.
4 Write three rhuming words for each of the following word.
1 rain
2 hair
3 thrill
4 nail
5 look

5 Write down the names of the following animals.

6 Match the words with their opposites.

Full Lost
High Alive
Dead Empty
Up Low
Found Down
7 Put a tick in the box for correct sentence and a cross
for incorrect ones.
1 The farmer was a hard worker.
2 The sons of the farmer were also hard working.
3 The farmer hide the treasure in the mango orchard.
4 Hard work is the real treasure.
5 The farmer’s sons did not dig up the orchard.

8 Read the clues and choose the correct answer from the

stem flower roots fruit seed leaf

1. This grows into a new plant. ________________

2. These take water and minerals from the soil. ____________
3. All the other parts of a plant grow from this. ____________
4. This grows into a fruit. _____________
5. This has seeds inside. _____________
9 Put a tick against the correct word.
1 The butterfly is found in one/many colours.
2 The colours are as bright/dull as a rainbow.
3 The colours on the butterfly are made from feathers/­
4 The nectar tastes sweet/bitter.
5 Butterflies can be seen in the water/sky.

10 Answer the following questions.

1 What do butterflies drink ?

2 Who had a special friend ?

3 What did the farmer grow ?

4 Where did the crow see the pitcher ?

5 What did the little boy never do ?

Paper English Class : Two
Test: 5
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 50
Obt. Marks

1 Write the correct name of each colour under the pictures.

2 Rearrange the mixed up letters to make words.

3 Complete the sentences by choosing words from the
1 Once two friends were passing through a __________.
2 They heard the roaring of a ______________. (lion/bear)
3 The two friends were ____________. (excited/afraid)
4 _________ ran fast and quickly climbed a nearby tree.
5 Atif lay down on the __________. (bed/ground)

4 Write meaning of the following words.

Words Meaning

5 Answer the following question.

1 Where do you see the rainbow ?


2 Where did the fisherman go one day ?


3 How many fish did the fisherman catch in his net ?

4 What did Adeel do on seeing the lion ?


5 What did Atif do to save his life ?

Paper English Class : Two
Test: 6
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 50
Obt. Marks

1 Put a tick in the box for correct sentence and a cross

for incorrect ones.
1 The poet will build a big house.
2 The house will have a flat roof.
3 The two gates will be wide open.
4 The house will have three chairs.
5 The house will shine like a new pin.

2 Complete the sentences by choosing words from the

1 It was not a good way to end his ____________.(work, job)

2 The carpenter was in a ____________.(shock,happy mood)

3 Allah has given us a __________ to build our houses.


4 The carpenter told his employer of his plans to leave the

______________. (job,city)

5 His heart was not in _____________. (job,work)

3 Match the words with their opposites.
old hell
good superior
last new
inferior bad
paradise first
4 Write the correct name for each shape under the picture.

5 Answer the following question.

1 Which shape is happy ?

2 What did the carpenter tell his employer ?

3 What type of material did the carpenter use for that
house ?

4 Does the house have a garden wall ?

5 Where will you knock before entering the house ?

Paper English Class : Two
Term: 3rd
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 100
Obt. Marks

1 Write three rhyming words for each of the following word.

1 high
2 sky
3 blue
4 view
5 red

2 Write the name of the persons who do the following jobs

for us. choose the answer from the words given below.

gardener soldier plumber tailor sweaper

1 He sweeps our roads.

2 He repairs our taps.
3 He stitches our clothes.
4 He look after our plants.
5 He defends our country.
3 Write (T) for True and (F) for False against each sentence.
1 The fisherman went to take a bath in the river.
2 The fisherman threw his net to catch fish.
3 There was not a single fish in the fisherman’s net.
1 The fish requested the fisherman to put it into the water
2 The fisherman put the fish into the water.
4 Rearrange the mixed up letters.
1 suhoe
2 plisogn
3 inp
4 gsnihin
5 dwoswni

5 Write the names of the houses of these animals.

6 Match the words with their opposites.

old hell
good superior
last new
inferior bad
paradise first
7 Write the correct name for each shape under the picture.
8 Complete the sentences by choosing wirds.

1 Once two friends were passing through a __________.

(forest, garden)
2 They heard the roaring of a __________. (lion/afraid)
3 The two friends were __________. (excited/afraid)
4 ___________ ran fast and quickly climbed a nearby tree.
5 Atif lay down on the __________. (bed/ground)

9 Write meaning of the following words.

Words Meaning

10 Answer the following question.

1 How many sides does Mini Triangle have?

2 How many sides does the Angry Rectangle have?

3 What you have learnt from the story “A gift”?


4 How many people will live in the house ?


5 What did Adeel do on seeing the lion ?

Paper English Class : Two
Final: Paper
Name: Roll No: Section:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Q. No. Total
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Max. Marks 100
Obt. Marks

1 Rearrange the mixed up letters to make words from the

1. twiknling
2. ntspla
3. dans
4. arsts
5. eebs
6. brids
2 Match the words with their opposites.

asleep blunt
angry awake
kind calm
sharp rude
forget remember

3 Read the clues and choose the crrect answer from the box.

claws fur milk whiskers purr

1 The sound made by a happy cat is .
2 Cat likes to drink .
3 The soft hair on a cat’s body is .
4 The long hair near a cat’s mouth are .
5 Cats use these to scratch with .
4 Write the names of eight birds or animals that are
commonly kept as pet.
1. ___________ 2. ____________ 3. _____________
4. ___________ 5. ____________ 6. _____________
7. ___________ 8. ____________

5 Underline the correct spellings.

loin lion lain

breeth breath brath
frend friend frand
selfish sailfish salefish

6 Write three rhyming words for each of the following.

1 small
2 thrill
3 red
4 big
5 play
7 Complete the spelling of these words.
c__w t_I___y f_e_d

p _ _ ch _ r p_b___s
8 Write the correct name for each object under the pictures.
These things help you to stay clean.

9 Write meaning of the following words.

Words Meaning
10 Answer the following questions.

1 Who were friends ?

2 Whom did the fox invite for the dinner ?

3 What did the fox serve the stork for dinner?

4 Why did the stork return home hungry?

5 How did the stork serve soup to the fox?

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