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Dapsone 2

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DAPSONE For the treatment of toxoplasmosis dose, just carry on with your regular

gondii infections, dapsone 50 mg or 100 schedule.

mg daily is given with pyrimethamine
Other NAMES: Avlosulfon (Daraprim) and folinic acid What ADVERSE EFFECTS can this
(Leucovorin). drug cause? What should you do
WHY is this drug prescribed? about them?
Your dosage is:
Dapsone is used for the prevention and Dapsone can cause a variety of rare
treatment of Pneumocystis carinii adverse effects to your blood. The most
25 mg tablet
pneumonia (PCP) and toxoplasmosis serious of these are hemolytic anemia
100 mg tablet
gondii infections. (the breakdown of red blood cells) and
___tablet(s)(___ mg)____times a methemoglobinemia (an increase in
Dapsone is used when a person has
day the form of hemoglobin that cannot
experienced adverse effects or toxicity
carry oxygen). Leukopenia (a
to the drug of choice for PCP,
Dapsone may be taken with or without decrease in white blood cells that
food. However, if you have an upset makes you more at risk of having
(TMP/SMX, Bactrim, Septra and bacterial infections) may also occur.
stomach or nausea, it is preferable to
others). Dapsone is a safe and effective These effects are related to the amount
take it with food.
alternative. of dapsone taken and to persons who
Dapsone should not be taken at the may already be experiencing low red
HOW should this drug be taken? blood cell levels. Regular laboratory
same time as didanosine (Videx), anti-
ulcer drugs [ranitidine (Zantac), tests are important. If you experience
For the prevention of PCP, dapsone is symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of
taken on its own or in a variety of famotidine (Pepcid), pantoprazole
(Pantoloc), lansoprazole (Prevacid), breath, rapid heartbeat, fever and chills,
combinations with other drugs such as please contact your doctor.
trimethoprim (Proloprim), omeprazole (Losec), rabeprazole
pyrimethamine (Daraprim) and folinic (Pariet), esomeprazole (Nexium)] or
Dapsone is, however, generally well
acid (Leucovorin). The usual dosage antacids (Maalox, Tums, etc ) as
tolerated. Other adverse effects can
of dapsone is 100mg daily. However, they can decrease dapsone’s
include rash, skin itchiness, nausea,
the dosage of dapsone may vary when absorption. If you need to take these
drugs, take them at least 2 hours after vomiting, headache, dizziness,
used in combination with other drugs. muscle weakness and a tingling or
the dapsone dose.
numbness feeling in the hands and
For the treatment of PCP infection, toes. If you develop a skin rash with or
dapsone, 100mg daily, is taken in What should you do if you
FORGET a dose? without a fever, please consult your
combination with trimethoprim doctor or pharmacist.
(Proloprim) (15mg/kg/day in 3 to 4
divided doses) for 21 days. If you miss a dose of dapsone, take it as
It is important that you keep your
soon as possible. However, if it is time
for your next dose, do not double the doctor appointments and come for
your laboratory tests so that your How should this drug be STORED?
progress can be followed.
Dapsone tablets should be stored in a
What other PRECAUTIONS should cool (15-30°C) dry place, protected
you follow while using this drug? from light. Ensure that the drug has
not expired by checking the expiry DAPSONE
Dapsone has been used in pregnant date (“EXP”) shown on the outside of
women without evidence of any the package. Keep all drugs well out
deformities or harmful effects on the of the reach of children.
fetus. However, as with all drugs, its
benefits must be weighed against its Do not store in your bathroom. Heat
potential risks. Breastfeeding is NOT and moisture may cause the drug to
recommended if you are taking dapsone be less active.
as adverse effects such as hemolytic
anemia may appear in the baby. If you If you have any questions or
are pregnant or breastfeeding, please concerns about this drug or if you
discuss this with your doctor. are experiencing adverse effects,
please discuss them with your FACT SHEET
Certain drugs can increase or decrease pharmacist, doctor or nurse.
the effect of dapsone. Also, dapsone
might influence the effect of other drugs Write questions or concerns down
you are taking. Inform your doctor and to ensure they are addressed.
pharmacist of all prescribed and non-
prescribed drugs you are taking. As The following pharmacist is available
well, you should inform them of natural to answer questions:
products you are taking. If you wish to
start a new drug or natural product, Pharmacist: _________________
please consult with your pharmacist Telephone: _________________
before doing so.

In particular, you should notify your

pharmacist or doctor if you are taking
the following drugs: Reference: Product Monograph Dapsone (dapsone).
 probenecid (Benuryl) Princeton, NJ, USA: Jacobus Pharmaceutical Co., Inc.,
1997. Prepared by the Ontario HIV Pharmacy Professional
 Rifabutin (Mycobutin) Specialty Group, 2003. Reviewed 2009.
 Rifampin (e.g. Rifadin,
Rimactane, Rofact) Additional medication fact sheets and updates may be found
at: www.hivclinic.ca
 warfarin (Coumadin)

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