Thriving in Famine

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Thriving In Famine - 7 Point Agenda!

I see great days ahead of you this week. I see results in all your endeavours, positive
results! You will experience favour in all that you do today and always.

Famine has always been part of humanity. The economic system rotates in cycle with periods of
boom/recession/famine. While the world economic system runs on theories, hypothesis and
speculations; God's economic system runs on principles embedded in His Word. We have come to
another critical point in history that the world system is faced with economic meltdowns plus series of
bail out programs because of the current global recessions. However, we cannot afford to theorize the
principles of God. Our hearts must stay strong on God to surf this wave on the wings of Grace. I have
an insight into the next 18 months, which I like to share with you this week. Please do not be afraid,
God is for you! These seven principles were gleaned from Job 5:17-27
1) Do not despise opportunities of small beginnings: In times of famine, people usually
conserve their capital resource base; but you must not despise God's instruction at this time to start a
new line of business, pursue a career path. There is grace to pioneer and reposition!
2) Develop a right attitude towards this famine: The same wave that lifts a surfer is the
same that drowns a novice. You must develop a good mindset about this meltdown and see it as a
greatest opportunity of your life. You must develop a positive attitude as God creates platforms for
your expression. Opportunities will come disguised as problems, get ready!
3) Divine directions is critical to your thriving in famine: Divine direction is critical to
well beings in times of famine. Don't despise God's impressions in your heart as regards your career,
geographical and spiritual change. Relationships and partnerships arrangements must not be
compromised. Don't be caught beating a dead horse!
4) God usually vary the methods of supplies during famine: We cannot box God to
the realm of logic. Be flexible in your walk with Him. Change is growth; obey His instructions as He
takes you through seemly unreasonable paths. God's principles are the same but He may choose to
vary the methods. Observe the law of process!
5) God makes a demand on you as a step of faith: In times of famine, God makes a
demand on you to pray, give and share your blessing with others so you won't be attached to stuffs.
Whatever you can walk away from, you have mastered for the rest of your life! You must build your
inner life capacity so you won't be a sissy!
6) You must be ready to share what you have with others: Isaac dug wells in the
period of famine; the result - he thrived beyond self preservations. The blessing was well enough for
everyone and it became a national breakthrough. Determine to live a value added life, that's the only
way God's blessings come!
7) You must keep an attitude of thanksgiving: To ensure a continue flow of God's
uncommon ideas, we must keep this attitude. You can't afford un-forgiveness, bitterness and
resentments towards others. It robs you of supernatural presence and authority required in famine
until you hit the Rehoboth where strive ceases!

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