The Safety of Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Indicus As Food Probiotics
The Safety of Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Indicus As Food Probiotics
The Safety of Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Indicus As Food Probiotics
Keywords Abstract
Bacillus subtilis, probiotics, safety, spore
formers, toxicity. Aims: To conduct in vitro and in vivo assessments of the safety of two species
of Bacillus, one of which, Bacillus subtilis, is in current use as a food supple-
Correspondence ment.
Simon M. Cutting, School of Biological Methods and Results: Cultured cell lines, Caco-2, HEp-2 and the mucus-pro-
Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of
ducing HT29-16E cell line, were used to evaluate adhesion, invasion and cyto-
London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
toxicity. The Natto strain of B. subtilis was shown to be able to invade and lyse
cells. Neither species was able to adhere significantly to any cell line. The Natto
2007 ⁄ 1919: received 27 November 2007, strain was also shown to form biofilms. No strain produced any of the known
revised 24 December 2007 and accepted 16 Bacillus enterotoxins. Disc-diffusion assays using a panel of antibiotics listed by
January 2008 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) showed that only Bacillus indicus
carried resistance to clindamycin at a level above the minimum inhibitory con-
centration breakpoints set by the EFSA. In vivo assessments of acute and
chronic dosing in guinea pigs and rabbits were made. No toxicity was observed
in animals under these conditions.
Conclusions: Bacillus indicus and B. subtilis should be considered safe for oral
use although the resistance of B. indicus to clindamycin requires further study.
Significance and Impact of the Study: The results support the use of B. subtilis
and B. indicus strains as food supplements.
is strain specific as some varieties of B. cereus exist that et al. 2006). PY79 is a prototrophic strain of B. subtilis
produce no enterotoxins and indeed, as mentioned ear- derived from the 168 type strain (Youngman et al. 1984).
lier, some are in current use as probiotics for both human Natto is B. subtilis var. Natto and was obtained from a
and animal use. The illnesses caused by strains of B. thur- sample of the Japanese staple, ‘Natto’ (Hosoi and Kiuchi
ingiensis and B. weihenstephanesis are less well understood 2004). SC2329 is a toxin-producing strain of B. cereus
but probably are similar to those produced by B. cereus (Hoa et al. 2000), and for invasion studies, a laboratory
and are caused by the production of enterotoxins. strain of Listeria monocytogenes (NCTC 19115) was used
Regarding the other Bacillus species, far less is known, as an invasive control. Caco-2 and HEp-2 cell lines were
although a number of reports have associated Bacillus obtained from the European Collection of Cell Lines. The
spp. to clinical conditions (de Boer and Diderichsen mucus-secreting cell line, HT29-16E, was provided by
1991; Osipova et al. 1998; Salminen et al. 1998; Sanders Dr R. La Ragione (Veterinary Laboratories Agency,
et al. 2003; Logan 2004). The incidence of these Bacillus- Weybridge, UK).
related illnesses is low, and in many cases, they can be
accounted for by misdiagnosis where ‘spores’ are recov-
General methods and preparation of spores
ered from clinical samples. Opportunistic infections have
also been reported, for example, in immunocompromised Purified suspensions of spores were made by the exhaus-
patients, but such infections can often be found with tion method (Nicholson and Setlow 1990) using Difco
members of other ‘nonpathogenic’ genera. However, a sporulation medium (DSM). Spore suspensions were lyso-
number of reports have shown that isolates of some Bacil- zyme treated and then heat treated (68C 1 h) to remove
lus species exist that appear to carry toxigenic characteris- residual vegetative cells and stored as aliquots at )20C
tics, for example, one or more genes that could encode prior to use.
an enterotoxin have been found in species outside of the
‘B. cereus group’ (Rowan et al. 2001; Phelps and McKillip
Analysis of enterotoxins and virulence traits
2002; From et al. 2005). Finally, it appears that the dose
of bacteria consumed can also play an important factor in Methods to detect putative B. cereus enterotoxin genes
developing the illness (Kramer et al. 1982; Duc et al. from Bacillus species by PCR amplification from chromo-
2005). In the case of Bacillus species, there is clearly a somal DNA have been reported elsewhere (Duc et al.
