Journal 1
Journal 1
Journal 1
Health quality and nutritional value of rye bread produced on a small and large
scale in poland
3 170
3 authors:
Dominika Jakubowska
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dominika Jakubowska on 22 May 2014.
This study is a small part of a project aimed at performing comprehensive evaluation of the
quality of local raw materials and products in the region of Warmia and Mazury in Poland. This
study evaluates selected determinants of the health quality and nutritional value of rye bread in
relation to origin (small and large scale production). The analytical procedure included determi-
nation of the content of acrylamide, organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls, n-
methylcarbamates, ochratoxin A, acidity, moisture, protein, glucose, fat, salt, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ca,
and Mg. The quality of bread produced on a small scale, compared to that produced in large bak-
eries, differed only in terms of some determinants. Rye bread from local producers contained sta-
tistically significantly less (P ≤ 0.05) acrylamide and statistically significantly more copper, man-
ganese and zinc.
Traditional n= 66 Conventional n= 40
×− ± SD RSD ×− ± SD RSD
Acrylamide μg/kg 119.62± 37.11b 31.02 163.35±26.22a 16.05
Σ DDT mg/kg of fat 0.032±0.034 106.25 0.028±0.029 103.57
γ HCH mg/kg of fat 0.001±0.001 100 0.002±0.001 50
PCB mg/kg of fat 0.007±0.003 42.86 0.005±0.004 80
N-methylcarbamate mg/kg No found No found
Ochratoxin A mg/kg No found No found
Acidity ° 8.41±1.02a 12.13 5.55±1.62b 29.19
Moisture % 45.69±1.93 4.22 46.90±2.27 4.84
Protein % 5.25±0.91 17.33 5.21±0.55 10.56
Glucose mg/kg-dw 1.17±0.32 27.35 1.57±0.77 49.04
Fat mg/kg 0.91±0.31 34.06 0.96±0.20 20.83
Salt mg/kg 2.25±0.37 16.44 2.58±0.51 19.77
Cu mg/kg 1.86±0.52a 27.96 1.44±0.17a 11.80
Mn mg/kg 18.49±9.32a 50.40 11.24±3.49b 31.05
Fe mg/kg 25.15±11.53 45.84 17.58±3.06 17.41
Zn mg/kg 17.60±8.24a 46.82 10.67±1.33b 12.46
Mg mg/kg 451.42±187.83 41.61 330.77±54.31 16.42
Ca mg/kg 403.59±246.93 61.18 321.40±81.30 25.29
n – samples number; × ± SD - average value; SD – standard deviation; a,b – statistically significant difference at the level p<0.05; RSD - relative standard deviation.