Lecture 2a Grain Size

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Sedimentary Rocks

Lecture 2a: Grain size

Last time…
 Sedimentary Rocks
• Sedimentary rocks form at low temperatures and pressures.

• Sedimentary rocks are characterized particularly by the presence of

layers and by distinctive textures and structures.

• Many sedimentary rocks are also distinguished their mineral and

chemical compositions and fossil content.

• They have special genetic significance because their textures,

structures, composition, and fossil content reveal the nature of past
surface environments and life forms on Earth.
Last time…
 Origin of sediment

• Siliciclastic (reworked stuff)

• Volcaniclastic (primary deposition)
• Carbonate (in situ mostly biogenic)
• Chemical (evaporite/hydrothermal)
• Organic (coals)
Today’s Lecture

• Grain Volume

• Linear Dimensions
I. Grain Volume (V)

a) Based on the weight of the particle:

m  Vr S
Where: m is the mass of the particle.
V is the volume of the particle.
rs is the density of the material making up the particle.

1. Weigh the particle to determine m.

V 
2. Determine or assume a density.

(density of quartz = 2650kg/m3)

3. Solve for V.

Error due to error in assumed density; (if varying mineralogy)

Porous material will have a smaller density and less solid volume so this method will
underestimate the overall volume. (Bulk Volume)
b) Direct measurement by displacement.
b) Direct measurement by displacement.
b) Direct measurement by displacement.

Bulk Volume
Accuracy depends on how accurately the displaced volume can be measured.

For porous materials this method will underestimate the external volume of the particle.
For grain volume through displacement, rock should be crushed and a single grain
should be immersed in water

Grain n is the total number of grains in the rock.

Single Grain

TotalGrainVolume  nV
Accuracy depends on how accurately the displaced volume can be measured.

Not practical for very small grains.

If grains are not all of same size

c) Based on dimensions of the particle.

d 3
Where: d is the diameter of the particle
And the particle is a perfect sphere.

Measure the diameter of the particle OR
and solve for V.

4r 3
Problem: natural particles are rarely spheres.

II. Linear dimensions.

a) Direct Measurement

Natural particles normally have irregular shapes so that it is difficult to determine what
linear dimensions should be measured.

Most particles are not spheres so we normally assume that they can be described as triaxial
ellipsoids that are described in terms of three principle axes:

dL or a-axis longest dimension.

dI or b-axis intermediate dimension.

dS or c-axis shortest dimension.

To define the three dimensions requires a systematic method so that results by different
workers will be consistent.

Sedimentologists normally use the Maximum Tangent Rectangle Method.

Step 1. Determine the plane of maximum projection for the particle.

-an imaginary plane passing through the particle which is in contact with the largest surface area
of the particle.

The maximum projection area is the area of

intersection of the plane with the particle.
Step 2. Determine the maximum tangent rectangle for the maximum projection area.

-a rectangle with sides having maximum tangential contact with the perimeter of the maximum
projection area (the outline of the particle)

Step 2. Determine the maximum tangent rectangle for the maximum projection area.

-a rectangle with sides having maximum tangential contact with the perimeter of the maximum
projection area (the outline of the particle)

dL is the length of the rectangle.

dI is the width of the rectangle.

Step 3. Rotate the particle so that you view the surface that is at right angles to the plane of
maximum projection.

dS is the longest distance through the particle in the direction normal to the plane of maximum
The volume of a triaxial ellipsoid is given by:

 d xd xd
V= L I S
For fine particles only dL and dI can be measured in thin sections.

Thin sections are 30 micron (30/1000 mm) thick slices of rock through which light can be
Axes lengths measured in thin section are “apparent dimensions” of the particle.

The length measured in thin section depends

on where in the particle that the plane of the
thin section passes.
Axes lengths measured in thin section are “apparent dimensions” of the particle.

The length measured in thin section depends

on where in the particle that the plane of the
thin section passes.
Axes lengths measured in thin section are “apparent dimensions” of the particle.

The length measured in thin section depends

on where in the particle that the plane of the
thin section passes.

For a spherical particle its true diameter is only

seen in thin section when the plane of the thin
section passes through the center of the
The three axes lengths that are commonly measured are often expressed as a single
dimension known as the nominal diameter of a particle (dn):

dn is the diameter of the sphere with volume (V1) equal the volume (V2) of the particle with
axes lengths dL, dI and dS.

V1 = volume of the sphere. V1  d 3
V2 = volume of a particle. 
(a triaxial ellipsoid) V2  dLdI dS
By the definition of nominal diameter, V1 = V2

 
d 
n dLdI ds
6 6
 
d 
n dLdI ds
6 6
dn can be solved by rearranging the terms:

6 
d   dLdI ds

 6
 
d 
n dLdI ds
6 6
dn can be solved by rearranging the terms:

6 
d   dLdI ds

 6
 
d 
n dLdI ds
6 6
dn can be solved by rearranging the terms:

6 
d   dLdI ds

 6
 
d 
n dLdI ds
6 6
dn can be solved by rearranging the terms:

6 
d   dLdI ds

 6

d  dLdI ds

Therefore: dn  3 d L d I d s

Nominal diameter
b) Sieving

Used to determine the grain size distribution

(a bulk property of a sediment).

A sample is passed through a vertically stacked

set of square-holed screens (sieves).
A set of screens are stacked, largest holes on top, smallest on the bottom
and shaken in a sieve shaker (Rotap shakers are recommended).

Grains that are larger than the holes remain on

a screen and the smaller grains pass through,
collecting on the screen with holes just smaller
than the grains.

The grains collected on each screen are

weighed to determine the weight of sediment
in a given range of size.

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