need for strains to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 2004, 2005). Primer sets were those described by Guineb-
In this work, we have examined the safety of Bacillus retiere et al. (2002). The Hbl and Nhe enterotoxins were
indicus strain HU36 compared with two strains of B. sub- detected and measured using commercial kits; the BCET-
tilis, PY79 and Natto. PY79 is a laboratory strain derived RPLA (Bacillus cereus enterotoxin reversed passive latex
from the 168 type strain (Youngman et al. 1984). Natto is agglutination) kit (Oxoid) to detect Hbl and the Tecra
a variety of B. subtilis that is used in the fermentation of BDE kit (Tecra Diagnostics, Sydney, Australia) to detect
the Japanese fermented soybean staple known as ‘Natto’. the Nhe enterotoxin. Haemolysis was detected by streak-
The Natto strain has a long history of use as part of a ing on sheep blood agar plates and lecithinase by streak-
food product and has been shown to contain more than ing colonies on B. cereus selective agar containing egg
108 viable bacteria per gram (Hosoi and Kiuchi 2004). yolk and 48 h incubation at 37C.
HU36 is a pigmented isolate of B. indicus and is a mem-
ber of a subgroup of Bacillus spp. that are rich in carote-
noids (Duc et al. 2006). At least 11 different carotenoids
are found in the walls of HU36 spores and the vegetative The surfactin produced by the bacteria is measured by
bacterium, and consumption of HU36 spores could the method described by Youssef et al. (2004).
provide a useful source of dietary carotenoids. Our exten-
sive study has included in vivo experiments demonstrating
Adhesion and invasion studies
that there appears to be no obvious risk associated with
the consumption of these organisms. Strains were grown in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth
(Oxoid) at 30C for 15–18 h and washed two times with
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (note that bacteria grown
Materials and methods
in BHI do not form spores). Bacteria were then sus-
pended to c. 107–108 CFU ml)1 in complete cell culture
Bacterial strains and cell lines
medium supplemented with HEPES (using optical density
HU36 is a yellow-orange pigmented spore-forming strain readings to approximate CFU). Adherence and invasion
of B. indicus, which has been described previously (Duc to HT29-16E [a mucus-secreting cell line; (Augeron and
Laboisse 1984; Lesuffleur et al. 1990)], Caco-2 and HEp-2 overnight incubation, the suspension from each well was
cells were determined using the methods described by removed and 90 ll of fresh complete medium + 10 ll
Rowan et al. (2001) but with minor modifications. In WST-1 cell proliferation reagent (Roche Diagnostics)
brief, cells were seeded in 24-well culture plates (105 cells added. Samples were incubated for 4 h at 37C in 5%
per well). Cell monolayers were grown for a minimum of CO2. Optical densities of the suspensions at 450 nm were
2 days (Caco-2 and HEp-2) or 7 days (HT29-16E) at then measured using a Rosys anthos HT3 ELISA reader
37C, 5% CO2, using complete minimal essential medium and cytotoxicity (% of dead cells) calculated as (1 – opti-
(MEM) containing 10% foetal calf serum for Caco-2 and cal density of test sample ⁄ optical density of negative
HEp-2 cells, and complete Dulbecco’s modified eagle control) · 100.
medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% foetal calf
serum for HT29-16E cells.
Anaerobic growth
Prior to assays, the cell monolayers were washed once
with complete culture medium, and then inoculated with The procedure to evaluate the ability of Bacillus strains to
1 ml of 107–108 CFU bacteria per well (providing a bacte- grow and sporulate under anaerobic conditions was as
ria to cell ratio of c. 100 : 1) in complete culture medium described elsewhere (Tam et al. 2006).
