Palaeolithic Diet Stone Age Diet
Palaeolithic Diet Stone Age Diet
Palaeolithic Diet Stone Age Diet
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1 author:
Staffan Lindeberg
Lund University
All content following this page was uploaded by Staffan Lindeberg on 01 February 2014.
A popular diet in Sweden today is the palaeolithic diet, where lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, roots and nuts
are dietary staples, while cereals, dairy products, salt and processed fat and sugar are avoided. The underlying
rationale is that foods that were available during the evolution of primates, up to the emergence of fully
modern humans, are healthier than recently introduced ones (dairy products, cereals, beans, refined fat, sugar,
etc.), since our digestive and metabolic systems were not designed for the latter group of foods. Variation in
plant foods, another principle based on evolutionary biology, is recommended to avoid high intakes of
potentially harmful bioactive substances. It is not known whether palaeolithic diets are more, or less, effective
than other diets in weight reduction.
Keywords: evolutionary medicine; metabolic syndrome; overweight; popular diets; Western disease
stone tools. The period ended with the emergence of constantly available in excess, suggesting that food
agriculture approximately 10 000 years ago (5000 shortage is an overestimated cause of leanness in
years ago in Scandinavia). During the Palaeolithic, palaeolithic populations. The level of physical
wild meat, fish, insects, eggs, fruit, berries, vegeta- activity of Kitavans was roughly estimated at 1.7
bles and nuts were consumed in varying proportions multiples of the basal metabolic rate, which is the
depending on the ecological niche (1, 2). Seeds and same as in Western males who are moderately active
beans were rarely eaten and never in large amounts at work and during leisure activities.
on a daily basis. Dairy products and refined fat and Ageing in the Western world is very different to
sugar were not available. that in palaeolithic populations. If, at the age of 50
A large variety of plant species was consumed, as years, Swedish men and women had the body mass
inferred from surveys in contemporary hunter / index of Kitavans, they would weigh 19 and 22 kg,
gatherers (3) and free-living primates (4). Accord- respectively, less than they actually do (9). These
ingly, the intake of any single plant-derived bioactive striking differences indicate that typical ageing
substance (e.g. terpenoids, alkaloids, glucosinolates, in the modern world is biologically abnormal.
tannins, phytoestrogens and lectins) was low. Many, Advanced atherosclerosis is seen in virtually every
if not most, of these bioactive substances are elderly Westerner, irrespective of body mass index
considered to be part of the defence system against (14). One of the main suspects is diet.
herbivory: plants do not ‘‘want’’ to be eaten (5, 6). Observational studies cannot prove causal rela-
The highest concentration of bioactive substances is tionships, but they lend support to the notion that a
typically found in seeds and beans. palaeolithic diet may prevent overweight and Wes-
tern disease, even when food is available in excess.
Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition 2005; 49 (2): 75 /77 # 2005 Taylor & Francis ISSN 1102-6480 75
DOI: 10.1080/11026480510032043
Lindeberg S
expectancy at birth may be below 40 years, while Palaeolithic diets do not consist of meat in
life expectancy at age 50 years may be close to exchange for vegetables: both are included. The
European levels of today (15). Accordingly, there is proportion of animal products (meat, fish, shellfish,
no obvious reason to suspect that a different age insects) as opposed to plant foods varied dramati-
structure is the main explanation for the apparent cally among our human ancestors depending on
absence of cardiovascular disease in non-Western habitat and period. There is no good evidence to
populations. suggest that lean, whole meat promotes overweight
The role of genetics is often misinterpreted, as if or related diseases.
genes could work independently of the environment.
Although familial heritage apparently is a strong Caloric restriction without food restriction
determinant within Westernized populations, ge- There is uncertainty regarding the health benefits of
netic factors do not appear to explain the rarity of weight loss. Several prospective observational co-
overweight, cardiovascular disease and diabetes hort studies suggest increased mortality in moder-
among traditional populations. On the contrary, ately overweight subjects who voluntarily lose
after adopting a Western lifestyle non-Europeans weight, compared with those who are weight stable
seem more prone to developing these disorders (23). Losing the same amount of weight may
compared with populations of northern European hypothetically have different long-term health ef-
ancestry (16 19).
/ fects depending on the weight-reduction pro-
gramme. For example, restricting the amount of
Nutritional characteristics of palaeolithic diets food without improving the quality may increase the
A diet based on lean meat, fish, vegetables, roots, risk of suboptimal intake of micronutrients. Rele-
fruit and nuts can easily meet human nutritional vant dietary intervention trials with hard clinical
requirements according to the Nordic Nutrition endpoints (mortality, myocardial infarction, etc.)
Recommendations, except that calcium intake often are lacking.
is too low, especially when the intake of green leafy Animal experiments suggest that caloric restric-
vegetables is limited. Adding milk to a palaeolithic tion has several positive health effects (24). Intui-
diet thus increases calcium intake but does not tively, lean meat, fish, vegetables and fruit may be
necessarily prevent osteoporosis (1, 20). There are prudent choices in an energy-restricted diet model.
no other well-founded benefits of adding dairy Indirect evidence suggests that such foods are
products to a palaeolithic diet. The addition of satiating owing to their low energy density, but
wholegrain cereals or beans provides no known this has not been properly tested in clinical trials.
benefit, but may increase the risk of vitamin and
mineral deficiencies. Conclusion
The palaeolithic diet is not primarily a weight-loss
This is not a low-carb diet programme. Rather, it is part of a theoretical
A palaeolithic diet is often high in protein, typically template for health promotion (1, 25). It has not
15 35% of energy (E%), but not necessarily low in
/ been proven to prolong life, and the same is true for
carbohydrate (3). It should not be confused with the low-fat, high-fibre diets. Overweight subjects who
Atkins diet or similar programmes based on the wish to eat a palaeolithic diet can do so without
assumption that a high intake of carbohydrates obvious risks. However, calcium supplementation
promotes insulin resistance and dyslipidaemia. Our may be considered.
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