supplemented with HEPES (0Æ01 mol l)1) in triplicate,
and incubated for 2 h at 37C in a 5% CO2. Control
Persistence studies
wells (without cell lines) were added with the same num-
ber of bacteria and incubated in parallel. After incubation, A single oral dose (0Æ2 ml) of 1 · 109 spores was given to
the cell monolayers were gently washed four times with mice (pathogen-free, Balb ⁄ c, females, age 6 weeks) by
culture medium to remove any nonadherent bacteria. The intragastric gavage. Heat-resistant CFU per gram obtained
total number of adherent and invasive bacteria in each from freshly collected faeces was determined as described
well was counted by lysing cells with 1 ml of 0Æ1% Triton by Duc et al. (2004). Note that mice carry a low level of
X-100 in water for 5 min at 37C. Next, the viable count aerobic and heat-resistant spore formers in their faeces at
was made on DSM agar plates (or BHI agar for NCTC a level below 103 CFU g)1. Careful observation of heat-
19115). The percentage of adherent and invasive bacteria resistant survivors from mouse faeces enables the count-
was calculated by comparing CFU with control wells. ing of ‘administered’ spores but only at levels above
Invasion assays were done parallel to the adherence 103 CFU g)1 of faeces where they can be identified by
assay. After the washing steps, 1 ml of complete culture their colony appearance. These experiments were
medium containing 100 lg ml)1 of gentamicin was added performed under the UK Home Office project licence
to each well and incubation continued for a further 2 h PPL 70 ⁄ 6126.
at 37C. Live bacteria are sensitive to gentamicin and so
any bacteria that adhered to the cells and present in the
Simulated intestinal conditions
medium would be killed, thus allowing a measurement of
only bacteria that had invaded the cells. Cell monolayers Spores and vegetative cells were evaluated for resistance
were then washed three times with culture medium to to simulated gastric fluids (SGF) using the method
remove gentamicin, and the number of invaded bacteria described in Barbosa et al. (2005).
in each well counted by lysing cells with 0Æ1% triton in
water. Measurements of adhesion are those that had
Biofilm formation
values for invasion subtracted.
Biofilm formation was determined using the method of
Fall et al. (2004) using growth (37C for 2–3 days) using
Cytotoxicity assay
CMK liquid medium, CMK agar (2%), CM agar (1%),
The assay was done as described by Rowan et al. (2001) CMK agarose (0Æ3%) or CM agarose (0Æ3%).
using HEp-2, Caco-2 or HT29-16E cell monolayers
seeded at 5 · 104 cells per well. Cells were infected with
Antibiotic testing
filter-sterilized (0Æ2 lm) supernatants from overnight
cultures (BHI, 30C) of bacteria to be tested. Samples of Antibiograms for strains were obtained by the disc diffu-
supernatant (0Æ1 ml) were added to cultured cells (in trip- sion method according to the recommendations of the
licate) immediately after either trypsin treatment (0Æ1% National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
trypsin; 5 min) or heat treatment (95C, 10 min). Mono- (NCCLS 1997). The minimum inhibitory concentration
layers containing the bacterial supernatants were incu- (MIC) values were obtained by the serial antibiotic dilu-
bated overnight at 37C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. After tion in MH (Mueller Hinton) broth.
In vivo toxicity studies
Blood samples were obtained from rabbits and guinea
All the in vivo experiments were carried out at the, GLP pigs by cardiac puncture and total red blood cells (RBC),
(Good Laboratory Practice)-compliant, Quality Control leucocytes, haemoglobin concentration and differential
department of the National Institute of Vaccines and Bio- percentages of white blood cells were determined.
logical Substances (IVAC) in Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Approval was provided by the Vietnam Ministry of Health
and were performed in compliance with the United States
Food and Drug Administration guidelines on animal test- The data were analysed using the Mann–Whitney U-test.
ing. Animal numbers were designed to use the smallest For all tests, the level of significance was set at P < 0Æ05.
numbers of animals possible but sufficient to yield mean- Unless indicated otherwise, values in the text are means
ingful information and are based on a number of recent ± SEM.
papers that have evaluated the in vivo safety of probiotic
bacteria (Zhou et al. 2000a; Sorokulova et al. 2007).
Plasmid analysis
Short-term continuous exposure study in rabbits Plasmid DNA was extracted from the Bacillus strains
Eighteen New Zealand White rabbits (male, 3 months using the method of Voskuil and Chambliss (1993).
old) divided into three groups of six animals with each
animal housed individually. Two groups were orally
dosed (by gavage) with 1 ml of a purified suspension of
spores (1 · 109 spores per ml)1). One group received
Growth and sporulation properties
HU36 spores and the other Natto. The naı̈ve group
received 1 ml of saline. Animals were dosed using this The ability of HU36, Natto and PY79 to grow and spor-
regime daily for 30 days. On day 30, blood was with- ulate was examined (data not shown). HU36 was unable
drawn (by cardiac puncture from anaesthetized animals) to grow under anaerobic conditions in contrast to PY79
for haematological analysis and animals were then killed and Natto that could. Natto was able to sporulate under
humanely, and samples of different visceral organs and anaerobic conditions. In the presence of nitrate in the
tissues were collected for histological analysis, including medium as much as 6% of the CFU could form spores
liver, kidneys, spleens, small intestines and mesenteric in contrast to PY79, which produced very low levels of
lymph nodes. spores (<8 · 10)3) under anaerobic conditions. The
ability of Bacillus species to form biofilms was assessed Table 1 Antibiotic resistance profiles of Bacillus strains
by a variety of methods, including liquid growth and on Antibiotic discs* PY79 Natto HU36
solid media (data not shown). Neither HU36 nor PY79
could form biofilms by any of the methods tested. Natto Ampicillin (10)* 23Æ6 ± 0Æ9 38Æ2 ± 1Æ5 20Æ2 ± 3Æ5
however could form hydrophobic biofilms in CMK S S S
Streptomycin (10) 15Æ5 ± 1 17 ± 2 25Æ3 ± 3
liquid and on 2% CMK agar but not on 1% CM agar.
Bacillus cereus SC2329 was able to form biofilms on 1% Erythromycin (15) 25Æ6 ± 1Æ5 32Æ2 ± 1Æ8 30Æ6 ± 1Æ2
CM agar but not in other growth media. Both Natto S S S
and SC2329 produced dendritic growth on CM agarose Tetracycline (30) 19Æ2 ± 1Æ5 32 ± 2 35 ± 5
(0Æ3%) and profuse surface growth on CMK agarose S S S
(0Æ3%). The resistance of spores to simulated intestinal Chloramphenicol (30) 25 ± 1Æ4 25 ± 2 28Æ6 ± 2Æ5
fluids (SIF) was also measured. Incubation of spores of S S S
Rifampicin (30) 20 ± 1 37 ± 2 34 ± 3
PY79, Natto or HU36 with SGF showed no significant
effect (i.e. less than 1 log difference) in viability after Ciprofloxacin (5) 30Æ6 ± 0Æ4 36 ± 1Æ5 36 ± 3
1 h incubation at 37C. Incubation of spores with SIF S S S
for 3 h at 37C also showed no significant drop in spore Clindamycin (2) 18Æ6 ± 0Æ5 23Æ1 ± 1 6Æ3
viability (data not shown). Vegetative cells of the three S S R
strains were also examined in SFG and SIF and were all Vancomycin (30) 23Æ6 ± 2 26 ± 1 31 ± 1
extremely sensitive to these fluids with none showing S S S
Trimethoprim (5) 26 ± 1Æ3 32Æ5 ± 2 30 ± 2
greater than 0Æ001% after 60 min incubation (data not
shown). Gentamicin (10) 26Æ3 ± 1 30 ± 1 36 ± 1
Neomycin (30) 21Æ6 ± 0Æ5 24Æ5 ± 1Æ5 29 ± 2Æ5
Antibiotic resistance
HU36 was evaluated for its resistance to a panel of antibi- Trimethoprim + 27 ± 1 33 ± 1Æ5 35 ± 2
otics, including those highlighted by the European Food sulfamethoxazol
Safety Authority (EFSA 2005) and recommended by the
Enrofloxacin (5) 28Æ3 ± 3 35 ± 1 36Æ6 ± 1Æ5
NCCLS (1997). Antimicrobial resistance was determined S S S
in two ways: first, using the agar disc-diffusion assay Kanamycin (30) 25Æ5 ± 1Æ5 30 ± 3 36Æ3 ± 2
(Table 1); and second, by establishing the MIC (Table 2). S S S
PY79 exhibited MIC at breakpoint levels for streptomycin Linezolid (30) 28Æ5 ± 3 36 ± 1Æ5 37Æ6 ± 0Æ5
and tetracycline and Natto for streptomycin. HU36 was S S S
found to carry noticeable resistance only to clindamycin, *Antibiotic-impregnated discs (6 mm) with amount, in lg shown in
which was above the published MIC breakpoint for this brackets.
compound (EFSA 2005). To determine whether this resis- Diameter of inhibition from three individual experiments. S, sensitive;
tance is acquired, we attempted to isolate plasmid DNA I, intermediate;
from HU36 and PY79, but failed to isolate any DNA that R, resistant.
might correspond to episomal DNA (data not shown). Trimethoprim (1Æ25) ⁄ sulfamethoxazole (23Æ75).
We also examined the ability of HU36 to inhibit the
growth of selected Gram-positive and Gram-negative Counts of PY79 and HU36 spores were no longer within
bacteria (S. aureus, B. subtilis, L. innocua, S. indiana and detectable levels after 12 days, while SC2329 persisted for
E. coli) using spot and agar well-diffusion tests. Using 3 weeks.
appropriate positive controls, HU36 and PY79 were
found to have no inhibitory activity, although Natto
Adhesion and invasion assays
showed significant inhibition of L. innocua, B. subtilis 168
and E. coli. Adhesion of HU36, PY79, Natto and SC2329 to Caco-2
and HEp-2 cells in addition to a mucus-secreting cell
line, HT29-16E, was evaluated using in vitro methods
Persistence of spores in the mouse gastrointestinal tract
(Fig. 2). HT29-16E cells exhibit differentiation features
characteristic of mature intestinal cells, including the
The shedding of spores of HU36, PY79 and the B. cereus secretion of mucin, and are therefore presumably more
strain SC2329, in the faeces of mice that were given a sin- informative than Caco-2 cells (Augeron and Laboisse
gle oral dose of 1 · 109 spores was measured (Fig. 1). 1984; Lesuffleur et al. 1990; Devine et al. 1992). In each
% of Adhesion
Antibiotic PY79 Natto HU36 Breakpoints*
Ampicillin <0Æ1 <0Æ1 <0Æ1 NR 2·5
Vancomycin <0Æ1 0Æ5 < 0Æ1 4
Gentamicin 0Æ5 <0Æ1 <0Æ1 4
Kanamycin 0Æ5 1 <0Æ1 8 0·5
Streptomycin 8 8 0Æ5 8 0
Neomycin 0Æ5 1 <0Æ1 8 HT29-16E Caco-2 Hep-2
Erythromycin <0Æ1 <0Æ1 <0Æ1 4 (b) 1·6
Clindamycin 1 1 16 4 1·4
% of Invasion
Quinuprintin-Dalfopristin 2 2 0Æ5 4
Tetracycline 8 0Æ5 <0Æ1 8 0·8
Chloramphenicol 2 4 2 8 0·6
Trimethoprim 1 1 1 8 0·4
Linezolid NT NT NT 4 0·2
Rifampicin 0Æ5 0Æ5 <0Æ1 4 0
HT29-16E Caco-2 Hep-2
EFSA, European Food Safety Authority; NR, breakpoint not required;
Figure 2 Adhesion and invasion HT29-16E, Caco-2 and HEp-2 cells.
NT, not tested.
Vegetative cells of HU36 (Bacillus indicus), Natto (Bacillus subtilis),
*Strains with MIC higher are considered resistant. Breakpoints are
PY79 (B. subtilis), SC2329 (Bacillus cereus) were added to the cell lines
outlined in EFSA reports (EFSA 2005).
at a concentration of 107–108 CFU per well and an approximate ratio
of bacteria to cells of 100. After 2 h incubation at 37C, the total
case, a suspension of c. 107–108 vegetative cells of each number of adherent (a) and invasive (b) bacteria were determined as
strain was incubated for 2 h with the cultured cell line, described in materials and methods and expressed as a percentage.
after which the number of adhering cells was measured. Values shown are representative of triplicate samples from separate
In terms of the levels of binding, our results were in trials and shown as means with standard errors. (h), HU36 (B.i); ,
Natto (B.s); , PY79 (B.s); , SC2329 (B.c); , NCTC 19115 (L.m).
general agreement with a previous study (Rowan et al.
2001) that characterized the binding of Bacillus strains
to cultured cell lines. HU36 was shown to be the least B. cereus strain SC2329. Invasion was also measured
adherent strain in all cell lines. With HEp-2 cells, both using a strain of L. monocytogenes (NCTC 19115) as a
Natto and PY79 bound at reasonably high levels (1– positive control. HU36 and SC2329 failed to invade any
1Æ5%) and significantly (P < 0Æ05) greater than the cell line but PY79 and Natto did show some invasion to
both Caco-2 and Hep-2 cells but not HT29-16E. In
1·E+07 HEp-2 cells, Natto showed levels of invasion significantly
(P < 0Æ05) higher (1Æ44%) than the L. monocytogenes
1·E+06 control (0Æ65%).
CFU g–1 faeces
Table 3 Potential virulence characteristics previous studies of this lipopeptide from the Natto strain
Bacillus strains
(Nagal et al. 1996).
Table 4 Effect of heat or trypsin treatment on cytotoxicity of cell-free supernatants on HEp-2, Caco-2 and HT29-16E epithelial cells
PY79 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 ± 1 10 ± 5 17 ± 7
Natto 67 ± 4 1±9 60 ± 4 53 ± 4 0 49 ± 2 54 ± 5 11 ± 4 49 ± 3
SC2329 68 ± 10 16 ± 9 62 ± 11 69 ± 4 0 64 ± 1 54 ± 3 24 ± 6 56 ± 5
HU36 9±4 18 ± 10 6±9 0 0 0 2 ± 6 1 ± 5 1 ± 3
*Supernatant fluids were untreated (normal), heat treated (HT) or trypsin treated (TT).
*Day 30 samples in rabbits dosed orally, every day for with for 30 days with 1 · 109 spores.
Day 17 samples in guinea pigs administered with a single oral dose of 1 · 1012 spores.
A naı̈ve group receiving no spores.
differences (P > 0Æ05) were seen between male or female some differences at a significant level (P < 0Æ05). These
animals receiving Natto and HU36 spores. Comparison of were at day 7 in the female groups receiving HU36 spores
treated animals and those of the control group did reveal at days 7, 14 and 17, and in the female group at day 14
for those receiving Natto spores. Histological analysis of
(a) Female organs and tissues revealed no signs of inflammation or
160 pathological changes (data not shown) and no differences
140 in the haematological indexes measured in blood from
control and treated rabbits (Table 5).
60 In the United States, bacteria considered safe for human
consumption are assigned ‘Generally Regarded As Safe’
status (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration on
20 a case-by-case basis. In the EU, a similar system is now
0 under consideration referred to as ‘Qualified Presumption
Day 7 Day 14 Day 17
of Safety’ (QPS), whose aims are to harmonize the safety
(b) Male assessment of micro-organisms throughout the food chain
160 (EFSA 2005; Anadon et al. 2006). This work provides a
part of a long-term study on the safety of the members of
the Bacillus genera for use as functional foods or probiot-
ics, and supports a recent study of this type on the safety
100 of two Bacillus species (B. subtilis and Bacillus lichenifor-
reported other than a recent study on the contents of strain PY79. It is conceivable that the lipopeptide, surfac-
Biosporin (Sorokulova et al. 2007). In the case of B. indi- tin, produced by Natto could facilitate entry into cells by
cus, this species has not been used commercially but its rupturing the phospholipid membrane. On the other
ability to produce significant quantities of carotenoids hand, our results showed the complete failure of any bac-
could make it a suitable nutritional supplement, or terial strain to invade HT29-16E cells which might result
‘nutrafood’. from the mucus layer secreted by these cells. Cytotoxicity
Spores of all strains were shown to be completely resis- assays showed that cell-free supernatants of Natto were
tance to exposure to SGF and SIF. This is important as it able to lyse all three cell types. This activity however is
ensures that the stated dose actually reaches the region of unlikely to be surfactin as this lipopeptide is heat stable
the GIT where it should exert its effect (Hamilton-Miller (From et al. 2007). The interference of low molecular
and Gibson 1999). Having reached the small intestine, a weight compounds present in culture supernatants on
proportion of spores should germinate in the nutrient- in vitro cytotoxicity studies is recognized as a problem
rich region of the jejunum and ileum where the pH of with in vitro testing (Rowan et al. 2001; From et al. 2007)
the gastric juices has been sufficiently reduced. We base and in vivo testing is preferred where appropriate (EFSA
this assumption on numerous molecular studies that have 2005).
shown that Bacillus spores are capable of germinating in An important aspect of safety assessments for potential
the jejunum and ileum (Hoa et al. 2001; Casula and microbial food supplements is to ensure that no entero-
Cutting 2002; Tam et al. 2006). Note that our results do toxins are produced by the bacterium. Many strains of B.
not prove that HU36 spores can germinate, for which cereus are known to carry genes that encode one or more
molecular analysis of vegetative mRNA is required. Persis- of four known enterotoxins (Hbl, Nhe, CytK and BceT)
tence studies showed that for B. subtilis (PY79) and and one or more of these genes have been found on the
B. indicus, spores were no longer detectable in faeces after chromosomes of other Bacillus species (Rowan et al.
14 days, which in the case of B. subtilis PY79, was in 2001; Guinebretiere et al. 2002). Both B. subtilis strains
agreement with previous work (Duc et al. 2004). A path- and B. indicus were shown to be devoid of known toxin
ogenic strain of B. cereus however persisted for a further genes. Other potential virulence factors found absent in
7 days, showing that it was better adapted to remain in these strains were haemolysis and the production of the
the GIT. Biofilm-producing, undomesticated, strains of B. phospholipase lecithinase, although the latter did give a
subtilis have been shown to remain longer in the GIT weak reaction with B. subtilis, Natto.
than domesticated strains, such as PY79 (Tam et al. Bacillus indicus was found to carry resistance to only
2006), and this attribute may enable them to persist one antibiotic, the macrolide clindamycin, whose target is
longer compared with PY79 and HU36. In support of the 23S rRNA preventing ribosome binding (Douthwaite
this, in other experiments, we have found that Natto, 1992). The MIC was at a level above the EU-recom-
which forms biofilms, can survive within the mouse GIT mended breakpoint for this compound. In unpublished
for up to 19 days. Our study here also showed only Natto work (M. Urdaci; pers. comm.), 33 isolates of Bacillus
could sporulate anaerobically. strains have been tested of which over half showed resis-
After spore germination, can the vegetative cell adhere tance to clindamycin using the disc-diffusion method.
to the intestinal tract? Adhesion to the mucus layer and Similarly, in a recent study of a B. licheniformis probiotic
the formation of biofilms are probably the most impor- strain, a clindamycin MIC above the EFSA breakpoint
tant elements in this process. In vitro adhesion assays was also identified (Sorokulova et al. 2007). Therefore,
determined that vegetative cells of HU36, Natto and PY79 this may well be an intrinsic characteristic of Bacillus
had limited ability to bind to any of the cell lines, species and more work will be needed to demonstrate
although HEp-2 binding was more significant for both B. this. However, no plasmid could be recovered from
subtilis strains. These results were generally in agreement HU36, and it seems unlikely that this resistance determi-
with studies made on the adhesion of Bacillus species to nant could be transferred by conjugation. We also showed
Caco-2 and HEp-2 cells (Rowan et al. 2001). Interestingly, that HU36 did not appear to produce any antimicrobial
using these methods, we have found that it is not possible activity using a panel of Gram-positive and Gram-nega-
to measure adhesion of spores as we have found that they tive bacteria. Although these studies are incomplete, a
can germinate in cell culture medium. probiotic microbe that produces an antimicrobial related
Invasion was also measured, and it was surprising that or similar to those used in human or veterinary medicine
in the case of Natto, significant levels of invasion to would be problematic and could contribute to the spread
Caco-2 and HEp-2 cells could be observed and at levels of antibiotic resistance and its use should be discouraged.
greater than L. monocytogenes that was used as an invasive In the case of Natto, clear activity against three indicator
control. A low level of invasion was also observed with strains was seen. This activity is attributed to surfactin,
which is produced copiously by this particular strain of Borrielo, S.P., Hammes, W.P., Holzapfel, W., Marteau, P.,
B. subtilis (Nagal et al. 1996). Schrezenmeir, J., Vaara, M. and Valtonen, V. (2003) Safety
In vivo studies are the preferred approach to substanti- of probiotics that contain Lactobacilli of Bifidobacteria. Clin
ate in vitro analysis of safety (FAO ⁄ WHO 2002). For B. Infect Dis 36, 775–780.
subtilis, safety in humans is already supported by the fact Casula, G. and Cutting, S.M. (2002) Bacillus probiotics: spore
that B. subtilis is being consumed in traditional foods, germination in the gastrointestinal tract. App Environ
such as Natto or as food supplements (as in Lactipan Plus Microbiol 68, 2344–2352.
in Italy). Traditional safety assessment techniques based Devine, P.L., Birrell, G.W., Whitehead, R.H., Harada, H., Xing,
P.X. and McKenzie, I.F. (1992) Expression of MUC1 and
on toxicological testing in animals may not be applicable
MUC2 mucins by human tumor cell lines. Tumour Biol
in the case of most foods ⁄ novel foods, as this fact has
13, 268–277.
been highlighted in a number of reports (e.g. FAO ⁄ WHO
Douthwaite, S. (1992) Interaction of the antibiotics clindamy-
2002). No specific guidelines are currently in place for
cin and lincomycin with Escherichia coli 23S ribosomal
assessing probiotics, but studies including acute (single-
RNA. Nucleic Acids Res 20, 4717–4720.
administration) toxicity and a repeated administration Duc, L.H., Hong, H.A., Barbosa, T.M., Henriques, A.O. and
(chronic) toxicity assessment have been recommended Cutting, S.M. (2004) Characterization of Bacillus probiot-
(Ishibashi and Yamazaki 2001). One problem with the ics available for human use. Appl Environ Microbiol 70,
acute study is the maximum dose that can be physi- 2161–2171.
cally administered to an animal preventing an accurate Duc, L.H., Dong, T.C., Logan, N.A., Sutherland, A.D., Taylor,
definition of the lethal dose (LD)50. In any event, acute J. and Cutting, S.M. (2005) Cases of emesis associated with
and chronic studies on B. subtilis and LAB have been bacterial contamination of an infant breakfast cereal prod-
reported (Zhou et al. 2000a,b; Sorokulova et al. 2007). uct. Int J Food Microbiol 102, 245–251.
Our data showed that for all three bacterial strains tested, Duc, L.H., Fraser, P. and Cutting, S.M. (2006) Carotenoids
there was no indication of pathogencity, infection or present in halotolerant Bacillus spore formers. FEMS
adverse effects. Microbiol Lett 255, 215–224.
In conclusion, as potential food supplements, B. indicus EFSA (2005) Opinion of the Scientific Committee on a request
and B. subtilis appeared to show no sign of toxicity or from EFSA related to a generic approach to the safety
virulence using in vivo assessments. The only issue regard- assessment by EFSA of microorganisms used in feed ⁄ food
ing the use of B. subtilis and B. indicus is its intrinsic and the production of feed ⁄ food additives. EFSA J 226,
resistance to clindamycin, which may require a more 1–12.
detailed study. Fall, R., Kinsinger, R.F. and Wheeler, K.A. (2004) A simple
method to isolate biofilm-forming Bacillus subtilis and
related species from plant roots. Syst Appl Microbiol 27,
Acknowledgements 372–379.
FAO ⁄ WHO (2002) Joint FAO ⁄ WHO (Food and Agriculture
This work was supported by two grants (LSH-2005-036871
Organization ⁄ World Health Organization) working group
and NMP4-CT-2004-013523) from the EU to SMC.
report on drafting guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics
in food. London, Ontario, Canada.
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